Information portal UDU. Udmurt State University

    Udmurt State University - Opened in 1972 on the basis of Poz. First rector of Ass.B.N. Shulga. In UN, there are 13 F compments, 62 departments, graduate school, 4 special councils on the protection of the Cand. Diss., ed. On the basis of UN, there are 3 higher college, the NII mat. Simulation, lab. on research ... Ural historical encyclopedia

    Udmurt State University - Republic of Udmurtia, Izhevsk, ul. University, 1. Psychology, social work, Pedagogy and Psychology, Pedagogy and Methods preschool education, social Psychology, Valeology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic ... ... Pedagogical Terminology Dictionary

    UDGU - Udmurtsky state UniversityDictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

    This term has other values, see Izhevsk (values). City Izhevsk UDM. IL, I. Flag of the coat of arms ... Wikipedia

    See also: Education in Udmurtia Izhevsk is the largest educational, scientific and cultural Center Udmurtia. Unlike most other regions of Russia, training is conducted most often in two languages \u200b\u200bof Udmurt and Russian. Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    Izhevsk is the largest educational, scientific and cultural center of Udmurtia. Contents 1 universities 2 Dusses 3 lyceums and gymnasium ... Wikipedia

    Udmurtia republic Russian Federationis its integral subject, part of the Volga region federal District, Located in the Western Predict, in the interfluent Kama and her right bodies. Country populated ... ... Wikipedia

    State institution of higher vocational education "Udmurt State University" (UDHU) Motto I'm in UDGU IT IT IT IT THE FAST OF THE BASIS 1931 Rector Semen Demyanovich Bunov ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Abakan 2 Armavir 3 Arkhangelsk ... Wikipedia


  • Differential geometry of curves and surfaces, to KaroM M .. The book outlines the differential geometry of curves and surfaces from basic concepts up to the subtle theorems on the global structure. A feature of the book is to familiarize the reader ...
  • Nonlinear resonances and catastrophes. Reliability, safety and silentness, Ganiev R.F. Monograph is devoted to the presentation of the scientific foundations of nonlinear oscillatory processes in mechanical systems under conditions of multiple resonances that generate intensive multidimensional movements. ...
In November 2012, Udmurt State University became a diploma of the competition "Systems of the quality of training of graduates of educational institutions of vocational education."
The competition is held annually by Rosobrnadzor. In 2012, it was attended by 73 educational institutions, 46 of whom - institutions of higher vocational education. The assessment is carried out by the expert commission of nine criteria:
  • the role of leadership in the organization of work to ensure the quality of graduates training;
  • policy and strategy in the field of graduates training;
  • the use of the potential of teachers, employees and students to ensure the quality of graduation preparation;
  • rational use of resources (material, financial and human);
  • management of graduates preparation quality management;
  • satisfaction of employers in the quality of graduates training; satisfaction of teachers, employees and workbooks and study;
  • influence of an educational institution on society;
  • results that achieved educational institution With regard to the planned goals of improving the quality of graduates.
According to the results of full-time examination, the Commission has awarded the Udmurt State University "Diplomance" nomination. On this occasion, on December 21 at a meeting of the Rector in Moscow, Rector UDU G. V. Merzlyakova was solemnly awarded a diploma and a memorial souvenir.