Where to get a password and activation code for public services. How to find out the results of the ege on passport data Registration code OGE how to find out

How to apply for participation in the exam?

Graduates of the past years apply for participation in the exam in places of registration of Moscow to 1st of February. To submit an application, it is necessary to have a document certifying the identity, the original of the education document (certificate of the development of medium-sized programs (full) education or a diploma on medium vocational education) and reduss (if any).

Educational secondary vocational educational institutions and foreign educational organizations with it necessary to have a document certifying the identity, a certificate (established sample) from the educational organization in which they are trained confirming the development of educational programs of secondary education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current academic year.

After February 1 Application for participation in EGE studying, graduates of past years, persons studying on educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as students receiving secondary education in foreign educational organizations, is adopted by decision of the state examination commission only if the applicant has good reasons (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documented) no later than two weeks before the start of the exams.

How and where to get a notice for the exam, what do you need to have with you?

Graduates of the current year are in their educational organization, at the place of study. Graduates of past years and students on educational programs of secondary vocational education go to the place of registration with a document certifying the identity at the addresses:

  • moscow, Tetherian lane, d. 2a, p. 1;
  • moscow, Zelenograd, k. 1128;
  • moscow, Semenovskaya Square, d. 4;
  • moscow, Moscow, microdistrict 1, d.47;
  • moscow, Aerodromnaya Street, House 9.

Information on receiving exams for exams for the participants of GIA-11 (EGE, HBE), the final essay (presentation)

How to find out your results?

You can get acquainted with the results on the portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow (PGU.MOS.ru). To do this, you need to register on the portal, then go to the section "Education, Study", "The results of GIA (EGE, OGE, HBE), the final essay (presentation)." The proposed fields are filled (the registration code is written on the notification).

Graduates of past years can also receive their results at: Semenovskaya Square, D.4, upon presentation of a document certifying personality.

Graduates of this year can familiarize themselves with their results in their educational organization.

Instructions for viewing the results of exams and images of the forms of answers of the participants of the exam and GEE on the portal of city services of the city of Moscow

What if I do not agree with the scores?

With disagreement with the scores, you can file an appeal of disagreement with the scores.

Graduates of past years are applied for disagreement with exposed points at the address: Semenovskaya Square, house 4.

Graduates of the current year - in their educational organization.

What if I did not appear on a valid reason?

In the absence of an examination on a valid reason, you need for two working days from the date of the exam and no later than three days before the date of the exam, contact the State Examination Commission with a document confirming the valid reason and the identity document. The public reception of the State Examination Commission is located at: Semenovskaya Square, House 4.

Graduates of the current year provide a document confirming a valid reason, and an application addressed to the Chairman of the GIA in its educational organization.

More recently, to get the most ordinary certificate in the state organization, I had to spend half a day in numerous queues, losing precious time, strength and nerves. With the advent of the portal of public services Gosuslugi.ru, everything has changed dramatically, now any public service or consultation can be obtained in online mode. Its gone to the desire to simplify life, you decided to register for the first time on the State Service website. Where to get a password for public services to enter the site? What to do if the password is lost? How and where to get confirmation of the person for the portal of the State Service? And the main thing is why it is necessary? These and other frequently asked questions will try to answer this article.

Where to get a password for public services?

It is worth recalling that the services of a single government portal are available only to registered users. Therefore, to enter the site, as a rule, the phone number or email address and password are used, which are installed by users during registration.

If this was not done or registration was not correct, then it will not be possible to enter the site.

To solve this problem, register should be repeated:

  1. Log in to the site gosuslugi.ru (now it is already valid in the new version) and choose the "Register" field.
  1. Carefully fill out the fields: surname, name, mobile phone, email and click "Register"

  1. Enter the confirmation code obtained in the SMS message to the appropriate field and click "Continue"

  1. Now at its discretion you have to come up with and enter the password, confirming it with re-entering. Then click "ready." At the same time, it is necessary to appear "Registration is successfully completed".

