State symbols of the country France. Flag and coat of arms of France

Thinking about France, involuntarily imagine things, objects, architectural monuments and even food, because this country boasts and gastronomic research. Most ordinary citizens will remember France after such words as Louvre, Eiffel Tower and Montmartre, limited to Paris only.

Other more experienced travelers will associate France with patriotism, frogs, any monuments of architectural and art, and historians, for example, will immediately recall the Orleans Virgin Jeanne D'Ark, Musketeers or Maria Antoinette with Versailles.

For its centuries-old history, France, located in the heart of Europe, was able to preserve its identity as much as possible and stand out against the background of other European countries.

The most recognizable characters of France

The most unusual and controversial symbol of France - Eiffel Tower

No person will forget the most unusual and controversial symbol of not only Paris, but also all of France - Eiffel tower. It was created specifically for the World Exhibition at the end of the 19th century and only wore the character of the scenery that should have been removed after a while.

She became the most visited place in the world, but her passion like the French themselves did not like, considering that the tower spoils the view of the city. However, over time, the Eiffel Tower found an application not only for practical purposes, but also became a real symbol of France.

Another unusual in our opinion, but really an important symbol of France, especially the French, is cock.

The personification of the rooster as a symbol can be attributed to the era of Galov, which strongly influenced the story of the whole of France. Gall in translation means a rooster. And already with a loaf to all the French revolutions, it is safe to say, then the rooftic spirit from the French in the blood. Love to freedom and the militant spirit of France really best symbolizes the rooster.

From gastronomic symbols, anyone, not even happened in France Croissantswho became the favorite delicacy of local residents and the mandatory attribute of all breakfast.

However, the most strange food that can symbolize the country became famous frog legsThe French themselves do not allocate them as something integral and often did not even try this dish.

But french wine It is indeed considered the standard of winemaking and the symbol of the country, along with cheese.

Returning to the culture, you can not forget about the famous world Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God.To which millions of tourists are going on in the year.

Zognostable for the whole world - the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady

However, this masterpiece of architecture would not be as noteworthy without characters from the same name of Viktor Hugo, who drew attention not only to the citizens, but the whole world on this gothic cathedral, who had no time to decline. Therefore, the hunchback from the notre lady also can rightfully symbolize the country.

Historians and avid travelers in writing unusual phenomena will definitely remember about abbey Mont Sea Michel. This place is famous for all over the world due to regular tides, making a castle on a rock is an island separated from the mainland and civilization for several hours.

This can be called a real miracle of nature, because the life of the abbey is subordinate to the rigorous routine of the day, depending on the forces of the element. Such a stunning spectacle can also not be attributed to the symbols of France.

No less famous for the whole world of Palace and political coups of France and many it will be associated with brave musketeersThe not one book is written about and has been filmed more than a dozen movies.

Other historical figurewho tragically glorified France during the Inquisition in the Middle Ages was militant Virgo Joan of ArcParticipating in hostilities along with all men recognized as a witch and burned publicly at the fire.

Later, she was counted to the face of saints and it began not only to symbolize independent and freedom-loving France, but also patronize as a religious character.

No less glorified the country great Napoleon Bonaparte, I have repeatedly desired to conquer Russia, from this, perhaps so famous for us.

In the field of education, France also stated one of the most ancient universities, sorbonna and to this day is considered the most prestigious and large educational institution Not only in the country, but also in the world, symbolizing the worship of the knowledge and the sciences of the French back from antiquity.

In addition to everyday and domestic symbols, France has a number of national symbols, like any country. They are essentially three-color country flag and great song Minelyza, The country has become a hymn and glorifying the French revolution and the independence of the country.

No less symbolized for the French, their own language, which they are proud and neglect with global recognition of English language. After all, it is not for anyone no secret that the inhabitants of the French province will not answer you in English, even if they understand.

French, as in principle, it must be in every country, is a truly symbol of France.

France symbols - video

Listen to Marselase (Fr. La Marseillaise - "Marseilskaya", "Marseilka"), since 1944 again by the anthem of the country (during World War II - it was banned) and glorifying the French revolution and independence of the country, performed by Mirey Mathieu, French singer .

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Each country has its own characters - it can be certain objects, images, dates ... Everyone knows and, most importantly, in the minds of any civilized, educated person, not only a citizen of this country, they immediately associate with it. This is a word or words meaning certain realities that immediately arise in consciousness when mentioning a country. There is a lot national symbols of France. Let's get acquainted with the main. This is the flag of France, Marianna, Fleur de Lis, Eiffel Tower, Marselyza, Gallic Rooster, "Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood," Jeanne D'Ark and Larring Cross. So, what do they mean and where did you actually come from?

France flag.

