Demons who is the author. Dostoevsky "Demes" - Analysis

The decisive intensive impetus for the creation of the novel "Demes" (1871-1872) served as the so-called "Nechaev". Staying at the end of 1869 abroad, Dostoevsky drew attention to the note in the Moscow Vedomosti:

"We inform that yesterday, November 25, two peasants, passing in the remote place in the garden of the Petrovskaya Academy, near the entrance to the grotto, they have noticed a hat, Basholyk and Cubin; from the grotto, bloody traces of Right leaving the pond, where the body of the dead, gloomy A black strap and in a babber ... There are also two brick-related bricks and even the end of the rope. "

From subsequent messages, the newspaper turned out: we are talking On the murder of the listener of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, the five members of the secret society "People's Railway" headed by his head of Sergei Gennadevich Nechaev.

The program of an illegal organization provided for the undermining of state power, Christian religion, social establishments, moral owners. The goal is the implementation of anarcho-revolutionary transformations in Russia. For this, Nechaev created several fives who consisted mainly from students.

Achieving the tasks assumed a strict obedience to the head. Participants bonded the use of any, the most immoral and robbery, mutual spying and bloody revenge.

The factological basis of "demons" amounted to: political prerequisites, organizational principles of society "People's Spravel", features of the personality of Sergey Nechayev, his activities, the circumstances of the ideological murder.

Dostoevsky was important not only to reveal the content and meaning of the current event, but also to identify its origin, to determine the nutrient soil for such ideological practices.

The murder of the student once again resurrected in the consciousness of the writer's memories of youth. In a circle of Petrashevsky, he himself was fond of theories of utopian socialism and, according to his own recognition, was internally ready for a similar act:

"Nechay, probably, I would never have done, but Nechaev, I could not pass, maybe it could ... in the days of my youth."

The artistic intent of the novel, according to Dostoevsky himself, was as follows:

"I wanted to put a question, and how much it is clearer, in the form of a novel to give an answer on it: how in our transitional and amazing modern society it is possible not to happen, and Nechaev, and how it can happen that these Nechaev are gaining at the end of Nechaev." .

The ideological and artistic design of "demons" demanded such an image of a single event so that the main development trends reflected in it. modern societyThe relationship of the present with the past and the future was revealed, there would be a hardly catchy transitions high to low.

Disclosure of images

Dostoevsky emphasized that in his work there are no real "portraits or literal reproduction of nonpectable history." It was important for him to create a type of a pseudo-monuiteer, who could not at all resemble the real Nechaeva, but who had to fully comply with the perfect villain.

In the image of Peter Verkhovensky and his accomplices, in their thoughts and actions, the true appearance and real motives of the behavior of imaginary wrestlers for a fair reorganization of society are conventional and convex.

Dostoevsky shows how the boomerang can turn around and turns around the nihilistic desire to destroy the most social forms and establishments through which from the century to the century, from generation to generation, and these values \u200b\u200bwere transmitted, ideals, traditions.

Militant, the lack of a family focus and the main occupation, superficial education, ignorance of the people and its history - these and similar spiritual and psychological prerequisites form "the mind without soil and without connections - without a nation and without the necessary case," corruptively act on the soul.

As a result the main character The novel "Demes" Peter Verkhovlensky was unable to understand the noble and "idealistic" dimensions of life, but his "little mind" well learned how the weaknesses of human nature (sentimentality, kindness, fear of their own opinion and original thinking can be used).

People for Peter Verkhovlensky are a kind of "material to be organized" for some vague progress.


The ministry of mankind in the theory, which are busy in the novel and "Babelyat", in fact turns into spiritual and physical destruction. At the heart of such a ministry - a contemptuous separation of people at the right "geniuses" and a powerless "crowd."

For example, Schugallev offers "in the form of a final permission of the question - the division of humanity into two unequal parts. One tenth share gets the freedom of personality and the limitless right over the other nine tits. The same should lose the personality and seek it seems like in a herd and with limitless obedience to achieve a number of rebirths. Primitive innocence, it seems like a primitive paradise, though, however, will work ... ".

Lyamshin would like to somewhat transform a methodical despotism Schugalev to speed up the final permission of the question: "And I would instead of paradise ... I would take these nine tenths of mankind, if nowhere to go with them, and blew them into the air, but only a bunch people who were educated, who began to live-wear a scientist ... "

The worst thing is that these ideas are obsessed with not only theorists, the so-called ideologists of the "scientist" and "progressive" life. The "muddy" influence of this principle of "universal destruction for good definitive purposes" is fascinating to fall behind the fashion and send other novel characters with retrograd.

The father of the main "demon" Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky wonders:

"Why all these desperate socialists and communists at the same time and such incredible miser, acquirers, owners, and even so that the more he is a socialist, the further went, the stronger the owner. Why is it?"

The fact is that the Verkhovensky senior does not understand the laws on which the humanistic ideas are reduced and reborn by them themselves.

"You can not imagine, what sadness and anger covers all your soul when the great idea, you have long been holy prime, pick up inept and pull out to the same fools, like themselves, outside, and you suddenly meet it already on Intelligent, unrecognizable, in the mud, supplied ridiculous, an angle, without proportion, without harmony, a toy at stupid guys! No! Nowadays it was not so, and we didn't seem to it. "

Stepan Timofeevich himself most pronounced in the novel the collective features of Russian Westerners and type features of the worldview, the mindset and the psychological warehouse "Liberals-idealists" of the 1840s.

The external and inner appearance, thoughts, feelings, desires of Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovlensky are peculiar, on the one hand, hill, nobility, "something beautiful is generally", and on the other - some kind of disadvantage, neociality, halfness. He is a brilliant lecturer, but the historical topics abstracted from life, the author of the poem "with a shade of the highest meaning," however, only "between two lovers and one student". Verkhovensky-Sr. was going to enrich the science and some studies, but the good intentions of the intelligent and darisy scientist went away, as they say, in the sand of the semi-dasy.

For the Verkhovensky father, the native country "is too a great misunderstanding to allow us to solve it, without the Germans and Labor."

According to Dostoevsky, the lack of understanding of Russia, its historical achievements and spiritual values, unconditional imitation of the West without analyzing everyone (not only positive, but also negative) the consequences of the consequences created favorable conditions for both the borrowing of "short" and foggy ideas and subsequent decline .

At the end of the novel, the ironic lighting of the image of the Verkhovensky-Sr. is complemented by dramatic intonations when he goes into the "last wandering", aware of the tragic cutoff of his generation from the people and its spiritual values, seeks to penetrate the innermost path of the Gospel. In the very possibility of such "wandering", the writer sees the key to the genuine revival of his hero, trusts him by the author's interpretation of the novel epigraph, invests the thought of the Apostolic Message on Love as a powerful strength and the "wedge of being."

