Emoteric electronic library Puzzles. Emoteric electronic library "Puzzles"

Big book of white magic. Rites and rituals, amulets, conspiracies and magical formulas of the White Maga Zaharia

© Zahariya, 2009

© Astrel Publishing House, 2009

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (www.litres.ru), 2014

White Mag

Our medicine lies in us, and we are looking for it in the sky.

William Shakespeare

Dear my readers!

I do not care now, with what mood you took my first book. Someone decided to scroll out of curiosity, someone turned to her from despair, looking for salvation from any misfortune, someone like to find new explanations for long-known processes and phenomena, and maybe a bright cover attracted you? Yes, you never know what caused a person to take a book on a book tray.

But it is much more important that every one of you will receive by reading it. The idea to write a book did not arise from an excess of free time, and not from the desire to become famous. I have a duty to all people. At one time, I was made a very generous gift. This is a kind of gift that I pledged to convey. Of course, no one forced me to write a book. But it is so approved that the birth values \u200b\u200bare transferred in families from the Father to the Son or from Mother to her daughter. If there are no relatives, then the gift is moving towards people close to the spirit. I got it from a very wise, but lonely woman.

Military History

My story is similar to many others. The nineteen-year-old boy I was in the war of war, in the battles in the Pskovshchina, was in the hairs of death, saved. Our artillery division fell into the environment, then he managed to break through, and we began to retreat under a squall fire of the opponent. Only the terrible roar and the face of my comrade, distorted from pain, all in the blood; And then I do not remember anything. As it turned out, I was very wounded and piled up the earth in a funnel. The retreat went so rapidly that they were going back for killed (and I was considered killed) there was neither time or forces. I woke up, as the children would say, in the "hut on the bitter legs": in a small old, but a very clean and neat house, and a gray-haired granny in the handkerchie cared for me, a widow of the forester, lived many years away from people.

Oh, how many soldiers of the Russians saved such compassionate old women! Many of them regret the soldiers, because they themselves sent to the front who sons who husband, many lost the whole family. And they hoped that someone would not pass by and stretch the hand of helping their relatives who were in cruel millstone war.

As it turned out, she made me from the battlefield, somehow dotted to his forest house. I was three weeks unconscious, only delirious. She carefully looked me and treated with fragrant teas and tinctures that she cooked from the collected herbs. With some kind of roots, she tried her leg, which did not want to walk, made the Parish. The state between life and death did not allow me to memorize everything that happened. But, I remember, I didn't believe that this is so without medicine, without the help you can get out of the hard wounded and contused person. After all, people died from such injuries in the best hospitals. And if you did not die, then Gangrena took their hands and legs. This is now every child knows what antibiotics are. And then the infection of blood and infection mowed people no worse bombs and bullets. But my Savior on all questions and incredulous comments only smoked: they say, I have nothing to do with my merit, it's trying to you yourself, and the nature helps you. I could not be in a sense, what it is she and what it is for the help of nature such.

Agraphen Ivanovna - so called Babulka - and he told me about the gift. He switched to her from Moved (contrary to generally accepted opinion, knowledge is optional to transmit precisely to blood relatives). I was bored to lie without a case, so I asked everything for the gift and why he needed. She somehow take yes, yes, "yes, here, the herbs are different magic users, I know special prayers, and conspiracies. You think if you want, then I will teach you something. " Here I, young yes hot, mumbled: "You, that, grandmother, I am a Komsomolets! What other animals? What other prayers? This is obstruction, Popovsky Ruscasni! It can not be any medicine, it is not science! I can't do this! " Agraphen Ivanovna fell silent, grinned, but it seems not offended. To this conversation, we did not return for a long time.

It turned out that Agraphen Ivanovna had already received a funeral to her husband and four of his sons, she had no other relatives. And I knew my parents and brother died: the bomb was pleased with our house. And we were, as it comes in the song, "Two solitude."

Time passed, I recovered, returned to the part. Glory to God, documents and personal weapons of Agraphen Ivanovna saved safely and preservation, so even though she was silent and peaks me a little: "Where was that I did, why didn't appear in the hospital," but then, after hearing my detailed story, let go with the world. I returned to the regiment, I got to Warsaw, then again was wounded and the victory met in the hospital. Immediately, as declared demobilization, I decided that I would go to Grandma Agraphen. Not because I wanted to hear about the gift, or believed in him, but because I just wanted to help lonely old woman, at least partially thank her for salvation.

She took me as a native, and then suggested to stay from her to live, "Indoor Son," as she said. Honestly, I was glad to find a house, and I didn't really pull me to the people, so my life in the hut in the midst of the forest was very satisfied with me. Several years have passed. The country was restored after the war. I went to work in a forestry, although my granny told all the time that this is not my lesson. One way or another, but the case played his role.

My dedication

It happened that the forest was announced in the forest - they decided to catch poachers who lately I really lost conscience. We, foresters, of course, were attracted to the matter. Poachers were not a timid ten, when it came to the case, they put on the course of the weapon, the shooting was opened and wounded one boy. He was the youngest young one - still live yes to live, and then the bullet flashed lightly: the air with a whistle comes out, the blood of the sea ... I wounded a lot of wounded in the war, and realized that it was a bad thing here. Yes, there are neither doctors nor "ambulance". What to do? And suddenly I was illuminated: I shouted the peasants to make the stretchers quickly make, and he himself run to Agrapne Ivanovna. Here, I say, granny, save the guy, very bad things! Nowhere to run more!

She agreed, but when the wounded brought, he was thinking. Says: "Through the hole in his easy breath very quickly leaves. There is a lot of strength. Yes, you need to save, and I'm old, I won't help me. Unless you help me. " And looks at me intently. Well, what is there to do, since the person ends in your eyes? Nothing, I think, maybe the Communist Morality and does not forbid help to help the wounded in the way that there is at hand? "Okay," I say, "I will help. Just tell you what to do. " Granny was delighted and began to quickly explain what I need to do. While I put the water to be boiled and brewed those herbs that she called, I prepared a hot head, ran the water from the spring, Agraphen Ivanovna was spoken, some prayers spoke to the wound and put a few pebbles around her. Blood stopped off her fountain from it, but the wounded boy was still unconscious and did not give signs. What and how I did, I don't remember exactly - I was very in a hurry, and I was worried too. But the result was simply stunning. After three hours, the wounded came to himself, he could even talk a little. Bleeding completely stopped, and the bullet managed to extract with some kind of white ointment - she herself came out with crushers, which are usually in such wounds. By the evening, the guy completely came to his senses, and Agraphen Ivanovna said that he can already carry him to the hospital. With her, she gave him a jar of ointment so that the wound would quickly drag on. And also very quiet and imperceptibly for others, she read some words over the boy and put a twig into his chest pits. She explained that this is in order to bring a person to feel and give him strength.

Mystic, magic, astrology, numerology - for many these words are as attractive as the "pirates" and "fairies" were "pirates". However, modern esoteric libraries are much broader than just a collection of books about the mysterious. Electronic storage facilities consider not only books on yoga and meditation, but also psychological literature, philosophy, and religion, told these recent work from the field of management and business. UFO is adjacent to channeling, and oriental martial arts - with Indigo children. How to find what will indicate the right direction on the path of self-improvement or simply cure from dental pain?

To help you seeking, of course, always Yandex, Google and other search engines. However, they often give out such a huge number of references that, having pulled out seven hair bundles from the head, the surfer often refuses his venture with self-development. Immediately, we note that in the same Google, it is possible to clarify the search queries specifically under the book. For example, if you drive the following query in the search bar: -inurl: HTM -INURL: HTML intitle: "index of" + (doc | djvu | CHM | PDF | RAR) + "author name or book name", then you can find texts In very unexpected places.
If the standard search methods did not help you, use a wonderful search engine aimed directly to literature !!! His name is Ebooogle (http://www.ebdb.ru/) and it fully copes with his task.
In addition, some enthusiasts themselves "set up" search engines themselves, pointing to them in which libraries to search. For example, http://ezoterica.flexum.ru/ is looking for books among three dozen libraries of esoteric, psychological and philosophical orientation.

And what are the esoteric libraries themselves? What is the superiority of one over the other?!
Today you can highlight the seven largest libraries of the subject of interest. Let us dwell in two words on each of them:

· Digital library "Cube" (http://www.koob.ru/) - almost five thousand books broken down on clear and understandable categories, ranging from the relationship between floors, ending with the literature on the right investment of funds. Daily updates to the readers themselves make the library of the most dynamic on the network. Perhaps the best Esoteric Library of Runet today. The only minus is that readers add books in various formats (and not everyone knows how to read DJVU open CHM), in addition, often the texts are absolutely not read and closedly formatted. However, the inquisitive user will not scare it.

· Grand in volume " Universal library"(Http://www.universalinternetlibrary.ru/) can upset only one: all the texts in it are laid out in HTML format, and even smashed by chapters. That is, reading books may almost only online, which is not all and does not always suit. The advantages of the library, in addition to volumes, is a high-quality cataloger and a good search on the site.

· Lotus library (http://book.ariom.ru/) will delight admirers of both the scale and availability of the search and the ability to receive recommendations and discuss books on the forum.

· Library Esoteric "Puzzles" (http://www.e-puzzle.ru) - it is rather a warehouse than the library. The books are not broken here on topics and interests, here you need to come, knowing what exactly you want to find. But at your service a good search on the site, in addition, almost all books are subtracted and listed in the general Doc format, which is so convenient to convert to the desired font size and print to read on the way home ...

· Esoteric section of the library Lib.Ru (http://lib.ru/urikova/) is perhaps the most elderly storage of books from all listed libraries and is therefore worthy of mention

· "Large library of esoteric texts" (http://lib.hsgm.ru/) - also created back in 1999 and contains texts both in the RTF format, which makes them a few more "heavy" and in traditional HTML .

· Finally, it is worth mentioning the library of the site-guidebook on the books "Advisor" (http://www.1-sovetnik.com/). The charm of this is not a very large bookkeeping - in detailed annotations to most texts and a good selection of their selection.

Of course, there are many narrow-controlled libraries (Roerich movement, yoga, Christianity, apocrypha, followers of Castaneda, etc.), which often contain more complete literature lists than in the above "general and sound" textulas, but this is already the topic For a very, very separate article ...