What is the unusual composition of the story of the old woman Izergil. Staruha Ispergil: Analysis of the story

For example, Roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children", written in the 60s years XIX. century.

The novel is considered a sign for that time, and the image of the chief hero of Eugene Bazarov was perceived by the youth as an example to imitate uncompromising, worship before authorities and old truths. Bazaas "Nihist-Domatinal" and in his arguments will dominate the priority of "useful" over "beautiful" when a certain dedication is present inherent in the early atheism. Now it would be more correct to call a similar person to demagogue, but it is no longer important.

Important B. this case The conflict of fathers and children on the example of Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov, who came to Marino and Arkady Kirsanov, who came to Marino and Arkady Kirsanov, who came to Marino and Arkady (Father and Uncle Arkady) were described by Ivan Turgenev. The tense relationship with the older Kirsanov is forced to Bazarov to leave Maryino and go to the provincial city, where he meets with a rich widow Odse. By the end of the novel, the skepticism of the Bazarov for various life circumstances is lost.

Nihilism of the middle of the XIX century is based on denial and skeptics for love, art, generally accepted morality and religion. Nihilist is a revolutionary democrat denies the conservatism of public policy state. Movements for the emancipation of women completed nihilism in Russia and contributed to the change of public consciousness after the "Declaration of Women's Rights" announced in 1789 with the demanding of women's political rights on par with men.

In this case, the conflict of fathers and children is shown on the example of the average age level, when the already established personalities are capable of having their children. Therefore, this conflict would correctly call the conflict of "fathers and grandfathers", the fathers are secondary, and grandfathers of the outgoing generation in the systemic building of the life path of mankind. Fathers in this case are age values, which determines the period for the release of children from the subordination of the father's will.

The situation of the conflict between relatives arises against the background of their legal property rights, when until the 20th century, all property rights of the family were on the side of the Father and were supported by the existing legislation. Article 1534 Claims on punishments, pursued, for applying to personal any offensive resentment to the father or mother. Thus, the law defended the right of the head of the family to upbringing family members, and dispose of family life.

Against such conservatism that the benefits of "fathers" and fought nihilists. In this case, family members did not have the right to demand any part of the property, and there was a "sole" when the father separated the Son for independently conducting the economy, transmitting parts of family property at his own discretion. Whether in today's society have such relations forced respect for the elders and consolidate the property right to say it difficult to say. Although there exists in legal relationship the right of parents to receive alimony from children to their content.

Logically builds known to us historical events, We come to the conclusion that the introduced Ivan Turgenev conflict of generations exists, as some natural data distinguishing a person in its development. The triune principle in this case is manifested in the systemic building of human living space: the past is the present - when this interconnection on the household level will look like grandfathers - fathers - grandchildren.

It turns out that the conflict of generations is laid out by nature itself for evolutionary transformations in the environment. This conflict is manifested in the process of raising children when parents are forced in some cases to suppress the child's psyche and forcing it to fulfill any requirements for the successful adaptation of the child in society. Until the 20th century, as already mentioned, the children were subordinate to their parents and depended on them.

IN modern society The child is forced to obey his parents before his distinction (majority). At this time, children are often aggressive towards parents who fulfilling the social requirements of society should prepare a new member of society and to train it with all the requirements of the existing morality. At this point, the feeling of acute hostility to each other can be in both sides of the conflict, both parents and their children.

Thus, each person passes all the stages of its development from the moment of his birth, the birth and upbringing of his children, until his care from the earthly plan. And every time he faces the problem of self-affirmation when a collision of his own interests with the interests of his parents, and then with the interests of his children. These features of human behavior in different transformations are interpreted in different ways in esoteric and religious teachings.

In these exercises, it is explained at the level of knowledge of a person and his "ego" with its personal "soul" that fathers and children are different peoplehaving blood relationship, but possessing every one own psyche. This psyche or "ego" in determining its place in the community and the approval of the "self" and builds conflict relations with the outside world.

