Production practice program Research work. Research work in practice

1. The concept of marriage family relationships
2. Dynamics of marriage norms and family formation
3. Study of family-marital orientations and installations in modern Russia
4. Refinement of the facility
5. Clarification of conditions
6. Description of the methodology
List of sources used


Relevance. Family and marriage relations are of particular interest to researchers, since the family is one of the fundamental institutions of the Company, which gives it the stability and the ability to replenish the population in each next generation. The state of the family is both as a consequence and the cause of a number of processes occurring in modern society. She does not just feel the powerful influence of all existing factors.
Social speakers, but in many respects, these factors determine and reproduces.

Modern family research is talking about the presence of many negative trends of its development. There is a strengthening of such negative processes as: the degradation of a family lifestyle, the distribution of alternative forms of marriage-family relations, a decrease in the prestige of the family, the need to have children, an increase in the number of divorces, etc. The researchers in their opinions agree that these processes indicate Changes in family orientations and values \u200b\u200bin modern society.

The relevance of this topic is associated with the huge meaning of the family of the family in society. The study of family-marriage installations is necessary to identify the features of the functioning of the family in the conditions of modernity. The most important social function of the modern family is the upbringing of the future family man, that is, the preparation of the younger generation to a marriage family relationship. Therefore, in consideration of the dynamics of family orientations of modern society, the study of family attitudes of young people, attitudes towards family and family values, etc. It performs an important role in replacing the outgoing generations and reproduction of the socio-demographic structure of society. The concept of young people is understood as a special socio-demographic group, which experiences the period of the formation of social maturity, the position of which is determined by the socio-economic condition of society. Trends and prospects for the development of the younger generation represent a great interest and practical valueFirst of all, because they define its future.

Development of modern russian society It is impossible to submit without stable family relationships, which largely depend on the stability of society, from social policies held by the state in relation to the family. The problem of studying the marriage-family plants of modern youth is very relevant, given the important role of youth in the reproduction of the social demographic structure of the country. Characteristic for the modern stage of development of society Processes of industrialization and globalization, changes in systems social rolesGenerally accepted norms, values \u200b\u200band installations affected all social institutions, including family. In recent decades, family relationships are changed under the influence of numerous intra-family and external, social, factors that lead to the transformation of value orientations and governments to marriage and family in young people.

The family is the primary cell of the social community of people, built on marriage or blood relations, as well as one of the most ancient social institutions. The family is a complex public phenomenon in which the variety of forms of social relations and processes is connected. No other social education can satisfy so many diverse human, individual and social needs as a family. It represents such a social group that imposes its imprint for the whole life of a person. It is in the family that the first acquaintance of a person with the world, the rules and standards existing in it; It is the family that gives him direct knowledge of life in general, her ideals and values. In addition, the modern family is characterized by a rather impressive percentage of divorces, an increase in the number of cohabitation, which are becoming increasingly popular among young people. Internal changes include increasingly increasing the individual needs of the hierarchy of the life values \u200b\u200bof the spouses; an increase in the value of partnerships in marriage; the weakening of the differences in male and female roles, both in the family and out of it; Strengthening the trend towards the nuclearity of the family and, as a result, the weakening of related ties.

Purpose of the study.Determine the attitude of young people to the family and its readiness for the creation of a family.

Hypothesis:The ideas about the marriage and family relationships of young people are associated with their ideas about love and sympathy, family roles, as well as related to their value orientations that are destructive.

Objectives of research:
1) identify the value orientation of young people;
2) determine the readiness of young people to create a family;
3) to identify personal factors affecting the desire to enter into marriage;
4) reveal barriers facing young couples when creating a family;
5) Factors affecting the opinion on the family.

Subject of study: Ideas about marriage-family relationships in young people: about love and sympathy; Family roles and value orientations.

Object of study: 75 Tested aged 18-30 years with different experiences of family relationships.

Psychodiagnostic techniques:The scale of love and sympathy (author Z. Rubin, modification of L.Ya. Gozman and Yu.E. Aleshina);

rokic method "Value Orientation";

Family roles and questionnaire distribution of roles in the family

(Yu.E. Eleshina, L.Y.Gozman, E.M.Dubovskaya).

Research methods:observation, conversation and survey.

1. The concept of marriage family relationships

The concept of a family is different from different nations. His significant changes took place at different periods of human history. The protection of family relations is regulated by many industries of law, which in different ways interpret the concept of "family". There is no single family definition and in monographic studies. Family is a small group that is bound or blood relationship, the members of which are associated with the generality of life, mutual help, moral and legal liability [Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of Russian / S.I. Ozhegov. - M., 2007., C.515-516]. S. I. Ozhegov determines the family as a group of relatives living together. At the same time, the family, people living together, their farm, as well as the apartment, are home. Everything is considered to be all that belongs to the house, family and private life [the foundations of juvenile law: studies. benefit. - Voronezh, 2006. - T. 1., C. 58, 194]. According to L. A. Kolpakova, the family is a social group, whose members are united by legal or actual marriage relations, relations of kinship or properties, mutual rights and responsibilities arising from family legal relations, generality of life and emotional psychological relations [Kolpakov, L. BUT. Domestic violence: Victimological aspect, Differentiation of responsibility and legislative issues: author. diss. ... Cand. jurid science 12.00.05 / Kolpakova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. - Yaroslavl, 2007. - 17 p.].

G. F. Shershevich pointed out: "Family has a constant cohabitation of her husband, wives and children, that is, it is an union of persons related to marriage, and those who are taking place" [Shershevich G.F. c. 259]. With all this, he especially emphasized that "the physical and moral families of the family is created in addition to the right ... The legal average is necessary and advisable in the field of property relations of family members" [Shershenevich G.F. c. 259]. The Russian philosopher N. Berdyaev determined the essence of the family in the fact that she was "always there, there is also a positivist world institution of improvement, biological and social ordering of the life of the kind" [Berdyaev, N. c. 257].

Sociologist A. G. Kharchev believes that the family can be defined as a historically specific system of relationship between spouses, between parents and children, as a small social group, members of which are associated with marriage or related relations, the community of life and mutual moral responsibility, the social necessity of which is due to the need Societies in the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population [Harchev, A.G. Marriage and family in the USSR / A.G. Harchev. - M, 2010., C. 75].

When we talk about the most important social institutions, then among the first call the family. Family - Chief Institute of Human Society. In turn, the Institute of Family includes many more private institutions, namely: Institute of Marriage, Reliability Institute, Institute of Motherhood and Fatherhood, Institute of Property, Institute of Social Protection of Childhood and Okrug and others.

Marriage is an institution that regulates relations between the floors. In society, sexual relations are governed by a complex of cultural norms. Of course, sexual relationships can occur out of marriage, and marriage itself can exist without them. However, it is precisely the marriage in human society is considered the only acceptable, socially approved and enshrined by law of the form not only permitted, but mandatory sexual relations of spouses.

Thus, it can be concluded that marriage family relationships are specific public relationswhich suggest the existence of some features of their development.

The most families of family and marriage include the following:

1) reproduction of the population - the physical and spiritual and moral reproduction of a person in the family;

2) educational function - socialization of the younger generation, maintaining the cultural reproduction of society;

3) Household - maintaining the physical health of members of society, care for children and elderly family members;

4) Economic - receiving material means of some family members for others, economic support for minors and disabled members of society;

5) the function of spiritual communication - the development of identities of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment;

6) Socio-status - providing a certain status to family members, reproduction social Structure;

7) Leisure - organization of rational leisure, mutual enrichment of interests;

8) emotional - receiving psychological protection, emotional support, emotional stabilization of individuals and their psychological therapy;

9) primary function social control - Moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, as well as the regulation of responsibility and obligations in relations between spouses, parents and children.

2. Dynamics of marriage norms and family formation

The family-marriage scope is regulated and regulated by this or that value-normative system of its subjects and objects. The subjective factors of this type of interpersonal interaction include a marriage-family unit, which includes installation on marriage, the birth of children, polish installation, on the values \u200b\u200bof the family. This kind of social installation variant scientists are divided into three types: egocentric, sociocentric, traditional. Despite the fact that the age cycle of life distance from 17 to 23 years is mainly characterized by the positioning of the family as values, it becomes clear according to many sociological studies The last decade, that the family lifestyle is not a priority in personal value-regulatory systems of student youth.

In addition, polyassal installations for family life are substantially changing. If in the Soviet times, the girls were mainly socially oriented in this field, that is, to cooperate with a man, the fulfillment of parental debt, responsibility for the family team, then in recent years there has been an immoral reorientation for egocentric settings: frank pursuit of pleasure, low-rise, tolerant attitude To terminate marriages, abortions, etc. At the same time, scientists recorded and purely socio-psychological differences of the value orientations of modern students of Russian universities, so young men are expected from marriage emotional and entertainment advantages, and girls still hope to get communicative comfort in it and psychological comfort.

"Reduction of marriage occurred from the beginning of the 1990s. So, if in 1980, 10.6 marriages were concluded at thousands of population, in 1990 - 8.9, in 1996 - 5.9, in 2000 - 6.2, then in 2006 - 7.8. In the new economic and sociocultural conditions of post-Soviet Russia, the Institute of Marriage was inevitably changed, the attitude towards him. "

Having dropped in 1998 to the minimum value - 849 thousand, the number of registered marriages later grew, an increase in 2011 to 1316 thousand. Deviations from the growth trend were observed in 2004 and 2008. In general, for the period 1998-2011, the number of marriages entered 55%. However, in 2012 less marriages were registered than 2011 (1213.6 against 1316.0 thousand).

The reasons why people are not ready to conclude marriage can be: fear of divorce and related emotional, economic and legal consequences. Many are also afraid of social problems following the divorce - what the relatives, friends, colleagues will think and say. In some cases, the divorce is also unacceptable for religious and national cultural considerations.

There is also the problem of unregistered marriages. "People who link to proximity and affection will live together and are joint economy, but do not hurry to execute legally their relations, at least before the birth of a child. Encouraging couples check their relationship before marriage and collaborative relations. " EAT. Gurko calls such relations as "trial marriages" [Gurko, TA Marriage and parenthood in Russia / TA Gurko. - M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2008. - 325 p.].

3. Study of family-marital orientations and installations in modern Russia

Modern changes occurring in the socio-political and economic life of Russia permeate all areas of activity and cannot but affect the processes of the formation of value priorities of society, social groups and individuals. The transformation of the Russian society, undertaken in the 90s of the 20th century, is associated with radical changes in social processes, social structure and systems of life values. Before social sciences The task of fixation and explanation of the processes occurring in the social structure of life and in the value orientations of the personality has occurred. At the same time, issues of formation are especially relevant. value orientation The younger generations in the processes of socialization and social education, above all, difficulties in the formation of the moral foundations of the hierarchy of values \u200b\u200bin young people. A number of social problems related to the change of social system in the country and to a sharp stratification of society (deterioration of health and public health in connection with drug addiction, alcoholism; growth of indicators of social pathology and deviant behavior, social orphanness and neglect, the growth of general and teenage crime and T . d.). Simultaneously with these problems, according to many researchers, the crisis of the Basic Institute for Socialization - Family.

