Louis daughter 14. Mauritan from Maure - black daughter Louis XIV


Louis XIV - Monarch, who ruled France for more than 70 years. True, the first years of the reign can only be called as formally, since the throne went to him at 5 years of age. The royal power was then absolute, "God's anointed" was allowed to control all the lives of life of their subjects. But why Louis Xiv. got the nickname "King Sun"? Is it possible because of this greatness? After all, to Louis, and after him the throne took a lot of personalities, but no one claimed to the "sunny" title. Versions are several.

Version first

The most common version is. Representatives of the royal house at the time very fascinated the theater. The young king himself danced in the ballet - in the Palais Royal Theater, from 12 years old. The roles of course he gave the corresponding high regulations, for example, the God of Apollo, and even the rising sun. It is possible that the nickname "born" in those years.

Version Second

In the capital of France, events were regularly held under the name "Carousel Tuilery". They represented something between the knightly tournaments, sports competitions and masquerad.

In 1662, a particularly lush ceremony took place in which Louis was held. In the hands of the king, a huge shield was blocked, symbolizing sun disc. It should have indicated the divine origin of the ruler, as well as to make confidence in subject matter, that the king will protect them in the same way as the sun protects life on Earth.

Third version

The following option is associated with a funny episode for a walk. Once Louis, being a 6-7-year-old child, went to the garden of Tuileries with the court. In a huge puddle, he saw the reflection of the shiny sun (the day was robbery). "I'm a sun!" - The child shouted in delight. Since then, the King's retinue has become so called him - first in a joke, and then seriously.

Four version

Another version explains the appearance of the nickname with a wide scale of the deeds of the king, meaningful to France. With it, the economic flourishing (though, for a short time) began, trade was encouraged, the Academy of Sciences was created, the active development of American colonies was created. In addition, Louis led offensive foreign PolicyAnd his first trips were successful.

Fifty version

And finally, we still give the theory of the royal nickname. "The Sun" called any monarch, which was crowned during the regency (that is, in childhood). Such was the tradition. Louis simply became another "sunny" ruler, and the nickname after it automatically gained (maybe the court often talked about it among themselves, using this term).

Duke Philip Orleans (Brother Louis XIV) was one of the most controversial aristocratic figures in the history of France. Being the second in line for the throne, he represented a serious threat to the monarchy, but even in the era of the fronds and internal shocks, Monsieur did not speak against the legitimate ruler. Staying the loyal crown, the duke led a kind of lifestyle. He regularly raised the public, surrounded himself a lot of favorites, patronized arts and, despite his experienced image, periodically successfully headed the military campaigns.

Brother King

On September 21, 1640, Louis III and his wife Anna Austrian was born the second son - the future Philip Orleans. He was born in the residence in the suburb of Paris Saint-Germain-An-Le. The boy was the younger brother of the monarch Louis XIV, who joined the throne in 1643 after the death of their father.

Relations between them were a big exception for royal families. In history there are many examples of how the brothers (children of some ruler) hated each other and fought with each other for power. There were similar examples in France. For example, there is a theory that the penultimate monarch from Karl IX was poisoned by one of his younger brothers.


The hereditary principle at which the senior heir received everything, and the other remained in his shadow, was largely unfair. Despite this, Philip Orleans never built the goat against Louis. A warm relationship has always been preserved between the brothers. This harmony was made possible thanks to the efforts of Mother Anna Austrian, who knew everything to make her children live and raised together in a friendly atmosphere.

In addition, the nature of the Philip itself has affected. By their nature, he was crazy and quick-tempered, which, however, could not drown out his goodness and softness. All his life, Philip carried the titles "The only brother of the King" and "Monsieur", which emphasized his special situation not only in the rule of the dynasty, but also throughout the country.


The news that she gave birth to the second boy was adopted at the courtyard with enthusiasm. I was especially happy to be all-industrialist, he understood that Philip Orleans - Brother Louis 14 is another legitimate support of the dynasty and its future in the event that something happens with Dofin. From early childhood, the boys invariably raised together. Twently they played, studied and hooligani, because of which they are alone and strokes.

At that time in France raged the Frond. The princes were tapering from Paris once a secret and hid in distant residences. Philip Orleans - Brother Louis 14, just like Dofe, has experienced a lot of deprivation and adversity. He had to feel the fear and defenselessness in front of an angry crowd of rebuilders. Sometimes the children's poles of the brothers outstretched to the scuffle. Although Louis and was older, he did not always come out the winner in fights.

Like all the children, they could quarrel because of the trifles - plates with porridge, the divorce of beds in the new room, etc. Philip was temperamental, loved to shock others, but at the same time he had a slight character and quickly moved away from the offense. But the Louis opposite was distinguished by stubbornness and could hardly blow on others.

Relations with Mazarini

The very fact that Philip Duke Orleans was the younger brother of the King of the King, did inevitable the presence of many ill-wishers who did not like Monsieur. One of the most influential opponents was Mazarini. Cardinal was appointed responsible for education before the poorly studied Louis and his younger brother. Mazarini did not love Philip because of his fear that he would be a threat to the throne. Monsieur could repeat the fate of Gaston - his own uncle who spoke against the monarchy with his claims to power.

Mazarini had a lot of superficial reasons to fear such a development of events. All-powerful nobleman could not not notice how the adventurous man Ros Filipp Orleans. The Biography of the Duke in the future showed that a good commander rose from it, who could lead to the army and seek victories on the battlefield.


Some biographers not without reason in their writings noted that in Philippe could intentionally educate women's habits and instill interest in homosexuality. If this was indeed done from ambiguous considerations, then Maazarin could count on the fact that the Duke will not have a normal family and the heir, secondly, that Monsieur will be despised at the court. However, Cardinal did not even have needed to take the initiative in his hands.