Important! It is this password that will request a system when entering the site. So it should be remembered, and better to record

Change password or, if for increased security, you would like to set a secret question, you can do this in your account → Account Settings tab → Security window, then fill the appropriate fields and make changes.

Where to get a password for public services, if he was lost or did you just forget it? The password is definitely possible to restore. To do this, you only need to perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the public service website and click on the "Login" button.
  2. In the top field enter a mobile phone number or email address specified during registration.
  3. Next in the lower left corner of the window to select "Restore Password".

  1. In the next window, re-enter the mobile phone number or email address and click "Find".
  2. Finally, you will also need to specify the SNILS number and click "Find".
  3. The SMS message with a confirmation code should come to the specified phone number, it should be entered into the appropriate field.

Set a new password, confirm it with re-entering and click "Create". At the same time, it is important not to forget to write it.

Get and restore the password is possible, even having a simplified account. Although, a list of services that can be used when registering in this status is very limited. Basically, these are services of a reference basis.

Where to get activation code for public services?

The development of the site gosuslugi.ru does not stand still, its interface and possibilities are constantly being improved (at the moment it is already presented in the new version), which means that the list of services provided will only expand.

Access to one or another service definitely determines the account status. And if only reference information services will be available with a simplified account, the ability to use the maximum number of significant services can provide only a confirmed account status.

And that is why it is so important to obtain an activation code, to fully complete the registration, translating it into the status of confirmed, and already start using all the available servers. So, how and where to get the activation code for public services?

  1. In order to get the activation code, first of all you need to register on the public service website.
  2. In addition, it is necessary to provide detailed personal information in the My Data / Basic Information section. We also specify:
  • details reduss;
  • and passport data.
  1. Having received the result of checking this data by the system, your account will automatically receive the status status.
  2. Also, a prerequisite for obtaining activation code will be confirmed by your personality.

Only after confirmation of the person, you can get the activation code and register it on the public service website.

Depending on the choice of a confirmation method, you can get the activation code:

  • in the office of a specialized service center, after checking the employee of the documents you provided;
  • or in the Russian Post Office, by registered mail.

In any case, after receipt of the activation code, you must enter into the corresponding field on the My Data / Basic Information tab. And only after that all site services will be available.

Where to get a person confirmation for the portal of the State Service?

Another problem with which everyone came across who decided to register on the website of the State Service is a matter of confirmation of the person. You can confirm the individuals if your account has already been assigned the status status.

So, you can get a confirmation of the personality:

  1. With personal contact with a specialized service center. It may be:
  • russian post office;
  • office of Rostelecom.

Instructive-methodical documentation on the FIS EGE FISS Results of the Internet

Guide for the participant of the exam

Moscow 2013

1) Reduction and Terms


In the context of this document, unless otherwise indicated, the system "EGE results"

Portal EGE

Unified information portal of the participant of the exam

Registration code

12-character string used to identify the participant of the USE in the system

Application application

An electronic copy of the appeal to the result of the participant of the USE.


Federal information system for ensuring a single state exam and reception of citizens to educational institutions of secondary vocational education and educational institutions of higher professional education

2) Purpose of guidance materials

The system is intended to inform the participants of the EEG on the results of their work and the possibility of filing applications for appeals in electronic form through the Internet.

In sections 3, 4, 5 contains instructions for the participants of the USE.

Appendix 1 contains text messages arising during the operation of the system and explanations to them.

3) system information

The service of the provision of the participant of the EGE access to its results and works is located at the address / RU / UNIVERSITIES-Colleges / Check_results / and provides a participant in the EGE the opportunity to get acquainted through the Internet network with its results obtained during the delivery of the USE.

The process of familiarizing the participant of the EGE with the results of his exams includes the following steps:

    Entering data from the participant of the USE.

    View general information about the results of the participant's exam.

    View responses and participant points for examination work.

    Apply for an appeal to the result

Please note that to access the results and operations of the Participant, use the data specified in its pass to the exam (see Figure).

Drawing skip on the exam

4) Description of the work of the "EGE" service

Entering the data of the participant of the exam

    Go to the Web site at: / En / Universities-Colleges / Check_results / . A window will open to enter the data of the EGE participant (see Picture).

