Goncharov Major goals Preparation of researchers for scientific institutions. Dean report MMF NSU CR Corre

Andrei Gennadievich Kuznetsov
Dean of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Perm State National Research University.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: 239-63-79
E-mail: [Email Protected]

The main scientific direction is the "study of the processes of formation of the acmeological potential of graduates", participation in the project "Stylistic features of Perm regional identity: image, text, public and cultural practices (Perm as a style)".

He was awarded the Medal named after L. Steeler "For the Merit" of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of PGU (2006).

Anna Sergeevna Gladyshev
Deputy Dean on Educational Activities
Phone: 239-63-79
E-mail: [Email Protected]

Alexander Petrovich Lavoca Puta
Deputy Dean of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Research
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

The main scientific results are associated with the study of the stability of the binary mixture, taking into account the effect of thermal diffusion. The editor-in-chief of the popular science journal "Live Mathematics" from its foundation in 2008. Member of the editorial board of a multi-consistent scientific journal "University Studies".

He has versatile interests. Participates in organizing various events: from sports tourist campaigns (aquatic, mountain, speleological) to creative tournaments. Manages, created with his participation, the Youth Creative Group "Neolith".

Elena Alexandrovna Skachkova
Deputy. Dean mechanics and mathematical faculty for extracurricular work
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics

Olga Leonidovna Rusakova
Deputy. Dean of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty for Methodical Work.
Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics.
Candidate Fiz.-Mat. Science
Phone: 239-65-84
E-mail: [Email Protected]

The sphere of scientific interests is mathematical modeling, content and methods of teaching computer science and programming, new educational technologies.

    Mehmat supports scientific contacts with many universities around the world; In the summer, the best students of the faculty are sent to the internship to University Otto-von-Gerica (Magdeburg, Germany). Also, thanks to close cooperation with leading IT companies, such as EPAM Systems, ITransition, Hiqo Solutions, IBA Group, QULIX Systems, etc., our students have an excellent opportunity to pass production and pre-diploma practices there.

    Graduates who showered high abilities in research work receive recommendations for admission to the magistracy, and can also enter the graduate school.

    Students Mehmat - Some of the most active in public and scientific activity University. The faculty has a student union, Council Starost, the Council for the Quality of Education, Creative Union, Trade Union and BRSm. In addition to numerous annual events, every week film activists and board games are conducted by activists of the faculty.

    Learn at the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty I wonderfully: it is here that there are highest quality Education and active student life!

    History of the faculty

    In 2018, Mehmat celebrated his 60th anniversary, although the training of mathematician specialists in Belarus began in 1923 with the discovery of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty in the BSU. In October 1958, the physico-mathematical faculty was divided into two: physical and mathematical. In May 1970, on the basis of three departments of the Mathematics Faculty, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics was allocated. In 1975, the Mathematical Faculty in connection with the introduction of the separation of mechanics was renamed mechanically mathematical.

    Now the faculty includes 10 departments and 3. training laboratorieswhich employs 32 professors and doctors of science, 65 associate professors and candidates of science. More than 950 students on day form are studying at the faculty, about 300 students on correspondence form, 69 undergraduates, over 40 graduate students and 3 doctoral students.

    They are proud to faculty

    Laureates of state premiums:

  • Professor Monastery Peter Ilyich - Laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR (1978).
  • Professor Yurchuk Nikolai Iosifovich - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology (1996).
  • Professor Radino Yakov Valentinovich - Winner of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology (1996).
  • Professor Emeselichev Vladimir Alekseevich - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology (1998).
  • Professor Tyshkevich Regina Iosifovna - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology (1998).
  • Professor Melnikov Oleg Ishidorovich - Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus in the field of science and technology (1998).

Honored figures of science of the Republic of Belarus:

  • Professor Lukashevich Nikolai Antonovich
  • Professor Yurchuk Nikolai Iosifovich

Basic goals

  • 1. Preparation of researchers for scientific institutions.