3 Chapter. Conflict generations in the novel

Much attention in the novel is paid to the philosophical and artistic threats of Turgenev about the change of generations, about the eternal struggle of the old and new, about the careful attitude towards the cultural heritage. The author seeks to overcome the established stereotype of the perception of the novel. It can only overcome this creative attitude to the classic, allowing, not retreating from the historicism and the nationality of art, to put and solve problems that did not go into the past along with the era, they have brewed them, and continue to excite modern youth. Note that these problems are essentially represent the core of Roman Turgenev "fathers and children". In the novel, the moral side in the relationship between the younger and older generations is deeply covered in detail in the relationship between the younger and older generations, it is said about false and true friendship and partnership, many pages are paid to the Love Conflict of Bazarov with Odsely, not enough illuminated in the literature about the novel.

A number of provisions expressed by the author are of a debate, but on such "costs" it consciously, opening the opportunity to the teacher to use the most acceptable interpretation options for its experience in their contents. In the polishing of socially honed thinking and in high culture education human feelings Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" opens up opportunities almost endless, and the success of his study will depend on the extent to which the teacher will be able to use them.

The problem of fathers and children existed and most likely will exist at all times. Obviously, that is why Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" still remains relevant. Two generations depicted by the writer differ not so much by age as opposite views, worldviews: the old nobility, aristocracy and the young revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia.

The problem of fathers and children is revealed in the novel in the relationship between the young Nigilist of Bazarov with a representative of the nobility by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Bazarov with his parents, as well as an example of relations inside the Kirsanov family.

In the novel, "Fathers and Children" Harmony of National Elements of Russian Life explodes by the social conflict. Arkady in the eyes of the Democrata Bazarov - Mozmond, Munty Liberal Barich. The definition is very accurate: there is a bar in the character of Arkady. But the bazaars do not want to accept and recognize the other - what is hidden, in addition to Baria, in the depths of his soul. After all, the soft-grateful Arcadia and the pigeon meekness of Nikolai Petrovich - also a consequence of the artistic gifting of their natures, poetic-singing, dreamy, sensitive to music and poetry.

These qualities of Turgenev considers not specifically boric, but deep Russian, national; They endowed in the "notes of the hunter" Kalinich, Kasyan, a suit, famous singers from a barbecue squash; They are just as natural and as organically connected with folk life Like gusts of Bazarovsky denial. But in the "fathers and children" the unity between them disappeared, the tragic disorder that touched not only the political and social, but also the intimate, personal foundations of human life was outlined. In the ability of the Russian person, it is easy to "break" yourself, renounce centuries cultural values Turgenev saw not only a great our advantage, but also the danger of breaking the connection of times, threatening the irreversive values \u200b\u200bof national life and culture 5.

In the exaggeration of this danger, the limitations of the public opinion of the writer undoubtedly affected. But, as we will see further, such a danger really existed. It is believed that the family conflict in the Roman Turgenev does not play a significant role, as it comes here mainly about the collision of various forces, revolutionaries-democrats with liberals.

However, Turgenev called his novel not "two strengths", for example, and "fathers and children", and therefore it seems that the social conflict does not need to oppose in it family, universal. On the contrary, crisis family basics to the end clarifies the whole depth of socio-political conflict. The classics of Russian literature in novels often emerged the sustainability and strength of public, political and state unions with family and family relationships.

Tolstoy in the novel "Anna Karenina" in one phrase - "Everything was mixed in the house of the Blond" - fixed the stunning decay, which was accompanied in Russia in the 1870s, where "everything was drowned." And Dostoevsky wrote about the fate of the "Random Family" of Karamazov, the measure of the destruction of family relations, determining the entire declaration of the All-Russian life foundations. Turgenev is one of the first in Russian literature in his own way investigated this topic 6.

Starting an affair from the image of a family conflict between the Father and the son of Kirsanov, Turgenev goes on, to clashes of public, social character. But family topic The novel gives him a special humanistic perspective. In the 1850-60s, the concept of "the younger generation" and "old generation", "fathers" and "children" often replaced more honed, but also narrower political definitions.

Even Dobrolyubov used them in the article "Literary little things last year." They attached to the understanding of the social struggle a very special shade, exciting the universal basis of social relations. After all, the moral content of family life is not destroyed by civilization, no social, political, state and other, more complex forms The human hostel is not absorbed, but only complicate it. They are evaporated by an encouraging strength and durability of wider human communities. The internal relationship between the initial cell of human society and the broad political organization is clearly expressed in the words of the Motherland, the Fatherland, which the National State Union is indicated in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world 7.