In recent decades, negative trends in marriage-family relations among young people are clearly visible: the moral and psychological climate in youth families deteriorates; The number of divorces and the number of single mothers is growing; moral and sexual norms of young people deteriorate; There is a negative by the majority of young families, including student, principles of co-resolution of the older generation; There is a predominance of professional career values \u200b\u200bover family; There is a dissemination of various forms of marriage: legally decorated, guest marriage, re-marriage, actual marriage, group marriage, etc. T. A. Dolbik Sparrow especially allocates that over the past decades, among young people, a growing positive attitude towards breasting relations has been celebrated.

Sociological studies conducted at the end of the 20th century show that such a form of marriage, as cohabitation, every year is increasingly spread among student youth (although legally executed marriages remain priorities in student circles). In contrast to the opinion of the majority of students who are in free marriage, which preferably preferably cohabitation is the best form of recognition of a person in everyday life, adaptation to each other, scientifically proven that the emergency experience may make it difficult to transition from concentration on their affairs to accounting for the needs and desires of others. Family members, primarily children. The cohabitation is not the system that successfully prepares future spouses for marriage, since the lack of obligations in a unseasonal household can lead to their absence in marriage.

Family in their entire history of existence passed and continues to undergo global changes processes. IN modern science Increases interest in the study of family and marital relations. This is largely due to the fact that modern changes in the family are grand in their historical consequences.

There are different points of view about changes occurring at family and marriage institutions. According to the functionalist approach modern condition And the dynamics of family and marriage are regarded as a crisis, decline, destruction, degradation. Supporters of the evolutionary approach are convinced that family and marriage develop in line with generalvolutionary processes. An interesting point of view of A. I. Antonova, who believes that the family institution exists not because the function is carried out vital for the existence of a society, but because "marriage, birth, content and education of children answer some deeply personal The needs of millions of people. Apparently, it is weakening that the fading of these personal motives and desires brighter reveals the crisis of a family as a social institution and, in this sense, the crisis of society itself. On the other hand, the facts of non-compliance with the basic functions of the family, fixed by statistics and data of social, including sociological research, may not testify to the family crisis if the family disorganization process does not affect the values \u200b\u200bof the family, is not associated with the devaluation of the value of children and the values \u200b\u200bof the parenthood. " Antonov A. I., Medkov V. M. Sociology of the family. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University: Publishing House of the International University of Business and Management ("Brothers Karich"), 1996., p. 110].

4. Refinement of the facility

In the study, 50 tested at the age of 18-30 years old with various experience and experience of family relations, which are students of various courses and faculties of the highest educational institution.

5. Clarification of conditions

The study was conducted in a group form in a specially equipped audience in the afternoon. At the first stage of the study, the motivation was formed, which lies in feedback for each subject. In the second stage - the compilation of the complex of methods for conducting the study, the selection of experimental groups: I Group is a person who are official marriage;
Group II - these are persons living in civil marriage (cohabitation);
III group - these are single (free) people who do not have on this moment Spouse or spouse. The third stage of the study is the implementation of the empirical part of the study, processing the results of the study. The fourth stage is to summarize the results of the study.

6. Description of the methodology

Consider the methods applied to the study.

The questionnaire is designed to determine what prevails in relationships: love or sympathy.

In particular, three components of love were important for measurement: affection, care and the degree of intimacy of relations.
The scale of sympathy registers: the degree of respect, the degree of admiration and the degree of perceived similarity of the object of assessment with the respondent.

In the final version of the technique, adapted by L.Gozmann and Yu.E. Laleshina, are included 14 points.

Points for each scale are summed up.
The final estimates may vary from 7 to 28 points.
Counting the total score on both scales gives general level Emotional relations in the Diade (from 14 to 56 points).

Individual task performed during practice

for a student of the magistracy of the group ______________ _____________________

Surname I.O.

The task issued:

Head of Practice

from the university ____________________________________________________

scientific title, position, surname I.O.

The task got:

Student group ________ ______________ ________________________

signature surname I.O.


Head of Practice

from the profile organization

(Legal Name of the Organization) _____________________________

signature Position, Surname I.O.

Diary of practicing practice

Diary of practicing practice

Surname I.O.

Practice time with "___" ________ 20__ in "___" _______ 20__g.

date The content of the work performed Mark of the head of practice (from the organization or from the profile organization, signature)

Appendix 5.

(when practicing practice

in the profile organization)

Review form of manual of practice from the profile organization


head of Practice from the Profile Organization

on the student __________________________________ groups _______

faculty of Migu of the Baikal State University, which took practice in / on


(Legal Name of the Organization)

Production Practice (NIR)

Practice time with "___" ________ 20__ in "___" _______ 20__g.

Fullness of studying all the issues provided for by the Program of Principal Practice;

Manifestation of a student of independence and creative approach to work;

Student participation in the current work or solving promising tasks of the workshop, department, service, bureau, enterprises;

Difficulties prevented by the normal passage of practice;

Comments and wishes of the Faculty Miga FGBOU in BSU.

Head of Practice from the Profile Organization


(Familia I.O., position, signature, printing)

Address organization:


Contact information (tel., E-mail):


Appendix 6.


Methodical materialsdetermining the procedures for assessing knowledge, skills, skills and (or) experience experience characterizing the stages of the formation of competencies in the process of passing practice

Form estimating the results of practice

student Magistracy Group ______________ ______________________

Surname I.O.

Estimated indicators Assessment (in points) Maximum Evaluation is actual
Decision of organizational issues. Development of the work schedule (plan) of the tasks during the passage of practice. Drawing up an individual task of passing practice. Work with information resources. Determination of areas, the choice of institutions (organizations) - objects of study during the passage of practice. Structure of the practice report. Criterion: completeness, accuracy, validity of choosing the direction of research, clarity of the wording of the problem (up to 10 points).
The choice and substantiation of research methods in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work: - the review of the existing methods of research on the chosen topic; - Justification of the choice of research methods in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work, purpose and objectives. . Criterion: the level of detail, the quality of the study (up to 25 points).
Review scientific and foreign literature on the topic of graduation qualifications: - the study of terms in accordance with the topic; - Conducting a comparison of scientific approaches to the study of the selected issues - consideration of the classification of concepts (approaches) to the study. . Criterion: level of detail and quality of the study (up to 25 points).
Familiarization with the results of modern foreign scientific research and assessment of the possibility of their adaptation in Russian practice: - implementation of the review of the results of modern foreign scientific research in accordance with the theme of the final qualifying work - to evaluate the possibility of adapting foreign approaches on the studied issues in Russian practice. . Criterion: level of detail and quality of the study (up to 25 points).
Description of the results of the study. A description of the completed individual task, the formulation of conclusions and suggestions. Filling the diary of practice. Representation by the scientific leader of materials collected by the master's student during the passage of practice. Preparation and registration of the practice report. . Criterion: consistency of conclusions and suggestions (up to 5 points) of completeness and systematic of proposals (up to 10 points).
Total scores

Total assessment for the passage of practice _______________________________

Comments and wishes (if available) _______________________________



Head of Practice

from the university ____________ _____________________________

signature Scientific title, position, surname I.O.

Appendix 7.

Structure of the Practice Report

Title page

Work schedule (plan) (not included in general numbering)

Individual task (not included in general numbering)


Section ...............


Applications to the report

Practitioner diary (if provided for by the practice program)

Feedback on the workshop of practice from the profile organization (if provided for by the practice program)

Appendix 8.

Title page

Work schedule (plan)

Individual task


Section 1. Performance of the review of scientific and foreign literature on the topic of final qualifying work

1.1. Study of terms in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work;

1.2. Conducting a comparison of scientific approaches to the study of chosen issues

1.3. Consideration of the classification of concepts (approaches) to the study in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work

Section 2. Selection and rationale for research methods in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work

2.1. Performing an overview of existing research methods on the chosen topic

2.2. Justification of the choice of research methods in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work, the purpose and objectives.

Section 3. Familiarization with the results of modern foreign scientific research and assessment of the possibility of their adaptation in Russian practice

3.1. Review of the results of modern foreign scientific research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work

3.2. Assess the ability to adapt foreign approaches to the studied issues in Russian practice


Applications to the report

Diary of practicing practice

Blank assessment of the results of practice by the head of the university.

Appendix 9.

Description of indicators, criteria and estimation scales

Formed competencies when performing and protecting the practice report

Characteristics of work Max. score
1. Preparatory stage
1.1. The formulation of relevance of relevant practice Up to 2.
1.2. The purpose of the goal and formulating practitioners Until 3
Total points Up to 5.
2. Work planning
2.1. Description of the level of study (development) of the issue (problems) Until 3
2.2. Understanding the content of the main stages of practice Up to 2.
Total points Up to 5.
3. Characteristics of methods and progress
3.1. Collection of material To 10
3.2. Selection of methods and tools for solving identified problems (dysfunctions) Up to 15
3.3. Processing material Up to 5.
Total points Up to 30.
4. Registration of the report on the results of practice
4.1. Offer for solving identified problems (dysfunctions) To 10
4.2. Development of a set of organizational measures to implement the developed management decision Up to 20.
Total points Up to 30.
5. Report on the results of practice
5.1 Quality of the report To 10
5.2 Quality of answers to additional questions Up to 20.
Total points Up to 30.
TOTAL Up to 100.

In the program industrial practice A section of the student's research work, developed jointly with the Head of Practice from the Department of Land Management. Scientifically research The student may include work in individual destinations:

1. Organizational and research:

Study of activities of the researcher (the work of theoretics and experimenters of research in the field of land management and cadastrals, the development of methods and methods for the implementation of land management and cadastral works, modern technologies, devices and equipment for solving problems of land management, inventories and monitoring);

The need for an integrated approach to solving a number of problems, to understand the interdependence of the staff of the scientific team, as well as the importance of the scientific environment on the fruitful activity of the scientist.

2. Research:

Studying methods for improving land management, cadastral and monitoring actions.

3. Experimental:

Work on the application of developments and proposals in the field of land management, cadastral and monitoring actions.

Research the conditions for obtaining reliable results.

