Human personality always reflects the influence of society. Effect of society on personality

Personality- product cultural, not biological evolution. Therefore, it can be assumed that it is the society, and not nature, has a maximum impact on the person. The way it is. The society is able to influence the identity or suppressing, or developing it. Agents of influence are otherwise called socialization agents. With the Socialization and Education and Education, we have come across social studies for the 8-9th grades, but that whoand assocializes a person, have not yet spoke.

Socialization represents the process of assimilation of cultural norms and mastering social roles.He means the transformation of a person in a social individual, the mature variety of which is called personality.The subject of socialization is at the crossing of two sciences - psychology and sociology, and both have made a noticeable contribution to the study.

Living organisms make up natural hierarchy.Everythingtheir diversity can be located on the stairs of species, from the simplest to the most difficult. Thanharder the body, the longer it falls to adapt to environment. Insects are already born adults, i.e., ready to function normally in its ecological niche. Higher organisms are more difficult. Nature took care to allocate a special period of time during which the newborn is learning and adapts to the adult world. This period is called childhood.In birds it lasts one season, w.tigers, elephants and monkeys - several years. The higher the animal stands on the stairs of the species, the longer period of childhood.

The higher the animal stands on the stairs of the species, the longer period of childhood.

In person a period of preparation for adult life It is a madden. It used to be believed that he is limited to childhood, today in it includes youth and youth. A third of their lives a person learns to live in the most difficult of existing worlds - in the world public relations. There is no such ecological niche in any species. IN lately Experts came to the opinion that a person is studying and converted all his life. These are the requirements of modern society.

V. limits of human history for childhood elongationseriously influenced the transition from one economic text to another.

Gathering required the smallest learning time. The transition to the creation of food reserves and their storage increased the training time. The transition from gathering to the hunt demanded an even greater increase in the parent contribution to the training and protection of offspring. Now the success of survival directly depended on the success of learning.

Another factor of childhood lengthening - the emergence of the family.Appearance monogamia- The stable marriage union of the male and females for the period of cultivation at least one brood - was caused by the fact that the female alone could not keep the offspring: to produce food, protect the territory from enemies, to transmit knowledge. Hence the institution of paternity grows and the history of socialization begins in the full sense of the word. Her bottom line - The emergence of the paternity institution and based on the formation of the Institute of Parentation. The history of instincts ended, history began institutions.

Hence the beginning and public division of laborsince historically, his form does not apply to the field of production, as we used to think, but to the sphere of education of offspring.Woman provides fetal tooling, baby breastfeeding and psychophysiological care child. Father connects to raising later, but teaches children the entire amount of knowledge necessary for life in society.

A lot of people inherit no only from their distant animals, but also from their immediate ancestors - parents and their parents. Human being, born more helpless, rather than young animals, nevertheless, much more prepared for the absorption of social experience. If it were different, it would hardly have managed to teach it logical thinking and symbolic language. After all, it cannot learn a monkey, despite all the efforts of scientists.

The degree of biologically enshrined social readiness of a person is very high. And yet it can not be exaggerated. However, some scientists assumed that, since everything necessary for socialization is laid in genes, a person will remain himself, in which the medium it is not placed. Their confidence of the laying meeting with the so-called Faratic people.

Fearal people- creatures that have grown in isolation from people and educated in the animal community. The term came up with the XVIII century. Swedish scientist K. Linney. Wild, not the "Mowgli" and "Children's Jungle" are not called. From the sociologists, the first studied their American D. Kingsley. In 1940, two girls were discovered in India - eight-year-old Kamala and one and a half year old Amala, brought up by wolves. In 1938, in Pennsylvania, found a five-year-old girl Anna. All three had normal biological prerequisites for successful socialization, but were isolated from a normal social environment.

They had no connected speech, thinking, human feelings. Children found in the animals lair were well adapted to moving on four legs; Trying to food - meat or milk, they barely sniffed it; experiencing thirst, they licked their teeth; Children experienced strong fear of fire and never laughed. "Mowgli" proved that a person left for an arbitrariness stops being a man. He does not help the stock of genes inherited from parents.

When child-beasts returned to society, they were able to assimilate only the most elementary skills, master the oral speech consisting of 30 words. "Celenty" did not learn how to be friends, smile, abstractly think, lead a conversation. In human society, they lived no more than 10 years.

Feral people cannot become full-fledged members of society because socialization began with them too late. Socialization is a process that cannot be artificially managed or manipulating. By 14 years from a talented child, a Wunderkinda, who knows one or another item is perfectly. Examples of accelerated learning set. Cases of early adults of people are found, especially if their life was rich in events: in childhood parents lost, early went to work, kneading deprivation, adversity of fate. Nevertheless, this is not yet socialization. It can be reduced by its individual stages, accelerate their passage, but to lengthen or reduce the process of socialization in general it is impossible. What do you think, why?

