Federal Regional Policy in the field of pre-school education. About modern educational policy in preschool education

1 state policy in the field of school Education Stavropol Regional Institute for Advanced Training Employees

1.1.Rol formation by modern stage Russia 1.2. Vehicle Education System 1.3. Principles of state policy in the field of education 2. Installation of a new education system in Russia 2.1.Stragic goal of public policy in the field of education 2.2. The priorities of the state policy in the field of education 3. Development of preschool education 3.1.New value Preschool Education 4. Home Destinations of Preconcetic Education 4.1. The priorities of the development of the pre-school education system of the Stavropol Territory 2

3 main regulatory documents defining new priorities for the development of pre-school education Constitution of the Russian Federation Education Development Strategy until 2020 (the concept of long-term socio economic Development RF, Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 №1662-Р) Strategy for the development of the Education System of the Stavropol Territory until 2020. National Education Initiative "Our New School" (approved by the President of the Russian Federation, D. Medvedev 04.02.2010) Qualification Characteristics of posts Education workers (order of August 26, 2010 No. 761n) Typical Regulations on the preschool educational institution (((existing, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 27, 2011 N 2562) Federal Task Force Development Program for 2011-2015. Regional target program "Development of education in the Stavropol Territory for 2011-2012" Federal State Requirements for Preschool Education

4 The concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of education is to increase the availability of high-quality education in accordance with the requirements of the innovative development of the economy and the modern needs of society.

5 Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation Priority tasks First - quality assurance educational services and effective management of educational organizations

6 Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation Priority Tasks Second - Creating a Structure educational systemcorresponding to the requirements of the innovative development of the economy:

7 Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation Priority tasks of the Third - ensuring the availability of high-quality education, regardless of income and residence, the formation of a system of targeted work with gifted children and talented youth

8 Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation Priority tasks Fourth - the creation of a modern system of continuous education, training and retraining of professional personnel

Introduction of innovative technologies in education, widespread use of design methods; Competitive identification and support of leaders implementing new approaches in education; Solving the problems of personnel support of the educational system; Updating the organizational and economic mechanisms of the education system; Increase the flexibility and diversity of forms of services for the system of pre-school education; 9 Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020

Implementation of pre-school training of children entering 1 class; Expanding forms of learning children with disabilities in non-specialized OU more complete use of the potential of the family in raising children. 10 Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation up to 2020

Transition to new educational standards. Development of a system for supporting talented children. Ensuring the system of moral and material incentives for the support of teachers, certification and constant increase in their qualifications. Changing the infrastructure of OU both in form and content: the development of new forms of designing buildings of OU, new equipment to create a psychological and physical comfort of the child's stay in OU, security, creating a barrier-free environment (integration of disabled children). Preservation and strengthening the health of children (food, medical care, physical education and sports, zoom, preventive programs, individual programs for the development of children's health, an individual approach to each, inadmissibility of the teaching overload of children). The expansion of independence of the OU (compilation of OP, financial and economic independence, the creation of AU, support for private OU, attracting the management of private investors, distance education) is a degree of freedom and the level of responsibility of the OU head. 11 National Education Initiative "Our New School"

Family pupils, including families who have children with disabilities. Development of mechanisms of public examination of the quality of educational services. 12 Implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of the Network of Preschool Education for 2011-2015.

Competence - the quality of the actions of the employee who ensure an adequate and effective solution of professionally significant subject objectives that are problematic in nature, as well as the willingness to be responsible for their actions. Main components of the competence of education workers: - Professional - Communicative - Information - Legal 13 Qualification Characteristics of Education Employees

Head of OU (Deputy Head of the OU): Higher Professional Education in the Directions of Training "State and municipal Governance"," Management "," Personnel Management "and work experience in pedagogical positions at least 5 years; Senior Educator: Higher vocational education in the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" and work experience in the position of an educator at least 2 years. Educator: Higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience; or higher (average) vocational education and additional professional training In the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience (+ see paragraph 42 of the Model Regulations on the admission of admission to pedagogical activities) 14 Requirements for qualifications

Professional competence: optimal solution of management problems, non-standard solution of tasks; readiness to make taking place changes and the ability to manage them; possession of modern technology management quality management and team; possession project technologies; The ability to see and develop opportunities and resources of workers. Communicative competence: effective interaction with various organizations, authorities and management; ownership of business correspondence; the ability to negotiate, execute executive functions, communicate with colleagues for work; The ability to resolve tense and conflict situations; Owning skills oratory., active listening (hear and understand the partner), arguments and beliefs, the motivation of subordinates. Qualification Requirements 15

Information competence: effective perception and assessment of information, selection and synthesis of information in accordance with the priority system; use of information technologies in management activities; Work with various information sources and resources; Maintain documentation on electronic media. Legal competence: Effective use in managing legislative and other regulatory documents; development of local regulatory documents; Adoption of management decisions within the framework of the current legislative framework. sixteen

The right of kindergartens is not only to offer services for pre-school education, but also on the supervision and care of children. - Classification preschool institutions There are no changes, but in a new typical position it is specified that in kindergartens, if necessary, groups for the supervision and care of children can be organized in compliance with the day mode, but without educational programs. - Rights the right to create family groups. They can also be two species - with educational programs and without them. -If the first kindergarten, where the language of the peoples of Russia is being trained, should have ensured the conditions for the study of Russian, now there is no such commitment - the child's garden is no longer responsible for the quality of programs that use-to-go state accreditation Preschool institution is not necessary - there is no such requirement in a typical position - a license. -The typical position was clearly prescribed that the founder of the preschool institution is an organ local governmentsNow there is no such graph. - The new position has disappeared the chapter on the limiting filling of groups and others. Typical position 17

New value guidelines for pre-school education: 1. Early age (new type of DOU) 2. Pre-school education (new type of DOU) 3. Empowerment of the rights to the education of children with disabilities (joint education), rehabilitation of children with disabilities in all types of DOU 4. Strengthening the educational potential of DOU (education of citizenship, tolerance, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for environmental, Homeland, family) 5. Creating conditions in the Dow to explore the Russian language as state language Of the Russian Federation 6. Equipment of qualified assistance to the family (provision of advisory and methodological assistance to parents). 18 Typical Proposition

7. Opening of pre-school groups on the basis of educational institutions of other types (if licensed). 8. Determination of 4 priorities for the development of children: informative-speech, socio-personal, artistic and aesthetic, physical. 9. Expansion of regimes work DOU: 12 o'clock, 8-10 hours, 14 hours, 3-5 hours, 24 hours (exclusion of the "free visit to children's free visits") 10. Changes in the name of the types of groups DOU: groups of the general arraying orientation of a group of compensating orientation of a group of the recreational or . In compensation groups: (children with autism are introduced, the wording of the UO - light degree, moderate, heavy) 19 typical position

1. Development of the main general educational program of the DOU based on the federal exemplary main educational program of pre-school education (in accordance with the requirements of the GEF) 2. Individual programs for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities (if they are in the contingent of any kind). 20 New Dow Documents

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009). 2. Federal government requirements on the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of pre-school education (coordination pass). 3. The approximate basic general educational program of pre-school education (is being developed by the authorized federal state body based on GEF, currently undergoing testing). 4. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education for children with disabilities (is being developed by the authorized federal state body based on GEF). 21.

Establish standards and provisions, mandatory in the implementation of the basic general educational program of pre-school education (OOP to) by all OU, which have state accreditation; GEF takes into account the features of the implementation of the OOP to children with disabilities (OBA); Provide a unified educational space of the Russian Federation under the modernization of all levels of education; On the basis of GEF, an examination of the main general educational programs for pre-school education under the licensing of OU is carried out; FGS Functions before legal regulation and ensuring guarantees of children's rights to preschool education: 22

Users of GEF: OU (DOU), education management bodies; Copyright teams that develop educational programs of pre-school education (complex and development of individual educational regions); Middle and higher vocational education on the preparation of specialists DOU; advanced training institutions; public organizationsoperating in the field of pre-school education; 23.

GEF increases the responsibility of the Quality and the final result of educational work - the level of development of the physical, intellectual and personal qualities of the child, meaningful for family, society and state and ensuring the continuity of the foundations of preschool and initial general Education. 24

Educational education; Unity of educational, educational and training tasks; Scientific validity and practical applicability (compliance with the fundamental basics of age psychology and pre-school pedagogy; cultural and historical, activity, personal-oriented approaches to the development of the child); Integration of educational areas (interaction of the content of educational areas to ensure the integrity of the educational process); Comprehensive and thematic principle of building an educational process (availability of topics, motivation); Organization of the educational process on adequate age forms and activities (leading activity - game); Conceptual bases 25.

Formation in kindergartens educational environment, stimulating children's initiative and independence, creativity, freedom of choice, motor and cognitive activity of children, cooperation of an adult and child. Widespread use of information and communication technologies for the creative and intellectual development of children. Expansion of the social space of kindergarten (cooperation with libraries, museums, parks, participation in the life of the neighborhood). The implementation of programs that ensure the adaptation and integration of migrant children into the community of peers, teaching the Russian language as the second. Expansion of the spectrum of additional educational services; Organization of club forms of cooperation with family of pupils, including families who have children with disabilities. Development of mechanisms of public examination of the quality of educational services. 26 Implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of the Network of Preschool Education 2011-2015.

The introduction of children's health monitoring system. Improving nutrition. Formation of an individual model of recovery of children. Acquisition of children to the culture of a healthy lifestyle and strengthening interest in classes physical culture and sports. Improving forms of learning for children with disabilities 27 health care

Creation of a comfortable, safe, adapted to the special needs of pupils of the medium equipped with special equipment; Development of the psychological and pedagogical support system of the child. Creating continuous educational routes: variable forms of preschool education - kindergarten - elementary school. 28 Development of inclusive education in preschool institutions.

Expanding the possibility of registration of children in online mode in a single register of future pupils of pre-school educational institutions. Using automated information system "Packing Dow" to ensure the transparency of the acquisition of kindergartens and the possibility of predicting needs in pre-school educational services. Creating Internet sites of pre-school educational institutions and the widespread use of modern information and communication technologies for informing the population, increasing the parent competence in matters of development and education of children, receiving feedback on the quality of educational services. 29 Information openness of pre-school education

Development of the public-public management system of a preschool educational institution: the creation of governing councils endowed with real powers in strategic management issues economic activity, quality control, personnel policy. The start of a pilot project on the transition to new mechanisms for financing preschool educational services at the expense of target subsidies, a new wage system, stimulating quality, performance and professional development of teachers. The mission of the Educational Complex of the Stavropol Territory is to provide conditions for high-quality education and upbringing a comprehensively developed, competitive, healthy personality of young citizens of the country, training for the innovative economy of the region. 30 Improving the efficiency of the modern kindergarten

1. Improving the availability of high-quality education that meets the requirements of the innovative development of the country's economy, modern requirements societies. 2. The formation of a high-moral, educated personality with basic competencies of a modern person. 3. Preservation and development of the educational complex of the region, which meets the modern requirements of the state and society. 31 Main strategic goals:

