For which the Crimean Tatars was evicted in 1944. Myths of the Great War

On May 18, 1944, the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people began.
The deportation operation began early in the morning of May 18, 1944 and ended at 16:00 on May 20. It took only 60 hours and more than 70 echelons for its conduct of the punitive organs, in each of which were 50 cars. For its holding, NKVD troops were involved in the amount of more than 32 thousand people.

Deported was taken away from a few minutes before half an hour to fees, after which they were transported to railway stations on the trucks. From there, the echelons with the convemed sent to the places of reference. According to the memories of eyewitnesses, those who resisted or could not go, often shot in place. In the road, exiles were rarely fed and often salted food, after which I wanted to drink. In some compositions, the references received food in the first and last time in the second week. Died Naspech was buried next to the railway web or did not harbor at all.

Officially, the basis for expulsion was declared the mass desertion of the Crimean Tatars from the ranks of the Red Army in 1941 (called the number of about 20 thousand people), a good admission of German troops and the active participation of the Crimean Tatars in the compounds of the German army, "SD", police, gendarmerie, apparatus prisons and camps. At the same time, deportation did not touch Most of the Crimean Tatar collaborators, since the bulk of them was evacuated by the Germans to Germany. The remaining in the Crimea were identified by the NKVD bodies during the "stripping" in April-May 1944 and were convicted as traitors of the Motherland. Those who say that all the Crimean Tatars were traitors and accomplices of the fascists, I will give a few numbers.
Crimean Tatars who fought in parts of the Red Army, after demobilization were also deported. In just 1945-1946, 8995 Crimean Tatars-Veterans of War, including 524 officers and 1392 sergeants, were sent to the destination. In 1952 (after a lot of life of the famine of famine in 1945), only in Uzbekistan, according to NKVD, 6057 participants in the war, many of which had high government awards.

From the memories of those who survived the deportation:

"In the morning, instead of greeting, the selected mat and the question: there are corpses? People for the dead cling to, cry, do not give. Body soldiers adults are thrown into the doors, children - in the window ... "

"There was no medical care. The dead endured from the car and left at the station, not giving to bury. "

"He could not be about medical care and speech. People drank water from water bodies and from there sparkled. There was no water to boil. People began to hurt with dysentery, abdominal typhoid, malaria, scabies, chosses overwhelmed everyone. It was hot, constantly tormented thirst. The dead were left on the road, no one harboring them. "

"In a few days, the paths from our car were taken out of the dead: the old woman and a small boy. The train stayed on small half-stands to leave the dead. ... was not given to bury. "

"My grandmother, brothers and sisters died in the first months of deportation, without surviving until the end of 1944. Mom without consciousness in such a heat with a dead brother lacked for three days. While adults did not see her.

A significant number of immigrants, depleted after three years of life in the Crimea occupied by the Germans, died in places of expulsion from hunger and disease in 1944-45 due to the lack of normal living conditions (in the first years, people lived in barracks and dugouts, did not have enough food and access to medical care). Estimates of the numbers of those killed in this period are highly different: from 15-25% according to the estimates of various Soviet official bodies up to 46% according to estimates of the activists of the Crimean Motion, which collected information about those killed in the 1960s. So, according to OSA of the UzSSR, only "for 6 months of 1944, that is, 16,052 people died from the moment of arrival in the Uzssr. (10.6%). "

During 12 years before 1956, the Crimean Tatars had the status of specialists, implied various restrictions on the rights, in particular a ban on unauthorized (without written permission of special committee) an intersection of the border of special settlement and criminal punishment for its violation. Numerous cases are known when people sentenced to many years of age (up to 25 years) for the timing of the camps for visiting relatives in neighboring villages whose territory belonged to another special settlement.

Crimean Tatars were not just evicted. They were subjected to pre-male creating such life conditions for them, which were calculated on the full or partial physical and moral destruction of the people so that the world forget about them, and they forgot what kind of tribes themselves and in no case thought about returning In the native edges.

The total deportation of the Crimean Tatar was the greatest treason on the part of the Soviet power, since the main part of the male population of the Crimean Tatars, designed to the army, continued to fight at the fronts for the same Soviet government. At the front in 1941, about 60 thousand Crimean Tatars were called up, 36 thousand were killed, defending the USSR. The Crimea of \u200b\u200bTogo, 17 thousand Crimean Tatar guys and girls became activists of the partisan movement, 7 thousand - participated in the underground work.

The Nazis burned 127 Crimean Tatar villages for the fact that their residents assisted partisans, 12 thousand Crimean Tatars were killed for resistance to the occupying regime, and more than 20 thousand were forcibly vigorously in Germany.
The Crimean Tatars who fought in parts of the Red Army were also deported after demobilization and returning home to the Crimea from the front. The Crimean Tatars were also deported, who did not live in the Crimea during the occupation and have time to return to the Crimea by May 18, 1944. In 1949, there were 8995 Crimean Tatars participants in the field of deportation - including 524 officers and 1392 sergeants.

According to the final data, 193,865 Crimean Tatars (more than 47 thousand families) were deported from the Crimea.
After deportations in Crimea, the populations from 1945 and 1948 were renamed settlements, whose names had Crimean Tatar, German, Greek, Armenian origin (more than 90% of the settlements of the peninsula). The Crimean ASSR was transformed into the Crimean region. The autonomous status of the Crimea was restored only in 1991.

Unlike many other deported peoples who returned to their homeland in the late 1950s, the Crimean Tatars were deprived of this right to formally until 1974, in fact - until 1989. The mass return of the people in the Crimea began only at the end of the "restructuring".

General results of deportation:
Crimean Tatar people lost:
- the native land, in which ancestors, mastering the earth, have been formed from the XIII century as a nation, calling their land in his native language with Crimea, and himself with the Crimean Tatars;
- Monuments of material culture created by the hands of talented representatives of the people for many centuries.
The Crimean Tatar people eliminated:
- primary and secondary schools learning in their native language;
- higher and secondary educational institutions, special and professional, technical schools with teaching in their native language;
- national ensembles, theaters and studios;
- newspapers, publishers, broadcasting and other national authorities and institutions (alliances of writers, journalists, artists);
- Research institutes and institutions for the study of the Crimean Tatar language, literature, art and folk art.

