Life without borders Read the full version. Nick Vuychich: Life without borders

Legendary person! A person who drives in many countries and talks about the miracle happened to him. This happiness, which is possible even when you do not have hands and legs. We are talking about Nika Vuychich, - Tom who managed to break human stereotypes and prove to everyone that the disabled can live fully, love God and people and, of course, to be loved.

This unique person is a talented author of several autobiographical books. The first of them is "life without borders." She tells how to overcome, it would seem, the incredible difficulties with the Lord, to overcome despair and by all means, despite the circumstances, to strive to do anything in God's will.

"This created him in accordance with his will" - this approval helped to defeat the depression, despair and become those who he now, known to the whole world, a rich, thriving person.

But in order to achieve such an understanding and get an incredible blessing, there was a lot to overcome.

The beginning of the way

In the maternity hospital, the first cry of the baby rang out. "With a child, everything is fine?" - asked mom from doctors. But the answer was silence. Finally, after persistent questions, one of the doctors told the truth, consumed medical term "Focomelia" (no limbs). So the life of the parents of Nick was divided into "to" and "after".
At thirteen years, the boy began to ask mom and dad, as they reacted that he was born without hands and without legs. He was hard, especially at school, where curious classmates constantly annoyed issues. Mom had to tell the truth that at that time she was afraid to take the son's hands. However, despite the despair caused by her words, Nick has already clearly understood that parents love him. Mom and dad sally believed that God created their boy so in the name of some purpose ...

You can be happy in any circumstances, if only believing in God

Nick sure: the share of man falls so much tests as he is able to transfer. The Lord endowed him with many gifts, among whom perseverance occupies a special place. Thanks to this, Nick can ride a skateboard, lying on the stomach, swim, write and even use the computer. He independently cleans his teeth, shakes, combing and speaks on a mobile phone.

"We are with my parents and imagine that my injury is my" cargo "- can become a blessing, and disabilities will discover incredible opportunities in front of me, allowing you to communicate with other people, support them, to understand their pain and bring consolation. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loved relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled a deep and true faith in my soul "- he divides the book" Life without borders. "

Now Nick is happy. BE BEGUAL Because he has a big loving family, because God made it an instrument for himself so that this unique person can comfort people in schools, conference rooms, orphans, hospitals, in stadiums. Nick is happy to tell how valuable they are valuable for the Lord, that he has a plan for everyone.

But it was not always like that.

Through despair - to blessing

"Freak!" They called Nika classmates, and he came to despair. After all, it is impossible to become normal, pretending that you have the same body as others. The boy tried in order to achieve the goal: he studied to ride a skateboard, swim or engaged in ordinary boyish affairs, but clearly understood that much he could not die. Nick wanted him to have friends, but, alas, this did not happen. Contrary to the desire, similar to the peers be failed.

Then Nick in despair fought his head against the wall, was depressed and unhappy, suffered from the fact that he had a burden for parents and loved ones. He was alone even at a time when a family was located nearby, and one day he even decided to take a suicide over himself, drowned in the bath. Fortunately, the boy thought on time and realized that he would not be able to leave loving parents with a sense of loss and guilt.

At night, Nick often prayed that his hands and legs would have grown, but, alas, this did not happen. "I will never love a single girl," Nick thought. - I even have no hands to hug her. If I have children, I can not take them on your hands ... "

The physical problems of the child influenced it at the emotional level.

However, later he found a way to walk to his goal, trying to compare with peers and even to some extent to surpass them. Nick has made efforts and achieved just stunning results, talking with classmates about how he lives in the world, which is adapted for people with hands and legs. "Thanks to these conversations, I began to invite me for speeches to student groups, groups of church youth and other youth organizations. People were important to learn about it ... "he says.

One day, Nick spoke in front of the audience, where there were three hundred teenagers, shared his faith, feelings. At this point, one girl sitting in the hall was literally bursting. At first it was not clear what happened, but she gained courage and spoke. Nick invited her to rise to the scene. The girl rubbed tears, and then hugged him and said wonderful words to her ear: "No one has told me that I am beautiful in my own. No one said that he loved me. You changed my life, and you are also beautiful. "

Since then, the perception of life has changed. He understood his value, realized that, despite the disability, could benefit people.

When Nick turned 15 years old, he repaired before God, asked him to point out the meaning of life, highlight the path. Four years later, he took her baptism and began to talk about his faith with the surrounding. From now on, he began to develop his speaker and preacher.

Throughout life, Nick realized another important truth: despite his physical problem, he did not experience much of what had to be transferred to other people: neither pain violence, nor despair because of treason, nor adversity of the destroyed family ... "I am sure that My life is a thousand times easier than the lives of many people, "says Nick Vuychich.