1. Improving the availability of high-quality education; 2. Strengthening, development of logistical, academic base Education institutions in accordance with the National Educational Strategy "New School"; 3. Preparation of a new generation of pedagogical personnel; 4. Preservation and strengthening the health of children in the learning process; 5. Improving management efficiency in the education system; 6. Development of a modern continuing system; 7. Improving economic mechanisms in the field of education; 8. Development of alternative forms of livelihoods of children devoid of parent care; 9. Integrating children with disabilities in society; Support for talented youth. Improving the availability of high-quality education 32 priority directions for the development of the Education System of the Stavropol Territory

Questions and tasks for control: 1. Name the key problems of ensuring the availability and quality of pre-school education. 2. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation possess the right of legislative initiative. 3. Transfer the main regulatory documents that determine new priorities for the development of pre-school education. 4. Name the priority directions for the development of pre-school education. 5. An information openness of pre-school education (definition). 6. Put the main strategic goals in the field of education. 7. Name the principles of state policy in the field of education. Create a standard for preschool education in the form of a Practical task 33

THANKS FOR ATTENTION! Good luck in work

"Social competence" - the continuity of the stages children's Development. Forecast on the progress of environmental change. Personality approach. Self-determination. Pedagogical support. Approaches to formation social competencies: Adaptation in society. Method "Corners". Classroom teacher. Self-development. Problem approach. Self-realization.

"Competence Education" is the content of the concept of "competence". Test tasks Open type. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the implementation of the competence approach. General educational skills. Determination of the distance. Characteristic signs. Signs and results of competence learning. Read the proposed sources. Signs and results.

"Competences" - the competence of a graduate. Competence model of a graduate (draft third generation of GEF VPO). Tools. Qualification requirements: knowledge, skills, skills, values. Generally. Title-profesophone. The process of forming competencies. Profobile-specialized. Formation of a list of competencies.

"Competence approach in education" - skills. Professionalism. What affects the formation of competencies? Today ... We must say directly: we have already rolled back from the forecast. Types of key competencies. The reasons for the crisis of the knowledge-enlightenment paradigm. Integration of two paradigms. Politics. The structure of competence. Abilities. Leisure. The interaction of students, teachers and parents in the competence paradigm.

"Competences in education" - from documents on the modernization of the formation of the Russian Federation. Competence (lat. Oxford-Cambridge educational program "Key competencies 2000". Competent (lat.comPetentis) - the corresponding, capable) - possessing competence; Knowing, knowledgeable in a certain area. Do not increase human awareness in various subject areas, and help people independently solve problems in unfamiliar situations.

"Competences at school" - averaged activity Synchronized course on history ancient Mira And MHC. EXPERIMENT METHOLOGY: Methodical studies for cool leaders. Francophony holiday. Report "Formation of key competencies in modern school" first stage. Paleontological Museum. Create programs I. guidelines on the formation of key competencies in schoolchildren.

Total in the subject of 11 presentations

Korneva K. K.

student of the Tambov branch of Rujigs

tambov Trifonov Yu. N.

k. Filos., Associate Professor Tambov branch of Ranhigs


State policy in the field of pre-school

Education and features of its implementation on

Modern stage

Annotation: The article discusses the main directions and features of the implementation of state policy in the field of pre-school education in modern conditions. Revealed risks and problems are identified, designated ways to solve them.

Keywords: Children, pre-school education, state policy in the field of pre-school education.

Ranepa Tambov Trifonov Yu. N.

Candidate OF Philosophical Sciencees, Associate Professor Ranepa Tambov

A State Policy In The Sphere of Preschool Education and Particular Qualities of IT "S IMPLEMENTATIONS AT THE

Abstract: In The Article It Was Considered The Main Directions and Particular Qualities of Implementations of a State Policy In The Sphere Of Preschool Education At The Present Stage. IT WAS Identified The Existing Risks and Problems, and It Was Marked The Ways of their Decisions.

Keywords: Children, A State Policy in The Sphere of Preschool Education.

As is known, state policy in the field of pre-school education is an integral part of the state educational policy, under which the realization of state functions in the field of education is understood. Based on this, under public Policy In the field of pre-school education, we are understood as a system of state measures and activities aimed at ensuring the functioning and development of this element of the education system.

It should be noted that with the adoption of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 -FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation") changed the place of pre-school education in the domestic education system. It was established that pre-school education is the first level of general education (clause 4 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Special significance of pre-school training and education, early childhood care systems are, first of all, with increasing demand in such services due to the fact that the sustainable nature in recent years is acquired by the tendency of fertility and increase the number of children to school age and increasing the need of various population groups in high-quality and affordable educational services at the level of pre-school education. Therefore, consideral attention is paid to the political leadership of the country and authorities. So, V.V. Putin stressed that "the fundamental principle is based on the whole of our education system: each child is gifted, it is able to succeed in science and in creativity, and in sports, in the profession and in life. The disclosure of his talents is our task with you, in this - the success of Russia. " This fully applies to the first level of general education - pre-school.

The main mechanisms for the implementation of state policy in the field of pre-school education are defined in Part 2 of Art. 89 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which says that the management of the education system, among other things, includes:

Formation of a system of interacting federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, carrying out management in the field of education;

Implementation of strategic planning for the development of the education system;

The adoption and implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation, federal and regional programs aimed at the development of the education system.

It should be noted that the testing and introduction of modern mechanisms for the implementation of state policy in the field of pre-school education occurred in the 2000s, when errors were rethought in this area, admitted to the 90s of the last century. Recall that at that time the implementation of constitutional rights to education, and above all, pre-school education was significantly difficult. In connection with this in early XXI The century before our country had the task of returning the lost positions in the field of education as a whole, and in preschool education, in particular. To this end, such documents as "National Doctrine Development of Education in the Russian Federation", "The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2010", the Priority National Project "Education", as well as a number of federal targeted programs.