Women's habits in Philippe brought up his mother Anna Austrian. The soft character of the younger son liked her much more than the bore habits of Louis. Anna loved to dress up a child with a girl and allowed him to play with the Freilli. Today, when Philip Orleans is mentioned, it is often confused with the descendant-thesis, but the Louis-Philip King Orleans, who lived in the XIX century, had little in common with the duke of the XVII century. Their upbringing was noticeably different. It is enough to give an example of how the brother Louis XIV could joke into the ladies' corset.

Freillia, who lived at the court, also loved the theater and often gave the child comic roles in their productions. Perhaps these impressions were attracted by Philipple interest in the scene. At the same time, the boy was granted to himself for a long time. All the forces of his mother and Cardinal Mazarini spent on Louis, from which the king was doing. What happens from his younger brother, everyone interested in much smaller. All that was required of him is not to interfere with the throne, do not make complaints about power and not repeat the path of rebellious uncle Gaston.


In 1661, the younger brother Gaston - Duke Orleans died. After his departure from life, the title moved to Philip. Before that, he was the duke of Anzhuy. In the same year, Philip Orleans married Henriette Anna Stewart - Karl I's daughter English.

Interestingly, the first spouse of Henrietta was to marry the very Louis XIV. However, during the years of their adolescence royal Power In England, he was overthrown, and marriage with the daughter of Charles Stewart in Versailles considered unpromising. Wives were then chosen according to the position and prestige of the dynasty. While the stews during Cromwell remained without a crown, Bourbons did not want to rush to them. However, everything changed in 1660, when Brother Henrietta returned his father's throne. The status of the girl became higher, but Louis was already married by that time. Then the princess came off the proposal to marry the younger brother of the king. The opponent of this marriage was Cardinal Mazarini, but on March 9, 1661 he died, and the last barrier for the engagement disappeared.

It is not known exactly that the future wife of Philip Orleansky sincerely thought about his groom. Before England, contradictory rumors about Monsieur's hobbies and his favorites came out. Nevertheless, Henrietta married him. After the wedding, Louis presented his brother Palace Pale Royal, who became the urban residence of the spouses. Philip, Duke Orleans, according to his own words, was passionate about his wife only two weeks after the wedding. Then there was an ordinary everyday life, and he returned to the company of his Favorites - Minions. Marriage was unhappy. In 1670, Henrietta died, and Philip married the second time. This time, his chosen was his chosente, Charles Ludwig's daughter, Palatsky's daughter. In this marriage, the son of Philip II was born - the future regent of France.


Thanks to the preserved correspondence, the second wives of historians were able to collect many evidence of the duke homosexuality. From his lovers the most famous Chevalie Philip de Lorren. He was a representative of the old aristocratic and influential kind of Gizov. Philip Orleans and Chevalé de Lorren met still at a young age. Later, both Herzoga wives tried to remove favorite from the courtyard. He rendered a serious influence on Philip, which threatened the family life of the latter. Despite the efforts of Henrietta and Elizabeth, Chevalier continued to remain close to the Duke of Orleans.

In 1670, the situation under his control tried to take the king. Louis XIV concluded Chevalé to the famous IF prison. However, the stay of the favorite in the dungeon was short. Seeing Mount Brother, Louis retreated and allowed Mignon to first move to Rome, and then return to the yard of his cartridge. The relationship between Philip Orleans and Philippe de Lorrane continued to the death of the Duke in 1701 (the favorite survived it for only a year). When Louis buried the younger brother, he ordered to burn all Philip feed, fearing the publicity of his prettier and unsightly lifestyle.


For the first time, Philipp showed himself as a military commander during the Devolutionary War in 1667-1668, when France fought with Spain for influence in the Netherlands. In 1677, he returned to the army again. Then the war began against Holland, which ruled the conflict broke out on several fronts. In Flanders, Louis needed another commander, since all his usual commander was already busy. Then Philip 1 Orleans went to this region. The Biography of the Duke is an example of a faithful and loyal brother, without the breaking of the monarch's executable orders at the most responsible moment when Fatherland was in danger.

The army under the command of Philip first captured Cambra, and then began the siege of the city of Saint-Omer. Here, the Duke learned that the main Dutch army was going to meet from Ipra, which King Wilhelm III himself was headed. Philippe left a small part of his troops under the walls of the besieged city, and he himself went to intercept the enemy. The army came in the battle at the Kassel on April 11, 1677. The duke headed the center of the troops in which the infantry was. Cavalry is located on the flanks. The success was ensured by the rapid attack of the dragoon parts that made the enemy army to retreat.

The Dutch suffered a defeat. They lost 8 thousand people killed and wounded, and another 3,000 were captured. The French captured the enemy camp, his banners, cannons and other equipment. Thanks to the victory, Philip managed to bring to the end of the Saint-Omera siege to take the city under its control. In the war there was a radical fracture. It was the most significant success of the duke on the battlefield. After his triumph, he was withdrawn from the army. Louis XIV clearly envied and feared the last victories of his brother. Although the king solemnly met Monsieur and publicly thanked for the defeat of the enemy, he no longer gave him troops.

Philip and Art

Thanks to his hobbies, Philip Orleans remembered to contemporaries and descendants as the largest patron of arts of his era. It was he who made the famous composer Jean-Batista Lully, and also supported the writer Moller. The duke had a significant collection of works of art and jewelry. His special passion was theater and satire.

Prince Philip Duke Orleans not only loved art, but later, he himself became the hero of many works. His personality attracted various writers, creators of musicals, directors, etc. For example, one of the most provocative images turned out to Roland Joffe in his film "Watel" 2000. In this picture, the duke is depicted in the form of an open homosexual and a friend of the extraordinary side. Childhood Philip is shown in another film - "King-Child," where the events of the flas are unfolding. The most famous French writer could not pass by the director of the Duke - in his novel "Viscount de Brazhelon, or ten years later, the author allowed liberty with historical facts. In the book Philip - not the only brother of Louis XIV. In addition to him on the pages of the novel, there is a twin monarch who has become a prisoner in iron Mask. Due to political feasibility.

