Citation index Search authors. Russian scientific citation index (RINTS)

Dear employees of the Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis, the material was prepared on various indicators that are used to assess the productivity of the scientist. A convincing request to get acquainted and take into account in your scientific activity, as well as register on the site

Scientific Electronic Library!

How to find out if the author is registered in Rinc and Analytical System Science Index?

  • Go to the site (
  • In the left column in the "navigator" choose the author's pointer
  • In search form in the field enter your last name.
  • Press the Search button
    See or not see yourself.

You may have been registered, but do not remember your login and password or do not remember how they were registered independently (the organization in which you worked or work could do it centrally), you can use the restoration of access:

Enter the name and your username and password will be sent to the post office. Use them to go to the site to use the tools for the authors. You first go to the registration form and make sure that you are registered in the Science Index system.

If you have seen yourself, but the system says that this author is not registered, it means that it is true (in the RINTS base there are links to your work, but there was no personal registration). Start registration.

How to register with Rinc and Science Index?

  1. You must fill in all fields at least marked with an asterisk, in the registration form and must be in Science Index
  2. Press the Save button, go to mail and go through the link to complete the registration.
    After some time (no more than 10 days), it will be possible to use not only the library, but also analytical superstructure Science Index for the authors (search for their publications).

How to search and add your publications contained in the RINC base?

  1. Go to the site of the National Electronic Library (
  2. In the left frame in the "Navigator" section, enter the username and password, press the input
  3. In the top menu, select a tab for authors
  4. In the middle column to choose a personal profile of the author
  5. In the middle column, choose my publications (you can see the entire list of publishing tied to the author)
  6. In the search field show - indicate only "unacted publications that may belong to the author", check mark "to take into account the publications extracted from the lists of the cited literature" - not to remove
  7. Press the Search button
  8. Looking ticks from your publications if such will be. You can reduce the selection by using, for example, an indication of the subject or other parameters
  9. With the right frame to choose "Add dedicated publications to the list of works"
  10. Will be invited to add these publications to your list, agree

If any of your publications are not in the Base of RISC, then only the responsible representative of the organization will be able to add them there (in our case -Tep) if it has such rights.

Next, if you have questions, you need to get acquainted with the section RINTS and SCIENCE INDEX in matters and answers

What is a scientific citation index?

Russian Citation Index (RINTS)

1. The impact factor for the scientific journal (it is calculated as the number of references in a concrete year on the article published in the journal for the previous 3 years and is to some extent characteristic of the authority of the magazine)
2. Citation index (RISC)
3. Hirsha index

A distinctive feature of these indicators (RISC and the Hirsch index) is that they can apply to any array of articles (author, laboratory, institute, country, etc. for any period of time).

Russian scientific citation index (RINTS) is the main analytical system for assessing the publication activity and citation of Russian authors, organizations, scientists, magazines.

Electronic address RINTS -

In Russia, the citation index every year is increasingly introduced into science and education.

Today, this indicator is actively used:

  • Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to assess the activities of scientists and scientific organizations in general, when conducting an examination of applications for financing within federal targeted programs and other contests;
  • leaders scientific institutions For certification of scientists and evaluating the effectiveness of their scientific activities;
  • publishers of scientific literature and periodicals for predicting the demand of the works of a specific author at the target audience.

Web of Science andScopus.

The most authoritative of existing international citation systems, whose indices are recognized worldwide, are: "WEB OF SCIENCE" And his competitor is a relatively young system " Scopus." Magazines included in these systems are officially recognized by the highest attestation Commission (VAC).

The WEB OF SCIENCE system covers more than 12,000 publications in English and partly on german languages (Since 1980). Currently, this citation base belongs to Thomson Reuters. The Russian-speaking website of the company Thomson Reuters provides recommendations for working with "Web of Sciences".

Citation system « Scopus. » It is the world's largest single multidisciplinary abstract database (since 1995), which is updated daily. Scopus is the most extensive database of scientific publications without complete texts. Scopus covers over 15 thousand. scientific magazines From 4 thousand scientific publishing houses of the world.

However, there are very few Russian scientific journals in international databases. The cost of a subscription to foreign systems is significant amounts that for most Russian organizations is simply unacceptable.

