Commission for the examination of the exam. Powers, functions and organization of the work of the subject commission

Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Moscow Aviation Institute(national research university) Sergey Krylov. Recall that the subject commission of the exam was created to check part of the work with a detailed answer, as well as to conduct appeals.

Sergey Sergeevich Krylov shared with the Internet portal about the trends in the activities of subject commissions, as well as about the peculiarities of passing the unified state examination by schoolchildren.

- Sergey Sergeevich, Rosobrnadzor since the beginning of 2014 has the right to include its representatives in the members of the subject commissions. Will they be included in your commission?

The candidacies of chairmen of all subject commissions are approved by Rosobrnadzor. In our commission, several people were trained at seminars organized by Rosobrnadzor. In general, this department has very broad powers to control the work of subject commissions at all stages of their work. Therefore, in my opinion, there is hardly a need to include any special controllers in the Moscow commissions. I think, if he needs to check something separately in the work of the Moscow commissions, then it is technically easier to send inspectors from Moscow to Moscow than to distant regions.

All the same Rosobrnadzor acts as the organizer of training seminars for representatives of subject commissions. You will also have to go through the procedure. Have you already taken part in such events? Share your experience.

I have participated in such seminars as a presenter of the informatics section. In my opinion, this is a very useful event. Its main goals are to inform the chairmen of subject commissions about all innovations in organizational and other issues of the work of regional commissions, to agree on approaches to assessing student work, to discuss promising USE models, comments and suggestions for the commission of USE task developers.

In my opinion, these goals have been fully achieved, including thanks to great work, which was done by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) in preparation for the seminars. FIPI specialists have prepared a large amount of methodological and teaching materials, on the preparation and organization of the work of experts of subject commissions, that is, people who will directly check the work of students. These materials formed the basis of the discussion.

The exchange of experience during the free discussion of professionals is generally very important and useful.

In places holding the exam now observers appear. This year, they will be able to be present not only in all examination points, but also in regional information processing centers, as well as during the work of subject and conflict commissions. Do you think such a step has a right to exist? Will observers not interfere with the work of the subject commission?

I think that the presence of observers is very useful in terms of strengthening public confidence in the unified state examination. Of course, the observer has a well-defined terms of reference, he should not take on the functions of technical officers or members of commissions, let alone interfere with their work. Observers undergo special short training in full-time or remote form, where they get acquainted with their rights and responsibilities. We see observers as allies in ensuring the quality of the USE procedures.

- You have already led the subject commission. How do you rate this experience?

This is an interesting and responsible job. Its peculiarity is the need to combine organizational and administrative activities with educational and methodological ones. It is also valuable for communicating with highly qualified teachers of computer science in Moscow schools, technical schools and universities with colleagues from other regions. In addition, direct verification of examination papers, communication with graduates at appeals helps to better understand the level of training of applicants, what real knowledge is behind their USE scores. This is important to me as a dean of the faculty.

How many students do you think will choose the Unified State Exam in Informatics and ICT this year? Is this subject popular with modern schoolchildren? What are the statistics from year to year?

I do not yet have exact data for this year, but I think that about 5-6 thousand graduates will choose the Unified State Exam in Informatics and ICT in Moscow. According to statistics, the number of Moscow schoolchildren who have chosen this exam is gradually increasing every year. Computer science, as a subject, is very popular among schoolchildren, but the number of those who chose the exam is strongly influenced by the lists of entrance exams to leading universities.

- In your opinion, can the USE results show the real knowledge of schoolchildren of the subject?

For the natural sciences, I think they can and show. As is known from metrology, any measurement has an error. Most of these errors are associated with the psycho-emotional state of the student during the exam. For example, he was worried, could not concentrate, so he received a rating below his capabilities. But this is a feature of any exam and Olympiad that you need to psychologically prepare for them.

- What enrollment is planned for the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics this year?

We are dialing on budget places 65 people for bachelor's degree in the direction of preparation "Applied Mathematics", 70 - in the direction of "Applied Mathematics and Informatics".

We plan to enroll 10 people on the budget in the Master's program in the direction of "Applied Mathematics". The small number of places in the magistracy is due to the fact that we will have a mass graduation of bachelors only next year.

In addition to recruiting for low-cost places, we are admitting for paid training, including the master's program "Mathematical and software corporate systems"Department number 806. It is planned to study in a part-time (evening) form.

- What specialties of your faculty are the most in demand among yesterday's schoolchildren?

We have only two specialties "Applied Mathematics" and "Applied Mathematics and Informatics". Both are in demand. Passing scores for them are among the highest in the institute, and graduates have interesting and highly paid jobs in their specialties related to modern information technologies, mathematical modeling in various branches of economics and management.

Letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of March 11, 2014 N 02-97 On Methodological Recommendations for the Development of Regulations on the State Examination Commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation for Conducting State Final Certification educational programs secondary general education and Methodological Recommendations on the formation and organization of the work of subject commissions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science, directs for use in work on the development of regulations on the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education and for the formation and organization of the work of subject commissions of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Supplement for: 36 l.

S.S. Kravtsov

on the development of regulations on the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education

The Regulation on the State Examination Commission of the Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation for the State Final Certification of Educational Programs of Secondary General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on the SEC) is developed on the basis of the Procedure for the State Final Certification of Educational Programs of Secondary General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 12/26/2013 N 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 02/03/2014, registration N 31205), taking into account these Recommendations and approved by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, implementing public administration in the field of education.

The Regulation on the GEC defines the goals, the procedure for the formation and structure of the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the GEC), its powers and functions, as well as the procedure for organizing the work of the GEC. It is recommended to specify the structure of the SEC and the distribution of powers and functions, taking into account the peculiarities of the scheme for conducting the state final attestation for educational programs of secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as the SIA, Unified State Examination), implemented in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

HEC is created in order to:

organization and coordination of work on the preparation and conduct of the GIA;

ensuring the observance of the rights of GIA participants during the GIA.

GEC in its work is guided by:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2013 N 755 "On the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations for obtaining secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems to ensure the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education ";

The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 02/03/2014, registration N 31205) (hereinafter - the Procedure);

The procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist programs, master's programs for 2014/15 academic year, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 09.01.2014 N 3 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 19.02.2014, registration N 31352);

regulatory legal acts and instructive documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the organization and conduct of GIA in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

individual legal acts and instructional and methodological documents of Rosobrnadzor on organizational and technological support of the GIA;

other regulatory legal acts on the organization and conduct of GIA.

2. Composition and structure of HES

The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education, annually submits to Rosobrnadzor a proposal on the candidacy of the chairman of the State Electricity Commission for approval, as well as proposals for approving the composition of the State Electricity Commission for approval.

The composition of the SEC is formed from the number of representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state control in the field of education, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising the delegated powers in the field of education, bodies local government, organizations carrying out educational activities, scientific, public and other organizations and associations, representatives of Rosobrnadzor. When forming the composition of the GEC, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a conflict of interest.

When forming the staff of the SEC, it is recommended to appoint the deputy chairman of the SEC and the executive secretary. It is also recommended to form the SEC Presidium, consisting of no more than 20 people. Persons who are members of the SEC Presidium are empowered to make collegial decisions in accordance with the Procedure.

The regulation on the GEC of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is brought to the attention of the participants of the GIA, entering, their parents legal representatives), leaders educational organizations no later than 1 month before the start of the GIA.

3. Powers and functions of the GEC

3.1. GEC carries out activities during the preparation, conduct, and summing up the results of the GIA in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The term of office of the GEC is one year. The GEC ceases to operate from the moment Rosobrnadzor approves the chairman of the GEC and agrees on the composition of the GEC for conducting the GIA in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation next year.

3.2. When organizing and coordinating the preparation and conduct of the GIA, the GEC performs the following tasks:

organizes and coordinates the work on the preparation and conduct of the GIA on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

ensures compliance with the established procedure for conducting a GIA on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

ensures the observance of the rights of students and graduates of previous years during the GIA;

3.3. As part of the preparation and conduct of the GIA, GEC carries out the following work:

determines and organizes the work of persons sent by organizations carrying out educational activities to work as leaders and organizers of the PPE, members of the SEC, technical specialists and assistants for the persons specified in paragraph 37 of the Procedure;

organizes control over the work of organizations carrying out educational activities in terms of informing students and their parents (legal representatives), graduates of previous years about the timing, places and procedure for submitting applications for passing the SIA, including USE form, on the place and timing of the GIA, on the procedure for conducting the GIA, including the grounds for removing from the exam, changing or canceling the results of the GIA, on the video recording during the exam in the PES and auditoriums, on the procedure for filing and considering appeals, on the time and the place of familiarization with the results of the GIA, as well as the results of the GIA received by the student, graduate of previous years;

makes a decision on equipping the PPE with mobile communication signal suppression systems;

makes a decision on the implementation of the RTSOI of the automated distribution of students, graduates of previous years and organizers by audiences;

decides to replicate KIM in classrooms in the presence of students, graduates of previous years;

makes a decision on scanning examination papers in the classrooms of the PPE;

collects forms, comments on violations of the procedure for conducting the GIA, sent by the participants of the GIA, and carries out the appropriate work;

accepts and considers the protocols of the subject commissions on the distribution of the examination papers of the GVE, the calculation of the final scores of the examination work of the GVE;

considers proposals on the composition of the subject commission, on the candidatures of experts proposed for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor;

considers information from the conflict commission about decisions taken on students, graduates of previous years and (or) their parents (legal representatives) who filed an appeal;

for the chairman of the SEK to make a decision to annul the result of the GIA in connection with a violation of the established procedure for its conduct, it requests from authorized persons and organizations the necessary documents and information, including examination papers, information about the persons who were present in the PPE, and other information on the observance of the procedure for conducting the GIA , conducts an inspection on the facts of violation of the established procedure for conducting a GIA, including violations identified using video surveillance materials;

makes a decision on acquainting students, graduates of previous years with the results of the GIA in an academic subject obtained by them using information and communication technologies in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data protection;

makes a decision on filing and (or) consideration of appeals using information and communication technologies, subject to compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information protection;

performs other functions in accordance with the Regulation on the State Electricity Commission.

