The client that paved the way to the establishment. On the beaten track

    Appendix, number of synonyms: 2 acting, not looking for new ways (1) act ... Synonym dictionary

    Spread. Lead a normal life. F 1, 220 ...

    Ver., Nsv., Uptr. naib. often Morphology: I am walking, you are walking, he / she / it is walking, we are walking, you are walking, they are walking, walk, walk, walked, walked, walked, walked, walked, walked 1. If you are walking, then you are moving in an upright position, alternately rearranging ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

    Batyev (Boteev, Boteva, Poteeva) path. See Batu's road (ROAD). Treadmill. Zharg. shk. Shuttle. School corridor. Maksimov, 29. Goose (crane) path. See Goose Road (ROAD) The track gags. Prikam. Shuttle. About the need ... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings

    Aya, oh. 1.caution suffering. last from blasting. 2. in meaning. adj. Well-trodden, trodden (about the way, the road). In addition to the wide line of the road that runs through this park, it is all indented with well-trodden, well-groomed country roads. Ch. Uspensky, Letters from ... ... Small academic dictionary

    And, genus. pl. zhek, dates. zhkam, f. 1.reduced to the road (in 1 value). 2. A narrow path for walking in gardens, parks, etc. Clear paths in the park. □ [Peter] quickly jumped up, dressed and ran along the dewy paths of the garden to the old mill. ... ... Small academic dictionary

    Lazarevich V.S. (1882 1938; autobiography) b. September 2 (15), 1882. Father L. was a land-poor peasant in Grodno province, Sokolsky district. At first he was a peasant in the village. Islet, but the land did not feed him well, and he went to the Sestroretsk Armory ...

    Poet; was born on February 7, 1783 in Chernigov province, in the family of a priest; educated at the Chernigov Seminary, from which he then entered the Medical Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg. According to the form, he graduated from the Academy course ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    A series of articles on the possible appearance of a promising infantry fighting vehicle, published in TV, aroused considerable interest of readers. Here we publish the opinion of Lieutenant Colonel Yu.V. Evgrafova. The author worked for many years ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Participant's discussion: Khaan 04/16/2009 The gate to my yard It always infuriated me that someone constantly comes to my yard to relieve their natural needs. It's just some kind of folk path. What the fuck? At first I thought it was due to the fact that this is the center ... ... Wikipedia

The time for vacations is approaching, and many Russian tourists year after year choose the place to which they are accustomed from childhood - Crimea. An excellent choice, especially if you are planning a car trip. In this now Ukrainian autonomous republic there are so many different natural, historical and other attractions that it is simply impossible to travel around them all by bus in one, even a very long vacation! And, to be honest, uncomfortable. However, deciding on such a long journey, you need to prepare yourself so as not to step on all sorts of technical, legal and commercial rakes. To clearly demonstrate to journalists how to avoid troubles and get only positive impressions from the rest, once again the organizers of the fifth motor rally "Legend of Crimea-2007" - the Russian Fund for the Development of Autotourism, the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea and the automobile club "Crimea", as well as the sponsors of the project undertook - Legend of Crimea trade mark, Massandra brand store, Sevastopol Sparkling Wine Factory, Solnechnaya Dolina winery and Russian distributor of Thule trunks.

On native land

According to our route, the first overnight stay is planned in a motel on the Kharkov bypass, which is about 750 km from Moscow. This option looks quite reasonable - having slept well the night before, we covered the distance without any problems, without even changing places. Everything about everything, together with customs, took about 12 hours. The road along the Russian part does not present major surprises, although there are some tricks. The first had to be applied in the suburbs. Having got out to the "operational space" of the Simferopol highway, do not rush to squeeze all the juices out of the car. Despite the rather high "ceiling" of 110 km / h, the road is lined with signs and traffic police posts limiting the speed to 90 km / h - there are as many as five of them for the first 200 km of the way! After such a number of "ambushes", the road through the Tula region is perceived more calmly, despite the poor condition of the pavement.

But in the Oryol region, the driver must be extremely careful: the track now and then dives into the famous Oryol ravines of the BB and immediately climbs steeply up the hills ... where the traffic cops with binoculars wait patiently for hurried vacationers. prohibited overtaking on oncoming lane... We urge you to carefully re-read the traffic rules before leaving the house and “do not buy” on the intermittent markings - if there was a “No overtaking” sign in front of it, the traffic cop rightly qualifies the dashing maneuver as going into the oncoming lane and will ask you for your driver's license. In view of the fact that it will not be possible to enter Ukraine through the “temporary hut”, the most unpleasant situation may arise. In addition, it must be remembered that the new traffic rules cannot overtake the "slow-moving" (and there are enough of them here) in the overtaking prohibition zone - you must wait for either the designated intersection, or the beginning (end) of the settlement, or the corresponding sign on the left side of the road. By the way, we advise you to refuel to the eyeballs at the Oryol bypass - further between the gas stations there may be large gaps.