The aim of the research work of bachelor is the formation of professional competencies in the field of scientific research activities:

· Abilities for independent replenishment, critical analysis and application of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of land management for own scientific research;

· Ownership skills of independent analysis of the basic patterns of the functioning of the land management facility with the presentation of the argued conclusions;

· Ownership skills of qualified analysis, commenting, referencing and summarizing the results of scientific research conducted by other specialists using modern methodologies and methodologies, advanced domestic and foreign experience;

· Ownership skills to participate in the work of scientific teams conducting research on a wide land management issue.

During the passage of pre-diploma industrial practice, the student must assemble the necessary material for research work. The purpose of the participation of a student in scientific research of the department is to acquire them deeper knowledge on special disciplines, the development of modern methods of design, substantiation of project decisions and research, acquiring independent research skills.

An individual task for collecting materials for scientific research, the subject of scientific research student in production practice is established:

- teachers of the department who lead to scientific research in student scientific society (SNO);

- managers and performers of the Cafesry topics of scientific research attracting students to participate in these studies;

- Teachers of the Department - Practice Managers.

Student's educational and research work during the passage of production practice will make it possible to make reports at the meetings of the Circle Student Scientific Society (SNO) and student conferences, to participate in the preparation competitive work, prepare an abstract and articles for publication in scientific works University, more instruct a review of sources on the topic of research, write the first chapter, as well as develop and substantiate design solutions in WRC.

After the end of production practice, the student writes the report. The practice report is a small independent study and analytical (practical) work, which is represented as a set of obtained results of independent research, theoretical and practical skills during the period of production pre-diploma practices in the enterprise.

The correctly built report plan serves as the organizing start in working on his writing by the student, helps to systematize the material, ensures the sequence of its presentation. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to competently state the material, correctly present the obtained and learned knowledge.

The experience of manual practices shows that the issue of quality design of materials submitted to defense, a student, as a rule, is not paying enough attention, which prevents the successful protection of production practices.

The report of the report should be 25-35 pages, including tables and drawings, and records in the diary are used.

The report structure should be as follows:

1. Introduction - 1-2 pages;

2. Chapter 1 Characteristics of the organization - Practice Places - 3-4 Pages;

3. Chapter 2 of work performed during the passage of practice - 10-15 pages;

4. Chapter 3 Scientific research work in practice - 5-7 pages;

5. Chapter 4 Composition and content of collected materials - 3-5 pages;

6. Conclusion - 1-2 pages;

7. List of sources used - 1 page;

8. Appendices (if necessary, the volume is not limited).


The introduction is subject to the relevance, goals and objectives of production practice, the content and scope of production practice report is given.

Relevance - Mandatory requirement for any scientific work. Lighting relevance should be a few. Enough within one - two paragraphs of a computer set of text Show the main points of the relevance of the topic.

Goal and tasks - The target always corresponds to the name of the work itself and its content. For industrial practice, the goal is to use on the production of theoretical knowledge of the university and conducting experimental work in accordance with the topic of WRC.

Given the goals of practice (develop professional competencies, study activities in the profession, conduct research) should be defined by tasks that allow these goals to achieve. Such tasks may be the study of the enterprise and regulatory documents governing the functioning of this enterprise (this part is in any reports and is often indicated in the introduction) and the study of certain professional activities (features, features, responsibilities). In addition, the tasks may be the fulfillment of certain professional activities (it is possible to sign on the items which tasks the student performs in professional practice) or writing research work.

Volume and content - Final part of the introduction, which indicates the entire list of sections. The scope of the report, the number of tables and patterns used sources is given.

Chapter 1. Characteristics of the organization - Practice Places

This chapter provides a brief description of the organization - a peculiar report on the enterprise, on the basis of which the student passed the practice. The characteristic, if possible, should include photographs of the enterprise itself, its team and student's workplace and have the following content:

· general About Organization: Name, address, location;

· The structure of the organization;

· Management organization;

· Form of organization of the enterprise;

· The type of economic activity of the organization;

· short story organizations;

· Specialization of the organization;

· The most important firms and counterparties and competitors;

· The number of employees, incl. management personnel;

· Organization of land management works in the organization (production unit).

At the end of the section, the student must make the motivation of the choice of this particular organization for the passage of production practices.

Chapter 2. Works performed during the passage of practice

One of the main and largest report by volume should contain a photo report on the passage of practice and include the following information:

1. Position held, deadlines and duration of practice. Promotions and recovery obtained during practice.

2. Types and volume of work performed (in natural and monetary terms), deadlines and quality of implementation, the development of norms on weeks and for the entire period of practice. This item must be in addition to the text description to contain a consolidated table, from which it is clearly able to understand the scope of work performed by the unit in which the student passed the practice and his personal contribution to this work.

3. Brief description of work objects (location, total area, the composition of the lands by category, owners, land users and land, natural and economic conditions).

4. Characteristics of the territory of the object, the state of the planning-cartographic, survey and land supplication material (the year of the filming, the scale of the planned material, binding items).

5. Management of works by university and production.

6. The degree of landowava of the territory on which work was carried out.

7. Methods and procedures for performing work (justification of the methods of work, procedure, methods and results of work):

but) preparatory work (obtaining tasks, selection, study, manufacturing of documents, drawing up the priority of work);

b) field work (content, execution order, methods used and used devices);

c) Cameral works (content, execution order, methods used and software).

8. Organization of work at the facility (device with housing and workplace, transportation of transport, routine of the working day, work schedule).

9. Comments in the course of practice. Proposals for improving the conditions and quality of work. Negative and positive parties to the organization of practice.

Chapter III. Scientific research work in practice

A research report should be issued as an abstract and made according to GOST 7.32-2001.

The abstract must contain:

Information about the volume of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, applications, the number of report parts, the number of sources used;

List of keywords;

Text of abstract.

The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the report, which mostly characterize its content and provide the ability to the information search. The keywords are given in the nominative case and are printed with lower case letters in the comma string.

The text of the abstract should reflect:

Research object or development;

Purpose of work;

Method or methodology of work;

Work results;

Basic constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics;

Application area;

Economic efficiency or significance of work;

Forecast assumptions about the development of the object of the study.

If the report does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the abstract, it is lowered in the text of the abstract, with the sequence of the presentation remains.

Chapter IV. Composition and content of collected materials

This section outlines the characteristic of the object selected for the thesis design, the project content for this object:

- the name of the object, its location;

- a brief description of the municipality, a landautical object, the existing organization of the territory and production;

- the main indicators of the development of the economy (object) for the future;

- a brief, but exhaustive content and justification of the project: the purpose and causes of land management; The main production indicators for the project; specialization and size of production; Changes made in land use; Content and Justification of the project for all components and elements; Events for the protection of land and the environment;

- Justification of the legal consistency of the land management, i.e. Checking the compliance of the ongoing project decisions to the current legislation, regional regulatory legal acts, the definition of ownership of land plots of land management facility.

At the end of the section, a complete and detailed list of all collected materials collected during the practice of practicing materials for the preparation of WRC and practice report is given (a detailed list of collected materials is given). The characteristic of their quality and completeness is given to the development of WRC.


The conclusion should be logical completion of the report. The student should analyze whether the goal has been achieved and is made by the tasks set in the introduction. Create the main figures achieved during the practice. Make a conclusion about the general course of practice. Formulate the main positive and negative points of practice. Give remarks and recommendations for the possible improvement of practice.

Introduction and conclusion should be creative, it is copyright. In many ways, the overall assessment that will be put to the student depends on clearly formulated tasks and the conclusions made.

List of sources used

The list of sources used is drawn up according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The list should include all regulatory acts, literary sources, books, articles, as well as electronic sources used when writing a report and conducting research work. Only those sources on which links were made in the text are entered in the list.

Registration of the report

Report on production practice is at the site of practitioners on the sheets of A-4 format. The form title leaf shown in Appendix 7.

The text of the explanatory note is performed by the computer dialing method. Font - Times New Roman. Kehel - 14. Interval - one-time. Paragraph indent - 1.25. Fields: Left - 3 cm, right - 1.0 cm, bottom and top - 2 cm.

The text should be used by the adopted land management (and other) terminology. All words, as a rule, must be written in full. Only generally accepted abbreviations can be allowed. Page numbering must be common to the whole text, starting with a title leaf and including all tables (on separate pages) and ending with the list of sources used. Page number is affixed by Arabic numbers in the center of the page from below (except the title leaf).

Each head of the explanatory note begins with a new sheet, at the beginning of the chapter indicate its number and name. Chapters and paragraphs are numbered by Arabic numbers. The numbering of paragraphs within each chapter.

According to the available tables, conclusions must be made and referenced on them. The big table is placed on a separate page for the page for which it is first mentioned.

Tables are drawn up as follows. In the upper left corner they write: "Table 1" (Numbering one throughout the text). Next, on the same line write the name of the table corresponding to its content. If the table is transferred to the next page, "continuation of the table" or "Table" is written above the table, instead of its name. If the table and its name is placed along the sheet, then its name must be where the leaf is laid (at the root).

All project illustrations (drawings, cards, schemes, graphics, charts, photos, etc.) are considered drawings. The numbering is through, before the drawing requires a link in the text. Figures subscribe in the center of the page after the drawing itself as follows: "Figure 1. Title."

The tasks put forward by modern production in front of engineering personnel are so complicated that their solution requires creative search, research skills. In this regard, the modern specialist should own not only the necessary amount of fundamental and special knowledge, but also by certain skills of creative solutions to practical problems, constantly increase its qualifications, quickly adapt to changing conditions. All these qualities must be formed in the university. They are brought up through the active participation of students in research work.

In modern conditions, the research work of students (NERS) turns into a means of development creative abilities The most successful and gifted students into the system, allowing to improve the quality of training of all specialists with higher education.

The concept of ²-learning work of students² includes the following elements:

- teaching students the basics of research work, the impulse of certain skills;

- Execution of scientific research under the guidance of teachers.

In this regard, the forms and methods of attracting students to scientific creativity can be divided into research work included in the educational process and, therefore, conducted in the school time in accordance with curricula and working programs (special lecture courses on the basics of scientific research, various types Training classes with elements of scientific research, student learning work), as well as research work performed by students in extracurricular time.

Educational and research work of students (UIRS) is carried out in the schedule scheduled training time by each student on a special task under the guidance of the supervisor (teacher of the department). The main task of UIRS is the training of students in the skills of independent scientific work, familiarization with real working conditions in laboratories, in scientific teams. In the process of learning research, future specialists learn to use devices and equipment, independently conduct experiments, process their results, apply their knowledge when solving specific tasks.

For conducting educational and research work, students are given workplace In the laboratory, the necessary materials and instruments are issued. The topic and the amount of work are determined individually to the scientific supervisor. The Department, which includes UIRS's curriculum, develops in advance the subjects of research, determines the composition of the relevant leaders, is preparing a methodological documentation, recommendations for the study of special literature.

Scientific officers include teachers who are actively involved in scientific work, researchers, engineers and graduate students.

The final stage of WIERS is to design a report in which the student sets out the results of his scientific work. The report is protected before the Special Commission with an empty of the test.

Promising direction is the creation of higher educational institutions Student Research Laboratories (REDUCED), in which scientific research is underway and at the same time the training work of students are organized.

In some universities, educational and research work is preceded by a special course on the basics of the Organization and methodology of scientific research, on the organization of bibliographic and patent work (in the disciplines of the ² importation in the specialty², the Больновые scientific research ², etc.).

An important form of research work of students performed in the school time is the introduction of elements of scientific research in laboratory work. When performing such works, the student independently compiles the work plan, selects the necessary literature, conducts mathematical processing and analysis of the results, draws up the report.

Many departments of universities are organized by scientific seminars or student scientific and technical conferences (SNTC). Seminars are held regularly during the semester, so that every student can speak on it with a report or a message on the results of the work carried out. SNTC is carried out, as a rule, 1-2 times a year between semesters or at the end of each semester.

For junior courses, the main forms of SNTC within educational process are the preparation of abstracts, individual homework with elements scientific search, participation in subject circles.

The research work of students during production practices is carried out by performing the production of individual tasks on the subject of research work performed by the department, as well as the ² forgive places of production. Tasks are performed on improving technological processes, equipment, scientific organization of labor, the actual material is collected and its primary processing is produced in order to further use under coursewards and thesis design.

The scientific leadership of students during the period of production practice are carried out jointly teachers of the university and specialists of the enterprise. The results of the work are outlined in the report, which students protect before the Commission after the end of production practices.

The research work of students in course and thesis design is related to the development of special sections with elements of scientific research and research carried out in the process of solving the real problems of specific enterprises. Such diploma projects may end with the introduction and in this sense are really real.

Receives the development of comprehensive diploma projects developed by a group of diploman students of various specialties. Each student is entrusted to perform a separate independent section of a comprehensive diploma project. The general management of the development of such a project is carried out by one of the leading departments, for each of the sections, its own leader is appointed from that department that ensures its development.

When defending a comprehensive diploma project, a commission is created with the participation of representatives of the customer and university. It is evaluated by each topic of the graduation project, performed by individual students, and the decision on the project as a whole and the possibility of using it at the customer's enterprise.

Many universities departments together with enterprises make up a list of emissions of production places, of which then form the theme of course and diploma projects. This approach makes it possible to effectively use scientific and creative potential Students to solve specific problems of production increases the responsibility of students for the quality of work.

The scientific work of students performed in extracurricular time is implemented by the participation of students in research on the subject of planned state budget and indispensable NIR departments and scientific institutions of universities, organizations of student bureaus and associations such as a student research laboratory (reduced). The design, technological economic tasks, school work in school, lecturer work on the proliferation of knowledge in the field of science, technology, culture can be performed.

The main form of NIRS, performed in the extracurricular time, is to attract students to implement scientific research conducted by departments and scientific institutions of the university under state budget and indexed topics. Usually, a group involved in solving a certain scientific and technical problem is included, several students are included, as a rule, various courses. This allows for continuity, continuity and clear organization of their work. Students of senior courses are drawn up for the posts of technicians or laboratory technicians with payment and record in the employment record. The work is carried out according to the schedule schedule approved by the supervisor. Guide to the work of students is carried out by teachers, researchers, engineers and graduate students working in the group.

Students who have successfully completed the task in their section are included in the authors of the report as co-valves. According to the results of the work, an application may be submitted for an invention or an article was published.

The collective forms of creative work of students have proven well - student research laboratories (reduced), student design, technological, economic bureaus (SKB), scientific and computing centers, etc.

The reduction is organized in high school on the rights of its structural unit. The subject of work is formed or on the basis of economic contracts with organizations or in the form of state budgets, the topics of university and intrawood orders.

The staff of the staff decreases mainly students who work under the guidance of the faculty and engineering and technical composition of the university. The chief reduced several engineering and technical workers involved in the composition reduced, carry out the organizational and methodological management of the work of students.

In parallel with the conduct of research and development, students perform in the reduction of organizational and managerial functions, acquiring simultaneously corresponding skills.

The scheme of a comprehensive program of research work of students for the entire period of study is presented in Fig. one.

An important role in the intensification of scientific and technological creativity of students is played by organizational and mass events: ² outdocent and scientific and technical progress, reviews contests bEST ORGANIZATION scientific work of students, republican scientific conferences Students, exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity.

Modern level Participation of students in scientific work, the diversity of its forms and methods require an integrated approach to its planning and organization. The NIRS comprehensive program should provide a step-by-step sequence of measures and the forms of scientific work of students in accordance with the logic of the educational process.

Implementation of integrated planning of Nirts in higher educational institutions for each specialty and the creation on this basis the unified comprehensive system of research work students make it possible to fully use the scientific potential of universities in the preparation of modern highly qualified specialists.

Classification of research work

Scientific research is the process of cognition of a new phenomenon and disclosure of patterns of changing the object being studied depending on the influence of various factors for the subsequent practical use of these patterns. Scientific studies are classified on various features: methods for solving the tasks, the scope of research results, types of the object under study and other factors

Research may be theoretical, theoretical and experimental and experimental. Related research to one of the species depends on the methods and means used scientific research.

Theoretical studies Based on the use of mathematical and logical methods of knowledge of the object. The result of a theoretical study is to establish new dependencies, properties and patterns of occurring phenomena. results theoretical studies Must be confirmed by practice.

Theoretical experimental Studies provide for the last experimental verification of the results of theoretical studies on one-art samples or models.

Experimental studies They are carried out on one-art samples or models in the laboratory conditions under which new properties, dependencies and patterns are established, and also serve to confirm the theoretical assumptions extended.

Scientific research on the use of results is divided into fundamental and applied .

Fundamental places the goal of solving fundamentally new theoretical problems, the opening of new laws, the creation of new theories. On their basis, many applied tasks are solved in relation to the needs of specific industries of science, technology and production.

Application studies are a search and solving the practical tasks of the development of individual industries based on the results of fundamental research.

In the composition of the studied properties of the object of the study are divided into complex and differentiated .

Complex represents the study of the heterogeneous properties of one object, each of which may include the use of various methods and means of research. They are performed at different times and in various places. An example of a comprehensive study can be the assessment of the reliability of a new car. The reliability of the car is an integral property and is determined by its individual properties as reliability, maintainability, retainability and durability of parts.

Differentiated is called such a study in which one of the properties or a group of homogeneous properties is known. In the considered example, each separately the resulting property of the car's reliability is differentiated.

Research is divided into the sign of the place of them, as it predetermines the use of various methods and means of scientific research. In this sense, experimental studies conducted in laboratory or under production conditions are referred to laboratory or production. The object under study may be satura Or represent it model. In each case, the choice of the view of the object under study is subject to justification. In the technique, many studies and tests are conducted on models and samples, as this greatly simplifies the creation of a laboratory base for conducting research (often inventive tests are fundamentally impossible). The most reliable are the results of inventory tests.

In the execution stages of the study are divided into search, research and expressive development. When developing a large scientific and technical problem of the first stage is search researchAs a result of which fundamentals, paths and methods for solving the task are established. Second stage is research developments, The purpose of which is to establish the necessary dependencies, properties and patterns that create prerequisites for further engineering solutions. Third stage - pilot industrial development, the main task of which is to bring the study to practical implementation. His approbation in production conditions. Based on the results of the experimental inspection, adjustments are made to the technical documentation for the widespread development of development in production.

Each research work can be attributed to a specific direction. Under the scientific direction is a science or complex of sciences, in whose area are research. In this regard, they distinguish technical, biological, physico-technical, historical and other directions with their subsequent details.

Structural units The scientific direction is: comprehensive problems, problems, topics and scientific issues. A comprehensive problem is a combination of problems united by a single goal. The problem is a combination of complex theoretical and practical tasks requiring permission in society. From a socio-psychological point of view, the problem reflects the contradiction between the public need for knowledge and the well-known paths of its receipt, the contradiction between knowledge and ignorance. The problem occurs when human practice meets difficulties or even encounters "inability" in achieving the goal. The problem can be a global, national, regional, sectoral, intersectoral, which depends on the scale of emerging tasks. So, for example, the problem of nature protection is global, since its decision is aimed at meeting universal needs. In addition to these distinguishes, common and specific problems. General relate to problems general scientific, nationwide, etc. The nationwide problem of our country is the introduction of low-waste and waste-free, energy and materials-saving technological processes and systems of machines.

Specific problems are characteristic of certain industries of industry industries. Thus, in the automotive industry, such problems are fuel economy and the creation of new fuel species.

The topic of scientific research is an integral part of the problem. As a result of research on the topic, there are answers to certain scientific issues covering some of the problem.

Under scientific issues, small scientific tasks are usually understood related to the specific topic of scientific research.

The choice of directions, problems, themes of scientific research and the formulation of scientific issues are a very responsible task. Current areas and comprehensive research problems are formulated in the country's policy documents. The direction of study is often predetermined by the specifics. scientific institution or the branch of science in which the researcher is working. The specification of the direction of the study is the result of studying the state of the requests of production, social needs and the state of research in one direction or another. In the process of studying the state and the results of already executed research, the ideas of the integrated use of several scientific directions may be formulated for solving production problems. It should be noted that the most favorable conditions for comprehensive research are available in higher education in connection with the presence of scientific schools in various fields of science and technology in universities. The selected direction of research often becomes a strategy of a scientist or a scientific team for a long period.

When choosing a problem and the topics of scientific research at the first stage, on the basis of the analysis of the contradictions of the area under study, the problem itself is formulated and the expected results are determined in general terms. The structure of the problem is then developed: topics, questions, performers are highlighted.

The topics of scientific research should be relevant (important requiring speedy permit), to have a scientific novelty (i.e. contribute to science), be cost-effective for national economy. Therefore, the choice of topics should be based on a special technical and economic calculation. When developing theoretical studies, the requirement of efficiency is sometimes replaced by the requirement of significance determining the prestige of domestic science.

Each scientific team (university, research institute, department, department) on the current tradition has its scientific profile, competence, which contributes to the accumulation of experience, increase the theoretical level of development, their quality and economic efficiency. At the same time, a monopoly in science is also unacceptable, as this excludes ideas competition and can reduce the effectiveness of scientific research. Selecting the topic should be the familiarization with domestic and foreign sources. The problem of selecting the topic is significantly simplified in the scientific team, which has scientific traditions (its profile) and developing a comprehensive problem.

An important characteristic of the topic is the ability to quickly implement the results obtained in production.