Last years

Thanks to successful marriage, both Daughters of Philip became the Queen. His scean-son made a brilliant military career during the war of the Augsburg League. In 1692, he participated in the battle in the wallskerka and the siege of Namura. The successes of children were special pride of Philip, so in the last years he could live peacefully in his estates and rejoice in the descendants.

At the same time, the relationship between the duke and his crowned brother was experiencing not better times. On June 9, 1701, Prince Philip Orleans died from an apoplexy strike, overtaking him in Saint-Klings after a long dispute with the king about the fate of his son. Louis tried to limit his nephew in every way, fearing the growth of his popularity in the army. This brought Philip in rabies. The next quarrel became fatal for him. Perepurning, he survived the punch turned out to be fatal.

The body of the 60-year-old Monsieur was buried in the Paris Abbey of Saint-Denis. During the Great French Revolution, the grave plundered. Under the court about the death of the duke, the former Favorite of the king of Marquis de Montiespan was most grimit.

Interestingly, the king of France Louis-Philipra Orleans, ruled by the country in 1830-1848. And overthrown with the revolution, was a descendant Monsieur. The ducal title was properly transmitted from the descendant to the descendant of Brother Louis XIV. Louis Philipp was his grandson in several knees. Although he did not belong to the branches reigning before the branch, it did not prevent him from becoming a king thanks to a bloodless coup. Louis-Philipp Orleans, although the name was similar to his ancestor, actually had little in common with him.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the statement that Louis XIV is the most famous and most brilliant of the entire Pleiads of French monarchs. Among his ancestors and descendants were kings that surpassed him in terms of greatness, passion for luxury, loving and militancy. However, Louis combined all these features, as a result of which remained in the memory of the people as the "King Sun.".

The sovereign that became the embodiment of the absolute monarchy.

The sovereign who built Versailles who made the French yard is the most magnificent of the Royal Yard in Europe.

The sovereign, signed so much to love his favorite, that his love adventures worry the imagination of writers so far. As well as intrigues that occurred at its yard.

It can be said that Louis XIV became the breadwinner and the head of the authors of the famous love and adventure novels: Alexander Duma, Ann and Serge Golon, Juliette Benzoni - these are the loudest and most popular names of writers in Russia, who built their works on the former glory and the greatness of France. Epoch "King Sun". And of course, the Russian reader is particularly interesting that the truth is, and that the fiction in the books that they drove in childhood and youth.

In your book, we are trying to deal with the main "issues of history and literature." Unlike other authors who walked for the biography of Louis XIV, we pay little attention to politics: so little as possible when you tell the ruler's biography. We are interested in the personal life of the king. And not only his relationship with favorites, books on this topic also had a lot. main topic This book is Louis XIV and his family. Relations with mother, Queen Anna Austrian, and with Cardinal Mazarini, who replaced the king of his father. Relations with brother, Philip Orleans, who was a very extraordinary person and whom writers so often choose the role of the main court of the era ... Relations with his wife, daughters, children and grandchildren.

Of course, exclude at all love stories We can't, after all, mistresses, like friends, also an integral part of a person's personal life, and if a person was so loving, like the "King Sun,", and knew how passionately, desperately, in love with a lot, - then the favorite and sometimes overshadow family for him and all the world. Briefly, though. But it is enough for this part of the life of Louis XIV the most interesting for the authors artistic works. Therefore, we will understand that the truth is, and that fiction in the history of the relationship of the king with the nieces of Cardinal, Maria and Olympia of Mancini, with the princess of Henrietta English and the "adorable chromium" Louise de Lavalier, with the "Warlock" of the Duchess de Montsipan and the young beauty Angelica de Fontan And finally, with the main woman in his life: Francoise de Mentenon, who started relations with the king as his friend, continued - as a beloved, and finished - as a secret spouse.

So, the kind reader, you have to go with us in the children's king, in his office, in his married bedroom, in alkalo, where he indulged in love joy, in the rest of his relatives, and finally, at his mortal evidence. You have to get acquainted with all people and events that have influenced the personal life of Louis XIV. And to understand why, it was this king that became for his contemporaries "the Sun".

Miracle of the grace of the Lord

The appearance of Louis XIV appearance was the most real miracle. For twenty-two years of married life, the King and Queen of France did not have children. Time inexorably left, foreshadowing in the near future, tragic shocks. What will happen if Louis Xiii will die childless and his brother will go to the throne, not a particularly intelligent, angry Intrigan Gaston Orleans? France goes to her knees in front of Spain? Will a new civil war? It will collapse everything that has been achieved wise politician and cost of tremendous effort? France has not yet managed to recover after changing the dynasties, she is tired of change and only started to eat the fruits at least some stability. Therefore, France Istivo prayed for the sign of the king of the Son and the heir. Hope on it was little, it remained only to wait for a miracle ...

And the miracle was really waiting for him believed. Reverend Mother Jeanne de Mattel with confidence predicted the birth of Dofene. Hermit-Augustine Fiacro said the truth even more clearly: he opened the prophecy about the birth of not only the king, on and his brother. And Jesus himself came to the young exalted carmelitka Argian himself in the image of a baby and reported that the Queen would soon give birth to his son. Two years later, after this, in mid-December 1637, the baby-Jesus appeared to the girl again, having pleased it with the news that the queen was already pregnant. What is interesting, Margarita Arigo found out this news even before the future mother.