Thus, Dostoevsky also suggests such a way out of the undefined generosity of the "pure and ideal" westerity of "fathers", although in reality "the supremacy" turned out to be on the side of the trends of the "unclean" nihilism of "children". By the way, the surname of heroes itself carries a completely definite semantic load in the work. In the notebook, the author notes that the father constantly "dives with the Sul Supreme."

In one of the letters, Dostoevsky emphasized that although the Nechaev history and its generalized-pamphlet image are in the foreground of the novel, all this is nevertheless "only an accessory and a situation" actions really the main character.

In the representation of the writer, a foolless nihist, his "team" and "fans" not only acquire a nutritional environment in undumminated ideas and unfinished theories, but also find support and justification in the depths of the consciousness of the so-called "unnecessary", celebrating, suffering from the lack of genuine people. .

True "supersening" in "Beams" - Nikolay Stavrogin. This is a certain limit, pool and polemical expression of Onegin-Pechorinsky type of personality.

The main destructive consequence of the rupture of the highest layer of society with the "soil" and "land" Dostoevsky considered the loss of living ties with traditions and legends that preserve the atmosphere of the immediate Christian faith. The image of Stavrogina as if thickens and exposes the results of the situation of the modern world in which, if you use famous words Nietzsche, "God died." According to Dostoevsky, Stavrogin takes "sufferer convulsive efforts to upgrade and start to believe again."

Stavrogina's heart is desired and makes it incapable of sincere faith. At the same time, it perfectly understands that without the "completeness of faith" and, accordingly, absolute understanding, human existence acquires a comic shade and loses genuine rationality. Therefore, Stavrogin is trying to extract faith "otherwise", by his mind, reasonable. But this "self-deviable mind knife" (I. Kireevsky) takes it further from the desired goal.

As a result, the Stavrogin turned out to be as if crucified (his surname itself comes from the Greek word σταυρός - cross) between the immense thirst for the Absolute and as the immeasurable impossibility of achieving it.

Dostoevsky recognized that she took Stavrogina not only from the surrounding reality, but also from his own heart, because his faith passed through the bitterness of the most severe doubts and denials.

Unlike its creator, Stavrogin, however, turned out to be organically unable to overcome the tragic generation and gain at least some fill in the emptiness of the soul "completeness".

In the "writer's diary" Dostoevsky wrote that without faith in the immortality of the soul and the eternal life of the human being, nation, all of humanity becomes unnatural, unthinkable, unbearable: "Only with faith in his immortality, a person comprehends his whole reasonable goal on earth. Without The convictions in their immortality of the human connection are riveted with the Earth, become thinner, rot, and the loss of the highest meaning of life undoubtedly leads to the suicide. "

Dostoevsky shows that the "fire in the minds" captivates after the "rapid people" not only any "bastard", "flibusers" and "buffet personalities". He discovered with deep regret that during the time of shocks and change, doubt and denials in monstrous public atrocities are involved and ingenious, pure hearts. "That's the horror that we can make the most dirty and frozen act, without being sometimes a bastard! .."

The absence of a native spiritual and moral rod and a truly great start of life determine, according to the logic of the author, the formation of an incomplete, unfinished, ill-diminished person capable of ambiguous action.

Without perfect personalities there can be no perfect society.

And the Verkhovensky-Father asks the Son in the next bewilderment: "Yes, do you really have such as it is, you wish people instead of Christ?"

The question of Stepan Timofeevich, the author considered as the main problem, from which the future of Russia and all mankind depends on the decision and which in its own way is placed in an epilogue. A series of large and small catastrophes in the last part of the work is completed by cold-rational suicide Stavrogin, as if the romance cringe the artistic perspective into a hopeless apocalyptic circle.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel

But it was in the loss of new ideals, great thoughts, in the absence of higher consciousness, higher development, the highest meaning, the highest life objects, in the disappearance of the "highest types" around Dostoevsky saw the roots and the main cause of spiritual diseases of his century. "Why are we rubbish?" - He asked and answered: "There is nothing great." And not by education, not an external culture and secular gloss, not scientific and technical achievements, but only the "exciting of the highest interests" you can rebuild the deep structure of egoistic thinking.

In the presentation of the writer, the choice of the path of all mankind is associated with spiritual fitting, an increase in light and love in the shower special personality. The creative experience of the "demons" teaches everywhere and in everything to look for the moral center, the scale of values \u200b\u200bthat leads the thoughts and the actions of people to determine which, dark or light, the parties of the human soul are based on different phenomena of life. Speaking of its work and dramatic searches of modern youth, Dostoevsky emphasized:

"To sacrifice and everyone for truth is the national line of generation. God bless him and gave him an understanding of the truth. For the whole question is that what is considered for the truth. In order to be written.


Karen Stepanyan. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. // Encyclopedia for "Avanta +" children. Volume 9. Russian literature. Part one. M., 1999.

B.N. Tarasov. Eternal warning. // Fedor Dostoevsky. Demons. M., 1993. P. 5-26.

N.I. Yakushin. FM Dostoevsky in life and work: tutorial For schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. M.: Russian word, 2000

Year of writing:


Time reading:

Description of the work:

The novel "demons" was published in 1872. This is one of the most politicized novels of Dostoevsky. The plot of the work was based on the events that occurred in 1869, when a student was killed by revolutionary.

The novel was shielded several times. Below you will find a summary of the demon novel.

The action of the novel occurs in the provincial city of early autumn. The events narrate the chronicle Mr., who is also a member of the categories described. His story begins with the history of Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovlensky, the idealist of the forties, and the descriptions of his complex platonic relations with Barbarus of Petrovnnaya becoming a rogue, the notable provincial lady, the patronage of which he enjoys.

Around the Verkhovensky, who loved the "civilian role" and the living "embodied ukrusive", the local liberal youth is grouped. There are a lot of "phrases" and poses, but there is also enough mind and insight. He was the educator of many heroes of the novel. First, beautiful, now he slowed down somewhat, frozen, plays cards and does not refuse himself in champagne.

Nikolai Stavrogina's arrival is expected, an extremely "mysterious and nomanic" personality, which has a lot of rumors. He served in the elite guards regiment, shot on a duel, was demolished, he drove. Then it is known that he snatched, started to the very wild detachment. Having traveled four years ago in your hometown, he hurt a lot, causing a universal indignation: I pulled Gaganov's respectful man for the nose, hurt the ear of the Governor's ear, it took someone else's wife ... In the end, everything as it was explained by white hot. Recovery, Stavrogin went abroad.

