Requirements for a modern teacher. Requirements for a modern teacher of additional education - document Qualification requirements for a teacher of additional education

Requirements for a modern teacher

additional education

The teacher of additional education provides additional education for children, develops their various creative activities. He completes the composition of the participants in a circle, section, studio, club and other children's association, for which he is responsible and takes measures to preserve them during the period of study.

Also, the teacher participates in the development and implementation of educational programs, is responsible for the quality of their implementation, the life and health of the pupils.

A feature of the work of a teacher of additional education is also the identification of the creative abilities of students, support for their development, the formation of stable professional interests and inclinations. Responsibility for mass, cultural organizations also often relies on the continuing education teacher.

Among other things, the teacher is responsible for observing safety measures, participates in methodological conferences. As we can see, the duties of a teacher of additional education are quite extensive. In addition to the usual pedagogical tasks, it is also designed to develop the creative side of the child's personality, to promote spiritual growth and an in-depth process of cognition.

Accordingly, the image of a teacher of additional education in the minds of students has a wide range of features.

Centers for additional education are not a new phenomenon in pedagogical practice. It was widely spread in the so-called micro-district schools, which, with the development of the variable education system, faced an outflow of the student population. The creation of independent centers with their own personnel infrastructure made it possible to expand the choice of educational and recreational programs, to introduce programs that are attractive for different categories of students, including students with problems. The possibilities of the centers of additional education in achieving new results consist in their orientation towards solving the problems of the whole school, students, regardless of age, and the measure of academic performance. In addition, the centers of additional education for children, which work directly on the basis of schools, in fact, are centers of rapid response to the requests of students, their problems.

Regardless of age, gender and academic performance, adolescents pay attention to such characteristics of a teacher as: knows a lot - 76%; sensitive and attentive - 74%; hardworking - 73%; kind, fair - 72%; interestingly, explains from the heart - 69%; when explaining, he sees who does not understand and is in a hurry to provide help - 61%; with a cheerful character - 61%; do not complain to their parents - 58%; during breaks with us - 38%.

High school students have higher assessment requirements for a teacher. They pay more attention to the moral qualities and intellectual abilities of the teacher, his ability to fully interact.

The teacher of additional education is more often perceived as more competent, passionate about his work. It is understood that he can approach education creatively and tries to reveal the child's abilities, support him, compensate for the lack of attention from subject teachers and parents. His psychological image is complemented by the traits of a helper, parent and friend. Although, there are also negative images of the teacher as a passive and unworking person, which can be explained by the negative personal experience of the students.

The image of a teacher of additional education is similar to the image of a teacher as a whole, but has its own structure and features of content.

Teenagers first of all pay attention to the culture, erudition of the teacher, the level of his practical skills. Also, in the image of students, such components as adherence to principles, exactingness of the educator, the teacher's attitude to his work immediately appear. The moral qualities in the image of the teacher are also important: his sensitivity, attention, tact.

The structure and content of the image of a teacher of additional education

On the basis of this, evaluative characteristics are formed in the structure of the image: respect and sympathy, approval of the teacher's activities, complemented by a complex of emotional perception of this person.

The perception of a teenager is more purposeful, systematic and organized than the perception of a younger student. Sometimes it is distinguished by its subtlety and depth, and sometimes it is striking in its superficiality.

The attention of secondary schoolchildren is specific, selective: students are interested in interesting lessons or activities, and they can focus on one material or phenomenon for a long time. But mild excitement, interest in the extraordinary often become the reason for switching attention. In this regard, it is important for a teenager to be able to convey their skills and knowledge.

Thinking in adolescence becomes more systematized, consistent, mature. The ability to think abstractly improves, the relationship between the concrete-figurative and the abstract changes in favor of the latter. The teenager begins to analyze the personality of the teacher and the motives of his actions, the created image acquires critical features.

Additional education teacher belongs to the category of professionals.
For the position teacher of additional education a person with secondary vocational education is appointed (without presenting requirements for work experience; teaching experience: from 2 to 5 years; from 5 to 10 years; over 10 years) or higher professional education (without presenting requirements for work experience; teaching experience : from 2 to 5 years; from 5 to 10 years; over 10 years) or qualification category.
3. Appointment and dismissal from it is made by order of the director of the institution on the proposal.
must know:

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
2. Laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on education issues.
3. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
4. Age and special pedagogy and psychology, physiology, hygiene.
5. The specifics of the development of the interests and needs of students (pupils), the basis of their creative activity.
6. Methods of search and support of talents.
7. Content, methodology and organization of scientific and technical, aesthetic, tourism and local history, health and sports, leisure activities, recreation and entertainment.
8. Study programs for circles, sections, studios, club associations.
9. Fundamentals of the activities of children's groups, organizations and associations.
10. Norms and rules of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

Additional education teacher reports directly to the director of the institution or other official.
During absence teacher of additional education(vacation, illness, etc.) his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the institution. This person acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

Additional education teacher:

1. Carries out additional education of students (pupils), develops their various creative activities.
2. Completes the composition of the students (pupils) of the circle, section, studio, club and other children's association and takes measures to preserve them during the period of study.
3. Provides a pedagogically grounded choice of forms, means and methods of work (teaching) based on psychophysiological expediency.
4. Ensures the observance of the rights and freedoms of students (pupils).
5. Participates in the development and implementation of educational programs, is responsible for the quality of their implementation, life and health of students (pupils).
6. Draws up plans and training programs, ensures their implementation.
7. Reveals the creative abilities of students (pupils), contributes to their development, the formation of stable professional interests and inclinations.
8. Supports gifted and talented students (pupils), incl. children with developmental disabilities.
9. Organizes the participation of students (pupils) in public events.
10. Provides advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them), as well as teaching staff within their competence.
11. Ensures compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection during classes.
12. Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.
13. Improves his professional qualifications.

