What people know how to be true. Loyalty is what? Is it possible to be always in all true? Love and loyalty

I will give you one tip for your final exam. Once, you will stand before God and he will evaluate your loyalty. He will pay attention to seven different aspects of your life to judge your loyalty. Therefore, you should especially ask how to develop these seven regions of your personal life and your ministry.

1. Do you have the right goals?The faithful person knows what is important in life, and what is not. The faithful person knows how to rationally use his life given to him. The faithful person gives a report on his life. The faithful person distinguishes significant from insignificant.

In priest 28:20 Written: "The faithful person is rich in blessings, and who in a hurry to get rich, will not remain unspecified". This verse opposes loyalty to the desire to quickly get rich. It does not say about earnings. It says about the need to understand that there is something more than accumulating things in life. The Bible teaches that we must live in this materialistic world as a fish floating against the current. Loyalty is proved to our refusal to take the values \u200b\u200bof the system, which says that the "Almighty Dollar" is target No. 1 in our lives. Loyalty is often confirmed by the fact that a person chooses a less costly lifestyle to free time for serving.

2. Do your interests of other people care?The second criterion for which God will evaluate our loyalty is our attitude to the needs of other people. Did we care about the relationship of others, and not just about their relationship?

Loyalty floats against current modern culturewhich asks: "What is there here for me? What are my needs, ambitions, my wishes, my goals, my pain, my values, my profit, my benefit? " But God says that our loyalty is expressed in our aimed at others, when we share our lives with others, concentrating on the needs of other people, and not only on their own.

3. Do you adequately live in front of unbelievers?In other words, the quality of your evidence before foreign world. The Bible teaches that the pastor should be "impeccable" in society and have a good reputation, not only among believers, but also among unbelievers. When God will evaluate your loyalty, he will not look at your eloquence, it will be interested in how you have proven yourself to others.

4. Do you restore your promises?When God will evaluate your loyalty, he will remember all your promises. Proverbs 20:25 says: "The network for a person - hastily give vow, and after a vow to think about". It is much easier to climb into debts than paying with debts (which is a promise to return money). It is easier to start a relationship than to finish them. It is easier to write a schedule than to live on it. But the Bible says that "if I said, do it." Perform your promises. The reason number 1 for offense and perturbations is non-fulfillment of promises.

5. Are you developing giving data to God?The Bible makes a big emphasis on the use of gifts and talents that God gave us. God made an investment in your life and expects recoil. 1 Peter 4:10 says: "Serve each other, each with a gift that I received, like good house-building Multi-Divine Grace of God". Notice, here it says that if you do not use your spiritual gifts, you become incorrect. Loyalty is based on what we do with what we have.

6. Do you fulfill God's commandments?In 1 kingdoms 2:35 God says: "And put the priest of faithful", and emphasizes - "He will come to my heart and my soul". God defines fidelity As "obedience to the commandments of Christ." We can be gifted leaders and speakers, but disobedience disqualifies us from the category of faithful definition. It's easy, but very important.

7. Do you transmit your knowledge to others?The Bible teaches a lot about the principle of multiplication. You must convey what they took, faithful, and so on. None of us would be here today if it were not for the loyalty of men and women for 2000 years of the church. Today we teach, because some faithful men and women paid time and recorded Scriptures, others have retained the Scriptures, and the third of the Scriptures were transferred. We sit here because faithful people witnessed us.

If God has learned you any spiritual truth, your duty is to transfer it to others.

How can I become true?Galatians 5: 22-23 says: "The fruit of the spirit is faith (loyalty in some translations)". This is one of nine gifts. When the Holy Spirit acts in my life, I will show loyalty. How do you know what you are filled with the Spirit? What sign? Maybe some emotional experience?


Not always. You can experience something and not to be performed by the Spirit. What sign? Fetus. How can I show what is performed by the Spirit? I show it when I exhibit the loyalty that God expects from me.

Rick Warren It is the founder of Seddlbek Church "in Lake Forest, California, one of the largest and most influential churches of America. Rick - author of bestseller NY Times - "purposeful life." His book "The purposeful church" was named one of the Christian books that changed the world in the 20th century. It is also the founder of Pastors.com - the world community of pastors.

Translation - Sergey Karpenko for

Loyalty is a concept that can be viewed from different sides. It is difficult to give a clear definition of this word, because the point of view of each person depends on its experience, age, experienced events in life and its own installations.

In addition, you can consider different types of loyalty, because it is possible to store it not only to your beloved person. To understand this concept, it is worth not only to consider the definition given in the explanatory dictionary, but also to find out what kinds of loyalty are from which the decision-making depends to remain faithful to anyone or anything.

Definition of the term

Loyalty is persistence and invariance in feelings, relationships, in the performance of their duties, debt, according to the dictionary of Ozhegov. This is the quality of a person as a person once to make a decision and follow their choice, noted any doubts.

In fact, loyalty is a behavior line chosen in accordance with life values. It can not arise without the object of attention of internal or external. This spiritual need gives rise to someone or something. As a rule, loyalty manifests itself to his beloved, friends, word, God, principles and beliefs, heart, homeland, family.

Alternative definitions of concept

The question of how you understand the meaning of the word "loyalty" may have many answers, depending on which person is trying to give a definition. It may be:

  • "The right path" or "the right answer", i.e. correct;
  • "The right thing" means fundamentally reliable;
  • "The faithful person" is a reputable, serviceable.

Often random or conscious errors lead to violation of loyalty. And this is already treason, first of all, to itself, its rules, and then the object of attention. Such cases are conjugate with certain losses, moral, and sometimes physical. And depending on the situation, they are experiencing differently.

Loyalty to friendship

Loyalty is the main condition of this friendship, which claims for a large amount of time, patience and self-dedication that does not require anything in return. Not everyone is given the honor to become a friend.

Friendship arises on the basis of common interests, mutual sympathy, trust and is the highest moral value. It is purchased for no accident, and lives and develops in its scenario. It is very important that in a difficult moment there was a friend. And if he is in the mountain, and in joy, the wings grow up. And then human capabilities become unlimited. Historical victories scientific discoveriesAdventure is impossible without faithful friends.

Loyalty to debt

A sense of duty walks hand in hand with patriotism. And loyalty to him - this is a rod, on which durability and responsibility for the words and deeds, courage and honesty, constant readiness for overcoming all sorts of gravity and deprivation, professional, physical and psychological training. It is impossible to borrow, impose or take away. This is a gift of conscience and unshakable soul.

While taking the oath of warriors, the loyalty of their homeland. In combat conditions, the soldiers carry wounded fighters from under bullets, the faithful sense of duty. Even medals I. breastplate signs "For loyalty to debt" award worthy. This type of loyalty is manifested in politics and religion. The presidents of all countries of the world give an oath to the loyalty to the interests of the Power. In the old days, the subjects swore in the faith of the kings, and the ministers kept the secret of the Order. The priests died for faith, but did not betray her, because faith in God is the basis of any loyalty.

Love and loyalty

The meaning of the word "loyalty" in the relationship between a man and a woman does not allow neither compromises or double morality. Deep feelings arise only with full trust, sincerity and openness. Here you do not need either oaths or promises. People found each other, all doubts melted, the conscious choice is final and comments from the outside are not impressed. IN this case The desire to be faithful arises in itself and does not require effort. Just eradicates the need to look for someone better because it is better not to find.

This is an internal, unconscious, but because of this decision - to keep loyalty. The meaning of this word in this context is no doubt - not to allow anyone in except for the selected person. And let them say that in modern society the concept is losing its value that loyalty has practically disappeared. It is unlikely that it will once happen. Because if a person loves, he takes a silent solution to be true and does everything possible to create a family idyll, sincere equilibrium and sexual harmony.

If two loyalty to combine into one family life, then it will be the key to happiness. This is freedom from temptations, and responsibility for a loved one, and fulfilling obligations.

Parents have always been a model for imitating their children. And if they are faithful to the interests of the family, this will serve as a good example of the younger generation in their future adult life. Over the years, people become relative, because love is a girlfriend of loyalty.

Swan loyalty

Animals do not have such a high brain organization as in humans, so they are in most cases polygamines. Due to this, populations and viability of species are preserved. But you can allocate those for whom love and loyalty are the most important feelings. These are penguins, wolves, foxes, beavers, gibbons, bastards, sipuha, albatrosters, orlans and, of course, swans.

The value of the phraseologism "Swan loyalty" received the right to life from white swans. These birds are a symbol of loyalty. They create family couples for life and keep faithful even after the death of a partner. They can compare, care, treat, feed and give tenderness to loved before the last sigh. And after their death, they refuse flights, remain at the site of the former happiness and stored loyalty.

Loyalty is the face of human relationships. Where she settles, will grow reliable and bright fortress, where anger and jealousy will never get acquired, rage and fear. It is difficult to be true, but you need to try to open the door to this pure, kind and immaculate mental quality.

The concept of loyalty accompanies each person every day throughout his life in any field: love, friendship, work. Loyalty characterizes a person from the point of view of moral, ethical, mental qualities, education, causes a sense of trust, respect for him.

People can be faithful not only towards each other, but also to the Fatherland, the goal, personal principles, the rules of behavior, their dream, this word.

Interpretation of the concept of loyalty

According to intellular dictionary, the immutability and perseverance of feelings towards something or anyone is loyalty and devotion. The ability to firmly, unshakably fulfill its duty, to restrain the promises. This is the opposite of cunning, deception. This quality is not waiting for nothing in return, they do not agree in advance about him, it follows a person who follows a person in any of his endeavors, whether it is a relationship with people or with his inner world, thoughts, judgments, religion.

The faithful person is, before, all honest, respectable, highly powerful citizen and the subject of the Company. People who know how to be faithful, evaluating this quality above all, are never able to betrayal and deception. One of the main qualities characterizing a respectable person is loyalty. What is wearing without genuine devotion, confidence, the opportunity to rely on a hard shoulder, people who have seen betrayal, frustration and lies know well.

Devotion to friendship

People begin to be friends since early childhood. Completely even crumbs in children's garden They are already drawn to friendship, choosing suitable babies. In a school bench, more durable consisting in sharing, mutual assistance, the ability to stand up to each other. Sometimes these relationships pass throughout life, through many tests, becoming stronger. This is a real devotee friendship, without a caustic and betrayal.

The ability to rejoice along with the friend when it goes to the mountain, to assist, pull out from any straight, stand behind him, go behind him, wherever he asked, to be with him, even if everything is against him, is loyalty . without devotion? It's not quite a friendship, but a relationship based on mutual benefit, which can end up at any time.

Men's loyalty to a woman

Not every man is able to be a faithful only choices. Most are looking for new love adventures, even if they are married for a long time. Some men do not consider fleeting hobbies by Ajulter, and some wives are silently closed on the advent of her husband's husband, so as not to destroy the marriage and not injure the psyche of children.

A real man should be responsible for his actions. By choosing the only time, to carry it to the very end, without changing the trifles. The faithful and devotee understands the entire burden of responsibility, after the conclusion of a union based on full and mutual confidence. All his love for the spouse manifests itself in taking care of her, respect and sincerity, which is an inseparable part of the concept of loyalty.

Devotion to parents

Not all the children matured and to acquire their family, they can preserve loyalty to their old parents in relation to their old parents. What is one long-awaited call per month for the most relatives on earth of people who have given all the forces who have invested the whole soul in the education of the Son or daughter? Devotion to parents is an opportunity, despite employment, pay for them due attention and care.

The person faithful to its parents is obliged to repay them with a kindness, a warm attitude for love. It is a care guard over their parents to the very last day, providing them with proper care and support both moral and financial.

Loyalty to the Motherland

A special feeling for your native land, willingness to serve on its benefit, to protect against the invaders is also loyalty. What is a devotion in relation to the dedication, knows every soldier who protects his house, a swing turn, mercilessly killing enemies. Every mother knows about it, wiped tears, giving a sole son on the war.

About the loyalty to people of their country, obligations to them, the debt can tell every military, who lost his comrade on the battlefield. This knows the surviving soldier, wounded, but who preserved courage and courage to pull a friend from the fire.

Loyalty is the quality of a real hero, able to go through a lot by keeping the purity of thoughts and kindness towards the whole living. This is the ability of the radio higher goalBy sacrificing the sake of others, go ahead and not surrender.

Loyalty and devotion is the basis of all sincere and real human relations, the main moral quality of a spiritually developed, decent, sincere person who is incapable of deception and betrayal.

People often argue about what it means to be faithful. Loyalty is resistance and invariance in feelings, relationships, fulfillment of their duties, debt. Balzac once said: "Constancy is the basis of virtue." The meaning of his statement is that you need to appreciate loyalty and try to show it with all the might. For me, loyalty is the concept that every person should know and honor.

After all, loyalty is the manifestation of will, the consciousness and strength of the Spirit. We must be loyal to your family, a loved one, homeland and, of course, to yourself.

Reflecting on loyalty, I can't not turn to I.A. Bunin. His novels are filled with sadness and sadness, because this writer believed that love is always unhappy. The heroine of the story "Dark Alleys" Nadezhda carried his love for Nikolai throughout his life and kept her loyalty. For him, relationship with hope was a fleeting novel, and she was devoted to this love for many years. After years, the woman becomes independent, secured, devotes his life to his beloved business. Nicholas does not develop life. A wife left him, son rose a dishonest, shameless man. Only many years later, Nikolai realized that he had gone hope when forgot about her. Only now came the realization that this love was the main thing in his life. The heroine can not forgive him for betrayal, but loyalty to his lovedness warms her heart and memories make it at least a couple of moments happy.

Let's also remember the work fiction M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". main character Roman - Margarita is an example of dedication and loyalty to a loved one. She possessed huge power will and tolerance, even when the master worried not best Period In his life, she remained near, supported and encouraged him. The young man voluntarily goes to the clinic for mentally ill, because he believes that in such a state will bring Margarit only sorrow and disappointment. The master was greatly mistaken. All this time, without his beloved, the girl is very suffering, does not find a place. To save your beloved, Margarita without a shadow of doubt sells his soul Woland and becomes a witch. Just thanks to her, the master was driven from the clinic. Margarita remained faithful to his beloved to the end. Even the wave was able to appreciate the girl for her devotion. She followed his beloved from the beginning to the end and divided his fate with the master. It was its image that became the personification of true love and loyalty in the literature of the 20th century.

Summing up, we can conclude that being faithful means to love the near more than yourself. And in joy, and in the mountain to be near your loved one, take care and help him in spite of their interests.