Having happily passed the Oryol exit post, we enter the more flat Kursk region. There are police orders here. Overtaking bans are minimal, but there are plenty of speed limit signs and literally under every bush an outfit with a radar can be hidden. He gladly "accepts" and "obeys" even those exceeding by "innocent" 11 km / h. It seems to be a trifle, but precious time is lost - and instead of spending extra minutes behind the wheel and another ten kilometers closer to the cherished Black Sea, you sit in the traffic police "six" heated by the sun and wait for you to be allowed to sign the protocol ... It's a shame, Yes? But don't break it!

Next to Kursk Belgorod region more loyal to motorists - the roads are smoother and wider, and there are fewer ambushes. If you are a disciplined driver, then you most likely face only a formal stop at the exit post, the last one before the border. And now you are approaching the terminal in Nekhoteyevka. Take your time to break across the border. We prefer to first fill up the car and one canister (more than 20 liters of fuel cannot be brought into the fraternal country) at the last Russian gas station before the cordon. In Ukraine, gasoline is on average more expensive, and the quality can pump up. Here, at the kiosk, you can buy a RUS sticker and compulsory Ukrainian motor third party liability insurance. The most affordable policy starts from about 150 rubles. It is issued for 15 days without limiting the number of drivers allowed to drive. Using this item, keep in mind that in Ukraine, only a Russian citizen with a notarized power of attorney with the right to travel abroad can drive a car in your absence. It is possible to let drivers with any citizenship who are not included in the policy, but have crusts, but only in the presence of the car owner.

In addition, before crossing the border, you need to fill out a migration card - you can do this yourself, and for 40 rubles by someone else's hands - the same ones that issued your car insurance policy. But we advise you to read about the rules for passing customs in advance - in the list of things prohibited for import, some fairly common goods and medicines appear, so be careful. We passed customs without any problems - the holiday season had not yet begun, so there were no queues at the terminals. According to customs officials, even in a hot season, the wait rarely lasts more than two hours - this time is quite useful for the "main" driver to sleep, and a beginner can also steer within the customs.

Cockroach racing ...

So, the customs formalities have been successfully settled, and now we are rushing to Kharkov at full speed. Someone has already changed the "pilot" and "navigator" places and is looking for the coveted pointer to Simferopol, and someone settles in a motel for the night - everyone has their own program. Both will not be superfluous to attend to the exchange of currency for local hryvnia. There are 24-hour exchangers on the Kharkiv bypass, and, for example, in the village of Merefa. If you see the inscription "In Crimea, the rate is worse" on any of the points, you will have to believe that it is really more profitable to change money on the territory of "continental" Ukraine. By the way: on the way back, be careful, as it is useless to look for an exit to Belgorod - it is not marked. You will either need to turn left onto the bypass under the sign “Kiev. Sumy ”, or already in Kharkov itself turn left onto Moskovsky Prospekt in spite of the sign, which persistently sends Russians who are not familiar with local roads straight away.

In the meantime, the vacation is still ahead, we will take a short tour of the Ukrainian road regulations. Local traffic rules do not differ much from Russian ones - mainly by speed limits. V settlements the usual 60 km / h operate, on highways you cannot drive more than 130 km / h, on roads for cars - 110 km / h, on all others - no more than 90 km / h. An important point is that for not a single traffic violation violation, if it did not lead to an accident, DAI employees have no right to withdraw the rights from Russians or detain a car - this is done only by a court decision. So, if you are "bred" in this way, feel free to call the consulate for support.