The Crimean Tatar people destroyed:
- cemeteries and graves of ancestors with squeezing stones and inscriptions;
- Monuments and mausoleum of the historical people of the people.
The Crimean Tatar people are taken away:
- national museums and libraries with tens of thousands of volumes in their native language;
- Clubs, reading clubs, prayer houses - mosques and madrasah.

The history of the formation of the Crimean Tatar people as nation and destroyed by the origin of toponymy is destroyed:
- renamed the names of cities and villages, streets and quarters, geographical names of localities, etc.;
- rediscovered and assigned folk legends and other types of folk arts created by centuries of the ancestors of the Crimean Tatars.

On the eve of the war, the Crimean Tatars amounted to less than one fifth population of the peninsula. Here is the correspondence of 1939 1:

Nevertheless, the Tatar minority was not at all stirred in their rights towards the "Russian-speaking" population. Rather, on the contrary. The state languages \u200b\u200bof the Crimean ASSR were Russian and Tatar. The National Principle was based on the administrative division of the Autonomous Republic: in 1930, national settlements were created: Russians 207, Tatar 144, German 37, Jewish 14, Bulgarian 9, Greek 8, Ukrainian 3, Armenian and Estonian - by 2. In addition National regions were organized. In 1930, there were 7 such districts: 5 Tatar (Sudaksky, Alushta, Bakhchisaray, Yalta and Balaklavsky), 1 German (Biyuk-Onlarsky, later Telmansky) and 1 Jewish (Frajdorf) 2 In all schools, the children of national minorities studied in their native language . After the start of the Great Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars were called to the Red Army. However, the service was short. We cite a deposit note. The Commissar Completion Commissar of the USSR B.Z. Kobulov and the Deputy. Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR I.A. Serov in the name of L.P.Baryia, dated April 22, 1944:

"... everyone designed to the Red Army amounted to 90 thousand people, including 20 thousand Crimean Tatars ... 20 thousand Crimean Tatars deserted in 1941 from the 51st army during the retreat of her from the Crimea ..." 3.

Thus, the desertion of the Crimean Tatars from the Red Army was almost virtual. This is confirmed by data on separate settlements. Thus, in the village of COUOS from 132 designed in 1941, 120 people were deserted into the Red Army 4.

Then the German invaders began serving.

"From the very first days of his arrival, the Germans, leaning on the Tatar-nationalists, not the robes of their property openly, as they did with the Russian population, they tried to provide a good attitude towards themselves of the local population" 5, "the head of the 5th partisan district of Krasnikov wrote .

Already in December 1941, the German command has begun to organize the so-called "Muslim committees". Under the leadership of Germans, armed detachments of "self-defense" began to form. Many Tatars were used as conductors punitive detachments against partisans. Separate detachments were sent to the Kerch front and partially on the Sevastopol section of the front, where he participated in the battles against the Red Army. But most of all they became famous for the peace with the peaceful population. Here it is appropriate to remember one of the main arguments of defenders of "repressed peoples":

"The accusation in betrayal, really perfect by the individual groups of the Crimean Tatars, was unreasonably distributed to the entire Crimean-Tatar people" 6.

Say, not all of the Tatars served the Germans, but only the "separate groups", while others are partisani at that time. However, in Germany, also existed an antihytler underground, so, now the Germans are recorded in our allies in the 2nd world? Let's watch concrete numbers. Let us turn to the data of the N.F. Bugai:

"In the divisions of the German army, stationed in Crimea, consisted of approximate data, more than 20 thousand Crimean Tatars" 7

That is, taking into account the information provided in the Cobulov and Serov quoted note, almost all the Crimean-Tatar population of the draft age. It is significant that this non-aging circumstance is actually recognized in a very characteristic publication ("The book is a documentary historical basis of measures carried out in the Russian Federation on the rehabilitation of defined and punished peoples" 8).

And how many Crimean Tatars were among the partisans? As of June 1, 1943, there were 262 people in the Crimean partisan detachments, of which 145 Russians, 67 Ukrainians and ... 6 Tatars 9. On January 15, 1944, according to the party archive of the Crimean Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, there were 3733 partisans in Crimea, from them Russians - 1944, Ukrainians - 348, Tatars - 598 10. Finally, according to a certificate of party, national and age-related partisans of Crimea for April 1944, among the partisans were: Russians - 2075, Tatars - 391, Ukrainians - 356, Belarusians - 71, others - 754 11.

So, even if you take the maximum of the given numbers - 598, the ratio of the Tatars in the German army and in the partisans will be more than 30 to 1. It is also very interesting to read the newspaper "Azat Crimea" ("Liberated Crimea"), published in the occupied Crimea since 1942 to 1944. Here are some characteristic exposures 12:


After our German brothers moved the historical ditch at the gate of the relent, the Great Sun of Freedom and Happiness rose for the peoples of Crimea.


Alushta. At the meeting arranged by the Muslim Committee, muslims expressed their gratitude to the great Führer Adolf Hitler-Efendy for the free life given to them by the Muslim people. Then they arranged worship for the preservation of life and health for many Summer Adolf Hitler-Efendi.

In the same room:

Great Hitler - the liberator of all nations and religions! 2 thousand Tatars der. Cockclines (now s. Sokolina Bakhchisarai district) and surroundings gathered for prayer ... in honor of the German warriors. The German martyrs of war we made a prayer ... The whole Tatar people pray every minute and asks Allah to give the Germans to the victory over the world. Oh, the Great Leader, we tell you with all my heart, from our whole being, believe us! We, Tatars, give the floor to fight with the flock of Jews and the Bolsheviks together with the German warriors in one row! .. Yes, thanks you the Lord, our great Mr. Hitler!


Together with the glorious German brothers who came to free the world of the East, we, the Crimean Tatars, declare the world that we did not forget the solemn promises of Churchill in Washington, his desire to revive the Zhidovsky power in Palestine, his desire to destroy Turkey, to capture Istanbul and Dardanelles , raise an uprising in Turkey and Afghanistan, etc. etc. The East is waiting for his liberator not from the solicing Democrats and Screws, but from the National Socialist Party and from the liberator Adolf Hitler. We gave an oath to go for victims for such a sacred to a brilliant task.


