University on Mokhovoy. Cultural Center of Moscow State University New Corps on Mokhovaya

Among Moscow holidays there is one special - the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana, celebrated on January 25th. This is the famous Tatiana Day, who has entered the name of Tatyan and the holiday of students of Moscow University (Holy Tatiana, the daughter of a noble Roman, secretly adopted Christianity, was executed in 226 after refusal to contact paganism). It so happened that it was in Tatiana's day, on January 25, 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna at the request of Count Ivan Shuvalov signed a decree "On the establishment of Moscow University". The date Shuvalov chose himself: it was the day of his mother's name. Since then, Holy Tatyana is considered a patroness of students.

With the second halves XIX. century this day becomes Tatianin - an unofficial student holiday, which are now celebrating not only students, but also "adult people" who graduated from Moscow University, but also all sorts of educational establishments our country.

Initially, Moscow University did not have its own building, as well as their own house church. At first, it is located in the old building of the Zemsky order on Red Square (now in this place is a historical museum). Festive prayer on the opening day of Moscow University April 26, 1755 and the first worship services about university celebrations were held in the neighboring Kazan Cathedral.

However, since July 1757, the sector began to search for the church for opening a university house in him. Soon, Moscow University received in his placement of the estate of the princes Volkonsky, Repnina and Boryatinsky on Mokhovoy - where his main building on the project Matvey Kazakov was built later. In 1791, the first university house church in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana (burned in a fire of 1812 (burned in the fire of 1812) in the left Flegene.

The university church reopened in 1817 on the second floor of a neighboring church of St. George the Victorian on the Red Gorka. It was here, in the newly convened Tatyanian chassion of the St. George Temple, students of Moscow University swore a great prince Konstantin Pavlovich, and then his brother Nicholas I in 1825. And here, in Tatiana, the day of 1831, a solemn service was accomplished after the terrible cholera epidemic in Moscow. In 1832, Emperor Nicholas I bought for the university the estate of Pashkovy on the same moss. In 1836, the Russian architect E.Tyurin rebuilt the part of the estate (Pashkovsky Flegel) for the Tatyanian Church. On September 25, 1837, St. Philaret, Metropolitan Moskovsky, consecrated the new home church of the university in the presence of the Minister of Education S.Uvarova. Every year on January 25, a festive prayer with Akathist Holy Martyr Tatiana was solemnly served in the university church. After the lunch, everyone went to the assembly hall on Mokhovoy, where the official ceremony of celebrating Tatyanian Day was held, and then the student liberty began.

As you know, on that day in the prestigious restaurant "Hermitage" on the tubular russed carpets and flooded with sawdusts, and instead of graceful chairs, put shops and shifted the tables together - the main feast of the students traditionally took place there:
"Long live Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana,
All our brothers are drunk, all drunk
In Tatianin, a nice day! ".
The city's city in Tatiana was commanded not to touch the students who had stepped up and not to take them into part.

The parishioners of the Tatiana temple were students and teachers of Moscow University - here they were confessed and communioned, walked, baptized their children, fled relatives.

Are there any conjugations between Tatian and Russian student? Or even a little wider - between the Tatiana and the part of the Russian society, which was called the formed estimation, and now - intelligentsia. First, Tatiana testified to his life, the unity of the word and the case was far from always achieved by educated people. Tatiana was, as we know, the girl, twisted in his life virtue of purity and chastity. If your soul does not have purity and the desire to live in the truth of God, then all your sermons and calls for the correction of others will be vain. Finally, another important circumstance: she combined with their challenge beliefs an active active love of neighbor. Also rare virtue in people engaged in sciences.