(388 words) No one will deny that half of human individuality forms a medium in which one or another person was born and grew. A clearly built society with already established moral and legal norms has a huge impact on the character of a person, laying certain judgments and behaviors into his consciousness. For many centuries, humanity reflects whether a person is capable of early age Placed in a specific environment, in the end, to develop your own individuality.

So in the story N.V. Gogol "Shinel" appears the most ordinary "small person" Akaki Akakievich. Living in a strictly separated class society Russian Empire, Torture humiliation and neglect of superior persons, he has come tortured with his fate of a small screw in a huge car. He has no ambitions or a great dream. Increased service or wealth, the hero does not even dare to think about it, hoping to accumulate money for a new chinel. Most of his life, the Hero of the work worked as a small official in the routine service, only to die in the final to die and disappear, not leaving after herself and the trace. Developing the topic " little man"After Pushkin, Gogol, experiencing a certain pity for his hero, shows his spiritual poverty and limitedness caused by the injustice of society.

More than a century after Gogol, American writer R.D. Bradbury in the fantastic novel-anti-astope "451 degrees Fahrenheit" again raises the question of man and society. We are facing the society of the future, devoid of all sorts of moral norms. The value of the family, knowledge, culture even the human itself is reduced to zero. The main hero-Guy Montag was born and grew up in this society. He never experienced a doubt and only sailed downstream. Having got a job in a special team for the destruction of books, he became a full-fledged member of society. But once, having met the truly lively and immediate girl Clarissa, Montag gradually realizes the meaninglessness of his existence, the emptiness and confusion of the surrounding world, understands that even his wife is only a beautiful, deserted desert. The hero is reborn, acquires new ideals and is looking for its purpose. In the final the main character Runs from the city, the war begins, civilization dies, and Guy with a group of like-minded people decides to try to revive humanity from the ashes, to build a new society based on the ideals of humanism and enlightenment. Unlike Gogol, Bradbury believed that the individual could resist society.

Most writers agreed that society had a tremendous impact on a person, but he was able to overpower it, each decides on his own. So the writers of critical realism for the most part pessimistically looked at the relationship between the individual and society, while the science fiction writers are often more optimistic and preserve the faith by the human spirit.

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On the formation of a person affects the influence of society. This is displayed on the form of a person's life, his interests and success.

Methods of exposure

For the full development of man as a person, communication with other people need. This contributes to the speedy perception of social norms established by the laws of morality and value orientations.

The impact is a process, the result of which is a complete or partial change in the manner of human behavior, its interests, life goals, installations, principles.

It is negative or positive, wears a spontaneous character, but is intrusive. The influence of the public is not subject to any control. It can be used to achieve positive or negative purposes.

In psychology, they argue that the impact should not negatively affect the formation of the person. Literacy, correctness, thought argument - the main requirements for psychological impact.

Positive influence

It is a positive change in man, his personal growth. The value is surrounding. That the result is really positive, it is necessary to communicate with successful, smart, promising personalities who can learn. Criticism from them will be argued, presented in a polite, tolerant form. Finding next to people will motivate the personality to become better, trying to achieve the same high level Development and self-organization.

Psychologists have a positive effect on identity change, sometimes - landslide. These are representatives of such species professional activitywhich suggest a developed perception and proper personal assessment. Applying various nLP technology, suggestion, they help a person get rid of phobic and other mental disorders, understand their mistakes, see possible prospects.

There are no two identical individuals in the world. Therefore, it is very important to learn to taking the opinions of the others, worthy of them to evaluate and not deny.

A person who is able to accept thoughts, fully contradictory reflections, is able to self-improvement and work on himself. This will have a positive effect on making decisions in the future.

Proper education is another manifestation of a positive impact on the formation of a person. It is a basic education of a certain nature. Parents teach a child, how to behave properly in society, what to take in a particular situation and how best to do. Teach to the basic laws of morality, behavior standards.

The positive effect of society is manifested in:

  • eliminate complexes;
  • full formation of beliefs;
  • ability to argue your opinion;
  • understanding that every person is a unique personality with their beliefs and
  • reasoning that may not coincide in several people;
  • stimulating human development in the selected direction;
  • elimination of negative emotions, replenishing positive, etc.

Modern scientific analysis Proved that some features of the behavior of the individual disappear when he leaves the social environment or comes out of the impact of a certain group of people. Such a group is a place where the personality can express themselves - to work out communicative skills, suggestion techniques.

