How MA is translated from Chinese to Russian. Basic welcome forms (Nihao translation)

From scratch!
第二 课 - Lesson 2

How are you? / Interior particle "MA"

Wǒ Hěn Hǎo, Nǐ NE?


Wǒ Yě Hěn Hǎo.

New words

Let's wonder according to the composition:

= 口 (mouth) + 马 (horse)
What makes the "horse" Mǎ? She gives sound here mA., and "mouth" gives the value of the hieroglyph. But you can remember both the mouth of the horse. Horse like asks: What am I doing in this hieroglyfe?
= 手 (hand) + 戈 (spear)
Hand with a spear it i. Such is my warlike. Bear me. Just note that the second feature is written as one for both hieroglyphs, i.e. Write separately will not be correct. If you try to quickly write a hieroglyph, it turns out logical movements, as if you are Harry Potter and make a magic wand ...
= 彳 (step with left foot) + 艮 (solid)
Make a hard step with left foot it highly Good (you can offer your option). 艮 Gěn Here gives the sound of Hěn, values: hard, strong; Direct, adamant (about character, words), etc.
= 口 + 尸 (corpse) + 匕 (spoon) 尼 (nuncha)
Let's leave this hieroglyph without comment, and then nothing good comes to mind :)
- no components of hieroglyphs.


    "你你 吗? " - "How are you?"

    "你你 吗? "Also is a greeting in the form of a question. The standard response to such a greeting is "我 很很" and so on.

    "你 呢? " - "And you?"

    "也 很很." - "also (very) good."

    In this sentence, the "我" is omitted. IN oral speechWhen the situation is clear, to be often descended. The offer "我 很很" in the text of this lesson can also be reduced to "很很".

Phonetic exercises and spoken practice

    Four tones

    Sounds that are not found in modern Chinese, here and then are given in brackets.

    Distribution of sounds

    hé - Hén.
    bèn - Pèn.
    gē - kē.
    kǎn - Kěn.

    biē - piē.
    lè - Liè.
    gUÒ - Kuò.
    mō - Māo.

    Changing tones

    Hollowty tone

    The transition of the third tone in the second





Complete the dialogs of the appropriate responses

Greeting exchange

    A: Nǐ HǎO MA?
    IN: , ?
    A: Wǒ Yě Hěn Hǎo.

    A: Nǐ HǎO MA?


Basic Sound Pronunciation Requirements

Simple final e [γ]

Chinese vowel sound transmitted by the letter "E" is a vowel reverse. When pronouncing it, the language is drawn back and raised high to the back of the hard sky, the tip of the tongue will move away from the lower teeth and will be called. Thus, Chinese vowel "E" is characterized by the same place of education as a vowel "O". Their articulation differs only by the participation of the lips: "O" is pronounced with rounded lips, "E" - with a slightly stretched.

Speaking more simple words: E \u003d rear sound "E" (average between "E" and "s"). Also can be pronounced as "A" and as "e". For example, Shén Me ≈ Sheng Ma.

Complex final iE ≈ IE

The Chinese difthong "IE" is ascending: a strong, boring element here is the final "E", and the initial vowel "I" is weak, non-voltage. The tone sign in such difongs is put over the second letter, fixing the aligning vowel. In this final, the letter "e" is recorded [ε], which is not used independently. First, the sound "I" is quick and weakly pronounced (the same as the Russian vowel in the words "world", "Rice"), and then clearly and strongly pronounced "E". At the same time, the tip of the tongue is at the lower teeth, and the lips are slightly stretched.

Complex final uO ≈ russian UO

Chinese difthong "UO" is ascending. After a brief and weak "u", a vowel "O" clearly sounds. The tone sign is set above the letter "O", which fixes the aligning vowel. In the absence of an initial consonant sound [U], the letter W is recorded at the beginning of the syllable. The syllable consisting of one vowel [u] is written by the Wu letter.

Easy tone

In unstressed syllables, the loss of the main tone occurs. All the essential signs of each of the four main tones are tone, the intensity distribution, the altitude interval. Unstressed syllables, regardless of the main colors inherent in them, are pronounced by the same tone called the lungs. There is a small number of servicewords that do not have the main tone at all and are always pronounced with a light tone.