Another impetus to the improvement of the preschool education system was given by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 599 "On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science". An important stage in the development of the Institute of Preschool Education has become

adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

At the same time, in the field of pre-school education, very sharp problems are preserved. So, in some cases, the established quantitative indicators relating to pre-school education are achieved to the detriment of quality. For example, the solution to ensure 100% of the availability of pre-school education for children aged 3 to 7 years has created the problem of the elimination of the nursery and the closure of the nursery groups in kindergartens.

As stresses T.L. Klyachko, the problems of pre-school education are not reduced only to the shortage of places in preschool institutions. The pre-school level of education is still considered as a social charity system (to provide a supervision and feed) and is not yet considered as a system that determines the effectiveness of further educational trajectories. Thus, children's nursery and gardens are still in many respects in the old manner according to the figurative expression I.V. Bestumev-Lada The role of "storage chambers".

The main infrastructure problem in preschool education is that it does not ensure the leveling of the starting capabilities of children. Before the entrance of children into a system of general (compulsory school) education, it does not eliminate (and does not even always soften) differences in the cultural and social capital of families. As noted in the "National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017" a priority in this field is to improve the quality of pre-school education in order to ensure equal starting opportunities for learning children in primary school. At the stage of pre-school education, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the family and increasing the competence of parents in the education and development of the child is very important.

Currently, the problem of reforming the pre-school education system, searching for new things is becoming increasingly relevant.

organizational, regulatory, legal, methodological forms and methods of working with children, solving issues of formation of the professional corps of teachers and specialists of pre-school education and training. Today, in kindergartens, the need is not just growing in traditional educators, but also in social educators, psychologists, experts of advisory-diagnostic services that have experience with parents, population, clinics, social services, media, etc. .

The literature emphasizes that all citizens of Russia, the family and the parental public, the professional and pedagogical community, scientific, cultural, commercial and public institutions should be active subjects of educational policies, and social institutions - all who are interested in the development of education. As part of the task of the development of modern mechanisms, maintenance and technologies of the general and additional education It is envisaged to implement new organizational and economic models and standards in preschool education by developing a regulatory and methodological base and the expert and analytical support of its distribution. For this purpose, it is envisaged:

Providing support for regional preschool education programs, the introduction of new federal state educational standards pre-school education;

Creating conditions in each region for public-private partnership in the field of pre-school education;

Ensuring implementation in each region of parental education support programs for families with small children;

Improving the qualifications on new educational programs of 95% of pedagogical workers and managers of the pre-school education system.

As a result of the implementation of the measures taken, the dissemination and practical implementation of new content and technologies of the general (including pre-school) and additional education will be ensured, effective mechanisms for the involvement of children and young people in social practice are implemented.

Thus, the state policy in the field of pre-school education is a system of state measures and activities aimed at ensuring the functioning and development of this element (level) of the education system.


1. Bespalov, M.V. Modern technologies Analysis of economic activities of pre-school education institutions / audit and financial analysis. 2013. No. 4. P. 307-310.

2. Klyachko, T.L. Education in Russia: Major problems and possible solutions / T.L. Klyachko. - M.: Publishing House "Case" Ranhigs, 2013. -53 p.

3. Corableva, G. B. Pre-school education in Russia: the condition and problems of personnel potential / GB. Ship // Bulletin of Tyumensky state University. 2009. №4. P.71-79.

4. On education in the Russian Federation: Feder. Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ // Sovar. legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2012. - № 53 (Part I). - Art. 7598.

5. On the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012 -2017: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 // Cons. legislation of the Russian Federation. 2012. No. 23. Art. 2994.

6. On measures to implement state policy in the field of education and science: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 599 // Cons. legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2012. - № 19. - Art. 2336.

7. On approval of the concept of the Federal Task Force Development Program for 2016 - 2020: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 No. 2765-R // [Electronic resource]. URL: http: // pravo.gov.ru (date of appeal - 02/16/2017).

8. On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Pre-School Education: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 // Russian newspaper. 2013, November 25 - Federal Release No. 6241.

9. Message from the President of the Russian Federation by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 1, 2016 // Russian newspaper. 2016, December 2.

10. Rudakova, E.N. State educational policy: stages of formation and modern condition / E.N. Rudakova // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. Series: History and political sciences. 2012. № 4. P. 175-183.


1 Principles and concept of pre-school education in Russia

2 Regulatory and legal regulation of the field of pre-school education in Russia

Chapter 2. Practice and problems of the organization of pre-school education in Chelyabinsk

1 Features of the organization of pre-school education in Chelyabinsk

2 problems and ways to improve the regulatory legal regulation of pre-school education in Chelyabinsk region and in Chelyabinsk


List of used literature and sources

Attachment 1


The provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation became the decisive rule in the field of education. In it, the right to education is recognized as a natural and inherent in the number of other human rights and freedoms. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the publicity and freeness of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions and enterprises, the right to free receipt on a competitive basis higher education, establishes the basic general education as a mandatory level of education (Art. 43).

The most important function of the Russian Federation as a social state is to ensure the right of everyone on education, including preschool, the publicly availableness and the free of which in state or municipal educational institutions is guaranteed (Article 43, Parts 1 and 2, Constitution of the Russian Federation) on the basis of the constitutional principle of legal equality. The right to education in the Russian Federation is ensured by a number of other articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In the Message of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 2008, demographic problems are among the most important, the birth of fertility stimulation is proposed, aimed at material support Women with children on the development of infrastructure that promotes helping the family at the birth and rapidness of children (pre-school educational institutions and institutions of objects), as well as a program to stimulate a device for education in families of orphans and children left without parental care.

Also, the relevance of the topic chosen for the study lies in the fact that legal norms regulating relations in the field of content and education of children in children's institutions, in detail in detail in detail in detail. Separate problems were considered only in the context of administrative or family law.

