What to do if your period is on the exam. How to deal with "these days" during the school period

No matter how well you prepare for the exam, no one is safe from accidents - something that we do not expect at all can happen to any of us. What should schoolchildren do if they encounter an emergency situation on the exam? Let's figure it out.

Unified State Exam Is one of the most exciting activities in the life of schoolchildren. After all, you need not only to be able to correctly apply the knowledge gained in the process of eleven years of study, but also to cope with anxiety, correctly fill out all the forms and have time to meet the time allotted for the exam. That is why most children carefully prepare for the state exam for at least the entire last year learning at school.

However, no matter how well you prepare for the exam, no one is immune from accidents - something that we do not expect at all can happen to any of us. What should schoolchildren do if they encounter an emergency situation on the exam? Let's figure it out.

The most common "freelance" situations on the exam

Single State exam - This is an event that in itself is perceived by schoolchildren as stress. Therefore, any deviation from the planned plan for passing the exam can lead a graduate to panic and inability to adequately respond to the current situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to consider in advance all possible deviations, and talk about how to react to them.

So what can happen during time of exam? Let's consider some of the possible "emergency" situations and scenarios.

You feel bad

The first thing to do is to understand whether this is temporary anxiety or a serious problem that requires prompt medical attention. You, like no one else, know your body and will be able to answer this question. If you feel that you really feel bad, feel free to raise your hand and talk about it. One of your companions will escort you to the infirmary. If you do not feel better, you can, if you wish, leave the exam and retake it on a reserve day.

Attention! There is no need to be afraid that the timing of the results will be shifted due to your removal from exam... If you really feel bad, then you don't need to think about it at all. We remind you that reserve days for passing the exam go, as a rule, almost immediately after the end of the main period, which means that you can get the results together with your classmates.

You are distracted by other guys or even poked in the back with a pen

It is forbidden to talk to other USE participants during the exam, so if your name is asked, just do not react. If the behavior of other examinees clearly bothers you and causes irritation, you can inform the organizers about this or even write an appeal about violations of the procedure for holding the exam. However, first think about whether the current situation is bothering you. pass the exam successfully to spoil the fate of other guys.

Be tolerant - the organizers already see what is happening and should make a comment or take more drastic measures. It is another matter if other participants of the exam really prevent you from concentrating, and the organizers do not see this - in this case, you can address them by raising your hand, or even write an appeal without leaving the PPE.

It's best to do the same if you notice some of the guys have signs of cheating - a phone, obvious cheat sheets, and so on. After all, if regional bodies record illegal actions with the help of cameras, they can cancel the results of the entire audience and fine the organizers.

Your pen fell, part of the work, the lace was untied, your leg was combed, and so on.

Yes, even such ordinary and seemingly funny situations do not cause laughter at all when you are sitting on the exam. We all know that putting your hands under the desk and picking up something from the floor participant of the exam is prohibited. If your pen fell off, just forget about it. Was she the last one? Well, then ask the organizers for a pen. The same can be done if all of your pens have run out.

If part of your work has fallen, then raise your hand and talk about it. The organizer will help you lift the work off the floor. You cannot do this yourself. An untied lace or a pulled up jacket will in no way interfere with you if you are sitting, but you can tie the lace and lower the jacket in the toilet.

You came to the toilet and found there a heap of cribs or covered walls

Few examinees will guess that in this case it is necessary to leave the toilet as soon as possible and report what they saw to the PPE staff. The fact is that if they suddenly decide to check the toilet room after you and they see the cheat sheets, then the first person to whom they attribute the authorship of these cheat sheets will be the last one to leave the toilet, that is, you. If you report that you have found cheat sheets, you can protect yourself from canceling the results.

You need to go to the toilet a second / third / seventh time

IN stressful situations the human body can work in different ways, and therefore, for some, anxiety can be expressed in frequent trips to the toilet. But what about the unspoken rule, according to which you can go to the toilet for the exam only once?

But in no way! IN USE regulations it is not specified how many times you can go to the toilet. It's another matter if you do it too often. In this case, you may be suspected of cheating. In addition, you should understand that frequent visits to the bathroom wastes valuable time that could have been spent on dealing with a challenging task. Try to leave the audience less often, but in the event of a certain need, do not tolerate and do not sit in the audience until the last moment.

The rules for the exam were really violated

Did the organizers talk aloud to each other, or did someone manage to bring a calculator to the math exam? Write a violation appeal the procedure for holding the exam immediately after the end of the exam, otherwise it will be much worse.

Listen carefully to the instructions before the exam - everything that can and cannot be done on the exam is indicated there. If you are not sure that you have noticed a violation of the USE rules, think carefully about whether it is worth writing an appeal.

Instead of a conclusion

In this article, we talked about the most common "freelance" situations that schoolchildren face on the exam, and what to do in such cases. We hope that our tips will help you not to get confused and successfully pass this test.

Remember the simplest rules for holding the exam:

  • you cannot bring anything for exams except pens, passport, water and chocolate
  • a ruler and a calculator are allowed for exams in some subjects
  • if you need to leave, you must raise your hand and ask for time off - an attendant will guide you

Do not break USE rules and do not support offenders by answering their requests or leaving cheat sheets for them in the toilet. Any suspicion in your direction can deprive you of points!

Good luck, successful application of knowledge and the kindest examiners to you!

May 27, 2019 in Russia begins the main stage of the exam... This is a unified state exam, which is mandatory for all students in grade 11. Based on its results, a school graduation certificate is issued and enrolled in universities.

Ekaterina Miroshkina

follows the exam

The exam is handed over strictly on schedule. In one day, one exam for all graduates of all cities.

On May 27 they pass geography and literature, on June 10 they write social studies, and the main stage will end on June 13 in biology, computer science and ICT. A few more days are allotted to the reserve for those who could not come for a good reason.

We disassembled difficult questions, which worries graduates and their parents during the USE period.

What will you learn

Can I change elective exams? What if one subject was indicated in the application, and now you decided to pass another?

Additional exams could be selected until February 1. You can't just change the list of exams - only for a good reason, with the permission of the commission and if there are at least two weeks left before the exam.

A good reason in such cases is, for example, when a university suddenly adds a new subject to the list of entrance examinations. This is a violation on the part of the university, but it happens.

If you chose several exams in reserve in February, you don't have to come to the one you don't need.

You don't need to surrender the excess

For example, if computer science, physics, history and social science were indicated in the application, and after informatics it became clear that there are enough points, you may not come to history and social science. For this there will be nothing.

If a graduate decides to enroll in another university and he lacks exams, he will have to wait for the next year. This also happens: it is unpleasant, but not fatal.

What happens if you don't come to the exam you need to take?

If you do not come for a valid reason - for example, due to illness - you can take the exam on reserve days. After the main stage is over, those who missed the exams will be allowed to pass. Good reason need to be confirmed by documents. If there are no documents, they will not be allowed to take exams on a reserve day.

If you do not pass the Russian language at all and basic math, a school leaving certificate will not be issued. But these subjects will be allowed to retake this year.

Don't come for mandatory - only for a good reason

A missed elective exam can only be taken after a year.

If you realized that you cannot come to the exam, be sure to call class teacher and a subject teacher. They will tell you what to do next, where to go, what documents to collect and when you can retake. You can call teachers even late in the evening or early in the morning: during the exam, they are usually always in touch, because sometimes more graduates are worried. At least that's what all the teachers we talked to told us.

When will the USE results be known?

Usually checks at all levels take a maximum of two weeks. Results can be published earlier, but not later than the scheduled date.

Who checks the work? How objective are the assessments?

Each work is checked by several people. The test part is checked by the computer. There are clear instructions for verification, so subjectivity is almost excluded. There may be different interpretations in oral subjects or essay, but usually deviations are one or two points. If the assessors have different grades, the result will be determined in favor of the graduate.

All forms are impersonal. The works for verification are distributed among experts automatically. Nobody knows that this particular student wrote this particular work. And the students do not know who will get their work, even if they try to leave some mark on the form.

After verification in their region, the work can be sent for cross-regional verification. And then, until March 1 of the next year, they are randomly checked again.

Better not to negotiate with anyone

Negotiating with a commission, looking for acquaintances and paying money for a check is a huge risk. It is illegal. And still no one can guarantee that everything will work out: exam check strictly controlled, including on federal level... If something like that is found, everyone will be punished. And the exam results will not be counted at all, even if the work is really well written.

If you disagree with the results, what to do then?

File an appeal. There are two working days for this after the results were officially announced.

You should file an appeal if you know for sure that, for example, the essay is written perfectly. Appeal test part based on the results of answers it is impossible. The maximum that you can count on is that during the check they did not recognize the signs so well, but the chances are small.

Sometimes, on the basis of an appeal, the number of points is reduced, although the graduate was counting on an increase. You need to think carefully before drawing attention to your work.

How to find out the answers to the exam in advance? They say they can be bought or recognized in other regions.

Not. Leakage of USE results is excluded. If on some sites they offer to buy answers to tests, they are scammers. Nobody knows the content of the test materials until the students sit down at their desks and the exam officially begins.

Sometimes the teachers themselves say that they found out what the options will be. Or one of the reviewers offers to buy them on an acquaintance. Trust no one.

There are no answers to the exam. What they sell are not the answers

There have already been cases when parents paid 50 thousand rubles and even more, and there was not a single coincidence.

Teachers are not scammers, they want the best and they themselves may think they got the right options. They sit, decide on the night before the exam, as if to help. And then on the exam it turns out that the tasks and answers are different.

Can I take my phone to the exam?

You can't. You can't take anything for the exam at all, except for a passport and a pen. Some items are allowed to take a ruler, calculator or protractor. Where the exam is held, there are metal detectors at the entrance.

Even if you managed to carry the phone, it is still unlikely to be able to use it. Here are some real life situations where graduates tried to use the phone and failed.

Ivan put the phone in a pocket sewn to his panties and said that the detector responds to piercings... He carried the phone and left it in the closet. I wanted to take time off during the exam and consult with the teacher through WhatsApp.

After the start of the exam, the inspectors inspected the toilets and removed all the stash with communications from there. It was a shame to go for the phone, and Ivan was left without a new Samsung. Until September, he was afraid that somehow it would be discovered that it was his phone, and the exam results would be canceled.

Everything worked out: Ivan himself passed the exam and got a good score. If he had been caught, he would not have enrolled this year.

Anya carried the phone in her bra, hid it securely in the toilet, and no one found... During the exam, Anya asked for time off, took the phone, but could not use it. There was a device on the floor to jam the communication signal. The phone was useless.

At the exam in mathematics, Anya relied on the phone: last year, her friend succeeded. As a result, Anya lost five points and now her parents pay 80 thousand rubles a year.

Vitya carried the phone in a sneaker straight to the class where the exam is being held... I was afraid to leave in the toilet, because they could find it. Vitya did not need a communication signal either: he was not going to write or call. He had photographed physics formulas on his phone in advance. I wanted to take time off and spy on if a difficult task came across.

Viti almost succeeded. But at 10:30 the phone vibrated from a call from my grandmother, who was very worried about her grandson. Physics was not counted for him, he did not manage to enter a good technical university.

Some people manage to carry the phone and use it. But this is a violation.

Can you bring in the cheat sheets? Will you be able to use them?

In theory, it is easier to smuggle a cheat sheet than a phone, but it's better not to smuggle it - it's also illegal. Inspectors are not allowed to ask the student to undress, feel him or check his pockets. The metal detector does not respond to cribs, but they are found in toilets and taken away even before the exam begins.

You won't be able to use cheat sheets or additional literature right on the exam. All rooms are equipped with video cameras and broadcast on the Internet. It is monitored in real time and then selectively reviewed after the exam.

It also happens like this.

Zhenya wrote a list of words with the correct accent on masking tape and pasted it on her legs under her skirt... Zhenya is an excellent student and knows Russian well, but all her friends did this, and she, too, just in case. The cheat sheet was not useful to her: she already knew the words.

Two hours later, Zhenya asked to go to the toilet and forgot about the tape. The cribs came off and slipped under the pantyhose to my knees. This was noticed by a member of the commission in the corridor. Zhenya was to be removed from the exam in disgrace. She miraculously and tears managed to persuade the inspector not to report the violation. And although Zhenya was met halfway, she was so worried that she wrote an essay poorly and did not get points for the Faculty of Journalism. For the sake of fairness, almost all practicing journalists today advise against going to journalism departments.

Vika and Lisa made history cribs for two... They also took the answers to the tests, which were sold to them as real. To avoid being caught, they divided it all in half. The classmates got into different audiences and agreed in advance to meet at 11 o'clock in the toilet.

They asked for time off, as agreed, at the same time, but did not take into account that they were taken to different toilets - each was taken to the one that was closer. It didn't work out to meet, and Liza needed the cribs that Vika took with her.

Cheat sheets should be written before the exam, just to remember them better. You shouldn't take them with you to the exam. There are no ideal options without risk, everything cannot be foreseen. Something can always go wrong, and not only income to the budget, but also a school leaving certificate will be at risk.

Can I negotiate with the exam commission to help? Can you tell me?

No, no one will tell you anything. You can ask a question only after filling out the form. The answer should be loud and clear. Calling a member of the commission and asking for help in a whisper will not work.

There is no practical sense in making such requests. Teachers in other subjects or administrative staff sit on the commission.

The members of the commission are monitored by other members of the commission, public observers, Rosobrnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office. Everything is very strict. If someone helps a graduate, he will be fined.

If everything is correct on the draft, but there is a mistake on the form, which answer will be counted?

The answer on the official form is always counted. Drafts are not rated.

You need to properly allocate time to check the work and have time to rewrite everything without errors.

What if the exam gets bad?

You need to contact a health worker. He is always present in the audience. Then they will act according to the situation. If the work fails, it will be recorded, but the results will not be evaluated. It will be possible to hand over again on a reserve day.

If you need to take medicine during the exam, it is allowed. If you need to drink juice, eat sweets or get an injection, you can do that too. You can bring water or a chocolate with you, but you won't be able to use them as cheat sheets: they will check everything. If they find inscriptions, they will be deleted without the right to re-take.

If this year there is not enough points, and there is no possibility to study for a fee, then what to do?

If it did not work to get even the minimum in basic subjects, they will not give a certificate. The main subjects will be offered to retake on a reserve day or in the fall.

If the scores are higher than the minimum, but still low, you can retake the exams in the required subjects next year and choose the best result.

The USE results are valid for four years. For example, if a graduate passed Russian and biology well, but got worried in mathematics and missed three points, you can retake mathematics in a year and apply to the university again.

It is unreasonable to postpone admission only because there were not enough points in a prestigious university. Anything can happen in a year.

Better a simpler university than waiting a year

There is no guarantee that they will do well in their exams next year, and they will not improve their passing score. It is better to choose a faculty or a simpler university, and then look for options for transfer or apply again.

Ksyusha wanted to become a microbiologist or virologist... She chose biology and chemistry from additional subjects, but enroll in medical academy Did not work out. In order not to lose a year, Ksyusha submitted documents to the Institute of Food Production, where chemistry was also needed. She went on a budget and got a dorm room. The next year, she changed her mind about taking the exam again - she stayed at her university. Now Ksyusha has already received her diploma, works as a food technologist at an international enterprise and receives five times more than her parents are doctors.

If there are not enough points at all for admission to the budget, there is an option not to enroll, prepare, and retake the exam next year.

Sergey also wanted to become a doctor, but he passed biology badly and did not go on the budget.... He had a respite from the army, so in order not to lose a year, he entered a medical college in his city and was preparing to retake the exam. If it didn't work out, Sergei would have stayed in college, trained to be a paramedic and still worked in medicine as he dreamed of.

But he did it. The next year he retaken biology and, with the same results in Russian and mathematics, went to study to be a cardiologist. By that time, he still managed to get a referral from their local cardiological dispensary, which also helped.

What are the ways to pass the exam well?

To pass the exam well, you need to prepare for it. It is better to start in the tenth grade. You can prepare yourself or with a tutor.

Shortly before the exams, it is most effective to solve the tests of the past. Tasks in the exam are typical and in different years may come across very similar. If there is a tutor, he will select the correct training method, taking into account the student's abilities.

What is the best thing to do before the exam?

Graduates need to sleep... You can't sit all night over textbooks or look for answers this year. Not getting enough sleep and getting nervous is the worst thing.

What to do after the exams?

Track the results and celebrate the prom. When the official results are summed up, prepare the documents for admission. If there are benefits or the right to additional points based on the results of the Olympiads, they must be confirmed.

You can submit at the same time USE results to five universities. Each has three specialties. All information about specialties, documents, quantity budget places and passing scores are published on the websites of universities.

If you do not manage to enter the budget, think about where to get money to pay for your studies. Better to take care of this before the exams, just in case. Find out at the institute how to transfer to the budget from the second year, if this is practiced. If you try, you can save a lot of money.

Experiment with faculties and universities. In one institute there is a competition of 100 people for a place, while in another there may be a shortage even for a similar specialty. The prestige of the university does not guarantee anything.

Invite the student to look for options for a part-time job. You can transfer to correspondence, work in shifts or remotely.

In the life of every girl there comes a moment when her body changes. The figure becomes more feminine, the breast begins to form, and with it the menstrual cycle, the first menstruation appears. All these processes are interconnected, so it is very important to explain and prepare the girl for these important metamorphoses. As a rule, the onset of puberty falls at 11-14 years of age, but each organism is individual, so critical days can go both later and earlier. In any case, many girls are very worried about the expectation. The body often sends clues to help anticipate when the first period will begin. To be ready for this moment, you can take a simple test to determine the onset of menstruation.

Test for girls for the appearance of the first menstruation

Experts have developed simple tests for girls who help determine when the first period will begin. If a girl asks when my first period should begin, you should first answer the following:

  • How old are you?
  • Are your breasts growing?
  • Are there armpit and pubic hair?
  • Have you noticed clear or whitish vaginal discharge?
  • Do you feel frequent mood swings?

If the test is passed by a girl of about 12 years old, and all questions are answered positively, then, most likely, the first menstruation will not be long in coming. You need to prepare for this event, carry a sanitary napkin with you, so as not to get confused at a crucial moment.

Usually, a couple of years before the onset of menstruation, the hormone estrogen begins to activate. Under its influence, the uterus, mammary glands grow, the pelvis expands, and the waist appears. The girl's figure begins to take on a feminine shape. From now on, you should prepare for the onset of menstruation.

Very often, the beginning of menstruation is influenced by the girl's weight, hereditary characteristics, the presence of hormonal disorders. Therefore, despite the set of typical signs of an approaching menstruation, each organism has individual indicators, and tests may give an erroneous result.

Signs of the appearance of the first menstruation

As a rule, menstruation is accompanied by certain unpleasant sensations. The first menstruation in girls is no exception, so it is very important to warn about possible symptoms:

  1. In the lower abdomen, there are pulling pains and a feeling of fullness.
  2. Frequent mood swings are a harbinger of the first menstrual period.
  3. The abdomen may swell.
  4. Increased sensitivity of swollen mammary glands.
  5. Headache and weakness can be a sign of approaching menstruation.
  6. Bloody vaginal discharge.

Read also 🗓 No periods at 14 years of age

The first menstruation is a very crucial moment in the life of every girl. Mothers should prepare them for this event, explain why this is happening, talk about the features of personal hygiene these days and how to use sanitary pads correctly.

What the first period should look like

Menstruation is manifested by bloody vaginal discharge, which should be dark red or brown in color. The first menstruation is not characterized by increased intensity, but there are exceptions. Girls who first encounter a similar phenomenon may be frightened, but this is a normal manifestation of the first menstruation. The volume of discharge sometimes reaches 150 ml, which is not dangerous if the girl's well-being remains within normal limits. But if, with profuse bleeding, you feel dizzy, your face turns pale, or fainting occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if the first menstruation has begun

If the girl already knows that significant changes in her life and some associated inconveniences await her soon, she should monitor her well-being. Before the onset of the first menstruation, there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, a change in mood, breast swelling, the appearance of leucorrhoea on the underwear.

All these signs indicate that you need to be ready for menstruation at any time, carry a pad and changeable underwear. What to do if your period started for the first time?

  1. No need to panic, this is completely normal.
  2. First of all, you need to go to the toilet, change your underwear and attach the pad to your clean panties.
  3. If you suddenly don't have a pad at hand, you can put toilet paper folded several times into your panties. At school, there are probably hygiene products in the nurse's office, so you should contact her for help.
  4. During the first menstruation, there may be discomfort in the lower abdomen, which is difficult to tolerate. In this case, you should always have funds with you to eliminate pain symptoms.
  5. You can apply a heating pad to the stomach with cold water... This will soothe the pain and reduce the intensity of your periods. You have to be very careful not to overcool the internal organs.
  6. If suddenly critical days overtook you suddenly, and a brown stain appeared on your clothes, you can tie a sweater around your belt to hide the trouble, and at home remove traces of blood with cold water.

One should not be ashamed of such phenomena. You can safely ask for help from a nurse, teacher, girlfriend, but best of all - to your mother. Any woman will understand a similar problem, as she faces it every month.

How long does your period last?

As a rule, the first menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days. But due to the unstable initial cycle, this period can be different. However, exceeding the weekly period may indicate pathology or hormonal imbalances, so you should consult a doctor. The next menstruation, ideally, should begin in 28-30 days, but in the early stages of the formation of the cycle, such precision rarely happens.

Regardless of the age at which the first menstruation began, even during the year the cycle may be unstable: menstruation is either delayed or comes ahead of schedule. This hormonal behavior is considered normal at first, as the normal cycle is set up. But if after 2 years the menstrual cycle has not stabilized, you should consult a doctor and get tested for sex hormones.

Hygiene products for girls with menstruation

There are different hygiene products that women use during their periods. But not all of them are suitable for girls during their first critical days.

Sanitary pads are best for girls. They have a special adhesive surface that should be glued to the underwear. The soft, smooth surface touches the body and absorbs all secretions. Pads come in different sizes, depending on how much liquid they can absorb. Typically, the number of droplets shown on a package tells you how much secretions they can absorb.

The gasket must be changed at least every 3-4 hours, even if it is not completely saturated yet. Blood is a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes that can lead to inflammation.

More attention should be paid to personal hygiene. It is advisable to cleanse the external genitals of menstrual blood after each change of the pad. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane.

There are special pads for the night time. They are large in size and absorb a lot of liquid. They can be used to avoid night leaks.

Theoretically, from the first menstruation, the use of tampons can be allowed. But for the girl, it is better to first learn how to use simpler means, such as pads. You can use tampons during the first menstruation only of the smallest sizes, change at least every 3-4 hours. If prolonged wearing of one pad can lead to the multiplication of pathogenic microbes, then a tampon, being in a warm, humid environment, further contributes to the development of bacterial diseases.

When menstruation catches you at school, then predictably few reasons for joy, especially if your stomach is also cramping, and it is completely difficult to go to the toilet. However, if you are ready for the onset of these days in advance, then you will not have to worry about anything else. The most important thing in this business is to keep everything that you may need close at hand and do not hesitate to take time off to go to the toilet! Remember, don't be ashamed of your period - there is nothing wrong with that!


Part 1


    Always carry tampons or pads with you. If you really want to be ready for your period even while you are at school, then the most important thing is to have a supply of pads, tampons, or something like that. The stock saves you from having to worry about seeing ... ahem ... well, you get the idea. In general, have a supply of these personal hygiene products with you, and then you can not only help yourself, but, say, lend a helping hand to your friend.

    • Menstrual cups, which are inserted into the vagina and collect blood, are also an option. They are enough for 10 hours, you will not feel them ... of course, the option is not as popular as tampons or pads, but no less safe.
    • If you think your cycle is about to start (maybe even today), insert a tampon or pad before going to school.
  1. Find a place to store your hygiene items. Of course, there is nothing shameful about them, but if you are still embarrassed by something, then look for places where you could store them. However, what is long to look for if you have a cosmetic bag ?! If the school charter does not allow students to carry cosmetic bags and handbags, then a pencil case will do, or even something like a folder. Think in advance where you will put your "stock", and when your period comes, it will be much easier and easier for you.

    • If you have a locker, that's great! If the lock is secure, then you can store a year's supply of hygiene products there, and not carry them with you.
  2. Spare underwear and pants will come in handy. At least you will feel calmer with them. Yes, many women are tormented by the fear that the onset of their periods will become noticeable to the naked eye to an outside observer, and in the most obvious way - but this is generally a rarity. Still, it doesn't hurt to be ready! Spare underwear and pants are the best answer to this fear. They will lie quietly somewhere, you will remember them and not worry. Isn't it good?

    • Alternatively, you can also store something like a sweater in stock - it can be wrapped around the waist.
  3. Add a chocolate bar to your supplies. Your period or PMS is a good reason to eat a little more chocolate. Research shows chocolate can relieve PMS symptoms ... and it just tastes good! In general, a chocolate bar will calm and cheer you up, and this is not at all superfluous on such and such days.

    Have a pain reliever handy in case your menstrual pain gets too severe. If your period is also a stomach ache, nausea, a feeling of bloating and other "delights" of life for you, then it makes sense to have an analgesic with you (the main thing is that it does not contradict the school charter). Ibuprofen or another over-the-counter drug will do just fine. This, of course, is not necessary, but it can brighten life during menstruation.

    • The main thing is to discuss this issue with your parents and doctors in order to know for sure that the chosen drug is not dangerous for you.
  4. Know when these days will come. Your monthly period may not be very regular, but it will still not be superfluous to keep a calendar. This will not only allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises, but also to take all appropriate precautions in advance - for example, knowing that your period will begin around this week, you can start using pads.

    Become familiar with the warning signs of the menstrual cycle. Menstruation often causes side effects such as cramping, bloating, acne, and breast tenderness. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, your period will start soon.

    • With these symptoms, you need to double check that everything is in place. Make sure spare pads or swabs are in place. Also, make sure you have enough pads / tampons for the coming days and check if pain relievers are in place.
    • Wear dark clothing when you think your period is about to start. If your period catches you by surprise, black will help hide it.

    Part 2

    We act if your period has begun
    1. Go to the restroom as soon as possible. So you can assess the situation without prying eyes. In the toilet, you can put on a pad to avoid embarrassing situations for the rest of the day. If, while in class, you suspect that your period has begun, immediately ask the teacher to go to the toilet.

      Ask your teacher, nurse, or friend for help. If your period, that winter, came unexpectedly, and you are not at all ready for them, do not hesitate to ask your friends for help. If none of them can help you, contact the teacher or nurse (but keep in mind that if they are already about 45-50, then there is a chance that they have already started menopause, that is, the need to carry with them, say, the same gaskets).

      Make your own spacer if needed. If there is still no better option, and menstruation is just about, then something needs to be done, namely, a homemade gasket. Basically, it's simple - you need a long piece of toilet paper, long enough to roll it at least 10 times around your palm. This thickness will be the minimum sufficient. Place this makeshift pad in your underwear just like you would your usual one, and then take another long piece of toilet paper and wrap it around that pad (perpendicular) 8-10 more times until everything is securely fastened. Basically, you can take another piece of toilet paper and repeat the procedure. Of course, this cannot be compared with a regular gasket, but still.

      • Basically, if you don't have such heavy periods, then you shouldn't shove a whole roll into your underwear - it's enough, say, to roll a piece of toilet paper 2-3 times. However, everything here is purely individual.
    2. Wrap the jacket around your waist if necessary. If possible, wrap a T-shirt, sweater, or jacket around your waist, especially if you suspect blood has seeped through your clothing. This way you can hide the stains until you have the opportunity to change your clothes.

    Part 3

    More thorough preparation

      Drink enough. This may be the last thing you might think about, but just when the body's water balance is normal, it does not need to retain moisture. Accordingly, you will feel less bloated. Always keep a bottle of water with you, remember that your daily fluid intake is about 2–2.5 liters of water! Of course, drinking at school is not so easy. But you still try. You can drink a glass of water before and after class.

      • Foods that are mostly water will help, too. Watermelons, berries, cucumbers, lettuce - all this will be useful.
      • Minimize your intake of caffeine, such as caffeinated sodas, tea and coffee. Caffeine has a dehydrating effect, which in this case will only worsen the situation.
    1. Eat foods that keep you from feeling heavy and bloated. If you want to survive your period with, as they say, minimal losses, then you need to give up, even for a while, products that may make you feel unwell. In particular, it is worth giving up fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Yes, no fries, hamburgers, lemonade. Eat healthy foods and substitute water or sugar-free tea for lemonade. You may feel better after that.

      Don't skip exercise. Yes, no, exercise can relieve pain. Yes, you may not feel like running and jumping at all, but the fact is that exercise will help you. Aerobic exercise makes the body pump blood better and better, leads to the release of endorphins (prostaglandin blockers), which makes you less painful. Resist the temptation to sit on a bench with a grimace of pain on your face - go and start stretching!

      • Of course, if you really feel bad, then it makes sense to refrain from exercise - but only in this case.
      • Skipping exercise because of your period can draw extra attention to yourself. Consider if this fits with your plan.
    2. Visit the restroom every 2-3 hours. Even before starting classes, it makes sense to set yourself just such a goal. In the event that your period is heavy, then this will be very useful, because you can change pads or tampons, well, or just check if everything is in order. You understand that in such a situation it is better to double check than not to check and worry. Of course, there is no point in changing tampons every two hours, but in the case of heavy periods, it is appropriate to change it every 3-4 hours, and in the case of less abundant ones - once every 8 hours. However, checking everything from time to time still does not hurt.

    3. Dispose of your pads and tampons properly. If you need to throw something away while you are at school, then you need to do everything wisely. Don't flush it all down the toilet - the pipe, you know, can get clogged. It is best to dispose of used tampons and pads in the bin located in the booth itself. Be sure to wrap them in a layer or two of toilet paper, though, so they don't stick to the basket.

      • If there are no trash containers in the booths, then throw such trash into an ordinary trash can in the toilet. Do not be ashamed of this.
      • Remember to wash your hands when you change your tampon or pad.
    4. Wear dark clothes if you feel calmer. Of course, it is unlikely that blood stains will appear on your things, but it still makes sense to wear dark during menstruation. What's the point? Yes, in your own personal peace of mind, that's all. By wearing dark, you save yourself the need to check every now and then to see if any speck of a suspicious red color has appeared on the fabric. In general, if it will be calmer for you, then why not?

      • Menstruation is not a reason to dress in ugly or old fashion. If you want to flaunt in something snow-white or pastel, then there is no reason to deny yourself this.
      • Please note that in many schools there are requirements for dress code - it must be secular in nature and comply with generally accepted norms of business style.
    5. Think about how to react if someone wants to hurt you or make an inappropriate joke. Even if they are being rude to you, remember to treat people the way you expect them to be, so don't be rude in return. If you're being followed up, report it to a trusted adult. You can answer rudeness like this:

      • “I'm really not in the mood. Please stop. "
      • “I really need to be alone. Could you leave me alone? "
    6. Know how to take time off. If you are in class, take time off to the infirmary, or quietly explain to the teacher what the matter is, and go to the toilet. Here's what to say without going into details:

      • "I have such days, can I go to the toilet? "
      • "I've got something started, can I go out for a few minutes?"
      • "Something happened to me on the female side ... well, you know."

    Part 4

    Keeping the right mindset
    1. Do not be shy. It doesn't really matter if your period started first in class or the last one - everyone starts having them. Every woman. So why be ashamed? All this is natural, all this is part of the development of the organism, part of growing up. Menstruation is a sign that your body is already ready for motherhood, you should be proud of it! And don't let the boys tease you ... and don't let anyone else! You should be proud of your period!

      • Discuss this topic with your friends - after all, it's always nice to know that you are not alone in any given situation.
    2. Don't worry about the smell. This question, by the way, is relevant for many girls - they are afraid that someone will determine by the smell that they have periods. However, menstruation itself does not smell, but the smell can come from the pad (but not immediately, but, say, a few hours after the blood is absorbed into it). Accordingly, so that nothing smells, the pad should be changed every 2-3 hours, or you can just wear a tampon. Some girls, however, choose perfumed pads - and this smell can also be quite strong, so decide for yourself.

      • Do you want to try this kind of hygiene products? First, vilify them at home, and then see if you can go with them to school.
    3. Make sure your parents are up to date. There is no need to make a terrible secret about the onset of menstruation, no need to be ashamed of them. It is very important to tell about their occurrence (especially about the first one) to the mother or father. Better, of course, the mother, although any other female relative will be able to provide you with all the advice and assistance you need in this case. This will make you feel calmer and easier. Remember, all girls go through this, and your mother went through, and your grandmother, and her mother, and her grandmother. In general, the sooner you say, the easier it will be for you.

      • Your parents, believe me, will be proud of what you told them everything. Mom may even cry a little!
      • If you live with your father, then you are likely to be ashamed to tell him about this. However, after talking about the onset of your period, you will immediately notice that you feel better. Well, your old father ... he'll just be glad you were honest with him on this matter.
    4. Don't be afraid to take time off to use the bathroom directly from class if necessary. If you understand that the time has come, do not hesitate to ask for time off. If you come to school with the right attitude, it won't be a problem and the day will go better. You can even check with the teachers if you can go to the toilet right away without asking for time off.

      • Know that teachers and school administrators should be more than willing to help you even in this situation! Believe me, you are not the first person to have periods in school.
    • Try to wear dark clothes so that if you have a leak, it will not be as noticeable on your clothes as on white or bodily things.
    • If the school has a uniform and dark clothes are not allowed, wear a second pair of pants (or leggings underneath). If a it comes about a skirt, wear special shorts or leggings under it.
    • You will have to sit a lot at school, so make sure you are comfortable and your tampon does not leak.
    • Take extra underwear with you just in case.
    • If you are embarrassed about going to the restroom with a bag or cosmetic bag, you can carry a tampon in your pocket or bra.
    • If you are having a difficult period or are not too sure at the moment, you can buy super absorbent pads / tampons to avoid discomfort or leakage.
    • Whenever you do not have a pad with you, use rolled toilet paper or tissue to run to the office, to the nurse, or to the gym teacher's room. There are always spacers in schools.
    • Always wear panty liners as if it starts you will be ready.
    • Put the stash in your bag and just carry it with you between lessons, so you can save time trekking to the locker or to the stall. Just take your feminine items out of the bag.
    • If you are worried during exercise that your shorts are too wide and the padding may fall out, especially in wet conditions, wear cycling or spandex shorts. But the best option is a tracksuit bottom!
    • At the medical office, you can ask for pads or a tampon - most likely they will be given to you.


    • Remember not to spray perfume on your pads and / or tampons before use, and never spray perfume around your vagina. This can irritate the genital area.
    • Be clean! When you leave the bathroom, make sure you leave everything clean and tidy, not messy.
    • Change your pad every 2-4 hours; tampon - every 3-4 hours.
    • Leaving the tampon for too long can lead to toxic shock. It is a rare but fatal infection. Make sure you change your tampon every 3-4 hours to be safe. Read the instructions in the tampon box to completely avoid the risk.
    • Take a bath twice a day to stay clean - morning and evening. Perfume will help mask the smell, but a bath and shower are essential.
    • Check if you can bring pain relievers to school. The charter of some schools prohibits this, alas, so do not incur problems.

Which woman has never met painful and uncomfortable menstruation in her life? Only a few of us can boast that their periods do not cause them any inconvenience. According to gynecologists, one of the most common complaints of patients in gynecological offices is soreness of menstruation and a feeling of discomfort. This feeling can spoil the mood for a long time, reduce performance and put a woman to bed. This condition is called dysmenorrhea, previously it was also called algomenorrhea, but this term, in addition to pain, did not describe other phenomena that occur during menstruation.

What is this disease?
In fact, soreness of menstruation and the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms on the part of health is not a disease, these are just symptoms that are associated with any existing gynecological diseases or that arise without a previous pathology of the genital organs. The course of dysmenorrhea can vary significantly in different women, but most women develop abdominal or lower back pain on the first or second day of menstruation, or pain occurs several hours before the onset of bleeding. The pain usually lasts for one to two days of menstruation, gradually subsiding. The pain can be aching in nature, it can stab in the lower abdomen, twitch, but the most common type of pain is cramping pains, spastic, radiating to the rectum, lower back and bladder area.

But in addition to pain in the pelvic region - soreness of menstruation, symptoms from the whole body can be characteristic - it can be nauseous, drowsiness and weakness are expressed, the body temperature rises. In addition, many women are prone to emotional reactions - irritability, increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, increased appetite up to bulimia. According to the severity of symptoms, gynecologists distinguish three forms of the disease.

Forms of the disease.
The most common form of the disease is moderate soreness in the genital area and minor malaise of the child. With all this, the woman is physically active, her working capacity is not disturbed, as is the level of daily activity. But, doctors notice that without timely correction, a mild form of the disease can gradually turn into more severe forms, which are manifested by an increasing malaise month after month, and the duration of painful phenomena gradually increases.

There may be other manifestations, more severe and prolonged - these cases are characterized by manifestations of pain in the lower abdomen, attacks of weakness and malaise. There may be bouts of nausea, and even vomiting, headaches with frequent urination, chills. Women may feel anxious, depressed, and irritable. With this course of dysmenorrhea, attacks of insomnia may appear, there may be a sharp intolerance to a pungent odor, increased appetite, or vice versa, refusal to eat. At the same time, performance suffers, and it is necessary to select medications with the help of a specialist to help the woman feel more active and lighter.

In the most severe, third stage of dysmenorrhea, very severe pain in the lumbar region and abdomen, severe headache, general weakness, up to the inability to get out of bed can appear. Often the temperature rises, there may be diarrhea and vomiting, pain in the heart, fainting and palpitations. In this state, the working capacity is practically zero, taking analgesics practically does not give an effect, while only giving side effects. With such severe forms of dysmenorrhea, severe malformations of the genital organs are usually revealed by the type of doubling of the uterus, its strong bend, membranes and membranes in the uterus. This condition requires mandatory consultation with a gynecologist and active treatment.

What could be the reasons?
There are many reasons for the development of dysmenorrhea - each researcher highlights his own leading factors. But today, the main factor affecting the formation of dysmenorrhea is the impaired synthesis or secretion of sex hormones. Due to the lack of sex hormones, hormone-like substances, prostaglandins, which are responsible for pain and inflammation in the body, prevail. The tissues of young girls and nulliparous women in the period from 13 to 25 years old are especially sensitive to them. With this type of dysmenorrhea, which occurs with hormonal problems, changes in the tissues are primary - this type of dysmenorrhea is considered primary. Usually it is treated quite quickly and simply - analgesics are used in combination with progesterone oral contraceptives or progestin drugs. During treatment, it is necessary to keep a calendar of menstruation and regularly, once every three months, visit a doctor.

In older women after about 30-35 years, manifestations of ailments and painful sensations during menstruation can be manifestations of various kinds of gynecological pathologies - endometriosis, myomatous nodes of the uterus, adenomyosis, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Therefore, the occurrence of painful menstruation at this age should be regarded as a serious symptom of anxiety and a reason to see a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease, prescribe adequate therapy and methods for correcting soreness during menstruation.

Usually, soreness and bouts of malaise during menstruation after the age of 35 are called secondary dysmenorrhea, they usually require detailed and thorough examination. Usually, all these examinations are prescribed by a specialist on the basis of a polyclinic or a diagnostic center, if necessary in a hospital and in each case they will be individual, based on the initial complaints and the dynamics of the disease. Usually, an ultrasound of the internal organs is performed and, if necessary, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. If intrauterine contraceptives are used, it is recommended that they be removed and replaced with oral contraception. To reduce pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
In any case, painful menstruation is a signal of the body about trouble in its work, since menstruation should not bring discomfort to a woman and disrupt her usual life. Therefore, it is necessary to treat and correct all changes in the body in order to normalize health. Now we will understand in more detail the causes and mechanisms of the development of pain in order to correctly, quickly and effectively cope with painful manifestations.

Primary dysmenorrhea.
In primary dysmenorrhea, manifestations usually occur already in adolescence or in adolescence, parallel to the onset of the first menstruation, or one to two years after its onset. Usually, the first manifestations are quite tolerable, the pain is short-lived, practically does not affect the girl's ability to work and her usual life, allow her to go to school or work. Manifestations of other symptoms of dysmenorrhea such as nausea, weakness and other manifestations are usually absent in adolescents, can then be detected after a while, while pain in the pelvic region increases, and the duration of the painful period lengthens.

Primary dysmenorrhea is divided into two forms:
- compensated form,
- uncompensated form.
The compensated form of dysmenorrhea is manifested by unchanged symptoms of pain for a long time without progression of the condition. The pain is not strong, bearable, does not interfere with life.
The uncompensated form of the disease tends to increase the symptoms and progression of the disease, while the symptoms increase in duration and severity, disrupting the quality of life of girls and forcing them to miss classes or work.

According to the body's reaction to the onset of menstruation, two types of primary dysmenorrhea can also be distinguished. The first type or adrenergic reaction of the body is manifested by an increase in the level of stress hormones in the body - norepinephrine and adrenaline, dopamine, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the entire hormonal status of the body. With this type of dysmenorrhea, severe headaches appear, body temperature rises, red spots appear on the face or neck, intestinal function is disrupted with the formation of constipation and palpitations. The feet and hands often become bluish due to slow blood flow through the small vessels that are located inside them. On the face, the skin can look, on the contrary, very pale, sleep and appetite can be disturbed, up to insomnia and anorexia.
In the second type, the parasympathetic variant of dysmenorrhea, manifestations usually occur due to an increase in the level of serotonin in the area nervous system... The most typical manifestations of dysmenorrhea then will be nausea with vomiting, bradycardia, decreased body temperature and diarrhea. Facial edema, weight gain before menstruation and allergic-type skin reactions may occur.

Tomorrow we will continue the analysis of primary and secondary dysmenorrhea, methods of assistance in the severe course of this condition and methods of diagnosis and treatment.

If your period is painful - part two: