Report of the chairman of the commission at the state examination. Composition of the State Attestation Commission










By order of the rector of GOU VPO "PSPU" No. 04 / D-111 of 23.12.2011, 9 students of the 5th course of correspondence course were admitted to the defense of the final qualification work in the specialty 050720 "Physical culture" departments of the Faculty of Physical Education.

By the order of the rector of GOU VPO "PGPU" No. 03/680 of December 26, 2011, the composition of the state attestation commission at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Physical Culture in the discipline "Theory and Methodology physical education and sports ":

Chairman of the SJSC - Gavronina G.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Perm State University", Ph.D. pedagogical sciences.

GEC on the subject "Theory and methodology of physical education and sports":

SEC Chairman:

Starkova E.V.,

GEC members:

Gorbunov Yu.Ya., candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, head. chair theoretical foundations physical education,

Polyakova T.A.

Ishmukhametov M.G.., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture;

SJSC for the protection of final qualifying works

SEC Chairman:

Starkova E.V., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor. Head of the Department of Physical Education, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education.

SAC members:

Polyakova T.A.., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture;

Ishmukhametov M.G.., head. Department of Sports Disciplines, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor;

Tikhonov A.M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of sports disciplines.

The dean's office of the correspondence department of the faculty timely submitted the following documents to the commission:

1. Order on the admission of students to the State Attestation;

2. Schedule for passing the state exam;

3. Schedule of defense of final qualifying works;

4. Sheets of passing the state exam;

5. Sheets of the defense of final qualifying works;

6. Record books of students of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Physical Education;

7. Protocols of registration of results of defense of final qualification works;

8. Protocols of registration of delivery results state examination;

9. Protocols for awarding qualifications;

The 5th year students passed the exam in the discipline "Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports" on January 16, 2012.



State attestation of students was carried out on the basis of the analysis of oral answers to questions of tickets for the discipline "Theory and methodology of physical education and sports". The tickets contained two questions reflecting knowledge of the theory and methodology of physical education, as well as the theory and methodology of sports training.

The exam allows assessing the level of competence of graduates in problems of theory and methodology, in methods, means and forms of physical education and sports training.

16 students were admitted to the exam (shortened educational program - 3.5 years)

Table 1


state examination

Correspondence form of study (5 years.)


TM FC and S

TM FC and S

Number of students

1. Completed the theoretical course

2. Admitted to state exams

3. Passed the exam

4. Passed with a grade





The results of the analysis of the exam results of 9 graduates of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Physical Education are as follows:

The qualitative indicator is 77.7%.

Average score based on exam results 4 points.

A qualitative analysis of the answers shows that students are not well oriented in the characteristics of physical education and sports training.

As a positive fact, it should be noted a high level of knowledge of the methodology of organizing and conducting a lesson, systems, methods and means of developing physical qualities and health improvement, pedagogical abilities and skills, peculiarities of the teacher's style of activity. Students understand sports technique and sports control.

Dokuchaeva D.S., Smirnova A.V. found high competence in the problems of theory and methodology of physical education and sports training.

A relatively low level of knowledge was revealed in the answers of A.N. Timofeev.



State certification of students was carried out on the basis of the analysis of the results of the defense of graduation qualification works... This form of final control most adequately reflects the specialist's readiness for independent work. In the process of preparation and implementation by students of the final qualifying work, future teachers form and manifest constructive-design, organizational, communicative, intellectual, creative and reflective abilities. In the course of performing the work, students acquire the ability to correctly set goals and objectives of the research, put forward hypotheses, plan and organize research, use a complex of research methods, interpret, generalize the obtained theoretical and experimental facts, formulate conclusions and develop pedagogical recommendations. Graduation works most fully and accurately reflect the ability of graduates to realize their creative potential.

Hearing the results of the work during its defense allowed the members of the certification commission to diagnose the degree of integration of the theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge of the graduate on the organization and improvement of the system of physical education and sports.

During school year the dean's office and departments of the faculty carried out a lot of organizational work to determine the composition of scientific leaders and topics of graduate research. In the subject of graduation works, the actual problems of improving physical education in the modern education system in the context of its modernization and the problems of scientific and practical research of the team of teachers of the Faculty of Physical Education were fully reflected.