It is the national emblem of France in accordance with the 2nd article of the French Constitution of 1958. Consists of three vertical equal strips: blue - in the river edge, white - in the middle, and red - at the free edge of the cloth. Entered into use on May 20, 1794 What do these three colors mean?

White color is traditionally associated with the French monarchy. This association occurs since the end of the XVI century. For the first time, the "royal" color was recorded by the adoption by King Heinrich IV White Scarf as the emblems of the royal army. In fact, it was the color of the party of humugotov, to which the king belonged to his wedding at the queen. Heinrich climbed the throne in 1589, being a Huguenot, and accepted Catholicism only in 1593. So, the white color was introduced when he was officially not yet Catholic. Huguenotes considered their faith clean, and therefore worn white clothes, white scarves, had white banners. Thus, the appearance of this color as the royal symbol becomes natural.

In 1590, the white canvas without any drawings became banner of France. Later on the Royal Standard began to embroider gold lilies. On clothing and flags, the White Cross became a symbol of the French army and remained such before the revolution.

Finally, the color of the modern French flag was formed precisely during the times of the revolution. It happened after the white sign royal Family It was added as a sign of reconciliation to blue and red, symbolizing not only heraldic colors, but also revolutionary kokards. The resulting three-color flag has become a real visual incarnation of the slogan "Freedom! Equality! Brotherhood!" Since that time, the red color personifies the flame of the French hearts, the white is associated with the national heroine, and the blue - with the Holy Martinis of the Turk, which, according to legend, gave his own blue-in-free thickening. Martini is considered a holy patron French Republic.


Is also nickname France Since 1792. The symbol is depicted in the form of a young woman in the Frigian cap (soft rounded cap with a hanging riding ahead). This headdress is known since the Roman Empire, he was worn by liberated volutors. Since then, the Frigian Cap has become a symbol of freedom.

Marianna is the personification of the National Devise of France "Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood." Her sculptural images - an indispensable attribute of institutions of authorities, ships, municipalities. Her profile is posted on state seal France; It is depicted on French standard postage stamps.

Why is this name? According to one of the versions, Barras (the founder of the directory), I was looking for a beautiful name for the female symbol of the republic. Once he had dinner from his friend Jean Rebar. It was a family dinner, which was attended by Madame Rabbel, which possesses beauty and charm. Her name was Marie-Anna. Barras decided that there was no best name for the symbol of the republic.

Interesting the story of the symbol itself - National Assembly In September 1792, France decided that the new seal of the state should be the image of a standing woman with a spear, on the head of which the Frigian cap will be put. Many French artists and sculptors depicted it in their works. One of the most famous works is the picture of Delacroix "Freedom on the barricades", written under the impression of the revolution of 1830.

Approximately from 1875, Marianna Images became widely distributed in official institutions: departments, municipalities, courts. Initially, these were busts depicting a collective female image, but since 1970 a new tradition was introduced. The Committee of Mayors of French cities prototype Marianna began to be elected one of the famous beautiful women countries:

    • 1968 - - film actress

    • 1978 - - Singer

    • 1985 - - film actress

    • 1989 - Ines de la Fressing - a mannequin

    • 2000 - - Top Model

    • 2003 - Evelin Toma - TV presenter

    • 2012 - - film actress

Fleur de-fox.

This is the so-called heraldic lily. Fleur de Lys - "Fleur de Lys", literally translates as "Lily Flower". Lily - symbol of FranceThree crossed lilies are depicted on her emble, which symbolize mercy, justice and compassion. The image of stylized lily means perfection, light and life and traditionally personifies the kings of France. In French legend, Chlodwig I, the King of Frankings, being still a pagan, saw that he loses the battle, and ascended the prayer for the victory of Christian God. He came an angel with a branch of lilies, saying that henceforth he did Lily his weapon and bequeathed him to his descendants.

Chlodwig won in this battle, and he with all his francs, their wives and children accepted baptism. In another version, the legend is argued that Chlodwig took himself as an emblem of Lily after the Water Lilies in the Rhine suggested him a safe place where you can go through the River Vbod, thanks to which he won the battle. In the twelfth century, the heraldic symbol of Fleur de-Fox became a symbol of the French kings. Louis VII used him on his shield, and also believed that the French "Lys" is a reduction from "Louis".

Lily also meets in the coat of arms of Louis IX Saint, but only with the daisy, which he joined Margarita's beloved wife in memory of his beloved wife. The form of the lily also betrayed the end of the scepter, and France itself was called the kingdom of lilies, and the French king is the king of Lily. The French expression "Etre Assis Sur Des Lys", that is, "sit on Lily", marked to have a high position, as not only all the walls of the premises were decorated with lily flowers, but all the seats of chairs. Lily was generally considered very honorable sign on herbs and met even coins. Louis Xiv. He released a coin into circulation, which worns even the names of gold and silver lilies. On one side, such a coin was the image of the king or decorated with lilies and crowned at both ends of the crowns of the cross, and on the other - coat of arms FranceSupported by two angels.

