When Ivan was killed 6. John Vi Antonovich: "Iron Mask" Russian history

John Vi Antonovich

Emperor, genus. August 2, 1740, died on July 4, 1764. He was the son of Prince Anton-Ulrich Braunschweig-Luneburg and Anna Leopoldna, Duke of Karl Leopold Mecklenburg and Catherine John, Daughter of Tsar John Alekseevich. Empress Anna after a long fluctuations only on the eve of death, on October 16, 1740, signed a decree on the appointment with his successor on the imperial All-Russian throne of the infant John, under the regency, to its majority, the Duke of Ernsta John Biron. On the night of November 8, on November 9 of the same year, Biron was overthrown and the mother of John, Anna Leopoldovna, was overthrown, and on the night of November 24, 1741, Elizaveta Petrovna overtook the minor emperor and was proclaimed by Empress. They say that Elizabeth, who personally arrested the government, took John in his arms and, kissing him, said: "Poor child! You are not guilty of anything, your parents are guilty." All Braunschweig surname was placed under the supervision in the former Palace of Elizabeth. In Manifesto on November 28, 1741, it was said that the whole surname will be released abroad and will receive a decent content. Elizabeth first, undoubtedly, had such intentions. December 12, 1741 Lieutenant-General you. Fed. Saltykov with a big convoy taken out John with parents and sister from St. Petersburg; He was ordered to go as soon as possible. But then various suggestions have been involved in Elizabeth and she decided to delay John in Russia before the arrival of her chosen to her in the heirs of her nephew, Prince Peter Holsteinsky (afterwards the Emperor Peter III Feodorovich). On January 9, 1742, Brownshweigy surname was brought to Riga and placed in the castle, where biron lived; Here Anna Leopoldovna, at the request of the Empress, signed her oath for himself and for his son; Meanwhile, rumors, perhaps even unreasonable, about the hostile mood of Anna Leopoldovna in relation to the new government and the conspiracy of Turchaninov (in July 1742), forced Elizabeth to see in John the dangerous challenger and therefore she decided not to let him from Russia. On December 13, 1742, Brownshweig surname was placed in the fortress Dynamyund; When, in July 1743, a new conspiracy was opened, Lopukhin, in January 1744 it was decided to transfer the whole name to Rannenburg (now Ryazan province), and the appointed Deliver, Anna Leopoldnu, with the family of Guard, Lieutenant, first, did not appeal to They are in Orenburg. On July 27, 1744, Dan was the order of Cameryger Nikolai Andreevich Korfu to take away the arrested in the Solovetsky monastery. Arriving in Rannburg on August 10, Corf found almost all the family of patients; He asked Petersburg, what to do, and received the order to immediately fulfill the instruction; Then the Corf ordered the sending arrested. Juvenile John Corf was supposed to give Major Miller, who was strictly forbidden to show someone's infant, was ordered to even call him not John, but Gregory. In October, arrived in Kholmogory and Corf, stopping here, because because of ice to go to Solovki, it was impossible, insisted that prisoners and maintain in the holkemogors, in a bishop house, presenting that in Solovki, it would be harder to deliver them to food and keep them in Mystery. John was placed particularly from the whole family and you can think that the rest did not even know that he was almost next to them. Corf went to St. Petersburg in the spring of 1745, putting over the supervision of the Arrests to the captain of the Izmailovsky regiment of Guryev, in which Miller and Vinda remained. Details about the stay of John Antonovich in the holkemogs we do not have any; We know what he was kept and strictest secret; Only if he was very dangerous ill, it was allowed to admit a priest; Miller's wife, despite even its illness, was not allowed to let go from Holmogor; All those who knew about the baby were obliged to say nothing about him; The government of Elizabeth took all measures to destroy the most memory of the Imperiality of John: it was ordered to destroy the jurors with his name, to destroy the sheets in the books with his title, crossing coins and medals with his image. Talking the baby who he was, of course, was forbidden, it was also forbidden to learn his diploma; However, John knew his name, he knew that he was a prince and even called himself a sovereign of the country where he was and if, perhaps, he could not read - how to think from the words of the decree on his death, - after all, was Somebearing B. Sacred Scripture, had some information about the creations of the fathers of the Church; This fact is witnessed by the reports of the officer who watched him in Shlisselburg and remains inexplicable.

In 1756, Ivan Zubarev was delivered to the secret office of the office, which, by the way, he said that he was in Berlin, through the famous Manstein saw the King of Friedrich himself and that he was persuaded to raise splitters in favor of John Antonovich and promised the prince himself From Holmogor. If it was not even suppressed by the faith of this story, then it became of it, nevertheless, it is obvious that the location of the former emperor became known to many. Therefore, it was decided to translate it to another, more reliable place, and in 1756 the same year, deaf at night, Leib campaign Sergeant Savin took him to Shlisselburg. He contained there, under the direct leading of the head of the secret office, Alexander Ivanovich Shuvalov, under the nearest supervision first guard Captain Schubin, and when he fell ill with Captain Sheepi; The assistants at them were two officers Vassev and Chekin. Sheep's reports are known and outlines the condition of the prisoner from 1757 to 1761. The location of it was carefully hidden; The officers were forbidden in letters to their relatives to report where they are; Letters to them should have written just to the secret office. A hopeless conclusion, not to mention a severe in moral terms of the situation, destroyed the prisoner's body. Shetsyn repeatedly tuning about his completely abnormal behavior and more leaning towards the thought that he really was preserved than what he was pretending. The prisoner was extremely irritable and suspicious; he constantly seemed that he was spoiled by whispering, bad glances; Every almost movement of others, he interpreted, as directed towards His harm and in general it was extremely easy to annoy, often attempted to beat others; I talked a lot with myself, speaking completely incomprehensible things; He constantly expressed him to all those surrounding the deepest contempt, called himself a great man, prince, said that he is a battle, that only the spirit of St. Gregory took his appearance, at times he said that he wanted to knear, but he refused his name to Hervasia him and wished to take the name of Feodosia, thought to be a metropolitan and said that then would ask the God for the permission to go to images and even some people, and that without it he did not I must worship anyone. From the seasons of the seizures of the rich, he was held, depriving tea and better clothes; It was hard for him to the presence of officers who were often deliberately teased. Sometimes they think that the testimony about the insanity of John Antonovich is not quite reliable and the foundation of mistrust indicates the fact that the most direct and positive testimony in such a sense was given by the officers after his death. But earlier sheep-entertainment reports give us undoubted instructions on the abnormality of the state of John Antonovich; As for the fact that the insanity of the prisoner was particularly resolutely said after his death, it was completely natural: then it was exactly that this question was raised directly, and in addition, it was quite natural that the wardings for the prisoner did not consider it necessary to repeat in their usual daily reports. About his madness, and directly expressed their conviction in this after his death. Peter III Ferodorovich on joining the throne visited the prisoner in Shlisselburg, accompanied by H. A. Korf, Ungerna, Alexander Naryshkin and Volkova; According to Corf, this is a date by bushing; John made an impression of a man of weak physically and upset mentally; The same is said in the manifesto on the occasion of his death, and it is mentioned that Catherine saw him; The circumstances of this dating are completely unknown; But one note of Catherine to H. I. Panin, without the designation of time, gives reason to think that Catherine really went to Shlisselburg (fee. Int. Rus. East. vii, 331); According to the general review, John was extremely obliquely, said - although supporting the hand of the lower jaw, "so it was almost impossible to understand. Peter III thought to improve the fate of the arrestant and put him in a special building for him; But for the overthrow of Peter, the assumption was not realized. In Catherine, the prisoner was under direct knowledge of N. I. Panin, who at the first time of the Board of Catherine took the nearest participation in all the most important internal affairs; In the first days, the first time of the empress, Major General Silin brought a prisoner from Shlisselburg and headed for Kexholm, since Peter Feodorovich was decided in Shlisselburg; But the storm detained them on the road, and after the death of Peter Feodorovich John was returned to Shlisselburg. The prisoner remained in the same position; It became even harder, because the officers, the responsibility of being inexitious with the arrestant, all hostility and hostility treated him and were more teased. In the public about the prisoner, they knew so little that his seat remained unknown even to such people as Senator Yves. Yves. Neptev, and that at times there were assumptions and wishes to eat Elizabeth, and then Catherine entered into marriage with him. - John died for a violent death. On the night of July 4 to July 5, 1764, the lieutenant V. Ya. The world tried to free the prisoner, in order to proclaim it with the emperor, in the hope of making him happiness. The officers of Vassev and Chekin attached to John with their guardians first, they first littered from Miahovich and followed by the soldiers, but then, when the world came to cook the gun to break the doors, they, fearing that the arrestant was taken away from them, shaple it, according to the instructions given on Such a case for them earlier and confirmed by N. I. Panin. The body of the former emperor was buried somewhere in the Shlisselburg fortress, according to the Christian rite, but secretly. - Political History of Russia During the time John Antonovich was the emperor set forth in the biography of Anna Leopoldovna, and the details of the attempted Miahrovich - in the biography of this latter.