By the period of defense, all works were completed, were executed in accordance with the requirements, had a manager's review and an external review of specialists in the relevant fields of knowledge. Employees of the university, other universities of the city, leading specialists of educational and sports institutions of the city and region were involved in this work.

16 students of a 5-year study plan were allowed to defend their graduation qualification works.

table 2


defense of the final qualifying work

in the specialty / direction 050720 "Physical culture"

(SOP - 3.5) 2011-2012 academic year

Correspondence form of study (5 years.)


Number of students

1. Accepted for protection

2. Protected works

3. Estimates:Excellent




4. Number of works performed:

4.1. on topics suggested by students

4.2. at the request of enterprises

4.3. in the field of fundamental and exploratory research

5.2. to implementation

6. Number of honors diplomas

The results of the quantitative analysis of the results of the defense of final qualification works of 10 graduates of the correspondence department of the Faculty of Physical Education are as follows:

The qualitative indicator is 70%.

Average score based on the results of work protection 4.1 points.

These data reflect a good level of preparedness of graduates.

    Scientific-theoretical and methodological problems of improving the system of physical education in the context of modernization of education

Good works in this area are presented by students:

Vorontsova N.I. on the topic “Features of the development of motor qualities in schoolchildren with the use of athletic gymnastics exercises (on the example of a basic rural school), scientific adviser Vyatkina TN;

Popova I.G. on the topic "The dynamics of the results of the accuracy of the free throw depending on the anthropometric data of the students" scientific supervisor Likhachev LV;

Zolotova T.A. on the topic "Formation of regulatory learning actions among first grade pupils" scientific adviser Tikhonov A.M.

    Scientific and methodological foundations of sports training

Two papers were defended on this topic, and both were rated “satisfactory”.

    Psychological and pedagogical aspects of physical education and sports training

In this direction, 1 final qualifying work was presented, defended with excellent marks:

I. V. Pastukhov on the topic "Training the properties of attention of handball players, as a factor in increasing game efficiency."

It should be noted that there are few works devoted to this topical topic.

4. The role and importance of physical culture for the health improvement of students and the formation of a healthy lifestyle

This year, three works were presented for defense, dedicated to the disclosure of the importance of physical education in health improvement, preservation and strengthening of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students and pupils.

The following works are protected with excellent marks:

Agisheva E.V. on the topic "The use of the system of physical culture and health measures in working with children of primary school age IV

species "scientific adviser Polyakova T.A.

Dokuchaeva D.S. on the topic "Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of students in grades 1-4 by non-traditional means of physical education (by the example of kinesitherapy)" scientific adviser Ishmukhametov MG;

Smirnova A.V. on the topic "The influence of aerobics classes on the physical condition of girls 15-16 years old (on the example of the MOU" Gymnasium "in Chusovoy).

This year's graduates have shown good skills in presenting the main provisions and conclusions of their experimental research in defending their graduation qualifications. It should be noted that all graduates this year illustrated their reports with presentations, which included tables, diagrams, graphs. In most of the works, the results are representative and processed by modern statistical methods. Almost all works are of an applied nature and their results can be used to some extent in the practical work of teachers. The overwhelming majority of works defended as "good" (40%), defended as "excellent" (30%). Especially it is necessary to highlight the research of the following students: Agisheva E., Dokuchaeva D.S., Odintsova M.Yu., Smirnova A.V.

The bulk of the graduates during the defense of their final qualifying works were fluent in the material, competently answered questions on the topic of research. Some of the students experienced difficulties in answering questions, got lost, could not give definitions of key words and concepts, including those included in the title of the work, did not orientate themselves in the content and results of their work.

The work of the commission took place in a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere. Decisions on the results of the defense of graduation works were made collectively on the basis of taking into account the opinions of all members of the commission.

The disadvantages identified during the defense of final qualifying works include the fact that not most of the works were of an ascertaining nature. In such works, the main attention is paid to the description of well-known theoretical positions (they occupy most of the work in terms of volume) and the sections devoted to their own research, interpretation of the data obtained, conclusions, conclusions, recommendations are insufficiently presented.

In a number of works, the title is not quite correctly formulated; a discrepancy between the title and the content of the works is noted. In some works, the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study are not specifically defined, there are no practical recommendations.

It should be noted as a disadvantage that in a number of reviews and reviews, only the compliance of the final work with the formal requirements when writing it, or only the positive aspects of the final qualifying work, are noted and there are practically no shortcomings. Some reviews are very laconic and sometimes formal.

head departments:

To improve the quality of FQP, it should be recommended that scientific leaders, together with students, better think over the meaning and essence of research, experimental activity on the basis of clear goal-setting, setting goals, developing a research hypothesis, selecting methods and means to achieve the stated goal and confirming the hypothesis; pay more attention to conclusions in the work, conclusion and practical recommendations;

Expand the range of topics, problems requiring research work for their study and solution;

Encourage leaders and students to choose topics of FQPs related to the conduct of the experiment, with a large practice-oriented focus;

leaders and reviewers:

Indicate in your reviews and reviews not only the positive aspects, but also the disadvantages of the work.


The State Attestation Commission notes that the results of attestation reflect a good level of competence of graduates of the correspondence department of the physical culture faculty of the Perm State Pedagogical University in scientific-theoretical, educational and methodological issues of physical education, culture and sports training, as well as the readiness of specialists for independent professional activities.

Chairman of the State Attestation Commission

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports

Source: Electronic catalog of the branch department in the direction of "Jurisprudence"
(law faculty libraries) Scientific Library them. M. Gorky SPbSU

Report on the work of the SJSC (evening and correspondence departments, II stream).

Saint Petersburg State University. Faculty of Law. State Attestation Commission.
Full text of the document:


on the results of the defense of final qualifying works

in the specialty "Jurisprudence" - 021100

Evening and correspondence department II stream




Accepted for thesis defense


Grade of the thesis:




"Not satisfactory"

Honors Diploma



Of the Statutory Court of St. Petersburg ___________ A.I. Osotsky

Rector of St. Petersburg state university

prof. Verbitskaya L.A.


On the work of the state attestation commission

at the evening and correspondence department IIflow

Faculty of Law

St. Petersburg University in 2002

1... Composition of the state attestation commission.

The State Attestation Commission for the specialty "Jurisprudence" - 021100 was approved by the order of the Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg State University IV Murin dated 16.01.02. No. 30/1 in the following composition:

1. Attestation Commission for the Protection of Final Qualification Works No. 2:

Chairman: Ossotsky Alexander Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman of the Statutory Court of St. Petersburg.

Commission members:

1. Popondopulo Vladimir Fedorovich - prof., Doctor of Law

2. Krotov Mikhail Valentinovich - Associate Professor, Ph.D.

3. Khokhlov Evgeniy Borisovich - prof., Doctor of Law

4. Filippova Marina Valentinovna - Assoc., Ph.D.

5. Bakhin Sergey Vladimirovich - Associate Professor, Doctor of Law

6. Ferens-Sorotsky Andrey Alexandrovich - Assoc., Ph.D.

7. Makarova Olga Aleksandrovna - associate professor, Ph.D.

8. Rasskazova Natalya Yurievna - associate professor, Ph.D.

9.Ilyinskaya Vera Georgeevna

10. Chichkanov Alexey Borisovich

11. Vasilyeva Tatiana Alexandrovna

II. Examination committee for the interdisciplinary examination in the theory of state and law.

Evening department

Chairman - Grevtsov Yu.I. - prof., Doctor of Law


1. Kozlikhin I.Yu. - prof., Doctor of Law

2. Karamyshev O. M. - Assoc., Ph.D.

3. Krasnyansky V.E. - Assoc., Ph.D.

4. Alekseeva T.A., associate professor, Ph.D.

5. Volkova S.V., Assoc., Ph.D.

6. Timoshina E.V. - senior lecturer, Ph.D.

Sh. Examination Commission for the State Exam in Criminal Law:

Chairman: N.M. Kropachev - prof., Doctor of Law

Commission members:

1. Prokhorov V.S. - prof., Doctor of Law

2. Volgareva Irina Vladimirovna - Associate Professor, Ph.D.

3. Volzhenkin Boris Vladimirovich - prof., Doctor of Law

4. Belyaev N.A. - prof., Doctor of Law

IV. Examination Commission for the State Examination in Civil Law:

Evening department

Chairperson: M.V. Krotov - Assoc., Ph.D.