Additional education teacher has the right:
1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the institution concerning its activities.
2. On issues within its competence, submit proposals for improving the institution's activities and improving working methods for consideration by the management of the institution; comments on the activities of employees of the institution; options for eliminating shortcomings in the institution's activities.
3. To request, personally or on behalf of the institution's management, from structural divisions and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
4. To involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head of the institution).
5. Require the management of the institution to assist in the performance of its duties and rights.


The teacher of additional education has the right:

Participate in the management of the Center in the manner determined by the Charter of the Center;

To protect professional honor and dignity;

To get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, to give explanations on them;

To defend their interests independently and / or through a representative, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation or an official investigation related to a violation of professional ethics by a teacher;

Confidentiality of disciplinary (official) investigation, except in cases provided by law;

Freely choose and use teaching and education methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks, methods of assessing students' knowledge;

Improve qualifications;

To be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification;

To give students during classes and breaks mandatory orders related to the organization of classes and compliance with discipline, to bring students to disciplinary responsibility in the cases and in the manner established by the Charter and the Rules on incentives and penalties for UDL students.

A responsibility:

The teacher of additional education is responsible under the legislation of the Russian Federation for the quality of implementation of educational programs, life and health of students during classes, violation of their rights and freedoms.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the UDL, legal orders of the director of the UDL and other local regulations, job duties,

The teacher of additional education bears disciplinary responsibility in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

For the use, including one-time, methods of upbringing associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, as well as the commission of another immoral offense, the teacher of additional education may be relieved of his post in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On education. ”Dismissal for such an offense is not a disciplinary measure.

For the culpable infliction of a parole or the participants in the educational process of damage in connection with the fulfillment (non-fulfillment) of their official duties, the teacher of additional education shall be liable in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation. Relationships. Relationships by position

Additional education teacher:

Works in the mode of fulfilling the volume of the study load established for him in accordance with the schedule of training sessions, participation in compulsory planned school-wide activities and self-planning of compulsory activities for which production norms are not established;

He independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter. The work plan is approved by the deputy director of the UDO for teaching and educational work;

Submits a written report on his activities to the Deputy Director of UDO for teaching and educational work at the end of each academic quarter;

Receives from the director of the UDO and his deputies information of a regulatory and organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents on receipt;

Works in close contact with teachers, parents of students (persons replacing them); systematically exchanges information on issues within his competence with the administration and teaching staff of the school; he is a member of the methodological association of teachers of additional education of the corresponding profile.

Methodology for organizing the work of a teacher of additional education

Description of "learning differentiation" in pedagogy

Differentiation translated from the Latin "difference" means division, stratification of the whole into different parts, forms, steps.

In pedagogical literature differentiation of learning- this is:

    a form of organization of the educational process, in which the teacher works with a group of students, composed taking into account the presence of any common qualities that are significant for the educational process (homogeneous group);

    part of a general didactic system that provides specialization of the educational process for various groups of learners. (Moscow Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005, p. 288)

Differentiation of learning(differentiated approach to teaching) is:

    creating a variety of learning conditions for different schools, classes, groups to take into account the characteristics of their contingent;

    a set of methodological, psychological, pedagogical and organizational and managerial measures that provide training in homogeneous groups.

Principle of learning differentiation- the provision according to which the pedagogical process is built as a differentiated one. One of the main types of differentiation (separation) is individual training.

Differentiated learning technology is a set of organizational solutions, tools and methods of differentiated learning, covering a certain part of the educational process.

By characteristic individual psychological characteristics children, which form the basis for the formation of homogeneous groups, distinguish differentiation:

By age structure (school grades, age parallels, age groups);

By gender (male, female, mixed classes, teams, schools);

By area of ​​interest (humanitarian, physical and mathematical, biological and chemical and other groups, directions, departments, schools);

By the level of mental development (level of achievement);

By personal and psychological types (type of thinking, accentuation of character, temperament, etc.);

By the level of health (physical groups, groups of impaired vision, hearing, hospital classes).

In any educational system, to some extent there is a differentiated approach and more or less branched differentiation is carried out. Therefore, the very technology of differentiated learning, as the application of various methodological means of differentiation, is included, penetrating technology.

However, in some models of teaching, the differentiation of the educational process is the main distinguishing feature, a system-forming factor, and therefore they can be called "technologies of differentiated education."

Differentiation by the level of development of abilities

Classification parameters of differentiation technology according to the level of development of abilities

Methodological approach: differentiated, individual.

Leading factors of development: sociogenic with assumptions of a biogenic nature (it is impossible to learn all to the same level).

Scientific concept of mastering experience: adaptive.

Orientation to personal spheres and structures: information, knowledge, skills and abilities.

Type of social - pedagogical activity: psychological and pedagogical, compensatory.

Type of management of the educational process: small group system + tutor.

Prevailing methods: explanatory and illustrative with programming elements.

Organizational forms: all forms.

Prevailing means: programmed + electronic.

The approach to the child and the nature of educational interactions: all types.

Target orientations:

Training everyone at the level of his capabilities and abilities;

Adaptation (adaptation) of teaching to the level and characteristics of the development of various groups of students.