But first you need to make sure that you have ... a real inspector! In the country, especially on the border of Kharkiv and Dnepropetrovsk regions, there are several groups of pseudo-militiamen who present themselves as either environmental police, or some kind of mysterious legal service, or some other terrible word. We called them "cockroaches" - for their large number and the ability to instantly scatter through the bushes under certain conditions, which I will discuss below. So, they differ from normal law enforcement officers, first of all, in form. The most striking differences, noticeable even at speed, are the red generals stripes on the trousers, the absence of a DAI car with the appropriate coloring and a pistol on the belt. Other trifles like different cockades and caps can be noted only by a trained eye. Secondly, by behavior - they openly stand on both sides of the road in whole crowds, sometimes 10–20 people, while the DAI outfit consists of 2–3 people in a company car. And, finally, the absence of any valid documents and real powers. In particular, they have no right to stop cars at all under any sauce. Accordingly, you have every right not to stop. But only if you are one hundred percent sure that you are not a real DAI employee. Otherwise, you can run into big trouble - according to Ukrainian rules, failure to stop at the request of an inspector is the most serious violation of traffic rules and is punishable by deprivation of rights for three years. Therefore, for those who have not yet learned how to distinguish real guardians of traffic rules from "cockroaches", we offer the following, personally tested method. With a wave of the wand, carefully stop the car on the side of the road and, without leaving the car, put the switched on camera (video camera, voice recorder) on your lap. In 99 cases out of 100, having seen a technique, a false policeman evaporates with the agility of a genie, without even saying hello to you. If the "cockroach" turned out to be too stubborn, demand first to show you the documents, and only then go after your own. A real law enforcement officer, without unnecessary bickering, must show the ID of a staff member of the DAI - a plastic card with a laminated photograph. Most likely, this is where your communication will end.

... and other relatively honest ways

If you were braked rightfully and on business, get ready to "butt" with the inspector. Ukrainian employees of DAI do not like to draw up protocols very much, postponing this procedure in every possible way and hinting at a “peaceful” solution to the issue. To give in to such persuasion or not is up to you. In any case, keep in mind that the inspectors try to "spud" cars with Russian numbers at the maximum "tariff" - they ask for about 50 hryvnia, although it is quite possible to bargain for 20-30.

If you want to avoid tiresome contacts altogether, you can go the other way, having traveled around Dnepropetrovsk along an "abandoned road" that runs parallel to the "habitable" highway. However, keep in mind that there will be no not only pseudo-policemen, but also ordinary DAI employees, gas stations, tire fitters, car services, oncoming and passing ones ... But you will definitely come across reinforcement sticking out of concrete slabs, so this route can only be recommended to "thugs in search of icy freshness."

In Zaporozhye, people in blue uniforms practically disappear from the roads (however, in the holiday season, everything can change), but their place is taken by scammers. We almost ran into one such "patrol". On the side of the road, peacefully winking at the emergency gang, two cars with Ukrainian license plates and several personalities of "non-Slavic appearance" were perched. Seeing our car, one of the "personalities" rushed almost to the middle of the road with an outstretched hand - they say, help, brother! Helping my brother, a motorist, is a sacred thing, but with a sixth sense I caught a catch. We stop behind the "encampment" on the side of the road so that the road ahead is clear, not clogged with other cars, the engine is not turned off, first gear, clutch and full readiness to immediately take off. I open the window, and the "personality" who has instantly caught up with us is already reaching for the handle of the driver's door. It was not so - all the doors are locked. Through a crack in the window, he tries to ask in broken Russian first a map, then a road to Rostovna-Don, then some other rubbish, and finally hands me a fake “family jewel” through the window - a ring of yellow metal that only a drunk can mistake for gold. This is already too much - we get off the ground with a slip, throwing the unlucky ones threw gravel, so that it was discouraging.

Knowledgeable people say that such a business, however, according to a more severe scenario, is also used in Crimea - they pierce the wheel and, while the driver changes it, “vacuum” the interior. However, Muscovites are quite familiar with this. So don't relax, be vigilant.

Last throw

As a matter of fact, after Zaporozhye, Crimea practically begins: long before the traffic police post on the isthmus, it already smells of the sea (still the Azov one), and on both sides of the road you come across fish markets every now and then. Here you can inexpensively stock up on not only banal dried flounder and gobies, but also fresh sturgeon and even caviar. It is not in our rules to support poachers, so we pass this section without stopping. Refuel at the last gas station in front of the Crimean post and enter the peninsula. Before Dzhankoy, we have few options, but after him there are several. The most extreme road lies through the Arabat Spit, a sand spit separating the Sea of ​​Azov and Lake Sivash. This path can only be recommended to inveterate jeepers on prepared cars, driving on a hundred-kilometer comb, interspersed with large holes, can easily shatter the suspension of an ordinary passenger car. For normal cars there are normal, asphalt highways - right through Simferopol, the road goes to the southern coast of Crimea, to the left the path lies to Feodosia, Koktebel and Sudak, and turning right in Simferopol, you can get to Evpatoria. Whichever route you choose, keep in mind that the final part of the path runs along a more or less steep serpentine. If you started from Kharkov in the morning, you will most likely have to pass it in the dark. So soberly assess your strength and, if you doubt your physical condition or skills in driving on mountain roads, settle in Simferopol for the night, and postpone a date with the mountains until morning. And admire the beauty, and get incredible pleasure. A true driver must at least once drive along at least three legendary Crimean roads, ride along the coastal serpentine from Feodosia to Alushta, climb from Yalta to Mount Ai-Petri and go down to Bakhchisarai and get to the Baydarsky Gate from the sea (from the steppe Crimea, the road is not less interesting, but much more dangerous: the serpentine there is gravel, not asphalt). We give a guarantee - overcoming steep climbs and treacherous "reverse" turns, you will feel like a real rally racer, where there is Ari Vatanen with his "hill climb". The main thing - do not forget about caution: the streamer does not forgive mistakes. Happy vacation and rough path!