The conflict depicted by Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Children", in family spheres, of course, does not closes. But the social crisis in the village community, in the circles of the intelligentsia, in Russian statehood, in fact, is evapted by a violation of "family relationship" in relations between people. The crack passed so deeply, which touched the natural foundations of being, confirming all the indifference of the split happening in Russia.

In the final of the "fathers and children" both antagonists die in their own way: Pavel Petrovich - spiritually, Evgeny Bazarov - physically. It is known that not every dying man is tragic. Tragic the death of a person or a phenomenon that has not lost its spiritual or social significance. From this point of view, tragic can be both new and extending social phenomenon.

"A new one is experiencing a tragedy, if the need for his struggle against the forces of the old one comes in contradiction with the impossibility of victory at this historical stage of development ... - writes a modern researcher of the theory of tragic Yu. B. Borev and continues: - However, it would be wrong to think that tragic There may be only the death of a new one.

The tragedy of the old class is possible, for example, if he dies in the fight against the emerging class, did not have time to finally lose his domestic opportunities development, not yet sulking completely ... finally the tragedy is possible bright representatives old public buildingwho understood the historical failure and the doomes of their class, but who did not find the strength to break with him or did not find the path to the new life "8.

Yu.B. Borev fairly warns researchers from a simplified understanding of the question of the death of an unzipped historical forces, excluding the possibility of the tragedy of the old. In life and art, there may be such tragic situations in which the digestive, but the triumpling new does not exclude sympathy for the older who go out from historical arena. Something similar happens in the novel Turgenev "Fathers and Children".

The outcome of the Turgenev novel does not look like a purely moral junction, where evil is punished, and virtuous is rewarded.

With reference to the "fathers and children", the legality of the typical setting of the question is on whose side of unconditional sympathy or as unconditional antipathies of the writer: here the tragic state of the world, generating a special moral situation, with respect to which these categorical questions lose meaning. Pushkin talked about the need to judge the writer under the laws, they themselves were recognized by 9.

In relation to the Roman Turgenev's novel, this principle is usually broken. The modern writer criticism, without taking into account the quality of the nature of the conflict, was inevitably shot down to one or another subjective one-sidedness. Once the "fathers" in Turgenev remained to a certain extent right, the opportunity appeared to focus on the proof of their rightness, losing sight of its relativity.

The book "Fathers and Children" was written in the sixties of the nineteenth century. This is a story about unhappy love, new beliefs and the eternal problem of mutual understanding of different generations. It is the last topic that is presented in the novel from various points of view.

The basis of disagreements in the novel

The topic of mutual understanding of parents and children is eternal. It was particularly successfully opened by the Russian classic conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and Children" - this is the difference in views on the political, cultural and social situation in Russia in the second half of the XIX century. It was 1860 that he became a turning point in the history of the empire. Constant uprisings of dissatisfied peasants forced power to cancel serfdom. It divided people into two camps.

In the first there were representatives of the old world, nobles and rich. The second part - supporters of a new, free era, where they appreciated and respected by a person. Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of the novel "Fathers and children," belonged to those who wanted the revolution. He is a nihilist, which means it does not recognize the authorities and laughs over generally accepted values. His ideas are divided by Arkady and Favorite Anna. But at the same time, he becomes the enemy for a close friend and for his parents.

Collision of views

The largest development of the conflict acquires due to stubbornness and misunderstandings of two representatives of different generations and epochs. This is a meeting of the conviction of the Democratic Revolutionary in and the Liberal-nobleman Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. The first is trying to work for the benefit of society. The second takes care more about its own gain. Nevertheless, both are energetic and confidently defend their beliefs. In general, they are diverse.

They concern religion, philosophy and even poetry. The characteristic of the novel "Fathers and Children" is short description Events that actually happened in Russia in the 1860s. Conversations and are the conversations of those crucibles for society years.

Discrepancies in the family of kirsanov

It is also important to consider the relations of Arcadia and Nikolai Petrovich. These two, Father and Son, also representatives of different generations. Arkady is the best friend of Evgenia Bazarov and part-time his obedient student. He seeks to know nihilism and plunge into the theory of democracy as much as possible.