The French prayed heaven about the miracle. But the harvest of himself, the king himself, is already a melanoma, weak health and the anticipation that he was long left. February 10, 1638, shortly after he found out that his wife is once again in tightness, Louis XIII signed a diploma on the transfer of France to the adoption of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Mother "Most Holy and Most Maiden", asking her about the grace. And, who knows, it may be, it was the favor of the Virgin Mary who retained the long-awaited Son of France in the womb of the Queen, because the king himself will say later the Messenger of Venice, raising a canopy over the label of the newborn: "Here is a miracle of the Milicness of the Lord, because it's just necessary to call such a beautiful child born after four unfortunate miscarriages from my spouse. "

The pregnancy of the queen proceeded not quite well, which was expected, given its age and previous failures. In the first months, Anna was tormented by dizziness and nausea, and Life-doors forbade her to move, even get up from bed. Since the beginning of pregnancy and before the birth, the queen did not leave the Palace of Saint-Germain. She was transferred from the bed in the chair, wore the room to the room and then returned back to bed. The queen loved to eat tightly and by the time of birth quite spread. Courtnish noted that she just had a huge stomach, and seriously feared if she could give birth to safely. Anna Austrian was already eloxy, she was almost thirty seven years, - in those days this age was considered quite old for the birth of the firstborn. More young and stronger women often died in childbirth, and child mortality was simply catastrophically great. So it was about to worry about.

Nevertheless, Queen has safely endured the child, and since the end of August, France lived in anticipation of the birth of his future sovereign. Prayers about the prosperous resolution of her majesty from the burden followed one after another.

In the palace, there was also an exciting preparation. According to the rules of etiquette, about the approaching birth should have been in advance the most notable specimen, which will have to attend a significant event, the princes and princesses from the Bourbon House. First of all, this is the brother of King Gaston Orleans, Princess de Konde and the Countess de Susan. As a special location, the king allowed to attend childbirth and duchess of the Vandom. In addition to them, Radom with the queen should have been still some amount of perfectly useless in the objective of people: the governess of the future heir to Madame de Lansak, Stats-Ladies de Sennes and de Flott, two chambers of Junger and ready immediately begin to fulfill the duties of Kormilitsa Madame Ladmier.

In the room, adjacent to the one where the queen was located, was a specially arranged altar, in front of which the bishops of Liege, Meossky and Boviesch should have read prayers until the queen is born.

In the large queen's office, also adjacent to the room, where her Majesty had to give birth, Princess Gimenta, Duchess Trevyl and de Buyon, Mrs. Vil-O-Clerk, De Martzmar, De Lancur, Duke of Wandom, Shevrez and Monbazon, G- Yes De Liankur, de Ville-o-Clerk, De Brion, De Shavinyi, Archbishops Burgsky, Chalon, Manx and other senior court chips.

Louis XIV reigned for 72 years, longer than any other monarch of Europe. By the king, he became four years old, all the fullness took place in his hands in 23 and rules for 54 years. "The state is me!" - Louis XIV did not tell these words, but the state has always been associated with the personality of the ruler. Therefore, if we talk about misses and mistakes of Louis XIV (war with Holland, the cancellation of the nanntal ediction, etc.), then it is worth noting the asset of the reign.

Development of trade and manufactory production, the origin of the colonial empire of France, the reform of the army and the creation of the fleet, the development of art and sciences, the construction of Versailles and, finally, the transformation of France to the modern state. This is not all the achievements of the century of Louis XIV. So what was this ruler who gave name to his time?

Louis XIV de Bourbon.

Louis Xiv de Bourbon, who received the name of Louis Didonne at birth ("Bogodhenny"), was born on September 5, 1638. The name "Bogodinny" appeared for no accident. Queen Anna Austrian produced heir to light aged 37 years.

For 22 years, the marriage of Louis parents was fruitless, and therefore the birth of the heir was perceived by the people as a miracle. After the death of the father, the juvenile Louis with his mother moved to Palace Royal, the former palace of Cardinal Richelieu. Here little king Brought up in a very simple, and sometimes the wretched atmosphere.

His mother was considered the regent of France, but the real power was in the hands of her favorite Cardinal Mazarini. He was very stingy and did not care at all not only about delivering the pleasure of a king to a king, but even the presence of essential items.

For the first years of the formal rule of Louis, the events of the Civil War, known as the FronDa. In January 1649, a rebellion directed against Maazarin flared up in Paris. The king and ministers had to run to Saint-Germain, and Mazarini - in general in Brussels. The world was restored only in 1652, and the power returned to the hands of Cardinal. Despite the fact that the king was already considered adults, Mazarini ruled France to his very death.

Julio Mazarini is the church and politician and the first Minister of France in 1643-1651 and 1653-1661. Passed the post on the protection of Queen Anna Austrian.

In 1659, the world was signed with Spain. The contract was bonded by the marriage union of Louis with Maria-Teresia, who had to him Kuzina. When Mazarini died in 1661, Louis, having received freedom, hurried to get rid of all the custody of himself.

He abolished the position of the first minister, declaring the state council that henceforth will be the first minister himself, and no longer the shortest decree should be signed by anyone from his behalf.

Louis was poorly educated, hardly knew how to read and write, but possessed common sense And solid determination to maintain its royal dignity. He was high, handsome, had a noble posture, sought to express briefly and clear. Unfortunately, he was overly selflessly as none european monarch differed in monstrous pride and egoism. All the former royal residences seemed to Louis unworthy of his grandeur.

After some pondays in 1662, he decided to turn a small hunting castle Versailles to the Royal Palace. It took 50 years and 400 million francs. Until 1666, the king had to live in Louvre, from 1666 to 1671. In Tuillirers, from 1671 to 1681, alternately in the Versailles and Saint-Germain-O-L "e. Finally, from 1682, Versailles became a permanent residence of the Royal Court and Government. From now on, Louis was only by the departures.

The new palace of the king was distinguished by an extraordinary pomp. The so-called (large apartments) is the salons, named after the ancient deities, served as a hallway for a mirror gallery 72 meters long, 10 width and 16 meters high. Buffets were arranged in the salons, guests played billiards and cards.

Great Konde welcomes Louis XIV on the stairs in Versaille.

In general, the card game has become an indomitable passion for the court. The rates reached several thousand livres on the con, and Louis himself stopped playing only after in 1676 he lost 600 thousand livres for six months.

Also in the palace put comedies, first Italian, and then French authors: Cornel, Racina and especially the Moliere. In addition, Louis loved to dance, and repeatedly participated in the productions of ballets at the court.

The pisces of the palace corresponded to the complex etiquette rules established by Louis. Any action was accompanied by a whole set of carefully developed ceremonies. Trapez, a waste to sleep, even an elementary thickening thirst during the day - everything was turned into complex rituals.

War against all

If the king would be engaged only by the construction of Versailles, the economy and the development of the arts, then, probably, respect and the love of subjects to the king-sun would be limitless. However, the ambitions of Louis XIV stretched much further than the borders of his state.

By the beginning of the 1680s, Louis XIV possessed powerful army In Europe, that only his appetites died. In 1681, he established the decontamination chambers for the location of the rights of the French crown for those or other terrain, exciting all new land in Europe and Africa.

In 1688, the claims of Louis XIV to Palatinate led to the fact that all of Europe was dried against him. The so-called war of the Augsburg League stretched out for nine years and led to the parties to retain the status quo. But the huge costs and losses incurred by France led to a new economic decline in the country and the depletion of funds.

But already in 1701, France was drawn into a long conflict, called the name of War for spanish inheritance. Louis XIV extended to defend the rights to the Spanish throne for his grandson who had to become the head of two states. However, the war that covers not only Europe, but also North America, ended for France unsuccessfully.

The world, concluded in 1713 and 1714, the grandson of Louis XIV retained the Spanish crown, but the Italian and the Netherlands ownership were lost, and England was destroyed by the Franco-Spanish fleets and the conquest of a number of colonies laid the foundation of his marine dominion. In addition, the project of the unification of France and Spain under the arm of the French monarch had to be refused.

Sale of posts and exile of Huguenots

This last Military campaign of Louis XIV returned him to where he started - the country was mired in debt and moaning from the severity of taxes, and here, then there were uprisings, the suppression of which demanded new and new resources.

The need to replenish the budget led to non-trivial solutions. Under Louis XIV was put on a flow trade by state positions that reached the maximum scope in last years His life. To replenish the treasury, all new and new positions were created, which, of course, made a chaos and strangle into operations state institutions.

Louis XIV on coins.

Rows of opponents of Louis XIV replenished French Protestants, after in 1685, the Edict Fontainebleau was signed, canceled Nante Edict Henry IV, guaranteed Huguenotes freedom of religion.

After that, more than 200 thousand French Protestants were emigrated from the country, despite the strict punishment for emigration. The outcome of tens of thousands of economically active citizens is another painful blow to France's power.

Unloved queen and meek chromium

At all times and the epoch, the personal life of the monarchs affected politics. Louis XIV in this sense is no exception. One day the monarch noticed: "I would be easier to reconcile the whole of Europe than a few women."

His official spouse in 1660 was a peer, Spanish infanta Mary Teresia, who had to Louis cousin and on his father and his mother.

The problem of this marriage, however, was not in close relatives of the spouses. Louis simply did not love Maria Teresia, but persogently agreed to marriage, which had important political importance. The spouse gave birth to the king of six children, but five of them died in childhood. Only the firstborn survived, as well as father, Louis and entered the name under the name of the Great Dofin.

Louis XIV Marriage was concluded in 1660.

For the sake of marriage, Louis broke a relationship with a woman who really loved - the nephew of Cardinal Mazarini. Perhaps parting with his beloved influenced the attitude of the king to the legitimate spouse. Maria Teresia has resigned with his fate. Unlike other French queens, she did not fly intrigue and did not climb into politics, playing a prescribed role. When in 1683 the Queen died, Louis Ogrenik: " This is the only concern in the life she caused me».

The lack of feelings in marriage king compensated for relationships with favorites. For nine years, Louis-Francoise de la Ben, Duchess de Lavalier, became the lady of Louis-Louis-Francoise de la Blanc. Louise was not distinguished by dazzling beauty, besides, due to the unsuccessful fall from the horse, a lame remained with a horse. But the meekness, friendly and sharp mind of chromons attracted the attention of the king.

Louise gave birth to Louis of four children, two of whom lived to mature age. The king cost Louise enough severely. Becoming to cool to her, he settled a rejected mistress next to the new favorite - Marquis Francoisese ATENASE DE MONTESAP. The herohyde de Lavalier was forced to carry the bullying of the rival. She endured with her inherent meekness, and in 1675 he had grown in the nun and lived in a monastery for many years, where she was called Louise Mercy.

In Mrs. to Montespan there was no shadow of the meekness of the predecessor. Representative of one of the most ancient noble childbirth France, Francoise did not just become the official favorite, but for 10 years turned into the "true Queen of France."

Marquis de Montiespan with four legalized children. 1677 year. Versailles Palace.

Francoise loved luxury and did not like to count money. It was Markiza de Montiespan who launched the board of Louis XIV from the deliberate building of the budget to rampant and unlimited spending. Capricious, envious, powerful and ambitious Francoise knew how to subordinate the king of his will. For her, new apartments were built in Versailles, she managed to arrange for significant state posts of all their close relatives.

Francoise de Montespan gave birth to Louis of seven children, four of whom lived to mature age. But the relationship between Francoise and the king was not so faithful as Louise. Louis allowed himself hobbies and besides the official favorite, which caused the rage from Mrs. de Montespan.

To preserve the king with you, she began to engage in black magic and even was involved in a loud business about poisoning. The king did not punish her death, but deprived her favorite status, which was much worse for it.

Like its predecessor, Louise Le Lavalier, Marquis de Montiespan replaced the royal chambers to the monastery.

Time for repentance

The new favorite of Louis became Marquis de Mrenthenon, the widow of the Skarron poet, who was the governess of the king of the king from Mrs. De Montsipan.

This favorite of the king was called the same as its predecessor, Francoise, however, women were distinguished from each other as the sky and the Earth. The king led with the Marquis de Mentenon long conversations about the meaning of life, about religion, about responsibility to God. The royal courtyard changed the brilliance on chastity and highly morality.

Madame de Mentenon.

After the death of the official wife, Louis XIV was combined with a secret marriage with Marquis de Mrenthenon. Now the kings did not occupy balls and festivities, but the Mass and reading of the Bible. The only entertainment that he allowed himself was hunting.

Marquis de Mentenon founded and led the first in Europe to the women's secular school, called the Royal House of St. Louis. School in Saint-Sira has become an example for many such institutions, including for the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg.

For strict temper and intolerance to secular entertainment, the Black Queen received a nickname. She survived Louis and after his death removed to Saint-Sir, having lived the rest of the days in a circle of his school pupils.

Illegitimate bourbones

Louis XIV recognized his extramarital children and from Louise de Lavalier, and from Francoise de Montespan. All of them received their father's surname - de Bourbon, and Dad tried to arrange their lives.

Louis, son from Louise, has already been produced in French admirals for two years, and Military campaign, together with his father, went to a military campaign. There at the age of 16, the young man and died.

Louis-Auguste, the Son from Francoise, received the title of Duke of Mensky, became a French commander and in this capacity took the Military Interesting of the Kiss of Peter I and the great-grandfather of Alexander Pushkin Abraha Petrovich Hannibal.

Great Downey Louis. The only surviving legitimate child of Louis XIV from Mary Teresia Spanish.

Francoise Maria, the youngest daughter of Louis, was issued married to Philip Orleans, becoming the Duchess of Orleans. Possessing the character of the mother, Francoise Maria with his head plunged into political intrigues. Her spouse became a French regent with a young king Louis XV, and the children of Francoise-Maria marriage were married with the siblings of other monarchs of Europe's dynasties.

In a word, not many illegitimate children of the ruling people went to such fate, which fell to the share of sons and the daughters of Louis XIV.

"Did you think that I will live forever?"

The last years of the life of the king was a serious test for him. A man who defended the monarch's glooming all his life and his right to the autocratic board, worried not only the crisis of his state. His close people left one after another, and it turned out that she simply had to transmit power.

On April 13, 1711, his son died, the Great Dowfin Louis. In February 1712, the eldest son of Dofene, Duke of Burgundy, passed away, and on March 8 of the same year and the eldest son of the last, the juvenile duke of Breton.

On March 4, 1714 fell from the horse and a few days later, the younger brother of the Duke of Burgundy, Duke Berrysky died. The only heir was the 4-year-old Grand King, the younger son of the Duke of Burgundy. If this kid died, the throne after the death of Louis would stay vacant.

This forced the king to enter the list of heirs even their illegal sons, which was thrust in the future internal intersuboil in France.

Louis XIV.

In his 76 years, Louis remained active, active and, as in his youth, regularly traveled to hunt. During one of these trips, the king fell and damaged his leg. Doctors found that injury provoked Gangren, and offered amputation. The Sun King refused: it is unacceptable for royal dignity. The disease has progressed rapidly, and soon agony began stretching for several days.

At the time of clarification of the consciousness, Louis looked at her last aphorism attending and greeting:

- Why do you cry? Did you think that I will live forever?

On September 1, 1715, at about 8 am, Louis Xiv died in his palace in Versailles, four days without surviving up to the 77th anniversary.

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1. The brilliant of the Kings of France was also the most "long-playing" monarch of Europe. He ruled 72 years, and even the present english Queen Elizabeth, who climbed into the throne in 1952, was not yet able to "get around" the Sun King-Sun.

2. Department XIV believed that he is a kind of gift of God.

3. For more than twenty years, Queen Anna Austrian could not get pregnant from Louis XIII, when, finally, in an incredible accident, it happened, Louis XIII on joys decided to devote the whole country to the Most Holy Virgin and pay himself and the Kingdom under her heavenly patronage.

4. The royal couple was lucky - a boy appeared on the world on September 5, 1638. Moreover, the little dofin was born in the most suitable day for that day, on Sunday, the day of the sun. They also say that the divine manifestation of heavenly grace was that Louis XIV was born at once with two teeth in the mouth. Therefore, I immediately got the nickname Louis-Dieudonné, that is, "the God of God."

5. The famous philosopher Tommaso Campanella's famous philosopher Tommaso Campanella, who had once a popular treatise "City Sun", tied his utopian city with the appearance of France's heir on the sun on the sun day, and confidently stated: "As the sun, he will accurate his warmth and light France and her friends. "

King Louis 13.

6. In 1643, Louis Xiv climbed the throne of another four-year-old boy and began to build his future and the future of the country. As the era of the Sun king, I remember the time of the board of Louis XIV. And this is all thanks to the huge benefits obtained after the end of the 30-year war, the rich resources of the country, military victories and many more factors.

7. Father, Louis XIII died on May 14, 1643 at the age of 41, when the small Louis was 4 years and 8 months. The throne automatically switched to him, but, of course, it was impossible to manage the state at such a gentle age, so his mother, Anna Austrian, became regent. But in fact, he managed the affairs of the state of Cardinal Mazarini, who not only was the Cross of the king, but, in fact, for a while he became the most real stepfather and did not have the soul in him.

8. Louis XIV officially crowned at the age of 15, but in fact, he did not rule the state for another seven years - to the death of Mazarini. By the way, then this story repeated with his great-grandfather Louis XV, who climbed the throne at the age of 5, after the death of the brilliant grandfather.

9. 72 years of the reign of King Louis XIV received the name "Great Century" in French history.

10. When Louis was 10 years old, in the country, in fact, the civil war broke out, in which the opposition Front opposed by the authorities. The young king had to survive the blockade in Louvre, the secret escape and many others, by no means royal things.