His mother Varvara Petrovna Stavrogina, a decisive and powerful woman, concerned about his son to her pupil, Darius Shatov and interested in his marriage with a daughter of a friend Liza Tochechina, decides to marry his ward of Stepan Trofimovich to Darya. That in some horror, although not without inspiration, is preparing to make an offer.

In the cathedral at Lunch to Varvar Petrovna, Marya Timofeevna Lebykina, she is chromium, and kisses her hand. The intrigued lady, who received a recent Anonymous letter, was reported that in her fate there will be a serious role to play a serious role, invites her to himself, and the Lisa Tushina is riding with them. There is already waiting for agitated Stepan Trofimovich, since his walling to Darius is scheduled for this day. Soon, the captain Lebykin arrived here and arrived at the sister, in the foggy speeches of which, interfering with poems of his own essay, a certain terrible mystery And hints at some special rights.

Suddenly announce the arrival of Nikolai Stavrogina, who was expected only in a month. First, a fussy Peter Verkhovensky appears, and behind him already the pale and romantic handsome Stavrogin itself. Varvara Petrovna with the move asks son's question, whether Marya Timofeevna is his legitimate wife. Stavrogin silently kisses his hand with his mother, then Lebykina is noble for his hand and leads her. In his absence, Verkhovensky reports a beautiful story about how Stavrogin inspired a beautiful dream, so that she even imagined him with his fiancé. Immediately, he strictly asks Lebyadkin, is it true, and the captain, trembled from fear, confirms everything.

Varvara Petrovna is delighted and when her son appears again, asks him for forgiveness. However, unexpected happens: the rogue is suddenly suddenly approached and gives him a slap. Fearless Stavrogin in anger enough of him, but immediately suddenly removes his hands behind his back. As it turns out later, this is another testimony of it. huge power, one more test. Shatov freely coming out. Lisa Tushina, clearly not indifferent to the "Prince Harry", as the Stavrogina is called, faints.

It takes eight days. Stavrogin does not accept anyone, and when his recovery ends, Peter Verkhovensky is immediately slipped towards him. He seizes the readiness for everything for Stavrogina and reports secret societyAt the meeting of which they should appear together. Soon after his visit, Stavrogin goes to the Kirillov engineer. The engineer for which Stavrogin means a lot, reports that still confesses his idea. Her essence - in the need to get rid of God, which is nothing but; "The pain of fear of death," and declare a habitat, having killed himself and thus becoming humanbow.

Then Stavrogin rises to the Sato-Wu living in the same house, which reports that truly some time ago in St. Petersburg officially married Lebykina, as well as his intention in the near future to publicly announce it. He generously warns Shatov that he was going to kill him. Shatov, on which Stavrogin, previously had a huge impact, reveals his new idea About the people of God, what the Russian people believe, advises to throw wealth and Menietary work to achieve God. True, on the counter question, and whether he himself believes in God, Shatov is somewhat uncertain that he believes in Orthodoxy, to Russia, that he ... will believe in God.

The same night, Stavrogin is heading toward Lebyadkin and on the way there is a runaway Fedka of the religious, sent to him by Peter Verkhovlensky. He seizes the willingness to fulfill for the fee of any will of the Barin, but Stavrogin drives him. Headkin, he reports that he was going to declare his marriage with Marya Timofeevna, on which he married "... after drunk lunch, because of betting on wine ...". Marya Timofeevna meets the Stavrogina story about ominous dream. He asks her, whether she is ready to leave with him to Switzerland and there it is secluded to live the remaining life. An outrageous chromium shouts that Stavrogin is not a prince that her prince, clear falcon, was replaced, and he is an impostor, he has a knife in his pocket. Accompanied by its screech and laughter, roving Stavrogin is retracted. On the way back, he throws Fedka religious money.

The next day there is a duel of Stavrogina and the local nobleman Artemy Gaganov, which caused him for insulting the Father. The boiling malice of Gaganov shoots three times and misses. Stavrogin declares that he does not want to kill anyone more, and shovels three times in the air. This story is very raising Stavrogina in the eyes of society.

Meanwhile, in the city there were frivolous moods and a tendency to a different kind of blasphemous fun: the mockery of newlyweds, desecration of the icons, etc. In the province, fierce fires, generating rumors about arson, find the proclamation in different places, silence somewhere , there are dissatisfaction with the workers of the closed factory of stepgulate, a sidewayer, without making the commander's reversal, rushes on him and bites over his shoulder, and before that two images were chopped up and church candles were lit to the compositions of the Fokhta, Mesmahhott and Buchner ... A holiday is being prepared in this atmosphere Subscription in favor of the governess, the wife of the governor of Julia Mikhailovna.

Varvara Petrovna, insulted by too obvious desire to Stepan Trofimovich marry him too frank letters to the son of Peter with complaints that he, they say, want to marry "on other people's sins", appoints him a pension, but at the same time announces a break.

Junior Verkhovensky at this time develops violent activities. It is allowed to house to the governor and enjoys the patronage of his wife Yulia Mikhailovna. She believes that he is associated with revolutionary motion, and dreams of revealing with its help state plot. On a date with the governor, Von Lembke, an extremely concerned about what is happening, Verkhovlensky skillfully gives him several names, in particular Shatov and Kirillov, but at the same time he asks him six days to reveal the entire organization. Then he runs to Kirillov and Shatov, notifying them about the collection of "ours" and asking for, after which it comes to the Stavrogan, who has just visited Mauritius Nikolayevich, the groom Lisa Tochina, with a proposal, so that Nikolay Vsevolodovich marry her, because she even And hates him, but at the same time loves. Stavrogin is recognized to him that it cannot be done in any way, since he is already married. Together with Verkhovlensky, they go to the secret meeting.

At the meeting, there is a gloomy Shugalev with its program "final issue issue". Its essence in the division of mankind into two unequal parts, of which one tenth gets freedom and limitless right over the rest of nine tits, turned into a herd. Then Verkhovensky offers a provocative question if the meeting would be conveyed if they found out about the outlined political murder. Suddenly rises the shots and, calling the Verkhovlensky of the Scound and Spy, leaves the meeting. This is necessary, Peter Stepanovich, who has already scheduled the Shatov for the victims, so that the "five educated revolutionary group" five "is bleeding. Verkhovensky is linked to the rendered stavogne together with Kirillov and in fever devotes them to their insane designs. His goal is to put a big confusion. "The routine will go, which world has not yet seen ... Rus will be blown up, the land will pay for the old gods ..." then he will need, Stavrogin. Handsome and aristocrat. Ivan Tsarevich.