One of the most promising ways to increase the educational and moral potential of the family, the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children is to form new relationships between family and educational institutions.

In the new socio-economic conditions, one of the most important tasks is to provide adequate assistance to the family in the content and raising of children. This assistance can be carried out in different types: cash payments (benefits, compensation), services (medical care, content and education in children's preschool institutions, ensuring children's clothing, etc.), benefits (for food in preschool and school educational institutions, utility bills services, etc.).

The object of study is the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of pre-school education.

The subject of the study is the process of maintaining and upbringing children in preschool educational institutions of Chelyabinsk.

The purpose of this study was the study of the legal regulation of the content and education of children in educational institutions. Based on the goal, the following tasks were delivered:

Consider the features of the State Policy of the Russian Federation on the content and education of children in pre-school educational institutions;

Consider the competence of government bodies, local governments, organs of municipal entities in the field of pre-school education;

identify the main types of educational institutions;

explore the concept and principles of the implementation of the content and education of children in pre-school educational institutions;

to highlight the direction of improving the education system and the content of children in pre-school educational institutions.

To solve the tasks set, we used the following research methods: a comparative analysis and study of literature; generalization and systematization of theoretical material; Methods for processing the data obtained. The content and education of children in educational institutions was reflected in the writings of such scientists like Belyaninova Yu.V., Bolotova E.L., Krasnova G.A., Madyarova A.V., Tikhomirova Yu.A., Suleymanova G.V., Raw V.M., Efrician R.A. and etc.

The research on the topic was based on the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, scientific and training works, current publications in periodical press.

The logic of the study is reflected in the structure of work, which consists of an introduction, two chapters, conclusion, a list of used literature and sources, as well as applications.

Chapter 1. Public policy in the field of pre-school education

1.1 Principles and the concept of pre-school education in Russia

The activities of state and municipal educational institutions are governed by standard provisions on educational institutions of the relevant types and species approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and the statutes of these educational institutions developed on them.

The indicators of attributing an educational institution to the appropriate appearance are:

) level of educational programs implemented;

) The direction of the implemented programs and educational activities;

) structure of the contingent of students, pupils in accordance with the focus of educational programs under study;

) recruitment;

) information and technical equipment of the educational process;

) Protection of the rights and interests of pupils;

) Medical and social conditions of study of students, pupils.

The state status of the educational institution (type, type and category of the educational institution, determined in accordance with the level and focus of educational programs implemented by it) is established in its state accreditation.

Russian legislation on education does not contain an exhaustive list of types of educational institutions. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 12 of the Law "On Education" distinguish the following types of educational institutions: pre-school; General educational, which are further divided into several types: educational institutions primary general, basic general and medium (full) general education; institutions of vocational education, also divided into institutions: initial professional, secondary professional, higher professional and postgraduate vocational education; institutions of additional adult education; institutions of additional education of children; special (correctional) for students, pupils with developmental deviations; institutions for orphans and children left without parental care ( legal representatives); institutions of additional education of children; Other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Also, according to the Ministry of Education of Russia, in accordance with the Law on Education and Model Provisions on the relevant types of educational institutions, approved by the RF Government Resolutions, among the types and types of educational institutions, allocate:

Type "pre-school educational institution", which is divided into species: kindergarten; kindergarten of the overall view (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical and other priority directions of the development of pupils); kindergarten compensating type; kindergarten supervision and recovery; Kindergarten combined type; Child development center - kindergarten.

Pre-school educational institutions help parents to develop individual abilities in the child. In most cases, the direction of development is given by the parents themselves based on their preferences. In addition, preschool educational institutions are designed to prevent violation of development and help parents correct the behavior of a child in the right direction to lay the foundations for further formation of his personality.

The network of pre-school educational institutions has developed in our country to decades. It was formed both from municipal and departmental children's institutions. In recent years, this system has undergone significant changes. The number of pre-school institutions has decreased, departmental kindergartens are eliminated or transferred to local self-government.

Pre-school education is provided in pre-school educational institutions. However, its provision is allowed in general educational institutions, if they have relevant licenses (Art. 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 196 "On approval of the Modeling Regulations on a general education institution"). The choice of methods for organizing the provision of pre-school education - by creating preschool institutions or the creation of combined institutions is within the competence of local governments.

In particular, the activities of the educational institution for children of preschool and junior school age is governed by the Model Regulations approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.09.1997 N 1204; pre-school educational institution - a typical position approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.09.2008 N 666