We bring to your attention a book "" - an incredibly positive work, thanks to which desperately can get hope. In each chapter, there is a call for faith acting love.

Contribute to this life - despite the circumstances!

Reading the book about Nick Vuychich, trying to figure out how he, being a man with disabilities, was able to achieve stunning results, it is possible to clearly understand what it is impossible to allow in his life:

It is impossible to spoil your life with mercies on the injustice of the test, but it is better to look ahead. You can not look for happiness in material objects, because it never to find it. The view that, having received the material benefits, we will get happiness, - massive delusion!

And vice versa, despite the life circumstances, it's just necessary, while we breathe, contribute to this life. After all, hope is always. And the fate of Nika Vuily - visual example this.

Nick Vuychich

Path to amazing

happy life



Life Worthout Limits.


Photo on the cover of Aaron Hollystrom

Translation Tatyana Novikova

Nick Vuychich was born without hands, but he is quite independent

and lives a full-fledged and rich life: he received two

higher Education, independently prints on

computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, engaged

surfing, fond of fishing, swims and even dives with

springboard into the water. His book is inspiring,

emotional story about how to overcome difficulties

despair, believe in yourself and become happy. Nick

frankly talks about their physical problems and

experiences, about how it was not easy for him to accept

by his state, - was the moment when he wanted

commit suicide. He needed

quite a few years to learn to see in his problems not

obstacle and growth opportunity to put

big goals and always seek the desired. Without hands I.

legs, he learned to rise in every sense of this word.

In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that

helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

God: Father, sonand Holy Spirit.

I would also like to devote this

book Family Totovof San Diego, state

California, I am grateful

cragged stone faith that phil

water in my life. His stunning

adherence to evangelism has become

nach. alm of my new life .


My name is Nick Vuychich. I am twenty seven years old.

I was born without hands and legs, but not singing on fate. I

traveling around the world to inspire millions of people.

I urge everyone to armared faith, hope, love,

courage and overcome all obstacles on the way

dream execution. In this book I will tell about my

ways. Of course, some obstacles stood only

in front of me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I

i want to inspire you to overcome your own problems

and difficulties. I want you to find your own goal

life. Your life should be beautiful.

Life often seems unfair to us. Difficult

times and complex circumstances make us

doubts themselves and lead to despair. I am

very well known. But the Bible says:

"Faced with any difficulties, find in them

pure joy. " I needed a lot of years. to

assimate this lesson. But now I understand it perfectly and on

his own experience I will help us to realize what the most

with your gifts with others.

My parents are true Christians. But when u

i was born, a child who had no hands, no legs,

they doubted God: why did he create me? First

they thought that such a person, as I, there is neither hope

neither the future. It seemed to them that I could never live

normal, productive life.

But today my life is superior to what we and

could not dream. Every day I communicate with many

people by phone, email, with help

eseMesok and Twitter. People come to me at airports,

hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say i

changed their lives. This is the true grace of the Lord. I

incredibly happy.

My parents and I could not imagine that

my injury is my "cargo" - we can become a blessing, and

disability will open in front of me incredible

opportunities allowing you to communicate with other people

maintain them, understand their pain and carry them consolation.

Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving

relatives. The Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled in my

soul deep and true faith. I honestly tell you about

how after experienced very heavy times to me

faith came and the sense of life.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we are all

we think about your future), I covered me

despair. It seemed that I could never be

"Normal". And pretend that my body is the same,

like my peers, it is impossible.

I tried to engage in ordinary boyish

affairs - swim or ride a skateboard, but extra

once it was convinced that there are a lot in the world,

what I'm just unable to do.

Brutal children called me freak and did not want

to communicate with me. I felt the usual

boy and wanted to be like that. But it was not in

my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but this is not

happened. I wanted to be usual, but it is not

it turned out.

I fought my head about the wall. My heart hurt. I

was suppressed, unhappy, did not see the point of living, suffered

because it is doomed forever being a burden for loved ones, me

overwhelmed black thoughts. I was alone even in those

the moments when my relatives were held next to me. But

i was brutally mistaken. What I did not know in gloomy days

my childhood could fill the book. That very

which you are holding in your hands. I want to highlight you

the path to the back of grief, where you will become stronger,

persistently, will be filled with the desire to change your

life as you did not even dreamed.

If you have a desire and the desire to do something

either and this is something in God's will, you must

achieve your goal. It is very important! To be honest, I

he himself did not always believe it. If you saw any

my conversation on the Internet, then probably felt that

happiness, I am overwhelming - this is the result of a long

ways. At first I did not have what it is necessary. And that

what I was lacking, I found on the way. So to live without

restrictions, I need:

Powerful feeling of the meaning of life

Hope, strong to unshakable.