  • 2. Preparation of teachers for higher education.

  • 3. Preparation of specialists for modern high-tech industries and management.

Fundamentals of the organization of training on MMF

  • 1. High qualifications of faculty based on world-famous scientific schools.

  • 2. Selection of the most gifted and talented applicants through the system of Olympiad and Physical and Mathematics School. M.A. Lavrenteva.

  • 3. Multi-level training system.

Principles of learning

  • 1. Fundamental basic preparation for mathematics during the first three years for all MMF students.

  • 2. Specialization at the departments created on the basis of leading scientific schools and based at the institutes of the SB RAS.

  • 3. Mandatory independent research work in the collectives of basic institutions.

Department of faculty

Heads of departments

  • Academicians: A.S. Alkesev, A.A. Borovkov, M.M. Lavrentyev, V.N.Monakhov, Yu.G.Reshetnik;

  • Correspondent member: B.D.annin, S.S. Balov, G.A. Mikhailov, V.D. Mazurov, P.I. Plotnikov, I.A.Tymanov, V.M.Tehukov;

  • Corresponding member RAO A.A.Nikitin;

  • Professor: A.M. Blochin, V.A.Vasiliev, B.M. Glynsky, V.T. DEMENTEV, V.M.Kovena, A.G.Marchuk, M.V. Fokhin.

  • Academicians: S.K. Godunov, Yu.L. Sershov, L.V. Vysyannikov, Yu.I. Sokhin;

  • Corresponding Member: B.G. Mikhaylelenko, V.V. Pukhnachev, V.G. Horoshevsky.

Dean MMF

  • Fedoruk M.P. - Magistracy and finance.

  • Matsokin A.M. - graduate school and science

  • Uhinov S.A. - ON Secretary of the receiving commission MMF, 5 course, terminal classes

  • Baev L.V. - 4 Course and Competition M.A. Lavrenteva

  • Nakadym M.V. - 3 year

  • Filatov P.S. - 2 course and staff schedule.

  • Bolobot A.D. - 1 year, forum, Mathematics Olympics for students.

  • Bereznyuk S.L. - Uch. Secretary of the Council of MMF, secretary of the Competition Commission for the best student work in mathematics and mechanics in the Russian Federation.

  • Danilov O.A. - Hostel 3 and all Olympics.

  • Baklanov E.A. - Harvest 6 and international contacts, sporting events.

  • Usov GA - Hostel 8-1, stud.

Active dean.

  • B.D. Nanin, R.M.Lorin, et al. Cadrovipa Commission.

  • Demidenko G.V. - Exams in mathematics.

  • Vasilyev A.V., Volchkov Yu.M., Fokin M.V., Atavin A.A., Belonosov V.S., Churkin V.A. and others - the examination committee on mathematics.

  • Golubytnikov V.P., Chupahin A. - Deputy Editor "Vestnik NSU" and the conference for the 45th anniversary of the faculty.

  • Morozov A.S. , Laevsky Yu.M. - 45th anniversary of the faculty, conference of MMF graduates.



A.I. Maltsev and Yu.L. Sershov

L.V. Kantorovich -Nobel Laureate

Basic institutions

  • 1. Institute of Mathematics

  • 2. Institute of Hydrodynamics

  • 3. Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Methods of Geophysics

  • 4. Institute of Computing Technology

  • 5. Institute of Informatics Systems

  • 6. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.

Educational and scientific centers based on institutions of the SB RAS:

  • 1. IRMMG, IVT and ICI

  • 2. Institute of Mathematics.

  • 3. Institute of Hydrodynamics

Professors-teaching staff MMF

MMF teachers (age composition)

Selection of applicants and the composition of students.

  • Set of four sources (2005):

  • 1. From Sunz NSU (FMH) and VKI - 81 + 4

  • 2. Winners of Olympiad - 34 out of 58.

  • 3. Following the open Olympics:

    • NSU: 14 out of 281
    • On the way out: 33 of 212
  • 4. Entrance exams - 91 of 486.