  • Results for children and families
  • Results for students
  • Results for society and employers
  • Results for teachers
  • Results in the field of youth policy
  • Targets (indicators) of the program<10>
  • II.4. Terms and stages of the program implementation
  • III. Generalized characteristics of the basic measures of the program
  • IV. Generalized characteristics of state regulation measures under the program
  • V. Description of legal regulation measures under the program
  • Vi. Forecast of consolidated indicators of government assignments in the stages of the implementation of the program (with the provision of federal government agencies of public services (works)
  • VII. The generalized characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • IX. Justification of the allocation of subroutines and including the program implemented by federal targeted programs
  • X. Justification of the amount of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the program
    • Approaches to the estimation of the amount of financial support of the program
    • Financial support for program activities
  • Xi. Analysis of the program's implementation risks and a description of the risk management measures for its implementation
  • XII. Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the program
  • XIII. Subprograms of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" and federal target programs (passports of federal targeted programs)
    • Subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"
      • Passport subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • 1.1. Characteristics of the realization of the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education", a description of the main problems in the specified area and its forecast of its development
      • 1.2. Priorities of public policy in the field of vocational education for the period up to 2020, goals, objectives, indicators (indicators) and the results of the implementation of the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"
        • Targets (indicators) Subprogramme 1
      • 1.3. Dates and stages of the implementation of the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"<15>
      • 1.4. Characteristics of the main events of the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"
        • Main Event 1.1 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.2 Subprogramme 1
        • Main Event 1.3 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.4 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.5 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.6 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.7 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.8 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.9 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.10 Subprograms 1
        • Main Event 1.11 Subprogramme 1
        • Main Event 1.12 Subprogramme 1
      • 1.5. Characteristics of legal regulation measures within the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"
      • 1.6. Forecast of summary indicators of state tasks for the stages of the implementation of the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"
      • 1.7. Characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in case of their participation in the development and implementation of the subprogramme 1 "Development of vocational education"
      • 1.8. Justification of the volume of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the subprogramme 1 "Development of Vocational Education"
      • 1.9. Participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the subprogramme 1 "development of vocational education"
    • Subprogramme 2 "Development of pre-school, general education and additional education of children"
      • Passport subprogramme 2 "Development of pre-school, general education and additional education of children" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • 2.1. Characteristics of the realization of the subprogramme 2 "Development of pre-school, general education and additional education of children", a description of the main problems in the specified area and its forecast of its development
      • 2.2. Public policy priorities in the field of preschool, general education and additional education of children for the period up to 2020, goals, objectives, indicators (indicators) and the results of the implementation of the subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
        • Objectives and tasks of subprogramme 2
        • Targets (indicators) of subprogramme 2
      • 2.3. Terms and stages of the implementation of subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"<1>
      • 2.4. Characteristics of the main activities of the subprogramme 2 "Development of pre-school, general education and additional education of children" of the program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education"
        • Main Event 2.1 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.2 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.3 Subprogramme 2
        • Main Event 2.4 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.5 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.6 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.7 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.8 Subprograms 2
        • Main Event 2.9 Subprograms 2
      • 2.5. Characteristics of legal regulation measures under the subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
      • 2.6. Forecast of summary indicators of state tasks for the stages of the implementation of the subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
      • 2.7. Characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in case of their participation in the development and implementation of the subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
      • 2.8. Justification of the volume of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
      • 2.9. Participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
    • Subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"
      • Passport subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020
      • 3.1. Characteristics of the realization of the subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system", a description of the main problems in the specified area and its forecast of its development
      • 3.2. Public policy priorities in assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system for the period up to 2020, goals, objectives, indicators (indicators) and the results of the implementation of the subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"
        • Purpose and objectives of the subprogramme 3
        • Targets (indicators) of subprogramme 3
      • 3.3. Terms and stages of the implementation of subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"<9>
      • 3.4. Characteristics of the main events of the subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system" Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
        • Main Event 3.1 Subprograms 3
        • Main Event 3.2 Subprograms 3
        • Main Event 3.3 Subprogramme 3
        • Main Event 3.4 Subprograms 3
        • Main Event 3.5 Subprogramme 3
        • Main Event 3.6 Subprogramme 3
      • 3.5. Characteristics of legal regulation measures under the subprogramme "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"
      • 3.6. Forecast of summary indicators of government assignments in the stages of the subprogramme
      • 3.7. Characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
      • 3.8. Justification of the scope of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"
      • 3.9. Participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the subprogramme 3 "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"
    • Subprogramme 4 "Involving youth in social practice"
      • Passport subprogramme 4 "Involvement of young people in the social practice" of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • 4.1. Characteristics of the realization of the subprogramme 4 "Involving youth in social practice", a description of the main problems in the specified area and its forecast of its development
      • 4.2. Priorities of the state policy in the field of subprogramme, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators) achieve the objectives and solving problems, a description of the main expected final results of the subprogramme 4 "Involvement of young people in social practice"
        • Objectives and tasks of subprogramme 4
        • Targets (indicators) of subprogramme 4
      • 4.3. Dates and stages of the implementation of the subprogramme 4 "Involving youth in social practice"<12>
      • 4.4. Characteristics of the main events of the subprogramme 4 "Involvement of young people in social practice"
        • Main Event 4.1 Subprograms 4
        • Main Event 4.2 Subprograms 4
        • Main Event 4.3 Subprograms 4
      • 4.5. Characteristics of legal regulation measures within the subprogramme 4 "Involving youth in social practice"
      • 4.6. Forecast of consolidated indicators of state tasks for stages of the implementation of the subprogramme within the framework of the subprogramme 4 "Involvement of young people in social practice"
      • 4.7. The characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in case of their participation in the development and implementation of the subprogramme 4 "involvement of young people in social practice"
      • 4.8. Justification of the volume of financial resources required for the implementation of the subprogramme 4 "involvement of young people in social practice"
      • 4.9. Participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the subprogramme 4 "involvement of young people in social practice"
    • Subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities"
      • Passport subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities" State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • 5.1. Characteristics of the realization of the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013-2020 and other Education activities", a description of the main problems in the specified area and its forecast of its development
      • 5.2. Priorities of the state policy in the field of subprogrammes for the period up to 2020, goals, objectives, indicators (indicators) and the results of the implementation of the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013-2020 and other Education activities"
        • Purpose and objectives of the subprogramme 5
        • Targets (indicators) of subprogramme 5
      • 5.3. Dates and stages of the implementation of the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013-2020 and other Education activities"<13>
      • 5.4. Characteristics and basic activities of the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities"
        • Main Event 5.1 Subprograms 5
        • Main Event 5.2 Subprogramme 5
        • Main Event 5.3 Subprogramme 5
        • Main Event 5.4 Subprograms 5
        • Main Event 5.5 Subprograms 5
        • Main Event 5.6 Subprograms 5
        • Main Event 5.7 Subprograms 5
      • 5.5. Characteristics of legal regulation measures under the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013-2020 and other Education activities"
      • 5.6. Forecast of consolidated indicators of state tasks for the stages of the implementation of the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities"
      • 5.7. The characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the event of their participation in the development and implementation of subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013-2020 and other Education activities"
      • 5.8. Justification of the volume of financial resources necessary for the implementation of the subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities"
      • 5.9. Participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of subprogramme 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities"
    • Federal Target Program "Russian" for 2011 - 2015
      • Passport of the Federal Target Program "Russian Language" for 2011 - 2015
    • Federal Task Force Development Program for 2011 - 2015
      • Passport of the Federal Task Force Development Program for 2011-2015
  • Applications
    • Appendix 1. Information on indicators (indicators) of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, its subprograms, federal targeted programs, subprograms of federal targeted programs and their values
    • Appendix 2. List of departmental target programs and basic activities of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 3. Evaluation of the application of measures of state regulation
    • Appendix 4. Information on basic measures of legal regulation in the field of the implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 5. Forecast of consolidated indicators of government assistance on the provision of public services by federal government agencies under the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
    • Annex 6. Resource Ensuring Implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Education Development" for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 7. Resource Provision and Forecasting (Reference) Assessment of the Federal Budget Expenditures, budgets of state extrabudgetary funds, consolidated budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and legal entities for the implementation of the goals of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 8. Information on the indicators of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, included in the Federal Statistical Plan
    • Appendix 9. The implementation plan for the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 10. Calculations on the budget allocations of the federal budget for pursuance of public regulations, the volume of subventions from the federal budget and payments carried out at the expense of the federal budget by state extrabudgetary funds of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to certain categories of citizens under the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development Education "for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 10a. Evaluation of the cost of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, calculated on the basis of a planned method
    • Appendix 11. Analytical distribution of funds not included in state programs, according to state programs of the Russian Federation
    • Appendix 12. Analytical distribution of subprogrammes 5 "Ensuring the implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation" Development of Education "for 2013 - 2020 and other Education activities" on subprogrammes and departmental targeted programs
    • Appendix 13. Assessment of the degree of influence of the allocation of additional resources on indicators (indicators) of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020 (subprogrammes)
    • Appendix 14. Assessment of the degree of impact of the allocation of additional resources for terms and expected results of the implementation of departmental targeted programs and basic measures of subprogrammes of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
    • Appendix 15. Financial and Economic Justification of Additional Expenditures For 2014 - 2015, the State Program of the Russian Federation "Education Development" for 2013 - 2020
    • Annex 16. Evaluation of the planned effectiveness of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education"
    • Appendix 17. Financial support of the main activities, federal targeted programs of other state programs affecting the achievement of the goals and solving the tasks of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Education Development" for 2013 - 2020

  • 2.2. Priorities of state policy in the field of pre-school, general education and additional education of children for the period ...


    Editorial 2012-11-22

    Title of the document:

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 N 2148-P

    Document type

    • order

    Accepted by

    • Government of the Russian Federation

    Document Number

    Date of adoption

    Date of editorial

    font size

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 22-11-2012 2148-R (2019) relevant in 2018

    2.2. Public policy priorities in the field of preschool, general education and additional education of children for the period up to 2020, goals, objectives, indicators (indicators) and the results of the implementation of the subprogramme 2 "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"

    The main focus of state policy in the field of preschool, general education and additional education of children for the period of the program is to ensure equality of access to qualitative education and the renewal of its content and technology of education (including the socialization process) in accordance with the changed needs of the population and new challenges of social, cultural, cultural, Economic Development.

    Principal changes will occur in the following directions:

    An increase in the role of the non-state sector in the provision of pre-school and additional education services;

    qualitative change in the content and methods of teaching with an emphasis on the development of interest and activity of students, the formation of a full-fledged system of profile training based on individual curriculum, advanced updating of learning programs for mathematics, technology, foreign languages, social sciences;

    Modernization of territorial networks of socialization on the basis of integration and cooperation of organizations of various types and departmental affiliation;

    The introduction of mechanisms for aligning the possibilities of children who are in difficult life situation, to obtain high-quality education;

    formation of an effective system for identifying and supporting young talents;

    rejuvenation and growth of the professional level of pedagogical personnel;

    the formation of a demonopolized and personalized system of advanced training and retraining of teachers;

    support for innovation and initiatives of teachers, professional communities, educational organizations and their networks;

    The introduction of a new model of organization and financing of the sector of additional education and the socialization of children;

    Development of the sector of services for the accompanies of early development of children (0 - 3);

    a significant increase in the scale and efficiency of the use of resources of informal (beyond the organizations of additional education of children) and informal education (mediasper, Internet network).

    The most important priority of public policy at this stage of development of education is to ensure the availability of pre-school education. Investments in the field of pre-school education are recognized today in the world most effective in terms of improving the quality of subsequent education, aligning starting capabilities. Many developed countries made pre-school education mandatory or strive for the maximum coverage of children by these programs.

    It is necessary to eliminate queues to enroll children to pre-school educational organizations and provide for 2016 one hundred percent availability of pre-school education for children aged three to seven years. The solution to this task will be provided by the construction of modern buildings of pre-school organizations, including using the mechanisms of public-private partnership, and the development of variable forms of pre-school education (private, family and corporate children's gardens).

    The latter involves a qualitative change in the role and scale of the non-state sector of pre-school education services, which will require practical implementation Required in the legislation of the principle of equality of access to budget financing of organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as modernizing the state regulation system (requirements of sanitary, construction norms, fire safety and others). To ensure the maximum effectiveness of this area, a comparative analysis of Russian regulatory standards regarding the development of infrastructure based on the best international examples is necessary. This analysis Allows you to create conditions for updating the system of requirements for the new infrastructure of preschool education, as well as to create modern cost-effective and flexible events for the early development of children.