From the message of A. Gitler, adopted by more than 500 Muslims of Karasubazar.

Our liberator! We only thanks to you, your help and thanks to the courage and dedication of your troops, managed to open our prayer houses and make prayers in them. Now there is no and there can be no such force that would separate us from the German people and from you. The Tatar people swore and gave the floor by posting volunteers in the ranks of German troops, hand in hand with your troops fight against the enemy to the last drop of blood. Your victory is the victory of the entire Muslim world. We pray for God for the health of your troops and ask God to give you a great liberator of peoples, for many years of life. You are now a liberator, the head of the Muslim world - Gaza Adolf Hitler.

In the same room:

The liberator of oppressed peoples, the son of the German people Adolf Hitler.

We, Muslims, with the arrival in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe valiant sons of the Great Germany from your blessing and in memory of a long-length friendship became a shoulder to shoulder with the German people, took the weapons in their hands and began to fight the great universal ideas to the last drop of blood - the destruction of the Red Jewish Bolshevik plague to the end and without a residue.
Our ancestors came from the east, and we were waiting for liberation from there, today we are witnessing the fact that we are released from the West. Maybe the first and only time in history happened so that the Sun of Freedom rose from the West. This is the sun - you, our great friend and the leader, with their powerful German people.
Presidium of the Muslim Committee.

As we see, Gorbachev with his notorious "universal owes" was a worthy predecessor.

After the liberation of Crimea, the hour of payback came by Soviet troops.

The NKVD and NKGB bodies are carried out in the Crimea, work on the identification and seizure of the opponent's agent, traitors of the Motherland, the accomplices of the German-fascist occupiers and another anti-Soviet element.
As of May 7, this year. Arrested persons of 5381 people.
The 5995 rifles, 337 machine guns, 250 cars, and a large number of garnet and rifle cartridges and a large number of garnet and rifle cartridges and a large number of grenades and rifle cartridges are seized.
From parts of the Red Army, by 1944, over 20 thousand Tatars were deserted, who changed their homeland, went to the Germans and with a weapon in their hands struggled against the Red Army ...
Given the treacherous actions of the Crimean Tatars against the Soviet people and on the undestereridation of the further residence of the Crimean Tatars on the border outskirts of the Soviet Union, the NKVD of the USSR introduces the draft decision of the State Defense Committee on evicting all the Tatars from the territory of Crimea.
We consider it expedient to condemn the Crimean Tatars as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR for use in both agriculture - collective farms, state farms and in industry and construction.
The question of the settlement of the Tatars in the Uzbek SSR was agreed with the secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Uzbekistan, t. Yusupov.
According to preliminary data, there are currently 140-160 thousand Tatar people in the Crimea. The eviction operation will be started on May 20-21 and is completed on June 1st. I present a draft resolution of the State Defense Committee, I ask your decision.
People's Commissar of the Interior of the SSR Union


State Defense Committee 14

May 1944

GKO decides:

1. All the Tatars from the territory of the Crimea and settle them for permanent residence as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR. Eviction shall be entrusted to the NKVD of the USSR. Observe the NKVD of the USSR (Tov. Beria) Evaluation of the Crimean Tatars to finish until June 1, 1944

2. Set the following procedure and conditions for eviction:
a) Allow special settlements to bring personal belongings, clothing, household equipment, dishes and food in the amount of up to 500 kg per family.
The remaining property, buildings, surviving buildings, furniture and household lands are accepted by local authorities; All productive and dairy cattle, as well as poultry accepted by Narkomasomolprom; All agricultural products - the USSR narerczag; Horses and other working cattle - Narc Commpse of the USSR; Tribal cattle - drug addicts of the USSR.
Reception of livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products from the emergency exchange receipts to each settlement and each economy.
Instruct the NKVD of the USSR, Drugsmore, NarkomMyasomolprom, People's Commissariat and Narkomzagov, the USSR from July 1, this year. Submit to SNK proposals on the order of return on exchange receipts to the special vehicles taken from them livestock, poultry, agricultural products.

b) To organize a reception from the Special Fleeves left in places of eviction of property, livestock, grain and agricultural products, send the Commission of the USSR SNK as part of: Chairman of the Commission Tov. Gritsenko (Deputy Chairman of the SNK RSFSR) and members of the Commission - TOV. Peasanticov (members of the USSR Commissar Commons), Tov. Supported (member of the NKM and MP College), Tov. Emptyova (members of the USSR Commissar Committee), Tov. Kabanova (Deputy People's Commissioner of Sovzhozov of the USSR), TOV. Guseva (members of the USSR Commissocrinal Complex).
To oblige the USSR Commissar Member (Tov. Benedictova), Narkomzag of the USSR (Tov. Subbotina), NKP and MP (Tov. Smirnova), drug addicts of the USSR (Tov. Lobanova) to ensure reception from special safety lines, grain and agricultural products. Gritsenko) in the Crimea the required number of employees.

c) Commit the NKPS (Tov. Kaganovich) to organize the transportation of special fleets from the Crimea to the Uzbek SSR specially formed echelons according to the schedule compiled in conjunction with the NKVD of the USSR. The number of echelons, loading station and destination station on the application of the NKVD of the USSR. Calculations for transportation to produce prisoners at the fare.

d) Drug Advocacy of the USSR (Tov. Mierates) to allocate for each echelon with specialists, in terms of approval from the NKVD of the USSR, one doctor and two nurses with the corresponding reserves of medicines and provide medical and sanitary services of special settlers on the way.

e) Nikazorga of the USSR (Tov. Lyubimov) to provide all the echelons with special flexible lines every day hot nutrition and boiling water. For the organization of food specialists in the way to allocate drugs products ...