Solovyov, "History of Russia", TT. XXI, XXII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI; Brikner, "Emperor John Antonovich and his relatives", in the Russian Herald for No. 1874 and separately; "Emperor John Antonovich", in "Russian Starina" 1879, №№ 3, 5, 7; M. I. Semevsky, "John Antonovich", in "Fatherland. Zap.", 1866, t. VII; Bilbasov, "History of Catherine II", I, 189-197; Kovalevsky, "Count of Bludov and his time", 222-230; "Reading Mosk. Society. East. And ancient.", 1860, III, 149-154 and 1861, I, 182-185: Bakersky, "Paper K. I. Arsenyev", 375-408; Kashpirev, "Monuments of the newest Russian history", I, 307-312; "Eighteenth Century", III, 357-387; "West. Europe", 1808, part 40, 197; "Internal life Rus. Gosid. From 17 Oct. 1740 to November 25, 1741", Part I and II; "Senate Archive", t. T. II - IV; Full Cathedral Zack., Nos. 9192, 9197, 12228, 12241; Collection. Imp. Rus. Commonly., VII, 331, 364, 365-373.

N. Chechulin.


John Vi Antonovich

Sometimes called I. III (according to the accounts of the kings), the son of the niece of the Empress Anna Ioannovna , Princesses of the Mecklenburg Anna Leopoldovna, and the Duke of Braunschweig-Luneburg Anton-Ulrich, Rod. August 12, 1740 and Anna Johnned Manifesto, from October 5, 1740, was declared the heir to the throne. By the death of Anna John (October 17, 1740) I. was proclaimed by the emperor, and Manifesto on October 18 announced the regency to the regency until the age of age, i.e., before executing 17 years. Duke Kullenandsky Biron. According to the overthrow of the biron by minich (November 8), the regency switched to Anna Leopoldna (see acc. Article), but at night 25 dec. 1741 Government with husband and children, including imp. I., they were arrested in the Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna and the latter was proclaimed by Empress. At first, she intended to send an overwhelmed emperor with his whole family abroad, and 12 dec. 1741 They were sent from St. Petersburg to Riga, under the supervision of Gen.-Leit. V. F. Saltykov; But then Elizabeth changed his intention and, without reaching Riga, Saltykov received a prescription to go as quieter as possible, delaying the journey under different pretexts, and in Riga stop and wait for new orders. In Riga, the arrestants stayed to 13 dec. 1742, when they were transported to Dynamynda Fortress. During this time, Elizabeth finally ripe the decision not to produce I. and his parents, like dangerous applicants, from the limits of Russia. In January 1744, a decree was followed by a new transportation of the former government with his family, this time in the city of Romenburg (now. From. Ryazan lips.), And the performer of this order, Captain-Lieutenant Vdanomsky, almost got them in Orenburg . On June 27, 1744, Chamber Baron N. A. Corfu was prescribed was a decree of the Empress to take the family of regime prisoners in the Solovetsky monastery, and I. both during this journey and for the time of stay in Solovki was supposed to be completely separated from his family and no one From the strangers should not have to have access to it, except for only the supervisor specifically attached to him. Corf brought the arrestants, however, only to Holmogor and, submitting the government to the government all the difficulty of passing them at Solovki and the content there secretly, convinced to leave them in this city. Here I. stayed about 12 years in full single conclusion, cut off from any communication with people; The only person with whom he could see, who was watching him Major Miller, who in turn almost deprived of the possibility of communication with other persons who erased the family of the former emperor. Nevertheless, rumors about the stay of I. in Khlemogors applied, and the government decided to adopt new precautions. In early 1756, Sergeant Life Campania Savin was prescribed secretly to take out I. from Holmogor and secretly deliver to Shlisselburg, and Colonel Vdanomsky, the main bailiff in the Brownshweigian family, was given a decree: "The remaining prisoners contain still, also stricter and With the gain of the guard, so as not to submit a view of the export of the arrestant; in the office of our and by sending a prisoner to report that he is under your guard, as before I have been reported. " In Shlisselburg, the mystery had to be maintained no less strictly: the commandant of the fortress was not to know who was contained in it under the name of the "famous arrestant"; To see I. Could and knew his name only three officers of his team erased; they were forbidden to say I., where he is; Even Feldmarshal could not be inserted into the fortress without a decree of the secret office. With the focus of Peter III, the position I. did not improve, but rather changed to the worst, although there were a sense of the intention of Peter to free the prisoner. Instructions, given gr. A. I. Shuvalov, the main bailiff I. (Prince Churmanteyev), prescribed, by the way: "If the arrestancy becomes repairing what disorder or do you, or that it will be obscene, then put on the chain, until it will be packed, and Buda and Togo Does not listen, then beat to your consideration with a stick and plenty. " In the Decree of Peter III, Churmanteyev dated January 1, 1762. It was commanded: "Budge, beyond our aspiration, who would bother you to take away from you, in this case it is possible to oppose how many people's arrestant in your hands." In the instructions given at the end of the throne of Catherine N. I. Panin, who was entrusted to her the main supervision of the content of the Shlisselburg prisoner, this last item was still more clear: "If, the ward of the aspirations will happen that who came with the team or one, Although there was a commandant or other what kind of officer, without named His own I. V. Signing the command or without writing an order from me and wanted a prisoner from you to take, then it's not to give it to anyone and read everything for a fear or enemy hand. I will be so strong, there will be a hand that you can not be saved, then the arrestant to kill, and I don't give it anyone in my hands. " According to some news, followed by Catherine, Besyuzhev was drawn up by her marriage plan with I. It is true that Catherine has seen from I. and, as herself admitted later in the manifesto, found him damaged in mind. Crazy or at least easily losing mental equilibrium depicted I. and the reports of officers attached to him. However, I. knew his origin, despite his mystery, and called himself a sovereign. Contrary to a strict prohibition of anything to learn, he learned from someone by literacy, and then he was allowed to read the Bible. The secret of staying I. in Shliselburg is not preserved, and it finally destroyed it. The porquet of Smolensk infantry regiment you standing in the garrison of the fortress. Jac. The world decided to release him and proclaim the emperor; On the night of July 4 to July 5, 1764, he began to fulfill his plan and, bowing with the help of false manifestos to his side of garrison soldiers, arrested the commandant of the fortress Berdnikov and demanded the issuance of I. Barry first resisted with the help of his team, but when the worldview brought On the fortress, the gun, surrendered, before, according to the exact meaning of the instruction, killing I. After a thorough effect, I found the complete absence of accomplices at Mimarovich, the latter was executed. On the Board of Elizabeth and its closest successors the very name and; Subjected to persecution: the print of his reign was redoned, the coin was overflowing, all business papers with the name of the imp. I. Prescribed was to collect and send to the Senate; Manifesto, jury sheets, church books, molding forms of SPECTM. Houses in churches, sermons and passports ordered was to burn, the rest of the case were kept for printing and do not use the title and name of I., from where the name of these documents was "deeds with a famous title". Only the highest approved 19 Aug. 1762 The report of the Senate stopped the further extermination of the time of time I., threatened by violation of the interests of individuals. IN lately The preserved documents were partly published entirely, partly processed in the publication Mosk. Archive min. Justice.

Literature: Solovyov, "History of Russia" (TT. 21 and 22); NORMANN, "GESCHICHTE DES RUSSISCHEN STAATES"; M. Semevsky, "Ivan VI Antonovich" ("Washing Notes", 1866, t. CLXV); Brikner, "Int. John Antonovich and his relatives. 1741-1807" (M., 1874); "The domestic life of the Russian state from October 17, 1740 to November 20, 1741" (ed. Mosk. Arch. Mr. Justice, t. I, 1880, vol. II, 1886); Bilbasov, "GESCHICHTE CATHERINE II" (t. II); Some minor information is still in the articles "Russian. Starny": "The fate of the family of the Government of Anna Leopoldovna" (1873, t. VII) and "Emperor John Antonovich" (1879, TT. 24 and 25).

V. M- n.


John Vi Antonovich

Emperor All-Russian, Son Ave. Anton-Ulrich Braunschweig-Luneburg and Anna Leopoldna - the daughter of Hertz. Karl-Leopold Mecklenburg and Catherine John (the daughter of King John V Alekseevich); Rod. 2 Aug. 1740, was a pulp with 17 Oct. of the same year to night 26 Nov. 1741 Relant ruled behind him: At first, the duke of Biron, then his mother. By overthrowing from the throne of the imp-tsya Elizabeth Petrovna I. was in the link, initially together with his mother and father in Riga, Dynamyund, Rannonburg and Khlemogo, although it was placed separately from them, and from 1756 - in conclusion in Shlisselburg. Fortresses until the death of death, on the night of July 5, 1764, when was UB. When attempting pores. Morovica again proclaim his imp-rum. I. not received almost no education; It seems that I could not even read, but I knew that he was a prince and sovereign. Afterbirth. The years of life I. was very upset with nerves and even mentally abnormal.

(Military. ENZ.)

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

Ivan (John) VI Antonovich. 12 (23) August 1740 was born in St. Petersburg - killed 5 (16) July 1764 in Shliselburg. Russian emperor (from October 1740 to November 1741) from the Braunschweig branch of the Romanov dynasty. Hispunion Ivan V.

Ivan Antonovich was born 12 (23 in a new style) August 1740 in St. Petersburg.