Commission members:

1. Ivanov A.A. - Assoc., Ph.D.

2. Faddeeva T.A. - Assoc., Ph.D.

3. Gorodov O.A. - Assoc., Ph.D.

4. D.V. Nefedov - Assoc., Ph.D.

5. Kovalevsky M.A. - Art. teacher, Ph.D.

6. Makarova O.A. - Assoc., Ph.D.

V. Examination Commission for the State Examination in State and Administrative Law:

Chairperson: Eskina Lyudmila Borisovna - prof., Doctor of Law


1. Sheveleva Natalya Aleksandrovna - Assistant Professor, Ph.D.

2. Kustova Margarita Valerievna - senior lecturer, Ph.D.

3. Voronkov Alexander Vladimirovich - associate professor, Ph.D.

4. Nogina Oksana Arkadyevna - Ass., Ph.D.

5. Kozhokhin Boris Ivanovich - prof., Doctor of Law

6. Petrov Yuri Alexandrovich - Assistant Professor, Ph.D.

Secretary of the Commission:

Yulia Butenko

State exam results:

1. On the theory and history of state and law

02/28/02 Total: 51 people of them:

20 people - "well"

17 people - "OK"

11 people - "satisfactory"

3 persons - "unsatisfactory"

03/01/2002 Total: 43 people including:

16 people - "well"

12 people - "OK"

04.03.2002 Total: 46 people of them:

12 people - "well"

20 people - "OK"

14 people - "satisfactory"

0 people - "unsatisfactory"

05.03.2002 Total: 51 people of them:

20 people - "well"

19 people - "OK"

9 people - "satisfactory"

3 persons - "unsatisfactory"

Total: 191 people

68 people - "well"

68 people - "OK"

49 people - "satisfactory"

6 people - "unsatisfactory"

Average score: 4.04

2. By state and administrative law

13.02.02 Only 15 people of them:

1 person - "well"

5 people - "OK"

7 people - "satisfactory"

2 persons - "unsatisfactory"

02/14/02 Only 14 people of them:

2 persons - "well"

5 people - "OK"

6 people - "satisfactory"

1 person - "unsatisfactory"

02/15/02 Only 16 people of them:

3 persons - "well"

8 people - "OK"

3 persons - "satisfactory"

2 persons - "unsatisfactory"

02/18/02 Only 15 people of them:

3 persons - "well"

3 persons - "OK"

2 persons - "satisfactory"

Total: 60 people

9 people - "well"

21 people - "OK"

12 people - "unsatisfactory"

Average score: 3.45

3.In criminal law

02/20/02 Only 22 people of them:

3 persons - "well"

10 people - "OK"

7 people - "satisfactory"

2 persons - "unsatisfactory"

02.21.02 Only 21 people of them:

2 persons - "well"

6 people - "OK"

8 people - "satisfactory"

5 people - "unsatisfactory"

Total: 43 people

5 people - "well"

16 people - "OK"

15 people - "satisfactory"

7 people - "unsatisfactory"

Average score: 3.44

4. By civil law

19.02.02 A total of 48 people of them:

16 people - "well"

14 people - "OK"

8 people - "satisfactory"

02.22.02 A total of 44 people of them:

17 people - "well"

17 people - "OK"

10 people - "satisfactory"

0 people - "unsatisfactory"

Total: 92 people

33 people - "well"

31 people - "OK"

18 people - "satisfactory"

0 people - "unsatisfactory

Average score: 3.73

About the results of final exams

in the specialty "Jurisprudence" - 021100

Evening and correspondence department II stream


Name of disciplines






Theory of State and Law

State right

Civil law

Criminal law

The work of the commission was regulated by the Regulations on the final certification of graduates of higher educational institutions in Russian Federation, approved by order No. 140/1 of 03/21/1995, and the Regulation on the final state certification of graduates of St. Petersburg State University, approved by order of the vice-rector No. 140/1 of 05/25/1995.