Submitted applications for the MMF contest 1998 - 2005 (without FMH)

Applications for the open Olympics, 2000-2005 are submitted.


Magistrants and graduate students

Checkout on July 1, 2005

Performance on 01.03.06

Research activities.

  • 1. Scientific research of the department is conducted within the framework of leading scientific schools in Russia.

  • 2. A number of works of teachers and students are marked by various awards and prizes.

  • 3. A scientific journal is published.

  • 4. Scientific conferences and schools are held, students and teachers participate in Russian and foreign conferences and schools, including with the support of the faculty.

All-Russian Competition for the Best Scientific Student Work.

  • Annual competition among students of Russian universities in mathematics and mechanics

Every year already the tenth year.

  • 1. All departments are involved in the examination of work.

  • 2. Conducted by order of the Agency for the Education of the Russian Federation.

  • 3. NSU students actively participate in this competition to 60 works.

Three medals of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the best student scientific work in 2004

  • Baburin Alexey Evgenievich

  • Kazakov Alexey Yuryevich

  • Shein Alexander Nikolaevich

Four medals of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the best student scientific work in 2005

  • 1. Borodikhina Nadezhda Vladimirovna. Asymptotics of the distribution of supremum partial sums of moving averages with a negative demolition

  • 2. Demenkov Pavel Sergeevich. Building a logical-probabilistic model that determines the structurally allowed substitutions in proteins

  • 3. Parmannova Maria Borisovna. Basics of geometric theory Measures on metric spaces

  • 4. Elos Anton Vasilyevich. Construction of perfect Q-valuable codes by switches of simple component

UC scholarships on the results of the winter session 2005/2006

  • AK name. MA Lavrentiev, 1300 rubles1. Moiseev Boris Evgenievich - GGF, GR. 1501, 5 course - (011031) 2. Selivanova Svetlana Viktorovna - MMF, GR. 1121, 5 Course - (010086)

  • AK name. I.N. Veek, 1000 rubles3. Healthy Marina Vasilyevna - GGF, gr. 2503, 4 course - (021017) 4. Vasyukova Elena Aleksandrovna - GGF, GR. 1502, 5 course - (011008)

  • AK name. P.A. Chebyshev, 1000 rubles10. Gusachenko Ivan Anatolyevich - FF, c. 2313, 4 course - (020444) 11. Isaev Vadim Ismailovich - MMF, GR. 1131, 5 Course - (010097)

  • AK name. S.A. Chaplygin, 1000 rubles12. Matveeva Natalia Aleksandrovna - FF, c. 2314, 4 course - (040595) 13. Ivanov Maxim Grigorievich - FF, c. 2304, 4 course - (020466) 14. Chimaeva Anna Sergeevna - MMF, GR. 0123, 6 course - (000268)

  • AK name. S.L. Sobolev, 1200 rubles16. Kozyrev Anton Nikolaevich - MMF, GR. 0121, 6 course - (000120) 17. Sklyar Olga Petrovna - MMF, GR. 0131, 6 Course - (000240)

  • AK name. S.A. Christianovich, 1000 rubles18. Salmina Olesya Igorevna - MMF, GR. 0112, 6 Course - (000229)

  • AK name. A.I. Maltsev, 1000 rubles19. Tykhov Andrey Sergeevich - MMF, GR. 1111, 5 Course - (010255) 20. Rykov Ivan Aleksandrovich - MMF, GR. 0111, 6 Course - (000221)

Potanina Scholarship on MMF.