Therefore, in Russia since 2005 Scientific Electronic Library The national Russian scientific citation index (RINTS) is created. RINTS is a national informational and analytical system, including almost 20 million publications of Russian authors, as well as information on the quoting of these publications more than, from 8000 russian magazines (and near 3000 Russian magazines are in open access, the same magazines in the database are already over 46 thousand).

The RINC base is designed not only for operational support for research with current reference and bibliographic information, but is also a powerful tool that allows us to evaluate the effectiveness and effectiveness of research organizations, scientists, level of scientific journals, etc.

In addition to bibliographic and quotation information, information about the authors of publications and organizations in which they work are included in RISC. This mechanism makes it possible to integrate publishing and quote indicators: from the author's scientist, a structural unit and agencies where the circle of authors is working, to ministries and departments or entire administrative and geographic regions.

Thus, RISC allows:

  • analyze the statistics of the publication activity of individual authors, copyright groups, organizations and magazines;
  • find publications quoted in a separate article;
  • find publications quoting the article;
  • search bibliography on the topic or subject;
  • view information about magazines, the authors of publications and organizations in which they work.

On the basis of RINTs according to the order No. 406 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2009, when analyzing publishing activity, quotability is taken into account in the five years preceding the current year. Although general indicators take into account the publishing activity of the author for all years. It is also worth paying attention to that the Hirsi index is calculated not for 5 recent years (Today this period 2009-2013), and for the entire period.

As mentioned above, according to the personal index of citement, one can judge the scientific performance of one author.

The Russian citation index includes 3 main indicators:

  • complete number of publications where this man It appears as an author or co-author. The index is not divided into the number of co-authors, self-pricing is not deducted.
  • the number of citations of the author's works (on top literature literature)
  • index Hirshi

It should be noted that when evaluating the personal index of citement, the comparison rule of this with this one should be guided. So, it makes no sense to compare indexes and reports of a professor engaged in science 50 years old, with a large number of publications, and a young graduate student who published 4-5 articles, as incorrect to compare the citation index of researchers from different spheres of science and medicine.

Index Hirsha

In addition to the cyting index, the so-called Hirsche index (H-index) is considered to be another very informative indicator. The Hirsch's index was proposed in 2005 by American physicist Jorge Hisch from San Diego University, California.

The most important thing is that it should be understood, this is how "it is decrypted":

For example, H-index is 8, means that scientists were published at least 8 works, each of which was quoted at least 8 times. At the same time, the number of works cited fewer times may be any. Similarly, an H-index may be calculated for a scientific journal, an organization or country.

As well as a formal indicator, the H-index has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the index include the fact that it will be equally low both for the author of one superpopular article and for the author of a multitude of work quoted more than once. The Hirsha index allows you to cut off and so-called. "random co-authors"; This indicator will be high only for those who have enough publications, and all of them (or at least many of them) are fairly in demand, i.e. Frequently quoted by other researchers.

The index "works well" only when comparing scientists working in the same area.

The base of RINTS is still far from full, as it is formed relatively recently and is composed very non-systematic. But she is constantly improving.

How to increase RISC and Hirsch index?

  1. To seek to publish original articles of a high scientific and practical level, which would be eagerly referred to other authors.
  2. Published in collaboration with a colleague having high scientometric indicators.
  3. Publications provide references to their own articles published in other magazines. In the direction of publication in English-language publications, give references to our own articles published in the translation literature.
  4. Those. increase self-priciability as well exchange links to colleagues. To do this, share with colleagues information about publishing.
  5. In publications to indicate Veip as a place of work of the author
  6. To send articles in journals supported by the Expert Council of the WAK, where published materials are undergoing thorough scientific expertise and available on the Internet.
  7. Compound qualitative abstracts.
  8. To increase the impact factor of the "his" journal, give references to the articles of "his journal", as well as actively inform colleagues about the articles of this author's team published in the journal. If the "Your" magazine is not in the RINC base, recommend the publisher to register in it. Here are information for publishers of periodicals, and here - for non-periodic publications.
  9. Carefully treat the correct bibliographic design of their articles and looks of literature lists, to writing the surname and name.
  10. And once again: when publishing articles it is worth considering the availability of a magazine in RISC and in the list recommended by VAC.

What level of citation should be the authors? There is no definite answer, but exemplary benchmarks exist:

  • The Hirsch index from 0-2 on RISC - corresponds to the scientific activity of a novice scientist (a scientist applicant, graduate student);
  • The Hirsch index from 3 to 6 on RISC - corresponds to the scientific activity of the candidate of science;
  • The Hirsch index from 7 to 10 on RISC - corresponds to the scientific activity of the doctor of science;
  • The Hirsch index from 11 to 15 corresponds to the scientific activity of a well-known scientist (a member of the dissertation council, the founder of the scientific school);
  • The Hirsch index from 16 and above - corresponds to the scientific activity of a peaceful scientist (head of the scientific organization, chairman of the dissertation council)


Compiler (January - April 2014): Yershova Svetlana Konstantinovna,

Head cafe. "Psychotherapy" Veip

Citation index - a referractive database of scientific publications, indexing references specified in the looks of these publications and providing quantitative indicators of these references (such as the total quotation, the Hirsch index, etc.).

The citation index is one of the most common scientific indicators and is applied (for a formal assessment) in scientific and bureaucratic circles of many countries. Alternatives of the Citation Index are expert review and an assessment on the impact factor of scientific journals.

Main scientometric indicators

Index Hirsha - The scientometric figure proposed in 2005 by American physicist Jorge Hischs from the University of San Diego, California as an alternative to the classic "index of citement" - a total number of references to the work of the scientist. The criterion is based on the account of the number of publishing a researcher and the number of citations of these publications. Those. The scientist has an index H if H from its N articles is quoted at least H time each.

For example, the H-index is equal to 10, which means that at least 10 works were published by scientists, each of which was quoted 10 or more times. At the same time, the number of works cited fewer times may be any. In the scientific world it is assumed that the scientist consisted in the field of physics has an H-index of more than 10. nobel Laureaatov The H-index is about 60 and higher. At the same time, even in the most successful foreign scientists working in the field of mechanical engineering, the H-index does not exceed 15.

Impact factor - The ratio of the number of references that the magazine received this year on articles published in this journal in two previous years, to the number of articles published in this journal for the same period. Thus, the impact factor is a measure determining the frequency with which the average magazine's average article is cited. The impact factor reflects the quality of work published in journals through the assessment of productivity and quotability, i.e., the scientific popularity of the magazine.

Cumulative Impact Factor Articles - the total impact factor of magazines in which articles for the period specified in the indicator (in the calculation of the magazine's impact factor participate as many times as it is published in it).

Web of Science (WOS) is an integrated Web platform created by Thomson Reuters to provide information on scientific publications, conference materials, patents. It includes several databases and access to external sources.

WOS covers materials on natural, technical, social, humanitarian sciences and art. The platform has built-in search capabilities, analysis and management of bibliographic information.

ResearCherid is a system of unambiguous authors identification created by Thomson Reuters for use with the Web of Science database.

Scopus is a multidisciplinary bibliographic and abstract database and a tool for tracking the cite of articles published in scientific publications. Scopus covers more than 18 thousand publications from 5 thousand scientific publishing houses, including about 13 million US patents, Europe and Japan, as well as materials scientific conferences. Developed by the publishing house "Elsevier".

For the authors who published more than one article, SCOPUS create individual authors' profiles with unique authors identifiers (Author ID). By analogy with the profiles of the authors, the institutions create profiles with their unique identifiers (Scopus Affiliation Identifier).

Scientific digital library eLIBRARY.RU - this is the largest Russian informational portal In the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 13 million scientific articles and publications.

Electronic versions of about 4,000 Russian scientific and technical journals are available on the eLIBRARY.RU platform, including more than 2,800 open-access magazines.

eLIBRARY.RUo is the developer of the Russian scientific citation index (RINTS) - the system of evaluating the performance of activities as scientific organizations in general and individual authors based on bibliometric indicators - the citation index and the impact factor.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-commercial project, which is a unique digital code assigned to a scientist for unambiguous identification of its publications, as well as the register of unique identifiers of scientists and the corresponding method connecting research activities With these identifiers. ORCID is unique due to its independence from scientific disciplines and national borders, as well as interacting with other identification systems.

The main goal of creating an ORCID is to solve the problem of identifying scientists with the same names and surnames arising in most scientific information systems due to the coincidences of names and surnames, shifts of surnames, etc.

MENDELEY is a solution that combines Reference Manager (a means of collecting and cataloging scientific articles for subsequent prepar listing) and scientific social networkallowing to find like-minded people and study the trends of modern research.