Features of differentiation by level

Differentiation according to the level of mental development does not receive an unambiguous assessment in modern pedagogy: it contains, along with positive, some negative aspects.

Positive aspects

Negative aspects

Unjustified and unreasonable for society equalization and averaging of children are excluded

The division of children according to the level of development is inhumane

The teacher has an opportunity for a weak student to pay attention to a strong

Socio-economic inequality is highlighted

Absence of laggards in the class eliminates the need to reduce the overall level of teaching

The weak are deprived of the opportunity to reach for the stronger, to receive help from them, to compete with them.

There is an opportunity to work more effectively with difficult students who do not adapt to social norms

Transfer to weak groups is perceived by children as a humiliation of their dignity

The desire of strong students to advance faster and deeper in education is realized

Imperfect diagnostics sometimes leads to the fact that extraordinary children are transferred to the category of weak

The level of self-concept rises: the strong are affirmed in their abilities, the weak get the opportunity to experience educational success, get rid of an inferiority complex

The level of self-concept decreases, in elite groups an illusion of exclusivity, an egoistic complex arises; in weak groups, the level of self-esteem decreases, an attitude towards the fatality of one's weakness appears

Increases the level of motivation for learning in strong groups

Decreases the level of motivation in weak groups

In a group with the same children, it is easier for the child to learn

Overstaffing destroys great teams

According to the features of the organization of homogeneous groups, there are:

a) external differentiation:

Regional - by the type of schools (special schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, private schools, complexes);

Intraschool (levels, profiles, branches, indentations, slopes, flows);

In parallel (groups and classes of different levels: gymnasium, classes of compensatory education, etc.);

Interclass (optional, free, different age groups);

b) internal differentiation: intra-class or intra-subject (groups within a class).

In the modern world, there are various models of learning differentiation. (Attachment 1). Each model has its own characteristics, the subject of instruction, but one thing unites them: all models of differentiated education are aimed at generating a student's inferiority complex in relation to learning, to stimulate the child to work and get a result. In order to organize the correct model of differentiated teaching, the teacher must know what models exist and which model is suitable for his class. But first of all, let's consider what training is, the process, the process of teaching the Russian language.

Training- a controlled process of interaction between a teacher and students, aimed at assimilating knowledge, abilities and skills, forming a worldview, developing mental powers and potential capabilities of students, developing and consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set.

Process- sequential change of phenomena, states in the development of something, the course of development of something; a set of cognitive actions aimed at achieving certain results.

Learning process- joint activity of the teacher and students to transfer and assimilate new knowledge and mastering skills over a period of time.

The strategy of modern education is its focus not just on the formation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but on the upbringing and development of the child's personality, his theoretical thinking, linguistic intuition, interest, careful and thoughtful attitude to business, to his mission and knowledge in general, on the formation of the most important educational skill in the younger schoolchild - to study.

Learning activity is a system of such learning conditions that make possible the development of a younger student: the emergence of his ability to self-change.

Learning objectives are one of the categories of methodology that characterizes a subject in terms of the reason for its inclusion in the curriculum. The Russian language as an academic subject solves two groups of problems: special (they follow from its characteristics) and general subject (they are implemented by all school disciplines). The combination and solution of these tasks can be facilitated by the organization of differentiated education.

Thus, differentiated teaching is considered as a form of teaching, part of the general didactic system, the creation of a variety of learning conditions, a complex of methodological and psychological-pedagogical measures.

The development of the system of additional education for children is impossible without serious conceptual software and methodological support of the educational process. This is a serious task that requires constant and painstaking work under the guidance of the most qualified teachers or methodologists of institutions of additional education for children, teachers of the IPC, and researchers.

Additional educational programs implemented in general education institutions should, on the one hand, compensate for the shortcomings of standardized education, and on the other, take into account its advantages. Therefore, when developing author's programs, teachers of additional education need to get acquainted with the content of those academic subjects that can most of all be related to the content of the additional program. This can be a good basis for joint creative work with subject teachers.

The development of the system of additional education for children becomes truly effective if additional programs meet the interests and needs of students, take into account the real possibilities of their satisfaction in a particular institution, help the child to form his own value and effective position, stimulate his self-education and self-development.

The development of additional educational programs of a new generation involves a number of principles:

    orientation towards a broad humanitarian content, which allows harmoniously combining national and universal values;

    the formation of a holistic and emotional-figurative perception of the world in schoolchildren;

    addressing those problems, topics, educational areas that are personally significant for children of a particular age and that are underrepresented in basic education;

    development of cognitive, social, creative activity of the child, his moral qualities;

    implementation of the unity of the educational process.

Additional educational programs of the new generation should contain different levels of complexity and allow the teacher to find the best option for working with a particular group of children or with an individual child. They should also be of an open type, that is, focused on expansion, a certain change, taking into account specific pedagogical tasks, differ in content, variability, and flexibility of use. On their basis, it is possible to build work that will meet the socio-cultural characteristics of a particular region, the traditions and conditions of a particular educational institution, the opportunities and interests of various groups of students, their parents, and teachers.

Requirements for additional education programs children. In the system of additional education for children, the following types of programs are distinguished:


    modified or adapted;

It is possible to distinguish the levels of mastering programs of additional education for children on the basis of "general professional":

    general developmental;


    professionally oriented.

Additional education programs for children are distinguished by the purpose of education:

    cognitive (informational and educational);


    social adaptation;

    professionally applied;

    sports and recreation;

    developing artistic giftedness;


According to the form of organization of the content and process of pedagogical activity, the programs are:





Additional educational programs must be formalized in the form of a regulatory document.