Lily enjoyed great love in France. In aristocratic families, it was customary to send the bride to the wedding to send a bride every morning a bouquet of living colors, where at least a few white lilies should have been. In 1340-1801, English kings used heraldic lily on herbs to designate their claims to the French throne. Since the emblem consists of a triple lily, Fleur de Les can also personify the Trinity, Mary Maria, the Trinity of God, Creation and royal power, as well as the trinity of the body, mind and human soul. Also Fleur de Lis is a symbol of Italian Florence, which is known as the "City of Lily".

Eiffel Tower.

The world famous symbol of France. Named in honor of his creator, architect Gustav Eiffel. The French authorities decided to arrange a worldwide exhibition in the memory of the Central Jubilee of the French Revolution (1789). Paris city administration asked the famous engineer Gustava Eiffel to make a sentence. At first, the Eifel was a little puzzled, but then, rummaged in his papers, introduced the drawings of the 300-meter iron tower to which he had almost did not pay attention to it. After the construction, she was still the most high building In the world (317 meters). In 1986, the external night lighting of the tower was replaced by the lighting system from the inside of the tower itself so that after the darkness of the darkness it looked magic and mysteriously. The tower has three floors. The first - at an altitude of 57 meters, the second - at an altitude of 115 meters and the third - at a mark of 276 meters.

Now this is a television tower for the whole area. On the third floor is located high Storewood Eiffel Cabinet. At the time of construction, Eiffel Tower challenged all the traditional rules of architecture. 12 thousand iron parts are bonded by 2.5 million rivets so that there is a smooth bending. Everyone believed that she would not have a short time and soon collapsed, so it was previously planned to leave it only for 20 years, but this period was extended for 70 years by a government decision in 1910.

The height of the tower is currently 318.7 meters, the weight is about 10 thousand tons. The oscillation of the top of the Eiffel Tower with the most severe wind - no more than 12 centimeters. The number of steps of the staircase leading to the lower observation platform is 1652 pieces. Regularity of cosmetic repairs - every 7 years (workers have to use 60 tons of paint three shades). At the same time, 10,400 people can be on the tower.


Marselyza became the national anthem of France on July 14, 1795. This military revolutionary song was written in 1792 after France declared War of Austria. Service in Strasbourg, the French officer Ruju de Lill composed the "military song of the Rhine Army." The song instantly won love and respect. Quickly spreading in the Republican Army, she penetrated into Marseille, having received the name "March of Marseille" (or "Marsellise"), then in. On November 24, 1793, the Convention chose Marcelase as the State Anthem of France. Marselyzes survived periods of opals and reign of different modes. In Russia in the 80-90s years XIX The century in the environment of workers and intelligentsia was a revolutionary song that performed on the melody "Mosseles" was common, and the name "Working Marsellise". The most famous singer performing "Marcelesu" -.

Gallic rooster.

The Gallic rooster became a symbol of Gaul and Galov, because in translation from the Latin "Gallus" he has two meanings - "Rooster" and "Gall". The ancient Romans called Celtic ancestors - today's French - Gallam. IN Ancient Rome The rooster was considered a symbol of arrogance, plotting. Calling barbaric tribes that lived on the territory of modern France, the word "Gallus", the Romans were invested in both sense in it, because Galov was kicked by Zabi. \\ The image of the Gallic rooster appeared on the ancient coins. During the Middle Ages, the rooster disappeared and appeared already in the XIV century in Germany to represent the national emblem of France, but then he was rejected by Napoleon Bonaparte.

In the XV century, King Carl VIII chose the image of a rooster as france emblems. During the monarchy, the emblem with a rooster was white, and after the revolution of 1789, it became like a national flag, tricolor. Today, the image of the Gallic rooster can be seen on the state press of France and in the residence french president On the fence of the fleece of the Elysee Palace. As the most brightest of birds (it is worth remembering the famous "roasting battles"), the rooster serves as a symbol of struggle and fight. Galla wore a rooster image on weapons and banners. In France, he today is considered a symbol of independence and freedom, as well as blowing and accuracy.

Joan of Arc.