Father - (It. Anton Ulrich Herzog Von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel; 17 (28) August 1714, Bevern, Duchy Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel - 4 (15) May 1774, Holmogora, Arkhangelsk County, Arkhangelogo Governor, Russian empire), Duke Braunschweig-Bevern-Luneburg, Generalissimus Russian troops (November 11, 1740 - December 6, 1741), nephew, Brother of the famous Prussian commander of the Duke Ferdinand Brunshweigsky.

Mother - Great Princess (at the birth of Elizabeth Katharina Kristina, Princess Mecklenburg-Schwerinskaya. Elisabeth Katharina Christine, Prinzessin Von Mecklenburg-Schwerin; 7 (18) December 1718, Rostock - 8 (19) March 1746, Kholmogory), Government (Resent) Russian Empire from November 9, 1740 to November 25, 1741.

He was born at the very end of the reign, so the question of who to appoint a regent was tormented for a long time and in the death of Empress. Anna Ivanovna wanted to leave the throne for the descendants of his father and was very worried, no matter how he would have moved in the future to descendants. Therefore, in the will, she agreed that the heir was Ivan Antonovich, and in the event of his death - other children Anna Leopoldovna in the order of seniority if they would like.

After the death of Empress Anna Ivanovna, the son of her niece Anne Leopoldovna and Prince Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Bevern-Luneburg - two-month Ivan Antonovich - was proclaimed by the emperor in the regent of the Duke of Kurlyandsky Biron.

Two weeks after the reassignment of the baby in the country there was a coup, as a result of which the Guardsmen, headed by Field Marshal, arrested Biron and removed him from power.

Anna Leopoldovna, the mother of the emperor, was announced with the new regent.

Unable to manage the country and living in the illusions Anna gradually transferred all his power to mini, and after, Oterman seized, sending Field Marshal to resign. But on November 25 (December 6), 1741 there was a new coup. The daughter of Peter the Great with Preobrachters arrested Osterman, the infant emperor, his parents and all of their approximated.

The coup was not a surprise for anyone. Rumors about him diverged through the capital and became the property of the government. The strenues of the conspiracy did not apply to the heart of the highest society, and the circle of supporters of Elizabeth was limited mainly by the "cavaliers" of her yard. Those who will support Elizabeth will participate in the preparation of the coup during the years of its board, Liebe Medic I. G. Lestok, her favorite A. G. Razumovsky, as well as the brothers Alexander and Peter Shuvalov and M. I. Vorontsov. The leaders of the conspiracy were the Lesters and Elizabeth herself. Diplomatic and financial support was provided by the French envoy of Marquis de Shetardi.

Conclusion Ivan Antonovich

At first, Elizaveta Petrovna intended to tremble "Brownshweigian family" from Russia - it was officially indicated in the manifesto, justifying her rights to the throne. But then changed his mind, frightened that it would be dangerous abroad, and ordered to put into prison former recent and her husband.

In 1742, secretly from all the family was translated into a suburb of Riga - Duneamyunde. After the disclosure of the so-called "plug-in conspira" in 1744, the whole family was transported to Oranienburg, and after - away from the border, to the north of the country, to Kholmogory, where the little Ivan was completely isolated from parents. He was in the same bishop house as parents, for a deaf wall, about whom none of them guess. The room-camera of the ex-emperor, which now, at the direction of Elizabeth, Petrovna began to call Grigory, was arranged so that no one, except Miller and his servants, could not go to him.

The identity of the former sovereign and his brief reign was soon subject to the law on the conviction of the name: December 31, 1741, the decree of the Empress was declared about the passage by the population of all coins with the name Ivan Antonovich for the subsequent smelting. After some time, these coins stopped accepting at par, and since 1745 their storage was illegal. Persons who discovered the coins of Ivan Antonovich or who were trying to pay them, were tortured and reference as state criminals. Currently, the coins of this reign are extremely rare.

An order was given to the destruction of portraits with the image of Ivan Antonovich, as well as about the replacement of business papers, passports, church books and other documents with the name of the emperor ("Affairs with the famous title") to new ones. Part of these documents was burned, and the part was stored in a sealed form in the archives. Propaganda materials, for example, published sermons with the mention of the name Ivan, Oda Lomonosov in his honor and other artifacts were subjected to withdrawal. This process continued all the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna and was discontinued only after joining the throne. Even a month and a half later, during the anniversary events of 1913-1914, the Emperor's baby was missed on the Romanov Obelisk in the Alexandrovsky Garden and on the Egg of Faberge "Three hundred dollars of the House of Romanov".

After the readings of the caught conspiratorist I. V. Zubareva presented Elizabeth, the fear of the empress before a possible new coup was led to the new translation of Ivan. In 1756 he was transported from Holmogor to a single chamber in the Slisselburg Fortress.

In the fortress Ivan (officially called "famous arrestant", sometimes - the "Unnamed prisoner") was in full insulation, he was not allowed to see anyone, even the fortress servants. There is a historical myth that Ivan's isolation was before that dense that he never saw a single human face for imprisonment, but modern historians argue that this is not confirmed by documents. On the contrary, the documents indicate that the prisoner knew about his royal origin, he was trained by a diploma, read the Bible in the chamber and dreamed of life in the monastery.

Since 1759, Ivan began to observe signs of inadequate behavior. Saying Ivan VI in 1762, Empress Ekaterina II, who sawed this confidently, also claimed, but the jailers believed that this is only a pathetic simulation.

Murder Ivan Antonovich

While Ivan was in imprisonment, many attempts were made to free the overthrown emperor and re-erect him to the throne. The last attempt turned into a "unnamed prisoner" of death. In 1764, when Ekaterina II had already reigned, the Podororuk Vasily Yakovlevich Mirovich, an inferior guard service in the Slisselburg fortress, bowed to his side part of the garrison to release Ivan.

However, the guards of Ivan, Captain Vasuyev and the guarantile Chekin, was issued a secret instruction to kill the arrestant, if he was attempted to be released (even presented by the Decree of the Empress about this), therefore, in response to the demand of Morovica about the surrender, they silent Ivan and only then surrendered.

The world in front of the body of Ivan VI Antonovich - Picture of Ivan Cotuchikova

The world was arrested and beheaded in St. Petersburg as a state criminal. There is an unconfirmed version according to which he allegedly provoked Catherine to get rid of the former emperor.

The burial site of Ivan Vi is not exactly known. As it is customary, the "famous arrestant" was buried in the Shlisselburg Fortress.

In September 2010, a number of archaeologists declared the identification of the remains of the audiences found in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (Kholmogory) as Imperial. However, the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences expressed doubt in the authenticity of the remains of Ivan VI. It was noted that search engines under the leadership of the businessman Anatoly Karanin, which is not an archaeologist, was carried out unofficially, without scientific methods and permits for archaeological excavations ("Open Leaf"). However, a request to the Prosecutor's Office remained unsuccessful, initiated as a result of the excavations by the St. Petersburg deputy and the archaeologist, remained unsuccessful, as the criminal acts of the prosecutor's office in this case did not find.

Emperor Ivan Vi Antonovich - Iron Mask of Russian History

The image of Ivan VI Antonovich is represented in art.

In the novel "Candid, or optimism" (1759), the main character during the Venetian carnival meets a person in a mask, which is recommended to him as follows: "My name is Ivan, I was the emperor of All-Russian; Back in the cradle, I was deprived of the throne, and my father and my mother were sharpened; I was brought up in prison, but sometimes I was released to travel under the supervision of the guard. "

Brazilian writer Gerald Mattush wrote on Esperanto tragedy in 5 acts in the verse "Ivan 6th" (1953).

Also, Ivan Vi Antonovich's image appears in cinema in films and serials dedicated to the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine Great.

Ivan 6 (John Antonovich), Russian emperor from the Romanov dynasty from November 1740 to November 1741, the great-grandfather Ivan V.

In official highlighted sources, referred to as John III, that is, the account is conducted from the first Russian king of John Grozny; In late historiography, a tradition was established to call him Ivan (John) VI, counting from Ivan I Kalita.

After the death of Empress Anna, John, the son of Anna Leopoldovna (Anna John's nieces) and Prince Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Brewern-Luneburg Double-month Ivan Antonovich was proclaimed by the emperor with the regent of the Duke of Kurlyanda Biron.

He was born at the very end of the reign of Anna John, so the question of who to appoint a regent was tormented for a long time and the empress who was in death. Anna Ioannovna wanted to leave the throne for the descendants of his father Ivan V and was very worried, no matter how he had moved to the descendants of Peter I. Therefore, in the will, she agreed that the heir was John Antonovich, and in the case of his death - other children Anna Leopoldovna order of seniority if they are like.

Two weeks after the reassignment of the baby in the country there was a coup, as a result of which the Guardsmen, headed by Field Marshal, arrested Biron and removed him from power. The new regent was declared the mother of the emperor. Unable to manage the country and living in the illusions Anna gradually transferred all his power to mini, and after, Oterman seized, sending Field Marshal to resign. But a year later, the throne again overtook a new coup. The daughter of Peter the Great Elizabeth with Transobraways was arrested by Osterman, the emperor, royal couple and all of their close.