The shape of the lung tone resembles the fourth tone, the downward melody of which is almost not captured due to the shortened syllable short. Depending on the tone of the previous icon, the light tone is pronounced at different height: after the first tone, it sounds low, after the second and fourth tones, is pronounced at the average level of the speech voice, after the third tone is highly pronounced (almost at the level of the first tone).

In the alphabetic text, the light tone is not denoted by any sign. For example, "Nǐ NE?" and "Hǎo MA?"

Incomplete third tone

The third tone has its full form only before the pause or at the end of a separately pronounced word. If, after a syllable of the third tone, it is close, without a pause, follows another syllable of any tone, except for the third, the tone of such a syllable ends at its main low level, i.e. it loses the upward part. Such a melodic pattern is called an incomplete tone (altyle) or a third low tone.

In the alphabetic record, the third low tone is indicated as well as the full third tone.

Transcription rules

In the absence of an initial consonant in the syllable, the vowel "I", which form a syllable, is pronounced with a slight pride "y" and is recorded by the letter "Yi".

In the syllables with complex finals beginning with "I", in the absence of the initial consonant, vowel "I" is recorded by the letter "y" and pronounced about the same as the Russian "th". For example, "IE" is written as "ye."

In the absence of the initial consonant in the syllable, the vowel "u" \u200b\u200bforming a syllable is recorded by the letter "WU" and pronounced with more active work Lips, it turns out a more intense sound similar to English [w].

In the syllables with complex finals beginning with "U", in the absence of the initial consonant, the vowel "u" \u200b\u200bis recorded by the letter "W". For example, "UO" is written as "Wǒ". Pronounced the same with more active lips.


Word order in Chinese

A distinctive feature chinese Language is the lack of morphological changes in words by persons, times, species, childbirth, numbers, cases, etc. Therefore, the order of words in the sentence is the most important means of expressing syntactic relations.

In the proposal, with the usual order of words in the first place, it is subject to (subject), on the second - the predicate (predicate). For example:

«你好! »


«我很好。 »

"I'm all good".

«(我)也很好。 »

"I am also fine too."

In these three sentences "你" and "我" are subject to, and "好" is the main component of the faugible. Adcharations "也" and "很" are service elements belonging to the "好".

In Chinese, adverb precedes the word, which it characterizes (usually the verb or adjective).

Question Deals with "吗"

The most common type of general question in Chinese is the question formed with the help of a questionnaire (according to the Chinese terminology of the "Auxiliary Word") "MA". This type of question is formed by the simple attachment of the interior particle "MA" to the narrative offer. The order of words in the question offer coincides with the order of words in response to it. For example:


Species of writing and quantity

1. 6

2. 7
3. 9
4. 8
5. 3

Phonetic dictation

Listen and write the following single-track transcription, specify the tones:


Chinese hieroglyphic letter

The Chinese hieroglyphic letter differs significantly from the system of writing other languages. Unlike the letters of the most common phonetic writing, each hieroglyphic sign of the Chinese language corresponds to the word or syllace-morpheme. The total number of hieroglyphs in Chinese is more than 50 thousand characters. Almost 5-8 thousand characters are used. At the same time to read works modern literature and journalists are enough 3-4 thousand hieroglyphs, which meets the requirements of the Program of the Full School of PRC. The minimum written literacy level, officially established for workers and employees, is about 2 thousand characters, for peasants - 1.5 thousand characters.

Chinese hieroglyphic is one of the most ancient letters systems on Earth and the only surviving writing to this day. Ancient monuments Chinese written culture is gadent inscriptions on the shells of the Shang-Yin period (2nd millennium BC) and the inscriptions on the bronze vessels of the Zhou period (1st millennium BC. E.). It was during this time that the basic list of the visual primo-sources of the hieroglyphika was found (see Table below), but also formed the main category of phonoyeographic signs in quantitatively (key + phonetics), which is now more than 90% of all existing Chinese hieroglyphs.