Anna Austrian - Mother Louis 14

11. AROM LUDOK XIV, together with him a solid intention grew to the country independently rule, because in the period from 1648 to 1653 in France hershed civil warsAnd at that time the young monarch turned out to be a puppet in other people's hands. But he successfully defeated methers and in 1661 he took all the power in his hands after the death of the first Minister of Mazarini.

12. In these years, his character and his views were formed. Remembering the troubles of childhood, Louis XIV was convinced that the country could flourish only with a strong, no limited power of the autocrat.

13. After the death of Cardinal Mazarini in 1661, the young king gathered a state council on which he announced that he was now intending to rule himself, without appointing the first minister. At the same time, he conceived to build a big residence in Versaille, so as not to return to the unreliable Louis.

14. In 1661, the 23-year-old King of France Louis XIV arrived in a small hunting castle of his father, located not far from Paris. The monarch ordered the large-scale construction of his new residence here, which was supposed to become his stronghold and refuge. The dream of the king-sun came true. In Versaille, created by his desire, Louis held the best years, here he finished his earthly path.

15. In the period from 1661 to 1673, the monarch spent the most productive reform for France. Louis XIV conducted reforms in the social and economic spheres for the reorganization of all state institutions. The country began the flourishing of literature and art.


16. Korolevsky courtyard moves to the Versailles Palace, he is considered a monument of the era of Louis XIV. Monarch there surrounds himself with noble nobles and keeps them constantly under control, so he excluded any possibility of political intrigues.

17. This king, which is called, worked perfectly with frames. The actual head of the government over the course of two decades was Jean-Baptiste Colbert, a talented financier. Thanks to Kohlbera, the first period of the reign of Louis XIV turned out to be very successful with economic point vision.

18.Ludovik XIV patronized science and art, since he considered impossible prosperity of his kingdom without high level development of these areas of human activity.

19. If the king would be engaged only by the construction of Versailles, the economy and the development of the arts, then, probably, respect and the love of subjects to the king-sun would be limitless.

20. However, the ambitions of Louis XIV stretched much further than the borders of his state. By the beginning of the 1680s, Louis XIV possessed the most powerful army in Europe, which only diluted his appetites.

21. In 1681, he established the decontamination chambers to locate the rights of the French crown for those or other terrain, exciting all new lands in Europe and Africa.

22.Ludovik XIV became an absolute monarch and the first thing brought order in the treasury, created a strong fleet, developed trade. The power of weapons is selling territorial claims. So, as a result of hostilities to France, Franch Conte, Metz, Strasbourg, a number of cities in the Southern Netherlands and some more cities are departed.

23. The prestige of France rose highly, which allowed Louis XIV to dictate its conditions to almost all European yards. But this circumstance turned against Louis XIV himself, the enemies of France were swallowed, and Protestants turned against Louis for the persecution of Huguenots.

24. In 1688, the claims of Louis XIV on Palatinate led to the fact that all the Europe fell against him. The so-called war of the Augsburg League stretched out for nine years and led to the parties to retain the status quo. But the huge costs and losses incurred by France led to a new economic decline in the country and the depletion of funds.

25. But in 1701, France was drawn into a long conflict, called the name of the War for Spanish inheritance. Louis XIV extended to defend the rights to the Spanish throne for his grandson who had to become the head of two states. However, the war that covers not only Europe, but also North America, ended for France unsuccessfully. The world, concluded in 1713 and 1714, the grandson of Louis XIV retained the Spanish crown, but the Italian and the Netherlands ownership were lost, and England was destroyed by the Franco-Spanish fleets and the conquest of a number of colonies laid the foundation of his marine dominion. In addition, the project of the unification of France and Spain under the arm of the French monarch had to be refused.

King Louis 15.

26. This, the last Military campaign of Louis XIV returned him to where he began - the country was mired in debt and moaning from the severity of taxes, otherwise here, then the uprisings broke out, the repression of which demanded new and new resources.

27. The cost of replenishing the budget led to non-trivial solutions. With Louis XIV, the flow of trade by state positions, which has reached the maximum scope in the last years of his life has been delivered. To replenish the treasury, all new and new positions were created, which, of course, made a chaos and annoy the activities of state institutions.

28. Things of opponents of Louis XIV replenished French Protestants, after in 1685, the Edict Fontainebleau was signed, having canceled the Nantes of Heinrich IV, which guaranteed Huguenotes freedom of religion.

29. After this, more than 200 thousand French Protestants were emigrated from the country, despite the strict punishment for emigration. The outcome of tens of thousands of economically active citizens is another painful blow to France's power.

30. In addition, all times and epochs, the personal life of the monarchs has influenced politics. Louis XIV in this sense is no exception. One day the monarch noticed: "I would be easier to reconcile the whole of Europe than a few women."

Maria Teresia

31. It was the official spouse in 1660, the Spanish infanta Maria Teresia, who was visited by Louis cousin and his father, and his mother.

32. The problem of this marriage, however, was not in close relatives of spouses. Louis simply did not love Maria Teresia, but persogently agreed to marriage, which had important political importance. The spouse gave birth to the king of six children, but five of them died in childhood. Only the firstborn survived, as well as father, Louis and entered the name under the name of the Great Dofin.

33.Rogi Marriage Louis broke a relationship with a woman who really loved - the nephew of Cardinal Mazarini. Perhaps parting with his beloved influenced the attitude of the king to the legitimate spouse. Maria Teresia has resigned with his fate. Unlike other French queens, she did not fly intrigue and did not climb into politics, playing a prescribed role. When in 1683, the Queen died, Louis Ozrinok: "This is the only concern in the life she caused me."