In the 1830s The territory occupied by Moscow University became Mala, so in 1832 the emperor Nicholas I ordered to buy a plot for him with two houses, which was located in the street from the main building of the University. In the second half of the XVI century, this site may have been part of the Okrich yard of Ivan the Terrible. A small one-story building with a semi-breaker remained from the Okrichy Yard, which hosts the Typography of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

At the end of the XVII century, this site was in possession of a rich family of Pashkovoy, in particular he belonged to the rich P.E. Pashkovo, son of a twin of Peter I. It was built by architect Bazhenovy several buildings on Mokhovaya Street, in particular, the famous Pashkov House. At the corner of Mokhovaya and Nikitskaya Street Pashkov, ordered the Palace "for the Balley Device." For unknown reasons, the construction of the house did not graduate, the palace of pasta was unfinished for almost 40 years. By 1832, it did not have windows, doors and stoves. Emperor Nicholas I commanded to buy it for the university, and this case received the name of the audit. Since 1970, it is located the faculty of MSU journalism. M.V. Lomonosov.

The Moscow architect E.D.Turin was instructed to rebuild Pashkov's Palace in the building adapted for the needs of the university. In 1835, the audit corps was opened, in the XIX century, the famous professors of historical and philological and law faculties were lectured in it: so-called. Granovsky, S.M. Solovyov, S.P. Shevyrev, V.O. Klyuchevsky, N.S. Tikhonravov, M.M. Kovalevsky. Public lectures in this building were very popular at the Moscow Public. On the upper floor of the audit body, a mechanical office was placed, renamed in 1901 in the office of applied mechanics, which was headed by N.E. Zhukovsky. On the balustrade near him there was an aerodynamic tube, one of the first in the world (it was destroyed in 1941). On the second floor there was a mathematical society oldest in Europe.

In 1833-37. Subjected to the restructuring and the housing of the estate to the left of the audit corps, where the Pashkov has a playpen, and then theater. It was rebuilt to accommodate the University Church of St. Tatiana in Him. The decoration of the church, as well as the painting of the Italian artist Langelifotto died in Soviet times.

In the university houses of the Church, students and professors were forgiven with many of those who fited their name forever in the history of Russian science and culture. T.N. referred here. Granovsky and S.M. Solovyov said goodbye to A.G. Tabletov and N.S. Tikhonravov, departed the coffin with the body of N.V. Gogol.

The university house temple was closed in 1918. In 1922, on the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution, the club was opened in the temple. On May 6, 1958, the Great Russian actress Alexander Appochkina solemnly opened here the student Theater of Moscow State University. Here, I put my first plays known today theater director M. Rosovsky, and now the late Rolan of Bykov, the stage talent of I. Savina, A. Demidova, A. Kortneva, I. Bogushevskaya, and others revealed.

In 1993, a community under the Church of Holy Tatiana was restored, on January 25, 1995, in Tatiana the day, the house church of Moscow University was consecrated here again.

In 1901-1904 (1905). The audit building was once again rebuilt with architect K.M. Bykovsky. The new look acquired the entrance to the building, the dome of the glass roof was ascended over the front staircase. It was prescribed by two floors to the transition to the church corpus. From the facade of the building, the frontton was removed, changed the number of portico columns, the size of the windows and reduced almost twice the number of windows. There was an openwork lattice in front of the building. A new wing was completed from the courtyard: a large audience was expanded (in Soviet times it was called the Communist - now an academic audience number 232). The central part of the building was taken by a magnificent front staircase and three tiers of balustrad under the central dome of the building. Bykovsky, Bykovsky, he had built the building towards Nikitskaya Street, building a second large audience (former Leninsky - now Aud. 201). After the restructuring, the old large audience ceased to exist, where public lectures were held, as well as the famous professorial audience, which was located in the central part of the building. At the same time, K.M. Bykovsky was built the building of the University Scientific Library with Rotond on the corner. In this form, the building ensemble and the audit body are preserved before the restructuring after the Great Patriotic War.

Since 1919, Rabafak (working faculty) of Moscow State University was located in the audit building. Then, in the 1920s, the Faculty of Social Sciences was located in the audit building, then reorganized in the Historical and Ethnological Faculty and Faculty of Law.

During the Great Patriotic War, the building of the audit corps suffered. Particularly severe destruction were caused on October 29, 1941 by the fall of a big fugasic bomb near the building. The explosive wave was knocked out all windows and doors, the roof is broken, the glass is knocked out from the dome. IN scientific Library MSUs were also knocked out windows and doors and destroyed racks, books, newspapers and magazines were scattered on the floor. The explosion strongly cherished the cast-iron grille in front of the building. In 1942-1943 Restoration of the audit corps led the architect S.A. Topop. At the same time, a cast-iron fence was restored, cast in Figure E.D. Tyurina.