His father is an avid Liberal, who hesitates his connection with the simple people. In particular, he is ashamed of the love of a young woman named Phanechka. The first conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and the Children" arises from the Father with Arkady. But the love they cherish each other is stronger than misunderstanding relative to the views on society.

Kinship that stronger belief

So, over time, Arkady refuses its theory and stops attempts to join the creation of a new world. Nikolai Petrovich is not lagging behind. He at the end of the novel marries the versatility of Fanac. And Arkady chooses a modest and quiet Catherine in his wife. Their conflict is allowed.

Characteristics of the novel "Fathers and Children" - Analysis of the then society. Turgenev shows that the thoughts of Bazarov did not fit, the conflict, which arose in this family, was jammed, and without reaching logical solution. But at the end of the book, during the double wedding of the Father and Son, the author does a little accent and says that no other looks happy.

The author and parents of Bazarov

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev does not hide his attitude towards the older generation and instills the love of this to his reader. His delicate feelings of gratitude and respect can be seen in the description of cute, charming spouses from the first lines are pretty us with warmth and friendliness, which come from them.

The conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and Children" could not be so bright if the author did not clearly disclosed the images of old people in front of the reader. So, he introduces us with Arina Vse. Vasily Ivanovich. Mother - a cute old woman, equally believes in God and folk superstitions. She is the embodiment of hospitality, peace and good. Father, a venerable person who rightly deserved respect for acquaintances. He is sincere, hearty and even trying to join new generation ideas.

The only son is the greatest joy in their lives. Knowing his difficult character, parents are trying to indulge as much as possible. Go around the tiptoe around it and only a part of the feeling towards your beloved child. Evgeny Bazarov, the main character The novel "Fathers and Children" is revealed for us on the other hand in their hometown.

The role of the life of Bazarov

An impregnable heart is not so impregnable. From the first rows of the novel, the reader observes how Eugene belongs to the elder generation. The eaten, pompous, narcissist, he refuses any other people's thoughts. His arrogance and cold repel. It is inhuman and indifferent to old age.

But it was worth it to be in the house of his parents, as much of his contempt disappears. main topic The novel "Fathers and Children", the difference of generations, pronounced in relations between Eugene and his parents. Changing the medium changes the image of Bazarov's thoughts. It becomes softer, tolerant, more tender. Despite the fact that he rarely visits his homeland, he loves close to loved ones, although it diligently hides it for mask. Its main problem is that he never learned to express feelings, especially if it concerns bright, positive emotions. It is with such a wall of inability and misunderstandings who collided their parents.

Conflict views

In his work, Turgenev revealed a simple and painful truth - the difference of generations. The old-fashioned parents of Bazarov only worsen, although not specifically, the relationship with the Son. All images of the novel "Fathers and Children" are very strong personality, and for them to break their own views in favor of strangers is an unacceptable thing.

A young man is not divided with his parents, representatives of another generation, their philosophy. They are divesed, and he is an atheist, they are the people of the first half of the century, he is the second. And parents, knowing about the son's closetness, are not trying to get into his world of new principles. So, the first and second rejoice in the low share of the proximity that is.

Possible if life Path Evgenia was longer, he himself became a father, then since the years she would have understood that he did not open himself - a young dreamer. And then the conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and Children" could find logical decision. But the author decided to correct the situation on the fate of his readers through the characters.

The world that is not Doros to Bazarov's views

Events in the novel occur from May 1859 to the winter of 1860. This is significant years for the history of Russia. It was then that new ideals were born. And the first who began to distribute them, was Evgeny Bazarov. But the world was not ready for his beliefs, so the only thing that remains a lonely hero, it is to leave his attempts to change the country. But fate chose another path for him.

Death put an end to suffering on earth, where no one understood him. Together with the death of Bazarov, all conflicts that created the author in the work was decided. The story of the novel "Fathers and Children" is a story of a rootless person. He was forgotten by friends, supporters and beloved. And only the elderly parents continued to mourn their only joy.