3. To oblige secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Uzbekistan TOV. Yusupova, Chairman of SNK Uzssr Tov. Abdurakhmanov and the People's Commissioner of the Interior of the Uzbek USSR Tov. Cobulova until July 1, this year. To carry out the following events for receiving and resettlement of special settlements:
a) to accept and settle within the Uzbek SSR 140-160 thousand people of the Special Counsels of the Tatars directed by the NKVD of the USSR from the Crimean ASSR.
The resettlement of specialists to produce in state-owned villages, existing collective farms, utility farms of enterprises and factory settlements for use in agriculture and industry.

b) In the areas of the resettlement of special trains, to create commissions as part of the Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee, the Secretary of the Regional Commission and the Head of the UCNVD, having putting all the activities related to the direct placement of arriving specialists for these commissions.

c) Prepare a friendly transportation for transportation of special settlements, mobilizing transportation for this any enterprises and institutions.

d) Ensure that coming special selertillas in household plots and assist in the construction of houses by local building materials.

e) to organize in areas of settlement of special specialists of the NKVD special committee, the content of them due to the estimates of the NKVD of the USSR.

(e) Central Committee and SNK UZSSR by May 20, S.G. Submit to the NKVD of the USSR Tov. Beria The design of the settlement of special trains by regions and districts with an indication of the stations of echelons unloading.

4. To oblige Agriculturalbank (TOV. Kravtsova) to issue special trampers directed to the Uzbek SSR, in the places of their settlement loan to the construction of houses and on the economic input of up to 5,000 rubles per family with installments up to 7 years.

5. To oblige the drug commerce of the USSR (TOV. Subbotina) to allocate to the SNK of the Uzbek SSR flour, cereals and vegetables for issuing special trains during June-August, S.G. Monthly equal number ... Issue to special fleets, cereals and vegetables during June-August, S.G. produce for free, in the calculation of agricultural products and livestock accepted in places.

6. To oblige NPOs (Tov. Khrulev) Transfer over Mayu-July of this year. To strengthen vehicles of the NKVD troops placed by garrisons in the areas of resettlement of special fleets in the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Kyrgyz SSR vehicle "Willis" 100 pieces and freight 250 pieces of repair.

7. Relax Glavnefesnab (Tov. Wide) to allocate and ship up to May 20, 1944 in points to indicate the NKVD of the USSR of Authenthess 400 tons and at the disposal of the SNA of the Uzbek SSR - 200 tons. Supplies of Autobanzin to produce due to uniform reduction of deliveries to all other consumers.

8. Observe the Harnersnubeclone SNK of the USSR (Tov. Lopukhov) at the expense of the sales of resources to put the NKPS 75,000 carriages of 2.75 m each with the supply of them until May 15 s.; Transportation of the NKPS boards to produce with their own means.

9. People's Commissariat of the USSR (Tov. Zverev) release the USSR NKVD in May S.G. From the USSR SCS Reserve Fund to carry out special events of 30 million rubles.

Chairman of the State Defense Committee

On April 2 and 11, 1944, GKO adopted Resolution No. 5943ss and No. 5859ss about the eviction of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimean ASSR to the Uzbek SSR 15.

The operation was carried out quickly and decisively. The eviction began on May 18, and already on May 20, Serov and Kobulov reported:

Telegram in the name of the People's Commissioner of the Internal Affairs of the USSR L.P.Baryia 16

We hereby report that begun in accordance with your instructions on May 18, this year. The eviction operation of the Crimean Tatars is completed today, May 20, at 16 hours. All 180014 people were evicted, submersed in 67 echelons, of which 63 echelon is a number of 173.287 people. Sent to destination, the remaining 4 echelon will also be sent today.
In addition, the Railoenkoms of Crimea mobilized the 6,000 Tatars of the draft age, which, according to the outfits, the primordial form of the Red Army are directed to the city of Guryev, Rybinsk and Kuibyshev.
From among the directed to your instructions to the Trest "MOVOGOL" 8000 people of specialkontinger 5000 people. Also make up the Tatars.
Thus, 191.044 people of Tatar nationality were exported from the Crimean ASSR.
During the eviction of the Tatars, anti-Soviet elements of 1137 people were arrested, and in total during the operation - 5989 people.
Separated weapons during eviction: mortars - 10, machine guns - 173, automata - 192, rifles - 2650, ammunition - 46.603 pcs.
In total, during the operation, seized: mortars - 49, machine guns - 622, automata - 724, rifles - 9888 and booster - 326.887 pcs.
When carrying out operation, no excesses had a place.

In addition to the Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians and Persons of Foreign Location were evicted from Crimea. The need for this step was justified by the following document:

I.V. Stalin 17

After evicting the Crimean Tatars in Crimea, work continues on identifying and withdrawing the USSR of the NKVD of the Anti-Soviet Element, Solvd, etc. On the territory of the Crimea, the Bulgarians living at the present time - 12075, Greeks - 14300, Armenians - 9919 people.
The Bulgarian population lives mostly in the settlements between Simferopol and Feodosia, as well as in the district of Dzhankoi. There are up to 10 village councils with a population in each of 80 to 100 Bulgarians.
In the period of the German occupation, a significant part of the Bulgarian population actively participated in the events held by the Germans on the workshop of bread and food for the German army, contributed to the German military authorities in identifying and detention of the Military Army and Soviet partisans, received "security certificates" from the German command.
The Germans organized police squads from Bulgarians, and was also held among the Bulgarian population recruitment to send to work in Germany.
The Greek population lives in most areas of the Crimea. A significant part of the Greeks, especially in the seaside cities, with the arrival of the occupiers engaged in trade and small industries. The German authorities assisted the Greeks in trade, the transportation of goods, etc.
The Armenian population lives in most areas of the Crimea. There are no large settlements with the Armenian population. The Armenian Committee organized by the Germans actively collaborated with the Germans and conducted a large anti-Soviet work.
In the mountains. Simferopol existed the German reconnaissance organization "Drromadar", headed by the former Dashnak General Dro, who led the intelligence work against the Red Army and for this purpose, created several Armenian committees for spyware and disruptive work in the rear of the Red Army and to facilitate the organization of volunteer Armenian legions.
Armenian national committees with the active participation of arrivals from Berlin and Istanbul immigrants carried out work on promoting "independent Armenia."
There were so-called "Armenian religious communities", which, in addition to religious and political issues, were engaged in the organization among Armenians of trade and petty industry. These organizations provided the Germans assistance, especially "by collecting funds" to the military needs of Germany.
The so-called "Armenian Legion" was formed by Armenian organizations, which was made at the expense of the Armenian communities.
The NKVD considers it appropriate to evict from the territory of the Crimea of \u200b\u200ball Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians.