First, Elizabeth intended to expel the "Brownshweigian family" from Russia, but changed his mind, frightened that it would be dangerous abroad, and ordered to jail to the prison former recent and her husband. In 1742, in secret for all, the whole family was translated into the suburb of Riga - Duneamünde, then in 1744 in Oranienburg, and after, away from the border, to the north of the country - in Kholmogory, where little Ivan was completely isolated from parents. Long the northern trips have greatly reflected on the health of Anna Leopoldovna: in 1746 she died.

Fear of Elizabeth before a possible new coup led to the new journey of Ivan. In 1756 he was transported from Holmogor to a single chamber in the Shlisselburg Fortress. In the fortress, Ivan was in full insulation, he was not allowed to see anyone, even the fortress servants. For all the time, he never saw a single human face. However, the documents indicate that the prisoner knew about his royal origin, a diploma was trained and dreamed of life in the monastery. In 1759, Ivan began to observe signs of inadequate behavior. The seeming Ivan VI in 1762 Empress Ekaterina II was also confidently affirmed; But the jailers believed that this is only a pathetic simulation.

While Ivan was imprisoned, a lot of attempts were made to free the overthrown emperor and re-tap into the throne. The last attempt turned into a young mortgage imprisoned. In 1764, when the star of Young Catherine II, the Podororuk, V. Ya, was already over with the Russian throne, the guard service in the Shlisselburg fortress, bowed to his side part of the garrison to free the Ivan.

But cautious Elizabeth, not forgetting, with how hard she got power, ordered to apply to the camera Ivan Antonovich two watchmen who would rather quit the prisoner than they would have released him. As soon as in the prison chambers they knew about the conspiracy, Ivan was killed by the guards.

Years of life : August 12 1. 740 - July 5, 1764. .

The son of the niece of Empress Anna John, Princess of the Macleburg Anna Leopoldna and the Duke of Braunschweig-Luneburg Anton Ulrich, was born on August 12, 1740 and Manifesto Anna John, dated October 5, 1740, was declared the heir to the throne. According to Anna John (October 17, 1740), John was proclaimed by the emperor, and Manifesto on October 18 announced the regency to the adventure of John Biron. By overthrowing the biron by minich (November 8), the regency switched to Anna Leopoldovna, but for a night of December 25, 1741. The government with her husband and children, including the Emperor John, were arrested in the Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna, and the latter was proclaimed by the Empress. She intended to send an overwhelmed emperor with his whole family abroad, and on December 12, 1741 they were sent to Riga, under the supervision of Lieutenant General V.F. Saltykov; But then Elizabeth changed the intention, and not yet reaching Riga, Saltykov received the prescription to go as quieter as possible, and in Riga to wait for new orders.

In Riga, the arrestants stayed until December 13, 1742, when they were transported to the fortress Dynamyund. Elizabeth finally ripe the decision not to produce John and his parents, like dangerous applicants, from the limits of Russia. In January 1744, there was a decree on the transportation of a former government with his family in the city of Rannburg (Ryazan province), and the executive of the order, the captain-lieutenant Vdanomsky, almost veneered them to Orenburg. June 27, 1744. Camerager Baron N.A. Corfu was prescribed to take the family of royal prisoners in the Solovetsky monastery, and John, both during this journey and at the time of staying in Solovki, had to be completely separated from his family, and none of the strangers had to have access to it, except Just specifically attached to his supervisor. Corf brought the arrestants only to Holmogor and, submitting to the government all the difficulty of a removing them in Solovki and the content there secretly, convinced them to leave them in this city. Here John stayed for about 12 years in full single conclusion; The only person with whom he could have to see, who was watching him Major Miller, in turn, almost deprived of the possibility of communicating with other persons who erased the family of the former emperor. Rumors about the stay of John in Khlemogors applied, and the government decided to adopt new precautions.

In early 1756, Sergeant Life Campania Savina was ordered to secretly to take John from Holmogor and secretly deliver to Shlisselburg, and Colonel Vdanomsky, the main bailiff in the Brownshweigian family, was given a decree: "The remaining prisoners contain still, also stricter and with Karaul's additive, so as not to submit a view about the removal of the arrestant; in our office and by sending a prisoner to report that he is under your guard is, as before they reported. " In Shlisselburg, the mystery had to be maintained no less strictly: the commandant of the fortress was not to know who was contained in it under the name of the "famous arrestant"; I could see John and knew his name only three officers of the officer of his team; they were forbidden to say John, where he is; Even Feldmarshal could not be inserted into the fortress without a decree of the secret office. With the focus of Peter III, the position of John did not improve, but rather changed to the worst, although there were any sense of the intention of Peter to free the prisoner.

Instruction given by Graph A.I. Shuvalov's main bailiff of John the prince of Churmantev, prescribed, by the way: "If the arrestant becomes repairing what disorder or do you, or that it will be obscene, then planted on the chain, until he will dock, but it does not listen to you The discretion of the stick and the plenty. " In the Decree of Peter III, Churmantyev dated January 1, 1762. He was commanded: "Budge, excess of your aspiration, who would bother you to take away from you, in this case it is possible to oppose how many people's arrestant in your hands." In the instructions given at the end of the throne of Ekaterina N.I. Panin, who was entrusted by her chief supervision of the content of the Schlisselburg prisoner, this last item was even more clear: "If the wake of the aspirations would happen, so that who came with the team or one, although it would be a commandant or other what kind of officer, without named his own Eye of the Imperial Majesty signing the command or without written an order from her, and wanted the arrestant for you to take, then it's not to give it to anyone and read everything for the forgery or enemy hand. Wood so that there will be a hand that you can not be able to crash, then the arrestant will kill , and no one to give it to anyone in his hands. "

According to some news, following the focus of Catherine, a marriage plan with John was drawn up Besyuzhev. It is true that Catherine at this time seeing to John and, as he herself admitted later in the manifesto, found him damaged in mind. Crazy or at least easily losing mental equilibrium depicted John and reports of officers attached to him. However, John knew his origin, despite his mystery, and called himself a sovereign. Contrary to a strict prohibition of anything to learn, he learned from someone by literacy, and then he was allowed to read the Bible. The secret of staying John in Shliselburg was not preserved, and it finally destroyed it. The porquet of Smolensky Infantry Regiment Vasily Yakovlevich, who was standing in the garrison of the fortress, Vasily Yakovlevich, hewind him to free him and proclaim the emperor; On the night of July 4-27, 1764, he began to fulfill his plan and, bowing with the help of false manifestos on his side of garrison soldiers, arrested the commandant of the Berdnikov fortress and demanded the issuance of John.

The bailiff was first resisted with the help of his team, but when the worldview brought the gun to the fortress, surrendered, previously, according to the exact meaning of the instruction, killing John. After a thorough effect, I discovered the complete absence of accomplices from Mirovich, the latter was executed. On the board of Elizabeth and her closest successors, the very name of John was subjected to persecution: the press of his reign was converted, the coin was overflowed, all business papers with the name of Emperor John was ordered to collect and send to the Senate; Manifesto, jury sheets, church books, the form of a simple imperial house in churches, sermons and passports was ordered to burn, the rest of the cases were kept for the seal and do not use the title and the name of John, from where the name of these documents was the name of these documents " ". Only the highest approved on August 19, 1762. The report of the Senate stopped the further extermination of John's time, threatened by violation of the interests of individuals. The preserved documents were partly published entirely, partly processed in the publication of the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Justice.

Russian Biographical Dictionary / www.rulex.ru / Solovyov "History of Russia" (Toma XXI and XXII); Hermabn "Geschichte des russischen staates"; M. Sevvsky "Ivan VI Antonovich" ("Patriotic Notes", 1866, t. CLXV); Brikner "Emperor John Antonovich and his relatives 1741 - 1807" (M., 1874); "Internal life of the Russian state from October 17, 1740 to November 25, 1741" (editions of the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice, t. I, 1880, vol. II, 1886); Bilbasov "History of Catherine II" (t. II); Some information in the articles "Russian Starina": "The fate of the Governor of Anna Leopoldovna family" (1873, vol. VII) and "Emperor John Antonovich" (1879, t. XXIV and XXV). V. Mr.

Family tragedies Romanovs. Difficult selection of Sukina Lyudmila Borisovna

Emperor Ivan VI Antonovich (08/02/1740-04.07.1764) The years of the Board - 1740-1741

Emperor Ivan Vi Antonovich (08/02/1740-04.07.1764)

Years of the Board - 1740-1741

The rule of Emperor Ivan Antonovich is the most short in the history of Russia. All the only year when he was considered a sovereign, Ivan did not sit on the throne, but lay in his infant cradle. Unlike its predecessors and successors on the imperial throne, he simply did not have time to feel his king and get at least some joy from his high position. The unfortunate infant, whose life turned out to be destroyed by the imperial crown, could not even suspect which passions they boil around his person, which balls of intrigue are twisted at his yard and what decrees and orders are issued on his behalf.

Another day after the death of Empress Anna Ioannovna, October 18, was printed and his will, according to which Ivan Antonovich was announced by the emperor, and the regent before reaching the 17-year-old age, the Duke of Ernst Johann Biron was applied. And both were to swear - and swore - all the military and civilian ranks of the empire.

According to the will, Anna Biron was endowed with unlimited powers. He could freely manage finance and political affairs, enter into international treaties, command the army and the fleet and even dispose of the fate of the Brownshweg family itself - the nearest relatives of the emperor. On October 19, Emperor Ivan Antonovich "issued" a decree that Biron was given an exceptional title: "His Highness Regent of the Russian Empire, Duke Kurlyandsky, Liflyandsky and Semigalsky." And only four days later, they guessed to dispose so that the native father of the emperor, Prince Anton Ulrich, titled "His Imperial Highness."