[Stavrogin visits Tikhon's bishop in the monastery and is recognized by the Holyman, which is subject to hallucinations in which he is "some kind of evil creature," and what believes in the demon, believes canonically. He reads him his terrible confession about the seduction of the girl of Matreshi, who soon ended with him, and claims that he is going to spread his confession and thereby repeating in many ways. Tikhon offers him another way - the humility of his own pride, because confessing it, although it testifies to the need for repentance and thirst for martyrdom, there is at the same time a challenge. Another Tikhon predicts: before promuling his confession and to avoid this, Stavrogin rushes "to a new crime, as in the outcome"].

Events are growing as snowball. Stepan Trofimovich "describe" - officials come and take the paper. Workers from the Spigulinsky Factory send as collaborators to the governor, which causes the lembkea to the lembkea attack of rage and is outstanding almost for the riot. He falls under the hot hand of the city holder and Stepan Trofimovich. Immediately after this, in the governor's house, the announcement of Stavrogina also takes place in the minds that Lebyadkin is his wife.

The long-awaited day of the holiday comes. The nail of the first part is the reading of his farewell writer "Merci", and then the accusatory speech of Stepan Trofimovich. He passionately protects Raphael and Shakespeare from Nihilists. He is hung, and he, whitening everyone, is proudly removed from the scene. It becomes known that Lisa Tushina has moved in broad daylights suddenly from his carriage, leaving Mauritius Nikolayevich there, Stavrogina's carriage and rigged his estate. The nail of the second part of the holiday is "kadril literature", the ugly-caricature allegorical action. Governor and his wife beside himself from indignation. It is here that the district is burning, allegedly registered with Spigulinsky, a little later becomes known about the murder of Captain Lebykina, his sisters and maid. The governor rides a fire where the log drops on it.

In the squawsticks. Meanwhile, Stavrogin and Lisa Tushina together meet morning. Lisa intends to leave and trying to vulnerate Stavrogina in every way, which, on the contrary, is in an uncharacteristic sentimental mood for him. He asks why Lisa came to him and why it was "so much happiness." He invites her to leave together that she perceives with a mockery, although in some moment his eyes suddenly light up. Indirectly in their conversation pops up and the theme of the murder - so far only a hint. At this moment, the omnipresent Peter Verkhovensky appears. He reports the Stavrogin Details of the murder and fire in Zarechye. Lisa Stavrogin says that he did not kill and was against, but he knew about the preparing murder and did not stop. In hysterics, she leaves the Stavroginsky house, nearby her devoted Mauritius Nikolayevich, sitting nearby under the rain. They are sent to the place of murder and meet on the road Stepan Trofimovich, running, according to him, "from delight, hot sleep,<…> Search Russia<…>" In a crowd, near the Russian Lisa, they will find out as the "Stavroginskaya", since the rumor was already swept, that the case is started with stavogne to get rid of his wife and take another. Someone from the crowd beats her, she falls. Starting Mauritius Nikolayevich dares too late. Lisa is worn still alive, but unconscious.

And Peter Verkhovensky continues to bother. He collects the five and declares that the denunciation is preparing. Donkey - Shatov, you must certainly remove. After some doubts agree that the common cause is most important. Verkhovensky, accompanied by Liputer, goes to Kirillov to recall the agreement on which he should, before committed with him, in accordance with his idea, take on someone else's blood. Kirillov in the kitchen sits drinking and snacking fed. In the anger Verkhovlensky snags the revolver: how could he disobey and appear here? Fedka unexpectedly beats Verkhovensky, he falls unconscious, Fedka runs away. Witness this scene Liputyne Verkhovensky declares that Fedka in last time drank vodka. In the morning it really becomes known that Fedka was found with a barred head in seven versts from the city. Liputin, already gathered to escape, no longer doubts the secret power of Peter Verkhovensky and remains.

To the Shatov, the same evening came the wife of Marya, who threw it after two weeks of marriage. She is pregnant and asks temporary refuge. A little later, a young officer Erkel from "Ours" comes to him and reports about tomorrow's meeting. At night, the wife of Shatov begins childbirth. He runs for the obstetrician virgin and then helps her. He is happy and makes new labor life with his wife and child. Exhausted, the shuts fall asleep in the morning and awaken the scarce. Erkel comes behind him, together they are sent to the Stavrogin Park. There are already waiting for Verkhrenovsky, Virginsky, Lyputin, Lyamshin, Tolkachenko and Schugalow, who suddenly categorically refuses to take part in the murder, because it contradicts his program.

Shatov attacked. Verkhovlensky shot from the revolver to the focus kills him. Two large stones are tied to the body and thrown into the pond. Verkhovlensky hurries to Kirillov. That, though it is indiguing, however, the promise performs - writes a note under the dictation and takes guilty for the murder of Shatov, and then shoots. Verkhovensky collects things and leaves for St. Petersburg, from there abroad.

After going to its last wandering, Stepan Trofimovich dies in the peasant hut in the hands of the barbarians of Petrovna in his arms. Before his death, a casual fellow traveler, whom he tells his whole life, reads him the gospel, and he compares the obsessed, from which Christ expels the demons entering pigs, with Russia. This passage from the Gospel is taken by a chronicle one of the epigraphs to the novel.

All participants in the crime, in addition to Verkhovlensky, were soon arrested, issued by Lyamshin. Daria Shatova receives a confession letter Stavrogina, who admits that from him "<…> One negation was resulted, without any generosity and without any strength. " He calls Daria with him to Switzerland, where he bought a small house in Canton Uri to settle there forever. Daria gives a read letter to Varvar Petrovna, but then both will learn that Stavrogin suddenly appeared in Schwershiks. They rush there and find a "citizen of Canton Uri" hanged in mezzanine.

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Please note that the brief content of the "demons" novel does not reflect the full picture of the events and characteristics of the characters. We recommend to read you full version Works.

This is one of the most conceptual books of the Great Classic. In our deep conviction, every adult man should make him read it and understand. It is fundamentally important - to realize the nature of manipulating people and know that this evil should be opposed. Many readers see the valid gift in how they wrote Dostoevsky "demons". It is amazing that this novel displaced both today's problems, post-industrial, information society.

Dostoevsky penetrately shows the main threat to society of the future - the substitution of the eternal concepts of progress, harmony and mercy on unnatural, demonic.

The historical basis for creating a novel

Noticing something more, infernal in the society of Russia, could not take a feather F. M. Dostoevsky. "Demons" - the fruit of his mind and the heart, where he sensitively caught in half a century before the revolutions, the forerunner of the informantness of the whole society, first manifested among Russian revolutionaries-nihilists.

A group of troubled by some Fedor Nechayov (the sensational nonchaev process) was killed (in 1869) a student of Petrovskaya Landacademy Ivan Ivanov. Moreover, the motifs of the disclosed murder were two. Nechaev did not just initiate the murder to warn denunciation from Ivanov. To an even greater degree, he tried to subjugate other members of this terrorist circle of his will, having tied their victim's blood.