MENDELEY was created in 2008 with young scientists and is actively developing. At the moment, more than 3 million users who have already published more than 400 million unique articles have been registered in Mendeley.

The Google Academy (Google Scholar) is a free search engine for full texts of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The search is executed not only by articles available online, but also by articles available only in libraries or by subscription.

The Google Academy Index includes data from most peer-reviewed online magazines of the largest scientific publishing houses of Europe and America. In the search results, references to articles are displayed.

In the previous post, I already wrote that the Russian scientific citation index is calculated by the electronic service scientific Library ELIBRARY.RU. To find out your RINC, you first need to register in this service, as you specifically specifying information about yourself.

1. How to register on eLIBRARY.RU to calculate RISC?

There are two registration options: normal user and registration as the author. The second includes the first, i.e. First, register as a user, and then as the author - or immediately fill out an extended questionnaire.

To do this go on registration page And gently fill in all the fields marked with the stars.

In addition to titles, the fields have and explanations. To see them, make the cursor on the question icon from each field.

Where there is a button to choose or add, press it and fill out that form that appears on top of the main questionnaire. For example, in the next form on the left manually enter the full name of the organization, and on the right choose the city where it is located. After that, you press the search and select the desired organization from the list (if only one is found, press it - only it will appear in the field of the main form).

After that, an additional form can be closed.

By reaching the end of a custom form, put a tick opposite the inscription "Register me as an author in the Science Index system" and continue filling - already as the author's quality.

When all the fields marked with the stars are filled, do not forget to click Save.

2. Fields not marked with stars are also important!

Fields that are not marked with an asterisk, immediately fill out optional, they can then edit them, entering the same page on their name and password. But it is not necessary to delay with their filling, otherwise your rinz will remain a mystery for a long time.

Be sure to fill in the Log field (they are added from the finished list of RINC).

If you work or worked in different organizations, enter other organizations in the organization field (it is necessary for the best recognition of your work if other organizations are indicated in some of your publications).

Of these same considerations in the form there is a field Previous surname (maiden).

3. How much wait for the result?

But I do not know !!! Anyway, the result will be ready not as fast as it would be expected from the modern web service! What did you wait? This is a serious Russian scientific service, and not Yandex or Google some! Its developers seriously complain that only a limited budget did not allow them to handle data processing. I waited for a result for so long that in the imagination, the librarian girls were once arose, painstakingly cropping paper formulars in wooden boxes.

If seriously, they say that information is processed within 10 days. But this is provided if you have not ignored fields without stars. If after a couple of weeks the result is not, then check the completeness and correctness of filling out the registration questionnaire and, if necessary, make changes to it: Edit keywords, add the sections of the thematic rubricator, logs, etc. After editing, RINC must define almost immediately.

On the site eLIBRARY.RU On the left menu, click Author's search (or go to of this link) Fill out the opening form and click Search.

The main numbers are the number of publications and the number of citations - are at the bottom right. When you click any of these numbers, the corresponding list of publications will open.

The ability to view is available and unregistered users. Without registering or authorization, you can learn the rice of any scientist - of course, provided that he himself is registered on eLIBRARY.RU as author.

The modern scientist is very important to have evidence of the importance of his works for science, so everyone needs to know with each "creator" of scientific work what is Hirsha index. To date, in the scientific sphere, you can observe high competition among scientists. At first glance, it is rather difficult to somehow evaluate the effectiveness of the research worker, because the analysis of the quality of scientific achievements is a very difficult task, sometimes not a lenitive assessment. Therefore, it was necessary to create an official mechanism for quantitative evaluation of scientific activity with the help of certain scientometric indicators.

What is the Hirsch index

This indicator was proposed by the University of California by Professor Physics from San Diego Jorge Hisch, quite recently in 2005. For a short time, the figure has gained immense popularity in scientific circles around the world, almost every scientist can determine it.
The Hirsch index is an official numerical indicator created to determine the fair assessment of scientists, scientific colleges, communities and organizations engaged in scientific activities, or even a whole state in terms of the quality of the conducted studies calculated by counting the number of published articles and quote them in other scientific works. It is created on the basis of scientific quotation indices, which are huge databases of research of various scientists.

How is the Hirsch index calculate

The Hirsch value is also called the H-index, as it is denoted by the Latin letter "H". His calculation according to the formula at first glance seems quite complicated, but in fact everything is much easier.
How is its value calculated? The definition of the indicator is made as follows: according to the formula, the index of the author, as well as the authors, organization, or countries are equal to such an H, which means the number of articles published by them, from which each is cited at least H time in other scientific works, and each From other written articles mentioned no more than H time.

The Hirsha index varies from 0 to n - the number of works published by the author.

Examples of calculation

To better understand this definition, you can consider several examples:
The author of Ivanov published 1 scientific researchwhich gained widespread: the quotation number was 35 times. In this case, the value of Hirsch will be equal to 1.
Scientist Petrov developed 35 scientific LaborsThe number of quotations of each of them is 1. The index under consideration for Petrov will be the same - 1.
The following example is more often found in practice. Sidorov wrote 10 articles, of which the first was quoted 7 times, the second - 6, the third - 5, the fourth - 4. That is, the author has 4 work quoted at least 4 times, therefore, the value of Hirsch will be equal to 4. The remaining 6 scientific papers were Less popular and were used by other scientists less than 4 times, therefore did not affect the final calculation.
As can be seen from examples, it is not so difficult to determine the Hirsch index: it is necessary to know only its properties, the procedure for calculating and read by the formula.

The main properties of the H-index

The indicator has several basic properties that need to know:
1. If there is even one citation, the indicator will be more or equal to 1;
2. In the absence of the use of the article by other authors, its value will be equal to 0;
3. The value will never be higher than the number of articles published by the author;
4. When quoting H, the minimum of H, the indicator is equal to H;
Good to know! The index cannot be greater than the maximum quotation of any research.

The procedure for calculating the H-index

Next, it is necessary to determine the article that is quoted the greatest number of times. Then you need to calculate the number of NPJ publications, which are quoted by at least J times. Citation, J Number of articles quoted minimum J times

Then, among the indicators of the second column of the table, located above, it is necessary to calculate the maximum J, in which NPJ is greater than or equal to j. The number found and will be the desired value.

How to find out the Hirsch index in Rinc (E-Library)

To find the meaning of this indicator, you need to know which authors refer to publications. To do this, you need an extensive database, which determines the Citation Index of Hirsch. The database must be large enough, on the one hand, and on the other, it should not allow artificially "winding" the number of quotations.
There are several largest databases of scientific papers, one of which belongs to Russia and goes beyond its limits. It founded the Russian scientific quotation index (RISC), which is an analogue of leading Citation indices of Hirsch around the world. For the work of the RISC system, the official website of eLIBRARY.RU has developed, including the Hirsch index. This site is a scientific electronic library.

Hirsch index on the RISC system. How to find out?

RINTS is searching for cyting in periodicals according to the following scheme:
1. Before sending the information to the library to the library on eLIBRARY.RU, a separate file is formed by a magazine containing many information about all articles published in a separate issue, namely: names, annotations, keywords, bibliographic lists of each publication, full name of the authors.
2. Then this file is loaded into Library.
3. The next step is the verification of articles by specially developed programs, and then the site employees. Since the verification is carried out by people, it provides an improvement in quality, but reduces the check speed.
4. After checking, the indexation follows. The electronic program views the bibliographic lists of all articles. Subject to the quotability, the program adds a unit to the number of quoting publishing.

View current results of the quotability of the work by the author may once a year: each year the indicator is calculated again.

How to find out the hirsha index in eLIBRARY.RU?

Find and see your value in library Library very simple:
Go to the site eLIBRARY.RU;
Go to Rada "Author's pointer";

Find yourself in search by Full name, title organizations, country, region, city or by the subject of the article;

Click on the icon with the image of the chart and see the desired statistics.

How to find out the Hirsch index in Web of Science

WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS) is one of the main international indices, was created before others in 1960. It is part of a huge ISI Web of Knowledge platform, supported by the organization Thomson Reuters (USA). "Web of Science (WOS)" - the name of the electronic version of the "Science Citation Index" indicator, taking into account scientific work more than 9 thousand periodic publications on natural, humanitarian and social sciences. The WOS system works with publications published in English and German.
Articles published in such publications are recognized as the highest attestation commission, so any scientific actor all over the world is useful to possess information about the search for this indicator in Web of Science. It is worth noting that registration on the site - payable service Unlike Library, where access to information is free. The sequence of action is:
1. Go to, register (paid service) and go through the Author Search link;
2. Enter the surname and click the Finish Search button;

3. Click the Create Citation Report button and find the value of the indicator.

Working with a resource is paid, so before paying services it is necessary to think about this information that this information source is needed, or you can use other free, especially if we are talking about one-time use.

How to find out the hyrsha index in scopus

The calculation of the Hirsch index is possible in the Scopus system. SCOPUS database is a direct WOS competitor. It was created later than WOS in 1995, supported by the company called Elsevier and works more than 25 thousand magazines, of which only about 200 are Russian. Russia considers "expensive pleasure" to pay many subscriptions to foreign systems, so they always participate a small number of Russian publications. Also significant for Russia, the linguistic barrier protrudes (SCOPUS considers indicators for articles on english language). This largest base is updated every day, which gives a high relevance of the assessment of copyright. System Skopus works mainly with scientific works in the field natural Sciences (Chemistry, biology).
Working with this system is also paid. The algorithm for finding the indicator in the Skopus:
Pass on, click on Author Search and enter the data of the researcher; Increase the attractiveness of your work. honest ways. As "honest" techniques to increase professional popularity and citation, scientists can advise:
Publish articles high level with good quality content so that they wanted to refer to others;
Writing scientific works with a colleague, the articles of which have high indicators;
Find interesting relevant topics;
With a far from a small text of the work, pay attention to the well-selected content of the article to interest others to fully fully and refer to it in its work;
In the case of a small interest in working with every opportunity to distribute information about well-written articles in a particular journal (self-task);
Do not necessarily publish many articles, the main thing is to follow them high quality;
Carefully comply with the requirements for the design, before sending to the publication well to check.
To follow their value of Hirsha follows all scientific actors who are not indifferent to the place in science among other scientists. The high popularity of the studies carried out ensures respect and honor in scientific circles.

Views: 14367.

ELIBRARY.RU - Russia's largest electronic library of scientific publications, which has rich search capabilities and analysis of scientific information. The library is integrated with the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINTS) - a free publicly available tool for measuring the publication activity of scientists and organizations created by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. eLIBRARY.RU and RINTs are designed and supported by the Company "Scientific Electronic Library".

For today visitors eLIBRARY.RU Abstracts and full texts of more than 26 million scientific articles and publications are available, including electronic versions of more than 5,300 Russian scientific and technical journals. Total number Registered institutional users (organizations) are more than 2800. 1.7 million individual users from 125 countries are registered in the system. Every year, readers receive more than 12 million full-text articles from the library and view more than 90 million annotations.
Over 4500 Russian scientific journals are posted in free outdoor access.

In order for the system to find indicators regarding the publication activity and quotability index, it is necessary to register, i.e. Fill out a questionnaire\u003d1Important in the questionnaire in the line "Register me as the author in the system Science Index »press the square to open additional fields. After properly filling out the questionnaire to the specified email address comes a letter from eLIBRARY.RY, in which you want to click on the link to confirm registration.

You can find out your data through the author's index, filling out the "Surname" field and clicking Searching. Next to the surname of interest is presented publishing activity and the index of cite, the Hirsch index. By clicking on the schedule, which is between these numbers, you can view detailed information.

In Russia, as a tool for assessing the quality of scientific activities of scientists, there is a Russian scientific citation index (RISC), which has two main tasks:
1) Collecting from all sources in a single database of information on all publications of Russian scientists,
2) Calculation of statistical indicators to assess the publication activity of scientists and scientific organizations based on the citement of publications.
Currently, there are three different levels to assess the publication activity and scientific importance of publications on the platform:

Currently, after the removal of unscrupulous publications ("garbage magazines" in the amount of 344), only publications are included in the peer reviewed scientific publications, as well as non-refundable publications that meet the requirements of publishing and scientific ethics.
This system is recommended for analyzing publishing activity in all scientific areas, including those where the level of domestic studies has not yet reached world-class.

The scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU until recently, before the exclusion of "trash" magazines was equal to RISC. Now, various publications related to scientific activity can be additionally accommodated here, but not in the strict understanding of this word scientific, including abstract, popular science, information and socio-political magazines, as well as magazines that cannot be attributed to The categories are peculiar. These publications do not participate in the statistical assessment of scientific activities in RISC.