Imagine that you have an untapped field in front of you. Yellow-green grass up to your waist sways slightly in the wind. You want to get to the other side, but you don't see any paths. What will you do?

Since there is no beaten path, you are free to choose any path. It can be a straight line, a curved line, or a closed loop.

Let's say you decide to go diagonally. On the way, you crush the grass with your feet, leaving a trail behind you.

The next time you need to navigate the same field, how would you prefer to go? Surely you will go the same path as the first time - the path of least resistance.

If you walk this path over and over, it will become so trampled that the grass will stop growing on it and only earth will remain. Each time you cross the field, you are more likely to take the same path, thus making it deeper and deeper.

Our thinking is like such a field.

Thoughts arise as a result of the excitation of certain nerves. Once such a thought-path appears, it will appear again and again. This neural pathway is becoming the most used - the path of least resistance. And at some point, the choice becomes automatic. I call this "beaten track syndrome" (LDS).

Conviction is a beaten path in the field of our thoughts.

These paths make it easier to process information. We receive billions of bits of information every second. Since it is impossible to immediately cope with such a volume of data (some people find it difficult to perceive even one bit per second!), Such paths help to navigate the world more efficiently.

The difficulty is not coming up with new ideas, but avoiding old ones.

John Maynard Keynes, economist

Templates help us navigate the world. In psychology, the term "template" means ready-made attitudes or ingrained ideas about anything. They can be thought of as labels that we put on ourselves and others.

Here's an example. The first patterns appear in our childhood. The child sees a four-legged animal, and his mother calls him a "dog."

On a walk in the park, he meets another four-legged creature. It is of a different color and much smaller than the first. "The dog," says the child. “Yes,” my mother smiles.

This is how a stereotyped view of the dog is formed.

Here is a child driving in a car past a farm with four-legged animals. "Dog" - he points to the animals. "No, kid, these are horses."

This feedback, thanks to which the child understands that a horse is not a dog and not only dogs walk on four legs, helps the child to adjust the template for the concept of "dog", and once, meeting a dog of a new breed for him, he sees the difference between a dog and a horse or any other four-legged animal.

Templates are an integral part of thinking, because they allow you to process information in as soon as possible... And the more efficiently the brain reacts to different stimuli, such as a farm with four-legged animals, the more complex stimuli it is able to distinguish, such as varieties of bulldogs.

However, on the one hand, templates have their advantages, and on the other, they lead to the formation of stereotypes and deep-rooted beliefs, many of which turn out to be not so useful, since they can make it difficult to perceive new information that does not correspond to templates (such as , trying to push the square bushing into the round hole: two geometric figures somewhat similar, but still different).

If someone is taking the wrong path, he does not need motivation to accelerate, but knowledge that will help him turn in the opposite direction.

When viewed in terms of the beaten track syndrome, patterns are like trampled paths - deep ruts in the ground that make it difficult to create new roads.

Now let's talk about patterns of perfectionism. Here is one of them: "If I cannot be perfect, then I am incomplete." Such people always find flaws in themselves and believe that they are not good enough. These beliefs make perfectionists feel inept, frustrated, limited, second-rate, and even worthless. Some spend all their energy trying to prove that they are worth something. The feeling of their uselessness in other people is so strong that they do not allow others to approach them, fearing to discover their inferiority. As you can imagine, it is very difficult to get rid of such ingrained beliefs.

Paving new paths

What if we need new idea? A new path that leads through the field? Imagine that this time we do not move diagonally, but make a loop. What happens to the grass as we blaze a new path? We will accept it, and b O most of it will never rise. If you look back, you can see a new path in the field.

The next time you need to cross a field, which of the two paths will you choose?