    Avdyushenko Aleksandr Yuryevich (MMF, 3 Course) Zaporov Alexander Nikolaevich (MMF, 1 Master's course) Voronin Anton Vladislavovich (MMF, 5 course) Gorkunov Evgeny Vladimirovich (MMF, 1 Master's course) Isaev Vadim Ismailovich (MMF, 1 Master's course) Istomin Alexey Mikhailovich (MMF, 2 course) Skripnichenko Olga Andreevna (MMF, 5KURS) Tikhov Andrei Sergeevich (MMF, 1 grade of magistracy) Tolstik Anton Andreevich (MMF, 1 grade of magistracy)

Scholarship Potanina 2006. (Other Faculties)

    Andreychenko Andrei Valerevich (GF, 5 course) Bannikova Tatyаna Alekseevna (YuF, 3 course) Gutman Arthur Sergeevich (FF, 2 Master's course) Zhovlar Aleksandr Sergeevich (Hairdryer, 5th course) Zinchenko Ksenia Sergeevna (EF, 3 course) Lakhtichkin Alexander Sergeevich ( FF, 2 Master's course) Mikhalov Grigory Yuryevich (FF, 1 Master's course) Poddubnaya Lyudmila Valentinovna (EF, 4th course) Zarutskaya (Solomennikova) Ekaterina Aleksandrovna (Hairdryer, 5th course) Khanova Alexander Timurovna (EF, 4th course) Schweugger Maya Vitalevna ( Fen, 5 course).

  • 1st place and premium 5000 rub.:

  • Pocket M. B. (The Department of Mathematical Analysis, 5 Course of MMF NSU) for the work "Hidden sets and formulas for mappings for mappings with values \u200b\u200bin the metric space."

  • Two 2nd places and a premium of 3000 rubles:

  • Mammontov A. S. (Department of algebra and mathematical logic, undergraduate of the 2nd year MMF NSU) for the work "Local limb of some groups generated by the class of conjugate elements of order 3".

  • Tokarova N. N. (Department of Theoretical Cybernetics, Magistrand 2 years, MMF NSU) For the work "The representation of Z4 - linear codes preparations with vector fields."

MMF grants.

  • 1. 2006 - not yet.

  • 2. 2001- 2005 - Universities of Russia, the Community Grant, no grants of the RFBR and RGNF.

The main faculty scientific events.

  • 1. Scientific student conference.

  • 2. The Maltse school together with them from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • 3. School IVMMG SB RAS and MMF.

  • 4. 9-Asian conference on logic together with him SB RAS.

  • 5. School on MSS in conjunction with IC RAS.

Congress of graduates of MMF "Mathematics in the 21st century, 2003"

  • As sponsors, our graduates were made. I especially want to note Zhizhin A.E. and Scharchkova S.R.

  • Many teachers actively participated in his organization. Especially I would like to note A.S. Morozovova, Yu.M. Laevsky, V.P.Golubyatnikov, A.P. Chupakhina, as well as the MMF support fund in the face of V.Laskin, E. Sazonova, Morozova and Chairman of the Academician .L. Shershova.

  • Congress gathered leading mathematicians of Russian and foreign. Round tables were held on issues: mathematical education, NSU history and akademgorodok, business. The football match took place, meeting in Du.

9th Asian Logical Conference.

All-Russian Scientific Student Conference.

School on mechanics solid media


Maltsevian readings

Organizational and educational work at the faculty.

  • 1. Students have been created in hostels, the deputy dormitory on hostels actively interact with them.

  • 2. The tea drinking the name scholars with the Dean on the birthday of NSU, in April, where the problems of student life are discussed. Organizes the MMF Support Fund.

MMF Support Fund

    According to the results of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the MMF graduates, MMF support was created. Already two years paid for graduates Scholarship Foundation best students MMF "Nadezhda MMF", personal scholarships N.N. Danenko and A.I. Maltseva, Queen of the Beauty of MMF, the best athlete, scholarships of the SFA, andzriv scholarships, the best FMShonka 1 course, congratulations to our jubilees.

Created Club of Friends MMF NSU

  • 1. Support for students and graduate students of MMF.

  • 2. Conducting faculty events.

Hope Mehmat 2005.

  • Atuchin Mikhail

  • Voronin Vasily

  • Efimov Anton

  • Kushnir Dmitry.