The high qualification level of the commission ensured the final certification of graduates in accordance with state standards higher education and other requirements existing in the Russian Federation. The discussions that arose during the defense of thesis and the discussion of the questions posed at the oral exams took place at a sufficiently high scientific level, taking into account legal practice.

No conflicts arose during the work of the commission.

2.Approvals and other tests.

The attestation tests, which were included in the final state attestation of students in the direction 02100 "Jurisprudence", consisted of the defense of the final qualifying work (diploma), the final interdisciplinary exam in the theory of state and law, and the final interdisciplinary exam in a separate academic discipline (state law, civil law , criminal law).

The problems of the final qualifying works were determined by the graduating departments with the granting of the student the right to freely choose the topic of the diploma essay. In addition, the student had the right to propose his own topic, provided that its relevance and feasibility of development were substantiated.

To help each graduate in the preparation of the diploma essay, the department allocated a scientific advisor.

All theses were reviewed, as a rule, by teachers of departments, and sometimes by practical workers of the city.

Final state interdisciplinary exams in the theory of state and law and industry academic disciplines were conducted on specially prepared examination cards, the range of questions of which corresponded to the state standard of higher vocational education, reflected new advances in science and changes in legislation.

1. Feature general level training students in their specialty.

The Faculty of Law has provided training for lawyers-specialists in correspondence and evening departments in full compliance with the current state standards.

The experience of some members of the commission, who participated in the certification of graduates of other legal educational institutions in the city, suggests that in terms of the level of training of specialists, the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University has no competitors among all other universities in the city.

In general, graduates are well versed in the complex problems of the theory of state and law, know the current legislation, and are able to apply it in solving practical problems. Some of the proposals contained in diploma essays indicate that many graduates are proficient in legislative technique and are able to develop competent legislative projects.

Under such conditions, the conclusion is logical: graduates of the Faculty of Law, in their bulk, are ready for practical work in courts, prosecutors, notaries, legal profession, in the field government controlled and commercial activities.

2. Analysis of the results of the defense of final qualifying works.

Final qualifying works were defended as diploma works. Total for correspondence and evening departments ( II stream) 140 essays were admitted to the defense, of which 138 people defended their theses. (98.5%). 62 works were rated "excellent" (44.28%),

63 jobs - "good" (45%), 13 jobs - "satisfactory" (9.3%),

2 jobs - “unsatisfactory” (1.42%).

By academic disciplines, diploma essays were distributed as follows:

1. Civil law - 46 theses s of them:

20 - "excellent", 23 - "good", 3 - "satisfactory"

Average mark: 4,37

2. Civil process - 42 theses, of which:

20 - "excellent", 16 - "good", 5 - "satisfactory", 1 - "unsatisfactory"

Average score: 4.31

3. Commercial law - 26 theses, of which:

14 - "excellent", 12 - "good"

Average score: 4.54

4. Labor law - 26 theses, of which:

8 - "excellent", 12 - "good", 5 - "satisfactory", 1 - "unsatisfactory"

Average score: 4.04

Theses are well designed with the use of computer technology.

For the most part, graduates are fluent in oral speech, skills in public speaking have been developed.

As in previous years, the most common deficiencies in graduate essays were descriptive; lack of analysis of used literary sources and legal practice; attracting a very narrow circle of literary materials, as a result of which many theoretical problems were outside the field of vision of the authors of diplomas; lack of empirical basis in many works.

As before, most of the reviews of scientific advisers and reviewers are written in a formulaic, purely formal way, limited to the most general assessments without specific comments and highlighting controversial issues. This deprived many graduates of the opportunity to demonstrate their erudition, the ability to defend their views and positions in polemics with the authors of reviews and reviews.

5... Deficiencies in student preparation.

Among the shortcomings, first of all, it should be pointed out that the faculty, as before, fails to provide an equally high level of training for all graduates. There are still frankly weak students, although there are significantly fewer of them.

As in previous years, ideological preparation remains a weak point. Hence the helplessness of some of the graduates in covering issues that require an established worldview.