Fyodor Mikhailovich caught up, understood, realized and reported to the minds and hearts of readers the macarity of the coming.

Dislike writer

Roman really sensational wrote Dostoevsky. "Demits" reviews called abundant. Note: Nobody is so loud and resonant to Fedor Mikhailovich did not warn about the threat of "informativeness" polarized by the revolutionary ideas of society. How did it manage to realize and implement a non-political writer? The reason is simple - genius!

We prove it with your own "literary" way, comparing the ideas of different authors. Recall the thought of Umberto Eco ("Foucault's pendulum) about the nature of this quality, arguing that the genius always plays on one component of the universe, but it makes it unique - so that the remaining compensation is involved ..." And where is Dostoevsky? " - you ask. We will continue this idea: the genius of Dostoevsky is based on the amazing psychology of his images. The great psychologist Sigmund Freud somehow said that none of the personalities he knows cannot tell him something new on human psychology. No one except Dostoevsky!

Dostoevsky - Brilliant Psychologist

It is clearly visible: the conclusion about the threat of the informability of society substantiated Dostoevsky ("demons") through the comprehension of the psychology of the Nihilist Revolutionaries.

Nikolay Alexandrovich Berdyaev, emphasized that Dostoevsky felt that Dostoevsky felt that in the elements of the revolution, the Dominant was not at all a person, because they are completely torn off from humanism and from God's ideas.

Dostoevsky - non-violence to violence

It was no coincidence that Dostoevsky "Demons" wrote. A brief content of his promise to descendants: a person who succumbed to the "rebellion and self-wonder" cannot be free. And after having ceased to be free, according to the convictions of Fyodor Mikhailovich, he never ceases to be a man. This is an uneteble! It is noteworthy that the classic to his death hour - uncompromising and intense, defending the idea of \u200b\u200ba living sense and the living truth of life, claiming that on humiliation human personality It is impossible to build any "Crystal Palace" of the new society.

The society of the future, according to the writer, should be guided by the movement of the heart of a person, and not theories born cold mind.

The relevance of the foresight of the classic

But does the above concern only the revolutionaries of the XIX century? We will not be like to ostrich, hiding their heads from reality. More extent than told readers Dostoevsky, demons captivate people of modern, manipulated mass media who sow hatred.

Recall the work of the modern Russian classic of Viktor Pelevine, where he in his novel "T" reasonably motivates that the demons of the modern virtual neo-colonial society is much more terrible than the Fedor Mikhailovich described by Fyodor:

Amazes how deep the novel who wrote Dostoevsky ("demons"). Reviews of modern readers are unanimous: read the book should be in adulthood, with the arrangement, gradually. It should be analyzed and comparable to Fedor Mikhailovich with modernity. Then much becomes clear. It is enough to compare with the nihilists of Dostoevsky latheless media, sowing hatred in society! It's a shame when in media space, instead of propaganda of patience and kindness, chords of hatred sound.

What are the random terrorists in the novel?

However, back to the book Fyodor Mikhailovich. Literary critics are united in their opinion: this is one of the most complex novels. As a novel-warning, the roman-tragedy created the Dostoevsky "demons". The summary of the work is to show the reader of the anatomy of hatred, evil, demonic, which made terrorists in the provincial city - the model of all Russia.

In fact, this is a kind of group of revolutionaries, which the masterfully depicted Dostoevsky ("demons"). The short content of the morality of terrorists is a substitution in their minds and hearts of Christian love to neighbor to the demonic hatred. We resort to the "Master and Margarita" dialectics, they are describing:

A person, positioning as a demon-manager - Peter Stepanovich Verkhovensky. Formally, it organizes a city revolutionary cell.

Antichrist-seducer Nikolai Vsevolodovich Stavrogin (son venerable in the city of Lady Varvara Petrovna Stavrogina).

Falseprorka is a philosopher Schugaliev (justifying "appropriate" genocide of the tenth of the society over the other "herd").

Answered Tolkachenko (recollectant recruiter among the garbage of society and even prostitutes).

Easily changing the oath retired Military Virgin.

Sacred sacrifice - doubting student Ivan Shatov.

What seeks to do Peter Verkhovlensky with his associates? "Society", i.e., to entrust the foundations of Christian world-upsion, inspire parts of people that they are better than others, to raise them on these other people.

To enhance the split in society, shrines are defiled. There are things that are understandable to us, residents of the Information Society: manipulation of information. It is imperceptible to the efforts of the "revolutionaries" themselves, the infection of knowledge (the concept of Christian, implied truth and reliability) is on information (formed by dubious ways).

As a result of the heroes of the novel, skepticism is overwhelmed, they stop reaching for faith, to the truth and become pawns in the ephemeral party, which they are already playing. The work of "demons" of Dostoevsky all reflects.

Plan of Peter Verkhovensky

The revolutionary group of Peter Verkhovensky, their plan succeeds. Residents of the city are confused, disoriented. The authorities are helpless. Obviously, in the city someone encourages blasphemes, someone incites the rebellion of the workers' local factory, people have mental disorders - a half-handed podoruk chicks the icon of the temple ...

Then, when the "Big Smoot" will reign in society in society, Peter plans to resort to the seduction of the crowd with the help of charismatic Nicholas Stavrogina.

Plot and novel epigraph

Dostoevsky ("Demons") wrote on time. The brief content of the novel is: first depicts a careless urban community, it would seem living in his life. But on the other hand, all of its representatives feel that life does not develop. It is indisputable, unfavorable. The pride was seized by people, and the feeling that someone was launched by the mechanism of introducing in people's lack of concenment ... No wonder the epigraph of the work serve known lines A. S. Pushkin.

Nikolay Stavrogin: image forming a plot

As the apocalypse begins with the appearance of an antichrist and the launches of the provincial city - with the appearance of the son of the Barvara Stavrogina, charismatic handsome of the Bayronov type Nicholas Stavrogina.

Barbara Petrovna represents the type of power aging lioness. It is experiencing a romantic platonic feelings "extinguished from affairs" Intellectual Nikolai Verkhovensky, the Father of the aforementioned Peter.

Note that when writing a novel, satirical emphasis uses Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich. "Demons" is overwhelmed with blatant immorality carefully hidden in local higher light. Ms. Stavrogina, due to the irrepressible temperament of his son, hatched plans - to marry him on the daughter of a friend, on Lisa Tuschina. At the same time, she is trying to neutralize his intrigue with his pupil by Darya Shatov, planning to give out of his own ward - Stepan Trofimovich.

However, focus on the form of Nikolai Stavrogina, since he plays the most important plot-forming function in the novel. Initially, the type of former rich-rich-owned officer depicts Dostoevsky ("demons"). Analysis of this image reveals its features: it is absolutely deprived of conscience, compassion, chronically false, calculating, is inconsistent.