Many courtesy drew attention to some "oddity" of the will of the late empress. In the event that Ivan Antonovich died, not leaving after himself offspring, the throne was to get to the eldest of the male children "from the same marriage" Anna Leopoldovna. This disposal actually deprived Princess Anna not only the right to divorce with an unloved husband Anton Ulrich, but also the possibility of re-marriage if he died before her. Her children born from another man, under no circumstances could inherit the imperial throne. But at the same time, the Duke of Biron could remain regent and with other minor sovereigns from the Braunschweig family. But to object to this order of things established by not without the participation of the Experimental Terminal of Osterman and the Biron itself, no one then dreamed. It was transferred from the mouth to the mouth that before the death of Empress Anna managed to whisper his favorite last parting: "I suppose."

But to approve the power of the regent of one patronage of the late sovereign, it was clearly not enough. And in the first days of his reign, Biron tried to conquer recognition of citizens by the Milosts and fair decisions. Manifesto on strict observance of laws and the righteous court was published, an amnesty was declared prisoners, with the exception of thieves, robbers, murderers and casnocrads; Reduced pillow to submit for 1740. Regent showed a decent care for soldiers and officers. In winter, it was ordered to issue fur coats in winter so that they did not suffer from the cold (since Peter I, the military should have been launching a guard in a light form of a European sample). Legislatively was limited to luxury, the chase behind which ruined the nobility with Anna Ioannovna. From now on, it was forbidden to wear a dress from the fabric, the cost of which exceeded 4 rubles per Arshin.

But all the tricks of the Biron were in vain. The nobility was outraged by the fact that over the next 17 years, and perhaps longer, Russia will manage an Inogenian temporary, ascended so highly only thanks to the "shameful relationship" with the former Empress. At the courtyard and in the guard ripe conspiracies. They slowly warmed by the princess Anna Leopoldovna, whose power and freedom were limited to the Kurland Duke. It was not pleased with his position and Prince Anton Ulrich, also in a hearty oppressive by Biron, seeking to deprive the father of the emperor of the last powerful powers and levers of influence on the guardian and courtyard. Not without their participation began to spread rumors that the will of Anna John is not a real and signature on it not her hand.

Biron suspected that Prince and Princess Braunschweigan only and are waiting for a convenient case to deprive his regents, and began to act himself. Most of all, he wanted parents of the Emperor-Baby to leave Russia. With them, he repeatedly said that he wanted to invite the young Holstein Prince Peter to St. Petersburg - the grandson of Peter I, the nephew of the prince of Elizabeth. This young man also had the right to Russian throne and was a serious competitor of Braunschweiggers. At the same time, Biron dismissed rumors, as if Anna Leopoldovna and her spouse would hate Russia and Russians. Anna calls its new Channels, and Anton Ulrich threatens that when it becomes regent, all generals and ministers will arrest and drown in the Neva. However, in mind the absurdity of these rumors believed in them very few.

In relations with the parents of Emperor, Biron had to balance between the provision of explicit honor and threats and oppression. On October 23, on behalf of Ivan Antonovich, he issued a decree on the payment of Anna and Anton of the annual content of 200 thousand for each (the amount, huge even for the nearest relatives of the emperor; Tsarevna Elizabeth, for example, received only 50 thousand rubles a year). But on the same day, the Duke made the Brownshweig Prince publicly, in the presence of senators and ministers, refuse to test the regency and his signature to witness the authenticity of the will of Anna John. A few days later, he forced Anton Ulrich to abandon all the military posts and military ranks, under the pretext of the need to fulfill their father's debt and are not incredible at the infant emperor. Biron had the grounds to fear the influence of Anton in the troops: he, being a lieutenant colonel of the Semenovsky Guards Regiment and Colonel of the Kirassir Brown Shchweigsky Regiment, enjoyed some popularity in the Guards officers. On November 1, the Rent Regent Decree, written on behalf of the Emperor, was enrolled in the military collegium, that all his military ranks and titles are composed with the Prince. Anton Ulrich was actually turned into a private person associated with the highest power in Russia only by blood bonds. The courtiers began to call the Biron for the eyes of the "New Boris Godunov", hinting for the final usurpation of the throne possible.

But Biron did not have to enjoy this victory for a long time. Fighting with the Braunschweig family, the regent missed the view of much more serious enemies. His secret unfriendlies were other influential at the courts of Germans - Minih and Osterman. Count Osterman for a while took a pause in intrigues, he affected the patient and got at home to reflect on possible options for the development of events. Feldmarshal minch was more decisive. At first he supported the Biron, but the duke as if he had forgotten that many he was obliged to and was in no fear with awards and privileges. The minih was a smart one, was observed and very perfectly saw that among officers and soldiers of the court regiments, dissatisfied with regent. Guardsmen were outraged by the governments of the Biron and the fact that he wanted to reform the guard, prohibit the nobles to serve in it ordinary and send them to the junior officers to the army units into the province, and in the Guards Shelves, to gain soldiers from the lower segments of the population. Why not to head the rebellion in these conditions, and at the same time to return Brownshweigskaya CEU from them from their duke power? For such a service, then you could demand any thanks.

Minih made a bet on Anna Leopoldovna, who was superior to his spouse by the power of character. Soon I had a convenient case to talk with a princess with an eye on the eye. Anna Leopoldovna needed a new indent in the retinue, and she wanted to choose him from the pupils of the Cadet Corps. Minih, being the chef of cadets, personally presented to her four of the best disciples.

The meeting took place on November 7. When, after a brief conversation, the young men were released, Anna asked the mini to stay and began to complain to his position. She said that loyal people I heard that the regent prepares their departure from Russia. Apparently, you will have to leave, but she would like to take with me and the emperor's son, because she as a mother can not part with the baby and throw him on the mercy of fate. Minih in response promised to do everything to protect it from the tyranny of the Biron.

The next morning, Field Marshal again suddenly appeared in the princesses and offered her to arrange a coup and arrest regent. Anna Leopoldovna first pretended to be frightened, and began to refuse, arguing that he could not risk the life of minich and the fate of his family for the sake of solving his own problems. But then the princess allowed Feldmarshal to persuade himself. They decided to do everything in secret, not attracting any other individuals to the state. I could not hesitate not only from fear that their undertaking will be disclosed, but also because the Preobrazhensky regiment, who commanded the minih, was to pass his watch on the protection of the Palaces of the Emperor and Regent to another division. It was necessary to urgently use the favorable moment until the conspirators on legal grounds controlled all the inputs and exits from the biron chambers.

On the same day, the mini with Levwolold dined with Biron. The duke, as if sorry, was thoughtful, and anxiety was reflected on his face. Minch, on the contrary, showed an enviable composure. When Levenwold suddenly unexpectedly asked whether Field Marshal had to take unexpected nightlings during military hiking, he was unaccustomed for a second and immediately replied that he was not remembered, but would never refuse to take advantage of a favorable case. Neither his short confusion nor the ambiguity of the answer at that moment nobody gave meaning.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the minih left the house of Biron and immediately began to give orders for the "emergency night enterprise." At two o'clock, Field Marshal carved an adjutant, lieutenant colonel of Manstein. Together they went to the Winter Palace. Through the wardrobe room of the mini with the adjutant, the princesses of Anna Leopoldovna were held and woke her favorite, Freillina Julia Mengden, since she had round-the-clock access to the prince and princess bedrooms.

Only Anna Leopoldova came to mini. It was determined. Talking with her for a few minutes, the minih caused the guard officers who were in the palace. Anna declared the guardsmen that they were tired of tolerating the offenses and oppressing from the regent and decided to arrest him, having commissioned this business mini. The officers swore throughout their Feldmarshal and help him fulfill the order of the princess. Anna made them all to his hand, and then everyone kissed, baking the oath by this friendly gesture. The guards soldiers who were repeated all the princesses heard in the rest, also expressed their readiness to participate in the coup. Forty people left for the protection of the emperor and his parents, and eighty led to the summer palace, to Biron.

The further development of events is reminded not too foldable written an adventurous novel when heroes everything comes out as if by itself. But it turns out, it sometimes happens in life. Mnyi stopped his squad in two hundred steps from the palace, as it was afraid that Karaul could arrange noise and warn the duke. But the Manstein managed to be surprisingly easily and quickly agree with the guard officers, they even offered their help to conspirators. The minih gave his adjutant officer and twenty soldiers and ordered the arrest of the Biron. Manstein with his small detachment freely penetrated the personal quarters of the duke: the guard missed him, thinking that he was going to the regent with some important message. And here there was an unexpected complexity: Manstein was never in the Biron bedroom and did not know exactly which door leads there. To wake the servants, he did not dare not to raise excess noise. Raduchu Adjutant pushed one of the locked on the key of bivalve doors, whose spinages for a strange chance forgot to snatch, and found himself in the Duccian bedroom. Next, the ugly scene was played.