The correctly formed team makes it possible to learn to perceive yourself and others, notice the errors of the rest and somewhat seeing your own. A person learns to filter information, in the process of discussion, he has its own opinion or views on specific situations, behavior models.

Negative influence

In the life of everyone there is a period when surrounding the unsuccessful, unpromising people who pull a person on the bottom are dominated. Their criticism does not teach anything, but only displayed in the form of psychological deformation of the person. As a result, such an individual, while under pressure from society, is often valid to the detriment of their own interests.

There are 3 main reactions to such behavior of the group. Each of these components are inherent in their features:

  1. Suggestibility. A person unconsciously agrees with the opinion of others, takes the behavior of the group. Does not notice how his manner of communication is changing, the type of thinking.
  2. Conformism. The condition in which the individual externally agrees with certain allegations, but internally remains with his own opinion. There is a discrepancy with reflections of a separate person and group.
  3. Conscious agreement. The individual really changes the attitude towards something. There is an active advantage of the interests of the group.

Under such negative influence of the group, a person may not have his own opinion. The degradation process is activated.

The consequences of negative influence:

  • increased emotionality;
  • reducing the level of self-knowledge, self-expression;
  • definition - rejection of their interests and opinions;
  • the development of interpersonal conflicts;
  • increase the level of anxiety and puppiness, etc.

Another possible negative consequence of group exposure may be the impossibility of disclosing creative potential. The main reason is the unwillingness of society to perceive a person with a distinctive type of thinking and other vision of the world. All creative ideas are rejected. As a result creative potential And maybe the abyss or stuck in development for a long time.

Even when the individual wants to show his independence, he does not give it to do it. Self-esteem falls, and a person is not able to give an adequate assessment of himself, his actions and certain actions. He does not feel support from others.

Dependence on the opinion of society

Copending is a condition that arose due to the fact that a person failed to resist the effects of others. The phenomenon is associated with a reduced self-esteem and the predominance of negative emotions (anger, longing, irritation, nervousness, experiences, anxiety, etc.).

Continuing not only negatively affects the nature of the personality, but also on the emotional, psychological state of a person. He is constantly experiencing that the rest will think about him - they will coordinate or encourage whether the expectations of others will understand or disappoint someone.

Ceremonial people have all the vital energy and forces go to the processing of negative emotions. They may have a desire to get rid of the negative impact of society, but the forces on the implementation of any actions in this direction may not be.

The main manifestations of the need created on the negative soil:

  • obsessive assistance, even when there is no need for it;
  • feeling insignificance without relationship with someone;
  • energy is spent on maintaining relationships with others to get security and peace of mind;
  • fear do something against public opinion;
  • perception of other people's problems as their own;
  • repayment of creative potential;
  • absence positive thinking and the adoption of original solutions;
  • there is a sense of responsibility for the actions of others;
  • help others even in cases when a person is forced to do what he does not want
  • not to disappoint anyone;
  • can express indignation on injustice, but is unable to defend its own interests;
  • always feels like a puppet; There is deviations of praise, compliments, pleasant statements;
  • the patient blame itself literally in everything, even when it is really innocent;
  • always consider itself not good.

A co-dependent person does not know how to say "no". Because of this often does what he does not like. He is literally tied to help to other people. He constantly has a sense of sacrifice or his own insignificance.

The main problem of such people is the lack of life goal. They constantly help someone, satisfy other people's desires, sacrificing their own dreams.

Such influence of the public is displayed on the physical condition of the patient. Sleep disorders appear, mental disorders and CNS diseases are actively developing.

Capped allows others to hurt. He never speaks openly about his needs. It always agrees to the conditions of others, even if they do not satisfy it.

Such a person is afraid of errors and failures. Loses interest in his life. As a result, becomes a workaholic. Does not trust anyone, even myself. It is very worried when the rest will undergo it, because of what flows into depression. Suffers from food disorders, it is not able to control emotions.

Capacity is also displayed on the style of the individual's life. Instead of a cheerful and fun state, he is constantly annoyed, sad, sad and complains of everything that is possible. All indicates errors without noticing their own. It simultaneously combines responsibility and irresponsibility.


The best solution is to become independent of the psychological level. Stop fear to express themselves, violate the generally accepted norms, to act contrary to others. The main rule that must be adhered to is the lack of negative impact on society.

Independence is the main characteristic of a strong personality. It is responsible for each act and is not afraid of condemnation, failures. It has material independence. He is conscious, listens to the opinion of others, but compares him with his own interests. There is a healthy egoism.

The rules you need to adhere to if you need to protect yourself from the negative impact of the public:

  • Remember that everyone can not please. If something else does not suit something, do not try he likes. It will relieve the need to constantly obey the orders of this person.
  • Stop paying attention to inadequate or eternally dissatisfied people. This takes away a lot of strength and vital energy, which you can find more worthy use. If someone began to pour his soul or often share their problems, we must stop such a person in time. It should be explained that you are not ready or has no time to listen to such complaints.
  • More relaxing outdoors. Overwork negatively affects all aspects of health. It is important to learn meditation, often repeat motivating affirmations. Very helping sports (even the usual walk in the park is suitable).
  • It is necessary to take responsibility only for your own actions and actions. Then there will be no time to think about others. It should be created such situations that enrich positive energy and make happy.
  • Never give in to rudeness. This is one of the most effective methods manipulation. It is possible to use cold contempt to make it clear that such communication is unacceptable. Know the price.
  • Constantly spend self-analysis. This will help keep yourself in a tone and do not succumb to the pressure of society. Try to develop only good qualities. Exactly determine the goals, arrange priorities and think about the action plan. Such action makes a person strong and independent.
  • Learn to reject people with manifestations. Assume anyone can, but do it constantly - a bad solution. Remember the main rule - no one should anything.
  • Get rid of the influence of social stereotypes. The most popular of them is a social deception. Someone does good, and another individual should also do something good in response. In such a primitive way, many manage others to achieve their own goals.
  • You can try to get rid of communication with unpleasant personalities or reduce any contact to a minimum. This will save vital energy and use it more productively.

Here read the article for thinking, about your dependence or independence from society. Details to understand the understanding will help the test at the end of the article.

A modern man lives in society, and one way or another he is forced to participate in any collective activity. A civilized person is not physically able to be excluded from it. It is dependent on it. One-sided dependence can not be. If it were so modern society Concorded, and all people would diverge in different directions. The company includes all the environment of a person, this is his family friends, aligns, even the information he receives in the process of life is also a kind of society. The person largely depends on society, its image of thoughts, life and physical health depends on his environment. Influence on man in a large extent providing society. It is worth noting that a third of their life a person learns to live in the most difficult of existing worlds - in the world of public relations. This process was called socialization.

Socialization begins in childhood, when a human personality is formed about 70%. As a child, the foundation of socialization is laid, and at the same time it is the most unprotected stage, because During this period, a person begins to absorb information like a sponge, he also tries to imitate adults, taking from them not only good qualities, but also bad. And during this period, adults can impose their opinions, and the child at that moment is defenseless against the demands of the elders, he will be forced to submit them to them, which may affect the further development of a person as a person.
The whole process of personality development can be divided into several stages in accordance with the child's age:
· Early children's (0-3)
· Preschool and school childhood (4-11)
· Advocacy (12-15)
· Youth (16-18)

The most enormous influence on the personality of a person has the opinion of parents. The fact that the child in the orphanage acquires in the family, he retains throughout the subsequent life. The importance of the family as the Institute of Education is due to the fact that the child is in it during a significant part of his life, and it is laid the foundation of the child's personality.
- IN preschool age Another significant in the point of view of the personality development of the social group becomes the team. As a rule, this is a kindergarten team. The development of the identity of the child is influenced by its relationship not only with peers, but also with educators. The child absorbs the norms of discipline, interaction with the surrounding. The child wants to respect his peers so that he had a lot of friends. IN children's garden He can get life experience, because He communicates with the children of his age, something takes from them, trying to imitate.
- IN adolescence Children are often experiencing a personality development crisis. For the crisis of this age, the spirit of contradiction is characterized, the desire to do everything in its own way, to acquire their own experience of good luck and misses.
- By 18 years, as a rule, the child's personality is formed completely. It is impossible to drastically change the already established personality, you can only help the child to adjust its behavior. Therefore, it is so important to timely instill the child moral and ethical values, to teach it the norms of behavior and human relationship when the identity of the child is still developing. Youth completes the active period of socialization. At this age, important physiological changes carrying certain psychological shifts are happening: attraction to the opposite sex, aggressiveness, often unmotivated, tendency to raise risk and inability to estimate its degree of danger, an underlined desire for independence and independence. During this period, the formation of the foundation of the personality is completed, its top - ideological - floors are completed. The awareness of his "I" occurs as an understanding of his place in the life of parents, friends surrounding society. Teens and boys are more susceptible to negative estimates of others, especially if it concerns clothes, appearance, manner of behavior, dating circle.

Dependent man - This is the one who allowed the behavior of another person to actually influence her or him, and who is obsessed with attempts to control the behavior of that person. Dependency is associated with low self-esteem and a huge number of negative emotions: fear, anxiety, tightened despair, anger, shame, guilt, etc. The life of dependent people is full of long stress. In fact, it is stresses, including strong experiences for another person and created this type of personality. These people are able to worry strongly, but, as a rule, are not able to act in the right direction, since negative emotions are selected from them all the energy. The dependent people are so drawn into someone else's life that they feel insignificant without relationship with anyone. At the same time, they, of course, try and otherwise draw into their own life, including their negative experiences. The dependent people are so accustomed to "take care" about a friend, which is often offering obsessive help even when another person does not need it, or when this help is absolutely useless.

Independent man - It is also a self-sufficient, independent person who is aware of personal responsibility for his life. Signs of an independent person:
· Responsible.
· Material independence.
· Self-sufficiency.
· Lives your life.

For the full development of the personality, a person needs to communicate with other people. Otherwise social norms and value orientationsinstalled in society will not be perceived or perceived distortion. Communication with those who are more developed, makes pulling up a higher bar, sets more high standardWhat is the one that is someone, and the person in the group seeks for the better - after all, he knows that the best exists, she does not suspect a lonerly.

Only direct communication in the group, personal contacts and the achievement of openness with other people give a person the opportunity to perceive someone else and transmit their life experience. Relationships between people who develop in groups teach a person to carry out existing social norms, they carry the value guidelines that are learned by the person; The group is the place where a person works out its communicative skills and skills; From the participants of the group, a person receives information that allows him to correctly perceive and evaluate himself, maintaining and strengthening everything positive in his personality, get rid of negative and shortcomings. The group gives a person self-confidence, supplies its system of positive emotions necessary for its development.

Of all the above, it can be concluded that a person will always depend on and change for society. Because the society can be adopted as a small group of human friends and family, and that A person spends almost all the time with them, it depends on their opinions and decisions. Almost every person is in the average relationship from society, i.e. A person thinks that people say about him, every day he listens to the opinions of people and listens to them, goes as he was told.

Qucceia Amir Rudolfovich - Student Department of Industrial and Civil Engineering Don State Technical University.

Annotation: This article discloses the concept of personality. Illuminated the influence of society per person. A aspects of life that it regulates.

Keywords: Personality, life, influence, behavior, success.

Appearing for light, the baby already acquires the status of an individual. It also has its own personality, but the personality is only under the influence of society. Consider what role it plays in the development of a person's personality.

Personality of the cultural revolution. The assumption that society has a great influence on it, takes place. Society, in a broad sense, it is separated from nature, but closely related to it material worldwhich includes individuals and ways of interaction of people. In a narrow sense, society is an association of people associated with a common social characteristic and general activityThe relationship in which is governed by formal or informal social institutions.

Man, all his life is in society. If it is a baby, then his first society is parents who surround it, raise. For a schoolboy, the circle of communication is expanding. In addition to parents, such groups of communication appear as classmates, friends, peers. And with each period of human life, the circle is increasingly expanding.

Each society contributes to the development of personality.

Teacher at school, neighbor in the party, teamwork partner in the football section, coach and this list can be continued to infinity. Every word can affect a person and change his attitude to something. So consciousness is formed, the worldview. Of course, no opinion turns the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. Every word is comprehended by a person and there is a number of internal mental filters, like the production of any product in the factory, and as a result, passing a lot of mental treatments, it turns out the existing opinion.

There is socialization of the individual. And people who affect the person we listed a little higher are called socialization agents.

The creator of the theory of psychoanalysis Freud believed that in anthropo-sociogenesis - the process of the emergence and development of man and society - the main reason is biological. In his opinion, it is rooted in the decisive effect on the person of the unconscious principle, concluding in his psyche, instincts inherited from the ancestors. In turn, the Society for protection against unwanted animals of instincts is trying to create counterweights, for example, in the form of morality, culture.

And yet, Freud believed, these unconscious biological instincts, primarily sex, play a decisive role in human behavior.

Formation of personality, the process is very complex and multifaceted. Many factors affect it.

Social environment is the main factor that affects the identity, its development, the formation of individual qualities. Socialization begins in childhood, when a human personality is formed about 70%.

Nowadays, society is a kind of cultural area, falling into which, the individual is attacked by opinions, evaluations. Many people who seek to impose their interests and their attitude to something. Of course, this you need to be able to resist and as mentioned above, to build an internal system of mental "filters".

Thus, we reviewed how society affects the personality and its development. In turn, the manifestation of the person also does not pass without a trace for the environment of man.


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