To tell about it is that, the track record is quite impressive. In the past - a brilliant guards officer, a duelist. In addition, Nikolai periodically fell into the ranked debauchery and committed the acts of the society actions: the physical humiliation of the honorable citizen Gaganova, and at the same time the governor, a provocative popular kiss of married ladies, etc.

Consistently and thoroughly shows how Nikolai goes not by human paths, but by Antichrist-seducer, F. Dostoevsky. Demons of pride, self-love, contempt for other people lead him to a personal catastrophe. He is already given the first warning: the explicit crime committed by him - the plant is a fourteen-year-old Matreshi - makes him outcast in the city.

To at least somehow justify the scoundrel of the Son Mother, motivating his actions with white hot, sent him for four years for the Cordon (so that he does not call the eyes to him with people). Meanwhile, Nikolai did not repent, did not understand the warnings, he proud of his nickname "Prince Harry", rushing with its eccentricity, unpredictability, effect.

As the anthology of the accumulation of sin to them and revolutionary terrorists, the novel "Demes" is written by Dostoevsky. A brief listing of their dark cases, initiating the launches of the inhabitants of the entire provincial city, submitted by us below.

Stavrogin in the provincial city

Nikolay and this time "does not disappoint" those around them with its eccentricity. He does not leave the mania to create evil that he performs, feeling his superiority over the crowd. The reader soon learns that Stavrogin on the root destroyed Mother's plans, secretly married with Marya Timofeevy Lebidekina in him. A scoundrel knew that his woman secretly loved and imbued with the idea - to trample her feeling. And it was not so easy to marry, but "on a dispute, for a bottle of wine."

Further, in the course of the book, Stavrogin germs on the duel of the offended nobleman Gaganova, shooting in the air than causes the admiration of citizens. It suggests an analogy: the Antichrist is trying to present himself to people with Christ. However, the real centered appearance of the seducer Nicholas Stavrogina, evolving in the ruin, will soon manifest ...

According to his will, and, obviously, with the knowledge of the omnipresent Petra Verkhovensky, there is truly the demonic killing of his female Mary Lebydkin, and at the same time - and her brother Captain Lebyadkin.

Note: The image of Lebidekina - defeated by nonhumans, an excellent spiritually thirty-year-old woman suffering from a chromoty, loving, sacrificial, gentle suffering - causes readers to sympathy and understanding.

The image of Marya Lebyadkin

The real engineer of human shower, introduces and their favorite types of heroes in the novel "Demons" Dostoevsky. The content and focus of their personality is the beauty and harmony, which the great classic worshiped, uttered: "Beauty will save the world."

Miscellaneous with his feeling, suffering from Mary Lebyadkin - one of the most touching female types of Dostoevsky's creativity, along with a marmalade's Sonechka. Antichrist Stavrogin, seducing it, encourages Milong of suffering, on poverty, on an insoluction from the sorcesses, and then - martyrdom. The poor intelligent woman, thin, with the "quiet, affectionate, gray eyes" before death calls the fluttering "Prince Harry" to those who are - a killer with a knife in his hands.

Nikolay Stavrogin is a real appearance. Sing death

However, even before her murder, Lisa Tushina is transplanted in the carriage of Nikola Stavrogina and spends the night with him. She obviously decides to repel him from Lebydkin.

In the morning, the arrived Peter Verkhovensky talks about the aforementioned double death, while mentioning that he knew about the murder, but did not prevent. We clarify: Killer for the money was to become a fed fianca routine, but paid and approved this crime Nikolay Stavrogin.

In fact, Verkhovensky speaks these things Stavrogin, not only that he understands that the initiation of the murder is known, but also to manipulate them in the future. Let us return to the terminology of Bulgakov: the infarder comes to the antichrist.

Lisa in hysterics runs away from Nicholas. She runs to the house Lebyadkin, where the crowd admits her as the "Stavrogan" and, having decided that she was interested in the death of Maryia, brutally - to death - beats. The novel reaches its climax: demons - all-insolent, they sow death and hatred around themselves ...

Power is vaguely trying to cope with confused, naively convincing that stability in society should be kept. In the mouth of the governor, Dostoevsky invests the right words that the relationship "Power - Opposition" should be civilized, but they do not have an impact on terrorist-raws, inxicated blood taste and felt their impunity.

Basinage of the Community of Baby Blood

Meanwhile, the devil plans of Peter Verkhovlensky are fulfilled. He kills, "To hide the ends" of the murders of the Lebidekins, uncontrolled by himself Fedka's religion (of those found with a barred head).

Next to the queue - a student of the charts. Scary describes his death Dostoevsky Fedor. Demons (people can not be called people) - Verkhovlensky, Liputin, Virginsky, Lyamshin, Schugalov, Tolkachenko - the flocks pounce on him ... They are subordinated to the idea, does not stop them even knowledge that the wife Ivan Shatov just gave birth to a child.

The only one who refuses to kill is Schugal.

Jesuitism and cunning of the Verkhovensky

However, Verkhovensky has a devilish plan for the cover of criminal actions of the terrorist group: blood is covered with blood. Peter plays the game with the authorities, guaranteeing an alibi-loyal to the power of a citizen-Stukcha, giving them false "troubled" - Shatov and Kirillov, who (first - forcibly, the second - voluntarily) should perish. Knowing the inadequate beliefs of the friend Nikolai Stavrogina, Kirillov engineer, Verkhovlensky uses them in their own interests.

On the example of this engineer depicts an apostate from faith, despising God, F. M. Dostoevsky. Demons are trying to hide the traces of their murders, having become responsible for him, the deceased. Kirillov believes that by suicide, he will become Bogochlek. Petr Verkhovensky's demon managers negotiates with an engineer - to destroy himself when the need comes, taking a promise from him. Therefore, at the request of Peter Verkhovlensky, Kirillov first writes a note, "recognizing" in the murder of Ivan Shatov. Next, the fanatic engineer and Bogoborets really kills himself out of the gun.

The novel "Demes" of Dostoevsky is the show of how the demon of Peter Verkhovensky are destroyed. Soon the rented and aware of his personal accomplice Lyamshin issues all criminals. Petra Verkhovlensky manages to run. Hiding in Switzerland and Nikolai Stavrogin.

He feels no longer "Prince Harry", but by a man, devastated by the insumency and denial of human morality. Nikolai, a pitiful and lonely, begging to come to him earlier disgraced Daria. What can he give her except suffering? However, it is only words. Like the antichrist-seducer, his end is already predetermined - suicide. He suddenly comes to the mother's estate (squawniki), where he is hanging in mezzanine.

Instead of imprisonment

For the terrorist activity of the Son, Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky suffers. The dialectic of this image is obvious: and formally, and figuratively - this is the father of a striking and hate all and the whole terrorist Peter Verkhovensky. Why figuratively? Because in his youth, he was a champion of fashionable liberal revolutionary ideas, and made them into the minds of young people, using popularity. He is an insightful and clever man, however, not devoid of posterity.

Does he understand what way his son went? Sure. Bailiffs describe his property ... However, he is experiencing the greatest shock after the murder of Lebyadkins. He, despite the feelings for Varvar Petrovna Stavrogoyna, in despair leaves a randomy city, leaves "from delirium, hot sleep ... to look for Russia."

On the eve of death, he underwent present spiritual illumination. Conducting an analogy with a biblical plot - those in which those as a result of exorcism (expulsion of demons) were settled and drive them into the abyss ... he exclaims that all: and his son, and the rest of the terrorists, and he himself, and a fugitive people (available in At the same type of all the "fascinated" society of pre-revolutionary Russia) - similar to the steady demons of the pigs rushing to their death.

I will not leave no attention to another brilliant foresight of Dostoevsky (for half a century to Russian revolutions!), Schugalale's "philosopher" tired. He broadcasts that the revolution, starting with violence, should be the most violence to bring to the level exceeding any human understanding.

In conclusion, we recognize: it is difficult to cover all the semantic filling, which gave the novel "demons" Dostoevsky in one article. The analysis of the work refers to the demonic essence of the revolutionary principle "The goal justifies funds," reveals the troubles of the desire to manipulate people, to commit violence.

Short retelling of content: demons, Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich and got the best answer

Answer from Alexander Knyazeva [Guru]
The action of the novel occurs in the provincial city of early autumn. The events tell the chronicle Mr., who is also a member of the events described. His story begins with the history of Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovensky, idealist of the forties, and the descriptions of its complex platonic relations with the barbarus of the Petrovna Stavrogogenic, the notable provincial lady, whose patronage he enjoys.
Around the Verkhovensky, who loved the "civilian role" and the living "embodied ukrusive", the local liberal youth is grouped. There are a lot of "phrases" and poses, but there is also enough mind and insight. He was the educator of many heroes of the novel. First, beautiful, now he slowed down somewhat, frozen, plays cards and does not refuse himself in champagne.
Nikolai Stavrogina's arrival is expected, an extremely "mysterious and nomanic" personality, which has a lot of rumors. He served in the elite guards regiment, shot on a duel, was demolished, he drove. Then it is known that he snatched, started to the very wild detachment. Having traveled four years ago in your hometown, he hurt a lot, causing a universal indignation: I pulled Gaganov's respectful man for the nose, hurt the ear of the Governor's ear, it took someone else's wife ... In the end, everything as it was explained by white hot. Recovery, Stavrogin went abroad.
His mother of Varvara Petrovna Stavrogina, a decisive and powerful woman, concerned about his son to her pupil, Darius Shatov and interested in his marriage with a daughter of a friend of Liza Tochechina, decides to marry his ward of Stepan Trofimovich to Darya. That in some horror, although not without inspiration, is preparing to make an offer.
In the cathedral at dinner to Varvar Petrovna, Marya Timofeevna Lebykina, she is chromium, and kisses her hand. The intrigued lady, who received a recent anonymous letter, was reported that a lame woman would play a serious role in her fate, invites her to him, and Lisa Tushina was going with them. There is already waiting for agitated Stepan Trofimovich, since his walling to Darius is scheduled for this day. Soon, the captain Lebykin arrived here and arrived at the sister, in the foggy speeches of which, interfering with verses of his own essay, a certain terrible mystery is mentioned and hints at some special rights.
Suddenly announce the arrival of Nikolai Stavrogina, who was expected only in a month. First, a fussy Peter Verkhovensky appears, and behind him already the pale and romantic handsome Stavrogin itself. Varvara Petrovna with the move asks son's question, whether Marya Timofeevna is his legitimate wife. Stavrogin silently kisses his hand with his mother, then Lebidekin picked up to his arm and takes her. In his absence, Verkhovensky reports a beautiful story about how Stavrogin inspired a beautiful dream, so that she even imagined him with his fiancé. Immediately, he strictly asks Lebyadkin, is it true, and the captain, trembled from fear, confirms everything.
Varvara Petrovna is delighted and when her son appears again, asks him for forgiveness. However, unexpected happens: suddenly suddenly approaches the shutterity and gives it a slap. Fearless Stavrogin in anger enough of him, but immediately suddenly removes his hands behind his back. As it turns out later, this is another testimony of his huge strength, another test. Shatov freely coming out. Lisa Tushina, clearly not indifferent to the "Prince Harry", as the Stavrogina is called, faints.
in short, here reference- read:
in principle, not so much))

Answer from Marley.[guru]
I am ashamed to not read such great thinkers

The action of the novel occurs in the provincial city of early autumn. The events narrate the chronicle Mr., who is also a member of the categories described. His story begins with the history of Stepan Trofimovich Verkhovlensky, the idealist of the forties, and the descriptions of his complex platonic relations with Barbarus of Petrovnnaya becoming a rogue, the notable provincial lady, the patronage of which he enjoys.

Around the Verkhovlensky, who has loved and living debris, a local liberal youth is grouped. There is a lot of poses in it, but there is also enough mind and insight. He was the educator of many heroes of the novel. First, beautiful, now he slowed down somewhat, frozen, plays cards and does not refuse himself in champagne.

Nikolai Stavrogina's arrival is expected, an extremely personality that has many rumors. He served in the elite guards regiment, shot on a duel, was demolished, he drove. Then it is known that he snatched, started to the very wild detachment. Having traveled four years ago in their hometown, he hurt a lot, causing a universal indignation: I pulled Gaganov's respectful man for the nose, hurt the ear of the governor's ear, he publicly kissed someone else's wife: in the end, everything as it was as if explained by white hot. Recovery, Stavrogin went abroad.

His mother of Varvara Petrovna Stavrogina, a decisive and powerful woman, concerned about his son to her pupil, Darius Shatov and interested in his marriage with a daughter of a friend of Liza Tochechina, decides to marry his ward of Stepan Trofimovich to Darya. That in some horror, although not without inspiration, is preparing to make an offer.

In the cathedral at dinner to Varvar Petrovna, Marya Timofeevna Lebykina, she is chromium, and kisses her hand. The intrigued lady, who received a recent anonymous letter, was reported that a lame woman would play a serious role in her fate, invites her to him, and Lisa Tushina was going with them. There is already waiting for agitated Stepan Trofimovich, since his walling to Darius is scheduled for this day. Soon, the captain Lebykin arrived here and arrived at the sister, in the foggy speeches of which, interfering with verses of his own essay, a certain terrible mystery is mentioned and hints at some special rights.