For four millennium, the Chinese characters have become an integral part of Chinese traditional culture, the most important sign of Chinese civilization. Historical changes in the 20th century, and in particular China's movement along the way modern society and the corresponding democratic culture, led to the revision of the role of hieroglyphic writing for modern China. The result of this was the development of a long-term reform program of Chinese writing.

Shan-Yin (2 thousand BC. E.) → Zhou (1 thousand BC) → Han (III century BC. E. - III century. Er) → Jin (IV century. n. er) → Modern Writing

Note: Home Error in the study of hieroglyphs

The main error, or one of the main errors is that during the prescription of the hieroglyphs you do it mechanically, looking at a copy of the previously written hieroglyph. Just like, for example, read the book, read 10 pages, and what exactly read you especially and do not remember, because Try time ... :)
If you prescribe a notebook, as teachers require you, do not look at the previously written hieroglyph, and better close what has already written. The fact is that you can not prescribe them at all in the notebook, just look at the original and, for example, try to draw it with your finger in the air, thereby remembering visually and without mechanical memorization.

To secure the material and to get acquainted with another course on the site, you can pass the 1st lesson from the "Dialogues" section.

Chinese language story Chinese with rich history, which goes back to 1122 BC (BC). While today more than one billion people all over the world speak several variations in Chinese, the history of this language is associated with a more primitive, more simple language, known as Proto-Sino-Tibetan. Modern linguists classify Chinese as part of the Sino-Tibetan group of languages.

Interestingly, the history of the Chinese language is a controversial issue among linguists, as many have conflicting concepts, as the evolution of this language must be classified. Nevertheless, despite the ongoing scientific discussions, many experts rely on historical system The classification developed by the Swedish linguist Bernhard Karlgrenu in the early 20th century. Carlgren suggested seeing Chinese history in the following era: Old Chinese Middle Chinese Modern Chinese Traditionally Chinese Symbols are written in columns. These columns are required to read from top to bottom and right left. Since this letter system uses one character to present a word or phrase, there are literally thousands of characters. In fact, Hanzi (literally, Chinese for "Chinese hieroglyphs") has more than 50,000 characters. This is a huge number of invoices, in particular, for high level Illiteracy in China. In an attempt to bypass this problem, the People's Republic of China introduced a program to simplify the language in a set of frequently used characters. The current recording system uses about 6000 of these characters. Of course, used and own names Symbols that rarely appear.

ByeTzai Zen.再见
Do you speak English?Neither dick sho invest ma?你会讲英语吗?
Many thanks!Seis, Faughter Fance!非常感谢你!
You are welcomeBuyun ce
sorryDu Bucia遗憾
What is your name?Neither Jiao Shemme Mintz?你叫什么名字?
Want to dance?Neither Xiang Tuya at Ma?想跳舞吗?
I love you!In the ai nor!我爱你!

Numbers and numbers

One hundredAnd Bai.
One thousandAnd Tsyan.
MillionAnd Bai Wan百万

Shops, hotels, transport

How much does it cost?Zheyge Dunsey Doshoao Reni?需要多少费用?
I will buy itIn May Zheig我就买它
How much does the ticket cost?Pxhao Doshoao Rena?多少钱的车票?
When arrives (sent) train?Wantha Shamme Shihoe Doda?当到达(送)火车?
Porter!Banun Gong!波特!
Where is the taxi parking?Chuzza Ceczhan Tzai Vaer?出租汽车在哪里?
Where is the bus stop?Gungun Cyche Zhan Zzai Vaer?哪里是公交车站?
What is the next stop?Xia Zhani Shi Naer?什么是下一站?
Do you have free numbers?Nimen Hi Yuu Meyeu Kun Fanjiang?你有没有可用的房间吗?
Is there a breakfast cost here?Zhe Baoco Zasaian Faila Ma?是这里的早餐的价格是多少?
Do you have a city map?Neither Yuu Chensha Jiaotun Tu Ma?你有一个城市的地图?