Title page with the necessary details: higher education authorities; educational institution implementing the program; the responsible employee of the institution who approved the program; the number of the minutes of the pedagogical council that approved the program; the name of the program; the age of the children for whom the program is designed; the term of the program implementation; the author of the program; data on reviewers.

Sections of the program:


    The main directions and content of the activity.

    Conditions for the implementation of the program.

    A mechanism for evaluating the results obtained.

    Thematic planning (number of hours for each topic by years of study).

    The presence of reviews: internal (methodological council of the institution of additional education for children) and external (third-party organizations and educational institutions).

The professional standard for the teacher of additional education comes into force on January 1, 2020. When and why the draft professional standard, which has undergone changes, is being introduced, you can find out from the article, where expert recommendations and downloads are available.

The description of the complex of special knowledge and competencies necessary for the pedagogue to perform professional activities in the implementation of the auxiliary program content of the school education complex determines the professional standard of the teacher of additional education. Professional standards, in contrast to qualification reference books, which have lost their relevance due to socio-economic changes in recent decades, fully cover the paradigm of the educational environment, and the complex of additional education is no exception. The use of the professional standard of the teacher of additional education is necessary when:

  • the establishment of qualification requirements for an employee at the stage of making a managerial decision on the suitability of the position;
  • allocation of job functions, powers and level of responsibility for a specific category of pedagogues, taking into account the specifics of the educational institution;
  • defining a list of job responsibilities;
  • organization of events aimed at ensuring the rights and obligations of employees to improve the qualification level, streamlining the issues of wages.

Save this to yourself so you don't lose:

Read up-to-date information on the procedure for applying professional standards at school in the journal "Regulatory documents of an educational institution":

- How to check if the teacher's qualifications meet the requirements of the professional standard (checklist with comments)
- How the professional standard of the teacher of additional education has changed (changes in legislation!)

The vectors of the state policy in the sphere of education, which determined the need to abandon qualification reference books in favor of professional standards - describing the qualification characteristics necessary for teachers to successfully perform professional functions - were initiated back in 1997 through the adoption of the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation for 1996-2000. For many years, the project remained at the stage of freezing or revision, but in recent years the regulatory and legal, and then - and managerial and organizational activities in the direction have been intensified. On the eve of January 1, 2020, when the changes in the Ministry of Labor come into force, it is important for each head of the educational institution to once again update the question of why a professional standard for a teacher of additional education is needed, and to check whether all the changes are reflected in the local documentation of the institution and are being implemented at the school.

Recall that the use of professional standards in education, as well as in other spheres of the national economy, is due to the need for a theoretical basis, approved at the state level, to update the requirements for applicants for the position and develop job descriptions that meet the realities of the market and the expectations of consumers of educational services.

The professional standard for a teacher of additional education has gone through a significant evolutionary path: this regulatory act was in effect since January 1, 2017, but due to the need for revision it was withdrawn for two years. At the same time, according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 No. 584, which provides for the completion of all measures for the implementation of professional standards by January 1, 2020, the draft professional standard for a teacher of additional education comes into force again. The study and analysis of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults", carried out by experts, gives the right to assert that the presented description of labor functions will allow directors of educational institutions to streamline certain aspects of local documentation support and personnel work in educational institutions.

Conceptually, the draft professional standard for a teacher of additional education corresponds to similar regulatory legal acts developed to determine the qualification characteristics for representatives of other teaching positions. The section "General information" contains the full name of the type of professional activity ("Pedagogical activity in the additional education of children and adults") and the code (01.003). As the main goal of the work of employees who obey the professional standard of a teacher of additional education, the organization of activities for the assimilation of a set of knowledge and competencies, the creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of creative potential, the satisfaction of a set of personal needs for self-realization and health promotion, the organization of meaningful leisure, as well as providing affordable means achievement by schoolchildren of the results of additional program content.

In the section devoted to generalized labor functions, all possible titles of positions for the implementation of additional general education programs are presented, namely:

  1. Teaching (possible titles of positions - teacher of additional education, senior teacher of additional education, trainer-teacher, senior trainer-teacher, teacher).
  2. Organizational and methodological support (methodologist, senior methodologist).
  3. Organizational and pedagogical support of activities in the direction (teacher-organizer).

Immediately I would like to focus on the fact that before the introduction of the latest edition of the professional standard for the teacher of additional education, the assignment of the position of "teacher" was allowed only in organizations that implement pre-professional program content, but now this name can be used only for employees of children's art schools (for teachers, carrying out training in different types of arts). As for the official name "trainer-teacher", its use is recommended when organizing the implementation of pre-professional educational programs in the field of physical education and sports.

The list of necessary knowledge and skills, differentiated according to the names of labor functions, contains descriptions of the area of ​​knowledge and competencies, without which it is impossible to successfully perform official duties. The content of these sections should be taken into account when making managerial decisions on the suitability of the applicant for the position for which he is applying, the expediency of creating conditions for urgent improvement of the employee's qualifications or issuing an order for his improvement. Thus, the use of the draft professional standard guarantees the possibility of building a competent management strategy in the direction of preschool education within the boundaries of an individual school and the system as a whole, and also contributes to the creation of conditions for active professional development of representatives of the profession.