Suddenly announce the arrival of Nikolai Stavrogina, who was expected only in a month. First, a fussy Peter Verkhovensky appears, and behind him already the pale and romantic handsome Stavrogin itself. Varvara Petrovna with the move asks son's question, whether Marya Timofeevna is his legitimate wife. Stavrogin silently kisses his hand with his mother, then Lebidekin picked up to his arm and takes her. In his absence, Verkhovensky reports a beautiful story about how Stavrogin inspired a beautiful dream, so that she even imagined him with his fiancé. Immediately, he strictly asks Lebyadkin, is it true, and the captain, trembled from fear, confirms everything.

Varvara Petrovna is delighted and when her son appears again, asks him for forgiveness. However, unexpected happens: the rogue is suddenly suddenly approached and gives him a slap. Fearless Stavrogin in anger enough of him, but immediately suddenly removes his hands behind his back. As it turns out later, this is another testimony of his huge strength, another test. Shatov freely coming out. Lisa Tushina, obviously not indifferent, as they call Stavrogina, faints.

It takes eight days. Stavrogin does not accept anyone, and when his recovery ends, Peter Verkhovensky is immediately slipped towards him. He seizes a readiness for everything for Stavrogina and reports a secret society, at the meeting of which they should appear together. Soon after his visit, Stavrogin goes to the Kirillov engineer. The engineer for which Stavrogin means a lot, reports that still confesses his idea. Her essence - in the need to get rid of God, which is nothing but; And to declare a habitat, having killed himself and thus becoming humanbow.

Then Stavrogin rises to the Sato-Wu living in the same house, which reports that truly some time ago in St. Petersburg officially married Lebykina, as well as his intention in the near future to publicly announce it. He generously warns Shatov that he was going to kill him. Shatov, on which Stavrogin, previously had a huge influence, reveals his new idea about the people of God, what the Russian people consider, advises to throw wealth and Menietary work to achieve God. True, on the oncoming question, and whether he himself believes in God, Shatov is somewhat uncertain that he believes in Orthodoxy, to Russia that he: will believe in God.

The same night, Stavrogin is heading toward Lebyadkin and on the way there is a runaway Fedka of the religious, sent to him by Peter Verkhovlensky. He seizes the willingness to fulfill for the fee of any will of the Barin, but Stavrogin drives him. Lebyadkin he reports that he is going to announce his marriage with Marya Timofeevna, on which he married<:>. Marya Timofeevna meets the Stavrogina story about ominous dream. He asks her whether she was ready to leave with him in Switzerland and there it is secluded to live the remaining life. An outrageous chromium shouts that Stavrogin is not a prince that her prince, clear falcon, was replaced, and he is an impostor, he has a knife in his pocket. Accompanied by its screech and laughter, roving Stavrogin is retracted. On the way back, he throws Fedka religious money.

The next day there is a duel of Stavrogina and the local nobleman Artemy Gaganov, which caused him for insulting the Father. The boiling malice of Gaganov shoots three times and misses. Stavrogin declares that he does not want to kill anyone more, and shovels three times in the air. This story is very raising Stavrogina in the eyes of society.

Meanwhile, in the city there were frivolous moods and a tendency to a different kind of blasphemous fun: the mockery of newlyweds, desecration of the icons, etc. In the province, fierce fires, generating rumors about arson, find the proclamation in different places, silence somewhere , there are dissatisfaction with the workers of the closed factory of stigulnic, a sidewayer, who does not lead the commander's response, rushes on him and bites over his shoulder, and before that they were chopped two images and lit church candles before the compositions of the Fokhta, Moveshott and Buchner: a holiday is being prepared in this atmosphere Subscription in favor of the governess, the wife of the governor of Julia Mikhailovna.

Varvara Petrovna, insulted by too obvious desire to marry Stepan Trophimovich and his too frank letters to the son of Peter with complaints that he, they say, want to marry, prescribes him a pension, but at the same time announces the break.

Junior Verkhovensky at this time develops violent activities. It is allowed to house to the governor and enjoys the patronage of his wife Yulia Mikhailovna. She believes that he is associated with a revolutionary movement, and dreams of revealing with its help state plot. On a date with the governor, Von Lembke, an extremely concerned about what is happening, Verkhovlensky skillfully gives him several names, in particular Shatov and Kirillov, but at the same time he asks him six days to reveal the entire organization. Then he runs to Kirillov and Shatov, notifying them about the meeting and asking for, after which it comes to the stavogne, who has just visited Mauritius Nikolayevich, the groom Lisa Tokhina, with a proposal, so that Nikolai Vsevolodovich marry her, because she though he hates him But at the same time loves. Stavrogin is recognized to him that it cannot be done in any way, since he is already married. Together with Verkhovlensky, they go to the secret meeting.

At the meeting there is a gloomy Shigalov with its program. Its essence in the division of mankind into two unequal parts, of which one tenth gets freedom and limitless right over the rest of nine tits, turned into a herd. Then Verkhovensky offers a provocative question if the meeting would be conveyed if they found out about the outlined political murder. Suddenly rises the shots and, calling the Verkhovlensky of the Scound and Spy, leaves the meeting. This is necessary by Peter Stepanovich, who has already scheduled the Shatov in the victim, so that the blood is bred by the formed revolutionary group. Verkhovensky is linked to the rendered stavogne together with Kirillov and in fever devotes them to their insane designs. His goal is to put a big confusion. Sometime it will be needed, Stavrogin. Handsome and aristocrat. Ivan Tsarevich.

Events grow as a snowball. Stepana Trofimovich - officials come and take the paper. Workers from the Spigulinsky Factory send as collaborators to the governor, which causes the lembkea to the lembkea attack of rage and is outstanding almost for the riot. He falls under the hot hand of the city holder and Stepan Trofimovich. Immediately after this, in the governor's house, the announcement of Stavrogina also takes place in the minds that Lebyadkin is his wife.

The long-awaited day of the holiday comes. The nail of the first part is to read the famous writer of the carmicine of its farewell essay, and then the accusatory speech of Stepan Trofimovich. He passionately protects Raphael and Shakespeare from Nihilists. He is hung, and he, whitening everyone, is proudly removed from the scene. It becomes known that Lisa Tushina has moved in broad daylights suddenly from his carriage, leaving Mauritius Nikolayevich there, Stavrogina's carriage and rigged his estate. The nail of the second part of the holiday is, the ugly caricature allegorical action. Governor and his wife beside himself from indignation. It is here that the district is burning, allegedly registered with Spigulinsky, a little later becomes known about the murder of Captain Lebykina, his sisters and maid.