    In general education, the priority of the first stage of the program implementation is the completion of the modernization of infrastructure aimed at ensuring in all Russian schools of modern training conditions. This task should be solved both through measures for the reconstruction and repair of buildings, the purchase of modern equipment, and by implementing regional programs for the formation of effective territorial networks of education and socialization, providing for cooperation and integration of organizations of various departmental affiliation, the development of a distance learning system.

    The existing differences between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the availability of educational services and the development of infrastructure will require the use of alignment tools in combination with measures to stimulate development and strengthen organizational and management potential. In the aggregate it should provide unity educational space In the Russian Federation, in any place of residence, the child has equal opportunities to access educational resources.

    Along with the creation of basic learning conditions, work should be sequentially unfolded on the formation of a modern information environment for teaching (high-speed Internet access, the digital educational resources of the new generation, modern experimental equipment) and management (electronic document flow).

    Another priority in the field of general education will be to ensure the learning success of each child, regardless of the state of his health, the social situation of the family. To do this, a system of supporting schools and teachers, educational categories of students (children in a difficult life situation, orphan children, children with disabilities, children of migrants) have been formed a transparent mechanism for admission to schools with high levels of training.

    Disabled children with disabilities and children with disabilities, it is necessary to provide the possibility of choosing a variant of the development of general education programs in remote form, in the framework of special (correctional) or inclusive education, as well as ensure psychological and medical and social support and support in professional orientation.

    To reduce the differentiation as education between groups of schools, address transfer programs should be implemented to the effective operation of schools that demonstrate low educational results.

    The strategic priority of state policy is the formation of a mechanism of advanced update of education. Must be provided comprehensive accompaniment The introduction of federal state educational standards of general education, asking fundamentally new requirements for educational results. The transition to new federal state educational standards opens up opportunities for the dissemination of activity (design, research) methods to support schoolchildren interest in teaching throughout training that form initiative, independence, the ability to cooperate. New federal state educational standards senior school Must ensure for each student the ability to choose a profile corresponding to the inclinations and life plans of adolescents from at least 5 training profiles.

    In parallel, the introduction of federal state educational standards should continue work on the search, design and dissemination of new effective funds and forms of organizing the educational process based on schools - innovative sites and their networks. Special attention should be paid, on the one hand, updating the content and methods of training in the fields of low competitiveness of the Russian school (technology, foreign languages, social sciencies), on the other hand, supporting areas of potential leadership (mathematical education, reading).

    Unconditional priority is the transition from the administrative command management system to a "smart" management based on trust and feedback. For this, measures are already being implemented to strengthen the academic and organizational and financial independence of schools, strengthening the public participation in the management of educational organizations and territorial networks, to support initiatives, innovation and experiments. Good should be considered a constantly developing, updating school.

    The priority of the development of the field of additional education of children is to increase the availability of services and ensuring their compliance with the changing needs of the population. To this end, it is necessary to transfer the authority to the subjects of the Russian Federation financial support Additional education of children (providing if necessary, co-financing the implementation of these powers through the budget allocations of the federal budget), to provide updating the spectrum of programs through the modernization of organizational models and the introduction of competition stimulation mechanisms.

    In government policies in the field of general education and additional education of children under 2020, the priority of the moral and civil education of the younger generation must be maintained. Its implementation will be provided through the introduction of relevant elements of federal state educational standards, the development of practices of social design and volunteering activities based on schools and organizations of additional education of children, modern programs for the socialization of children in the vacation period.

    The achievement of the new quality of preschool, general education and additional education of children involves as a priority to update the composition and competencies of pedagogical personnel. For this, in the coming years, a set of measures is envisaged, including:

    bringing the average wage of pedagogical workers general Education Organizations up to 100 percent of the average in the economy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    Bringing the average level of wages of pedagogical workers of pre-school educational organizations to the average wage in the field of general education in the subject of the Russian Federation

    Communication of the wages of pedagogical workers of additional education organizations (including teachers of sports schools and art schools), whose qualifications are comparable to the qualifications of pedagogical workers general education schoolto the level of salaries of pedagogical workers of general education organizations;

    introduction Standards professional activity For teachers and heads of educational organizations and data based on the standards of wage and certification systems;

    The formation of new models of pedagogical career and escorting professional development;

    Support for the creation and activities of professional associations and self-regulatory organizations in the field of education;

    the development of mechanisms for bringing to work in the organization of general education and additional education of children of the best graduates of universities (including non-detagic) and talented specialists.

    The long-term development strategy of Russian education is focused on creating a system of media and services to meet the various educational needs of the population and the younger generation, support for self-education and socialization.

    It is necessary to overcome the existing backlog of the sector of the Early Development of Children and Support for Family Education (Diagnostics and Consultancy Centers, information and educational services for parents of children who do not attend pre-school educational institutions, etc.).

    A transition should be provided to a qualitatively new level of individualization of education through the implementation of training trajectories in educational organizations of all forms of ownership and their networks in the forms of family education, self-education. This will require a new level of development. remote education, distribution of tutors and information and consulting services (navigators).

    In the emergence of new channels and sources of information, a sharp increase in access to any information segments modern Mira The school loses the monopoly on the formation of knowledge, skills and behavior samples. The answer to this challenge should include the inclusion in the sphere of state educational policy of informal (outside the organizations of additional education of children) and informal education (Internet, cinema, television), including support for media and social educators, the industry and services for children.

    Sector development informal education It will be provided at the expense of the mechanisms of public-private and social partnership, the use of the potential of socially oriented non-commercial organizations, organizations of the innovation sector and the creative industries.