3.3.1. As part of the preparation and conduct of the GIA, the chairman of the GEC carries out the following work:

organizes the formation of the composition of the SEC and submits it for approval to Rosobrnadzor;

coordinates the proposals of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education:

on the personal composition of the leaders and organizers of the PPE;

for technical specialists and assistants for people with disabilities, children with disabilities and disabled people, people who have been trained for health reasons at home, in educational institutions, including sanatoriums, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and health-improving measures are carried out for those in need long-term treatment;

by places of registration on passing the exam;

by the locations of the PES and the distribution of students and graduates of previous years between them;

organizes the formation of the composition of subject commissions, submits for approval to Rosobrnadzor the candidatures of chairmen of subject commissions, on the proposal of the chairmen of subject commissions, determines the candidacies of members of subject commissions sent for inclusion in the composition of subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor;

makes a decision on sending members of the GEC to the PPE, RTSOI, subject commissions and the conflict commission to monitor the conduct of the GIA;

considers issues on the occurrence of a conflict of interest in relation to persons involved in the conduct of the GIA, takes measures to prevent the occurrence of a conflict of interest, including deciding on the removal of these persons from work related to the conduct of the GIA;

makes a decision on holding the SIA in compulsory academic subjects ahead of schedule for categories of students, graduates of previous years in accordance with the Procedure;

approves the decision of the GEC members to stop the exam in the PPE or individual auditoriums of the PPE;

considers and makes decisions on the acts submitted by the members of the GEC, on the fact of a malfunctioning state, disconnection of video surveillance equipment or the absence of a video recording of the exam;

3.3.2. As part of the preparation and conduct of the GIA, the members of the GEC carry out the following work:

ensure compliance with the established procedure for conducting the GIA;

ensure the delivery of examination materials to the PPE;

in the case of using CMMs on electronic media in encrypted form, they are present and control the process of receiving the CMM decryption code from the RSCI by the head of the PPE, organizing decoding, replicating CMM on paper and packing examination materials for the USE;

exercise control over the conduct of the GIA in the PPE, RTSOI, subject commissions and the conflict commission;

draw up acts on the removal from the exam and remove persons who have violated the established procedure for conducting the GIA from the PPE, acts on the early completion of the exam by the participant of the GIA for objective reasons, these acts are sent on the same day to the SEC and the RCOI for accounting when processing examination papers;

draw up acts on the fact of a malfunctioning state, disconnection of video surveillance equipment or the absence of a video recording of the exam, these acts are transferred to the chairman of the SEC on the same day;

upon completion of the exam, a report on the USE in the PPE is drawn up and on the same day it is sent to the SEC.

on the same day, the exam papers of the Unified State Exam of students, graduates of previous years from the PPE are delivered to the RCOI, and the exam papers of the GVE are delivered to the places determined by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education;

when scanning examination papers directly in classrooms, if such a decision is made by the SEC, the members of the SEC monitor the scanning of examination papers in the classrooms in the presence of students, graduates of previous years and transfer scanned images of examination papers to the RCOI, an authorized organization for subsequent processing;

interact with the head and organizers of the PPE, public observers, officials of Rosobrnadzor, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising the delegated powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education, present in the PPE, the RSCI, subject commissions and the conflict commission on compliance with the established procedure for conducting the GIA;

in case of violations of the established procedure for conducting the GIA, decisions are made to remove students, graduates of previous years from the exam, as well as other persons who are in the PPE;

in agreement with the chairman of the SEC, a decision is made to stop the exam in the PPE or individual auditoriums of the PPE.

3.4. As part of the review of the results of the GIA, the chairman of the SEC carries out the following work:

considers the results of the GIA and makes decisions on the approval, change and (or) cancellation of the results of the GIA

makes decisions on admission (re-admission) to the delivery of the GIA in the cases established by the Procedure.

3.5. The GEC carries out its activities in cooperation with public administration bodies of education at various levels, the council of rectors of universities, educational organizations, the RTSOI, with the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Testing Center".

The GEC interacts with public observers, federal public observers and federal inspectors in order to ensure control over compliance with the established procedure for conducting the GIA.

4. Powers of the chairman, deputy chairman, executive secretary and members of the SEC

The chairman of the GEC, approved by Rosobrnadzor, carries out general management of the work of the GEC, determines the work plan of the GEC, distributes responsibilities among the members of the GEC, conducts meetings of the GEC, approves the working documentation, and controls the implementation of the decisions of the GEC. The chairman of the SEC is personally responsible for the decisions made.

The Deputy Chairman of the GEC ensures coordination of the work of the members of the GEC, subcommittees, prepares draft documents submitted for consideration by the GEC, monitors the implementation of the work plan of the GEC.

The executive secretary of the SEC keeps minutes of the SEC meetings, organizes the paperwork of the SEC, monitors the timely submission of materials for consideration at the SEC meetings, and is responsible for the safety of documents and other materials considered at the SEC meetings.

The chairman, his deputy, members of the GEC are responsible for the compliance of the activities of the GEC with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts.

5. Organization of work of GEC

The SEC holds its meetings in accordance with the work schedule approved by the Chairman of the SEC. If necessary, the chairman of the SEC may appoint an extraordinary meeting of the SEC.

The decisions of the GEC are made by a simple majority of the votes of the GEC Presidium. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the SEC is decisive. The decisions of the GEC, including the sole decision of the chairman of the GEC, are drawn up in protocols, which are signed by the chairman of the GEC, the deputy chairman of the GEC and the executive secretary of the GEC.

The decisions of the GEC, within the framework of its powers, are binding on all organizations, educational organizations and persons involved in the preparation and conduct of the GIA. The organization of execution of decisions of the State Electricity Commission is ensured by the administrative acts of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education.

Based on the results of the work of the SEC in the current year, a certificate is being prepared on the conduct of the SIA in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including information on the composition of the participants, the results of the SIA, and the problems that have occurred. The certificate is signed by the chairman of the SEC, the deputy chairman of the SEC and sent to the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which carries out state administration in the field of education, and Rosobrnadzor.


* a conflict of interest is understood as a situation in which the personal interest of the person involved in the conduct of the GIA, or his close relatives, affects or may affect the objective performance of the duties assigned to him and in which a contradiction arises or may arise between the personal interest of the said person and the legitimate interests of the students , their parents (legal representatives), other interested persons, which can lead to harm to these legitimate interests of students, their parents (legal representatives), other interested parties

Methodical materials
on the formation and organization of the work of subject commissions

List of symbols, abbreviations and terms

ATE Administrative-territorial unit
DB Database
GIA State final certification for educational programs of secondary general education
HEC State examination commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation
Unified State Exam Single State exam
ERBD Single distributed database
WHSPD Closed data network
IR Individual set of the Unified State Exam participant
Images of exam papers, samples of exam papers Images of the texts of the detailed answers of the USE participants used at the stages of preparation and certification of PC experts
Expert qualification The level of knowledge, abilities, skills (competence), characterizing the readiness to perform activities for checking tasks with a detailed USE answer
Qualification test Test to establish the qualification level of an expert
Kim Control Measuring Material
QC Mediation board
Machine-readable forms of PPE Forms PPE-13-02, PPE-18 (see the Consolidated collection of forms for Methodological materials on the preparation and conduct of the exam at the points of the exam in 2014)
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
ISEW Local self-government body exercising powers in the field of education
Educational organization Organization carrying out educational activities
HVZ USE participants with disabilities
OIV The executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education
PC Subject commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation
The procedure for conducting the GIA The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 N 1400 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 03.02.2014, registration N 31205)
PPE Station for the unified state examination
Rules for the formation and maintenance of FIS / RIS The rules for the formation and maintenance of the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations for obtaining secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2013 N 755
RIS Regional information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education
Expanded Answers Answers of the participants of the exam to the tasks of the examination paper with detailed answers
Rosobrnadzor Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science
RF the Russian Federation
RSCI Regional Information Processing Center
Sbf Consolidated collection of forms for Methodological materials on the preparation and conduct of the exam at the points of the exam in 2014
Expert status Confirmed expert qualification level
USE participant / exam participant / participant Students admitted in accordance with the established procedure to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education in the form of the Unified State Exam, graduates of previous years, admitted to passing the Unified State Exam
Member of the State Electoral Commission Representative of the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation
FIPI FSBSI "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements"
FIS Federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations for obtaining secondary vocational and higher education
FPK Federal Subject Commission. Subject Commission created by Rosobrnadzor
FCT FSBI "Federal Testing Center"
Experts Persons who meet the following requirements: - compliance qualification requirements specified in qualification guides and (or) professional standards; - work experience in organizations that carry out educational activities and implement educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least three years); - availability of a document confirming the receipt of additional vocational education, which includes practical exercises (not less than 18 hours) on the assessment of samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor.
EM Exam materials

* Part 14 of Article 59 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 30 , art. 4036).


This document has been developed in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts for the preparation and conduct of the exam:

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2013 N 755 "On the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations for obtaining secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems to ensure the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education ";

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2013 N 1400 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education."

I. General provisions on the activities of subject commissions

1.1. Verification of the detailed answers of the USE participants is carried out by subject commissions (hereinafter referred to as PCs) in the relevant academic subjects.

1.2. The PC of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for each academic subject creates an OIV in accordance with clause 14 of the Procedure for conducting the SIA.

1.3. The PC in its activities is guided by the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Rosobrnadzor and OIV, including the "Regulations on Subject Commissions of the Subject of the Russian Federation".