Biron and his wife firmly slept and woke up only because the Manstein rudely threw a bed of bed and began to talk loudly. Birony at once jumped up and shouted: "Karaul!". At this, Manstein was gladly noticed, which led a lot of guard with him. Duke tried to resist and began to fight with soldiers. But the forces were unequal, the Guardsmen beat the regent very much, broke the shirt on it, so that he remained almost naked. When he was finally twisted, they shouted his mouth with a handkerchief, and his hands were knitted by an officer scarf, then wrapped in a blanket and carried to the guard. The soldier sinel was made here for him to cover nakedness, and in this form they were lucky in the Winter Palace. Biron's wife wanted to run after her husband in one night shirt, but he grabbed her gate one of the soldiers and led to the Manstein with a question, how to be with his wife Regent. Manstein ordered to take her back to the palace, but the soldier was lazy to do it, and he pushed the unfortunate sexed woman into a bunch of snow in the yard (November that year was cold and snowy). There, she saw some guards captain, somehow dressed, he spent into the palace and asked to avoid troubles, not to leave his chambers.

On the same night, the brother of Regent, Gustav Biron, and the loyal Kleper of the Duke Bestuzhev were arrested. Both did not even immediately understand what happened. At six in the morning, the ministers reported Anna Leopoldovna that the conceived successfully happened. Osterman was invited to the Winter Palace, which was reported to the changes. Messenger Welject This time was forced to accept the first role of minich.

Returning home, the mini together with her son immediately compiled a list of awards and new appointments at the court. Princess Anna was announced by the new government instead of the Biron and was awarded the Higher in the Imperial Russia of Andrei First-Called, Prince Anton received the highest military rank of Generalissimus, which he had long dreamed of, the ministers had been appointed for the first minister. They did not know only how to celebrate Osterman, so that the authorities did not give to him, and not offend. Here they remembered that the count has long been talking about the rank of the great admiral, which was calculated for his care for a fleet. This honorable, but not playing any title and decided to reward it. The project was taken to the signature of the princess Anna Leopoldovna, and she all approved.

It was necessary to decide what to do with Biron and his family. Nevertheless, the former regent had a great authority, so no one could unoligantly determine his fate. Anna Leopoldovna, Tsarevna Elizabeth Petrovna, Minih and Osterman gathered in the Winter Palace. At this "small council" decided to send birones to Alexander Nevsky Monastery, and the next day to transport them to the Shlisselburg fortress.

The many months of the biron began. What was not put in the guilt of the duke: and the "capture" of regents, and the negligence of the health of the former empress, and the desire to remove tsarist Familia From Russia, and the oppression of the Russians, and even the fact that he dare to take personal gifts from Anna John. By the aggregate of all these most absurd accusations on April 18, 1741, Biron was sentenced to the death penalty, but was pardoned by the government of Anna Leopoldovna. From Shlisselburg, the duke was sent to the sang, where he was kept under strict supervision in a house specially built for this in the project of the minihath.

The fate of the Biron again began to change for the better only after the government again moved to the youngest branch of the Romanov's house. Elizabeth Petrovna translated him to a free settlement in Yaroslavl. Emperor Peter III invited the Biron for a residence in St. Petersburg and returned to him orders and honorary ranks. Ekaterina II restored the duke on the Kurland throne, having achieved agreement on this Polish king. Biron returned to his native Mitava, but did not find consent there with a local nobility. He spent too frank pro-Russian policy, at the same time tried to limit the privileges of the nobles and facilitate the position of the fortress peasants, patronized by Jews. A few years later, Biron was tired of fighting the Kurneda knighthood and in 1769 he refused the authorities in favor of his son Peter, who was once able to in the groom Anna Leopoldovna. Biron died on December 17, 1772, at the age of 82 years old in Mitava, a much surviving not only his mistress - Empress Anna Ioannovna, but also everyone who deprived him of power, held in the conclusion and link. He was buried with honor, closed in the Andreevian Order of the Mantle, in the Duccian crypt.

But Anna Leopoldova, who carried out a coup and deprived of the Biron of the authorities over Russia, of course, could not assume that fate is entirely of the duke will be much more prosperous than her own. She triumphed victory and was preparing to enjoy her fruits.

On November 9, 1740, Anna Leopoldovna declared himself a government at the young Son-Emperor, and no one against this would objected. There was a distribution of rewards planned by minich, ranks and posts. Many courtiers were forgiven debts and premium amounts from the treasury were paid. Everything seemed to be satisfied. But nevertheless, at the courtyard were skeptics who believed that this coup is unlikely to be latter. If the Princess Anna was solved on this, others will be solved.

Anna Leopoldovna wanted to rule, but she didn't know how to do this. It was difficult to find a person less capable of being regent. The princess was from the nature of the shy, notice, on her face, the expression of eternal gloominess was frozen. In his youth, the Duchess of Ekaterina Ivanovna, more than once scolded her for the uninforcedness. In addition, Anna was young and did not possess the necessary experience in state affairs. Despite the upbringing obtained in the German and Russian courtyards, the princess grew by sputum, showing almost complete negligence to his appearance. Unlike other ladies of the Romanov family, she did not strive for brilliant fun and elegant entertainment, which could provide her new position of the government. She preferred to spend the whole day in his personal rest, unconcessed, tied the disheveled hair with a handkerchief. Her best girlfriend and forever was brought from Germany Freillin Julia Mengden. It was this girl that completely separated the views and the lifestyle of their Mrs. was donated from the Biron and his son seven cafts, shied by silver pose. Practical Julia Personally spagged decorations from clothes and gave them to the smelter. From this silver it turned out four chandahs for candles, six plates and two caskets. In addition, the recent girlfriend has repeatedly given Mengden's significant cash and even presented to her before the execution of Museum Ober-Palen not far from Derpta (now the city of Tartu in Estonia).

This is how the character and lifestyle Anna Leopoldovna described the book "The Kingdom of Women" K. Valishevsky:

"Of all the contemporaries and people close to her, only the son of Field Marshal (mini. - L. S.) attributed to her mental, heart qualities and loyalty to the affairs. Others draw it limited in mental terms and lazy in the physical, the whole day of the pledges for the reading of novels. Only the imagination has evolved early, due to reading. She, however, was very diveged, put the image in all the corners of his rooms, followed everywhere the lamps were lit; And subsequently, in imprisonment, indulged in pious classes, in the community of two singers and decorating ... not like to appear publicly, she reduced Eliko possible court exits, rarely appeared at the receptions and let go most of the employees, in such an abundance of her aunt. In the palace, emptiness and silence soon left. Recents almost did not have noticeably, she did not like to dress and spent usually time before dinner with Julia Mengden. "

Anna Leopoldna gate arranged miniha. He could manage the country from her behalf as the first minister. But he had no support in the government. Yes, and the relationship with Anna began to gradually deteriorate. The minih was heard with brave warriors and a capable commander, but at the same time he was a heavy and boring man, he lacked the gloss and natural agility, which was fully endowed by his competitor Oterman.

Count Osterman, in turn, understood that he could not count on the proximity to Anna Leopoldovna, who still continued to feel a sense of gratitude to mini and was not ready for the change of favorites. He made a bet on her husband, Prince Anton Ulrich. The relations between the spouses were very cool, and in connection with this, the courtyard was divided in two: on supporters of Prince and Princess. Osterman with Prince Anton gradually managed to take away the miniha part of his civil political authority, leaving only the command of the land forces and the supply of the army. And here, in the process of consideration of the case of the Biron, the new circumstances of the participation of mini in the construction of it in re bent were revealed.

Feldmarshal did not stand the nerves, and he made an increasing act - asked the resignation, secretly hoping that she would not be accepted and would begin to persuade to remain, and he would require guarantees and new privileges for himself. But Osterman managed to turn the case so that Anna Leopoldovna signed a decree on the resignation of his first minister, and the minih of overnight turned out to be not.

Miniha did not just fired, insulted him. A decree on the resignation of Field Marshal Prince Anton ordered to read on all squares of the capital under the drum fight. When Anna Leopoldovna learned about it, he sent her apologies to the existence for the tactlessness of her husband. The imperial family did not know what to do with minich. He was afraid to leave in the capital, but also abroad or sent to the province were also afraid. The minih was a strong man, and in the troops he was respected as a brave and fair commander. Some at the courtyard were offered to send it, like other optional temporals, to Siberia, but this did not allow Julia Mengden, which was married to Feld Marshal's sister. The minih remained in the capital, which created a nervous situation in the palace. Just in case, the Palace Guard was doubled, and the Prince and Princess spent the night in new rooms in new rooms so that they could not be captured as quickly as a biron. So it lasted until the minch moved away from the Winter Palace - to the other side of the Neva.

After the fall of the miniha power of Osterman, it became almost unlimited. Some foreign ambassadors even wrote to their governments that at the young and inexperienced prince and the princess Braunschweigic graph now became the "real king of All-Russian". But the position of this "technical sovereign" still remained fragile: he did not trust Russian Veelmazby to him and did not want to completely obey his will. And here on the political horizon, the new favorite, which contemporaries already compared with Biron was also called.