To select applied the larger importance is the clear wording of tasks by the customer (the Ministry, association, etc.).

At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that in the process of scientific developments, some changes are also possible in the subject of the proposal of the Customer and, depending on the developing production situation.

Economicity is an important criterion for the perspective of the topic, however, in assessing the large-scale, the criterion is not enough and a more general assessment is required, taking into account other indicators. In this case, often used expert reviewwhich is performed by highly qualified experts (usually from 7 to 15 people). With their help, depending on the specifics of the theme, its directions or complexity, estimated indicators are established. The topic that received the maximum support of experts is considered the most promising.

Stages of research work

Each scientific research involves the overall sequence of execution of the conditionally independent components, which will continue to be called the stages of scientific research. In the general case, we can assume that scientific research includes the following four main stages.

1. Preparation for the study. First, the purpose of the study is determined, the subject and object of the study is justified, the accumulated knowledge of the subject of the study is being mastered, a patent search is carried out and the need to perform this study is based, a working hypothesis and research tasks are formed, a program and general research methodology is being developed.

2. Experimental study and processing of experienced data. This stage of study involves planning experiments, prepare for the experiments of their conduct, checking and eliminating sharply deviating values, statistical processing of experienced data.

3. Analysis and synthesis of experimental research results. This stage provides for the transition from observation to an analytical description of the state of the system and the disclosure of the nature of the exposure of individual factors for the process using system modeling and mathematical methods Analysis.

4. Check the results of generalization in practice and assessment of the economic efficiency of the results of the study.

Let us consider in more detail the implementation of scientific research, for which we introduce some explanations and guidelines for individual stages.

At the beginning of any study, it is necessary to determine the goal, choose the subject and justify the object of the study. The objective of the study is understood as the result of the cognitive process, i.e. For which the study is performed. The purpose of the study should be clearly formulated and allowed a quantitative assessment. The purpose of the research performed in the repair of cars is, for example, an increase in labor productivity, reducing the cost of repairs, increasing the durability of energies, etc. Under the subject of study it is understood as a meaningful part of it, recorded in the name of the topic and related to the knowledge of some parties, properties and links of the objects under study, necessary and sufficient to achieve the goal of the study. As an object of study, a typical representative is chosen, characteristic of the entity of the phenomenon or disclosure of patterns.

Mastering accumulated knowledge and their critical assessment - multidimensional work. First of all, it is necessary to navigate the extent to which the topic developed in the literature of domestic and foreign authors is covered. One of the first conditions for reading scientific literature is the ability to find it. Working in libraries, usually appeal for certificates and consultations to library workers or are looking for orienting information in library catalogs. The materials grouping distinguish the following main types of catalogs: alphabetic, systematic, subject, etc. The alphabetic catalog contains descriptions of books located in the order of the alphabet of the names of the authors or title books (if the authors are not indicated). The systematic catalog contains a bibliographic description of books by industry in accordance with their content. Huge help in finding the necessary literature provide special reference and bibliographic, abstract and other publications.

Reading scientific literature usually consists of a number of techniques:

general acquaintance with the work as a whole on the table of contents and a quick viewing of the book, articles, manuscripts, etc.;

reading in order of the sequential location of the material and the study of the most important text;

selective reading material;

²Parturial reading ² or simultaneous familiarization with the content of the text in the volume of the full-page or the whole page;

drawing up a plan for reading material, abstract or abstracts, systematization of made statements;

registration new information on hand circulation cards;

re-reading materials and comparison with other sources of information;

translation of text from foreign editions with a record in the native language;

thinking of a read material, a critical assessment of it, recording its thoughts about the new information.

The most common form of accumulation of scientific information is recordings of various kinds when reading books, magazines and other sources of written information. The following is the most common entries:

entries in the form of literal excerpts from any text with an indication of the source of information and the author quotes;

records in free presentation with accurate preservation of the content of the source and authorship;

records and drawings on depositated clean sheets and transparent paper drawings, tables, etc.;

drawing up a work plan;

drawing up an abstract on materials of the read book, articles, and the like;

rewinding and underscores of individual words, formulas, phrases on its own copy of the book, sometimes with colored pencils;

recording quotes from several literary sources on a specific topic;

literal records with comments;

records decorated on hand-circuits cards or on cards, in notebooks, notepads, etc. by conventional designations, stenographic signs, etc.;

the presentation of their comments on the material read in the form of aphoristic records.

Records on the reading material of scientific literature can be made in conventional common notebooks, in blanks or sheets of paper of arbitrary sizes, on pigeons, bibliographic cards. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Records in notebooks make it difficult for the selection of extracts on one topic or the problem, finding discharge among the series of others. The card system although it requires an increase in paper consumption, facilitates the systematization of extracts in the personal file and the rapid foundation of the desired materials. This system has undeniable advantages compared to the traditional form of recording in common notebooks.

As a result of the study of scientific and technical and patent literature, the physical essence of the development of phenomena and the links of individual elements is revealed. The researcher meets the use of technical measuring instruments, methods for analyzing the processes of the system under study, criteria for optimizing factors affecting the process. The factors are ranked on the basis of a priori information, the need to carry out this study and the possibility of using previously obtained results to solve the objectives of the study being performed are substantiated.

The working hypothesis is formulated based on the study of the accumulated information about the subject of the study. The hypothesis is a scientific proposal on possible mechanisms, reasons and factors that cause the development of studied phenomena that have not yet been proven, but are likely. One of the main requirements for hypothesis is the possibility of its subsequent experimental verification. The working hypothesis is an important element of the study, it synthesizes a priori idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject of research and determines the circle of solved tasks to achieve the goal.

The program and methodology of research justify the choice of research methods and including the method of experimental research. Under the method, it is generally meant the path of the study, the method, the use of which allows you to obtain certain practical results in knowledge. Along with the general method of dialectical materialism, it is widely used and specifically - scientific methods, such as mathematical analysis, regression and correlation analyzes, methods of induction and deduction, abstraction method, etc.

The program and methodology of the study include:

drafting a calendar plan for performing work in stages with an integral representation of the content in each stage;

selection of technical means of experimental research for reproduction and generation of development of phenomena or bonds of research objects, registration of their states and measurement of affecting factors;

mathematical modeling of the object of research and experiment planning;

optimization of output indicators of the studied processes;

the choice of methods for statistical processing of experienced data and analyzing the results of the experiment;

the choice of the method of economic analysis of the results of the study.

Consider some of the most common questions. experimental studies. Technological studies are characterized by the need to take into account a large number of factors that affect the output indicators in different ways. For example, when studying the effect on the efficiency and quality of repair of car technological factors, as well as when optimizing the implementation conditions, three types of tasks arise:

identifying the materiality of the influence of factors on the indicators of the properties of the repaired part and their ranking according to the degree of influence (the task of evaluating factors on the materiality of their influence);

search for such conditions (modes, etc.), under which either a given level will be provided or higher than those achieved to date (extreme tasks);

setting the type of equation based on disclosure of communication between factors, their interactions and indicator of the properties of the repaired part (interpolation tasks).

Any technological process, as an object of study, when exposed to various factors is considered as a poorly organized system, in which it is difficult to distinguish between individual factors. The main method of studying such systems is statistical, and the method of conducting an experiment is active or passive. Conducting ² balance of experiments involves the use of planning methods, i.e. Active interference in the process and the ability to choose a way to influence the system. The object of the study on which an active experiment is possible is called manageable. If it turns out that it is not possible to choose methods for the state of the system in advance, it is carried out ²pass the experiment. For example, those experiments are the results of observations of cars and their individual assemblies during operation.

Mathematical planning of the experiment, the choice of factors, the levels of their variation and mathematical processing of the results are made using special techniques and has its own specific features when solving specific tasks and is considered in special literature.

After the completion of theoretical and experimental studies, a general analysis of the results obtained is carried out, a comparison of the hypothesis with the results of the experiment is carried out. As a result of the analysis of discrepancies, additional experiments are carried out. Then the scientific and production conclusions are then formulated, a scientific and technical report is drawn up.

The next stage of the development of the topic is the introduction of research results in the production and determination of their actual economic efficiency. The introduction of fundamental and applied scientific research into production is carried out through the developments carried out, as a rule, in the development bureau, design organizations, experienced factories and workshops. Development is drawn up in the form of experimental or experimental design work, including formulating the theme, objectives and development tasks; study of literature; preparation for technical design of the experimental sample; technical design (development of technical project options with calculations and development of drawings); Production of individual blocks, their association into the system; Coordination of the technical project and its feasibility study. After that, working design is performed (detailed project development); made a prototype; It is tested, finishing and adjustment; Bench and production tests. After that, the finalization of the prototype (analysis of production tests, alteration and replacement of individual nodes).

The successful implementation of the listed stages of work makes it possible to submit a sample to state tests, as a result of which the sample is launched into mass production. The developers make control and give advice.

The implementation is completed with the execution of an act of economic efficiency of the research results.

Auditing and extracurricular student work

When analyzing the process of reforming the highest school, educational situation At the State University, as well as when studying the national and global areas of development of university education, the following trends are completely clear:

(a) Modern sociocultural conditions dictate the intrinsicness of the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuous education when students (and not only) require constant improvement of their own knowledge;

b) Under the conditions of the Information Society, a fundamental change in the organization of the educational process is required: reducing the audit load, replacing the passive hearing of lectures by increasing the share of independent work of students:

c) The center of gravity in learning moves from teaching to the doctrine as an independent activity of students in education.

Types and structure of independent work of students

Depending on the place and time of the SRS, the nature of the leadership of it by the teacher and the method of controlling its results is divided into the following types of:

- independent work during the main audit classes (lectures, seminars, laboratory work);

- independent work under the control of the teacher in the form of planned consultations, creative contacts, tests and exams;

- extracurricular independent work when executing a student of homework learning and creative character

Of course, the independence of the types of work listed above is sufficiently conditional, and in the real educational process these species intersect with each other.

In general, independent work of students under the management of the teacher is a pedagogical support for the development of professional readiness for professional self-education and is a didactic means of the educational process, the artificial pedagogical design of the organization and management of students' activity.

Thus, structurally, the SRS can be divided into two parts: a teacher organized by the teacher (Organization) and independent work, which the student organizes at its discretion, without direct control by the teacher (preparation for lectures, laboratory and practical exercises, credit, colloquums, etc. .) In this regard, we emphasize that the management of the SRS is, first of all, the ability to optimize the process of combining these two parts. The OrgSers should be at least 20% of the total time allocated by the curriculum for independent work. The direct distribution of hours on the Organs is approved for each discipline by the scientific and methodological advice of trends and specialties. It is assumed that the ORGSRs should be provided for all the disciplines of the curriculum.

The Organs content can be described in working program Each discipline and is aimed at expanding and deepening knowledge at this rate, and at the senior courses - also for the assimilation of interdisciplinary connections. The time for its implementation should not exceed the norms assigned by the curriculum for independent work on this discipline. In this regard, it is necessary at the stage of development of curricula, assigning the amount of time to the audit and extracurricular job Student, take into account the form of the Organization, for its various forms, naturally require different time costs.

Technological organization of independent work of students

If we talk about the technological side, the organization of the SRS may include the following components:

1. Technology of selection of the objectives of independent work. The foundations of the selection of goals are the objectives defined by the State Educational Standard, and the specificization of goals reflecting the introduction to the future profession, professional theories and systems, professional technologies, etc.

Selected objectives reflect the taxonomy of objectives, for example: knowledge of sources of professional self-education, the use of various forms of self-education in organizing independent work. In addition, the objectives of independent work must correspond to the preparedness structure for professional self-education, which includes the motivational, cognitive, activity components.

2. SRS content selection technology. The foundations of the selection of independent work are state educational standard, sources of self-education (literature, experience, self-analysis), individual-psychological features of students (learning, trained, intelligence, motivation, features learning activities).

3. Task Constructing Technology. Tasks for independent work must comply with the objectives of various levels, reflect the content of each proposed discipline, include various types and levels of cognitive activity of students.

4. Technology of control organization. Includes careful selection of controls, determining the stages, the development of individual forms of control.

The main characteristics of independent work of students

Analysts of the Russian Research Institute higher education (NIIVO) allocates the main characteristics of the SRS:

1. Psychological conditions for the success of the SRS. First of all, this is the formation of sustainable interest in the chosen profession and methods of mastering its features that depend on the following parameters:

- Relationship between teachers and students in the educational process;

- the level of complexity of tasks for independent work;

- the inclusion of students into emergency activity future profession.

Like any kind of human activity, training activities from a psychological point of view is the process of solving specific tasks. The difference between the learning tasks from any other is that their goal is to change the subject itself, which consists in mastering certain methods of action, and not in the change of items that the subject is valid. The need to formulate and solve such problems arises before the subject only if it needs to be seized by such actions that are based on a generalization of theoretical type.

Considering educational activities as a process of solving problems, the following links should be highlighted.

First, setting a learning task. In psychology (pedagogical psychology) it is known that the goal arises as a result of concretizing the sense-forming motives of activity. The function of such motifs can only make interest in the content of the digestible knowledge. Without such interest, not only independent formulation of the learning task is impossible, but also the adoption of the task supplied by the teacher. Therefore, training that is as intended to prepare students for independent learning activities should provide, first of all, the formation of such interests.

Secondly, the use of optimal ways to solve the problem. Between educational activities under the guidance of the teacher and independent forms exists fundamental differencewhich is not affected by sufficient attention. When the teacher leads students from the concept of reality, such a move has the power of only methodological reception. When it comes to the formation of the concept by independently working with educational materials and means, the conditions of activity strongly change:

The first among these conditions is the formation of ways of logical analysis of sources educational information, in particular, ways to logically analyze information models in which the content is recorded scientific conceptsThat simultaneously constitutes one of the most important tasks of training designed to prepare students for independent learning activities.

The second important condition for the transition to self-study activities is to master the productive methods of solving educational tasks, and ensuring this condition is almost impossible without the active methodological and methodological participation of the teacher.

Thirdly, the implementation of control and evaluation over the course and the result of solving the problem. The formation of assessment operations should go from mastering methods for controlling and evaluating the action of the teacher and other students through control and evaluation of their own work under the leadership of the teacher to self-control and self-assessment of independent educational activities.

2. Professional orientation of disciplines. The delicacy of this training and meaningful thesis from the point of view of knowledge, acquisition for creative professional activities, effective personal interaction in the profession should not diminish the importance of knowledge of the general humanitarian culture of the corresponding blocks of the curriculum disciplines.

In addition, the depth of profiling of certain disciplines should take into account the psychological patterns of multi-level division of future professionals: bachelor, specialists, masters.

3. Limited student time budget. First, in the formation of the temporary volume of its subject, the teacher must take into account the total total load of students out often a very subjective opinion of the undoubted importance of "my" discipline.

Secondly, the intensification of the educational process involves the rhythm of the SRS by reducing the routine work of the student in semesters.

4. Individualization of the SRS, which includes:

- an increase in the specific gravity of intensive work with more prepared students;

- division of classes on the mandatory and creative parts (for all trying to cope with more difficult and, most importantly, non-standard tasks, additional questions, educational situations, etc.)

- Regularity of consultation with trainees;

- Exhaustive and timely informing about the thematic content of independent work, the deadlines, the need for aids, forms, methods of controlling and evaluating the final results with the mandatory comparison with the expected.

It is important to emphasize that the student's teaching is not the self-education of the individual on its own arbitrariness, but a systematic, managed by the teacher independent activities of a student who becomes dominant, especially in modern conditions for the transition to a multi-stage training of higher education specialists in BSU and in the system of higher education as a whole.

In this regard, the proportionality between the audit and extracurricular activities aroused close attention to the problem of organizing independent work of students (SRS) as a whole, and not only not so much in the traditional borders of specific disciplines. Strategically, the initial level of independence, with which the applicant came to compare with the requirements for graduate of higher education.

Effective letter

Value notes

1) They diminishing the task of the review. Repeated reading reports or business books is completely spending valuable time. If notes are made well, with key points and significant definitions for memorization, then you only need to view notes.

2) Writing notes at meetings or during the learning process allows you to actively turn on this process. The letter uses visual and kinesthetic (that is, the sensations of the muscles) features that helps concentration and strengthens memory.

3) People who do and use notes, generally recall the information in general more than the people who do not.

4) Writing notes - a good check of the ability to listen, understanding and memorizing skills in short-term memory. Notes can also form a basis for discussion and research.

There are three basic methods for compiling notes.

1. Notes in general terms (schematic).

2. Detailed notes.

3. Maps of thinking.

Schematic notes Compiled by drawing up a list of keywords that cause mental images of key concepts and ideas from the main text. Schematic notes in, mainly stored in a standard linear format. They can also be transferred to pocket-size cards that can be worn with them and view when it seems possible, for example, when traveling to a bus or tram.

Detailed notes - The system used by many people is afraid to miss something important. If the report was made logical, notes can be left without further change. However, this does not always take place, and notes may require editing and reorganization. Often they need additions that include further reading, research and reflections.

Due to the similar shape of the notes of the third type with the spider's web, they are sometimes called spider diagrams. They are also known as thinking cards that are the method of compiling notes offering greater flexibility and overcoming the shortcomings of schematic and detailed notes. Thinking cards are a nonlinear, spatial, graphic methodology, in which the subject discussed (plot) is crystallized in the central image. The main topics of the subject (plot) come from the central image as a branch. Branches include key images or keywordsPrinted on the relevant lines. The themes of less importance are also presented in the form of branches attached to the branches of more high level. Branches form a knitted node structure. Thinking cards can be expanded and enriched with color, images, codes, symbols and third dimension to stimulate interest. These extensions help memorize, understand, motivate and reproduce information.

For example, when writing notes, the thinking card may be visual representation and keyword scheme of the chapter, say, business book or self-development program. You can draw a row of microchart thinking for each chapter of the business book and McCarde thinking for all text. Then you will have a schematic macro of thinking for the entire book supported by schematic microcarities of thinking for each chapter.

Thinking cards - Only one method of a schematic presentation of information, which is used in business and education for more than twenty years. With the advent of computer graphics, including the display programs of thinking cards, the use of such a method is becoming increasingly popular and affordable. Other schematic information presentation systems include tables, graphs, columnar, circular and organizational charts, solutions trees, vein charts, algorithms, and so on.

Creating thinking cards

1. Use the A4 sheet (Il AZ, if necessary) clean paper.

2. Start thinking card in the sale of pages and move to the edges.

3. Connect the main topics to the central image.

4. Use the technique of "Wil" Il "Fish Skeleton" to connect the auxiliary lines with the main.

5. Print single keywords on connecting lines.

6. Use images, drawings, characters and codes.

7. Segment the main Tesh, drawing around them limiting lines.

8. Use individualized codes. and well-known abbreviations.

9. To make information more memorable, use mnemonics for key points. Example of thinking card:

Effective letter is the technologies of optimal compilation of notes.

Intelligent dictionaries, thesaurus, glossary

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Multi-volume Latin dictionary. This is how different sources give the dictionary:

The dictionary is a book containing a list of words, usually with explanations, interpretations or translating to another language. (Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language: in 17 tons.)

The dictionary is a book containing a list of words located on a particular principle (for example alphabetically), with those or other explanations ( Dictionary Russian language: in 4 tons / ed. D.N. Ushakov).

The dictionary is the universe in alphabetical order. (Voltaire)

Any dictionary consists of vocabulary articles.

The words of all parts of speech occur in the sources, as well as their own names, geographical and other names are included in the Slider. Options are made in the form of independent articles related cross-references. The exceptions are options that differ in writing from a lowercase or capital letter (see options). In the form of independent articles, communion and verbalism, adjectives and communion in brief form, adjectives in a comparative, excellent degree and in the meaning of the noun are made. In the form of separate reference articles, parts of the composite words attached by a hyphen (see the reference article). Forms and mn. h. Nouns are given in one article (see the header word). All headlocks that really occur in the texts of the sources are printed with capital letters in bold. In square brackets, headlocks are given, actually in the text are not found, but those who are revealing in the comments to the context or another (subject) (see the reference article). Wocked articles are located in the alphabetical order of their capital forms (the letters E and E and alphabetically vary). Inowaging enclosures are given in the dictionary by a separate unit after the main body of articles.

Header word

a) the nouns of the title form serves the form of them. p. h., except for cases of type Austrians, August, acrides, etc. (as adopted in modern dictionaries, for example, in the Russian spelling dictionary * ). Parts of speech acting in the meaning of the noun are supplied with a litter subst.. (for example: Aloi [ subst.. arr. ], LARGE [ subst.. arr. ] Believing [ subst.. and. ], Ah [ subst.. interdict. ]);

b) the adjective capital form is the form of them. p. h. Husband. p., With the exception of the words of the type of Azores (O-BA). Brief adjectives are allocated to separate articles (for example: al, automatic, bugs, venerer). Adjectives in a comparative and excellent degree - also (for example: aley, fragrant, greatest);

c) the pronuches and the numerical title form are the same as correlative nouns and adjectives. Capital shapes of assistants his her, them serve these forms themselves;
d) the verbs of the title form serves as an infinitive (perfect or imperfect species, with a particle - Xia or without it);

e) communities the title form is the same as adjectives; Communion (including brief) presents. and ask Time is issued in independent articles (for example: Allah, Alest, Povered, attacked, will be held);

(e) Narachchi, verbalia and other unchanged discharges of the words of the capital form serves as a realistic form (for example: appetizing, silent, Alya, ALEA);

g) In some cases, as headlocks, observed in the works of Okkazional Word Forms (for example: fragrant-lungs).


The Principle of Maximum Independence of Options is held in the dictionary, that is, separate articles are drawn up with a variety of types of options - from outdated typosions (for example: Alavastral [ study. ;var. to [Alebaster]]) to copyright occasionals (for example: al [ new.; var. to Ality]). Options are usually associated with mutual references that are placed after the header word. The regulatory option is accompanied by references. see, see the DJ, Wed, Wed. TZH. With an abnormative version, litters may stand: var., Var. to, W. old., Prost., R., New. etc. If the normative option is not present in the texts of the sources, it lies in square brackets, for example: [alabaster], and is drawn up as a reference article. As a regulatory option, a foreign language word can act - in cases where the author used its transcription. So, for the word Alas [English alas. - alas!] An article is entered. cm. Alas.

Reference articles

References are such articles in which contexts are not given; In the dictionary, they disintegrate into two groups. The first group includes articles on words that are not really present in the sources. Each such word is in square brackets and after it is given, if necessary, reference InformationAnd then reference to the main Word Article. For example, in Article: Alexander [A.G. Aisenstadt] A. Geretsev, a Jewish musician. He fucked Schubert as a pure diamond. Om931 (172 ) - We are talking about the violinist Alexander Geretseca Aisenstadt, the neighbor in the apartment of Brother O. Mandelstam. In the real context, the name "Aisenstadt" is not found. Therefore, an article is introduced into the dictionary [Aisenstadt] [Alexander Geretsev - musician, a neighbor in the apartment of Alexander Mandelstam, his brother of the poet; cm. Alexander (A.G. Eisenstadt)].
The second group of referenced articles includes parts of the complex words attached by the Defis, for example: [-KOM] cm. A-BE -E-VE-GE-DE-E-ZE-KOM, [-Rerfish] cm. Mary-harpist.

2. The structure of the vocabulary article

In the structure of the dictionary article dictionary, five zones are distinguished: header word (title word), value zone, context zone, comment zone and cipher zone.

Zone value

The zone of value is optional and should be immediately over the header word. The information contained in this zone is given in square brackets (except for references to other articles) direct light font from the lowercase initial letter and provides:

a) linguistic information (grammatical and stylistic litters, etymological commentary, brief interpretations - lexical unitsah, absent in the S.I. Dictionary Ozhegova, - etc.), for example: ale [ compared. Art. arr. SCARLET]; Avos [ round .]; Avion [Franz. avion. - plane]; Almea [Dancer-singer in the countries of the East];

b) information of encyclopedic and other character; As a rule, they are given in articles related to historical persons - see the above section Names Own, but may also be present at geographical names, for example: Alpherovo [village in Ardatovsky district b. Simbirsk lips.];

c) reference information (see above section Reference Articles).

Zone contexts

The context zone is main and missing only in reference articles. It is made up one or more contexts, explaining the comment to the context (optionally); Essentially there is a zone of ciffers. Contexts within one article are located in chronological order (Dates for writing works, up to a year), and inside one date - according to the alphabet of the authors. Contexts can be of two types:

a) Fragment of the poem. The purpose of the vocabulary of the dictionary was to give such a contextual environment of the word to identify those new and unexpected "increments" of the meaning that arise in poetic usa; At the same time, the compilers sought to maximize the "compression" of the context; Therefore, the boundaries of contexts oscillate from phrases (angel lats P943 (II, 553); Magnificent Alay Rosa Ab898 (I, 374); In a furious car M927 (539)) To whole poems (see Article Ah, where the poem is almost completely given a poem of the color "crying gypsy counting"). The compilers were also sought to give fragments so that the information about the rhythm of the verse is not lost and the ability to show the reader unusual rifle structures. For example, in Article Avasal, a fragment is taken by a fragment, including a rhyme word: "Willow-Wisdoms mine! Birch virgins! Elm is a fierce Avissal, on torture, a raised pine - you, the mouth of my psalm. " When applying the context, some formal techniques indicating the pass in context (<…>), on the border of stanza (//), as well as on the border of the verse (/) in cases where the verse begins with stritch letters (for example, Mayakovsky, Cuzmin, Khlebnikov). At the end of the context, a punctuation mark is stored in the source. Inside the context or immediately after it, brief comments can be given in square brackets, for example: absinthe forty / you pull / yours. / From thousands of reproductions. [About the field of vermine] M925 (149 ); FORNICATION<…> And roasting in the counter gaze sorrow and b., We pass the city - Brutal-Sherny, Heavenly-Hood. [About Don-Zhuhan] CV917 (I, 338.1) <…>. In addition, the compilers use the type of type Iron., Joll., RP, Nar etc. (see "List of conventional cuts").

b) title, subtitle, dedication, epigraph. If the context is one of these fragments of the text, then when submitting it in the article, the font design is retained, adopted in the source (uppercase letters for titles, italics for epigraphs, etc.). After the context of this kind, the corresponding litter is placed, for example: arp melody for harp Stall. Ann900. (189.1 ); Variation variation SUNG. P918 (I, 184); Apukhtin [Alexey Nikolaevich (1840-1893) - Rus. poet] ( Memory apuchitin)Invoice. Ann900. (79.1 ); Annensky [Innokentiy Fedorovich (1855-1909) - Poet, Lit. critic, translator]<…> You're with me again, the girlfriend autumn! In. Annensky EPGF. AHM956. (225 ).

Zone comments

The comments zone is optional. The comment is located after the context, is given in square brackets with direct light font from the lowercase initial letter. In contrast to the information in the zone of the value (related to all contexts of this word), the comment refers only to a specific unit context, but should also contribute to a deeper disclosure of the singularities of the word. In the comments (basis, mainly on information provided in the sources), the names of poems, historical information, indicate linguoetic considerations of the compiler, rhyme, etc., for example: Alley<…> I think about the fingers - very long - in the wavy hair, and about all - in the alarms and in the living rooms - you are thirsty. [Facts To J.N.G. Bairon] CV913. (I, 186.); ALEXANDRA. Macedonian (356-323 BC); tZH in Nazv . ] <…> "Feats of Alexander" sculpt wonderful hands - [about the book M.A. Cuzmina "Feats of the Great Alexander"] HL909. (56 ); ARCHANGEL<…> On sail, under the dome, four archangel is the most beautiful. [About the temple of St. Sofia in Constantinople] Om912 (83.1 ); Blinding thieves / with fools / Salted in the snap "Cousi / waste / and fiber. [ rFM. to even] M926 (268).

Zone Ciphers

The cipher zone is mandatory and accompanies each context. This zone indicates the author and date of creation of the work, and also references to the source page. For each of the 10 authors, brief symbols are introduced: Ann - Annensky, Akhm. - Akhmatova, Ab. - block, EU - Yesenin, KUZ - Kuzmin, Oh. - Mandelstam, M. - Mayakovsky, P - Pasternak, Hp - Khlebnikov, Color - Tsvetaeva. To specify the date, three last figures are usually used; The date is printed immediately, without a space of the author's cipher, italics: Ab898, Ann900, AHM963. Sometimes the interval between dates (or estimated period) of the creation of a poem may be indicated: P913,28, Ab908-10, Ann900-E. The presumptive date of creation of the work lies in square brackets: Color. SIFR ~ Link to the page of the corresponding edition ~ is printed through the gap after the date in Round brackets italics. For each poem text (a separate poem, poem in the cycle, the poem fragment), the page is given as the link on which the first line of this text is located. If there are several poems on the page, the corresponding sequence number is indicated: AHM910 (305.2). For multi-volume editions, the page is indicated by Roman numbers: CV921 (II, 7); EC924 (II, 159).


The dictionary uses such a reduction (primarily in the context zone and zone of comments): the header word inside the article can be reduced to its initial letter, but only in word forming, which coincides with the capital shape (practically - nouns and adjectives in it. . h., verb in infinitive, etc.). This rule usually does not apply to words consisting of two or three letters or included in the title, subtitles of works, into epigraphs to them, as well as having an imagination sign. All the abbreviations adopted in the dictionary are presented in the "List of Conventional Cuts".


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Glossary is a small dictionary in which words are collected on a specific topic. Frequently located at the end of the book.

The word "glossary" occurred from the word "Gloss", which means the translation or interpretation of an incomprehensible word or expression mainly in ancient monuments of writing. Greek word Glossa means an outdated or dialect word or expression.

Glossary is the most ancient type of a single-speaking dictionary. It can be said that the glossary is a list of difficult words to understand the words of any text (outdated words that have disappeared from the language, etc.) with comments and explanations. At the same time, the glossary comments and explains the text, which is considered particularly important for cultural or other considerations.

For example, Alexandria grammar created a glossary to the works of Homer. In the Middle Ages, a glossary was created to the preserved monuments of Roman literature (lexicographic compositions of Isidore, Pope, Yanuenzis, etc.). Indian specialists created a glossary to the Vedas, which are a set ancient monuments religious literature of India. Such examples can be brought quite a few.

Nowadays, the glossary is a comprehensive introduction to any topic. The glossary consists of articles in which the definition of terms is given. Each article consists of the exact wording of the term in the nominative case and the meaningful part, which reveals the meaning of the term

The glossary of its articles in the aggregate describes this or that area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

Many reference editions are published with the subtitle "Glossary", that is, the concept of "glossary" often define a dictionary that explains the little-known words and expressions in any field of knowledge or in any essay.

Next type of dictionaries - thesaurus (Greek. Thesauros- Treasure Treasury). Thesaurus is an ideographic dictionary in which semantic relations are shown (Rhodovoid synonymic and others) between lexical units. The structural base of thesaurus is usually a hierarchical system of concepts ensuring the search for the meaning to lexical units (i.e., the search for words on the basis of the concept). To search in the opposite direction (i.e. from the word to the concept) used alphabetical index.

Ideally, thesaurus should be arranged as follows. Selected general concept associated with human ideas about the world say Universe. It is asked some word. Then this concept is dismembered by two (in the thesaurus it is better to use binary, i.e. binary member system although it is optional) other concepts. for example livingnon-residents (those. Universe Will be signed by live nature and non-resident nature). Nature can be dissected on reasonable and unreasonable. Reasonable shacking on men. and women. Unreasonable - on organic and inorganic etc. As a result of consistent binary membership of each concept, a tree structure is obtained.