1.4. The general management and coordination of the PC's activities in the relevant academic subject is carried out by its chairman, including submits to the GEC proposals on the composition of the PC and on the candidatures of experts proposed for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor (hereinafter - FPK).

1.5. Chairman of the SEC regarding the activities of the PC:

a) submits for approval to Rosobrnadzor the candidatures of chairpersons of the PC no later than one month before the start of the GIA;

b) organizes the formation of PC compositions;

c) determines, upon the recommendation of the chairpersons of the PC, the candidatures of members of the subject commissions sent for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor.

1.6. The composition of the PC for each academic subject is formed from persons who meet the following requirements:

Higher education;

Compliance with the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards;

Work experience in educational institutions (at least three years);

Availability of a document confirming the receipt of additional vocational education, which includes practical classes (at least 18 hours) to assess samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor;

Availability of the results of the qualification test, organized and carried out in the manner prescribed by the OIV.

A specialist who has not passed the qualification tests in the current year is not allowed to be included in the PC, and also cannot take part in checking the detailed answers of the USE participants in the current year.

1.7. The OIV and the GEC of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation provide PCs with rooms for work, which are located in close proximity to the RCOI in compliance with all information security requirements.

1.8. Information and technological support of the PC activity is carried out by the RTSOI.

1.9. In the event of situations that are not provided for by these Methodological Materials, the decision is made by the chairman of the PC and / or the head of the RSCI within his competence with the obligatory subsequent informing of the GEC.

1.10. During the period of organizing and holding the USE, the PC checks the detailed answers of the USE participants, made on answer forms No. 2 (including on additional answer forms No. 2).

1.11. During the period of organizing and holding the Unified State Exam, the distribution of functions between the PC experts is carried out depending on the status assigned to the expert based on the results of the qualification test: leading expert, senior expert, main expert.

1.12. Terms of processing of examination materials.

EM processing, including checking the expanded responses of the PC, must be completed within the timeframes determined by the Procedure for conducting the GIA:

For Russian language and mathematics - no later than six calendar days after the corresponding exam;

For other academic subjects - no later than four calendar days after the corresponding exam;

For exams that are held ahead of schedule and at additional dates - no later than three calendar days after the corresponding exam.

II. The procedure for forming a PC

1. Draft amendments to regional regulations

1.1. The procedure for the preparation of PC experts, as well as the formation of PCs (including the procedure for assigning the status to experts) requires the formation at the regional level of a package of normative documents governing the organization of the work of subject and conflict commissions.

1.2. The package of regional regulatory documents includes:

Regulations on the state examination commission in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Regulations on the subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Regulations on the Conflict Commission of the Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation;

The procedure for forming a subject commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (including the procedure for training experts, assigning statuses to experts, as well as analyzing the work of a PC in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Possible wordings of the clauses of the Regulations on the State Examination Commission in the Subject of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Subject Commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Conflict Commission of the Subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account changes in the organization of the PC work, are given in these methodological materials.

1.3. The Procedure for the formation of a subject commission in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation should include, among other things:

Requirements for the experience of experts in checking the detailed answers of the USE participants (for assigning statuses);

Assessment consistency indicators based on proficiency test results and their values ​​(for assigning statuses);

The procedure for assigning statuses to experts;

The procedure for the admission of experts to the qualification test;

Description of the format for the qualification test for experts;

The procedure for the formation and analysis of the work of the PC.

1.4. The timing of each of the activities for the training of experts and the formation of the PC is set at the regional level within the framework of the requirements for the timeframes determined for federal level.

An approximate schedule of activities for the training of experts and the formation of subject commissions is given in the present methodological materials.

2. Statuses of PC experts

2.1. An expert can be assigned one of three statuses: leading expert, senior expert, main expert.

Leading expert - a status that allows you to be the chairman or deputy chairman of the PC, to supervise the preparation and / or training of experts at the regional level, to participate in interregional cross-checks, to be involved in the consideration of appeals on the subject, to check and double-check the detailed answers of the USE participants as part of the PC, including as a third expert.

Senior expert - a status that allows you to check and recheck the performance of tasks with a detailed USE answer as part of the PC, including being appointed for the third test of the performance of tasks with a detailed USE answer, participate in interregional cross-checks, as well as checks as part of the consideration of an appeal on disagreement with given points.

The main expert is a status that allows you to carry out the first or second check on the performance of tasks with a detailed USE answer as part of the PC.

2.2. To assign a particular status to an expert, the conformity of his qualifications must be established:

Requirements for experts determined by the Procedure for conducting the GIA;

Requirements for the experience of evaluating the exam papers of the USE participants;

Requirements for the results of the qualification test;

Requirements for the consistency of work during the audit in the previous year and for the values ​​of the statistics of satisfied appeals.

2.3. Only experts with the status of leading or senior experts can be included in the lists of experts submitted to Rosobrnadzor by the Chairman of the State Electricity Commission for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor.

3. Coordination of approaches to the assessment of exam papers of USE participants at the federal and regional levels

3.1. To ensure the unity of approaches to assessing the detailed answers of the USE participants, a three-level system of harmonization of approaches to assessment is used. Measures to agree on approaches to assessing the detailed answers of the USE participants are carried out at the federal and regional levels.

a) Harmonization at the federal level includes a number of measures to form unified approaches to assessment among experts applying for the status of leading experts. Activities include: discussion of approaches to assessment and typical difficulties of experts during assessment, assessment of samples of examination papers by specified experts in remote mode, analysis of assessment results, and qualification tests.

b) Harmonization at the regional level is ensured by the application of approaches to assessment agreed at the federal level in the process of training experts. The training of experts should be carried out under the guidance of specialists with the status of leading experts, and include practical exercises to assess the detailed answers of graduates.

c) Prompt coordination of approaches to assessment between PC experts immediately before the examination of the work, carried out on the day the examination of the examination papers of the USE participants begins.

3.2. Measures to agree on approaches to assessing the detailed answers of the USE participants at the federal level are organized by the FGBNU "FIPI" and are carried out in two stages: correspondence and full-time.

a) Correspondence stage (held from November to December). At this stage, specialists applying for the positions of chairmen and deputy chairmen of the PC (for the assignment of the status of a leading expert) evaluate the work from the interregional bank of works. For this, a special Module of the Internet-based system for distance training of experts "Expert Unified State Exam" is used (the formation of an interregional bank of works is carried out by the FIPI from images of examination papers selected by the heads of the PC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which caused difficulties and / or disagreements when evaluating the detailed answers of the participants of the Unified State Examination in 2013) ... The results of this stage are used to carry out the next (face-to-face) stage of approval.

b) Face-to-face stage (conducted in the form of seminars from January to March). At this stage, specialists who have passed the correspondence stage participate in seminars to agree on approaches to assessing the detailed answers of the USE participants.

During the seminars, when discussing approaches to assessment, a set of images of answers to individual tasks and entire works is formed, which will then be used to conduct qualification tests for experts in the Internet system "Expert Unified State Examination".

3.3. Measures for the harmonization of approaches to the assessment of examination of the Unified State Exam at the regional level, FIAs are organized. Coordination is carried out during the training of experts in accordance with educational programs and using teaching aids for the preparation of the examiners of the Unified State Exam, posted on the website of the FGBNU "FIPI" (

3.4. When training experts at the regional level, the Internet-based system of distance training of experts "Expert Unified State Examination" and the materials posted in it can be used.

4. Qualification requirements for assigning statuses to experts

The status of the leading, senior or main expert is assigned depending on the qualification level of the expert.

The following qualification requirements are established for the assignment of a particular status to experts.

4.1. Requirements for the education of experts and their experience in educational organizations are established by the Procedure for conducting the SIA:

Higher education;

Compliance with the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards;

Work experience in organizations that carry out educational activities and implement educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least 3 years);

Availability of a document confirming the receipt of additional professional education, which includes practical exercises on the assessment of samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor.

4.2. To assign the status of a leading expert, you need experience in organizational work in a PC or GEC. The lack of such experience is allowed in the case when the PC includes fewer than 10 people.

4.3. The status of a leading expert and a senior expert can be assigned only to experts who have experience in assessing the detailed answers of the USE participants. To be awarded the status of a leading expert, assessment experience must be at least 3 years. The requirements for the experience of assessing the detailed answers of the exam participants are established by the OIV. Lack of verification experience is allowed only for newly organized PCs for foreign languages(in cases where a regional PC was not created earlier in the subject of the Russian Federation for the corresponding academic subject).

4.4. The values ​​of the assessment consistency indicators, determined based on the results of proficiency tests, must correspond to the values ​​determined by the RIA for assigning experts to each of the statuses. The recommended consistency indicators and their values ​​based on the results of qualification tests for assigning each of the statuses to experts are given in.

The methodology for analyzing the consistency of the work of experts and analyzing the statistics of satisfied appeals on disagreement with the set score is developed by the IWO. The results of the assessment consistency analysis are used in the preparation of experts.

The indicators of consistency and their values ​​based on the results of the analysis of the work of the PC when checking tasks with a detailed answer to the USE in the previous year and statistics of satisfied appeals are established by the OIV.

5. Organization of the qualification test

5.1. The format of qualification tests for experts is determined by the IEP.

5.2. The procedure for admitting experts to pass the qualification test is established by the OIV.

5.3. An expert qualification test is carried out annually.

5.4. Information on the results of the qualification test and the status assigned to experts is entered into the regional / federal register (regional federal / information system).

5.5. The qualification test can be carried out directly in the Internet-based distance learning system for experts "Expert Unified State Examination". It is recommended to conduct qualification tests to determine the status of experts in each academic subject using the Internet-based distance training system for experts "Expert Unified State Examination" (the selection of works for creating measuring materials is carried out by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FIPI") or similar resources developed by the subject of the Russian Federation.