The problem of "fathers and children" arises in all spheres of human life: in the family, in the working team, in society. This question will be able to decide if the older generation is tolerant to treat the youngest, somewhere, perhaps, agreeing with him, and the "children" will show more respect.

The very name of the work suggests that the eternal question will be resolved in it - the relationship between the rest. To some extent, this is fair. But the author's fixed focus was drawn to the conflict of different worldviews - Libe-Ralev and Revolutionaries-Democrats, Nazi-Vazi Nihilists. Turgenev created the image of a new man, the difference in the origin, Democrat on political views. In contrasting the views of the discharge and nobleman, Democrat and Liberal - the basis of the conflict of the novel.

Among the heroes of the novel, the most active representatives of irreconcilable world-views are Evgeny Bazarov and the Aristocrat to the Bone Brain "Pavel Kir-Sanov. Pavel Petrovich was a typical pre-order of his era and medium. He tracked the "Princons" everywhere and in everything, continually even in the village to live as before. He retained his habits unchanged, a practical point of view was uncomfortable. And for Nihilist Bazarov, it was simply funny.

Pavel Petrovich about forty-five years old, he will always shake, walks in a strict English costume, his shirt collar is always white and starch. "The entire appearance of Paul Pet-Rovich, elegant and breeding, retained youth harness and then the desire to upwards, away from the Earth, which the larger Chast disappears after the twenties." According to appearance, by conviction Pavel Petro-HIV - aristocrat. True, as Pi-Sares notes, "His conviction ... is not available, but there are habits that he is very valuable," and he "the habit of proves the need of" princons "in disputes. What are these "princons"? First of all, it is a look at the state rally. The nobleman and aristocrat itself, he adheres to the same looks as the majority of the nobility of that time. Pavel Petrovich for the established orders, he monarchist.

Pavel Petrovich does not tolerate the Otacomyshe Lia and fiercely protects the doctrines, which "constantly contradicted his acts." He loves to paint about Russian courtyards, but at the meeting with them "wrinkles and sniffs cologne." Kirsanov interprets about Ros-Siya, about the "Russian idea", but it consumes a huge amount foreign words. He with Paphos speaks about the public good, about the ministry of Fatherland, but he sits himself with folded arms, satisfied with the full and quiet life.

But seeing that he could not defeat Nigilis-Ta in the dispute, could not shake his moral foundations, or rather, the lack of them, Pavel Petrovich resorts to the last tool for solving conflicts of this kind. This is a duel. Evgeny accepts a challenge, Ho-Strai considers it an outcomes of a privile "aristocratic". They are shooting, and Yevgeny Ra-Nit Kirsanova. Duel did not solve their problems. With the help of a partly satirical images of these events, the author undertook the absurdity of Pavel Petro-Vicha's ridiculous behavior, because it was funny and even to make sure that it was possible to force the young generation to think the same as the rest of the fathers. They break up, but each of them remained with her opinion. Ba-Zarov managed only to break the spiritual equilibrium Pavel Petrovich,

For young nihilism - a certain political and life position. Many perceive it as fashionable tunes (Sitnikov, Kukshin, Arkady). Deciminate everything: authorities, science, art, experience of pre-corrupt generations and not a member of anything - to sew up - here are their motto. But they all grow up sooner or later, they will acquire seeds and will remember their convictions as a mistakes of youth. And now they only rejected the ideas that preach it to the bazaars.

However, the main character gives a report to its thoughts, firm in their convictions. He is interested natural sciences And it is assembled / to continue the case of the Father, retired les, which in the rustic wilderness does not operate practicing medicine.

Eugene mocks "Princepami" Pavel Petrovich, considering them unnecessary and just frivolous. Bazarov finds it better to deny, and he denies. On the Ra-Clitzing of Pavel Petrovich: "But it is necessary to build!", - He answers: "This is no longer a matter." Evgeny is visibly responding about romantics, but having met love, it realizes romance in himself. Life is cruelly overshadowed with bazaarov. Without believing in love, he loved, but his love was rejected.

Considering the album of the Saxon Schwei-Tsaria, the bazaarov says ODIO: "You do not intend to me artistic meaning "Yes, I really don't really have it, but these species could interest me from the point of view of geological." The bazaars are trying to debunk inactive "prunps", does not accept the illusory dreamer. But at the same time, he refuses the great achievements of culture ("Rafael is not worth a copper"), utilitarian re-taking nature.