Accordingly, the main bibliometric indicators (number of publications, the number of citations and the Hirsch index) are calculated now separately for each category (RISC level), which allows them to compare and understand, due to publications in which sources they are formed. All these indicators are presented on the analysis of the publication activity of the scientist. In the author's lists and citations, you can also display publications or references separately for each of the categories.

April 20, 2017 at the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Edition of the International Level - 2017: World Practice of Preparation and Promotion of Publications", organized by Henri and NP "NEYKON", General Director NEB Gennady Eremenko reported the implementation of the first phase of cleaning the Russian database Scientific Citation Index (BD RINTS) from unscrupulous and low-quality publications simulating scientific periodicals: 344 magazines excluded from the database.
Analyzing the work of poor-quality journals, the experts identified several criteria for which they can be attributed to "trash":
- the number of articles is great or growing rapidly;
- Magazine Multidisciplinary;
- Requirement of publications, sale of publishing services;
- the magazine publishes the works of correspondence conferences;
- highly trap, small descriptions of the mission of magazines;
- fake reviews
and a number of others characteristic signs. These features may also meet with "decent" editions, however, the presence of several more likely indicates that the magazine publishes the flow of articles without reviews and often coexists with "its" dissection and even has "their" people in the expert councils of VAC .

IMPORTANT!!! You can see the list of excluded publications from Rhinz here In the item "Information on the inclusion in RINC" should choose subparagraph "excluded from RISC" and click on "Search".

This indicator was proposed by a teacher of the University of California by Professor Physics from San Diego Khorhe Hirsh in 2005.
The Hirsch index is an official numerical indicator established to determine the fair assessment of scientists, scientific colleges, communities and organizations involved in scientific activities, or even a whole state in terms of the quality of studies conducted by counting the number of published articles and quoting them in other scientific Labor. It is created on the basis of scientific quotation indices, which are huge databases of research of various scientists.
The Hirsch value is also called the H-index, as it is denoted by the Latin letter "H". The definition of the indicator is made as follows: according to the formula, the index of the author, as well as the authors, organization, or countries are equal to such an H, which means the number of articles published by them, from which each is cited at least H time in other scientific works, and each From other written articles mentioned no more than H time.
To better understand and calculate this definition, you can consider several examples:
. The author published 1 scientific research that was widely widespread: the quotation number was 35 times. In this case, the value of Hirsch will be equal to 1.
. The scientist has developed 35 scientific papers, the number of citations of each of them is equal to 1. The indicator under consideration will be the same - 1.
. The researcher wrote 10 articles, the first was quoted 7 times, the second - 6, the third - 5, the fourth - 4. That is, the author has 4 works quoted by at least 4 times, therefore, the value of Hirsha will be equal to 4. The remaining 6 scientific papers were Less popular and were used by other scientists less than 4 times, therefore did not affect the final calculation.
Thus, if a scientist 1 has a publication quoted 1 time, then the Hirsch index is 1; 2 publications are quoted 2 times, the Hirsch index is 2 and so on.
In order for your Khirsha index in RISC correctly, i.e. corresponded to the number of publications and quoting on them, citation must be "connected" with your publication, i.e. Have a transition to it (red arrow).
For such a "binding", the responsible representative of the organization needs to provide citation and relevant publications affecting the Hirsch index. It is necessary to watch your citation and identify the publications referenced by such a number of times that more than your Hirsch index at the moment.

Types of publications missing in RISC,
which can be added

- articles from NEB base magazines,
- a quoted article from the magazine, which is not in the BASE NEB,
- monographs,
- Collections of articles,
- conference materials, and then articles from collections
- Patents,
- dissertations and abstracts,
- educational and methodological manuals

Adjustment of publications and quoting

In some cases, publishing or quoting that exists in the ELIBRARY database is not attached to the author due to an error in writing the surname and / or the description of the publication. In this case, it is necessary to give the representative to transfer the right information and indicate that it is possible to correct.

To add publications and quotingAbrelevant in ELBRARY.RY NEB, as well as their adjustments to the authors of employees, it is necessary to transfer the following information to the responsible representative of the university:

1. Full bibliographic description of publication;
2. Codes: UDC, BBK, ISBN
3. List of keywords to publication;
4. Annotation to publication;
5. List of cited literature.

For all questions related to the citation index, adding, publication correction, contact the library's scientific employee Zaga Oksana Viktorovna.