6. The procedure for attracting experts to work in the PC

6.1. PCs are formed from a number of leading experts, senior experts, main experts.

Subclauses are numbered in accordance with the source

c) Only experts with the status of a leading expert can be appointed as chairpersons and vice-chairmen of the SC.

d) For the third audit, experts may be appointed who have been assigned the status of a leading expert or a senior expert in the current year.

e) Only experts who have been assigned the status of a leading expert or senior expert in the current year can be involved in the consideration of appeals on disagreement with the assigned score in case of controversial questions regarding the assessment of the detailed answer of the USE participant.

f) Only experts who have been assigned the status of a leading expert or a senior expert in the current year can be involved in rechecking the examinations of the USE participants.

g) Only experts who have been assigned the status of a leading expert and a senior expert in the current year can be involved in the interregional cross-verification.

III. Organization of checking extended answers

7. Methodology for assessing detailed answers to the tasks of the examination work

7.1. The detailed answers of the USE participants are evaluated by two independent experts.

7.2. Both experts independently, based on the results of the check, give points for each detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer developed by FIPI and provided by the FTsT.

7.3. If a significant discrepancy in the points given by two experts is established, an additional third check is assigned.

7.4. A significant discrepancy in each academic subject is determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject.

7.5. The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the PC from among the PC experts who are members of the PCF, who have not previously checked this examination paper.

7.6. The third expert checks and assigns points for the completion of all tasks with a detailed answer, the assessment positions for which in the form-protocol are not filled with an "X". The third expert is provided with information about the points given by the experts who previously checked the exam paper of the USE participant.

7.7. The distribution of work between the PC experts, the determination of the final scores for the detailed answers of the USE participants to the tasks of the examination work, as well as the determination of the need for verification by a third expert are carried out automatically, using the specialized software of the RCOI.

7.8. The resulting scores for detailed answers are determined automatically, based on the following provisions:

If the points given by two experts coincide, then these points are final;

If there is an insignificant discrepancy in the points given by two experts, then the final points are determined as the arithmetic mean of the points of the two experts rounded in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding;

If there is a significant discrepancy in the points given by two experts, then an additional third check is assigned.

7.9. The third expert's scores are final.

8. Procedure for checking detailed answers

8.1. The detailed answers of the USE participants are accepted for verification, completed only on answer forms N 2 and additional answer forms N 2, established by Rosobrnadzor of the form, and completed in accordance with the "Instructions for filling out the USE forms".

8.2. The verification of the detailed answers of the USE participants is carried out by the PC experts, guided by the criteria for evaluating the detailed answers.

8.3. The detailed answers of the USE participants are assessed by two PC experts independently. Both experts reviewing the same work independently assign points for each detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer.

8.4. Before the start of the PC, the Chairman of the PC receives from the head of the RSCI the criteria for assessing the detailed answers received from the FCT on the day of the exam.

8.5. The expert is provided with a PC expert work kit, which contains:

Depersonalized copy forms (form 2-RTSOI) with images of the detailed answers of the USE participant (hereinafter the copy form) - no more than 20 pieces in one working set;

The form-protocol (form 3-RTSOI) of the expert's verification of the detailed answers of the USE participants (hereinafter the form-protocol).

8.5.1. The copy form is an image of the answer form No. 2 of the USE participant and additional answer forms No. 2, if they were filled in by the participant, in the registration part of which are indicated:

Form-copy code;

Information about the expert appointed to check the copy forms of the working set (surname, name, patronymic of the expert, expert code);

Exam date;

Protocol number and line number in the protocol corresponding this code copy form;

CMM variant number;

The page number and the number of pages completed by the USE participant in the answer form No. 2, including the additional answer form No. 2,

Region code.

8.5.2. The form-protocol is a table in which the codes of the forms-copies of the received working set and the fields for the expert to enter the points for the answers are indicated. The registration part of the protocol form contains:

Information about the expert appointed to check the forms (surname, name, patronymic of the expert, expert code);

Name of the subject;

Exam date;

Protocol number;

Region code.

8.6. The form-protocol is a machine-readable form, and is subject to mandatory automated processing at the RSCI.

8.7. Working kits are generated (printed) for each expert in the RCRC, taking into account the PC work schedule.

8.8. The chairman of the PC receives ready-made working sets of experts from the head of the RSCI.

8.9. Experts check the work and put points in the appropriate fields of the form-protocol in accordance with the criteria for evaluating the detailed answers.

8.10. After the completion of the verification of the work of each working set, the completed form-protocol and forms-copies of the working set are transferred to the RSCI for further processing.

8.11. After carrying out the automated processing of the forms-protocols in the RTSOI, the RTSOI software automatically, without the participation of an operator, analyzes the results of the verification of works by experts. As a result of this analysis, jobs may appear that require an additional third check. The papers are sent to the third check in the event of a significant discrepancy in the assessment of the detailed answers of the exam participant by two different experts.

8.11.1. A significant discrepancy in each academic subject is determined by the assessment criteria and incorporated into the automated processing algorithm.

8.11.2. Inspection of the work assigned for the third inspection can only be carried out by an expert who is a member of the FPC in the relevant academic subject.

8.11.3. On the form-copy of the work assigned for the third review, in the registration part, for the information of the third expert, the points given by the two experts who had checked this work earlier are indicated. The third expert conducts assessment according to those assessment positions that are indicated in the form-protocol. Assessment positions that the third expert does not check in the protocol are filled with "X" symbols.

8.12. The verification of the detailed answers of the USE participants is considered complete when all the works have been checked by the experts the required number of times, and the assessment results from the forms-protocols have been analyzed by the RSCI software.

8.13. During the period of work of the PC, the chairman of the PC and (or) his deputy fixes the number of works that caused the greatest disagreement during the assessment. These works will be used further to conduct training for PC experts next year.

8.14. During the period of work of the PC, the chairman of the PC asks the head of the RSCI for statistical information on the progress of checking the detailed answers. In this case, the chairman of the PC is provided with information both on the number of works checked one, two or three times, on the number of works awaiting the first, second or third review, and on the number and percentage of works scheduled for the third review. The chairman of the PC uses the results of statistical reports to optimize the organization of the PC.

8.15. When conducting an interregional cross-check, the images of answer forms No. 2 received from another constituent entity of the Russian Federation are checked by PC experts in the general queue of works of the USE participants.

8.16. During the period of operation of the PC from the moment the criteria for evaluating the detailed answers from the RSCI are received until the end of the verification of the detailed answers of the USE participants, all rooms in which the PC works must be provided with a system of continuous video surveillance and video recording.

8.17. The organization of video surveillance in the PC rooms is provided by the OIV.

9. Organization of the work of the PC when rechecking the results of the exam

9.1. When the GEC or Rosobrnadzor makes a decision to recheck a number of papers of the USE participants, the PC experts who are members of the FPC are rechecked.

9.2. RSCI enters information about the participants of the Unified State Exam, whose works were sent by the decision of the State Electoral Commission for rechecking, to the RIS and generates (prints) sets of documents for rechecking.

9.3. The set of documents for rechecking contains:

Copies of answer forms # 2, including additional answer forms # 2;

Copies of forms-protocols for checking detailed answers;

The form of the rechecking protocol containing the expert opinion on the correctness of the assessment of the detailed answers to the tasks of this examination work;

A CMM variant performed by an exam participant.

9.4. The chairman of the PC receives the prepared kits from the head of the RSCI.

9.5. PC experts recheck the work received and fill out the rechecking protocol form.

9.6. The chairman of the PC submits the drawn up protocols of rechecking to the State Electoral Commission for approval.

9.7. Ensuring the recalculation of points based on the results of rechecking on the basis of the rechecking protocols is carried out by the RCOI together with the FTsT within the framework of its competence.

IV. Rules for the chairman and members of the subject committee

10. Rules for the chairman of the PC

10.1. Preparatory activities

10.1.1. Preparatory measures to determine the composition and qualifications of PC experts are carried out in accordance with the established procedure for conducting the GIA, the methodological materials of the FIPI, and the regulatory and methodological materials of the OIV.

10.1.2. Not later than 14 days before the start of processing materials of the exam, the chairman of the PC for the relevant academic subject agrees with the head of the RSCI the schedule for the PC during the processing of EM on this academic subject.

10.1.3. No later than 14 days before the start of the processing of the USE materials on the relevant academic subject, the chairman of the PC transmits to the head of the RSCI the schedule of work of PC experts to plan the appointment of experts to check the work; in the same document, the chairman of the PC indicates for each PC expert whether he is a member of the PCF.