Thesaurus is a huge conceptual tree that makes the overall knowledge of a person about the world. At the bottom of this tree are further incented in meaningless concepts. For example, a word a tear which is unlikely to be divided in a sense. Those units that are at the bottom of the tree i.e. Next, the infinite is called terminal elements. Without a doubt, not all such a tree can be drawn, but only some node. Therefore, usually in thesaurus tree is presented as follows: Each tree node is equipped with the number - the first digit corresponds to the removal from the vertex. The second shows this unit of more than one or more right branch. In the dictionary near each word should stand the number regardless of whether the terminal is the word. associated with an indispensable concept or in nodes.

Dictionary-thesaurus, in particular, is a brilliant Synonyms Sway because the words represent in the language similar to the same node (after all, this is a conceptual dictionary).

Two sets for which the node disintegrates is the antonyms. Such a dictionary of antonyms is complete and accurate as each concept is represented by a set of specific linguistic units. Dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms - side results of the creation of thesaurus. The first thesaurus published in the middle of the last century was built by P.M. Roger. It exists in two types: in English and French. In English, "Roget" s International Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases ". Thesaurus Roger was built not on the binary principle of membership. As the main thing, the concept of" category "(" Categories ") is highlighted, which is shaped into 8 semantic parts:" abstract relationship "( "AbstractRelations") "Space" ("Space") "Physical Phenomena" ("Physics") "Substance" ("Sensation") "Reason" ("Intellect") "Will" (" Volition ") and" love "(" affecects ") Each of which in turn is shaped into several others, etc. It is not yet formed by synonymous rows of words that are terminal blocks.

For the absolute majority of the languages \u200b\u200bof the world, there are no complete thesauruses yet. But there are thesaurus partial not all languages \u200b\u200band sublaws, for example, thesaurus metallurgy medical thesaurus, etc. In the practice of information work, information and search thezauruses The main task of which is the uniform replacement of lexical units of text with standardized words and expressions (descriptors) when indexing documents and the use of enterprise and associative connections between descriptors with an automated information search for documents.

In theoretical terms, thesaurus has incredible value as it structures the representation of humanity about the world. In addition, thesaurus is one of the possible models of the semantic system of vocabulary.

The dictionary is a background book containing a collection of words (or morpheme, phrases, idioms, etc.) located on a certain principle, and gives information about their values, use, origin, translation to others. Language, etc. (linguistic dictionaries) or information about the concepts and subjects, they are indicated, about the leaders in any areas of science, culture, etc. (new encyclopedic dictionary. M., 2000).

Dictionary, Slot, Slothetolone, Slotorch, Dictionary, Block; dictionaries; dictionaries; RECHNIK, LEXICON; Collection of words, rivers of any language, with interpretation or translated. Dictionaries are common and private, everyday and scientific (Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian).

The dictionary is a collection of words (usually alphabetically), sustainable expressions With explanations, interpretations or translating to another language (Ozhege S.I. and Swedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

The dictionary is a collection of words of any language as boring order or for wordworks located (dictionary of the academy of the Russian. St. Petersburg., 1806-1822).

Used Books

1. Altaians A.M., Naumov V.V. Training and metodology complex As a model of organization of training materials and remote learning. In the book: University Education: from Effective Teaching to Effective Teaching (Minsk, March 1-3, 2001) / Belarusian state University. Center for the development of education. - MN, Propilelia, 2002. - 288 p., P. 229-241.

2. Popov Yu.V., Podlesnov V.N., Sadovnikov V.I., Kucherov V.G., Androsyuk E.R. Practical aspects of the implementation of a multi-level education system at a technical university: organization and technology of training. M., 1999. - 52 s., R. 3.1 Independent work of students P. 15-24. - (new information technologies in education: analytical reviews in the main areas of development of higher education / NIISO; Issue 9).

3. V.P. Shishkin, Ivanovo State Energy University (ISEU, Ivanovo). Planning, organization and control of extracurricular independent work of students.

4. Semashko P.V., Semashko A.V., Nizhny Novgorod State technical University (NSTU N. Novgorod). Organization of independent work of students in senior courses.

5. Kraverke V.N., Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (NSTU G.N. Novgorod). Organization and control of independent work of students.

6. Pakova MD, Noskov V.V., Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service (VVAGS G.N. Novgorod). Features of the organization of independent work of students in senior courses.

7. Magaeaea M.V., Plekhanova A.F., Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (NSTU G.N. Novgorod) Organization of independent work of students in universities of the Netherlands.

8. Tishkov K.N., Koshelev O.S., Merzlyakov I.N., Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (NSTU G.N. Novgorod). The role and methods of independent work of the student in modern conditions.

9.\u003d83Suchkov O.A., Solopova N.S. Self-organization of educational activities in the legal admission ( methodological basis).

10. Kovalevsky I. Organization of independent work of the student // Higher education in Russia No. 1, 2000, p. 114-115.

11. Kuzin F.V. Preparation and writing thesis. - M., 1998. - 282 p.

12. Kun T. Structure of scientific revolutions. - M., 1975. - 345 p.

13. Nimushin A.I., Nimushin A.A. Research methods. Materials for study. Electronic variant. - Ufa, lot loans. 2000.

14. Popov Yu.P., Pukhnachev Yu.V. Mathematics in images. - M.: "Knowledge" .1989. - 208 p.

15. Walker J. Introduction to the hospitality. - M. 1999. - 463 p.

17. Glyaev V.G. New information technology in tourism. M. 1999. - 144 p.

18. Kuznetsov S.L. Computerization of office work. M. 1997.

19. Naimushin A.I., Nimushin A.A. Research methods. Materials for study. Electronic variant. - Ufa, lot loans. 2000.

Zaretskaya E. N. Rutorial: Theory and Practice of Speech Communication. - 4th ed. - M.: Case 2002. - 480 p.

Murina L.A. Rodo I.S. Dolbik E.E. Russian language exam. Manual for applicants to universities. L.A.Murina I.S. Rovdo E.E. Dolbik and others - Minsk: Tetracysystem 2000; 255 p.

Completing the magistracy, the student is obliged to pass a research practice. This is an opportunity to consolidate all accumulated in theory of knowledge and develop the practical skills of their use, so necessary in the future profession. Following its activities, the student is a report and presents to his curator.


Practice for undergraduates is a mandatory stage of the educational process in any directions - economics, jurisprudence, pedagogy, etc. It should be held by each undergraduate at the end of the training semester. The volume and schedule of the passage of the NIR is consistent with the supervisor. The place for its temporary work undergraduate also agrees with the educational department.

Objectives and objectives of Nir

The purpose of the practice can be called the systematization of the theoretical base accumulated over the training period, as well as the formation of scientific research skills by setting and solving problems on the topic of the thesis.

The main task of research work (NIR) of the student is the work of experience in the study of the problem, the selection of analytical materials for writing final work.

During the Nir, the student studies:

  • information sources on the topic of their dissertation research;
  • modeling methods, data collection;
  • modern software products;
  • rules for the preparation of scientific and technical reports.

According to the results of the Nir, the undergraduate must finally formulate the topic of its dissertation, prove the relevance and practical value of this topic, to develop a program of study and independently implement a scientific research.

Place and features of the passage of research practice

Research practice can be carried out on the basis of organizing any field of activity and form of ownership, institution of higher education system, in the body of state or municipal management.

Scientific research practice for a graduate consists of stages:

  1. Preliminary stage (preparation of the work plan)
  2. Basic Research Stage
  3. Compilation of a report

The certification of the undergraduate on the results of its work is carried out on the basis of the protection of the submitted report.

For the organization of Nir, it is necessary:

  1. Pick up the place of future practice, having coordinated him with the leader;
  2. Conclude an agreement between the chosen practice of practice and the university;
  3. Directing students to practice, Master's curator organizes a meeting at the Department of the University and provides students with practitioners, diary, direction, individual task and other necessary documents.

Head of the Nir from the University:

  • helps write an individual plan for a student;
  • studies and evaluates analytical materials collected during work and diary;
  • gives general guidance to the research process.

For the entire period of practice, the Organization provides a workplace undergraduate. For the current leadership of the research work (NIR) of the student is responsible for the head of practice from the organization.

IN His tasks include:

  • drawing up with the undergraduate of the program execution plan;
  • observation of the student's activities and providing him with help if necessary;
  • control of the progress of the compiled program;
  • verification of analytical materials selected in the process of research;
  • writing recall (characteristics);
  • help in reporting.

During the practice period, the student's work should be organized on the basis of the logic of work on the master's thesis. In accordance with the chosen topic, the research program is drawn up. Magistrants are required to regularly make records in their diaries about all stages of work being carried out. Upon completion of research, it is required to write a report on the passage of the scientific research practice of the undergraduate and submit a ready-made report to the head at the Department of his university.

Research Practice Report

All materials collected as a result of practicing and diary records are systematized and analyzed. On their basis, the undergraduate must make a report, which in the current time-established period is transferred to the scientific director for verification. The last step is to protect the report in front of its supervisor and the Commission. According to the results of protection, an assessment is set and the admission to the next semester is issued.

Practice is estimated on the basis of the reporting documentation compiled by the undergraduate and its protection. It includes: a finished report on the passage of practice and diary.

Structure of the report on the NIR

The practice report contains 25 to 30 pages and should have the following structure:

1. Title leaf.

2. Introduction, including:

2.1. The purpose of the NIR, the place and period of its passage.

2.2. List of jobs performed.

3. The main part.

4. Conclusion, including:

4.1. Description of acquired practical skills.

4.2. Individual conclusions about the value of the study.

5. List of sources.

6. Applications.

Also, the main substantive part of the report on the NIR includes:

  • list of bibliographic sources on the thesis;
  • overview of existing scientific schools on research. Usually drawn up in the form of a table;
  • review of a scientific publication suitable on the topic;
  • the results of the development of the theoretical base of scientific research on its topic and the abstract review (relevance, degree of development of the direction in various studies, the overall characteristics of the subject, goals and objectives of their own scientific research, etc.). If the results of the research were represented by a textress at conferences or published articles in magazines, their copies are attached to the report.

The main evaluation criteria for the report are:

  • logic and structure of the presentation of the material of the study, completeness of the disclosure of the theme, objectives and objectives of the study;
  • creative approach to generalizing and analyzing data using the latest scientific methods;
  • skills of clear and consistent material presentation, design results of their work, spending skills modern methods research, selection of demonstration materials;

From the correctness of the writing of the report depends on the final assessment, therefore it is worth considering its compilation with due attention. You can even contact your supervisor and ask an example of a report on the scientific research practice of the undergraduate. This example will help to avoid errors in the preparation and design of the document, and therefore the need to redo work.

The passage of research practice is an important stage of preparation for writing a master's thesis. On the basis of the received data, a competently composed report and records of the diary of the travelers, a final work is formed.