In sectoral legal disciplines, the study of current legislation prevails, the openly applied nature of students' interests to the detriment of general theoretical training - a necessary component of university education.


Sourse of information:
UMU Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University ()

Information updated:01.01.2008

Related materials:
| The organization

Omirbekuly E REPORT of the Chairman of the SJSC on specialty 5B MANAGEMENT Omirbekuly E. Doctor of Economics, Professor

SJSC REPORT The State Attestation Commission of the Public Health Faculty worked on the basis of Order 506 from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the chairmen of the SJSC" and the Order of the Rector of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov 1758 of December 30, 2013 "On the composition of the SJSC in the specialty 5B" Management ", which indicates the composition of the commission: chairman, members of the commission, secretary. Chairman of the State Attestation Commission - Omirbekuly Yerzhan - Doctor of Economics, Professor of KazEU named after T. Ryskulova. The composition of the SAC members: full name, full name, academic title, academic degree Position and place of work 1Begadilova T.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor Dean of the Faculty of Public Health 2Hadzhieva A.B.k.e. Sci., Associate Professor Head. Department of Management and Marketing in Health Care and Pharmacy 3 Sadvakasova AB Doctor of Medical Sciences, Lecturer Doctor of Economics, Lecturer of the Department of Management and Marketing in Healthcare and Pharmacy 4Tulebaev Zh.S. K.E.N., Associate Professor Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy "5Sadyrov GAKE, associate professor Head. module "Economics in Health Care and Pharmacy" 6 Meirbekova E.M. senior lecturer Lecturer at the Department of Management and Marketing in Healthcare and Pharmacy

SAC REPORT The program of the state examination in special disciplines meets the requirements. Exam in the specialty 5B "Management" consisted of 2 disciplines: 1. Theory and practice of management 2. Production management The content of the examination card covered the whole range of theoretical aspects of management and production management in organizations of the health care system and pharmacy as a whole. When passing the state exam, students showed knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the theory and practice of management, enterprise management in modern conditions. Students working in the field of health care and pharmacy, in their answers, reflected the problems arising in the process of market relations, as they faced these issues in their production and organizational activities.

SAC REPORT State exams Admitted to the HES A, A - (excellent)% B-, B, B + (good)% C-, C, C + (satisfactory)% F (not enough liters) Average score 16 / 100% 7 43.75956.33 (B +) Defense of diploma theses Eligible for defense A, A - (excellent)% B-, B, B + (good)% C-, C, C + (satisfactory)% F (unsatisfactory) Average score 13 / 91.4% 1071.7319.7 - -3.67 (A-)

During the state exam, students demonstrated a good knowledge of the content of basic and elective disciplines. Graduate students showed a sufficient level of awareness of the material, knowledge of basic concepts and categories in the field of general and functional management, knowledge of the corresponding terminological apparatus in the field of management and marketing, economics. Students confidently answered questions about specifics professional activity manager of the organization. Based on the results of the answer, each student was asked up to four additional questions from the field of theory and practice of management, which made it possible to more accurately assess the level of their vocational training and readiness for management practice. All students who participated in the state exam "Theory and Practice of Management" passed the test and received positive marks. SAC REPORT

In the process of defending theses, the commission found that the main contingent of students had both theoretically and practically mastered the skills in their specialty. The Commission noted that graduates are sufficiently proficient in the principles and methods of managing an organization, the use of computer technologies in healthcare management, the use of modern methods planning, motivation, analysis of key indicators and monitoring of activities in organizations of the health care and pharmacy system. In their diploma theses, students were able to formulate clear recommendations and ways to improve activities within the framework of the topic they are researching on the example of a specific health care facility or pharmacy. The quality of graduation work meets the requirements for writing thesis. All graduate students analyzed the economic activities of the research objects assigned to them (health care organizations and pharmacy), investigated the nature and condition of the analyzed objects, drew conclusions, and offered recommendations for ways of improvement to improve the management system, taking into account the restructuring in health care and pharmacy.

SAC REPORT The Chairman and members of the SAC believe that in order to improve the process of passing state exams and defending diploma theses, it is necessary to: 1) Continue work on the development of state exam questions, which make it possible to assess the ability of students to apply the obtained theoretical knowledge in solving specific situations. 2) It is advisable to publish separate theses containing a research orientation in the materials scientific and practical activities of the university. 3) Continue to create conditions and opportunities for the implementation of the results of scientific and project research in practical health care.