10.1.4. The Chairman of the SC will agree with the head of the RSCI on the work schedule of the experts who check the blank forms;

10.2. At the stage of checking answer forms N 2, the chairman of the PC must:

10.2.1. receive from the head of the RSCI a complete set of criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer and the required number of sets of criteria for experts;

10.2.2. receive the number of working sets necessary for verification by experts as the processing and verification of the detailed responses in the RSCI is carried out;

10.2.3. before starting the work of experts, conduct briefing in accordance with the received criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks;

10.2.4. assign experts to workplaces in the provided audiences;

10.2.5. ensure the presence of only authorized persons in the classrooms - in addition to the experts and the chairman of the PC, the audience may include:

Head of the RSCI (or his deputy);

Member of the State Electoral Commission;

Officials of Rosobrnadzor or OIV carrying out an on-site (inspection) check of the procedure for conducting a GIA;

Public observers, accredited in the prescribed manner;

10.2.6. provide each expert with a set of criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer for each option and a working set for verification;

10.2.7. to ensure a working atmosphere and discipline in the work of the PC: while working, experts are prohibited from:

After completion of the work, carry out work sets and / or their parts, as well as criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks, texts of CMM tasks, etc.;

10.2.8. within the framework of their competence, resolve issues arising from experts, and, if necessary, resolve issues related to the competence of the RCOI, coordinate their decisions with the head of the RCOI;

10.2.9. control the quality of filling out the forms-protocols by experts and promptly transfer the forms-protocols and forms-copies to the RSCI;

10.2.10. promptly eliminate the difficulties encountered by experts;

10.2.11. if the working kit for a number of objective reasons has not been fully verified by the expert, then it is necessary to inform the head of the RSCI about this and give him this kit with the verification protocol;

10.2.12. copy blanks of the entire working set, which has not been fully verified by the expert, should be transferred to the head of the RSCI for reassignment to other experts;

10.2.13. upon completion of the work of the PC, hand over to the head of the RSCI all the criteria for evaluating answers to tasks with a detailed answer issued for the verification;

10.2.14. upon completion of the check, receive from the head of the RCOI a package of documents on the results of the work of the PC:

The number of works checked by each expert;

The number of works sent for the third review;

Information about the experts who showed the largest number of discrepancies in the assessment results;

10.3. when considering appeals on disagreement with the points set on the exam (hereinafter - the appeal based on the results)

10.3.1. receive from the executive secretary of the CC an appeal set of the USE participant;

10.3.2. receive from the head of the RSCI the criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer to the version of the KIM, according to which the exam participant who submitted the appeal took the exam;

10.3.3. appoint for consideration of the appeal experts who are members of the FPK, who have not previously checked this work, and transfer the above materials to them;

10.3.4. ask the executive secretary of the CC of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the time of the appeal;

10.3.6. promptly transmit to the RTSOI for Rosobrnadzor, FTsT information about the possible incorrectness of the tasks with the obligatory indication of the number of the CMM version, the task and the content of the comment;

The decision on the correctness of the assignment and on changing the points for the USE participants in the event that the assignment is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level. If the assignment is recognized as incorrect, all USE participants who completed this assignment are recalculated points.

11. Rules for PC Experts

Experts should:

11.1. on the preparatory stage undergo training and confirm qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the established procedure for conducting the GIA, methodological materials of the FIPI, as well as regulatory and methodological materials of the IEP.

11.2. to be instructed in advance on the content and technology for evaluating detailed answers, within a time frame determined by the chairman of the PC.

11.3. Experts who have not confirmed their qualifications and / or have not been instructed are not allowed to check the detailed answers;

11.4. while checking the expanded answers

11.4.1. at the direction of the chairman of the PC to take jobs in the provided classrooms;

11.4.2. receive working kits for verification;

11.4.3. maintain discipline while working;

11.4.4. while working, experts are prohibited from:

Change jobs on your own;

Use communication means, photo and video equipment, portable personal computers (laptops, PDAs and others);

Without good reason leave the audience;

Negotiate, if we are not talking about consulting with the chairman of the PC or with an expert appointed by the decision of the chairman of the PC, a consultant;

Upon completion of the work, carry out the work kits and / or their parts, as well as the criteria for evaluating the detailed answers;

If an expert has questions or problems, he should contact the chairman of the PC or the head of the RSCI (his deputy), who solve them within their competence;

11.4.5. start checking the expanded answers by following these rules:

Fill in the fields of the form-protocol should be printed in capital letters of black gel pen strictly within the fields of the form-protocol;

Using a pencil (even for rough notes), pens with light ink and putty to correct what has been written is unacceptable (the presence of lead or putty on the scanned letterhead can seriously damage the scanner);

The corrections made must be unambiguously interpreted, all corrections are recorded and certified by the expert's signature (the corresponding entries are made below in the form-protocol);

If the USE participant did not start the task, then in the field in which there should be a score for this answer to the task in the form-protocol, you should put an "X" mark;

If the USE participant started the assignment, then in the corresponding field (fields) of the form-protocol, the corresponding score (points) should be entered from zero to the maximum possible, specified in the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer;

If the USE participant performed an alternative task, then the number of the alternative task selected by the USE participant should be entered in the corresponding field of the protocol form;

11.4.6. after completing the completion of the form-protocol, put the date, signature in the corresponding fields of the form-protocol and transfer the working set to the chairman of the PC for transfer for processing;

11.5. when checking blank answer forms N 2:

11.5.1. receive instructions from the head of the RCOI;

11.5.2. view from the screen images of blank answer forms N 2;

11.5.3. if there are records, signs, drawings or notes on the image that can be regarded as an answer to the task with a detailed answer or confirmation that the USE participant has started to complete the task or had the opportunity to complete it, but did not complete it for some reason, to certify (note in software) that the image is complete;

11.5.4. in the absence of records related to the answer to the tasks, certify (mark in the software) that the image is not filled;

11.5.5. images identified by at least one of the reviewing experts as completed are sent to the PC for review.

Images determined by all reviewing experts as blank refer to answers to tasks that the USE participant did not start. In this case, automatically by means of RIS, the answers are assessed at zero points for completing each task with a detailed answer;

11.6. when considering appeals about disagreement with the points on the exam:

11.6.1. receive from the chairman of the PC copies of answer forms No. 2, forms-protocols for checking work by experts, criteria for assessing the performance of the task with a detailed answer to the KIM version, according to which the USE participant who submitted the appeal took the exam;

11.6.2. review the work of the appellant, as well as analyze the previous assessment of the work;

11.6.3. ask the chairman of the PC for the time of consideration of the appeal and arrive at the specified time at the CC;

11.6.4. if the appellant or the CC has any complaints about the assessment of the detailed answers, give appropriate explanations;

11.6.5. draw up a conclusion on the correctness of the assessment of the detailed answers for which the appeal was filed;

11.6.6. if errors or incorrect tasks are found in the CMM, it is necessary to inform the chairman of the PC about this with the obligatory indication of the CMM version number, task and content of the remark.

The decision on the correctness of the assignment and on changing the points for the USE participants in the event that the assignment is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level. If the assignment is recognized as incorrect, all USE participants who completed this assignment are recalculated points in accordance with the regulatory act of Rosobrnadzor.

These indicators can be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of academic subjects.

Indicator: Percentage of items / assessment criteria for which the expert's assessments did not coincide with the assessments developed when agreeing on approaches to assessing detailed answers.

Indicator: Percentage of tasks / assessment criteria, the discrepancy in which was 2 or more points on the task / assessment criterion

Appendix 2

Recommended changes to the Regulations on the State Examination Commission in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and to the Regulations on the Subject Commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Section of the Regulations, which is amended The wording
The composition of subject commissions on a general education subject includes specialists who meet the following requirements: - higher education; - compliance with the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards; - work experience in organizations that carry out educational activities and implement educational programs of secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education (at least three years); - the presence of a document confirming the receipt of additional professional education, including practical exercises (at least 18 hours) on the assessment of samples of examination papers in accordance with the assessment criteria for the relevant academic subject, determined by Rosobrnadzor - the presence of the status of a leading, senior or the main expert.
Section "Structure and composition of the PC" The functionality available to an expert is determined by the status assigned to him: - the leading expert has the right to be appointed chairman or deputy chairman of the PC, to supervise the preparation and / or training of experts at the regional level, to participate in interregional cross-checks, to be involved in the consideration of appeals on the subject, to carry out verification and rechecking of works as part of the PC, including as a third expert. - the senior expert has the right to check and recheck the fulfillment of tasks with a detailed USE answer as part of the PC, including being appointed for the third check on the fulfillment of tasks with a detailed USE answer, be involved in the consideration of appeals on the subject, participate in interregional cross-checks; - the main expert has the right to carry out the first / or second check of the tasks performed with the detailed USE answer as part of the PC.
Section "Structure and composition of the PC" The third expert is appointed automatically from among the members of the subject commission who have the status of a leading expert or a senior expert who have not previously checked this examination work.
Section "Structure and composition of the PC" When organizing the exchange of exam papers by USE participants between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, experts who have been assigned the status of a leading expert or a senior expert in the current year are involved in checking such papers.
The item "The Chairman of the PC during the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam carries out" During the preparation and holding of the Unified State Exam, the Chairman of the PC carries out: - organization of annual training (training seminars) for specialists, taking into account the results of the analysis of the consistency of the work of experts and statistics of satisfied appeals; - submission of proposals to the GEC on the composition of the subject commissions, on the candidatures of experts proposed for inclusion in the subject commissions created by Rosobrnadzor; - organization of coordination of approaches to assessment between experts, held on the day the examination of the exam papers of the USE participants begins; - selection of experts to engage in work in the conflict commission, from among experts who have been assigned the status of a leading expert or a senior expert in the current year; - selection of exam papers by USE participants, which caused difficulties in assessment.
The item "The Chairman of the PC during the preparation and holding of the exam must" During the preparation and holding of the Unified State Exam, the Chairman of the PC has the right to participate in annual seminars on the coordination of approaches to assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination, organized by FGBNU "FIPI".
The item "A member of the PC during the preparation and conduct of the exam must" A PC member during the preparation and conduct of the USE is obliged to pass an annual qualification test, according to the results of which an expert can be assigned one or another status.

Recommended changes to the Regulations on the Conflict Commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Appendix 3

Approximate schedule
holding events for the training of experts and the formation of subject commissions

p / p
Event Term
1. Amendments to regulatory documents at the regional level Until February 17
2. Evaluation of works from an interregional bank by specialists applying for the status of leading experts November December
3. Collecting information about participants applying for the positions of PC leaders in face-to-face seminars to agree on approaches to assessing the detailed answers of USE participants December
4. Conducting face-to-face seminars to agree on approaches to assessing the detailed answers of USE participants January February
5. Submission to the FGBNU "FIPI" lists of candidates for chairpersons of PCs formed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Until March 1
6. Rosobrnadzor's approval of the candidates for chairmen of the PC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Until March 10
7. Preparation of PC experts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for checking the exam papers of the Unified State Examination in 2014 February March
8. Assigning statuses to experts of the PC Unified State Exam March
9. Formation of PC of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation until April 01
10. Formation of PCs created by Rosobrnadzor Until April 01
11. Conducting operational approval for the assessment of detailed responses The first day of checking works on the subject
12. Selection of exam papers by USE participants that caused difficulties in assessment for inclusion in the interregional bank of papers In the process of checking works

Document overview

The procedure for the formation of the structure of the HEC is considered. The main powers are listed. The commission organizes the work on the preparation and conduct of the GIA, makes decisions on admission to certification, forms the necessary reports, considers proposals on the composition of the subject commission, etc. The term of office is 1 year.