We have already mentioned that Anna Leopoldovna never loved his spouse - Prince Anton Ulrich. Even before the wedding with him, she was passionately in love with the Polish-Saxon Messenger, Graph Linar, a young, educated, graceful, shoegolski dressed and bustled with impeccable manners, which he learned in the service at the Dresden courtyard, who was not inferior to Versailles. Because of this intrigue in 1735, at the request of Anna's empress, John, the handsale-count was withdrawn by his government to his homeland. In 1741, he reappeared in Russia and did not consider it necessary to hide his tender relationship with Anna Leopoldovna. To give him official status at the court, Linar was announced by the fiance of Mengden's Freillana and was awarded the Order of Andrei the First Called. He had to get a resignation from his king in Dresden and entered the Russian service in the rank of Ober-Chamber. In Saxony, he drove 35 thousand rubles, allegedly received from his bride to put them in the Dresden Bank.

Linar was a gentle, had extensive connections in Europe and experience in diplomatic affairs. Such a favorite was dangerous for Osterman, and for Prince Anton, who overnight could lose not only his wife, but and everything else. Therefore, the spouse rejected and while the first state of state began to look for allies in the fight against Anna Leopoldovna and her friends. All of these court passions and intrigues could not serve to strengthen the already fragile throne of the Emperor's infant Ivan Antonovich. In addition, in the heat of the struggle of the throne, the state rulers missed the possibilities of expanding its influence on international affairs. In Europe, the conflict flared around around the inheritance of the last Austrian emperor, in which the Russian Empire could act as an arbitrator and sharply improve their political authority. But the Brownshweig family and Osterman was not before. All their political sweats in the international arena were untimely and unsuccessful. Inside the country, the indignation by the stupid rule of the heirs of the Empress Anna Ioannovna grew. Particularly dissatisfied was the Guard, who turned out to be revealed to the background and had long received no awards or privileges. Guards officers increasingly began to look aside in the direction of the thirty-year-old princes of Elizabeth Petrovna in the mature summer. The imperial family and Osterman noticed the growth of her popularity, but what to do with it, did not know.

Tsarevna (Zesarevna) Elizaveta Petrovna "The daughter of Peter the Great - Long before that, unexpectedly turned out to be an extra person in the imperial family. Her childhood years can be called quite happy. Father allocated her older sister Elizabeth - Tsarevna Anna, but also did not forget the second daughter, there was a gentleman with her and generous, loved to circle her in dance on the court balas, stroking the head and fluttering for the cheek. The sisters were also very close to each other, the difference between them was not two years old. Anna made the impression of a child more serious and intelligent, but Elizabeth was unusually charming: with a pretty leaning, a slender graceful figure, a cheerful temper and a sharp, but not an evil tongue. In the family, everyone called her gentle-mockingly - leaser, and did not think without her participation of any home entertainment. Like many among young novels, all necessary for the secular young lady and the Operations of the Imperial House of Sciences and Arts studied Elizabeth easily, but without much adjacent. Nobody looked at the leaser at the life of the father as a possible contendance for the throne, and she herself didn't think about it - in the life of the emperor's daughter, there are so many pleasures that there is simply time for thinking about something serious.

Cloudless happiness ended with Peter's death. In the eyes of Mother, Empress Ekaterina I, Anna and Elizabeth from beloved daughters quickly turned into unwanted competitors in the struggle for the throne. Catherine undertook every possible way to give both married abroad. It was not so simple, since both princes were born before the conclusion of official marriage between their father and mother. Anna was able to attach the Duke of Schleswig-Golstein-Gottorpsky, and nothing came with Elizabeth. The grooms refused her one by one, and then she herself learned to refuse those marriage with whom her own pride suffered. And after the death of the mother, she was left to her - try to keep her position Slowly the aging princess at the courts of their relatives, one after the other condensed on the throne.

Under the young Emperor Peter II, the life of Elizabeth was quite demolished. She managed to make friends with a nephew and even become necessary for him. Tsarevna had access to many important affairs and had a considerable influence at the courtyard. In addition, the emperor was the most close to her relative - nephew. Anna's sister shortly after his departure to Germany died, and her son Karl Peter Ulrich was another nephew Elizabeth, was still too small and was far away.

It was much worse to her in the reign of Anna John. Elizabeth had to humble his pride and struggle to try not to move the cousin-Empress. That, being generally a clear man, held in relation to her wary, but did not particularly oppose. Anna remembered that the father of Elizabeth - Peter the Great - cost her family very graciously, and her marriage, accompanied by the actual reference to Kurland, was the smallest of the evils, which could have happened to her with it not so favorable emperor. Anna was limited to constant observation of life and connections of his cousin. In the Palace of Elizabeth as an agent of Empress and Feldmarshal Miniha was introduced a progress of the priest who performed the duties of the householder. For the surveillance for printed, special cabidors were hired, which secretly followed her crew during walks around the city and departures to the suburbs. The main thing, from the point of view of Anna Ioannovna, was not allowed to collusion Elizabeth with her little nephew - the Holstet Duke Peter, about whom the Empress has repeatedly used in annoyance: "Thistle in Holstein still lives."

Fortunately, Elizabeth managed to find mutual language With the favorite of Empress Biron. They both needed in each other, so felt all the fragility of their own position under the imperial courtyard and no longer could be reinforced royal family. Biron followed Elizabeth to do not need materially and could maintain a familiar lifestyle with departures to the hunt and the device of home holidays at her small yard.

Elizabeth changed outwardly. She retained the former maidity of the devil, but it was noticeably replenished. True, many contemporaries said that the completeness gives her figure significance, and the magnificent posture acquired over the years only strengthened this impression. Stayed in the past liveliness and greasibility. But the prince's face often covered a friendly smile, immediately disposed of interlocutors. Elizabeth could not know what was under constant supervision. Many Velmazbi politely avoided her so as not to spoil the reputation closeness with the Operal daughter Peter the Great. And Elizabeth herself tried once again not to compromise people familiar to her. She led a modest and fairly secluded lifestyle surrounded by a few court and personal servants.

It is impossible to say that Elizabeth be a complete closer. Periodically, rumors about her next fans and favorites appeared in St. Petersburg. There was nothing special about it. Already from the 2nd half XVII The century Tsariy Yard and the Romanov family through the fingers looked at the fact that unmarried adults princes allow themselves love and even secret marriages with courtiers and live. Some of them did not disperse and close to the yard by commoners. One of them is the court singing Razumovsky, became a truly degree to the heart of Lone Zing Elizabeth, and subsequently, this accumulator brought him to his descendants of the county title.

Alexey Grigorievich Razumovsky (1709-1771) Born in the family of a simple Ukrainian Cossack and turned out to be at the courtyard due to its natural talent - expressive voice and a good musical hearing. He was seen in 1731 among the singers on the pollosy in the small church of the Chernigov village of Chemar, where the messengers of the princes of Elizabeth, who loved church choral singing and everywhere looking for singers for their choir. Razumovsky was beautiful soft southern beauty, he did not have special political abilities and ambitions, was distinguished by some laziness and did not apply for power, unlike the same Biron. Soon he became a chamber of Elizabeth, replacing his predecessor of Schubin, who had fallen into disfavor. After the state coup and the promotion of Elizabeth Petrovna, the imperial throne of Razumovsky was awarded the General and Changerian ranks. In 1756, Empress complained to her lover ranging from Feldmarshala and presented Anichkov Palace in St. Petersburg. The proximity of Alexey Razumovsky to the queen helped make a brilliant career his talented brother Cyril. Having received an education abroad, Cyril Grigorievich Razumovsky traveled a lot in Europe and became one of the cultural people of his time. Upon returning to Russia, he headed the Academy of Sciences, and then became hetman in Ukraine.

Alexey Grigorievich Razumovsky was happy with his relationship with Elizabeth and did not interfere with others to do court careers. It was said that he had only one disadvantage - he was "rejected in Hmly." But this sin under the Russian court could not be surprised, neither shock, therefore everything, including Elizabeth himself, treated him condescendingly. Razumovsky was in all agree with his beloved, always conquered her will, which deserves the special trust of the princes. Some sources argue that Razumovsky was not just a lover Elizabeth, but also her morganotic spouse (allegedly they secretly married). His loyalty and devotion of the princess, and then the Empress, he has repeatedly proved the word and the case.

The sons of the former associates of her father were among the closest Elizabeth of people: Alexander Ivanovich Brothers and Peter Ivanovich Shuvalov, Mikhail Larionovich Vorontsov. They served as Tsarevna as true as their fathers once served Peter the Great. Perhaps their friendship was not quite disinterested: without having received anything from the existing power, they hoped to make a career in the event of the elevation of their patroness. But at least Elizabeth could rely on them and hoped that their advice would serve her for good.

But the most devoted friend of the owned princess was her personal doctor Johann Herman Lestro. This German came to Russia even in the reign of Peter, but it turned out to be in the Siberian reference to a denunciation of "careless circulation" with a daughter of one of the courtiers. The Lest was returned from Siberia Catherine I, after which he brought him closer to himself, apparently feeling a reliable and grateful person in him. The medic possessed a whole set of useful qualities: energy, cheerful temper, the ability to lead a conversation and start the right links. Lests deftly and without difficulty collected the necessary information, he has always been aware of all court rumors, gossip and secrets. LESTOOL was friends with many ingenians at the court of Anna John, but always observed the interests of the princes. When the minih promised to the doctor all the benefits for private denunciations at Elizavet, he managed politely, but categorically refuse such dubious honor.