National heroine France, one of the commander-in-chief of French troops in century war. Getting captured to the Burgundians, was transferred to the British and burned on the fire as a sordle. Subsequently, it was rehabilitated and canonized - ranked with the Catholic Church to the face of saints. Zhanna symbolizes the National Spirit of the French, and Freedom. Traditional birth date Zhanna - 1412. Joan was born in the village of Domremi on the border of Champagne and Lorraine in the family of peasants. At 13, Zhanna for the first time heard the voices of Archangel Mikhail, St. Catherine Alexandria and, according to Margarita Antioch, who opened Zhanna, what exactly she was destined to remove the siege from Orleans, to build a dofina on the throne and expel the invaders from the country.

When Zhanna turned 17 years old, she went to the captain of the city of Voculaler Robert de Bodrikura and announced his mission. But no one believed her, and Jeanne had to return to the village, but in a year she repeated his attempt. This time, the captain, struck by her perseverance, was more attentive and sent her to Dauphine. On March 4, 1429, Zhanna arrived in the residence of Dauphine Charles. Dofin arranged to her check, putting on the throne of another person and stamped in the crowd of the court. However, Zhanna sustained the test by learning the king, and announced him about his mission. The king arranged her numerous checks that she successfully overcame. Then she was transferred to a large squad of soldiers and armor issued. Jeanne until the end of life preferred to wear male armor and a male suit, so as not to be recognized by the enemy and protect themselves from the claims of soldiers. Jeanne with a small detachment penetrated the city of Orleans, the first city on her way of liberation of France. On May 4, her army won the first victory by taking Bastion Saint-Lou.

Victory followed one after another, and already on the night of March 7 to 8, the British were forced to remove the siege from the city. Thus, the task that other French military leaders revealed impracticable, Jeanne D'Arc decided for four days. After that, hostilities passed sluggish. Joan constantly interfered with royal courtiers. An important event The days have become the coronation of Dofina Charles in the Cathedral of the city of Reims, liberated by Zhanna. In May, Joan comes to the help of the city of a compiece deposited by Burgundians. On May 23, as a result of betrayal (the bridge was raised to the city, which was cut off the way to waste) Jeanne was captured by the Burgundians. King Carl, who was so much obliged to she, did nothing to save Jeanne. Soon for 10,000 Golden Livrov, Burgundy sold it to the British. In December 1430, Zhanna was transported to Rouen, then under the control of the British. Trial Began on February 21, 1431.

Despite the fact that Formally, Joan was judged on charges of heresy, it was kept in prison under the guarantee of the British as a prisoner of war. He headed the process of Bishop Pierre Sostene, an aggregate adherent of the British. In the hope of breaking the will of the prisoners, it was contained in terrible conditions, the English guards in every way insulted her, the tribunal threatened with torture, but everything was in vain - Jeanne refused to conquer and recognize himself guilty. The rock understood that if he condemns Jeanne to death, without having achieved guilt from her, he would only contribute to the arise around her a halo of martyrs. On May 24, he resorted to a frank pallitude - presented with a Uznice ready bonfire for her execution through the burning and already near the fire, he promised to translate her from English to a church prison, where a good care would be provided if she signs paper about renunciation from heresies and obedience to the Church. At the same time, the paper with the text read by an illiterate girl was replaced by another, on which the text was on full renunciation from all his "delusions", on which Zhanna put the cross.

Naturally, the cathedral did not think to fulfill his promise and again sent her to her former prison. A few days later, under the pretext of the fact that Jeanne again put on men's clothes (the female was selected by force) and, thus, "fell into former errors" - the Tribunal sentenced her to death. On May 30, 1431, Zhanna d'Ark was burned on the square of the old market in Ruang. Now there is a monument to Jeanne at this place. Only in 1920, the Catholic Church with Joan was officially filmed all the charges, and she was ranked with the saints.

Zhanna was immortalized in art. Works of artDedicated to Jeanne d'Ark, created Friedrich Schiller, Mark Twain, Bernard Shaw, P. Klodel, J. Anui and others. In music, the image of Zhanna recreated Giuseppe Verdi (Opera "Jeanne d'Ark"), Zinaida Volkonskaya, Peter Tchaikovsky (Orel "Orleanskaya Virgo"), Arthur Oneggger (Oratoria "on the fire"), Charles Guno (music to the play Jules Barbie "Jeanne d'Ark "), Henri Thomazi (Opera Spring" Triumph Zhanna "). Artists who dedicated to Zhanna d'Ark Cloths: Rubens, Engr, Gaugugen, Nikolai Roerich and others. In late XIX. The century has a large number of monuments from Joquided Zhanna d'Ark. Each city of France wanted to have a monument to Zhanna: In 1875, the statue of the sculptor Forma was installed on the Pyramid Square; In 1882, a monument was erected in the compience, in 1891 - in Domremi. House Zhanna in Domromy today is a museum.

Larring Cross.