As a rule, the GEC meets on a schedule. Based on the results of the commission's work, this year, a certificate is being prepared on the conduct of the GIA in the region, including information on the composition of the participants, on the results of certification, on the problems that have occurred.

The composition of the commission is formed from persons who meet the following requirements. Higher education. Compliance with the qualification requirements specified in reference books and (or) in professional standards. Work experience in educational organizations for at least 3 years. Availability of a document confirming the receipt of additional vocational education, including practical exercises (not less than 18 hours) on the assessment of samples of examination papers. The person has passed a special qualification test.

The procedures for checking and processing examination materials have been adjusted. For Russian language and mathematics, the latter must be completed no later than 6 calendar days after the exam. For other academic subjects - no later than 4 calendar days. For exams that are held ahead of schedule and at additional dates - no later than 3 calendar days.

On June 30, the main period for passing the Unified State Exam will end. One of the first tests was the Russian language and mathematics. School graduates had to successfully pass exams in these subjects in order to receive a school certificate.

The works of the participants were checked by highly qualified experts from regional subject commissions. In an interview, they talked about the peculiarities of the work of graduates of 2016, the main mistakes and positive trends, and also shared their own experience of participating in the Unified State Exam for teachers.

Victoria Zareshina, an expert of the regional subject commission of the Unified State Exam in Russian language and literature, has been checking the work of the commission since 2010:

- What does it take to become an expert?

- In my opinion, first of all - professionalism. Secondly, patience and love for your subject. There is a child behind each work and it must be checked very carefully in order to be not only satisfied with the quality of the check and the work itself, but also so that absolutely everyone, including children who will receive the result, are satisfied with it, so that there is no stress.

- Did you take the exam after leaving school?

- Not. But this year there is a new trend in society - surrender Unified State Exam by teachers, I took part in it and passed the Russian language.

- What are your impressions on the other side of the exam, from the student's point of view?

- It was interesting to me. When I left the classroom where the exam was being held, I realized that this was the most interesting experience of the latest events in my life.

- In your opinion, what is feature of the exam In Russian?

- I think that it is not only educational result, but also the result of personal development, the level and depth of understanding of issues, the ability to reason. And these results, first of all, are shown by the essay.

- What is the trend among current graduates in exam writing compared to graduates of previous years?

- I cannot judge in general. I can tell you about the jobs that I encountered this year. I checked the texts of the guys about the understanding of female beauty, the influence of art on a person, the values ​​of family life. This is an indicator of an even greater depth of knowledge and trepidation of children in the approach to how they cover these issues. The work is getting more serious.

- What mistakes do graduates make most often?

- First of all, this is speech. Speech error, lexical combination of words, stylistically incorrectly selected words. As for the spelling, it has now begun to suffer less. At the very least, children can choose the lexical material that they will use in the text, and avoid certain difficulties in spelling, punctuation and speech.

- It turns out that mistakes in vocabulary and style are made to a greater extent?

- Yes. These are some of the most difficult types of mistakes children make.

Pavel Samsonov, Director of Lyceum No. 86 named after M.E. Katukova, an expert of the regional subject commission of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, has been checking the work on the commission since 2009:

- What does it take to become a USE expert in mathematics?

- First of all, you need knowledge of the subject itself - elementary mathematics. Then, at a minimum, it is necessary to understand the various approaches, methods and methods of solving problems in accordance with the verification criteria. And, thirdly, it is necessary to understand that the works are written by children. It is necessary to clearly classify those mistakes that they make into significant and insignificant ones that affect the decision or were made inadvertently.

- Is there a trend towards progress in the work of children over time?

- Yes, absolutely. At least in comparison with previous years, when there were a large number of jobs in which children simply did not perform and did not even undertake difficult tasks, this year the work is absolutely complete. Children take on difficult tasks. They strive to obtain a meaningful result, to achieve a decent result, to have the opportunity to compete with other children, with whom they will then enter universities.

- What, in your opinion, are the features of the work of current graduates?

- I would not say that the works of this year are any special in comparison with the previous years. In this case, it is more correct to say that they have more motivation. Indeed, in essence, the Unified State Exam is the right of strong students to study at strong and leading universities in the country.

- What mistakes are most often made by graduates in the mathematics exam?

- If we talk about mistakes that primarily relate to the knowledge of the field of mathematics, then this is most often the application of this or that law in those cases where it cannot be applied. And more narrowly, these are cases when the guys cannot determine for themselves which specific task they are currently capable of, and which should be postponed for now. There is no principle that a child first chooses the simplest task for himself, and then from the rest.

- What advice could you give to future graduates on writing the Unified State Exam?

The subject commission includes the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman and experts.

The size of the commission is determined based on the number of graduates of general educational institutions (hereinafter - graduates) and those entering educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education (hereinafter - applicants), who will take the Unified State Examination and GVE in the corresponding general education subject in the current year, as well as taking into account the timing and standards for checking answers to tasks with a detailed answer on a given general education subject.

The commission as experts includes teachers of general educational institutions of the region, methodologists, teachers of vocational education institutions according to the profile of the commission, who have completed a specialized training course on the technology of checking examination papers within the Unified State Exam and the State High Examination.

For the conduct of office work, a technical secretary may be included in the subject commission.

    Powers, functions and organization of the work of the subject commission

      The subject commission carries out its work during the state (final) certification of graduates of educational institutions and entrance examinations in colleges and universities. The organizational and technological support of the procedure for checking the detailed answers of the Unified State Examination and examination papers of the GVE is carried out by the RCOI. The responsibility for organizing the work of the Commission and the results of checking the detailed answers and examination papers of the GVE are borne by the Chairman of the Commission and the head of the RSCI within their competence. In the event of situations that are not provided for by these Regulations, the decision is made by the Chairman of the Commission and / or the head of the RSCI within his competence with the obligatory subsequent notification of the GEC.

3.2. Subject commission within the framework of the exam:

accepts for consideration in the relevant general education subject answers to tasks with a detailed answer of the USE participants, completed only on answer forms No. 2 and additional answer forms No. 2, approved by Rosobrnadzor form, and completed in accordance with the "Rules for filling out the USE forms";

checks and evaluates answers to tasks with a detailed answer in accordance with the established requirements and instructions;

draws up and sends to the RCROI protocols of the results of checking answers to tasks with a detailed answer;

draws up and submits to the State Commission for Electricity Control a final report on the results of the work of the subject commission.

The subject commission has the right:

to request, within their competence, information and explanations from the RSCI and, if necessary, from the organization that, on behalf of Rosobrnadzor, provides organizational and technological support for the USE at the federal level;

to prepare and submit to the management of the State Energy Commission proposals on the content of tasks with a detailed answer, requirements and criteria for evaluating the answers to be sent to the authorized federal executive body in the field of education;

prepare and transmit to the management of the GEC information on typical mistakes in the responses of graduates and applicants and in recommended measures to improve the training of students in the relevant general education subject;

report the detection of incorrect tasks in the GEC in CMMs.

The subject commission is located in the immediate vicinity of the RSCI in specially designated and equipped rooms for these purposes, which allow to restrict access of unauthorized persons and ensure compliance with the information security regime and proper storage conditions for documentation.

After the end of the primary processing, the minutes of the subject commission remain in the RSCI, where they are stored as documents of strict reporting for one year.

    The structure of the subject commission

Subject Commission headed by the chairman, who organizes its work and is responsible for the timely and objective verification of answers to tasks with a detailed answer.

The chairman of the subject commission, within the framework of his competence, is subordinate to the chairman and deputy chairman of the SEC.

The deputy chairman of the subject commission is subordinate to the chairman of the subject commission; in the absence of the chairman of the subject commission, he performs his duties.

    Responsibility of experts

An expert can be excluded from the subject committee in the following cases:

providing false information about yourself;

loss of reporting documents;

non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him;

the emergence of a conflict of interest (the presence of close relatives who participate in the exam in the current year).

The decision to exclude an expert from the composition of the subject commission is made by the SEC on the basis of a reasoned presentation by the chairman of the subject commission.

In the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to them, non-compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts for the USE, violation of confidentiality and information security requirements, as well as abuse of established powers committed out of mercenary or other personal interest, experts are held accountable in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation.

6. Rules for the work of the subject commission when checking the detailed answers of the USE participants

    Organization of verification of answers to tasks with a detailed answer

      The distribution of work between the experts and the assignment of work for the third check are carried out automatically at the RCRO using the algorithms and software provided by the FCT.

      RSCI prepares work kits for experts in accordance with clause 7.6 of this document.

      The Chairman of the Commission receives a set of working kits for experts from the head of the RSCI on the day of the audit.

      The Chairman of the Commission submits to the experts the corresponding working sets for verification.

      Verification of answers to tasks of examination work with a detailed answer is carried out according to the "Methodology for checking answers to tasks of examination work with a detailed answer".

      The experts, checking the detailed answers, put points in the machine-readable form-protocol, which is provided by the RSCI in the working kit.

      Upon completion of the examination of the examination papers of one working set, the expert hands over the working set to the chairman of the Commission.

      The Chairman of the Commission hands over to the head of the RSCI, as soon as they are ready, the completed forms-protocols for further processing.

    Methodology for checking detailed answers to the tasks of the KIM USE

    1. The answers of the USE participants to the tasks of the examination paper with a detailed answer are assessed by two independent experts.

      Both experts independently, based on the results of the check, give points for each answer to the task with a detailed answer or for each assessment position (if the answer to the task is assessed separately for each assessment position) according to the criteria for evaluating the performance of the tasks with a detailed answer provided by the FTsT.

      The resulting scores for answers to tasks with a detailed answer are determined automatically, based on the following provisions (except for general education subjects, in the criteria for evaluating the detailed answers of which it is indicated otherwise):

    if the scores of two experts coincide, then the score obtained is final;

    if there is an insignificant difference in the scores given by two experts, then the final score is determined as the arithmetic mean of the scores of the two experts, rounded up;

    if there is a significant difference in scores in the assessment of tasks with a detailed answer, then an additional third check is assigned.

A significant discrepancy in each general education subject is determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding general education subject.

      The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject commission from among the members of the subject commission who have not previously checked this examination paper.

      The third expert checks and assigns points only for those answers to tasks (assessment positions) in which a discrepancy in the points of the two experts was found. The third expert is provided with information about the points given by the experts who previously checked the exam paper of the USE participant. The third expert's scores are final.

      The distribution of work to members of subject commissions, the determination of the final scores for the answers of the USE participants to the tasks of the examination work with a detailed answer, as well as the determination of the need for verification by a third expert, are carried out automatically, using specialized hardware and software of the RSCI.

      The Chairman of the Commission ensures the strict fulfillment by the experts of the following requirement (except for general education subjects, in the criteria for evaluating the detailed answers of which it is indicated otherwise): in the set of answer forms No. 2 received for work, the experts consistently check the answers of the USE participants to tasks C1 in all received answer forms No. 2, then check the answers to tasks C2, etc.

    Rules for the Chairman of the Commission

    1. Preparatory activities

      1. to receive from the Department of Education the lists of subject specialists approved by the State Electoral Commission, sent for training in the content and technology of evaluating the answers of the USE participants to the tasks with a detailed answer and the works of the GVE;

        to provide subject specialists with the necessary materials to check the examination papers;

        instruct subject specialists on the content and technology of assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer and filling out the necessary documents based on the results of the check;

        to identify, based on the results of the work of subject specialists, who systematically give overestimated, underestimated or unstable marks in comparison with other subject specialists for the same answers;

        make a decision to exclude such specialists from the trainees or to conduct re-instruction and additional training sessions;

        set the number of training sessions for experts, based on the need to ensure a minimum discrepancy in the assessment results and productivity sufficient to complete all work on time;

        determine the composition of subject specialists recommended for work in the Commission, based on the results of training;

        to send a list of subject specialists recommended for work in the Commission to the State Commission for Electrochemistry for approval as members of the Commission - experts;

        obtain from the HEC approved personnel Commissions;

        no later than a week before the start of the processing of the USE or GVE materials, the chairman of the Commission for the relevant general education subject submits to the head of the RSCI the work schedule of the Commission members to plan the appointment of experts to check the work.

        in the same document, the chairman of the Commission indicates the admission of each of the members of the Commission to the third audit. The number of experts admitted to the third check should be no more than 25% of the total number of experts.

        The Chairman of the Commission will agree with the head of the RSCI on the work schedule of the experts conducting the examination of the blank USE forms.

    2. at the stage of checking answer forms No. 2 of the exam

      1. agree with the GEC and the head of the RSCI on the start time for checking answers to tasks with a detailed answer and determining empty (unfilled) answer forms No. 2;

        to appoint a group of experts (at least two) to work in the RSCI conducting the verification of blank forms;

        receive from the head of the RSCI a complete set of criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer (hereinafter referred to as the criteria) and the required number of sets of criteria for experts;

        get the number of work kits required for verification by experts;

        before starting the work of experts, conduct briefing in accordance with the received criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks;

        assign experts to workplaces in the provided audiences;

        In addition to the experts and the Chairman of the Commission, the audience may include:

    head of the RSCI (or his deputy);

    authorized representative of the SEC;

    officials of Rosobrnadzor or the Department of Education carrying out an on-site (inspection) check of the Unified State Exam Procedure.

        provide each expert with a set of criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer for each option and a working set for verification;

        to provide a working atmosphere and discipline in the work of the Commission.

        While working, experts are prohibited from:


    to carry out work sets and / or their parts after completion of work, as well as criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks.

        within the framework of their competence, resolve issues arising from experts, and, if necessary, resolve issues related to the competence of the RCOI, coordinate their decisions with the head of the RCOI;

        control the quality of filling out the forms-protocols by experts and promptly transfer the forms-protocols and forms-copies to the RSCI;

        promptly eliminate the difficulties encountered by experts;

        if the working kit for a number of objective reasons has not been fully verified by the expert, then it is necessary to inform the head of the RSCI about this and give him this kit with the verification protocol;

        Forms-copies of the entire working set, not fully verified by the expert, will be reassigned to other experts in the RCOI. The head of the RSCI decides this issue in the working order;

        upon completion of the work of the subject commission, hand over to the head of the RSCI all the criteria for evaluating assignments with a detailed answer issued by the subject commission before the check;

        upon completion of the check, receive from the head of the RCIO a package of documents on the results of the Commission's work:

    the number of works checked by each expert;

    the number of works sent for the third review;

    information about the experts who showed the largest number of discrepancies in the assessment results.

      when considering appeals on disagreement with the points set for the Unified State Examination or GVE (hereinafter - the appeal based on the results)

      1. receive from the executive secretary of the conflict commission copies of the answer forms No. 2 of the Unified State Exam and the forms-protocols; examination work of the GVE;

        to receive from the head of the RSCI the assessment criteria for assignments with a detailed answer to the version of the KIM, according to which the USE participant who submitted the appeal took the exam; tasks for the examination work of the GVE;

        appoint for consideration of the appeal two experts who have not previously reviewed this work, and transfer the above materials to them;

        ask the executive secretary of the Commission for the time of consideration of the appeal;

        send experts to the Commission for consideration of the appeal at the specified time;

      promptly transfer to the RTSOI for Rosobrnadzor, FTsT information about the possible incorrectness of tasks with the obligatory indication of the number of the CMM version, the task and the content of the comment.

      the decision on the correctness of the assignment and on changing the points for the USE participants in the event that the assignment is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level. If the assignment is recognized as incorrect, all USE participants who completed this assignment are recalculated points.

    Rules for experts

Experts should:

      to be instructed in advance on the content and technology of assessing tasks with a detailed answer, within the time frame determined by the chairman of the Commission;

Experts who have not been instructed are not allowed to check answers to tasks with a detailed answer.

      while checking answers to tasks with a detailed answer

      1. at the direction of the Chairman of the Commission to take jobs in the provided auditoriums;

        receive working kits for verification;

        maintain discipline while working;

        while working, experts are prohibited from:

    independently change jobs;

    use communication means, photo and video equipment, portable personal computers (laptops, PDAs and others);

    leave the audience without a valid reason;


    upon completion of the work, carry out the work sets and / or their parts, as well as the assessment criteria for assignments with a detailed answer.

    if an expert has questions or problems, he should contact the chairman of the Commission or the head of the RSCI (his deputy), who solve them within their competence.

        start checking answers to tasks with a detailed answer, following the following rules:

    fill in the required fields of the form-protocol should be printed in capital letters black gel with a pen strictly inside the fields of the form-protocol;

    using a pencil (even for rough notes), light-colored pens, and putty to correct what has been written unacceptable(the presence of lead or putty on the scanned letterhead can cause serious damage to the scanner);

    the corrections made must be unambiguously interpreted, all corrections are recorded and certified by the expert's signature (the corresponding entries are made below in the form-protocol);

    if the USE participant did not begin the assignment, then in the field in which the score for the given answer to the assignment in the form-protocol should be placed, the mark " X ";

    if the USE participant started the assignment, then in the corresponding field (fields) of the protocol form, the corresponding score (points) should be entered from zero to the maximum possible, specified in the criteria for evaluating the performance of assignments with a detailed answer;

    if the USE participant performed an alternative task, then the number of the alternative task selected by the USE participant should be entered in the corresponding field of the protocol form.

        after completing the completion of the form-protocol, put the date, sign in the appropriate fields of the form-protocol and hand over the working set to the chairman of the Commission for transfer for processing;

      when examining blank answer forms No. 2:

      1. receive instructions from the head of the RCOI;

        view from the screen images of blank answer forms No. 2;

        if there are records, signs, drawings or notes on the image that can be regarded as an answer to the task with a detailed answer or confirmation that the USE participant has started to complete the task or had the opportunity to complete it, but did not complete it for some reason, to certify that image filled;

        in the absence of records related to the answer to the tasks, verify that the image not filled;

        images identified by at least one of the reviewing experts as completed are sent to the Commission for review.
        The images determined by all reviewing experts as unfilled belong to the category of answers to tasks that the USE participant did not start, and are evaluated at zero points for completing each task with a detailed answer using the RTSOI software package.

      when considering appeals of disagreement with the points set for the Unified State Exam or GVE:

      1. receive from the chairman of the Commission copies of answer forms No. 2, forms-protocols for checking work by experts, assessment criteria for assignments with a detailed answer to the KIM version, according to which the exam participant who submitted the appeal took the exam; examination work of the GVE;

        review the work of the appellant, as well as analyze the previous assessment of the work;

        ask the chairman of the Commission for the time of consideration of the appeal and arrive at the specified time in the Conflict Commission;

        if the appellant or the Conflict Commission has any complaints about the assessment of answers to tasks with a detailed answer, give appropriate explanations;

      draw up a conclusion on the correctness of the assessment of answers to tasks with a detailed answer, for which an appeal was filed;

      if errors or incorrect tasks are found in the CMM, it is necessary to inform the Chairman of the Commission about this with the obligatory indication of the number of the CMM version, the task and the content of the comment. The decision on the correctness of the assignment and on changing the points for the USE participants in the event that the assignment is recognized as incorrect is made at the federal level. If the assignment is recognized as incorrect, all USE participants who completed this assignment are recalculated points in accordance with the regulatory act of Rosobrnadzor.