  • Lulko Yaroslav

  • Popov Alexander

  • Romensky Anton

  • Tauber Nadezhda

  • Frolkova Maria

  • Khlybova Ekaterina

Student Olympiad in Mathematics

        • 1. Student Mathematical Olympiad for NSU students.
        • 2. Zonal student mathematical Olympiad for students of universities of the city in two nominations on the basis of Novosibirsk state University The next open regional student Olympiad in mathematics Higher School Novosibirsk in the framework of the Novosibirsk Interuniversity Olympiad "Stages of knowledge."

NSU team in the final of the international competition ACM.

  • 1. Shapeev A.V. - MMF (team captain)

  • 2. Dyatlov S.V. - MMF (team captain)

School Olympiads.

  • 1. Mathematical regional schoolchildren Olympiad in 2005.

  • 2. Regional Mathematical Olympiad of Schoolchildren March 24-31, 2006

student life

  • An important element of extracurricular work with students is the celebrations

  • Days of birth NSU and MMF,

  • Dedications Students 1 course,

  • Median 3 year students,

  • our faculty teams KVN,

  • Mathematics day on April 1, schools, conferences and olympiads in mathematics, mechanics and computer science.


Graduates MMF - in Russia.

At school in Germany

April 1-day mathematics.

September 29 - Lecture in NSU

Dedication to students

Interaction with FMH.

  • The two departments of the IMP are working and with schoolchildren FMH.

  • Meetings of our leading scientists, the dean of schoolchildren are held.

  • A series of textbooks on mathematics for schools has been prepared with the participation of MMF teachers. New books on computer science and mathematics are being prepared.

Jubilees 2006

  • January

  • Kozmenko Viktor Kononovich11.01.41

  • Konovalov Anatoly Nikolaevich13.01.36

  • Bilut Pavel Alekseevich 25.01.36

  • February

  • Fedoruk Mikhail Petrovich18.02.56.

  • Gloria Lydia Vasilyevna 03.02.46

  • Vasilyev Valery Aleksandrovich 04.02.46

  • Belonosov Andrey Sergeevich 28.02.56

  • March

  • Teshukov Vladimir Mikhailovich 02.03.46

  • Kostukova Nina Ivanovna 05.03.41

  • Borovkov Alexander Alekseevich 06.03.31

  • Levikin Alexander Ivanovich 30.03.56

Jubilees 2006

  • April

  • Fadeev Stanislav Ivanovich 01.04.36

  • Khabachpashev Georgy Alekseevich 01.04.56

  • Ostapenko Vladimir Viktorovich 22.04.56

  • May

  • Mogulsky Anatoly Alfredovich 22.05.46

  • Mikhailov Alexander Mikhailovich 26.05.36

  • Kvass Boris Ilyich 30.05.46

  • June

  • Kugolasova Lyudmila Georgievna 06.06.56

  • July

  • Kalinina Nina Alekseevna 19.07.46

Our anniversaries 2006

  • August

  • Kuzin Viktor Ivanovich 02.08.46

  • Romanovsky Nikolai Semenovich 07.08.46

  • Marakulin Valery Mikhailovich 09.08.56

  • Filatov Petr Sergeevich 15.08.46

  • Chupahin Alexander Pavlovich 22.08.56

  • Bolobot Alexander Dmitrievich 25.08.46

  • Sarajkin Vitaly Aleksandrovich 29.08.46

  • Popkov Vladimir Konstantinovich 31.08.46

  • September

  • Tsetsocho Viktor Aleksandrovich 11.09.36

  • Kopytov Valery Matveevich 26.09.41

  • Virbitzkate Irina Bonaventurovna 27.09.56

Our anniversaries 2006

  • October

  • Kopytova Margarita Konstantinovna 01.10.41

  • Annin Boris Dmitrievich 18.10.36

  • Kargin Boris Aleksandrovich 30.10.46

  • November

  • Mammoth Evgeny Vladimirovich 01.11.41

  • Rudenko Emma Nikolaevna 01.11.36

  • Antipov Mikhail Valentinovich 03.11.41

  • December

  • Davopjanov Sergey Konstantinovich 09.12.46

  • Hisamutdinov Alfred Ibrahimovich 18.12.41

  • Churkin Valery Avdeevich 25.12.46

  • Kitchalnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich 26.12.46

  • Evdokimov Alexander Andreevich 29.12.41


  • L.V. Vyshyannikov, S.K. Godunov - Prize M.A. Lavrentyeva and Professor A.P. Chupakhin - Youth Prize M.A. Lavrentyev SB RAS.

  • Yu.L. Roshov - State Prize.

  • V.M.Teshukov - State Prize, Prize RAS M.A. Lavrentiev.

  • A.A. Borovkov - Government Prize.

  • A.A. Borovkov -Premia Ran.

  • A.A. Borovkov - Oligarch Prize for Outstanding Scientists.

  • D.A. Korshunov is a prize of oligarchs for doctors.

  • A.A.Nikitin - Order of Friendship.

Candidates - competition of oligarchs.

  • k.F.-M.N. A. E. Mironov D.F.-M.N. D. A. Korshunov K.F.-M.N. A. V. Vasilyev K.F.-M.N. M. V. Krakov K.F.-M.N. Yu. Yu. Linka

President's scholarships for young candidates.

  • Baklanov E.A.

  • Podzors S.Yu.

  • Alaev P.E.

  • Hisamiev A.N.

  • Vddin E. P.

  • Marchenko M. A.

  • Revin D. O.

  • Stukachev A. I.

MMF Financing Monthly Wage Fund

FZP PPS 05/06.

  • MMF 858400.

  • FF 624266.

  • Hairdryer 422205.

  • GF 228011.

  • GGF 179220.

  • FIT 136022.

  • SUF 29951

Estimation of the cost of MMF NSU from January 1, 2005 to September 1, 2005

  • Received

  • 1915479 (on 03/16/05) +1745000 (i course)

  • Costs 1899477 Including:

  • Salary and accrual for s / paragraphs 1155830

  • Books + Kanz. Products 193612.

  • Equipment, furniture 438035

  • Org. Events 45000.

  • Business trips 67000.

The average salary of the teacher (0.5 bets)

  • Zabeadroy - 4350 rubles

  • Professor - 4200 rubles

  • Associate Professor - 3000 rubles

  • Assistant with a degree - 1450 rubles

  • Assistant - 650 rubles

Merphing problems

  • 1. The wages of teachers are extremely low. Especially for young teachers. It is not even ensured by the subsistence minimum. The same problem with graduate students.

  • 2. The problem of housing for young teachers is the key in the preservation of scientific schools.

The problem of premises.

  • 1. NSU training areas do not allow normal training, we have a three-seat schedule.

  • 2. There are no jobs for staff teachers. No internet access.

  • 3. There are no catfeds, facilities for the library.

  • 4. A room is needed to prepare PPS to classes and work of teachers MMF (priority).

Personnel problems.

  • 1. The aging of the composition of teachers, few young professors and doctors of sciences.

  • 2. In some directions, the acute deficit of both professors and assistants.

  • 3. Lack of qualified specialists in certain areas of modern informatics. Develop stimulating factors to improve the qualifications of teachers at current areas of training in the field of IT.

Problems of improving learning efficiency.

  • 1. Low graduate studies. Increase the responsibility of scientific leaders for scientific guidance. Instruct for the successful end of the graduate school of the supervisor in the amount of at least 10,000 rubles.

  • 2. It is necessary to update the author's courses of leading scientists in the magistracy. Attract to their reading leading scientists SB RAS -

  • leaders of scientific schools.

  • 3. Cutting curricula in accordance with the ministerial standard. The information component is not provided by some courses from the standard.

  • 4. Discuss the issue of the introduction of elective courses in chemistry and biology.

  • 5. Improving the qualifications for young teachers in the field of information technology. Preparation of new courses and specializations in computer science and modeling. Select funds to pay for manuscripts on new courses.