Bazarov dies with the words: "I need Russia ... no, you can not need. And who is well-wives? " Such is the tragic result of the life of the Ev-genius.

The author's attitude towards his heroes is not simple. The writer itself belongs to the generation, brought up in German universities, he is nobleman and liberal. But he was remarkably managed to show the change of the forms of consciousness, as well as the inevitable tragedy of people, the first taking a step forward, to the new world order.

Spiritual conflict between generations. Parents always wish the children of happiness, want them to go further, they achieved more, but at the same time they did not forget the best traditions of the past. Cultural continuity when changing generations will not allow breaking the "connection of times". So this world is arranged that "old age" and "youth" mutually balancing each other.

So I thought Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, meeting his son after a long separation. He really wanted to be not just a father, but a comrade, friend, mentor. But Arkady's mentor has already been. Nikolai Petrovich immediately realized that the son "sings from someone else's voice," when after the enthusiastic words of Arkady, looking at the Bazarov, suddenly utters a completely different tone: "Well, dad, it's all the same, wherever a person is born." Nihilism Arcadia is just a youthful enthusiasm, the desire to appear older and smarter. Father and son rejoice in spring, but each in its own way. Nikolai Petrovich declares Pushkin poems:

How sad it is your sense,

Spring, spring, it's time for love!

Arkady is surprised and sympathetically looking at the Father. But this disagreement is purely age. You can not get anywhere from him. In the conversation about Fenuska, the son shows a spiritual conflict between generations of excessive disconnection. "Something cooked ... in the heart" Nikolai Petrovich, "But he immediately accused himself." Father's love is always self-sacrifice and forgiveness.

An authentic conflict arises in Maryino between Uncle Arkady and Bazarov. Related bonds do not associate them; They are representatives of not only different generations, but also of different classes. Therefore, only with the stretch can be said to the spiritual conflict of "fathers" and "children".

Bazarov condemn in Pavel Petrovich "Aristocrat": his arrogant idleness, emphasized by starchy colodls, long nails, secular manners. Speaking in defense of his uncle, Arkady tells the story of his life, but she causes the basar only a skeptical smile: "Let's go better to watch the beetle." Arcadia is offended: For him, Uncle is not "archaic phenomenon", and a man is a slight, possessing a "pre-smoking heart", the person is "deeply unfortunate", which "despise sinning".

But the rights are still bazaars. After resigning and indulging in love experiences, Kirsanov did not suspect that it was a "resignation" and from life.

In Kirsanov's dispute with Bazarov, all major philosophical and socio-economic issues that divided Russian society into two hostile camps are affected. Bazarov wins easily and carelessly. His intellect is extremely high. Not with all the provisions of Bazarov can agree, but the person is unusual.

Is it possible to agree with the statement of Bazarov, what did he bring himself up? Only partly. Something he learned from his parents, simple good peoplewho adore her son.

The bazaarov loves her parents, but behaves with them too dry and sternly. Full opposite to him - Arkady Kirsanov, Pet noble nestassociated with his father and uncle of deep attachment threads, taking the most lively participation in everything that worries the Father. Bazarov is afraid of "crowded". Saying goodbye to Arkady, he says to him: "There is, Arkady, I have other words, only I will not express them, because it is romanticism - it means: to join." Artificially dry labeled language is deceptive. No wonder Turgenev said that he spent the best paints on his hero. These paints are especially felt there, where the nigilist breaks the gentle, the romantic soul of Bazarov through the intake severity of Nigilist. "Other words" is another bazaars, generous, heartfelt, especially in relation to parents. In the days of the disease, on the edge of an inevitable death, he gives a way to its best feelings. Father calls that gently and touching - "old", then jokingly and lovingly - "Vasily Ivanovich", then exalted and solemnly - "My Father". Before the death of Barazar asks Odintsov to put his parents: "After all, there are no such people as they, in your big light with fire, do not find ..."

You read Turgenev and feel how the heart becomes kinder, and the soul is cleaner. And you think: no conflicts are needed between fathers and children. We need only love, big, all-consuming, helping us to live.