Specialty - 010701.65 Physics

per account year

The main functions of the state attestation commission:

· comprehensive assessment the level of training of the graduate and the compliance of his training with the requirements of the state educational standard;

· Resolving the issue of awarding qualifications based on the results of the final state certification and issuing a graduate of the corresponding state diploma on higher education;

1. Composition of the State Attestation Commission

Deputy Director of the Department public policy in the field of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the KemSU dated 07.11.12, the chairman of the State Attestation Commission was approved, Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. D., Head of the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Altai State University (Barnaul).

The composition of the State Attestation Commission was approved by the order of the Rector of the KemSU (order No. 78 / 10-1 of December 14, 2012):

· Cand. chem. Sci., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Physics (Deputy Chairman of the SAC);

· Doctor phys.-mat. sciences, professor,

· Doctor phys.-mat. sciences, professor,

· Doctor phys.-mat. sciences, professor,

· Candidate phys.-math. Sciences, Associate Professor,

· Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences

Secretary -

2. List of qualification tests:

Defense of the final qualifying work

In total, 4 meetings of the State Attestation Commission were held (11.06 All documents necessary for the work of the SJSC were prepared and executed in a timely manner and in full in accordance with the existing regulatory requirements by the secretary of the commission.

3. Characteristics of the general level of training of students

by specialty

In the specialty 010701.65 Physics, the preparation of students was carried out in accordance with the main educational program and curriculum... The volume of the study load per student was 8080 hours, of which 4420 hours were in classroom studies. The current progress was monitored through 31 examinations and 42 credits. The analysis of the curricula of the disciplines showed a sufficient level of complexity in terms of the depth and volume of the disciplines studied and their compliance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard (SES) in the specialty 010701.65 Physics. Results of exam sessions by general percentage of progress, percentage quality academic performance, the number of those expelled testifies to a sufficient level of assimilation of program material by students.

4. Analysis of the results of the defense of final qualifying works

The thesis was accepted for defense in the presence of reviews of the head, reviewer and the signature of the head of the department for admission to defense. The defense included a preview (before the meeting of the SAC) of the thesis, the report of the graduate (up to 10 minutes), answers to questions from the members of the SAC and the teachers and students present at the meeting, the announcement of the review of the scientific supervisor and the review of the appointed reviewer, the responses of the graduate to the comments made in the review , discussion of the work by members of the SAC.

The topic of the final qualifying works corresponds to the areas of training specialists in the specialty 010701.65 Physics and scientific directions departments of the Faculty of Physics of the KemSU.

4.1 The quality of graduation qualification work, the quality of knowledge of graduate students

A total of 31 theses were reviewed. 7 theses were completed in the field basic research... In 9 works, theoretical and experimental research low-dimensional structures and nanomaterials. 2 works have a medical and practical focus. 2 works have a regional focus. 3 works devoted to development for educational process, 2 - development of hardware and software systems.

Diploma works were performed in the majority on high level, the quality of the students' knowledge is good. This is evidenced by the assessments given by the SJSC.

Students master modern experimental techniques, get acquainted with scientific problems and achievements, study methods of modeling and analysis of complex physical processes and phenomena, widely use modern computing technology. The main results of work, as a rule, are published in scientific periodicals, reported at conferences at various levels. Of the total defended theses, more than half of the materials have been published in collections of papers and abstracts of international conferences (19 All-Russian Scientific Conference of Physics Students and Young Scientists - VNKSF-19, International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "Education, Science, Innovation - Contribution young researchers "and others). On all defense the method of computer presentations was used, which contributed to the clear presentation of the material. In most cases, the students answered the questions of the commission members and the staff present with sufficient confidence.

The graduates showed generally good theoretical and experimental training. For the most part, they confidently master the conceptual apparatus of the field of physics in which the graduate work was completed, methods of processing experimental data, and information technologies. Many students have demonstrated a fairly broad scientific outlook.