After the end of the construction of a high-rise building and other buildings, some of the faculties of Moscow State University moved to Leninsky Mountains, and in the audit corps since 1970 there is a faculty of MGU journalism.

First Monument M.V. Lomonosov - Bronze bust on the cast-iron pedestal of the sculptor S.I. Ivanova with the inscription: "Lomonosov Moscow University. 1876 \u200b\u200b"- was opened before the audit corps on the day of the 120th anniversary of the University on January 12, 1877. During the bombing in October 1941, the pedestal of this monument was destroyed. Then Bust Lomonosov moved to the site of the Parade Staircase of the MSU club. M.V. Lomonosov (now he is in the chassis of the temple of Holy Tatiana).

And before the university installed a new monument Sculpture S.D. Mercurova, depicting young Lomonosov, standing in full growth and resting on a globe. This gypsum monument began to quickly collapse from snow and rains.

Therefore, in 1957, the current Monument M.V. was opened Lomonosova work sculptor I.I. Kozlovsky.

Authors Articles: Gutnov D.A. (Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Faculty of Journalism MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov) and Minaeva OD (Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Faculty of Journalism MSU named after M.V. Lomonosov)

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The temple is located in the former theater fluege of the urban estate of the end of the XVIII century, which belonged to Pashkovy. In the beginning. 1830s. The manor was acquired by the University and rebuilt (Archite. E.D. Tyurin). The temple was consecrated in 1837. Filaret, Mitre. Moscow. The interior of the temple was decorated with sculptures of the work of I.P. Vitaly. In July 1919, the temple was closed, soon an order appears to eliminate the interior of the church. In the place of the temple it is satisfied reading room Jurfak, on the front instead of the former inscription "The Light of Christ enlightens all" the slogan "Science - Workers" is knocked out; True, then it will be removed. In 1922, on the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution, the club opens in the university church. And on May 6, 1958, the World MSU Student Theater opens in the building of the former temple. The first head of the student theater in 1958-1960 was a young and talented actor and director Rolan Bykov. This theater brought together many famous artists: Just Savin, Alla Demidov, Mark Zakharov and others. In Khrushchev "Thaw", the student theater was invented for creative youth. Thanks to talented and freedom-loving productions, the theater has gained wide popularity. The fact that there was a university church and the scene here at the place of the altar, in recent decades, of course, who no longer remembered, and who did not know. On January 25, 1991, in the temple walls, but still in the premises of the student theater for the first time after many decades of total atheism, the Holy Patriarch Alexy was served by Saint Tatian. In 1992, speaking at Moscow State University, in the presence of the rector of Viktor Sadovichnoye and Mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov Patriarch expressed a wish to revive the university temple. In 1993, a group of professors appealed to the MSU Rector with a proposal to restore the home university temple on his historical place. The Academic Council of Moscow State University approved the initiative of the professorical and teaching staff and December 20, 1993 decided: "Restore in the same form architectural monument - Moscow University building on ul. Herzen, 1. Release the Orthodox House of Moscow University in this building ... ". Other premises were distinguished by the order of the rector of the Moscow State University V. A. Sadovnichniy dated March 17, 1994: other premises were distinguished: in the main building of Moscow State University at the Sparrow Mountains and in the old building on Mokhovaya. On April 27, 1994, in coordination with the rector of Moscow State University, Decree of the Patriarch Alexy II in the former church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was established by the Patriarch. The priest of Maxim Kozlov, a graduate of the Department of Classical Philology of the Philology of the Moscow State University of the Classical Philology of the Philology of the Moscow State University, is appointed acting rector of the revived university temple. For 10 years of the existence of the temple, the former appearance of the church is restored - the inscription and the cross on the front of the temple are recreated, the choir and the central entrance to the upper temple are recreated, the painting and stucco are restored. On March 7, 2004, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II committed the Great Consecration of the Briefs of the Martyr Tatiana under Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov.