Exam tests profile level. Preparation for the exam in mathematics (profile level): tasks, solutions and explanations

Not all schools teach such a necessary and important skill as writing abstracts. Often, one text with which students speak to classmates becomes an abstract - the coverage of positions in the world of science in accordance with a specific topic.

But after graduation, pupils turn into students. And this time, the supervisor says that it is necessary to draw up abstracts for term paper or for a conference. But at the same time, he does not specify how exactly to write these theses. He believes that this knowledge should be from school or should be with us a priori. But you can learn this, it is not so difficult. 2-3 pages of theses not only paint a portrait of the researcher, but also form the basis of a successful text.

Abstracts and how they are written

Some students believe that this is a brief overview of the coursework or scientific article... Others say that it is recorded conference material or a simple list of basic points. All of them are both right and wrong.

Abstracts- not large, but full-fledged article. It includes the main provisions of a scientific article / dissertation. Nevertheless, it is written in clear and concrete language, it is a brief summary of all the enormous work. Of course, there are certain rules for writing abstracts for various types scientific activities, but, in fact, their goal is the same - to acquaint the reader with the content of the work, to explain what is its relevance and uniqueness, what questions you decide and what is your evidence base. In addition, such an article should be structured logically so that the listeners understand what you want to convey to them.

The word thesis has several meanings. But, as a rule, it is most often applied to science.

In the world of science, abstracts of submitted papers are constantly printed in newsletters. Their role for researchers huge: such a seal is taken into account when applying for the next scientific title.

But theses are used not only in science. If you take abstracts as an Internet product, then they are necessary for an overview of the main topic of the site or its window. In addition, customers often offer small statements that the copywriter must expand on. As you can see, such a short word contains many different meanings.

Building theses - choosing a topic

This is 2-3 pages of printed text, which is written "12 crucible" in a Word document (up to ten minutes of leisurely reading). As a rule, about 15 minutes are allotted for the report, so there is an opportunity to say about what did not work out to be included in the pomace. This article should be clearly structured. The topic is the first step towards writing a thesis article. It should be specific and directly related to the meaning of the article. In addition, it must be suitable for the theme of the event itself. It must necessarily include uniqueness. There are no more than 1.5 lines per topic. There are 2 approaches to writing abstracts:

1) choose a topic that you want to research, and, based on it, write a small article;

2) first write the abstracts, and then come up with a title.

You can do it the way you like and feel comfortable. This is purely individual. However, students very often do not have such an opportunity, because the topic is mainly given to them by the leader.


Relevance. This short article should not contain any lyrics. The very first line of text should contain valuable informational data. Everything should be strictly on the topic. The first sentence is very important, and should answer 2 questions at the same time: "What am I writing about?" and "Why is it important?"... Thanks to such an introduction, listeners / readers will find out what is relevant in your work, or is it an ordinary abstract that lists long-known facts. Speakers who have spoken more than once begin the thesis article with certain clichés. As a rule, the introduction does not take more than one paragraph.

Basis of the text

Examples and arguments. An inexperienced speaker usually wants both to give examples to support his research and to tell deep conclusions. In this moment, the rule of "golden mean" is very important. The usual list of facts will be meaningless, and non-reasoned conclusions will look like loud statements. Structured logic can help you write great text. There are several ways to write your abstract correctly. The most famous and often used is the analysis of the logic of the train of thought. How and why did you get such conclusions? Where did you proceed from? How were they analyzed? It’s okay if you’re going to write down your train of thought in bullet points at first. Based on them, it will be much easier for you to compose a presentation and prepare a handout. But the points directly, it is better to set out in living language, and not in a fixed one. As for examples, no more than two of them are needed to confirm each point.


This is the sum of all that has been said previously. It repeats the introduction, but paraphrased in the past tense. “So, we have substantiated ...” - the most famous phrase of the conclusion. It will not be superfluous to remind listeners / readers again about the relevance of the work. Conclusions must be categorical. To mention the entire list of references that you used is very stupid. It is enough to name 4-5 works that you used or that are very authoritative in some area.

How to prepare abstracts

The organizing committee of the conference determines the basic requirements for the design of abstracts, and brings them to the attention of potential participants. Their implementation is strictly obligatory, since the slightest violation leads to high costs for compiling a collection of abstracts, and this may become a reason for the organizing committee to refuse.

As a rule, their volume is 1-2 pages of machine text. But the leading role is played by the title, the names of the authors and the names of the organizations.

Conference reports

At such events, participants are advised to write abstracts in advance. Sometimes they are published in collections. Regardless of whether the text will be printed, it has its own specifics. This text should be as concise as possible - because in this case, the speaker has time to expand on the topic. Often, conference abstracts are limited to one page, sometimes two. This is necessary in order to prepare the reader for your report, to keep him informed. You need to be prepared that after the speech you will be asked questions. Therefore, you should think in advance about the weak points in the arguments in order to be prepared for unexpected questions. The report, of course, should be broader and deeper than theses. Otherwise, there is no point in your presentation, since the audience is already holding in their hands what you said briefly. But even exceeding the allotted time is a sign of bad taste. Prepare your speech and practice - it should take up to 15 minutes.


Abstracts should be written logically. Their argumentation is sometimes presented in the main body of the text. They should reflect the essence huge research but do not retell it. There is no need to write the entire work again, but there is no need to take some phrases out of context either. Before you start writing them, fully understand the problem you are researching. They differ from other texts in their laconic volume.

There are 2 types of theses:

- the first to write to someone else's work;

- the second - to their own.

Abstracts must be written short, but very succinct. It is imperative to argue for the provisions. Arguments can be given orally, or they are present in the text.

There should be no emotional assessment in them. It should be a strict scientific style text, but clear. Any audience should be able to grasp the essence of the problem and take part in solving it.

If you have no experience in writing abstracts, and you do not know where to start, contact your supervisor for help, do not be afraid. It is important to grasp the essence of the work from the very beginning, and not to waste time. Writing abstracts is not difficult if you have a good understanding of the topic and the problem of your work, really researched it, and did not get to know it superficially. If so, then your theses will give a full amount of information about the work, and you will not have many unnecessary questions. Therefore, work on this from the very beginning, it is important to fill your hand, and in the future no difficulties will arise. Try to write abstracts not only for scientific work, but also to literary texts.

The term "thesis" is often frightening, although in reality everything is simpler than it seems. A beautifully, clearly formulated and well-formed thought is called a thesis.

That is, this is your opinion on the topic of the essay, which should fit in only one sentence.

The word itself Greek origin and translates as scientific position... Theses are very important, as they determine how well you will be able to reveal the topic and whether you will open it at all.

A thesis is a beautifully and well-formed thought

At first glance, this may seem easy, but the theses for the essay need to be able to correctly formulate.

In an essay, you can use one thesis, but often this is not enough for writing a quality work.

Therefore, they usually try to formulate two or more.

And in some of the themes of the essays, several theses are already laid down (for example, "Indifference and responsiveness").

The composition of these concise and important statements will, of course, depend on the chosen topic of your essay. With their help, the reader will be able to understand what the actual essence of your text is. That is why this work is so important.

Let's move on to how to write theses correctly. These should not be dry facts and concrete statements.

Theses are your thoughts, which should intrigue and carry a specific idea, giving the reader the opportunity to understand what exactly should catch on in the text.

This can be called an announcement, which should be of interest before reading the work itself. This will make it easier for the reader to tune in to accept the information.

In the role of confirmation of theses in essays and various texts are arguments that prove the correctness of your position.

If the theses are absent in the work, the arguments given by the author will seem weak and uninteresting.

They can be divided into the following categories:

You need to write the conclusion very carefully, as there is a chance to get away from the topic.

You need to either continue your thought, that is, the thesis, or at the end, confirm the correctness of your judgment and put an end to it.

Your conclusion will become much more interesting if your conclusion is written as a parting word to the reader or a recommendation.

It is necessary to determine the idea and the main idea, as well as those moments with the help of which the author came to the final thought. All these points - statements that will form the basis of your theses should differ from each other in content.

Controversial issues are resolved by designating a statement that needs to be proven or refuted. Competently formulated allows you to understand what exactly is required to prove and select well-founded arguments.


Before speaking thesis, define for yourself the purpose of your proof. Why did you need to convince people of the truth of this or that statement? You must represent the audience you will be speaking to. The more you know about it, the easier it will be to formulate thesis and give arguments. Find out what your audience is interested in, what their needs are. Based on this information, compose keywords.

The thesis should be clear and concise. To be understood correctly, weigh each word. Try to avoid words with a deliberately vague meaning, for example, justice, youth, affairs of the heart. Specify generalized words and phrases (unfavorable environment, local residents). Do not choose as thesis but quite obvious facts or axioms. For example, it makes no sense to prove that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, etc. As thesis but use affirmative or negative sentence.

After thesis articulated, articulated and understood by the audience, you must argue for or against it. Save thesis literally in the form in which it was declared. Do not deviate from the topic, otherwise loss may occur thesis a. It would seem that it is impossible to forget about your own statement, however, in the process of reasoning, an associative series appears in the mind. One thought clings to another, and often a person forgets where he started.

Avoid substitution thesis a. Otherwise, you will not only fail to convince the audience, but also get lost in your own arguments. Changes to the original statement are allowed only when they have been clarified and refined in the course of a constructive conversation with an opponent. Each change must be recorded and agreed upon by both parties.

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