Summing up the eviction operations from the Crimea, Beria reported Stalin:

State Committee Defense
comrade Stalin I.V. eighteen
July 5, 1944

In pursuance of your indication of the NKVD-NKGB of the USSR, in the period from April to July 1944, the territory of the Crimea was purified from the Anti-Soviet spyware, and the Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians and the Faces of Foreign Day were evicted into the eastern regions of the Soviet Union. As a result of measures, anti-Soviet elements 7.883 people were withdrawn, spyware - 998 people, special recorder was evicted - 225.009 people, seized illegally stored in the population of weapons 15.990 units, including 716 machine guns, ammunition - 5 million pieces.
In operations in Crimea, 23,000 fighters and officers of the NKVD troops and up to 9,000 people of the operational composition of the NKVD-NKGB bodies were participated.


According to generally accepted opinion, all the Crimean Tatars were evaluated, including those who honestly fought in the Red Army or in partisan detachments. In fact, it is not:

"The status of the" special settlement "was released and the participants of the Crimean underground, acting in the rear of the enemy, members of their families. So, the family of S.S. Seinov was liberated, which during the occupation of the Crimea was in Simferopol, consisted of December 1942 to March 1943 A member of the underground patriotic group, was then arrested by Nazis and shot. Family members were allowed to stay in Simferopol " 19 .

"... The Crimean Tatars-Frontoviki immediately appealed to free them from the special settlements of their relatives. Such appeals sent a deputy. Commander of the 2nd Aviation Squadron of the 1st Fighter Aviation Regiment of the Higher Officer School of Air Famba Captain E.O. Bulbash, Major armored The troops of H.Ch.Chrbash and many others ... Often, the requests of this character were satisfied, in particular, the family E.Chalbash was allowed to accommodate in the Kherson region " 20 .

They were freed from eviction and women who married Russians:

Report on the name of the People's Commissioner of the internal affairs of the USSR L.P.Baryia 21

When resettlement from the Crimea, there were cases of evictions of women by nationality of tatars, Armenians, Grechanoks and Bulgarians, the husbands of which are Russians by nationality and left for residence in the Crimea or are in the Red Army.
We consider it appropriate for women in the absence of compromising data from special settlements to free.
We ask your instructions.

V. Chernyshov
M.M. Kuznetsov

In conclusion, let's give another quote:

"The Black Sea Greek was evaluated, and the priazovsky were left. Armenian deported from the Crimea, but the Republic of Armenia was not eliminated by the same. Actually, anti-Kazakhstan, anti-Armenian, antigenian propaganda was not conducted, as fascists made their racial theory and their accomplices of ethnocrats. Stalinist regime proceeded from own ideas about the national security and geostrategic interests of the country " 22 .

We add that based on these ideas, the "Stalinist regime" managed to win the war with the strongest opponent, to defend the independence and territorial integrity of our country.
1. Crimea multinational. Questions and answers. Vol. 1. / Sost. N.G.Stepanova. Simferopol: Tavria, 1988. p.72.
2. Ibid. P.66.
3. Joseph Stalin - Lavrentia Beria: "They must be deported ...": Documents, Facts, Comments / Sost. N.F. Bugai. M.: Friendship of Peoples, 1992. p.131.
4. Archive of the Institute of Russian History RAS (IRIROR). F.2. OP.13. D.26. L.5. Cyt. By: Bugai N.F. L.Beria - I. Stalin: According to your instructions ... M.: "Airo-XX," 1995. P.148.
5. Iriran Archive. F.2. OP.13. D.31. L.6. Cyt. By: Bugai N.F. L.Beria - I. Stalin: according to your instructions ... pp. 145.
6. "Immerse yourself in the echelons and sent to the placements of settlements ...". L.Beria - I. Stalin. Compiler Bugai N.F. // History of the USSR. 1991, №1. P.160.
7. Bugai N.F. L.Beria - I. Stalin: According to your instructions ... p.146.
8. ibid. C.2.
9. Crimea multinational. Questions and answers. Vol. 1. p.80.
10. ibid.
11. Archive Irior. F.2. Section.2. OP.10. D.51b. L.3, 13. Cyt. By: Bugai N.F. L.Beria - I. Stalin: According to your instructions ... p.146.
12. National policy of Russia: history and modernity. M.: Russian world. 1997. p.318-320.
13. Deportation. Beria reports Stalin ... // Communist. 1991, №3. P.107.
14. Joseph Stalin - Lavrentia Beria: "They must be deported ...": Documents, Facts, Comments. P.134-137.
15. Bugai N.F. L.Beria - I. Stalin: According to your instructions ... pp. 19-151.
16. Joseph Stalin - Lavrentia Beria: "They must be deported ...": documents, facts, comments. P.138-139.
17. Garf. F.R-9401. OP.2. D.65. L.162-163. Cyt. By: Joseph Stalin - Lavrentia Beria: "They must be deported ...": documents, facts, comments. P.140-142.
18. Garf. F.R.-9401. OP.2. D.65. L.271-272. Cyt. By: Joseph Stalin - Lavrentia Beria: "They must be deported ...": documents, facts, comments. P.144.
19. Bugai N.F. L.Beria - I. Stalin: According to your instructions ... p.156.
20. Ibid. P.156-157.
21. Joseph Stalin - Lavrentia Beria: "They must be deported ...": Documents, Facts, Comments. P.145.
22. National policy of Russia: history and modernity. P.320.

Irina Simonenko

Annually on May 18, the Crimean Tatars celebrate the Day of Memory of the victims of deportation. The efforts of Ukrainian political officers and their curators, from the original day of the sorrow of the deportation of the Crimean peoples, this day was methodically and targeted on the day of memory of the victims of solely Crimean-Tatar, "without guilt of the punished" people.

Especially cynical words of Peter Poroshenko "We are obliged to give the Crimean Tatars the right to self-determination within the framework of a single Ukrainian state. This is what we owed the Crimean Tatars. Ukrainian government should have been made at least 20 years ago. And now the situation would be completely different. "

By the way of the very definition, no matter how they asked and begged "representatives" of the Kiev Crimean Tatars, they never get. This people for Kiev has always been a tool for manipulation. And then the promises did not reach the entire history of Ukraine, only once at one time "emphasizes the need to make changes to the 10th section of the Constitution of Ukraine," but in reality it will never allow it.

Ukraine consists of different areas that once belonged to the speech of compulcient, Turkey, the Russian Empire. And if the Crimean Tatars will receive self-determination about which the guarantor of the Constitution says, every 18 May, then the same "autonomy" is fully able to be involved in Transcarpathia. And there, on the chain of all of their lands, it may not be easy.

Ukrainian politicians continue to led the nose of the Crimean Tatar people promising their land, their government and golden mountains. But even on paper, such changes regarding the already lost territory of the Crimea, still do not want to postpone the adoption of the document for another year, two, three. And so indefinitely.

Today, the number of historical hoarseers associated with the "Stalin's expulsion of peoples" is only growing and the bottom experts are already called this "planned genocide."

It will not be superfluous to understand this issue. What were the reasons for deportation? What really happened on the territory of the Crimea during the war years? There are very few living witnesses of those events that could tell about how it really was. But the fact that not numerous eyewitnesses are told, and the fact that it is written in the Soviet and German chronicles to understand that the resettlement was the only and most faithful decision.

I would like to immediately put the point over I - I do not want to say that all the Crimean Tatars are bad. Many Crimean Tatars tightly defended the common Soviet homeland in the ranks of the Red Army, in the ranks of the Crimean partisans turned the life of the German and Romanian Nazis in the Crimea to hell, thousands were awarded by state awards. Their exploits deserve a separate post. Here, I want to figure out why it happened what happened.

Deportation was justified by the facts of the participation of the people in the collaborational formations who spent on the side of Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War.

Of the 200,000 of the whole Crimean-Tatar population, 20,000 became the fighters of the Wehrmacht, punitive detachments, and in other ways the German invaders passed, that is, almost all men of the recipient age, as evidenced by the reports of the German command. How would they have to get along with the redarmeys returned from the front, whatever the veterans of the war did with them, learning that Tatar punisors did on the territory of the Crimea during the German occupation? A massacre would have begun, and the relocation was the only way out of the current situation. And to revenge the redarmers was for what, and this is not Soviet propaganda, facts about their atrocities are abused both with the Soviet and German side.

Thus, in the Sudak district in 1942, the Self-Defense-Tatars group was eliminated by the Red Army's intelligence landing, while self-defense was caught and burned by living 12 Soviet parachutes.

On February 4, 1943, Crimean-Tatar volunteers from the villages of Bsyui and Couche captured four partisans from S.A. Mukovnin's squad.

Parisans L.S. Chernov, V.F. Gordeenko, G.K. Sannikov and H.K.kiyamov were brutally killed: felt with bayonets, laid on fires and burned. Particularly disfigured was the corpse of Kazan Tatarin H.K.kiyova, whom punishers apparently took for his countryman.

The Crimean Tatar detachments and with the civilian population were as bruting. It reached the point that, fleeing from the massacre, the Russian-speaking population appealed to the German authorities.

Since the spring of 1942, a concentration camp acted on the territory of the state farm "Red", in which at least 8 thousand people of Crimea were tortured during the occupation.

The concentration camp was the largest fascist concentration camp of the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Crimea, in which about 8 thousand Soviet citizens were tortured over the years of occupation.

The German administration was represented by a commandant and a doctor.

All other functions were carried out by the fighters of the 152nd Tatar volunteer battalion, which the head of the Camp of the Obersharführer SSPECMAN attracted to fulfill the "dirty work".

With the special pleasure, the future "innocent victims of Stalinist repressions" mocked ideologically incorrect prisoners. They reminded his cruelty of the Tatar Horde of the distant past, and differed particularly "creative" approach to the issue of destruction of prisoners. In particular, mothers with children have been treated in jamas with feces dug under camp toilets.

Also practiced a massive burning: the living people bound by barbed wire were folded into several tiers, poured gasoline and ignited. Eyewitnesses argue that "Most of all was lucky to those who lay below," they torn under the weight of human bodies even before execution.

For the German servant, many hundreds of punishers from the number of Crimean Tatars were awarded by the special signs of the differences approved by Hitler - "for courage and special merits, manifested by the population of liberated areas participating in the fight against Bolshevism under the guidance of the German command."

So, according to the report of the Simferopol Muslim Committee, for 01.12.1943 - 31.01.1944:

"For merits in front of the Tatar people, the German command were awarded: a sign with swords of the II degree, released for the liberated eastern regions, Chairman of the Simferopol Tatar Committee, Jemil Abduurshid, sign II, Chairman of the Religion Department Abdul-Aziz Gafar, an employee of the religion department of Sadyk, and Chairman of the Taxin Taxin Gemil.

Gemil Abduurshid took an active part in the creation of the Simferopol Committee at the end of 1941 and, as the first Chairman of the Committee, showed activity in the involvement of volunteers in the ranks of the German army.

In response, the Chairman of the Tatar Committee, Gemil Abdureshid, said the following:

"I speak on behalf of the Committee and on behalf of all the Tatars, being sure that I express my thoughts. One call to the German army and the Tatars all to one will perform on the struggle against the general enemy. It is a great honor for us to be able to fight under the leadership of Fuhrer Adolf Hitler - the greatest son of the German people. The faith embedded in us gives us the strength so that we can confin to the leadership of the German army without inflatable. Our names will later celebrate along with the names of those who made the liberation of oppressed peoples. "

April 10, 1942. From the message Adolf Hitler, adopted on a prayer service, more than 500 Muslims of the Karasa Bazaar:

"Our liberator! We only thanks to you, your help and thanks to the courage and dedication of your troops, managed to open our prayer houses and make prayers in them. Now there is no and there can be no such force that would separate us from the German people and from you. The Tatar people swore and gave the floor by posting volunteers in the ranks of German troops, hand in hand with your troops fight against the enemy to the last drop of blood. Your victory is the victory of the entire Muslim world. We pray for God for the health of your troops and ask God to give you a great liberator of peoples, for many years of life. You are now a liberator, the head of the Muslim world - Gaza Adolf Hitler.