It should be noted that a number of students of the specialization "Physical Informatics" do not have a comprehensive approach to the problem under study, mainly this is expressed in the fact that a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in the field of software and hardware is sometimes accompanied by an insufficiently deep examination of the physical essence of the phenomena involved.

4.2 Use of BAT, computing technology, mathematical methods of analysis

IN research works Experimental techniques were widely used: X-ray electronic spectrometer, mass spectrometer, IR and Raman spectrometers, electron and optical transmission microscopes, probe scanning microscope, luminescence studies, computer methods of experimental processing and analysis were used. IN theoretical works both analytical and numerical methods... In a number of works, physical problems were solved by methods of mathematical modeling. The results obtained by the graduates were systematized and conclusions were formulated based on them. In all works, computer technology was widely used.

4.3 Quality and objectivity of submitted reviews

All reviews of theses are written in a standard form approved by the academic council of the faculty in accordance with the state certification program. Most of the reviewers gave a detailed and in-depth analysis of the work performed, noting both advantages and disadvantages. The objectivity of the reviews is beyond doubt. The assessments of the SAC members, as a rule, exhibited based on the results of the defense of the thesis, are close to the assessments of the reviewers. The differences are related to the quality of the report, demonstration materials and the graduate student's answers to questions. A number of reviewers expressed editorial, substantive and grammatical comments on the design of theses. At the same time, several reviews were distinguished by excessive brevity and brevity, while the assessment was poorly motivated. Unfortunately, not all managers and reviewers were present at the defense, which to some extent reduced the level of discussion on the protected works.

5. Disadvantages in the preparation of students in this specialty

No significant shortcomings in the training of graduates in the specialty 010701 Physics were revealed during the work of the SJSC.

In the texts of works and presentations, grammatical errors and confusion in the use of terms are often encountered. Separately, it should be noted that there are numerous errors in the lists of cited literature, although compared to last year, the situation has improved significantly. The authors of experimental works devote obviously insufficient attention to the analysis of measurement errors, statistical processing of arrays of experimental points. There are comments on the depth of understanding of the issues of validity of theoretical research methods chosen by students when performing numerical experiments.

6. The work done by the dean's office and departments to eliminatecomments made by the chairman of the SAC last year

The dean's office and departments have done some work to implement the proposals made by the chairman of the SJSC in 2012. The works strengthened cause-and-effect relationships in the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained.

7. Generalized remarks and proposals of the Chairman of the SJSC to improve the quality of training of specialists, to organize the SJSC

The organizational work of the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics for the preparation and conduct of the SAC should be approved. The work of the SAC was clearly organized, in most cases the scientific supervisors of the students were present at the defense. All the necessary documents were provided to the commission. The departments carried out work on organizing and conducting preliminary preparation of students for the defense procedure. The defenses took place according to the approved schedule, if all required documents. Technical support protection was at a high level.

As suggestions, it should be noted:

Pay more attention to the observance of the rules for registration of qualification works (registration of graphs, drawings and other materials).

The report was considered at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Physics on June 14, 2013, minutes

Chairman of the SJSC, professor

SJSC Secretary


Results of defense of final qualifying works

Number of works

Accepted for thesis defense

Protected theses

Grades of thesis





Number of theses completed:

on topics suggested by students

at the request of enterprises

in fundamental scientific research

to implementation


to the competition

Number of honors diplomas

Appendix 2

Diploma works of particular interest, performed on
hot topics that answer up-to-date development
science and technology




the leader

Effect of the type and concentration of the stabilizer on the plasmon characteristics of silver nanoparticles

K. Chem.,
assistant professor

Investigation of reduced lithium niobate crystals and optical waveguides based on them by Raman spectroscopy

K. f.-m. D., associate professor

Study of the optical properties of silver nanoparticles after adsorption of stabilizers

Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor

Design of individual blocks of the system for spectral-acoustic monitoring of the stress state of a rock mass

D. so-called, professor

Development of an adaptive lighting control system for classrooms

Art. teacher

Software for hardware and software complex of digital photocolorimetry

K. f.-m. D., associate professor

First-principle calculations of dynamic characteristics and optimization of crystal geometry

D. f.-m. Sci., professor