This is a heraldic figure, which is a cross with two crossings. The name comes from Lorraine - areas on the border of France and Germany. Larring Cross, which is also sometimes called Anzhuy. In the symbolism of the dukes, Anzhui began to appear from the 1430s. The first duke, which began to use the Larring Cross as his official heraldic sign, was the Rena king, good nicknamed. The unusual shape of the cross is explained by the biblical parable, according to which Pontius Pilate has commanded to kill over a crucified christ table "Jesus of Nazareth, King Jews." It is this inscription that symbolizes the upper crossbar, a slightly smaller size than the one that is located below.

The duke of Anzhui was not the first and not the only secular rulers, in the symbolism appeared Larring Cross. Initially, he served the emblem of the King of Hungary and appeared on Hungarian coins and coat. During World War II, the Larring Cross became a symbol of "free France" and the antipode of the fascist cross. A proposal to use the Larring Cross as one of the main characters of the French, who fought with the German occupation, came from the vice-admiral Emil Muzel, and was approved by General Charlay de Galer. Muzlyliah developed a standard with the image of the Larring Cross for maritime courts, and for aviation - a special cocardium, on which a cross with two crossbars could also be seen.

In particular, the image of the Larring Cross can be found at the Order of Liberation established in November 1940 and on the resistance medal. The resistance movement acting in the occupied France also actively used the Larring Cross as an emblem. Ultimately, the cross became a symbol of the French National Association in the face of the occupiers under the auspices of Charles de Gaulle. After the end of the war and the election of Charles de Gaulle by President (1959), on the flag, decorated with a general car of the general, an image of a Loraryng cross was placed against the background of a French tricolor flag. The Larring Cross often appeared on the brands produced during the reign of de Gaulle, as well as on various monuments and memorials. To date, the Larring Cross continues to decorate the coat of arms of Hungary. In addition, it can be found on the coat of arms and flag of Slovakia. In France, a cross with two crossbars serves as a symbol of French resistance and an unofficial symbol of the French Republic.

State symbols of France. Flag, coat of arms, anthem France: short description

France flag - is a national emblem of France in accordance with Art. 2 French Constitution dated October 4, 1958. The National Flag of the French Republic is a rectangular cloth, which consists of three vertical stripes, the same in size. A blue band is located in the tree, it should be white behind it, and then red. The parties relate to each other on the scale of two to three.

In this option, how we know it now, flag of France Approved in one thousand seven hundred ninety-fourth year.

History of the flag of France Started in 496, when the Frankish king of Chlodwig I accepted Christianity and changed his white cloth to blue - the symbol of St. Martin, who considered the patron saint of France. Bishop Tour Martin, who lived in 4V. And subsequently declared the holy, according to legend, having met once on the road of a torn beggar, compartment with a sword and gave him half of his blue raincoat. For a long time, the franc had a banner in the form of blue Horugwi, fortified with a red cord on the cross.

By the end of 1944, France (as a result of actions of the troops of the anti-Hitler coalition and the resistance movement.) Was released. Tricolor I again became the state and national flag, and in 1953 the modified emblem of the 1929 sample emblem was officially approved. Therefore, along with the image of Marianna, the dictator beam is considered to be a symbol of France, its republican system. Branches of oak and olives on blue oval - symbols of dignity and glory. Inscription french reads - "Freedom. Brotherhood. Equality."

Quite often with this motto bind symbolism of flowers of the French flag: blue - Freedom, White - Equality, Red - Brotherhood . Shield is surrounded by a chain of the Order of the Honorary Legion of the Sample of 1871. The monogram from the Latin letters in the center of the double wreath at the bottom of the chain is the initials of the name "French Republic". On the very Order of the Profile of Marianna is placed the inscription "French Republic. 1870". The last figure is the date of the final elimination of the monarchy and the proclamation of the Third Republic in France. Golden and blue emblems indicate a certain continuity of national symbols - the Royal, Napoleonic and Republican periods.

Read more about France flag:

Modern France has no own approved coat of arms.

This circumstance, of course, does not mean that one of the largest European powers have no sovereignty. If you ask the Frenchman about the national symbol, he, he, who thinks a little, will remember Marianna, a symbolic female image that personifies France. A similar image was first appeared during the Great French Revolution, and today it is often used instead of gerbing printing on various official documents. But after all, Marianna is correct to call the national symbol, not the coat of arms. From the heraldic coat of arms, the French proudly reinforced whenever the monarchical board was destroyed in the country and the republic was established.

The change of political system in the history of France was not once, therefore it is not difficult to understand why the people who do not express the desire to accept the people today official state coat of arms . However, it would be a mistake to think that french heraldika It remained only the property of the past.

Along with varying republican symbols You can see the so-called Big coat of arms France in which those inherited from the distant Middle Ages the arms of all French provinces and territories. Ancient french symbolism Tested a great influence of the Christian religion prevailing in the country.