    Enter the appropriate details in the following fields:

  • Middle name;

    Registration code;

    Region: Choose from the drop-down list of the crossing of the exam.

Drawing window of the data entry window

View general information about the results of the participant's exam

To view the results participant, do the following:

On the right, above the table with the results of the EGE:

    information about the participant of the exam (surname, initials)

Table with EGE results:

    Sequence number of the exam;

  • Exam date;

    Test score;

    Primary score;

    Result status

    Information about the presence / absence of filed appeal

View participant exam results

    To view the responses, the participant is necessary on the page with the results of the EGE (see Figure) to click on the name of the object of interest.

    In the window that opens Exam results(See sinunok) will display data on the exam:

a) General data on the exam

(Name of the subject, the date of the exam, primary and test points)

b) View the answer forks №1 and №2

c) information on the tasks of part a

(Answers, primary score for part A, maximum primary score for a part a)

d) information on job assignments in

(Answers, primary and maximum primary score for each task part in, total primary score and maximum primary score for part B)

e) information on the tasks of part C

(evaluation criteria, primary and maximum primary score for each task of part C, total primary score and maximum primary score for part C)


          To return to the page Your results of ege (see Figure) Click on the link Everything exams.

          Details of the IKK act on approval of the exam result are indicated on the right, at the top of the tables with the data of parts A, B and C, under reference Output.

          To view detailed information on the evaluation criteria, click on the link site Phip.located at the top to the left above the table with the data of parts A, in the visual-dedicated block.

          The option "Replies" option may not be available for some (or all) exams. The possibility of displaying forms regulates the RCS of your region.

Applying an application for results

    Form of consideration of the appeal

(By default, "Full-time" is set. If necessary, change this value)


(By default, "without a trusted person". If necessary, change this value)

    Name institution

(optional field, you can not fill)

(optional field, you can not fill)

5) List of frequently asked questions, with answers to them:

    Is it necessary to use to view my results via the Internet login and password, and if "yes", then where and what time it is possible to get?

Not. To view your results, sufficient information that was listed in the "Pass on EGE":

  • Middle name.

    Registration code.

    What is "registration code" and where to find out?

The registration code is necessary to identify the participant of the USE, it is listed on the pass of the USE. In the event of a lost pass, it is necessary to contact the place of issuing passes to the exam in your place of residence.

    What data can be found through the Internet?

    a list of exams, indicating the subject, the date of delivery, as well as the number of primary and test scores;

- the results of the automated recognition of responses to the tasks specified by you on the examination form, including the details on issues and criteria (for Part C);

- View the scanned versions of the answer blanks No. 1 and No. 2 (the function may not be available).

    Why in addition to the "registration code" to introduce my name?

This is an additional measure that will allow you to restrict access to your data.

    My data is not in the system.

Perhaps the problem with writing the letter "E" in your name. From the point of view of the system, "Semenov" and "Semenov" - various people. Try different options for writing your name.

    If I lost my pass on the exam, then how to restore it to, using its data, view my results on the exam via the Internet?

Get a duplicate pass.

    What value of the test point is the maximum?

    I am confident that part of the answers "not mine." How can this be?

Answers that are displayed in the subsystem are obtained as a result of automated recognition of answer blanks. Perhaps a technical error occurred when recognizing. To parse such cases, it is possible to file an appeal "to the result". Also recognized responses can be compared with scanned versions of the answer forms, if this function is included by the administrators of the subsystem.

    Why can't I find my results in the subsystem, although I know for sure that the exam passed?

Make sure that the data of the EE participant corresponds to the data on the pass.

    Why on the "Exam Results" page, in the tables detailing the answers specified by me on the tasks of part A, contain empty cells?

These tables indicate the maximum possible number of tasks for each part. The presence of empty cells means that such tasks were less in your control and measuring material.

    What are the criteria?

The task estimation criteria are used during the test of the part from the participant's work.

The task may have one or more criteria. Criteria apply not for all tasks of part S.

The number of points for the task is equal to the amount of points for all criteria for this task.

Detailed information on estimation criteria is located on the FII website:


    Is it possible to watch my replies forms?

This feature may not be available for some (or all) exams. The ability to show the answer forks is regulated by the RCCs of your region.

    What is the primary and test score?

The primary score is the amount of points issued for answers to the tasks of all parts of the examination work.

Test score is the result of recalculating the primary scallet as a result to bring it to 100 score.

    What score goes to testimony?


Appendix 1. Text messages on the portal "EGE RESULTS"



Text on the portal

Registration code information

Registration code - twelve-digit code of the form 1234-5678-9123, specified on your pass on the exam

Subject of the Russian Federation disabled the ability to view the results

The results are not available by decision of the Regional Center for Information Processing (RCC) of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The results have not yet been loaded.

Attention! The results viewer operates in test mode. Possible delays with data loading.

Member can not go to the personal account

Entered incorrect data

When viewing results, the participant cannot view the scores of the responses

The subject of the Russian Federation turned off the possibility of displaying forms for the exam

The ability to view the forms on this exam is not available by decision of the Regional Center for Information Processing (RCS) of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The subject of the Russian Federation turned off the possibility of filing an examination for the exam

The possibility of appealing in electronic form on this exam is unavailable by decision of the Regional Information Center (RCC) of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Participant cannot file an appeal on the subject

The current date does not match the deadlines for appeals

The appeal is not possible in connection with the established procedure for holding the exams.

Test warning system operation

Warning of the possible inconsistency of the results (or their absence) on the portal with real data

Attention! The results viewer operates in test mode. Possible delays in updating data in case of cancellation of the result by decision of the GEK or satisfying the appeal to separate exams.

Informing that personal data is processed in accordance with the law on PD.

Attention! Your personal data is processed in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

Message arising when applying for a member

Warning that the registration of appeal will be completed only after the participant's appeal to the appeal point \\ Conflict Commission

In accordance with the procedure for holding the EGE to confirm the registration of the appeal, you need to come to the appeal point in advance or on the day of appeal with a document confirming the identity. The ability to assure confirmation in your educational institution or examination item must be clarified in your regional information processing center (RCC).

Results of GIA subject participants quality Russian ...



    Attachment 1 results EGE Almetyevsky Municipal District No. Items ... - - - - - 14 Spanish - - - Appendix 2 General results EGE The subject of the total / medium score ... 2012, received certificate results EGE year 2013. Not received a certificate ...

  • The registration code is needed in order to check the results of the exams already paid directly through the official website of the EGE.

    Start summer - traditionally hot time for graduates. The main stage of passing the exam in full swing. Behind the back already informatics, mathematics, Russian, and the points for these and other exams will begin to come soon.

    Where and how to get acquainted with the results of the exam

    The results of the exams are not disclosed in a row, so before you familiarize yourself with them, the graduate will need to confirm its identity. To do this, enter the name, name and patronymic of a schoolboy, as well as information from passing to the exam: registration code or the number of the passport, which was indicated by a graduate during registration on the exam. The results of the EGE can be found in the following resources.

    On the official site EGE - Just specify your name, passport number or registration code and region.

    On the portal State services - Register on the site and fill in the application, specifying all the same data: the name, passport number and region. When your application is approved, you will receive results for all exams.

    From the moment of delivery to the publication, the results usually takes from 7 to 14 days, depending on the number of participants - mandatory items, such as Russian and mathematics, require longer to process. However, usually the results become known much faster.

    Where to find out the registration code of the participant's exam

    The registration code of the participant of the exam, you can right on the site of the exam - you must tell your mentor to you. This is usually a cool leader. Information about registration code is strictly confidential and does not apply to third parties.

    The registration code consists of 12 numbers, it is listed on the exam in the upper right corner. If you lost a pass, nothing terrible - you can simply enter your passport number (without a series).

    But, it happens that in the nervous voltage after the exam, we worrying, we lose pass with the code. A pleasant little, but there is nothing terrible, you can restore it. To do this, you will need to contact the school administration and you will be given data on registration code.