If you don't like the road you are walking on, start building another.

Dolly Parton, singer and film actress

Forming a new neural pathway is like treading a new path in a field. The catch is that the path once paved is not yet well-trodden. Even though the grass is trampled on the new path, the old path, where the grass is trampled into the ground, is still the path of least resistance, and we will prefer that path. And when we walk this way quite often, we "choose" it without even thinking. This well-worn "path" - a thought repeated many times - becomes automatic: "choice" moves from the zone of consciousness, which we control, to the zone of the unconscious, which we do not control at all.

Simply put, consciousness stores thoughts in which we are aware of. In the process of internal dialogue, we consciously process a very limited amount of information at once, so the brain has created these shortest paths to help us cope in a complex environment. As a result, we are not even always aware of all our thoughts - otherwise we would be overwhelmed.

The subconscious, on the other hand, accepts and stores a huge amount of data: the words of a song that you have not heard for several years, the interior of the kitchen in the house where you grew up, as well as deeply rooted beliefs that you have acquired throughout your life, from childhood to this day. And although we prefer to think that we are consciously in charge of everything that happens, it is the subconscious that realizes b O most of the control. The subconscious mind not only influences consciousness, but also controls the body, emotions and behavior.

In his bestselling book The Ant and the Elephant: Leadership for the Self, lecturer and friend Vince Posente cites research conducted by Dr. Lee Pulos, who found that consciousness operates with 2,000 neurons every second. , while the subconscious uses four billion neurons. The relationship between the two is similar to the difference between an ant (consciousness) and an elephant (subconsciousness).

It's like a tug-of-war: the ant representing consciousness is holding one end, and the elephant, which is responsible for the subconscious, is holding the other. Guess which of them will win almost every game? Of course, the elephant is subconscious.

Elephant versus ant

This great inequality is the reason why speaking a new thought does not help turn your beliefs in one fell swoop. Even repeated new attitudes, such as so-called affirmations, often do not work on their own. Why? The ant can pull with all its might, but it will still compete with the elephant.

I had a client named Becky who had seen another therapist before me. When she met me, she said, “I want to be happy, but I feel like a failure. Another psychologist told me to repeat over and over that I was successful. But it did not help. I even feel like an even bigger failure. "

The repetition of such affirmations can be perceived as something unnatural. You say something to yourself, but at a deep level, the subconscious mind refutes this statement.

Consider Becky's situation within the beaten path syndrome. Her trodden path is an ingrained belief, "I'm a failure." Despite the fact that one day she undertook to blaze a new path (that is, repeat to herself that she was successful), her subconscious continued to choose the old path - the path of least resistance.

In other words, imagine that you are not just walking your way over and over again, but pushing a cart over it. You have walked here so many times that a rut has formed. And if one day you decide to deliberately take the cart out of the rut, to a higher level, you will succeed. But as soon as you stop making a conscious effort, the cart will roll back onto its beaten unconscious path.

In a similar way, you can consciously root a new thought - even if more than once, even if regularly over a period of time, but this will not prevent the subconscious from sliding down the old path, and you will not even notice it.

Let's try to critically assess the state of affairs. We decided to make a change. We face a serious obstacle in the form of a heavy, complexly functioning system of neurons, which hinders us at every step. Is the situation hopeless? No! Fortunately, one of the ways in which we root useless patterns of behavior can work for our benefit.

Frequent repetition is not the only way to blaze a new path. Emotions can leave a deep mark. A thought that appears along with an emotion will leave a more noticeable imprint than the thought itself. And the brighter the emotion, the stronger the trace will be. A vivid emotion is like a weight over a hundred kilograms that you drag along the road with you. More weight will allow you to leave a deeper track.

So, emotions can leave deeper traces. Unfortunately, research suggests that the brain tends to remember bad things. We notice, process and store negative information faster. Why? In a nutshell: for your own safety. If our ancestors, hearing from the bushes a suspicious crunch produced by a saber-toothed tiger, thought: "There is clearly nothing special," they would not have become someone's ancestors. For tens of thousands of years, the addiction to bad thoughts has literally saved lives. That is why negative information is more "sticky", and bad thoughts are so persistently spinning in our head.

How can you change your beliefs? New information, like affirmations, comes to you through consciousness. It can temporarily remain at this surface level or penetrate into the subconscious. In order for a new thought to fall into the realm of the unconscious, persistent repetitions are necessary, reinforced emotions. How to achieve positive change is discussed in the Guide to Action.

As you go forward, you create your own world.

Winston Churchill, politician