Currently the coat of arms of France became a symbol of France After 1953, although it does not have any legal status as an official coat of arms.

The emblem of the French coat of arms consists of:
- Pelts with a lion head and a monogram "RF", meaning Republique Francaise (French Republic);
- Olive branches, symbolizing the world;
- oak branches symbolizing wisdom;
- Fascia, which is a symbol of justice.

Read more about the coat of arms of France:

The history of the anthem of France - Moselisa originates in 1792. On April 25, 1792, the Governor of the city of Baron Dietrich, the messenger brought the news that Louis XVI under pressure from the National Assembly declared War of Austria. Salon met this news with delight. Everybody began to discuss the joy of the future victory and a new happy life promising to be after her. And also, between the case, the upcoming performance of the Rhine Army towards the Austrians. There was an idea about a new song, inspiring fighters to fight for a bright future. Baron Dietrich addressed this idea to the future author Marseleases - Claude Joseph Rouge de Lill . Ruju de Lill did not immediately catch up with this thought and at first very actively refused. But the persistent requests of the gathered, especially the young Baroness Dietrich, inspired him to do this.

In 1795. Marseillaise It was announced by the national anthem of France. Subsequently Marseillaise several times lost their status of the national anthem, but in the middle of the XIX century, it was still finally adopted as state Anthem France . The current option the hymn of France - Moselles represents 6 versions, of which five belong to Peru Claude-Joseph Rouge de Lily and one Antoine Peponno, school teacher From Isaere, who significantly adds a song during the passage of Marseille volunteers through their town. Music in orchestral processing of Berliosis, slightly outrered during the reign of Valerie Giscard de Wen.

It remains to add that some researchers challenge the authorship of Ruju de Lily in writing Marseolese . Since in all his life he did not create any other noticeable work in prose, nor in verses, nor the more in the music. There are evidence that in a commemorative night on April 25, 1792, he left to compose Chanson not one. With him was his friend Ignas Pleyel, who was put on the motive of Mosselease. But this entanglement was also not original. Pleel was put on the march of Assyrius from Esther's Oratorio, Lucien Grizzon, the abbot of the Cathedral of St. Omera (Department of Pa de Calais), which suffered during the revolution. Ignance Pleel himself, being a Yarym monarchist, was soon forced to leave France and emigrate to England. By the end of his days, he hid the fact of participation in creating a revolutionary anthem. This fact He was promulgated by his relatives who nevertheless, no complaints about copyrights.

Read more about the hymn of France:

The Gallic rooster became a symbol of Gaul and Galov, because in translation from the Latin "Gallus" he has two meanings - "Rooster" and "Gall". The ancient Romans called Celtic ancestors - today's French - Gallam. In ancient Rome, the rooster was considered a symbol of arrogance, plotting. Calling barbaric tribes that lived on the territory of modern France, the word "Gallus", the Romans were invested in both sense in it, because Galov was kicked by Zabi. Picture gallic Petush It appeared on the ancient coins. During the Middle Ages gallic cock disappeared and appeared in the XIX century in Germany for presentation national emblem France But then he was rejected by Napoleon Bonaparte.

In the XV century, King Carl VIII chose an image gallic Petush As an emblem of France. During the monarchy, the emblem with a rooster was white, and after the revolution of 1789, it became like a national flag, tricolor. Today is an image gallic Petush It can be seen on the state press of France and in the residence of the French president at the fence of the fleece of the Elysia Palace. As the most brightest of birds (it is worth remembering the famous "roasting battles"), the rooster serves as a symbol of struggle and fight. Galla wore a rooster image on weapons and banners. In France, he today is considered a symbol of independence and freedom, as well as blowing and accuracy.

Read more about Gallic rooster France:

First of all I will inform you amazing fact - Modern France has no coat of arms! But this does not mean that she has no alternative heraldic symbol - the latter is the emblem of the fifth republic, which was adopted in the last century. And in this article we want to tell about the meaning, the history of all the coat of arms of France. And let's start with today's emblem.

Modern coat of arms France

The most famous official symbol of this beautiful country is its flag, consisting of three vertical strips (from the tree) - blue, white and red. But the emblem (coat of arms) of France, which is presented in the photo, is not as popular and distributed.

Like any heraldic symbol, all its elements are not accidental - each of them has its meaning and promise. The sign was adopted back in 1953, but still not gained official status. Its most often can be noticed on title sheets official documents, the covers of the passports of the French.

Description of the coat of arms France

The image on the French state emblem can easily be divided into several elements:

  • Oak and olive branches.
  • A shield in the form of a semicircle, a crescent - the so-called dumplings.
  • Bunches of knitted twigs are fascia, the symbols of power and justice.

The meaning of the heraldic symbol

We now turn to the value of the emblem of France:

  • Branches and oak leaves historically personified the wisdom of the state ruler.
  • Olive branches are the symbols of the world. Means that France is committed to good-neighborly relations, the absence of conflicts with other states.
  • Pelts here acts as a constant readiness to protect his native land from enemies - internal and external.
  • Lion and eagle in the image of the dumps are one of the iconic representatives of the fauna. These animals have always personified strength, strong power, power combined with wisdom and foresight. It must be said that the eagle and lion are the most frequent elements of European and general world coats.
  • The shield of the emblem of France is also noticeable monogram - the letters F and R. It is not difficult to guess that they denote the phrase of the French Republic.

The creators of the emblem deliberately abandoned use in the image of traditional characters of the French power - lilies. This is due to the fact that the state has passed from the royal rule to more perfect form - Republic.

And now it's time to deepen in the history of the arms of France - the benefit that it is very diverse and interesting.

First French characters

The very first pages of French history speak about heraldic symbolism. It is known that on the snow-white banner of CLODIVE (founder frankish state) Three toads were drawn.

Then the story was presented like this:

  1. In 496, Chlodvig adopted Christianity. The cloth was replaced by blue - the symbol of St. Martin. The Turkish Bishop (subsequently called the Holy Martin) according to the legend of the compartment half of his blue raincoat with a sword and filed a fabric encountered on the road. Franki used their banner a blue chorugweh, which was mounted to a tree with a red shoe.
  2. In 800, Karl Great was proclaimed Frankish Empire. Its symbol was a red three-tailed banner with six roses - yellow, red and blue. However, the francs returned again to the last cloth.
  3. At the beginning of the XII century, a blue banner was supplemented by many gold heraldic lilies. In the next century, a shield with such an image has already appeared. He became the first emblem of France.

Medieval story

Until 1328, heraldic lilies were conquered at the Royal French coat of arms. Why exactly this flower? In fact, Heraldic Lily called the stylisticly depicted yellow iris. The flower in the Middle Ages was a symbol of the Blessed Virgin. He became the emblem of the French royal Familia Cappets. By the end of the XIV century on a blue background, only three flowers could be seen - perhaps the number said about the connection with the Holy Trinity.

And then a centenary war began. The French with their blue-golden symbol suffered not one significant defeat - the battle of Poitiers (1356), during Azenkur (1415). The result of failures was the seizure of a significant part of the French territory of the British.

The fracture was achieved only by the peasant armed movement under the leadership of Joan D "Ark. Patriots had their own banner - a white cloth with French emblem-lily on one side and with God, two angels," Christ "and" Maria "signatures.

The distinctive color of the liberation movement was white - a symbol of purity and indispensability, holiness and the Virgin Mary. He appeared to the French War of Freedom. But as soon as the war was finished, a blue cloth with three gold colors was returned again.

However, in 1498, when Orleans surname came to power, the white was again the white. It was he who was the symbol of this dynasty.

France Burbonov

By 1598, Bourbon joined the throne:

  • With the founder of the Henrich dynasty, Navarre is one half of the coat of arms remained traditional with lilies, the second was supplemented with a red shield with a chain. The emblem also "crowned".
  • Then the Navarre disappeared. The crowned blue shield began to surround the chains of the Orders of the Holy Spirit and St. Michael. In the image it was supported by two angels.

New Time emblems

The vintage emblems of France were forgotten by the era of the revolution (1789):

  • The National French Symbol was the Golden Eagle, which kept the lightning beams in the paws. It was depicted on a blue shield that framed the chain of the Order of the Honorary Legion. The image was drawn against the background of crossed scripters and mantle with the crown, destroyed by bees, - a personal sign of Napoleon.
  • After restoring the monarchy in 1814, the former royal coat of arms was returned, but with a number of changes - the shield holders were removed, and the shield itself became oval.
  • In 1830, for one year, the coat of arms of the Orleans dynasty became a national sign.
  • The symbol of the French Republic of the period 1848-1852. It turned out to be a gallic rooster - a carved figure, which was concerned on the trek flags. And, of course, the red revolutionary flags.
  • With the coming of the second, the second Napoleonic coat of arms with an eagle was returned to power.
  • In 1870, a new emblem of the French Republic appeared - a golden monogram from the initial letters on a blue background, surrounded by a golden laurel wreath, national flags, an Order of the Honorary Legion, oak and olive branches, a dictator bundle.


In the 20s of the 20th century, the French coat of arms was again modified - the monogram began to portray on the shield of the flowers of the French flag, the branches of oak and olive remained, as well as the dictator bundle.