Appendix No. 8

to the order of the Department of Education

administration of the Vladimir region

Rules for Participants of the Unified State Exam

    a common part

1.1. USE participants are students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education in educational institutions with state accreditation, regardless of their organizational and legal form and subordination (hereinafter - general educational institutions), as well as in educational institutions that do not have state accreditation, either in the form of family education or self-education, or in foreign educational institutions admitted in the prescribed manner to the state (final) certification (hereinafter - graduates of the current year).

Also, participants in the exam can be:

students and graduates of educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;

graduates of educational institutions of previous years who have a state document on secondary (complete) general education, including persons who have a validity period of a previously obtained certificate of USE results has not expired (hereinafter - graduates of previous years);

citizens with secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign states.

1.2. The exam in the region is conducted in the following general subjects: Russian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, social studies, geography, literature, English, French, German languages, informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT). At the same time, at the stage of state (final) certification, participation in the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and mathematics is mandatory, in other general education subjects it is voluntary.

1.3. Exams begin at 10:00 local time. The start time of exams is recorded in the pass for the exam. For preparatory activities (briefing, filling out the registration area of ​​the USE forms, etc.), up to 30 minutes is allocated, which is not included in the duration of the examination work.

1.4. The administration of the educational institution is obliged to familiarize graduates with necessary documents that determine the procedure for holding the USE, with demo versions of KIMs, USE forms and other information related to the procedure for holding the USE and the use of its results. Persons who received secondary (complete) education in previous years, as well as in foreign educational institutions, should familiarize themselves with all this information in the media, in which until February 01 the official publication of normative legal acts is also carried out on the website of the Department of Education.

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  • Instructional and methodological materials on the organization and conduct of the state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general education with the participation of the Regional Examination Commission of the Khanty-Mansiysk

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  • Law

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  • Program and guidelines for the organization and conduct of state certification and self-assessment of organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education


    Rule approval state appraisals organizations Education "(hereinafter - the Rules), the Instruction bythe organization and holdingstate appraisals organizations education approved ...

    • Appeal is a procedure to protect the interests of an exam participant in case of violations of the established procedure for conducting an exam and (or) disagreement with the points awarded, based on the assumption that there are technical or expert errors in evaluating the examiner's work. An appeal on violation of the established procedure for conducting an exam in the PPE is submitted to a member of the state examination commission of the subject of the Russian Federation on the day of the exam, without leaving the PPE. An appeal about disagreement with the points set is submitted by students to the educational organization, by which they were admitted to the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, by graduates of previous years - to the places in which they were registered for the USE. Read more about the rules for filing appeals in the section

      Special, approved by Rosobrnadzor, forms for registration of responses to USE assignments... There are 4 types of USE forms: registration form, answer form No. 1 for tasks with a short answer, answer form No. 2 for tasks with a detailed answer, additional answer form no. 2... The USE participant enters his personal data into the registration form. Answers to exam tasks fit into answer forms No. 1 and No. 2 and, if necessary, into additional answer form No. 2 in strict accordance with the sample, filling rules and instructions in the CMM.

      State Final Exam (GVE) is a form of state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education using texts, topics, assignments, tickets - for students of educational programs of secondary general education in special educational institutions of a closed type, as well as in institutions performing punishment in the form of imprisonment, for students receiving secondary general education as part of the development of educational programs of secondary vocational education, including educational programs of secondary vocational education, integrated with educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, for students with disabilities or for students with disabilities and disabled children in educational programs of secondary general education, for students who have mastered educational programs of secondary general education in educational institutions in 2014-2018 located in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.

      State final certification (GIA) is a form of assessing the degree and level of mastering by students of 11 (12) basic educational programs that meet the requirements of the federal state educational standard. GIA is conducted in the form of a unified state exam (USE), as well as in the form of a state final exam (GVE). The GIA is also carried out in the form established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education (for students in educational programs of basic general education, who studied their native language and native literature (national literature in their native language) and chose the exam in native language and / or native literature for passing the GIA).

      The State Examination Commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (GEC) is a commission that organizes, coordinates and controls the preparation and conduct of the GIA on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The Chairman of the SEC considers the results of the SIA and makes decisions on the approval, change and (or) cancellation of the results of the SIA for each academic subject. GECs are created in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation from representatives of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state control in the field of education, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of education, local government bodies, educational organizations, scientific, public and other organizations and associations. The chairman and deputy chairman of the GEC for conducting the GIA are approved by Rosobrnadzor.

      Demos - demo versions of GIA control measuring materials, which are placed in the public domain and are designed to train exam participants. Demo versions make it possible to get an idea of ​​the structure and content of exam tasks, their number, form, level of difficulty.

      The Unified State Exam (USE) is a form of state final attestation (GIA) for educational programs of secondary general education. Serves at the same time as the final exam at school and the entrance exam to the university. The Unified State Exam is carried out according to uniform rules, using control measuring materials of a standardized form and a single methodology for assessing the work performed. To date, the USE is conducted in 14 general education subjects, two of which (Russian and mathematics) are mandatory for obtaining a certificate of graduation from a Russian school.

      Individual set of the USE participant. This is a sealed envelope in A4 + format, which is given to each exam participant. Has means of information security, in particular, two barcodes with digital numbers. The envelope contains the following: KIM, registration form, answer form No. 1, answer form No. 2, as well as additional materials, if their availability is provided for this exam. IC is issued to the USE participant immediately before the start of the exam. IC and its contents are prohibited for unauthorized copying.

      Control measuring materials (CMM) - examination materials different types, which are issued to the participants of the GIA on the exam. CMMs are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard by the specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FIPI".

      Conflict commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - commissions that accept and consider appeals of students, graduates of previous years on the violation of the established procedure for conducting the GIA, as well as on disagreement with the points awarded; make, based on the results of consideration of the appeal, a decision on the satisfaction or rejection of appeals of students, graduates of previous years; inform students, graduates of previous years who filed appeals, and (or) their parents (legal representatives), as well as the SEC about the decisions made.

      Public observers are accredited and properly trained persons involved in strengthening control over the course of the GIA. Observers can be present at the PPE during the USE, where they monitor compliance with examination procedures, as well as in regional information processing centers, when checking examination papers and when considering appeals. The rules for accrediting citizens as public observers in order to ensure compliance with the procedure for conducting state final certification are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 312 dated April 6, 2017 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Accrediting Citizens as Public Observers during State Final Certification. educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren and schoolchildren Olympiads, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2013 No. 491 "

      A student with disabilities (student with disabilities) - an individual who has disabilities in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing education without creating special conditions. For the participants of the GIA with disabilities, exams are organized taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and state of health.

      The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, exercising state administration in the field of education.

      The organizers of the Unified State Exam are persons involved in organizing the Unified State Exam in the PPE. The organizers are persons who have undergone appropriate training and meet the requirements for employees of the PPE. When the USE is held in a subject, the organizers do not include specialists in this academic subject. It is not allowed to involve as organizers of the PPE teaching staff who are teachers of students who pass the exam in this PPE (with the exception of PPE organized in hard-to-reach and remote areas, in organizations carrying out educational activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign institutions, as well as in institutions of the penal system).

      Online observers are public observers who monitor the progress of the Unified State Exam in the PPE in the online video broadcast mode. Online observers record detected violations, which are promptly reported to Rosobrnadzor for appropriate action.

      The exam point is a building (structure) that is used for the exam. The territory of the PPE is the area inside the building (structure) or part of the building allocated for the USE. The territory of the PPE includes an entrance indicated by a stationary metal detector. In the case of using portable metal detectors, the entrance to the PPE is the place where the authorized persons carry out work using the specified metal detectors. The number and location of the PPE is determined based on the total participants of the exam, territorial availability and capacity of the classroom fund. The number of PPEs should be formed taking into account the maximum possible filling of the PPE and the optimal scheme of the organized arrival of the USE participants in the PPE (travel time, transport accessibility, etc.).

      Subject commissions (PC) are commissions created in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation for individual academic subjects for which the Unified State Exam is held. As part of the examination of the exam papers of the USE participants, subject commissions accept examination papers (responses to tasks with a detailed answer) for consideration and check the responses of the USE participants and evaluate them in accordance with the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject, the development of which is organized by Rosobrnadzor.

      RSCI is an organization that provides organizational and technological support for conducting a GIA on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including providing activities for the operation of regional information systems and interaction with the federal information system, processing of examination papers of students, graduates of previous years.

      A document defining the structure and content of the CMM in the academic subject. The specification describes the purpose of the examination work, establishes the distribution of tasks by content, type of activity and level of complexity, approves the assessment system for individual tasks and work as a whole, indicates the conditions for conducting and checking the results of the exam. On the basis of the plan of the examination work contained in the specification, the CMM is formed.

      The USE results, which are set on a 100-point scale as a result of the scaling procedure, taking into account all the statistical materials obtained as part of the USE of a given year.

      Students admitted in accordance with the established procedure to the GIA; graduates of previous years and other categories of persons determined by the Procedure, admitted to passing the exam

      The subordinate organization of Rosobrnadzor, engaged in the development and testing of control measuring materials for the state final certification of school graduates, scientific research related to measurements in the field of education and assessment of the quality of education, professional training scientific and teaching staff in the field of pedagogical measurements and assessment of the quality of education.

      The process of forming test scales according to the rules of accrual test points based on testing results based on statistical data.