Belief in God and in the endless grace of him.

Love and acceptance of yourself.

Proper attitude to life.

Strength of mind.

Readiness to change.

Strong heart.

Readiness to look for opportunities.

Ability to evaluate risks and laugh

Desire to serve people.

Each chapter of this book is devoted to one of

items of my list. I will try to tell you about them

so that you can use them on the way to full and

meaningful life. I wrote this book because I want

that joy and happiness he intended for you.

If you are one of those who behave every day

heavy struggle, remember that in my life was not

only struggle. And the feeling of meaning and goals of life,

thanks to which my life has become such about what you dream about

In the life of any person there are heavy

moments. He falls, and it seems that there is no strength to rise.

I know this feeling. It is familiar to us all life -

non-easy thing. But, overcoming difficulties, we

become stronger and should be grateful for

new opportunities opening before us. What is important

what impact a person has on others, and how

he finishes his way.

I love my life in the same way as yours. Before

we have stunning opportunities.

Well, what do you say, buddy? Let's go through this path

Nick Vuychich was born without hands and feet, but he is quite independent and lives a full-fledged and rich life: he received two higher education, independently prints on a computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, surfing, fond of fishing, swims and even dives from a springboard into the water. His book is an inspiring, an emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in itself and become happy. Nick frankly talks about his physical problems and experiences, how it was not easy for him to complete with his condition, "there was a moment when he wanted to commit suicide. It took him a lot of years to learn how to see in his problems is not an obstacle, but the possibility of growth, to set great goals and always seek the desired. Without hands and legs, he learned to rise in every sense of the word. In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

From the series:True Story project. Books that inspire (EXMO)

* * *

Company LITRES.

God: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

I would also like to devote this book to the Bottle Family from San Diego, California, I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of the faith, which Philwasted in my life. His stunning adherence to evangelism has become the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vuychich. I am twenty seven years old. I was born without hands and legs, but I do not push on fate. I travel around the world to inspire millions of people. I urge everyone to arm yourself with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles standing in the way of fulfilling dreams. In this book, I will tell about my path. Of course, some obstacles stood only in front of me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find own the purpose of life. Your life should be beautiful.

My parents are true Christians. But when they were born, a child who had no hands, no legs, they doubted God: why did he create me? At first they thought that such a person, as I, there is neither hope nor the future. It seemed to them that I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life is superior to what we could not dream about. Every day I communicate with a lot of people by phone, email, with the help of EseMesok and on Twitter. People come to me at airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say I changed their lives. This is the true grace of the Lord. I incredible happy.

My parents and I could not imagine that my injury is my "cargo" - it can be a blessing, and disability will open in front of me incredible opportunities, allowing you to communicate with other people, support them, to understand their pain and carry consolation. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled in my soul a deep and true faith. I honestly tell you about how after experienced very hard times came to me faith and the feeling of the meaning of life.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was covered by despair. It seemed that I would never be able to be "normal." And pretend that my body is the same as my peers, it is impossible. I tried to engage in conventional boyfriends - swim or ride a skateboard, but once again convinced that there are a lot in the world, which I was simply not able to do.

Brutal children called me freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like that. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but it did not happen. I wanted to be usual, but it did not work.

I fought my head about the wall. My heart hurt. I was depressed, unhappy, I did not see the point of living, I suffered because it was doomed forever to be a burden for loved ones, I defeated black thoughts. I was alone even in those moments when my relatives were next to me. But I was brutally mistaken. What I did not know in the gloomy days of my childhood could fill out a book. The one you keep in your hands. I want to highlight you the way to the back of grief, where you will become stronger, more insistent, will be filled with the desire to change your life as you did not even dreamed.

If you have a desire and the desire to do something and this "something" in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. It is very important! Honestly, I myself did not always believe it. If you saw some my conversation on the Internet, you probably felt that happiness, I am overwhelming, is the result of a long journey. At first I did not have what it is necessary. And what I missed me, I found on the way. So, to live without restrictions, I need:

- Powerful feeling of the meaning of life.

- Hope, strong to unshakable.

- Faith in God and in the endless grace of him.

- Love and acceptance of yourself.

- Proper attitude to life.

- Strength of mind.

- Readiness for change.

- Strong heart.

- Willingness to look for opportunities.

- The ability to evaluate risks and laugh at life.

- The desire to serve people.

If you are one of those who behave hard every day, remember that there was not only a struggle in my life. And the feeling of the meaning and purpose of life, thanks to which my life has become such, what I could not dream about.

In the life of any person there are difficult moments. He falls, and it seems that there is no strength to rise. I know this feeling. It is familiar to us all. Life is not easy thing. But, overcoming difficulties, we become stronger and must be grateful for the new opportunities that we open before us. It is important what influence the person has on others, and how he finishes his way.

I love my life in the same way as yours. We have stunning opportunities.

Well, what do you say, buddy? Let's go through this path together?

* * *

Led Book Foreign Fragment Life without borders. Path to amazingly happy life (Nick Vuychich, 2010) Granted by our book partner -

© 2010 by Nicholas James Vujicic

© Novikova T.O., Translation into Russian, 2012

© design. LLC "Publisher" Eksmo ", 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book can be reproduced in any form and any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission of copyright holder.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by LITRES (

Series "Psychology. Crossroads of Fate "

"Wild. Dangerous journey as a way to find yourself "

For connoisseurs of high-quality prose, lovers of thoughtful reading. The story of a woman, alone last walking on the wilderness of the Pacific Range, which struck the world. Book - Bestseller with many awards!

"God never blinks. 50 lessons who change your life "

The book in which Regina Brett has turned its famous 50 lessons in deeply personal, sometimes funny and often touching essays. This emotional book will make readers think about their lives and help make her a little better.

"Last Lecture"

Randy Paush wrote the "last lecture" when he learned that he had left to live for several months. This is a story about how to live. How to appreciate every moment. How to tremble to children's dreams. How to live in order not to lose a second of precious time. It is a chance to each of us, having a long-long year, to understand now: What should I have time?

"Life without borders. The path to amazingly happy life "

Book Nick Vuily, born without hands and legs. This is an inspiring, an emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believing in itself and become happy. In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

"Unstoppable. Incredible Power of Faith in action "

The second book of the famous speaker, the author of bestseller "Life without borders" - Nick Vuychic, born without hands and legs. In the book, Nick speaks about the problems and difficulties that we face daily and explains how to overcome these difficulties and become irrelevant.

God: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

I would also like to devote this book to the Bottle Family from San Diego, California, I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of the faith, which Philwasted in my life. His stunning adherence to evangelism has become the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vuychich. I am twenty seven years old. I was born without hands and legs, but I do not push on fate. I travel around the world to inspire millions of people. I urge everyone to arm yourself with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles standing in the way of fulfilling dreams. In this book, I will tell about my path. Of course, some obstacles stood only in front of me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find own the purpose of life. Your life should be beautiful.

My parents are true Christians. But when they were born, a child who had no hands, no legs, they doubted God: why did he create me? At first they thought that such a person, as I, there is neither hope nor the future. It seemed to them that I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life is superior to what we could not dream about. Every day I communicate with a lot of people by phone, email, with the help of EseMesok and on Twitter. People come to me at airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say I changed their lives. This is the true grace of the Lord. I incredible happy.

My parents and I could not imagine that my injury is my "cargo" - it can be a blessing, and disability will open in front of me incredible opportunities, allowing you to communicate with other people, support them, to understand their pain and carry consolation. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled in my soul a deep and true faith. I honestly tell you about how after experienced very hard times came to me faith and the feeling of the meaning of life.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was covered by despair. It seemed that I would never be able to be "normal." And pretend that my body is the same as my peers, it is impossible. I tried to engage in conventional boyfriends - swim or ride a skateboard, but once again convinced that there are a lot in the world, which I was simply not able to do.

Brutal children called me freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like that. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but it did not happen. I wanted to be usual, but it did not work.

I fought my head about the wall. My heart hurt. I was depressed, unhappy, I did not see the point of living, I suffered because it was doomed forever to be a burden for loved ones, I defeated black thoughts. I was alone even in those moments when my relatives were next to me. But I was brutally mistaken. What I did not know in the gloomy days of my childhood could fill out a book. The one you keep in your hands. I want to highlight you the way to the back of grief, where you will become stronger, more insistent, will be filled with the desire to change your life as you did not even dreamed.

If you have a desire and the desire to do something and this "something" in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. It is very important! Honestly, I myself did not always believe it. If you saw some my conversation on the Internet, you probably felt that happiness, I am overwhelming, is the result of a long journey. At first I did not have what it is necessary. And what I missed me, I found on the way. So, to live without restrictions, I need:

- Powerful feeling of the meaning of life.

- Hope, strong to unshakable.

- Faith in God and in the endless grace of him.

- Love and acceptance of yourself.

- Proper attitude to life.

- Strength of mind.