For different occasions

Where are postcards (booklets, guidebooks)?Minsinpian (Showse, Zhinan) Tzai Shamma Difan May?在哪里购买卡(手册,指南等)?
How many people in your city are sick atypical pneumonia?Nimen Dha Chenshi Yuu Doshoao Zhen Ganzhanle Fadyanfaian?有多少人在你的城市病综合症?
And how much died?Doszaoo Zhen Sev?而有多少人死亡?
So much (little)?Nome before (Shao)?这么多(小)?
How are you feeling?Ning Jeeda Shufa Ma?你感觉怎么样?
Do you cough, or it seemed to me?Ning Kesou, in Canhan Tintsolea Ma?你咳嗽,或者它似乎给我吗?
I feel myself goodIn Jeeda Shufu我觉得没事
I did not coughIn Mei Yuu Kesou我没有咳嗽
I have no temperatureIn Meyeu Faxo我没有温度
I assure you, I did not coughJen De, in May Kesou我向你保证,我没有咳嗽
Thank you, the doctor does not causeSeeding, dife bu Yun Jiao谢谢你,这是没有必要叫医生
Remove the handsZow Kai Ba.保持你的双手
You are not a doctor, you pestNing Bus Shi Ischeng. Nino Shea Weihai Fengzia你是不是医生,你害虫
You yourself and infected meNing Zyzzie Chuanjanle in请你帮我和感染
I spat you in rice, now you will dieIn Xiang Nide Fanwalle Tule Tan我在你的饭吐了,现在你死

In a restaurant

We need a table for two (three, quad)Women Yao Langa Zhene (Sanga Zhen, Ren Syb) Tsangjo我们需要两(三,四)表
Menu, pleaseQing on Rayidan Lai菜单,请
I want to try itIn Xiang Chan Zya Zhege我想尝试一下
Bon Appetit!Zhu either Wayikou Hao!个饱!
Explain, please, how do it eatQing Jeshi Olya, Zhege Zzenme Chi解释,请,你怎么吃
I do not know how to eat with chopsticksIn bu dick Yun Quaysy我不知道怎么用筷子吃饭
The check, pleaseQing Tshezhan比尔,请

Video lessons Chinese language for beginners

in Russian

chinese pronunciation



How are you?

nikhao Ma?

Very good thanks

hen Hao, session


What's your name?

neither Jiao Sheme Mintz?

My name is...

in Jiao ...

Glad to meet you!

jehen Shi Nih Hen Gao Sin



Consent and refusal

Question words

ji Sheme.

tzai Nali

What time is it?

ji Dien Joon

Bank and currency


I need to change money

in Yao Huan Shadow

In a restaurant

I want to eat

in the Xiang Chiffan.

I'm thirsty

in Xiang HE

Please bring plug

tIN B. chhazzi on Lai






I need to get to

in Yao Tyu


I want to go shopping

in Yao, Mais Dunxi

How much is?

shao Shaden

Very expensive

thai Gui LE.

Can I try?

khei Shea and Shi

At the doctor's


I got sick

I feel bad

in Jiuede Bu Spoon

I need a doctor

in Xuyao \u200b\u200bIshhen

I caught a cold

in Ganmao LE.

I have a headache



I do not speak Chinese

in bu dick sho khaniuy

(I do not understand

(VO) TKHIN bu Dun

Measure account

(A unit of weight in China - 1 Jin (corresponds to 0.5 kg), therefore the product price is reported for 1 Jin)

Sights of Beijing in hieroglyphs

Going to China, you need to keep in mind that local taxi drivers of English language Do not know at all. Therefore, it is necessary to have a leaflet with you, on which the hieroglyphs are written in the destination. This can be asked to ask for employees at the hotel's reception. As well as take advantage of our list, where some of the largest sights of Beijing are recorded. He can also come in handy if you have to ask the road at the local.

Must be installed component with Chinese fonts!


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On the occasion of the celebration of the Chinese New Year

Do you know what the most awkward moment for all foreigners studying Chinese? When they understand that "neither Hao" is far from the most popular word that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom are used for greeting.