  • 1. Organize Mathematical Workshop MMF.

  • 2. Prepare applications with the participation of staff teachers for RFBR grants and RGHF.

  • 3. Develop a system of financial, career and moral stimulation to prepare applications for various contests.

  • 4. Preparation of faculty applications for grants of the Ministry of Education and Science, preliminary examination. Lobbying in the Ministry of Education and Screening of funds for research on mathematics, mechanics and applied mathematics and computer science through the participation of our experts in the work of the ministerial commissions.

  • 5. To establish closer contacts at the level of the department and the faculty with high-tech firms to fulfill their orders.

  • Solving problems to minimize deductions from contracts for work with the participation of students and graduate students to 5%.

  • 6. Stimulate the participation of young employees with RAS and teachers to participate in foreign major scientific conferences, as well as in Russian. Create an information forum on informing conferences and conditions for participation in them. Conduct training with them to prepare applications for participation and financial support in various funds.

  • 7. Discuss the question of organize graduate students, undergraduates and young teachers of the Council of Scientific Youth. Highlight initial financing for organizing its work.

Nearest MMF tasks.

  • 1. Discuss in the departments of the Department of Development of the Department, the tasks of rejuvenation of the teaching staff and the needs of the department.

  • 2. Discuss on the Academic Council of MMF Perspectives of the Faculty in connection with the Plans of Development and Doubling NSU.

  • 3. Update the composition of the Methodological Commission and improve its work. Increase the responsibility of the Department for ensuring a high level of training of students and coherence in courses with the interests of other departments.

  • 4. Copyright courses in the magistracy.

  • 5. Retraining young teachers.

  • 6. Financing of scientific research.

  • 7. Personnel reserve.

  • 8. 45 years MMF.

Prospects for the development of MMF NSU (2001-2005).

  • The basis of the development of MMF NSU from its basis the basic principles were laid, which determined the successful development of the faculty and its survival in the difficult recent decades and the preservation of leadership among the mathematical faculties of the world in terms of the quality of students' training.

  • These are the following principles:

  • The basis of the faculty of the faculty of faculty of faculty is part-to-job teachers, leading researchers of academic institutions SB RAS. This ensures a deep understanding of the main results and research methods in various directions of mathematics, mechanics and computer science.

  • In the first 2.5 years, fundamental mathematical preparation is given for all three main areas of training students on MMF, and then specialization on departments based in leading academic institutes from RAS:

  • They, IG, IWMVMG, IT, ICI, ITPM. Students and bachelor, and undergraduates work in research teams, participate in research seminars, schools and conferences of basic institutions, lead independent research work. Institutions provide students with access to the library and the necessary equipment for research work.

  • The magistracy read the author's courses delivered by the leaders of leading scientific schools presented at the Faculty.

  • The best graduates replenish after the end of the leading scientific schools and are attracted to work at the faculty.

  • Research projects of students are related both to fundamental studies in the field of mathematics, mechanics and informatics and with the implementation of applied research both on the problems under investigators in other NII SB RAS and in the interests of production and national security.

A promising work plan of MMF NSU, 2001-2005.

  • One of the most important areas of work of the Faculty is the training of scientific personnel for research institutes from the Russian Academy of Sciences. The need to pour new young forces into our leading scientific schools, as well as specialists in applied mathematics, mathematical modeling and computer science for various institutions of the SB RAS.

  • The development of closer ties with the institutions of the SB RAS to prepare for them graduates of MMF specializing in their subjects. Creating an organizational base of such interactions, the creation of the department of mathematical methods in natural sciences Based on cooperation with the Joint Geology Institute and the Institute of Cytology and Genetics. Expansion of the base of such cooperation, restoration of old scientific relations.

  • Training of teaching staff, assistance in the development of teaching and research in the field of mathematics, mechanics and informatics and cooperation with universities of Novosibirsk and the Siberian Federal District.