- Readiness for change.

- Strong heart.

- Willingness to look for opportunities.

- The ability to evaluate risks and laugh at life.

- The desire to serve people.

Personality with a capital letter!

In contact with


Every day, one of us, reading another motivational book, decides to get out of the comfort zone: to arrange a "hellish week", start running in the morning, stop pronounced. These are the right and right steps towards our own development. Someone is busy looking for the meaning of life, this is also, no doubt, right.

But when you feel that life is hard, unjust, it is meaningless, you can't do anything, remember about one Australian guy - his life is solid " helloon week"It is unlikely that he ever took the territory of the" Comfort Zones ".

A person talking about today is one of the brightest and strong people Modern. His name is Nick Vuychich, and his life from the moment of birth is hell, which is unlikely to even imagine.

And yet, Nick has learned to live incredibly happy, full of life, what he wrote in the book "Life without borders. The path to a stunningly happy life. "

Birth and childhood

One can only assume what horror the young father, Boris Vuychich, December 1982 survived. He was present in the birth of his firstborn. And, without believing his eyes, I saw a newborn: he had no hand and legs.

Nika's parents knew anything about Tetra-Amelia syndrome. 4 months Mother could not find the strength to attach a baby to his chest. If then the Dushka and Boris broke, absolutely would not be happy end.

But parents did not refuse the child, accepted him as he was born and put every effort to grow it with a happy man. As Nick himself says, smiling to the inability, he is still lucky! He has "ham". The tiny semblance of the foot with two fingers, which were divided by surgical path.

Lucky with a ham! Think for a second.

Nick has learned to print, write, manage electrocolar, repel on a skateboard using these two fingers. The child was so smaller to adapt to the situation, to fully develop that when the time had come, went to the usual, and not a specialized school with other peers.

Hopelessness and despair

At ten, the boy asked her mother to attribute him to the bathroom. He decided to commit suicide, drowned. The child at that time realized that his achievements: the ability to write, ride on a skate, mean nothing compared to the fact that he was unable to do. For example, hug loved ones.

it scary discovery Potted Nick in the abyss of despair. But he found the strength not to make the last step: he understood what suffering would cause close to his act. "They do not deserve such," says Vuychich himself. Suicide is dishonest to people who are expensive.

Humor saves

You climb the airliner. You are met by flights of model appearance and .. Young man in the form of a pilot without hands and legs. He is radiant smiles.

Today we are experiencing new flight technology. I am your pilot!

Did you see the feelings of passengers? This is their nickname Vuychich played. And what to do if the fate "hard" played Vuychich himself. Just joke on the situation. Humor saves, and does not give to "reveal" from pity.

Be grateful to life for giving you the opportunity to learn and develop. The sense of humor will help in this. Nick uses this feature by the full program.

Not having received hands and legs, nickname got many other talents and abilities he develops with incredible perseverance. Just listed dry facts to be able to compare.

So, Nick has two higher education. He starred in a short film, wrote several books (one in collaboration with his wife). In addition, nickname is an excellent athlete, an extreme sensation amateur: nickname floats perfectly, plays golf, catches waves on surfing, jumping with a parachute, plays football.

I realized that physical dissimbers limit me only to the extent that I am limiting myself

Restrictions in ourselves

Nick decided not to limit themselves. That is what he tells on his numerous motivational speeches. Vuychich is a beautiful speaker, heartfelt and charismatic.

He just tries to speak with people, especially with those who have lost the meaning of life, feel that life took from the Test that one misfortune follows. Nick does not say: "Well, look at me. After all, everything is not so bad with you. " He does not try to compare suffering or pain. He is very respectful about other troubles.

But often, after such speeches, you look at your hands differently, my legs, wonder why I haven't jumped up with a parachute or did not get on the surphing board, and you think "everything is not so bad."

Nick is a believer who has repeatedly emphasizing this fact in his speeches. Naturally, he opposes abortions, believing that his life is an excellent illustration that "the Lord does not make mistakes." But nicknames in favor of people of different beliefs, respecting the choice of each listener.

Hugs with heart

The only thing that is not available to Nick is an embrace. He cannot feed his hands anyone, hug friends and loved ones. But here he found a way out: nickname can cuddle to the heart of man. And it is amazing.

Nick is so open for good and love that love came. It would seem that the question of personal happiness, paternity is closed for Nick. But fate turned out to be a lovely to him.

Nick Vuychich, a man without hands and feet, met a beautiful, successful girl of Cana Miuhara, who, to that, was already a young man. But it was real love. Nickname and Canae got married, and despite the fact that Tetra-Amelia syndrome can be hereditary, they have children.