Our ancestors came from the East, and so far we have been waiting for liberation from there, today we are witnessing that liberation goes to us from the West. Maybe the first and only time in history happened so that the sun of freedom rose in the West. This is the sun - you, our great friend and the leader, with their powerful German people, and you, based on the inviolability of the Great German state, on the unity and power of the German people, carry us, oppressed Muslims, freedom. We gave an oath of loyalty to you to die for you with honor and weapons in your hands and only in the fight against the general enemy.

We are confident that you will get together with you the complete liberation of our peoples from under the yoke Bolshevism.

On the day of your glorious anniversary, we have our heart hi and wishes, we wish you many years fruitful life for the joy of your people, to us, Crimean Muslims and Muslims of the East. "

Abdul-Aziz Gafar and the Ladyl Sadyk, despite his old-year summer, conducted work among volunteers and made significant work on the establishment of religious affairs in the Simferopol district.

Taxin Gemil in 1942 organized the Tatar table and, working as his chairman until the end of 1943, provided a systematic assistance to "in need of tatars and the families of volunteers."

In addition, all kinds of material benefits and privileges were provided to the personnel of the Crimean-Tatar formations. According to one of the decisions of the Master Command of the Wehrmacht, "Any person who has actively fought or fights with partisans and the Bolsheviks," could file a petition about "endowment of his land or pay him a cash remuneration to 1000 rubles."

At the same time, his family was supposed to receive from offices of social security of the city or district department a monthly subsidy in the amount of from 75 to 250 rubles.

After published on February 15, 1942 by the Ministry of the Occupied Eastern regions of the "Law on New Agrarian Law" by all Tatars, which entered into volunteering formations, and their families began to give full ownership of 2 hectares of land. The Germans provided them with the best sites, taking the land in the peasants who did not enter into these formations.

As noted in the already cited report of the Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the Crimean Assure of Major State Security of Karanadze in the NKVD of the USSR "On the political and moral state of the population of Crimea":

"In a particularly privileged position, there are persons included in voluntary detachments. All of them receive salary, food, freed from taxes, received the best put on the fruit and grape gardens, tobacco plantations selected from the rest of the Netarius.

Volunteers give things out of the Jewish population. "

All these horrors are not the fiction of Soviet political rules, but bitter truth. There are still many examples of the "innocence of the Crimean Tatars" but this article is not about that.

The whole problem is that modern Tatars are not obliged to wear stigma to the end of their days, because they were not even born then. Also, modern Russians are not related to the deportation of the Tatars. We all need to live on, live in peace and harmony. And for this you need to stop sobering about your long-suffering past, and think about our total future. Russian Tatar and Ukrainian must develop the economy of the Crimea together, stop reaching skeletons from the cabinets, accusing each other in what the great-grandfather or Prapraded neighbor.

In the meantime, every 18th, Crimean Tatars provide an excellent reason for any kind of speculation from the Ukrainian Majlis and their curators in Ukraine and further to the West, and due to their position "offended and oppressed" use as a barrier coin to create instability in the region.

Forced eviction of the Crimean Tatar population took place on May 18, 1944. It was on this day that the employees of the punitive organ of the NKVD came to the Crimean Tatar homes and declared the owners that they will be evicted from the Crimea because of the treason. By order of Stalin, hundreds of thousands of families by Echelons were sent to Central Asia. In the period of violent deportation, about half of the immigrants died, a third of them - children under 14 years old.

Therefore, Ukrinform infographics dedicated to the Day of Memory of the victims of the genocide-deportation of the Crimean Tatar people from the Crimea.

Spring 1944: Event chronology

April 8-13 - Operation of Soviet troops on the expulsion of the Nazi occupiers from the territory of the Crimean Peninsula;

April 22 - In a report on the name of Lavrentia Beria, the Crimean Tatars were accused of mass desertion from the Rows of the Red Army;

On May 10, Beria in the letter Stalin proposed to evict the Crimean population to Uzbekistan to motivate this by the accusation of the "treacherous actions of the Crimean Tatars against the Soviet people" and "the unwillingness of the further residence of the Crimean Tatars on the border outskirts of the Soviet Union";

May 11 - adopted Secret Resolution of the State Committee for Defense No. 5859ss "On the Crimean Tatars". It was inhabited by unreasonable claims to the Crimean Tatar population - such as mass betrayal and mass collaborationism, which and became a justification for deportation. In fact, no evidence of "mass desertion" of the Crimean Tatars does not exist.

"Detairization" of Crimea with the punitive bodies of the NKVD:

32 thousand NKVD employees were attracted to the operation;

deported was given for fees from a few minutes before half an hour;

it was allowed to take with you personal belongings, dishes, household equipment and provisions per 500 kg per family (in fact, 20-30 kg of things and products);

crimeanotatar population by echelons under the convoy sent links to the place;

the property left was confiscated by the state.

The number of Krymskottar population deported from the Crimea:

183 thousand people in general special settlement;

6 thousand in the camp of the management of reserves;

6 thousand in the Gulag;

5 thousand specialtopinger for the Moscow coal trust;

total 200 thousand people.

Also among adult special settlers were 2882 Russians, Ukrainians, Roma, Karaimov and representatives of other nationalities.

Geography of resettlement Kyryml:

More than 2/3 of the Armed Crimean Tatars were sent to the Uzbek SSR. The first 7 echelons with sentences arrived in Uzbekistan on June 1, 1944, the next day - 24; June 5 - 44; June 7 - 54 echelon. They were sent to Tashkent - 56 thousand 641, Samarkand - 31 thousand 604, Andijan - 19 thousand 773, Ferganskaya - 16 thousand, Namanganskaya - 13 thousand 431, Kashkadarya - 10 thousand, Bukhara region - 4 thousand. human.

In total, 35 thousand 275 families of the Crimean Tatars were deported to the Uzbek SSR.

Crimean Tatars arrived in the Kazakh SSR - 2 thousand. 426 people, the Bashkir ASSR - 284, Yakutsk ASSR - 93 people, in the Gorky region of Russia - 2 thousand 376 people, as well as Molotovskaya - 10 thousand, Sverdlovsk - 3 thousand 591 Man, Ivankovskaya - 548, Kostroma region - 6 thousand 338 people.

According to the estimates of researchers, human losses during the transport of Crimean Tatars by echelons to the east amounted to 7 thousand 889 people. In the certificate of the movement of special settlers of Crimea in 1944-1946, it was noted that in the first period, 44 thousand 887 people died among them, that is, 19.6%.

The consequences of deportation

Deportation led to the catastrophic consequences for the Crimean Tatars in the places of reference. A significant amount of deported (estimated - from 15 to 46%) died of hunger and diseases in the first winter of 1944-45.

As a result of the deportation, the Crimean Tatars were withdrawn: more than 80 thousand houses, more than 34 thousand household houses, about 500 thousand cattle heads, all food reserves, seeds, seedlings, pet food, building materials, tens of thousands of tons of agricultural products . 112 personal libraries are eliminated, 646 libraries in primary and 221 in secondary schools. The villages ceased to act 360 were not-readable, in cities and district centers - more than 9 thousand schools and 263 clubs. Mosques were closed in Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai, Sevastopol, Feodosia, Black Sea and in many villages.

So, friends - today there will be a post about fairly tragic events - is performed exactly 75 years from the day of the Stalin Genocide of the Crimean Tatars. On May 18, 1944, the Crimean Tatars were deported in commodity cars from the Crimea to the remote areas of the USSR - in particular, in the incomplete districts of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Deportation was carried out by the punitive bodies of the NKVD, and the order of deportation was signed personally.

"And But Stalin won the war!" - Assist in comments lovers of the USSR - "If Stalin did not send people to the concentration camps - then it would make Hitler!" - Immain neostalinists and conspiraists. However, the truth is that there can be no excuse for this genocide - as there is no justification and other crimes of Stalin - like deportation and.

So, in today's post, I will tell you about the deportation of the Crimean Tatars - what you can not forget today, so that it does not happen again under the screeching "We can repeat!" In general, be sure to go under the cat, write your opinion in the comments, and add to friends Do not forget)

Why did the deportation begun?

It was established in 1922, and in the same year Moscow recognized the Crimean Tatars with the indigenous population of the Crimea. In the interwar period, in the 1920s and 30s, Tatars amounted to almost a third of the Crimea's population - about 25-30%. In the thirties, after the arrival of Stalin, mass repressions against the Tatar population of Crimea began - the decking and eviction of the Tatars, repression, mass "cleaning" of the intelligentsia of 1937-38.

All this set up many Tatars against Soviet power - During the war, several thousand Tatars fought against the USSR with weapons in their hands - actually, I did the NEM's issue in the post with - how and why people fought against the USSR. In the postwar years, it was supposedly the "official reason" of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars - although on the same logic it was possible to deport all Russians from Russia - which only in the army of Vlasov (not counting other compounds) fought at least 120-140 thousand people.

In fact, the Tatars deported at all other reasons - the Crimean Tatars were historically strongly connected with Turkey and were Muslims - and Stalin decided to deport them for this reason - as they did not fit in his head in the picture of the "ideal USSR" and were "Extra People". In favor of this version, it is also said that together with the Tatars from the areas adjacent to Turkey, other Muslim ethnic groups - Chechens, Ingush, Karachayvtsev and Balkarians are evicted.

How exactly was the deportation?

NKVD soldiers broke into Tatar homes and declared people "enemies of the people" - allegedly, because of the "betrayal of the Motherland", they are evicted forever from the Crimea. According to official documents - each family could take with them up to 500 kilograms of baggage - however, people managed to pick up much less, and most often they went to the commercial wagons just in what were dressed - at home and left things were plundered by military and NKVD soldiers.

The trucks of people were overlooking railway stations - later by sending about 70 echelons to the east with tightly closed and closed nails by the doors of cargo cars overcrowded by people. Only during the very movement of people to the east, more than 8,000 people died - most often people died from typhoid or thirst. Many, not withstanding suffering, went crazy.

For the first two years, about half (up to 46%) of all deported people died - so failing to adapt to the harsh conditions of the land, where they were sent. Almost half of these 46% were children under the age of 16 - they were the most difficult. People died from a shortage of pure water, from bad hygiene - due to which malaria, dysentery, yellow fever and other diseases were distributed among deportes.

Soviet concentration camps and stared memory.

In all this, the tragedy is another very important point - which is silent Russian sources. The settlements themselves, where people sent - were not some kind of villages or cities. Most of all were like real concentration camps - These were fenced barbed wire of special settlements, around which blocking posts with armed guard.

Clausing Tatars were used on slave work in the form of almost free workforce - worked for food in collective farms, state farms and industrial enterprises - the most heavy and dirty work, such as manual cleaning of cotton treated or the construction of Farhadian hydroelectric hydroelectric power plants.

In 1948, Soviet Moscow stated that it would always be - Tatars were recognized as life-lifted prisoners and had no right to leave the territory of the special settlements. Another Soviet government was constantly focused on the hatred of the Crimean Tatar - the local stories told the terrible stories that the terrible "traitors of the Motherland, Cyclops and Cannibals were going to them - from which they need to be held away. According to eyewitnesses - many local Uzbeks were sophisticated by the Crimean Tatars, to find out - do not grow by those horns?

In 1957, all the publications were banned in the USSR in the USSR for this year, all publications in the Crimean Tatar were prohibited, and from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia about the Crimean Tatars - as if there were never.

Crimes without limitation. Instead of epiloga.

All the time that happened from the moment of deportation - the Crimean Tatars fought for their right to return to their homeland - constantly reminding the Soviet power that such people are, and not to delete the memory of it. Tatars held rallies and fought for their rights - and finally, in 1989, they achieved the restoration of their rights, and the Soviet Council of the USSR in November 1989 recognized the deportation of the Crimean Tatars illegal and criminal.

As for me, these crimes of Soviet power do not have the statute of limitations and do not differ from the Hitler's Holocaust - he also chose a "disadvantageous people" and tried to destroy him, and all the memory of him.

Well, the fact that the USSR himself recognized these actions with crimes. It's bad that now there has been a turn back - many of Russia are now looking at the Stalinist divids and smoke "Krymnash!" And "We can repeat" - apparently, these are descendants of those who once built a concentration camp for the Crimean Tatars and stood on the checkpoints with machine guns ...

Write in the comments that you think about this.