Job description of a teacher of additional education according to the professional standard

The professional standard changes the system of requirements for the content of professional and pedagogical activities in the field of additional education. Accordingly, the system of work with personnel should also change, which necessitates a revision of job descriptions. At the time when the professional standard for the teacher of additional education is introduced, namely on January 1, 2020, an adjustment should be made in the local documentation of the school, in particular, in the job descriptions - the wording on certain points is changed.

Generalized labor function Labor function The wording in the outdated and updated version of the professional standard of the teacher of additional education
Teaching in additional education programs Ensuring interaction with parents (legal representatives) of children who are mastering additional program content, while solving current problems of the educational process. Among the duties of the employee, it is necessary to indicate ensuring, within the framework of his authority, the observance of the rights of a minor, the rights and responsibility of mothers and fathers for the upbringing and development of children (instead of "... the adults fulfill their duties").
Pedagogical control and assessment of the development of educational content for additional education programs. It is recommended to introduce control of changes in the level of preparedness of students in the process of mastering the program content in the job description of the teacher of additional education according to the professional standard (instead of "Fixing and assessing the dynamics of preparedness ...").
Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional education programs for schoolchildren Monitoring and evaluating the quality of the implementation of additional program content by pedagogues. Organization of additional vocational education for pedagogues under the guidance of an authorized manager (instead of "... and advanced training and retraining ...".

It should be noted that the job description of a teacher of additional education according to the professional standard is adjusted only in terms of qualification requirements. In the remaining parts of the local document, based on the draft professional standard, it is possible to indicate only those requirements and competencies of the employee that are really needed to perform professional duties, taking into account the specifics of the functioning of a particular educational institution. Thus, clause 9 of the letter of the Ministry of Labor dated 04/04/2016 No. 14-0 / 10 / B-2253 indicates the possibility of distributing the list of duties and the level of responsibility presented in the updated version of the professional standard of the teacher of additional education among several employees of the educational institution, which makes it possible to ensure the implementation of a complex of local , organizational and pedagogical activities in the direction at the proper level.

Automatic replacement of the provisions of the job description, drawn up on the basis of the qualification reference books that have lost their relevance, in view of the approaching date for the entry into force of the professional standard of the teacher of additional education, is illegal. After making changes to the local documentation governing the procedure and content of work in the direction (labor contracts, job descriptions, staffing), it is necessary to familiarize the OS employees with the new versions of the acts for signature.

Implementation plan of the professional standard of the teacher of additional education

The regulator recommended a phased introduction of professional standards into the educational environment in order to comfortably replace the outdated provisions of qualification reference books. But in light of the fact that the timing of the introduction of the professional standard for the teacher of additional education is coming to an end (recall, by January 1, 2020, all measures for the implementation of professional standards must be completed), the heads of educational institutions, who have not yet managed to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements in this area, need to intensify their efforts ... First of all, create a working group, including not only pedagogues, but also an accountant, lawyer or HR specialist.

According to clause 1 of the Government Decree of June 27, 2016 No. 584, the working group is obliged to develop a plan for the introduction of a professional standard for teachers of additional education, including the following points:

  1. The name of the professional standards that will be applied in the educational institution, taking into account the staff of the organization.
  2. List of local acts and regulations that need to be amended.
  3. Information about the need to improve the qualification level of employees enrolled in the staff. According to the current version of professional standards, the teacher of additional education must be trained in the specialty "Education and Pedagogical Sciences". At the same time, the methodologists of the sphere, for the position of which they cannot apply with education in the areas of "Humanities" and "Social Sciences", were equated in status with teachers.
  4. List of employees who have already been trained to meet the requirements of the standard. Since in the updated version of the document regulating the requirements for the professional level of teachers of additional education, there is no requirement for the employer's obligation to train employees in vocational programs, in accordance with Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the commission should make a decision on the need for retraining when conducting certification. In pursuance of clause 2, h. 5, Art. 47 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, every three years it is recommended that teachers of additional education be sent to refresher courses.
  5. Stages of introducing a professional standard (for example, preparatory and basic).

After developing a plan for introducing a professional standard for a teacher of additional education, having thought through further steps step by step, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the employees of the institution. First of all, the team must be informed about what changes are taking place in the school's document flow. Step by step, publicly, explaining each step to the team, it is necessary to act in this direction so that there is no panic, rumors, speculation.

The professional standard of the teacher of additional education is a pressing issue. That is why everything related to its introduction is currently a topic for discussion by experts and specialists.

Features of document implementation

This professional standard contains detailed information about all the requirements that apply to employees in the field of continuing education. At the moment, the introduction of this standard has been postponed, since the teaching community has differently perceived its provisions. It was decided to preliminary revise this document, to correct numerous inaccuracies in it.

Characteristics of the category "additional education"

The professional standard for a teacher of additional education was developed for that category of people who use experience, knowledge, competencies in several areas in their professional activities: in psychology, profile direction, pedagogy.

The profile in their work is artistic activity, choreography, technical creativity.

Many workers in this field do not have diplomas in pedagogical or psychological education. That is why serious problems arose in the process of developing requirements for teachers of additional education, because it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and specifics of the additional education system that has developed at a given period of time.

Education requirements

The professional standard for a teacher of additional education contains a section that states that employees of additional education must have a higher pedagogical education (in the form of a bachelor's degree) and professional additional qualifications in the field of methodological work in additional education for adults and children.

With a careful study of this requirement, it turns out that the teacher of the additional education system must have two diplomas. If obtaining one education is a real task, then the continuation of the second (paid) education is not available to all employees of the additional education system.

The standard for a teacher of additional education also contains such a clause according to which specialists must be trained in a professional program corresponding to the profile of their activity at least once every three years.

In order to fulfill this requirement, the country should create special centers for advanced training, which would allow teachers of additional education to improve their qualifications in a continuous way.

At the moment, this question remains open, it is impossible to fulfill the requirements for advanced training.

The importance of additional education

The activity of a teacher of additional education is important for the formation of citizenship and patriotism in the younger generation. The Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva has repeatedly emphasized the importance of introducing free sections and circles in educational institutions on scientific and technical creativity, chess, music, and theatrical art.

It is additional education that has now become one of the priority areas of activity of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The main problems of implementation

The professional standard for the teacher of additional education is still only being considered in the pedagogical community, it has not been introduced into real practice. Among the main reasons for such a "slowdown" experts identify organizational, managerial and pedagogical problems.

As organizational and managerial problems, the existence of full-fledged general education programs of additional education for schoolchildren and adults is distinguished. In addition, at present, the system of extracurricular education does not have a sufficient number of teaching aids adapted to the individual age characteristics of schoolchildren.

In order to introduce a professional standard into practice, it is necessary to first provide teachers with methodological support in the development of individual educational programs.

In addition, it is important to organize the work of experts who will analyze the effectiveness of the work of teachers of additional education in special programs, create a full-fledged material and technical base for the implementation of the tasks specified in the guidelines for each profile of education.

Transfer of professional skills

The positive experience of a teacher of additional education should be published so that young specialists have a real opportunity to get acquainted with the best methods, which implies certain material costs.

Despite the fact that many school teachers reacted positively to the idea of ​​organizing numerous studios, circles, creative associations on the basis of secondary schools, in which children could study for free, in practice the process of their creation is associated with serious material problems.

HR problems

Taking into account the requirements for the teacher of additional education, which are specified in the professional standard, only subject teachers can work in additional education circles. In order to "survive", at present, school teachers are forced to take a 30-hour study load, so they have neither the physical nor the moral strength to come up with methodological programs for additional education, organize after-school circles and creative studios for their pupils ...

The qualification of a teacher of additional education presupposes the availability of pedagogical education, but recently the number of directions related to the training of teachers has been reduced in higher educational institutions. Such "staff shortage" is also the reason for the slowdown in the implementation of the standard in practice.

The teacher cannot work around the clock, so he gives preference to lesson activities, for objective reasons, he ignores the system of additional education for schoolchildren.

Basic Provisions

Consider what extracurricular work is. The teacher of additional education has a pedagogical education. Otherwise, he has no right to work with children. The professional standard is aimed at helping the management in the implementation of a competent personnel policy, high-quality management of employees of the educational institution.

This document should be used when carrying out certification tests of employees, determining wages, developing job descriptions, concluding labor contracts with teachers.

The teacher of additional education for adults must also have a pedagogical education, periodically improve his qualifications.

As an exception (in the absence of personnel), employment is allowed with the subsequent receipt by the employee of specialized education of a pedagogical orientation.

The need to implement the standard

Among the objective reasons why a standard should be introduced in Russian supplementary education, let us single out the difficulties that arise for experts in the process of certification of teaching staff.

Some of the legislative norms that govern the members of certification commissions were developed many years ago. During this time, they have ceased to be relevant, do not allow experts to fully assess the activities of a certified teacher of additional education.

The new norms, which will be adopted at the legislative level, will make it possible to increase the interest and responsibility of teachers involved in extracurricular activities.

Rules for achieving results

In order to achieve maximum results, it is necessary to correctly apply the developed standard. It should not become a measure for strict regulation of the activities of employees, but should be an incentive to search for new methodological techniques, non-standard solutions for employees of the Russian continuing education system.

According to the standard, the teaching staff is obliged to:

  • recruit children into groups, studios, creative teams according to the developed program;
  • look for ways to motivate pupils;
  • carry out activities aimed at improving the equipment of the classroom;
  • develop special information materials;
  • take into account the wishes of parents and pupils;
  • help children, develop individual educational trajectories for them.

It is the teacher of preschool education who is obliged to create optimal conditions for schoolchildren so that each child has a real opportunity to reveal his creative potential, self-development, and self-improvement.

The professional standard also includes a clause according to which the teacher must carry out work related to the preparation of his pupils for various exhibitions and competitions.

A true professional knows how to create conditions for self-control of children, find an option for effective cooperation with other organizations, parents of their students.


In connection with the innovations and transformations that have been observed in recent years in the Russian education system, the question of introducing a professional teacher's standard in the system of additional education is relevant and timely.

In order for the educational process to proceed according to a certain algorithm, the teacher must have certain personal qualities, also noted in the standard: high creativity, intellectual level, sense of humor, tolerance, love for children.

Amendments were made to the Federal Law "On Education", which imply the passage of compulsory professional certification of all employees of the Russian continuing education system. This procedure, according to the authors of the document, is a measure for assessing the skill of teachers. As confirmation of their achievements, teachers present diplomas, certificates, gratitude, diplomas. Based on the results of certification, they will be assigned a certain qualification category, which will significantly affect the size of his salary.

In order to modernize education in the Russian Federation, by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 8, 2015 No. 613-n, the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" was approved.

The updated goals of the Russian education system create new requirements for the quality of teaching staff, for the level of professional teaching activity in general.

It is necessary to develop new professional qualities of teachers of additional education with a standard of professional activity in the field of training, education and development.

The professional standard should become a system-forming mechanism that will improve the quality of the work of teachers of additional education, create objective requirements for labor actions, knowledge and skills, the required level of professional education.

The professional standard will determine the volume and direction of training, retraining or advanced training, will allow to objectively link the level of professionalism of the teacher of additional education, his job duties and conditions of remuneration with the results of professional activity (effective contract). At the same time, the professional standard should act as a basis for assessing the qualifications and work of a teacher of additional education, and an effective contract as a tool for combining the interests of a teacher and a leader to solve the problems of an educational organization.

It should be noted that when introducing the professional standard of a teacher of additional education, a number of problems arise related to the lack of clear principles for building a career in the professional activity of teachers, including its main stages, the relationship between occupying the relevant position and the qualifications required for this (from the point of view of the professional standard) ; the lack of a clear and objective relationship between the qualifications (professional level, level of competence) of a teacher, the quality and results of his professional activity and remuneration.

The updated understanding of the requirements of the professional standard by teachers is a reflection of the real needs of the system of additional education for children, the mechanism for obtaining the quality of education, a tool for ensuring professional and career growth, a personally significant approach to their own activities.



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Specialist model -

teacher of additional education for children and adults



leisure activities of students in the process


Labor actions

1.Planning the preparation of leisure activities.

2. Organization of leisure activities.

3.Conducting leisure activities


Formation of cultural traditions of organizing leisure (in

according to the chosen areas of activity).

Expanding the cultural experience of students

and them

parents (legal representatives) in the organization of leisure


1.Definition and description of traditional activities for

organization of leisure activities (within the framework of the structural

units in accordance with the chosen direction

activity) (forms, frequency, expected results) and


their cultural

family reproduction


2. Determination of the forms of attracting students and their parents

(legal representatives) in the process of preparing leisure


3. Drafting and discussion with parents (legal

representatives) and students of plans for organizing leisure


4.Training parents (legal representatives) in ways

organizing and conducting leisure activities in the process

joint activities.

5. Joint




students and their parents (legal representatives).

6. Organization of receiving feedback from parents on and togs

holding events.

7. Conducting analysis with the involvement of the parent community,

access to joint planning of leisure activities.

8. Generalization of experience and description of formed traditions in

organization of leisure activities.


Administration of the educational institution


organizer teacher,

parents (legal representatives),


specialized institutions

Resources / Terms

1. Organizational.

2.Material - technical equipment (by profile


3. Availability of premises.


1. The presence of cultural traditions and systems in the work on

organization of leisure activities in the process of implementation

additional general education program.

2. Active participation of parents (legal representatives) in

planning, preparing and conducting leisure activities

3. A high level of culture of leisure activities



1.Awareness of students, parents (legal

representatives) about the system of leisure activities and traditions

leisure activities in the structural unit

and in the institution as a whole.

2.Use of mastered forms, methods of activity in

organization of leisure activities outside the institution.

3. Dissemination of experience.

Cultural traditions– social and cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation and reproducing in certain societies and social groups for a long time. Traditions are present in all social and cultural systems and are a prerequisite for their existence.


Ensuring interaction with parents of students,

mastering additional general education

programs in solving problems of education and upbringing

Labor actions

1.Planning interactions with parents (legal

representatives) of students mastering additional

general educational program, in solving learning problems

and education.

2. Conducting parent-teacher meetings, individual and

group meetings (consultation) with parents (legal


3. Organization of joint activities of children and adults at

conducting classes and leisure activities.

4.Ensuring, within the framework of its authority, the observance of rights

the child and the fulfillment of established responsibilities by adults


1. Formation of a responsible active position of parents in

issues of teaching and raising a child in the system

additional education.

2. Formation of uniform requirements for the organization

the pedagogical process on the part of parents (legal


teaching staff


additional education)


1.Informing parents (legal representatives) about



"Sputnik r.p. Linevo "


additional education and teaching staff.

2.Investigation of parental requests for additional services


3. Organization of recruitment into groups, taking into account the request of parents and


4. Development of a system of interaction with parents, including

forms of work and feedback systems.

5. Planning and organizing situations of cooperation with

parents, provision and opportunities to actively

participate in the development process.


Administration of the institution,




Resources / conditions

1. Room for the organization of work.

Professional and personal resources.

Methodological support (if necessary).


1.Formed community of parents of students in

MKUDO CDOD "Sputnik".

2.Effective interaction between teachers and parents

(legal representatives) on issues related to the development

students of additional education programs.

3. The presence of unity of requirements in matters of organization

educational process


1. Active participation of parents (legal representatives) in

events organized in MKUDO CDOD "Sputnik",

various forms of orientation, cooperation with

teaching staff.

Absence of conflict situations with parents (legal

representatives) caused by the difference in requirements for

the pedagogical process and interaction with students

Specialist model - teacher of additional education for children and adults


Organization of student activities,

aimed at assimilating

additional general education program

Labor actions

1.A set for training for additional general developmental







pre-professional program.



and help

students in


activities and behavior in the classroom.

4. Development of measures for the modernization of equipment










educational program.


1.Creating the conditions for effective mastery of children

ways of activities in the chosen direction in accordance

with potential in the process of mastering

additional general education program


1. Carrying out activities for the recruitment of students for training

for an additional general education program (based on

studying parental requests, including).



process aimed at

mastering the program of additional education by the child.

3. Implementation of monitoring and

Giving help

students in the correction of activities and behavior in the classroom.

4. Creating conditions that motivate parents to reinforce

in children received ZUNs and developing

UUD, and

expanding the cultural experience of children in the chosen direction.

5. Formation of the subject-spatial environment in

institution providing the development of educational


6. Providing opportunities for students to participate in

activities aimed at presenting results

training (contests, exhibitions, competitions, etc.)



additional education teachers,


other subjects of social infrastructure,

related by

additional general education program

Resources / Terms

1. Room for organizing classes.

2. Material and technical resources.

3. Information and methodological resources.

4. Professional and personal resources of the teacher.

5 resources

social infrastructure





1.Effective mastery of additional content by children

general education program and methods of activity in

the chosen direction in accordance with the potential


2. The presence of a situation of creative success among students.






general education program by students based on results

control and diagnostic procedures (individually, in

according to the potential of the child).






3. High motivation of students to study the chosen


Specialist model - teacher of additional education for children and adults



control and evaluation of the development of additional

general education program

Labor actions

1.Control and evaluation of the development of additional

general education programs, including within

established forms of certification (if any).

2.Analysis and interpretation of the results of pedagogical

control and evaluation.

3. Fixation and assessment of the dynamics of preparedness and motivation

students in the process of mastering additional

general education program.








route of students on




the final


learning by children


1. Study of professional literature on the topic "Estimated

procedures ", visiting thematic classes on this

issue, professional development, self-education on this


2. Development of evaluation procedures for the implemented program

additional education and registration forms

the results obtained.





a long-term plan of work.

4.Fixing the results of interim and final diagnostics

in developed and approved forms.

5. Correction of educational

student route


received data.


Additional education teachers,




parents (legal representatives) of students (if necessary)

Resources / Terms


2.Methodical and diagnostic.

3.Material and technical (depending on the direction


2. Timely correction of the educational route

students on the basis of fixing intermediate and final

the results of children's mastering of the content of the program.

2.Effective development by children of the additional program



1. Availability of final materials based on the results of the

evaluation procedures.

2.Making changes and additions to the DOP and RDOP based on

carrying out assessment procedures (if necessary).

3.Achievement of planned development results

students of additional general education


Specialist model - teacher of additional education for children and adults


Development of software and methodological support for implementation

additional general education program

Labor actions

1. Development of additional general education programs

(curriculum, disciplines (modules)) and educational

methodological materials for their implementation.

2. Determination of pedagogical goals and objectives, planning

classes and (or) cycles of classes aimed at mastering

the chosen type of activity (areas of additional


3. Determination of pedagogical goals and objectives, planning

leisure activities, development of plans (scenarios)

leisure activities.

4. Development of a system for assessing the achievement of the planned

5.Documentation Supporting Implementation

additional general education program (programs

training course, discipline (module))


Creation of a modern up-to-date database programmatically -

methodological support of additional education.

Formation of the educational environment (conditions, including

methodological support), relevant for modern

DPO systems


1.Study the needs of recipients of educational services on

specific programs of additional education.

2. Development of projects of software and methodological complexes for

the chosen direction of activity.

3. Determination of conditions for effective implementation of the program

additional education, taking into account the needs of the participants









learners), include learning processes and

the organization

leisure activities

4. Coordination and approval of programs and methodological


5. Development of a system for assessing the achievement of the planned

the results of mastering the general education program.

6. Registration and submission of documentation providing

implementation of additional educational


(curriculum, discipline (module))


Additional education teachers,



specialists of educational authorities,

expert community (in the profile of general education


1. Availability of an up-to-date base of software-methodical

providing additional education for those implemented in

institution of areas of additional education.


1.Conformity of software and methodological support

modern requirements.

2.Verified assessment of relevance and effectiveness

developed, implemented and planned for implementation

software and methodological complexes.

On the transition to work in the context of the introduction of professional standards

On July 1, 2016, the Federal Law of May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "came into force.

Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated 02.05.2015

Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes: "If this Code, other Federal Laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation establish requirements for the qualifications necessary for an employee to perform a certain job function, professional standards in terms of these requirements are mandatory for employers."

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in an information letter dated February 10, 2016 "On the Application of Professional Standards in the Sphere of Labor" explains the procedure for applying professional standards. Professional standards are used by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, the development of job descriptions, tariffication of work, the assignment of wage grades to employees and the establishment of remuneration systems, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management (including organization of staff training and internal methodical work).

Information dated 02/10/2016 "On the application of professional standards in the field of labor"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 No. 584 "On the specifics of the application of professional standards in terms of requirements mandatory for use by state or municipal unitary enterprises, as well as state corporations, state-owned companies and business entities, more than fifty percent of shares (stakes) in the authorized whose capital is in state ownership or municipal ownership ”introduces a procedure for the phased implementation of professional standards.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2018 No. 298-n "On the approval of the professional standard"Teacher of additional education for children and adults".

The professional standard for teachers of additional education for children and adults has been updated. The Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 09/08/2015 No. 613n, which approved the previously valid professional standard, has been declared invalid. According to the standard, the purpose of the activities of these specialists is to organize the activities of students for the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies: the creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of creative abilities, satisfaction of the needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, health promotion, organization of free time, vocational guidance, ensuring that students achieve the results of mastering additional general education programs. The functions of these specialists include:

Teaching in additional general education programs:

Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of additional general education programs;

Organizational and pedagogical support for the implementation of additional general education programs.

The standard establishes the requirements for education and work experience necessary for a specialist to perform his job functions.

Please note that in the order of May 5, 2018 N 298n there is no provision stating that “the professional standard is used by employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, the conclusion of labor contracts, the development of job descriptions and the establishment of systems wages "(previously it was required).