After the death of Anna, Ioannovna Elizabeth was able to sigh freer. New rulers - Brownshweiggers were too busy with each other in order to pay serious attention to the princess. But at the same time she stopped giving money to deprive the opportunities to maintain their supporters. Elizavet began to regret in society. While her cousin niece Anna Leopoldovna intrigued Anton Ulrich's own husband and their family scandals became increasingly becoming the property of all the world, the opaired princess served as a model of decent behavior. Sad and magnifying, she occasionally was on official celebrations and gradually from the victim of circumstances turned into the eyes of contemporaries into the symbol of the unfairly rejected sovereign - "Mother Elizaveta".

The princess Elizabeth Petrovna was especially popular in Guard. It was rumored that with the overthrow of the Biron, many Guardsmen thought that the Empress would be Elizabeth, and were, to put it mildly, surprised by the proclamation of the regen of Anna Leopoldovna. The love of Guards officers and soldiers to his own Person Tsarevna diligently and skillfully supported. She never refused when married guards people asked her to baptize their newborns, and then installed almost related relations with their Kumany. Elizabeth often spent the night in her Smolny, or Smolyan, yard, who were located near the barracks, and here took the Guards soldiers and officers. Evil languages \u200b\u200bunder the imperial courtyard were shuffling that the princesses had Assembly for the lower ranks of the Preobrazhensky regiment. Prince Anton with Osterman was strongly worried about the friendship of Elizabeth with Guardsmen, but Anna Leopoldovna, who was enthusiastically carried by the device of his love affairs, shook his rumors about it, as from annoying flies, considering all this than the old Virgin.

Political prospects for the daughter of Peter the Great finally seriously interested in foreign ambassadors: French, English and Swedish. The governments of these countries were unhappy that Russia, with Anna Leopoldovna, was still trying to climb into European affairs on old memory. For some reason, abroad believed that Elizabeth would return the country to the Dopeprovskaya Starne with her slow internal life and indifference k external issues, not directly touching it. Inros ambassadors began to make efforts to incline princess to the state coup. Sweden even began a war against Russia, one of whose goals was supposedly desire to build a thirteenth-year-old Duke of the Holstein Karl Peter Ulrich to the throne.

Elizabeth herself herself all the time. She then gave promises to his foreign allies, then took them back. She did not have a faithful and decisive man who could lead the goal of guard at the assault of the bedrooms Anna Leopoldovna and her spouse. True, the servants in the Winter Palace chatted that one day the Minich retired Feld Marshal came to Tsarevna, and she was ready to repeat the same maneuver who provided the transfer of power to her cousin, but Elizabeth refused his services, stating that she would decide that she would decide that To do it. But for independent actions, Elizabeth Petrovna lacked either energy or will. ThirtyDead-old, not by age, filling and stunned from the forced idleness of the princess, the least imagined himself as Amazon in the helmet rushing at the head of the armed detachment to the Winter Palace to overthrow his distant relatives from the throne.

But the Braunschweig family itself provoked Elizabeth and her environment for decisive actions. In July 1741, the faithful Tsarevna Guardsmen were treated with rumors that she was wanted to marry Prince Louis, his native brother Anton Ulrich. Louis Braunschweigsky was referred to the vacant the throne of the Duke of Kurlyandia. Anna Leopoldovna wanted to kill two hares at once with this marriage. On the one hand, she would repeat the trick previously done by Peter the Great with her aunt Anna Ivanovna: the marriage would automatically delete Elizabeth from Russia to Kurland and at least in the near future would deprive the prince of the opportunity to claim the imperial crown. On the other hand, Elizavet Petrovna with his family with double kinship bonds and could appeal both to the conscience of the princess itself and to public opinion, in case of attempts from her part of the throne, occupied by Ivan Antonovich, who turned out to be in a double role - nephew and cousin grandson Challenger. But the Matrimonial Plans of the Government failed. Elizabeth stated that he was never going to get married at all. Anna Leopoldovna, then just giving birth to the daughter of Catherine and who did not leave his bedroom on this occasion, tried to press on the cousin through the courtesy, but they refused to participate in such a delicate matter.

Equally unsuccessfully ended the project with the issuance of Elizabeth marriage to the French Prince Conti. Allegedly with such a proposal to her, the wife of the court painter Karavakka appeared. But when this began to ask the French Ambassador Marquis Ioachim Jean Shetardi, Trytti, Tsarevna replied that it was an empty hearing. Consider other options after the decisive failure of Prince Louis Brownschweigsky and statements that she will never marry it, it would be extremely careless and offensively in relation to Anna John and Anton Ulrich.

Then Elizabeth began to hint that as an unmarried Maiden (secret marriage with Razumovsky was not needed), she didn't need it at the courtyard, and she could take her in the nun, remembering the old tradition of the royal family. In response, Tzarevna has intensified its secret intercourse with foreign ambassadors and agents of European governments. Some of these contacts was traced by the beastned Anna Leopoldna. The scandal in the family of Romanov became inevitable. To clarify the relationship, only a reason was needed.

Such was the emergence of Swedish manifest, intentionally left by soldiers in one of the Finnish villages. In Manifesto, it was said that the Swedes were fighting with Russia not from considerations of their own benefits, and in the name of the restoration of justice, the liberation of Russians from the Zasille of Inomes and the construction of Russian blood to the throne. Osterman and Prince Anton flashed. The document was clearly inspired by the friends of Elizabeth Petrovna. In the capital, there were no rumors for a long time that instead of the infant Ivan the throne will soon take his cousin Dyutnushka from Holstein - the native grandson of Peter the Great, who was just three years left, and in Russia, an independent emperor will appear again, without any regent and regent. Otherwise, the throne can not even get to the children of Anton Ulrich, and the children of Anna Leopoldovna, born on her love relationship with Linar, and the country will not manage the Romanovs themselves, but their bastards.

Osterman and Prince Anton took urgent measures to ensure that the text of the Manifesta does not apply to the people. They reported on everything to the government. Anna Leopoldovna first, as always, wanted to dismiss, but then decided yet to call Elizabeth Petrovna on a frank conversation.

On Monday, November 23 in the Winter Palace was one of the usual kurtggov (techniques). Marquis Shetardi drew attention to the fact that Anna Leopoldovna looked gloomily ordinary and walked around the hall around the hall. Then he retired in a secluded room and caused Elizabeth there. After some time, Tsarevna came out, her traces of strong excitement were read on her face.

Anna Leopoldovna demanded from Elizabeth to stop meetings from Shetardi, who wanted to send from the country. Tsarevna replied that Osterman as the first minister should order the French ambassador to do not see her, as she herself does not dare to declare such things to be a respected foreigner. The annoyed with the fact that she will be reserved, the government began to speak with Elizabeth with a lading tone, she also raised his voice. Anna stated that it became aware of the relations of the princesses with the enemy army and the political intrigues of her Lestok. Elizabeth Petrovna denied everything. Anna Leopoldovna promised in the presence of evidence to arrest the Lestok and undergo his interrogation. Both ladies were extremely annoyed and dissatisfied with the results of the conversation.

It was the first serious meal of Elizabeth with a government. She opened the prince of all the danger of her position. If it is arrested the clips and torture it, it is difficult to say whether he can save their shared secrets, and then the monastery and the link will be inevitable. Elizabeth decided to act. She still did not know that she had less days left for the last reflections.

On another day, on November 24, in the first hour of the day, the barracks of all Guards regiments received a government order to prepare for a quick trip to Finland against the Swedes. But surrounded by Elizabeth Petrovna immediately realized that it was only an excuse. In fact, the guard wants to lead away from the capital to leave princess without any support. Vorontsov, Razumovsky, Shuvalov and Lests began to eat and began to insist that she immediately, with the help of the Guardsmen, made a coup, otherwise everything could happen to her anything.

Elizabeth oscillated. She was never a desperate adventurer. But her attempts to submit to their associates all the danger of this venture did not lead to anything, they stood on their own. Vorontsov in order to strengthen the spirit of the princes, said that such a matter requiring a considerable courage can only be carried out, bound by blood bonds with Peter Great. LESTOK, who was afraid of a quick arrest, demanded immediately send for the Grenadiers and lead them to the Winter Palace. Much later, the Court Liebe Medic claimed that it was he who managed to finally convince Elizabeth. On two playing cards from the deck lying on the table, he painted two pictures. One of them portrayed the princess in the monastery, where she cuts her hair and turn into a nun, and the other - her on the throne in the imperial crown and surrounding the jaming crowd. LESTOK suggested Elizabeth to choose one of two cards and on this to complete the prosperity. She resolutely chose the second and expressed the readiness to head the detachment of the Guardians.

Finally sent over the Grenadier officers. Those came to the princess at night, between 11 and 12 hours, and they themselves suggested to immediately carry out a coup, as they can be sent to a campaign, and then they would not help her anything. Elizabeth asked if she could rely on them, and the Grenadiers swore to her in loyalty and devotion to the end, no matter how much circumstances were. Tsarevna cried and ordered her one. Having kneel, she prayed before the icon. There is a legend that at that time she swore to himself and God never sign the death sentences. After the prayer of Elizabeth, he left the officers with a cross in her hands and led them to the oath. Tsarevna promised soon to personally appear in the barracks and the tale of the soldiers to the palace.

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