During the Second World War in France, a puppet state with the "capital" in Vichy was formed by Marshal Petten. His emblem is an ax with two rally, the base-marsh rod.

And patriots, participants in the movement "Free France" led by General de Galer, used their own symbol. They became a three-color french flag with a middle of a red Larring Cross.

In 1953, the country's emblem was approved by the modified coat of arms of the 1929 sample - its description and importance we already led at the beginning of the article.

Thus, the symbol of modern France is the coat of arms. Somewhere it replaces the stylized emblem. The roots of this go down in history - each change of power to the monarchical in the country was associated with the new coat of arms. Therefore, the consistent republican freedoms, the people consciously renounced the symbol that would testify to the past.

Any respective state has officially approved national anthem of the country. It is not an exception to this proud list and France. But few people know that the current emblem of the country has not yet has official status. That is found different variantsBut at the same time at the goal of the embassies, you often won't see the coat of arms. After all, the final layout is not approved by the state parliament. But the flag and the anthem have the official status of national symbols. Why did it happen so? Probably because the anthem, the coat of arms and the flag of France have their own long and confusing history.

Metamorphosis of the coat of arms

The first coat of arms of the French king Glodoga was a blue field, destroyed by heraldic gold lilies. This flower was traditionally symbol of the Virgin Mary, who, as the French monarchs believed, patronized the Meroving Dynasty. Subsequent rulers from the genus of capeting and Valua in every way modified the coat of arms, adding their heraldic colors, symbols, lilies to it. In the middle of the fourteenth century, the Roman Catholic Church imposed on the lands of the Kingdom of faith in the trinity of God. Therefore, only three "Fleur de Lis" remains on the blue field (Fleur de Lis) - Lily flower. With the ascent on the throne, Henry fourth, the coat of arms changed again. Now it was completed two angels. One of them kept the old emblem of France, and the other - the coat of arms of the duke of Navarre. This symbol of the French monarchy lasted longer - two hundred years. In 1789, the Napoleonic coat of arms came to change - compressing in claws of lightning on a blue background. Approximately the same metamorphosis worried France flag.

The country's emblem today

The current coat of arms of France is already the ninth across its history. He was adopted in 1953, but so far its official status is not confirmed. Maybe the French have already tired of endlessly developing and change their coat of arms? Anyway, one of the most common options is a dump in which the lion's head is depicted on one side, and the eagle is on the other. In the center of this curls there is a monogram "RF", which means "Republic of France". The dub's branches and olives, symbolizing wisdom, durability and peace. In the middle of the intricate design, canes (fascia) and sequirs that personify justice are visible. But can the ax symbolize justice in the country that has canceled the death penalty? France flag more responds to the ideological values \u200b\u200bof the republic.

Gold toads and Oriflamma Saint-Denis

The first king of Glodwig I, in hiking, a white cloth, on which three golden toads were blocked. When he accepted Christianity, Oriflamma was decided to change. The king elected another "Livreyny" color - deep blue. On it also appeared flowers of lilies, replacing amphibians. Over the centuries, France flag has repeatedly changed. There were centuries when the banner was red, generously decorated with red-yellow-blue roses. Sometimes the stale was a copy of the coat of arms applied to matter - gold on a blue background. And sometimes the royal army went into battle on the enemy with white oriflamma, at which "Most Holy Maria" and "Jesus Christ" were written.

Modern flag of France

Unlike the coat of arms, this national symbol It has official status. It was formed during the French Revolution. Patriotic Parisians then wore the colors of their city on the cockarks - blue and red ribbons. After the victory, the white stripe was added to them - as a sign of reconciliation. In 1814, the stale was swollen to change on the oriflamma of milk color. But since the white color of the French was associated with the monarchy as a whole, after the June revolution, the country returned his tricolor. So what does France flag look like? The photo allows us to see it in all details. This is a rectangular cloth, separated by the same in width vertical stripes. The one that the breech, blue, in the middle is white, and the free edge is red.

What do the colors of the flag of France

The combination of blue, red and white is not uncommon in heraldry. Exactly the same color set is on the flag Russian Federation, and on the banner of the Netherlands, and on the tie of Luxembourg. What is so different "French tricolore" (LE Drapeau Tricolore) from others? In the republic and the number of strips and their colors have great importance. The "Three" figures symbolizes the three main fundamental principles for which French Society seeks to live: freedom, equality and fraternity. Blue color sends us to the myth of Martine Tour. This holy cut off half of his raincoat to give it to his thread. Martin changed Saint-Denis and began to be considered a patron saint of France. White color is associated with the "Orleansian Virgin" Jeanne D "ARK, nationwide heroine. Red is traditionally a blood sign, spilled by the people of freedom from the invaders. Here is the symbolic meaning of these colors of the state flag.