How in Chinese "hello", "how are you?" Especially for you - six ways to say it.

Bonus 你你! (Nor Hao!) / 您您 (Ning Hao!) - "Hello!" / Hello! "

In case you just started learning Chinese, or you are a simple tourist, which is not even going to learn the language, but already issued a visa to the Middle Kingdom.

"Nor Hao" is the first thing to explore all foreigners. And even those who are completely not familiar with the tongue know that if you want to say in Chinese "Hi", say "neither Hao." If we translate literally, the value will be consonant with our "Hello": "Nor" - you; "Hao" - good.

In fact, local rarely uses this phrase, as it sounds too formally. Ning Hao is a respectful form (Ning - you). Most often used to greet teachers or higher authorities. In this form it is actively used.

Also quite often, on the first Chinese lessons, study: if you add a questionnaire to "nor haa", then the greeting turns into a question "how are you" ("Negue Ma Ma?"). However, it will immediately give a foreigner in you. The Chinese use such a turnover not to ask how things are, but in order to make sure everything is in order. That is, saying "neither Hao Ma", you focus on the fact that a person looks like, to put it mildly, it doesn't matter and you want to know whether it is healthy.

早! (CSAO!) - "Good morning!"

"CSAO" - reduction from 早早 好! ("Zzao Shan Hao!"), Which means "Good morning." This is one of the popular ways to say in Chinese "Hi." The only case when using this word is inappropriate - if on the street evening.

你 吃 了 吗? (Neither Chi Le Ma?) - "Did you sing?"

If you were asked: "Neither Chi Le Ma?", Do not rush to tell about the delicious sandwiches that you ate for breakfast, or look around in search of food.

For the Chinese, this is not an invitation for lunch, but a way to ask how are you. Just answer: "Chi Le. Nor ne? " ("I poked, and you?"). So you express unobtrusive concern about a person. If you ask so, no one will require treats from you, but it is possible that the attitude towards you will become a few degrees warmer. The Chinese love foreigners who not only know how to say in Chinese "Hi", but not surprised by the issue of food.

最近最近 吗? (Tzuzy Jin Hao Ma?) - "How are things going?"

"Tzuzy Jin Hao Ma?" Similar to Russian "How are you?". The answer may be the same as in native language. You can restrict ourselves to the short "hao" - "good", or simply approved to nourish your head. And it is possible if the level of the language allows you to say a pair of phrases on how things are going.

喂 (Way!) - "Hello?"

So the Chinese respond to phone calls. Very simple and nicely sounding word. It is used by everything, regardless of age, gender and social status.

去 哪 哪? (Chu Nar?) - "Where are you going?"

"Nor Chu NA?" - This is a way to say in Chinese "Hi" if you are encountered with someone. According to our standards, such a question may seem excessive curiosity, especially when the interlocutor is a hat-friendly friend. However, for the Chinese, this is only a way to show part and show some respect for a person.

Often used form of a question where the location is already indicated. For example, faced with a student or a schoolboy, you can ask: "Choke Shan Ke LE?" ("Go to lesson / pair?").

久久 见见! (Hao Dzёu bu zhyen!) - "I have not seen yourself for a long time!"

"Hao Dzёu bu zhygen!" - So you can say in Chinese "hello" an old friend with whom you have not seen enough for a long time. This phrase has a very positive emotional color.

Little "But"

As you probably know Chinese - tone language. The same word said by another tone can mean completely different. Of course, if you are a tourist, and even blonde, then good-natured Chinese will definitely make a discount on it. But if you want to sound like a local, please note: it is not enough to know how to say "hello" in Chinese. Pronunciation also plays an important role.

There is a very simple option for those who are not going to seriously study the language - hammer the phrase in online translator With the ability to listen to the dialed text and just try to copy the speaker intonation. It is much easier than to deal with the nuances of one of the most difficult languages \u200b\u200bin the world.

The main thing, do not be afraid to speak. The Chinese will always gladly prompt you as correct. Especially if you are in response to photograph with them and teach a pair of phrases in Russian or English. Or buy something, since the noodles trader helped you soon.