Louise - Francoise de Lavalier

34. The conversion of feelings in marriage King compensated for relationships with favorites. For nine years, Louis-Francoise de la Ben, Duchess de Lavalier, became the lady of Louis-Louis-Francoise de la Blanc. Louise was not distinguished by dazzling beauty, besides, due to the unsuccessful fall from the horse, a lame remained with a horse. But the meekness, friendly and sharp mind of chromons attracted the attention of the king.

35.Luiza gave birth to Louis of four children, two of whom lived to mature age. The king cost Louise enough severely. Becoming to cool to her, he settled a rejected mistress next to the new favorite - Marquis Francoisese ATENASE DE MONTESAP. The herohyde de Lavalier was forced to carry the bullying of the rival. She endured with her inherent meekness, and in 1675 he had grown in the nun and lived in a monastery for many years, where she was called Louise Mercy.

Françasaza Ateneas Montespan.

36. In Mrs. to Montespan there was no shadow of the meekness of the predecessor. A representative of one of the most ancient noble gods of France, Francoise not just became the official favorite, but for 10 years turned into the "true Queen of France."

37.Franzaaza loved luxury and did not like to count money. It was Markiza de Montiespan who launched the board of Louis XIV from the deliberate building of the budget to rampant and unlimited spending. Capricious, envious, powerful and ambitious Francoise knew how to subordinate the king of his will. For her, new apartments were built in Versailles, she managed to arrange for significant state posts of all their close relatives.

38.Franzuza de Montespan gave birth to Louis of seven children, four of whom lived to mature age. But the relationship between Francoise and the king was not so faithful as Louise. Louis allowed himself hobbies and besides the official favorite, which caused the rage from Mrs. de Montespan. To preserve the king with you, she began to engage in black magic and even was involved in a loud business about poisoning. The king did not punish her death, but deprived her favorite status, which was much worse for it. Like its predecessor, Louise Le Lavalier, Marquis de Montiespan replaced the royal chambers to the monastery.

39. The new favorite of Louis became Marquis de Mrenthenon, the widow of the Skarron poet, who was the governess of the children of the king from Mrs. de Montiespan. This favorite of the king was called the same as its predecessor, Francoise, however, women were distinguished from each other as the sky and the Earth. The king led with the Marquis de Mentenon long conversations about the meaning of life, about religion, about responsibility to God. The royal courtyard changed the brilliance on chastity and highly morality.

40. After the death of the official wife of Louis XIV was combined with a secret marriage with the Marquis de Mrenthenon. Now the kings did not occupy balls and festivities, but the Mass and reading of the Bible. The only entertainment that he allowed himself was hunting.

Marquis de Mentenon

41. Markiza de Mentenon founded and led the first in Europe to the Women's secular school, called the Royal House of St. Louis. School in Saint-Sira has become an example for many such institutions, including for the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg. For strict temper and intolerance to secular entertainment, the Black Queen received a nickname. She survived Louis and after his death removed to Saint-Sir, having lived the rest of the days in a circle of his school pupils.

42.Ludovik XIV recognized his extramarital children and from Louise de Lavalier, and from Francoise de Montespan. All of them received their father's surname - de Bourbon, and Dad tried to arrange their lives.

43.Ludovik, son from Louise, has already been produced in French admirals for two years, and having matured, together with his father went to a military campaign. There at the age of 16, the young man and died.

44.Lui-Auguste, the Son from Francoise, received the title of Duke of Mensky, became a French commander and in this capacity took on the military internship of the skeleton of Peter I and the great-grandfather Alexander Pushkin Abraha Petrovich Hannibal.

45. Phranasuaza Maria, the youngest daughter of Louis, was married to Philip Orleans, becoming the Duchess of Orleans. Possessing the character of the mother, Francoise Maria with his head plunged into political intrigues. Her spouse became a French regent with a young king Louis XV, and the children of Francoise-Maria marriage were married with the siblings of other monarchs of Europe's dynasties. In a word, not many illegitimate children of the ruling people went to such fate, which fell to the share of sons and the daughters of Louis XIV.

46. \u200b\u200bThe next years of the life of the king were for him a serious test. A man who defended the monarch's glooming all his life and his right to the autocratic board, worried not only the crisis of his state. His close people left one after another, and it turned out that she simply had to transmit power.

47.13 of April 1711 His Son died, the Great Dowfin Louis. In February 1712, the eldest son of Dofene, Duke of Burgundy, passed away, and on March 8 of the same year and the eldest son of the last, the juvenile duke of Breton. On March 4, 1714 fell from the horse and a few days later, the younger brother of the Duke of Burgundy, Duke Berrysky died. The only heir was the 4-year-old Grand King, the younger son of the Duke of Burgundy. If this kid died, the throne after the death of Louis would stay vacant. This forced the king to enter the list of heirs even their illegal sons, which was thrust in the future internal intersuboil in France.

48. When the French, on a par with competitors-the British, mastered the newly open America, Rena-Robert Revenue de La Sall stroke the land on the Mississippi River in 1682, calling them Louisiana, it was in honor of Louis XIV. True, then France sold them.

49.Ludovik XIV built the most majestic Palace of Europe. Versailles were born from a small hunting estate and became a real royal palace, causing envy of many monarchs. Versailles have 200 rooms, 189,000 square meters, a park for 800 hectares of land, 200,000 trees and 50 fountains.

50. In its 76 years, Louis remained active, active and, as in his youth, regularly traveled to hunt. During one of these trips, the king fell and damaged his leg. Doctors found that injury provoked Gangren, and offered amputation. The Sun King refused: it is unacceptable for royal dignity. The disease has progressed rapidly, and soon agony began stretching for several days. At the time of clarifying the consciousness, Louis looked at the last aphorism of those present and greet: - Why do you cry? Did you think that I will live forever? On September 1, 1715, at about 8 am, Louis Xiv died in his palace in Versailles, four days without surviving up to the 77th anniversary. France said goodbye to the great monarch. I grew a threat from the side, gaining strength, Britain.