  • Development of cooperation with manufacturing firms for training specialists in the field of mathematical and computer modeling, development, design and maintenance of large software systems

  • Reforming curricula and courses on the basis of the latest achievements of science and prospects for its development, creating copyright courses. Preparation of teaching aids, tasks and textbooks on basic mathematical courses.

  • Further development of educational and scientific centers based in academic institutions. Deletion of mechanisms of interaction of the Faculty Institute. Formation on the basis of employees ITPM \u200b\u200bbase department in ITPM \u200b\u200bSB RAS.

  • The opening of specialization in the history of mathematics and especially in Siberia, on the study of the scientific heritage of our world-famous scientists.

  • Organizing and holding in 2003 of the Mathematical Congress of MMF NSU graduates in the discussion of both the general problems of science and mathematical education and the prospects for the development of the faculty and employment of MMF graduates.

  • Creation of student CBs on various applied research on the basis of research institutes and firms collaborating with the faculty.

  • Expanding the subject of scientific conferences and schools held with the participation of the Faculty and the Department with the participation of students and graduate students.

  • Working with MMF graduates through the MMF Support Fund, creating a sponsorship system and memorable characters for the oldest teachers of the faculty and sponsors.

  • Formation of the Library Faculty Library Foundation and cooperation with libraries of institutes to replenish their funds.

  • Analysis of the personnel potential of institutions of the SB RAS and the prospects for fixing the MMF graduates to work at the institutes of the SB RAS and MMF.

  • Preparation of the collection on the history of MMF NSU and its founders, leading scientists who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the faculty.

  • Expansion of the circle of the authors of the NSU Bulletin, attraction of articles in the world of scientists.

  • International scientific cooperation with leading universities in the world where our graduates work. Internships of our students and graduate students in leading scientific centers of the world.

  • Creating a faculty scientific and methodological seminar

  • "Mathematics in the XXI century" to discuss the latest results of paramount importance, relevant problems, the role of mathematics in modern society, the results of the development of mathematics in the last century and its prospects in the new, problems of mathematical education in universities and at school (especially in connection with the 12-year-old education).

  • Propaganda of achievements of mathematics, mechanics and informatics among the population of Novosibirsk and the Siberian Federal District, as well as well-known scientists, managers of world-famous scientific schools and their achievements. Conduct competition for the best scientifically popular article about mathematics.

Priority problems requiring systematic work 2001-2005:

  • Preservation of the status of NSU as an academic university.

  • Increasing payment to teachers.

  • Deciding the issue of an adequate representation of MMF employees in the NSU conference and the scientist of the NSU Council.

  • Opening named audiences. S.L.Soboleva and I.N.Veka.

  • The preservation of the scientific potential of the Department by replenishing with young graduates, there is already a problem with the lack of highly qualified teachers.

  • Solving the problem of consistency of readable thread courses.

  • Problems of ensuring high-quality scientific leadership in some departments, the infrastructure of specialization in the field of telecommunications has been destroyed.

  • The lack of premises for the conduct of faculty works (the last room was taken, where work was carried out on the preparation of the magazine, the All-Russian competition, scientific conferences, student events and work with sponsors).

  • Insufficient propaganda of mathematical knowledge among school graduates. It is necessary to restore the participation of our students, graduate students and teachers in conducting regional Olympiads. More widely use the media to inform about MMF and reception on MMF.

  • Improving the effectiveness of the interaction of teachers, departments and deanis on the basis of telecommunications. Increasing the power of the MMF server and the availability of the department to network access to the network.

  • Increasing the responsibility of the secretaries of the Department for the timeliness of submission of statements for production work, contracts, staff schedules, load distributions. Install clear time intervals (graphs) of presenting the necessary current documents from the department, to establish a document document - turnover (Lecturer-Department-Deanat-Scientific Council of the MMF-Training Part-Department of Personnel Accounting, Rector-Scientific Council NSU.).

  • To establish a differentiated surgery system for extracurricular operation to the secretaries, depending on the size of the department and the amount of work performed.