Principles of work speech therapist with children in Dow. The basic principles of speech therapy work to eliminate violations of written speech

WORK PRINCIPLES Speech therapist

Surely you will be useful to learn about the basic principles of the work of the speech therapist.

1. Accounting for the mechanisms of speech disorder (etiopathogenetic principle).

Initially, it is necessary to identify the cause of the appearance of the logos and eliminate it. If the reason for the moldability is a shortened subwarked bunch (bridle), it is necessary to cut the bridle. Violation of speech can be caused and insufficient attention to others, in this case the correctional work is aimed at normalizing the communication of the child, the formation of articulation, phonderatic processes.

2. Complexity

Speech is complex. In the correction of violations of the speech, the work is required not only by the speech therapist, but also other specialists (children's psychiatrist, neuropathologist, psychologist), because the brain is a single whole, and the violation of sound suspension can be one of the symptoms of a more complex speech disorder. So, the cause of Alalia is the selective damage to the cortex of the brain, Alalia is manifested in the difficulties of learning the language, in the deviation of the formation of the personality, higher mental functions. Without medication and psychocorrection, speech therapy work is ineffective. When dragging, neurological deviations and speech defect and mental are observed. Only an integrated approach, including drug, psychological, speech therapy, psychotherapy can get rid of this ailment.

3. Impact on all parties speech (principle of the system approach).

Often parents focus on the same speech problem of the child, not suspecting that it is underdeveloped as a whole. It is impossible to be limited only to the correction of incorrect sound; There are such violations as skipping and permutation of sounds and syllables in words, the poverty of the vocabulary stock, the incorrect coordination of words in the proposal also deserve attention.

4. Support for saved link.

Overcoming speech disorder, the specialist first relies on what remains more saved, and only then gradually plug in the violated "link" to active activities.

5. Accounting for the regularities of the normal course of speech development.

In mastering language standards there are their algorithms that need to be considered. The main task of speech therapy work is to bring the course of the speech development of the child, suffering from a violation of speech, to normal order.

6. Accounting for leading activities.

For a child preschool age Such activities are a game. In the process of the game, he has many questions, and therefore he has a need for speech communication. The speech therapist is included in the game and imperceptibly for the child helps him overcome the speech violation. For schoolchildren leading activities. On this basis and the entire program of speech therapy work is to be built. However, the game points also remain. Everyone loves to play, even adults. In working with adults, we also use speech games. Everyone knows everyone: "I need to learn to be fun to learn well."

The speech therapy process is long and focused. The following steps are allocated:
diagnostics (examination, identification of speech violations, development of an individual correction program)
correction: Motivation of the student, training of articulation bodies, working out the right speech respiration, setting sounds, automation of sounds in self-speech, differentiation of mixed sounds.
evaluation and registering the dynamics in training, check the absence of recesses.

8. Accounting for individual features. Each child, especially a child with any deviation, individual. The speech therapist should be able, given the individual characteristics, find an approach to any child, to establish trust relationships with him, to interest, inspire confidence in gaining normal speech. Find an individual approach to the child is the key to speech therapy work.

9. Close cooperation with parents.

The role of parents in the elimination of the child's speech problem is one of the leading. With a speech therapist, the child spends a couple of hours a week, while the processing of speech is the constant process. Only parental participation, interest, ingenuity, energy and permanent control over the process can bring the work shifted from the spot to the end. And co-overcoming the problem is able to rally the parents and the child, because it implies training through the game! This is especially important in working with the heartless children (Alaliki, children with speech delay), when it is precisely parents who need to constantly, regularly and uniformly day in charging one word. And here is a miracle - the child spoke!

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| | | | | |
Hard consonant letters: B; P | g; w | s; C | g; k | C; C | in; f | P; L | P; l | P; p; l | s; c; c | h; g; sh; sh; c; x |

All the speech therapy material provided on the site, you can use as a speech therapy! In this section of the site, you will find speech development classes intended for classes with children from 1 to 7 years. Online exercises on speech therapy can serve as a useful benefit not only for parents. Speech formation is one of the main characteristics of the overall development of the child. Many desired material will find tutors of speakers and mass groups on the site. If your re child speaks poorly, this section of the site will help him learn to speak and read. Sporty children need targeted systematic care. Individual classes make it possible to solve problems with diction in children.

Principles of speech therapy

We want to tell you about the basic principles of the speech therapy

The speech therapy relies on the following basic principles:

The principle of systemic relies on the idea of \u200b\u200bspeech as a complex functional system, the structural components of which are in close cooperation. In this regard, the study of speech, the process of its development and correction of violations implies an impact on all components on all parties of the speech functional system.

The principle of complexity implies the impact on the defect and identity of the child by the efforts of various specialists.

The principle of development implies the allocation in the process of speech therapy work of those tasks, difficulties, stages that are in the zone of the nearest development of the child. The study of children with violations of speech, as well as the organization of speech therapy work with them is carried out taking into account the leading activities of the child.

The principle of activity approach is to account for the leading activities of the child of this age in the speech therapy work.

The development of the methodology of correctional and speech therapy effect is carried out taking into account the sequence of the emergence of the forms and functions of speech, as well as the activities of the child in ontogenesis (ontogenetic principle).

The emergence of speech violations in many cases is due to the complex interaction of biological and social factors. For successful speech therapy correction of speech violations great importance It has setting in each case of etiologies, mechanisms, symptoms of disorders, the release of leading disorders, the ratio of speech and non-symptoms in the structure of the defect.

In the process of compensating for disturbed speech and non-systems, the restructuring of functional systems is used by the principle of the workaround path, i.e. the formation of a new functional system bypassing the affected link. The principle of interconnection of speech with other HDPs.

An important place in the study and correction of speech disorders occupy didactic principles: visuality, accessibility, consciousness, individual approach, etc.

Speech therapy classes on the letters (p, sh, k ...)

In this article we introduce you to the brief content of the book Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes

It remains quite a bit of time before the child's admission to school, and his speech is lagging behind the age norm. Will the future schoolboy be able to fully learn? Will it cope with the school program? Such questions are worried about both parents and teachers, especially when it comes to such a complex and hard disorder, as a general underdevelopment of speech.

Thirty years of successful work with children of this category, extensive teaching courses in advanced training courses, as well as sincere desire to help all those, for whom the problem of preparing for school children with common speech underdevelopment today is relevant (and in modern pedagogical literature it is clearly not enough), Moved the author to writing this book.

For full preparations for the school of children with the underdevelopment of all components of the language system, a number of tasks must be solved, namely:

develop in children the skill of productive training activities,

eliminate phonetic and phonderatic failure, form sound analysis skills, and then post reading,


to prevent violations of the letter and reading, the probability of the manifestation of which is particularly large in children of this category.

It is possible to carry out this amount of work only under the condition of a qualified, comprehensive and systematic special training of preschoolers.

In the correctional groups of children's educational institutions (DOU), all conditions have been created to overcome speech defects in children and prepare them for schooling, but the lack of systematized practical material on this issue significantly complicates the work of specialists.

This manual contains a description of the system of correctional and developing activities of teachers (speech therapist and educators) with children of 6 years of age, having a general underdevelopment of speech.

Educaters of speakers will find in the book a description of all types of training activities, a grid of classes, guidelines for them, plans and abstracts.

Sports are offered:

annual themed plan of frontal classes (180 topics)

detailed abstracts 41 classes,

original visual material (schemes, tables, etc.).

Methodists and leadership of the Dow, having acquainted with the methodological foundations of corrective learning, will be able to provide more qualified and effective assistance to teachers of speech therapy groups.

Parents of children who have a general underdevelopment of speech, having studied the materials of this book, will become more competent, consciously and actively participate in the process of integrated defect correction.

This manual continues a series of publications, which outlines the practical experience of the author: "Plans-abstracts of speech therapy classes" (M., 1995), "If the preschooler does not speak poorly" (SPB: Accident, 1997), "Logopedic notebook" (SPb.: Childhood-Press, 1998) (footnote: In the book "If a preschooler does not speak poorly" and "speech therapy notebooks" - applications for it - a system of speech therapy lessons with five-year children is described in detail.). Compared to the listed benefits in this edition, the methodological and practical part are significantly expanded.

The speech therapists, as a rule, are interested in clinical manifestations of various defects, combined with the term general underdevelopment of speech, as well as methods of differential diagnosis. In advanced training courses, the question of consistency in the work of the speech therapist and the educator of the correctional group is often raised, problems arising from communication of teachers with parents are discussed. Beginner speech therapists are not needed not just abstracts, but a detailed explanation of each work acceptance. Experienced practitioners are difficulty planning and conducting lexico-grammatical classes, certificates of learning. All these and many other issues important for the work of teachers, we tried to consider and highlight in this edition. For each of the directions of correctional activities, we have compiled detailed methodological and organizational recommendations, which we hope will help speakers working not only in specialized speech therapy groups, but also in various pre-school institutions (clinics, orphanages, sanatoriums, mass dust, etc.).

There is no doubt that in one book it is impossible to cover the whole range of problems related to the preparations for the school of children with the general underdevelopment of speech. Therefore, in the near future, we plan to issue the next series of "speech therapy notebooks" for corrective work in the preparatory group.

Offering colleagues, the system verified and honed with many years of practice, the author perfectly understands that many talented and creative workers will make their own adjustments. Otherwise, it is impossible! Pedagogy (and corrective in particular) becomes dead science, if at least just stops in constant movement forward - over time, for progress, for new achievements!

Innovative technologies in speech therapy

Progress does not stand still, also the speech therapy is constantly developing.

Innovative speech therapy technologies

It makes no sense to talk about the importance of speech therapy work in kindergarten. Pure sound-proof, competent, the right speech of the preschooler is the key to successful learning it at school.

For the past 5 years, we noted that our pupils:

increases the percentage of "bad-speaking" children;

deepening the severity of the speech violation;

During the modernization of the pre-school education system, there were fundamentally new conditions for the development of children's learning with violations of speech. These are the speakers in mass preschool institutions, diagnostic groups for the guys of predos-school age, early development groups for children with CRAP under CRC. In some preschool institutions, adaptation groups are opening for pupils with disabilities.

Innovative processes at the present stage of the Company's development affect primarily a system of pre-school education as an initial stage of personality formation. The attention of teachers of pre-school education is focused on the development of creative and intellectual abilities of children. The replacement of traditional methods come active methods of teaching and education aimed at the intensification of the cognitive development of the child.

Teachers-speech therapists in kindergartens do not remain aside from the process of creative development of the modern content of preschool speech therapy, they actively use an innovative approach to learning and raising children with speech violations, carefully follow the methodological innovations in the field of correctional technologies.

The formulation of "innovative technologies" can assume new approaches to work on the elimination of one or another violation, oral or written speech that helps the speech therapist in the work.

Most preschoolers entering speech therapy points have deviations in the speech development of various structures and degree of severity. As a rule, children with speech violations are noted problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, various degree of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions,

spatial representations, features of reception and processing information. Such guys have a decrease in learning interest, improving fatigue. Children often shame their speech imperfections, become nervous, irritable, uncommunicative, which leads to the formation of a feeling of inferiority, becoming a heavy character. This contributes to the formation of a negative attitude towards classes. To interest children, make training conscious, non-standard approaches, individual development programs, new innovative technologies are needed. The process of filing the material on the speech therapy occupation should be somewhat different, more individualized than in the classroom. I had to look for new forms of classes, and the new material for them.

Innovative impact methods in the activity of the speech therapist become a promising means of correctional and developing work with children who have violations of speech. These methods belong to the number of effective correction tools and help the achievement of the highest possible success in overcoming speech difficulties in preschool children. Against the background of comprehensive speech therapy assistance, innovative methods, without requiring special efforts, optimize the process of correction of the speech of children and contribute to the improvement of the whole organism. There is a large importance in the correction of children's speech correction, there is an organization of a subject and spatial developing environment in the speech therapy office. The speech therapy effect in eliminating the underdevelopment of speech is aimed - to teach children connected, consistently, grammatically and phonetically correctly express their thoughts, talk about events from the surrounding life.

Speech therapy M. E. Heath

M. E. Wastings for the first time all the causes of speech disorders divided into external and internal, especially emphasizing their close interaction. He also allocated organic (anatomy-physiological, morphological), functional (psychogenic), socio-psychological and psycho-neurological reasons.

For organic reasons, underdevelopment and brain damage were attributed, in the intrauterine period, at the time of birth or after birth, as well as various organic disturbances of peripheral speech bodies. M. E. Grovetsev organic central (brain lesions) and organic peripheral causes (lesions of hearing organs, snobs and other morphological changes in the speech apparatus) were allocated. Functional causes of M. E. Hebhattsev explained to the teachings I.P. Pavlov on violations of the ratio of the processes of excitation and braking in the central nervous system.

He emphasized the interaction of organic and functional, central and peripheral reasons. To psychoneurological reasons, he attributed mental retardation, memory violations, attention and other disorders of mental functions.

The important role of M. E. Heath residents took social and psychological reasons, understanding various adverse effects under them ambient. M. E. Grovetsev for the first time, an understanding of the causes of speech violations based on a dialectical approach to the assessment of causal relationships in speech pathology was substantiated. M. E. Headzov developed a classification of speech violations. Made a lot to create a system for the correction of sound-proof disorders. Created a number of fundamental work in the field of speech therapy. Author of more than 70 work on speech therapy and survival.

The creator of the film "Articulation of the Sounds of the Russian Language" designed to teach deaf children to pronunciation. Based on its research on the generalization of the work of domestic and foreign researchers, the textbook "Speech Stopedia. Manual for students of pedagogical institutions and teachers of special schools. " This book was the first in Russia of a scientifically based textbook on speech therapy and classical work in the field of domestic speech therapy. The named textbook resist many publications and is still popular among the speech therapists of Russia.

Making conclusions about the activities of M. E. Muptseva, it can be noted that he was one of the first developers theoretical foundations Speech therapy, creator of the system of overcoming sound-proof disorders, the author of the first textbook on speech therapy, organizer training speech therapists in the USSR. Listed allows you to call it the founder of the domestic speech therapy.

When visiting a special institution based on acquaintance with medical and pedagogical documentation, own observations and examinations of children, call speech violations that have themselves. Describe a school class contingent for children with speech impairment (or special kindergarten groups).


1. Becker K. P., Sovak M. Speeding. - M., 1981.

2. Mitrinovych-Mozhevsk A. Patophysiology of speech, voices and hearing. - Warsaw, 1965.

3. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / ed. R.E. Levina. - M., 1968.

4. Preddina O.V. Spearopedia. - M., 1973.

5. Speech disorders in children and adolescents / Ed. S.S. Lyapidevsky. - M., 1969.

6. Conceptual-terminological dictionary of speech therapist / ed. V. I. Seliverstov. - M., 1997.

Chapter 5. Principles and methods of speech therapy

Principles of speech therapy work are general initial positions that determine the activities of the speech therapist and children in the process of correction of violations of speech.

The speech therapy effect is a pedagogical process in which the tasks of corrective learning and education are implemented. In the process of organizing corrective learning, the general importance is attached to the general principles: the raising nature of learning, scientific, systematic and consistency, availability, visibility, consciousness and activity, strength, individual approach,

The speech therapy effect is based on special principles: etiopathogenetic (accounting of etiology and speech violation mechanisms), systematic and accounting of the structure of speech violation, complexity, differentiated approach, phasetamination, development, ontogenetic, accounting of personal characteristics, activity approach, the use of a workaround, the formation of speech skills Under the conditions of natural speech communication.

When eliminating speech violations, it is necessary to take into account the combination of etiological factors resulting in their occurrence. These are external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors.

To overcome each speech disorder, their methods applied corresponding to the peculiarities of origin and the manifestation of these violations. But at the same time, all methods used in the speech therapy are built on the basis of several fundamental principles, compliance with which is necessary in the process of overcoming any violation of speech.

1. Comprehensiveness On a child with complex speech disorders.
In each particular case, it is necessary to find out if the child was not affected and other mental functions (memory, attention, mental abilities, an emotional-volitional sphere, etc.), since their violation makes it difficult to work on speech or even makes it impossible.

So is it possible to do in these conditions without close contact with other specialists (child psychiatrist, neuropathologist, psychologist, etc.)?

2. Impact on all sides of speech. Compliance with this principle is especially important because last yearsUnfortunately, the speech therapists are less and less and less often dealing with an isolated violation of sound-proof in children, significantly more often defects in the pronunciation of sounds are manifested against the background of general speech underdevelopment.

3. Support for saved links. In cases of damage to the speech apparatus of the child, some kind of affected most often turns out to be some kind of link (articulators, visual or auditory perception, etc.). In the process of working on overcoming any (including speech) disorder, specialists always rely on what remains more saved, and only then gradually plug into active operations.

4. Accounting laws of ontogenesis, that is, the normal movement of speech development. The whole course of the speech development of the child is subordinate to well-defined general laws, which are clearly traced in each particular case. So, in the process of mastering the sound-proof of any child, first assimilates the simpler for pronunciation of sounds, whereas complex until a certain age he or completely lowers, or replaces less complex. When the vocabulary of the vocabulary stock, the names of the nouns and verbs are absorbed primarily as the most "visual" parts of speech, possessing a fairly specific meaning. The names of adjectives, adjectives, numeral, not to mention the communion and verdicts, are much later absorbed. Its patterns are also related to mastering grammatical language regulations.

5. Accounting leading activities. For the child of the preschool age, the main occupation, absorbing almost all of his time, is the game. The greatest need for speech child is experiencing during the game. Given this very important circumstance, all the work on overcoming speech violations from preschoolers is carried out in the process of games.

As for schoolchildren, for them the leading activity is study. For this reason, on its basis, all correctional work with children of school age is built, although it does not exclude the possibility of using various speech games (this is done even in the process of overcoming speech violations in adults).

6. Accounting the individual characteristics of the child. Each child is deeply individual, the child with any (including speech) deviations in the development of individual is doubly.

Only subject to the correct individual approach to the child and the best and fastest results of speech therapy work are achieved.

7. Impact on the micro-social environment. The wrong approach to the child from parents or other people who are in constant contact with him often leads to the appearance of speech violations. It is quite clear that if, in the face of the speech therapy work that has already begins, this incorrect approach will not be changed, it cannot but affect its results negatively. For this reason, the speech therapist usually establishes close contact with parents and teachers of school and pre-school institutions and leads the necessary explanatory work with them. With the right on their part, the approach to the child and assistance to him in the assimilation is still not enough strong skills of full-fledged speech significantly reduced the timing of speech therapy work and increases its overall efficiency.

2 Basic tasks of speech therapy

6 Calendar Plan for Training Pedagogical Practice

7.1 Speech Study: "Sound L"

7.5Prontal speech therapy lesson on the topic "Sounds and letters [s, with", s, s "].

9 Schoolchildren examination


My speech therapy practice took place at school № with "---" on "----".

The first week is familiar with the establishment, with a team of teachers and children, observing the correctional work of the speech therapist and joint analytical analysis of all types of classes, consultative analysis of the most interesting cases of speech pathology, familiarity with the history of children and other medical records. Children examination: together with speech therapist and independently, filling speech cards, familiarity with the type of speech cards, depending on the structure of the speech defect. Preparation of students for independent two-week practices: the selection of speech and visual illustrative material, consultation of the speech therapist-manager of planning practice, the distribution of children to subgroups, taking into account the speech defect and their compensatory capabilities. Joint discussion of the plan with the head of practice, approval by his administration school institutions. The plan is assigned by the signature of the manual practice.

Tasks of the first period

They include:

· Adaptation of students to an educational institution, establishing contacts with children, parents, teachers;

· Actualization of knowledge gained in college, university, by self-education on correctional pedagogy, pathopsychology, anatomy, physiology and pathology of speech bodies, neurological basics of speech therapy, speech therapy, reasons of defectology;

· Mastering the skills of prolonged observation, methods of collecting and analyzing the material, the skills to allocate and analyze, correctly evaluate pedagogical phenomena, the development of the ability of self-analysis and self-esteem, overcoming the psychological barrier - fear of coming into contact with children and adults.

The second and third weeks are characterized by a breakdown of forces in a child examination, in independent fragments and complete classes of both individual and sub-group, frontal; Conducting individual correctional work in everyday lifeusing regime moments; Collection and accumulation of practical and methodological material for the correction of speech and the personality of the child-logos, the accounting of compensatory capabilities of each individual; Propaganda of defectological knowledge among colleagues, parents: design stands, wallgazet, speech therapy, conducting parental assemblies, etc.

Tasks of the second period

The tasks of the second period include:

· Mastering the skills of the selection of speech material, the choice of optimal forms of its implementation, mastering the skills of planning, maintaining the documentation of the speech therapist, compiling a report on work;

· Mastering the skills of the correctional and educational process;

· Formation of the ability to prepare, conduct and analyze classes; Improving self-analysis and self-esteem skills.

The student-student documentation is: a diary of observation and analysis, the abstracts of the observed classes and classes held by the student on their own on the assessment.

2 Basic tasks of speech therapy

The main tasks of the speech therapy are as follows:

· Determination of prevalence and symptoms of speech disorders in children of preschool and school age;

· Study of the structure of speech disorders and the effect of speech disorders for the mental development of the child;

· Development of methods for pedagogical diagnostics of speech disorders;

· Study of the patterns of special training and education of children with a violation of speech development;

· Development of scientifically based methods for eliminating and preventing various forms of speech failure;

· Organization of a system of speech therapy assistance.

The practical aspect of the speech therapy is to prevent, identify and eliminate speech violations. Applied objectives of the speech therapy are solved in the development of specialized programs for children with various structures and severity of the speech violation; When creating methodological systems of speech therapy classes and exercises, didactic benefits, recommendations for parents. Theoretical and practical tasks of speech therapy are interconnected.

Overcoming and preventing speech disorders contribute to the harmonic deployment of the creative forces of the child's personality, eliminate obstacles to the realization of its social orientation, acquiring knowledge. Therefore, the speech therapy, being a special industry, at the same time participates in solving common-breeding tasks.

3 Basic principles of speech therapy

The speech therapy stands in a number of other Special Sciences: Survyopodagogychiki, oligophrenopedagogy, typhoids, upbringing and teaching children with motor disorders; She has a common with them methodological basis and a common special task: maximum overcoming defects in children (both in adults) suffering from violation (in this case, speech), and prepare them to work.

The complexity of illumination of the basic principles of speech therapy effect is that people of various ages (preschoolers, schoolchildren, adults are needed in speech therapy assistance; Speech violations are very diverse, the reasons for their occurrence, their role and importance for the usefulness of the communicative function of human speech, for its general development and training, the formation of character and for its participation in labor and public life.

As pedagogical discipline, the speech therapy should be guided in its practice by the Russian-friendly principles, in particular the principles of didactics.

The system of speech therapy effects can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. The speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the identity of the logist, as its negative sides, which must be re-educated and positive, which should be used in the compensation process; In particular, given the interdependence and connection of the activities of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activities of defective.

2. A human speech is involved in the speech therapy work as a whole: the speech therapist should create a dictionary, the grammatical system and the sound direction of speech (Motor Alalia) even with the easiest speech violation when there are defects in only some sound groups and separate soundsHe cannot limit his work only by creating a correct isolated sound, and in terms of pronunciation of this sound process and the dictionary (not onion, and the hand, not Kosk, and the cat) and the phrase I don't want to eat, and I want to eat). The speech therapist should not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and solid consonants or voiced and deaf, but also distinguishing them, i.e. to prepare the basis for the correct written speech.

3. The focus of the speech therapy work should remain the most affected link of this violation all the time (primary speech component). For example, during disliers and dysarthritia, it will be sound-proof, with alalia-dictionary, when stuttering-calm, smooth current speech, etc.

4. Depending on the speech development stages, the speech therapist should change its target methodological installations.

5. In a properly constructed speech therapy process, regularities and a sequence of normal as speech and general mental development should be taken into account.

6. Organization, form of work, attracted material must correspond to the age of the logist: It is desirable to work faster to work with a schoolchild and conduct classes in the form of school, and with a preschooler to use basically gaming forms, but still build your work in the form of organized and planned Classes.

7. The difficulties of speech therapy work and its timeline will depend on the nature of each speech violation and on its extent. For example, the gradualness of the development of sound impacts during dysarthria is associated with the gradual complication of articulating styles of sounds of this language and with a gradual transition from less affected movements to more affected.

With Motor Alalia, the gradual development of speech can be schematically characterized by the following main directions: a) from sound resistance and brave words to the words are increasingly complicated on its verbal structure; b) from the most specific in its semantic content of words and grammatical categories to more and more abstract; c) from the simplest proposals to the increasingly unfolded and complex.

8 All the work of the speech therapy should be imbued with psychotherapy, which is based on the understanding of the difficulties of the logist, on the understanding that most of the poor speakers are hardly experiencing their speech failure - ridicule of others, failures in school; Many of them already doubt that they will be able to overcome their difficulties.

9. The upbringing and re-education of speech occurs under the targeted impact of the speech therapist, to a large extent on the basis of the imitation of the speech therapist, so the identity of the speech therapist and, in particular, his speech acquires very important importance, thoughtful work is possible only if the speech therapist sincerely loves its work and children.

All the behavior of the speech therapist should be even, benevolent towards his pet; Its emotional background should be painted with joyful, but calm and business revival the speech therapist must be demanding, but at the same time its demands should be reasonable, understanding and taking into account all the difficulties of the logist of depletion, the slowness of re-emerging speech skills, their imstantity and dependence on well-being, From the environment (stuttering again begins to stutter if unfamiliar people appear, confusing already spent sounds when demanding a difficult article to retell it for him, etc.).

All breakdowns and failures of the speech therapy process should be considered primarily from the point of view of the accuracy of the requirements for the logist.

The credibility of the child's eyes is achieved by the general manner of behavior, the clarity of its tasks and requirements, with respect to parents and educators, the speech therapist should also be smooth and patient, to conduct qualified, but an explanation of their requirements and its tasks is available.

The speech therapist should be able to finely observe to know who he works with whom, especially since, in the process of work, their speech level changes all the time, and in connection with this change, the difficulties and tasks of the speech therapy work are changed accordingly. (So, in working with Motor Alalik, at the first stage, it is most difficult to overcome his speech negativism, in the second and third stages, the difficulties in the field of dictionary and grammatical system are growing and the danger of stuttering appears.)

The speech therapist should know the major speech violations and their current, should be familiar with the modern understanding of their mechanisms, should know the methodology of initial literacy and mathematics, as it has to start learning children with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alaria, rinolalia, etc. ).

Primary training with many speech violations has specific difficulties, in addition, it is very often an auxiliary means of correction of defective speech.

The lack of unified programs, the benefits require a creative relationship of a speech therapist for their work and thorough preliminary preparation for each lesson.

Surgical classes are conducted with specially selected groups or individually.

The organization of small (from 3-4 to 5-6 people) of selected groups (by the nature and severity of violations, by age, in terms of intelligence) gives more opportunities for various games and exercises, for educational and psychotherapeutic impact on the most timid and shy, And on non-perhaps and negative.

For successful work in the group (preschoolers, schoolchildren of different classes), there must be discipline, which is best ensured by a clearly thought-out work plan for the entire group and individual requirements for all included in the group.

Group work does not exclude the need for individual work, which is conducted or temporarily (as the preparation of the most "heavy" children to work in a group), or in parallel (in addition to work in the group of individual children), or entirely (if the speech therapist has no corresponding group) .

The speech of the speech therapist should be a model for imitation in all respects: in its tempo, diction, fraud, the correctness of expressions and pronunciations. Thus, the speech therapist cannot be neither stuttering nor obliquely, he should be able to speak freely and expressively.

Special methods for overcoming various speech defects have been developed in the speech therapy.

The work of the speech therapist should be well equipped with various benefits. As benefits in speech therapy work, toys, pictures (subject, plot, series of consecutive pictures9), board games (type lotto, Domino "Who is faster"), books (buvaris, reading books, fiction, textbooks for different classes), tables in the Russian language. All specified benefits of the speech therapist use depending on the direct task, which it sets itself in connection with the nature of the violation, the stage of work, intelligence and the general development of the dealing. In this regard, toys, pictures, texts should be specifically selected and grouped.

The choice of benefits and method of using them are determined. target installation its applications; The same manual can be used both for the purpose of examination and for the purpose of exercise, the creation of certain skills.

Special benefits include a speech therapy mirror, in which the face of the speech therapist and its own can see simultaneously.

4 speech therapy classes in elementary school

The main form of organizing speech therapy classes in elementary school is an individual and subgroup work. Such an organization of correctional and developing work is effective, because Focused on the personal individual features of each child.

The main directions of work:

· Pronunciation correction

· Development of the skills of the analysis and synthesis of the sound and morphological composition of the word

· Lexic reserve

· Development of connected speech

· Pronunciation correction:

· Articulating massage

· Articulating gymnastics

· Sound statement

· Sound automation in syllables, words, sentences, texts

· Differentiation of mixed sounds

Development of sound analysis skills:

The development of sound-lettering and synthesis is the basis of a competent letter and reading. Various exercises and games are aimed at securing the ability to hear various sounds in the Word, it is understood that they are located in a specific sequence, to highlight the place of each sound in the word.

Syllated analysis:

Closely related to sound-letter analysis work on a sludge analysis and synthesis. It includes dividing words to syllables, refinement of their sequence, the release of shock syllables, drawing up words from various syllables, etc.


It is important to draw the attention of children to the value and shades of the word value, methods of word formation, various groups of words. Children learn to listen to words, compare them, associate changes in the sound composition of the word with changes in the meaning of the word.

Development of grammatical system of speech:

The tasks of this section of the correction work are the following:

· Teach children correctly build simple and complex suggestions,

· Watch the connection of words in phrases and suggestions,

· Disseminate proposals by secondary and homogeneous members.

In the learning process, students are traded by the skill of the right use in the speech of the main grammatical categories, the skill of practical word is fixed (by childbirth, numbers, cases, times).

Development of connected speech:

The development of connected speech is on the material of scene paintings, a series of scene paintings, retelling, essays using various drawing techniques, dramatization games, exercises for the development of speech expressiveness.

Warning and correcting letter and read errors:

All types of work described above are aimed at preventing and correcting writing and read errors, but specific speech therapy exercises are used in the paper. For example, working with syllable tables of various difficulties, reading with a frame, reading with a repeat, reading the "Christmas tree", drawing up words from the letters of a split alphabet, insert the desired letter, Fix errors in the text, etc.

Development of visual motor coordination:

A very important stage of correctional work is the development of visual - motor coordination, i.e. Cumulative activity of visual, motor and tactile analyzers. From success in this work, the prevention and correction of errors of writing and reading associated with the mirroring, replacing the letters similar in the optical - spatial signs of letters.

Communication speech therapist with parents

Individual advice (showing the exercises of articulation gymnastics, speech breathing, techniques of speech therapy massage, discussion of the dynamics of correctional work)

Classes with children (view and discussion of individual and subgroup lessons)

Homework (articulation gymnastics, fixing the correct pronunciation in syllables, sludge rows, words, phrases, sentences, texts)

5 The main activities of student student practicing

P / P. Kind of activity Business content

about execution


Acquaintance with the team, children, with methodological requirements, etc.

Acquaintance with personal affairs and medical records of students.

Drawing up an individual work plan for the entire period of practice

Individual speech therapy work Preparation for the survey, its implementation and processing of results, registration of concluding and recommendations, familiarization with students' characteristics
Group work Preparation for the survey, its implementation and processing of results, registration of concluding and recommendations
Pedagogical Conducting lessons, extracurricular activities, drawing up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students, holding the parental meeting, the study of thematic and aircraft plans, the study and selection of methodological means to planned lessons. Conducting individual work with students
Consulting Counseling teachers, parents and children; Drawing up recommendations for solving psychological and pedagogical programs

6 Calendar Plan for Training Pedagogical Practice

№№ P / P










the conference

2 Participation in the conference. Familiarization with rights and obligations. Refine the tasks of practice. The choice of school in which the practice will take place. Class profiles.

Ensuring the distribution of students to school. Acquaintance of students with features and location of the school.

Instructions for compliance with the Charter of the School and Labor Law.

Clarifying the list of students who go to school.

2. Employment to school 6

Participation in a meeting with the school administration, speech therapist, psychologist and class teacher.

Acquaintance with the conditions for the professional activities of young professionals at school: training load, wages, professional improvement prospects.

School communication with higher educational institutions and public organizations.

Acquaintance with the Charter of the School.

Acquaintance with the Cabinet of the speech therapist.

Time schedule: the beginning and end of each lesson.

Diary of pedagogical practice

Providing the appearance of all students to the workplace.

The notice of the school administration on the arrival of the Group to the destination, goals and objectives of the practice, the timing of it in this school.

Participation in the distribution of students in classes.

Requirements for conducting a diary practice. An example of writing activities in the diary on the first working day.


Visiting speech therapy lessons.

Acquaintance with the general, demonstration and frontal equipment Cabinet Speech therapy


Analysis of lessons.

Study of the Cabinet Equipment using Equipment Data Bank, accounting books, methodical literature.

Discussion with the teacher features his program.

Records in the diary.

Conducting together with the spent the analysis of lessons.

4. Acquaintance with the thematic planning of primary school teachers 4

Examine thematic planning and determine the place of the topic on which lessons will be held. To identify the content of the educational material that preceded this topic.

Prepare the perspective planning of the topic indicating the species and number of lessons.

Diary practice.

Discuss with students individually ate planning, features of the formation of knowledge, goals and tasks of lessons.

Control records in the diary practice.

5. Visiting lessons in different subjects 6

Coordinate with the teachers of other disciplines their presence in the lessons.

Examine a class team, motivational features of students' activity at different classes.

To identify the features of educational activities characteristic of the selected profile and take them into account when drawing up a plan and abstract lessons in this class.

Diary practice.

To draw the attention of students to the psychological and pedagogical aspect of students.

Coordinate with the teacher and psychologist the day and time meeting with students at school.

6. Development and protection of an individual student pedagogical practice plan 4

Submit developed individual plan Practice. It specifies the types of lessons and events, day and time, the content of work.

Diary practice.

It is individually agreed by students' practice plans, paying special attention to the preparation of software and other means of methodical literature.

Preparation for the first lesson


Explore educational material To the lesson, to identify continuity in his study.

Write an abstract lesson.

Diary practice.

Assist in writing the abstract, selection of educational and methodical literature.

Preparation for the first lesson.

Presence in the lessons of fellow students and speech therapist of the school


Coordinate with the teacher and the head holding the first lesson: Abstract, Experiment.

Diary practice.

Check prepared aspect of the lesson.

Control records in the diary of pedagogical practice.

9. Conducting the first lesson 2

Conduct a lesson. To participate in the lesson analyzing together with the speech therapist, the teacher of the Primary Clasty, the head of the practice and the fellow students who were present on it: to note the comments made in the notebook in order to work out and further eliminate errors, indicate the special difficulties that revealed during the lesson.

Diary practice.

10. Preparation for the second lesson 6

Write an abstract lesson. Coordinate with the teacher and head holding the second lesson.

Diary practice.

Control the selection of literature.


Conduct a second lesson.

Attend the lessons of fellow students


To participate in the lesson analyzing together with the speech therapist, the head of the practice and the fellow students who were present on it: to note the comments made in the notebook with the aim of working out and further eliminate errors, point out the special difficulties that have revealed during the lesson.

Diary practice.

To hold a lesson analyzing the teacher and students. Listen to the opinion of students, form knowledge of students in conducting an analysis of the lesson.

Pay attention to the preparation of abstracts to conduct the following lessons.

12. Conducting a survey of two students 6

Examine the features of the school speech therapist.

Prepare children survey techniques.

Diary practice.

To assist the student in the selection of methodological literature for research.

Preparation for the third lesson.



Explore the training material. Write a summary.

Coordinate readiness for the lesson with the speech therapist and the head of practice.

Diary practice

Check the lesson summary. Mark inaccuracies and assist in their elimination.

Shape experimental technological knowledge and skills in students.

Control records in the diary of pedagogical practice.

25. Final Conference at School 4

Take a summary of the work done. Prepare all documents to the practice report.

Diary practice.

Together with the speech therapist and students, summarize the practice.

Mark positive student achievements.

Make an assessment of the work done.

7 Visit the teacher-speech therapist

Stage: Automation of sound in words.

· Fasten the correct pronunciation of the sound of L in words;

· Development of phonderatic processes (ability to determine the presence of sound in words, the position of sound in words; sound analysis and synthesis skills);

· Development of attention, memory, thinking, perception, speech and shallow motility;

· Education consciously correct sound pronunciation.


· Cinderella flat figure;

· Subject pictures, the names of which contain the sound of L;

· Card with embedded images;

· Ballroom dresses for Cinderella;

· Card depicting the clearing for the "Labyrinth" technique.

Travel course.

1. Organizational moment.

Hello! Sit comfortably. Listen carefully all my tasks and everything will work.

2. Articulating gymnastics.

To begin with, tongue a job.

Exercise Exercises: "Frog smiles", "Slonik", "snake", "swing", "delicious jam", "painting", "sail", "clean teeth", "steamed buzzing", "catch the mouse".

3. Message Topics Classes.

Today we continue to learn correctly and clearly pronounce the sound of L in words.

4. Clarification of the correct articulation.

Let us recall and show how the articulation bodies work with properly pronounce the sound of L.

What do lips do when we pronounce the sound of l? Where is the tongue?

5. Isolated sound pronunciation.

Let's depict the bell sings a song.

We depict the hands of the hand of the bell: the rear hands are drawn up, the fingers of both hands are crossed. The middle finger of the right hand is lowered down and the child will move freely into the other side. Pronounce a poem:

"Fat" bell. Song. Friend and bassist very loudly rang - La La - La ...

Biting the tongue, at the same time pronounce the sound "A", getting - La La. Then imitation of the ring of the bell la-la-la slow and begin to just buzz - Lllle (without a vowel "A").

6. Work on the topic.

1) - Guest came to our occupation. Let's guess her name.

Run letters in order in accordance with the numbers.

(Flat figure Cinderella is exhibited.)

Remember what kind of work was Cinderella?

Finished the proposal by adding the words suitable by the meaning of the word, so that they were sound l.

Cinderella Floors ... (Soap, swept, rubbed), underwear ... (washing, stood), oven ... (Topila), lunch ... (cooked, cooking), dishes ... (soap, cleaned).

2) work on the development of phondermatatic processes (determining the position of sound in words).

Remember where I wanted to go Cinderella?

Let's help the Cinderella to get to the ball?

Before you go to the ball, Cinderella must clean up the storage room - decompose objects on the shelves, taking into account the sound of the sound of L:

the objects with the sound of L at the beginning of the word, it will put on the lower regiment, with the sound of L in the middle of the word - on the middle shelf, with the sound of L at the end of the word - on the upper shelf.

Skin pictures: Ski, spoon, light bulb, magnifier, chalk, pencil, glass, saw, needle, ball, bottle.

3) Work on the development of visual perception, syllable skills, shallow motility.

Find out and name the items that sawing the vacuum cleaner? Contours of objects in the circle of multicolored pencils.

Name words with one syllable, with two syllables, with three syllables.

Cordered outline: saw, table, boat, shovel, mirror.

4) Work on the development of thinking, sludge synthesis.

Fairy asked Cinderella Task - rearrange the syllables to get words.

Read and write down these words.

5) Repetition of the cleanup.

Cinderella loved singing a song very much.

Let us learn it. Only you need to add words with the sound of L in rhyme.

Al - Al, Cinderella in a hurry to ...

Ol - Ol - Ol, sweeping deftly with a brush ...

Ul - ul - ul, he will not attend ...

Sl - Лол - I, the prince is fascinated by her ...

Il - Il - Il, her on the dance ...

Words: Ball, Paul, Chair, was, invited.

6) work on the development of shallow motility. (Task using reusable stickers).

But what about Cinderella hits the ball without a ball dresses?

Solver Cinderella Beautiful dress.

(The dress consists of individual details.)

7) Work on the development of visual-shaped thinking.

Exercise "Labyrinth" (1, p.50).

Help Cinderele get to the castle. Polyanka before you, the tracks and locks are drawn on it at the end of each of them. It is necessary to find the lock correctly and stick the figure of Cinderella there. To find this house, you need to look at the letter, which left the good fairy. In the letter drawn how to go, which way to turn. You need to start moving from the arrow. Pay attention.

8) work on the development of phonderatic hearing (the allocation of words with the sound of the poem).

That came Cinderella to the ball with our help. There she will have fun, dance.

And now let's walk on the forest ball and see how time the forest inhabitants spend time.

Now I will read the poem. Listen to him carefully and remember, about whom it is said.

Forest ball.

Plate protein - she is on the ball

The paws were stained in the yellow chalk.

Pretty Selo Salo regretted:

The legs stroked - and the chalk was sheltered.

Protein satin dress put on

With a long shepherd and belt white.

Oh, how magicly she danced -

From the Christmas tree on the Christmas tree, Pushushka flew.

Legs fir protein swung

The song of Cheerful Woods was knocked

The kerats of the hollow robbery on the trunks.

Cute business - flying over the balls.

Who is talking about this poem?

6. Outcome classes.

What kind of sound we learned today to pronounce correctly.

7.2 speech therapy occupation: "Automation of sounds [p], [p"] in syllables, words, sentences and connected speech "

1. Fastening the formation of an articulation structure in a reflected pronunciation for the speech therapist, independent pronunciation in syllables, words, sentences and connected speech.

2. Formation of phonderatic hearing and sound analysis.

3. Development of spatial orientation and coordination of thin movements of the brush and fingers.

4. Development of attention, memory, thinking.

5. Development of self-monitoring and interconnection.

Equipment: Individual mirrors, pictures with sounds [p], [p "], cards with numbers, cards with words, cards with word schemes, traffic lights, ball, sound-alphabetic analysis, soft toys.

Structure occupation

I. Organizational moment.

You can sit in someone who will come up and correctly utters the word with the sounds [p], [p "] (at the beginning, middle and end of the word).

II. Repetition passed.

1. Guys, let's remember which exercises helped us learn how to correctly pronounce the sounds [p], [p "].

Responses of children: "Horse", "painter", "automatic", "machine gun",


Children perform these exercises before the mirror.

2. And now let's show how we learned how to correct the sounds [p], [p "]. We will head" Motors ".

Children pronounce an isolated sound [P] chorus, along a chain, individually.

3. Guys, and now remember, please, with what organs of the speech apparatus, we have learned how to properly dispel the sounds [p], [p "].

Children's answers: lips, teeth, tongue, sky, alveoli.

Children pronounce in front of the mirror the sounds [p], [p "] and at the same time observe the position of the organs of the speech apparatus:

· Roth is ajar;

· Lips open;

· The tip of the language is raised to Alveola.

III. Main part. Topics announcement.

Guys, as you already guessed, we are talking about the sounds of [p], [p "]. The topic of our classes" Automation of sounds [p], [p "] in syllables, words, sentences, connected speech."

1. Development of phonderatic hearing.

And now, guys, let's check if we can determine the sound of sound in the word. Let's play with you in the game. I will show you pictures with sounds [p], [p "], and you have to find the place of these sounds in the word and raise the card with the corresponding number:

· Rocket (1),

· Pencil (3),

· Rabbit (2),

· Tomato (7),

· Matryoshka (4),

· Drum (3),

· Cucumber (4),

· Computer (9).

2. Sound characteristic.

And now I suggest you talk a little about the sound [P].

Let's try to give the characteristic of this sound. What is he?

Children's answers: sound [p] - consonant, ringing, maybe hard, and soft.

In front of what vowels sound [p] is solid?

Responses of children: A, O. U, s, E.

In front of what vowels sound pm is soft?

Responses of children: I, E, Yu, and, E.

And now let's play the game "Traffic light". I will show you pictures with the sounds [p], [p "], and you will" include traffic lights ". If in the word there is a solid sound [p] you" ignite "blue light. If in the word there is a soft sound [p" You "ignite" green light.

Fizminutka. Performing movements with progressing words:

Every day I do a charging in the morning

I really like to do in order:

Fun walking (walking in place),

Hands lift (hands up),

Lack and get up (squats),

Jump and jump (jumping in place).

3. Communication of sound and letters.

Guys, we are talking about the sounds all the time [p], [p "].

And please tell me which letter these sounds are indicated on the letter?

Answers children: letter [P] (ER).

Right. And now let's find the letter "P" on the tape and talk a little about it. Look, please, on this letter and tell me what it looks like, let's try a little dream.

Responses of children.

And now, guys, please answer this question:

"What is the sound of the letter?"

Responses of children:

I hear the sound, pronounce

Let the letter I read, write.

· And now we will try to write the letter "p" in the air. First we will drink it shoulder, then our elbow, then brush, then with your finger.

4. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in syllables. Playing ball. Conditions of the game: I throw the ball to you and at the same time I say an open syllable. You return the ball to me and say a closed syllable. And on the contrary. (Sounds with sounds [ P], [p "]).

5. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in words. Sound-letter analysis of words.

· Find in sentences words with sounds p], [p "] and pronounce them correctly. To determine the sound of the sound in the word.

· Pick up one of three words to a given scheme and explain your choice.

· Make a scheme for a given word (work with chips).

6. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in sentences (tweighters, cleanrs).

Children pronounce spears and cleanrs with sounds [p], [p "] (homework).

7. Automation of sounds [P], [P "] in a connected text.

The story "My favorite toy." Children in advance were given a task to come up with a small story about her beloved toy. Condition: The story should be as many words as possible with the sounds [p], [p "]. Children talk about their favorite toys and at the same time do not forget to correct words with sounds [p], [p"].

Outcome: The speech therapist sums up the classes.

7.3 Speech therapy lesson on the development of speech for students of the 1st grade of primary school on the topic "Prevention of colds"

Objective: to give knowledge about colds, their treatment and prevention, replenish and enrich vocabulary, exercise students in building a coherent statement.

1. Educational

· Give the concepts of "medicinal herbs", "People's Medicine", "Broth", "Prevention".

· To form a coherent speech through an exercise in building a connected statement.

2. Correctional

· Adjust the shortcomings of the monologue form of oral speech through the construction of proposals.

3. Developing

· Develop the lexical stock of students through the clarification of the meanings of their words and enrich the vocabulary by the accumulation of new words.

· Develop and improve psychological prerequisites for learning through the development of cognitive activity and multisensor shape of the material.

4. Educational

· Educating communicative skills and skills through answers to questions, the use of assimilated terminology in connected statements, compiling connected statements with elements of creativity.

Type of classes: Given the individual and age features of students of this class, a combined lesson was selected.

Form of carrying out: heuristic conversation.

Place in school sessions: This occupation was conducted in accordance with the thematic plan of work with a group of class 1 student group, having a diagnosis of NVONR ("Non-expressed general underdevelopment of speech").

The final result: knowledge of colds, their treatment and prevention, replenishment and enrichment of the vocabulary stock, exercise in building a connected statement. Performing a creative task: Drawing up a recipe.

Equipment: Items with images of Pinocchio, Doctors, Gradewoman, Tablets, Medicine, Syrup, Chamomile Colors, Linden, Raspberry, Rosehip, Luke, Garlic, Honey, Lemon, Vitamins. Tables with the words: "Doctor", "Sigdition", "Temperature", "Influenza, Fracture, Caries, Angina, Rubber", "Medicines", "People's Medicine", "Decoration", "Prevention", Rosehip Fruits (sold in Pharmacy), a kettle for brewing fruits, a magic handbag, jars with honey, onions, garlic, lemon, scarf for eye tie, paper tablets with job numbers, cards - recipes, vitamins for distribution to children.

Teacher: Guys, Hello, Sit down. Today I will spend your speech development. Pinocchio came to visit us. Look, he is very sad. It turns out he got sick.

Teacher: We will treat Pinocchio, and during the classes will get acquainted with new words, learn about the treatment and prevention of colds. Words with whom we will get to know the lesson, write to the notebook.

Teacher: Someone knocks on the door. Guess the riddle and understand who it is.

Who in the days of disease

All useful

And he treats us all from diseases?

Children: Doctor.

Teacher: Write this word in a notebook. What did the doctor bring us? Guess the riddle.

I sit under the arm

And what to do - I will point out.

Or let me walk,

Or I will be put in bed.

Children: a thermometer.

Teacher: Write this word. Guys, why do you need a thermometer? We measure the temperature of our Pinocchio. This critical temperature is 37 °, she talks about the beginning of the disease. Write the word "temperature" in the notebook.

Selected words on the signs are placed on the board, under them an interface

Teacher: make up orally proposals with these words.

Teacher: So guys, let's talk about what is colds. Our doctor rushed and scattered the pills, they were confused. We will help him collect them and perform tasks.

On the board the circle (tablets) with the numbers numbers of tasks.

Task 1 "Guess the name of the disease"

On the blackboard, a table with a list of diseases, students choose from them the names of only colds.

Teacher: Our first task: "Guess the name of the disease." Guys, let's read the names of the disease and choose only colds from them: influenza, fracture, angina, caries, runny nose.

Children call the words "influenza", "Angina", "Rubber".

Teacher: What kind of disease names are not suitable? And who knows what kind of illness is it? We coped with this task. We write the names of the colds in the notebook.

Tablet №1 The teacher gives the doctor to treat Buratino.

Teacher: And what to do if a person got sick? Need medical help. What are the disease treat?

Children inform their knowledge of what diseases are treated.

Teacher: Of course, you can be treated with medicines, and can be both folk remedies.

On the blackboard, a table with new words:

Medicine ethnoscience

Teacher: What medicines do you know?

Children call pills, medicine, drops, syrups. The teacher shows the harvested samples of the above preparations.

Teacher: And what folk remedies?

Children call herbs.

On the board are placed subject pictures under the words "Medicines" and "People's Medicine".

Teacher: Let's make a sentence with these words.

Children verbally make up proposals.

Task 2 "Guess the name of the medicinal herbs."

The teacher takes the tablet and reads the task.

Teacher: Our second task: "Guess the name of the medicinal herbs." Now the doctor will give you puzzles about medicinal herbs.

The teacher on behalf of the doctor reads riddles, children guess.

White basket.

Golden Donets.

It lies Rosinka.

And sparkles the sun.


From my flower takes

The bee is very tasty honey,

And me all offended

Skin slim slim.

Red beads hang

From the bushes we look at us.

Very love beads these

Children, birds and bears.

Teacher: And what spiny therapeutic plant grows in our forests, and its fruits are very tasty?

Children call a rosehip.

Teacher: It's really rosehip. And why did the plant get such a name? (due to spikes).

On the blackboard, subject pictures depicting chamomile, linden, raspberries, rosehip.

Teacher: Now we will brew in the teapot Rosehip, and then try his decoction. When we brew grass, fruits, it is called decoction. The decoction is used for treatment and prevention. We and I will drink a hamberry broth for prevention, so as not to hurt. The word "prevention" means the warning of the disease.

On the blackboard table with the words "decoction", "Prevention".

The teacher gives Dr. Tablet No. 2 for the treatment of Pinocchio. Brews in the teapot rosehip.

Teacher: We write words in a notebook. So, herbs, decoctions are used to prevent diseases. Completed the proposal with these words.

Task 3 "Magic Handbag"

The teacher takes the tablet and reads the task.

Teacher: Our next task "Magic Handbag".

The teacher pulls out a handbag, in which jars with onions, garlic, honey and lemon are hidden.

Teacher: Who wants to play with me in the game?

Children overlook the board, the teacher explains the rules of the game: with closed eyes guess the smell that is in a jar.

Teacher: Now you are guessing with closed eyes, which is hidden in the jar, and then carry in the ranks, so that all the children also determine.

Children perform instructions of the teacher. On the board are pictures depicting the listed products. (Figure 8)

Teacher: Well done, all these products have a healing effect, they are useful for health, they are used for prevention, so as not to get sick. Let's make proposals with these words.

Tablet №3 Teacher gives a doctor for the treatment of Pinocchio.

Teacher: Soon our Pinocchio will recover. Last task and last tablet remained.

Teacher: So, we learned with you, what are colds, how to treat them. Now we will apply the knowledge gained - we will write a recipe for our Pinocchio, as all doctors do.

Who will explain what does the word "recipe" mean? The doctor discharges a prescription with the name of the drug and the way it is applied.

Task 4 "Cold Pinocchio"

The teacher takes the tablet and reads the task.

Teacher: Our last task "Colding Pinocchio". We write in the notebook a new word "recipe". I now give you the leaves on which recipes are written. Your task is to choose a recipe suitable for the treatment of Pinocchio. Choose a recipe for cold treatment.

· Raw 1 teaspoon chamomile on 1 cup boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. To drink at night.

· 30 drops of Corvalol in a glass of water with pain.

· 1 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey, drink overnight.

Children choose recipes, discussed in a pair.

Teacher: Let's check which recipes have chosen. Well done, chose the right recipes from the cold.

Teacher: And now we will try the decoction of richness and coats from Pinocchio.

The teacher treats children with decoction of rosehip.

Tablet №4 gives the doctor to treat Pinocchio.

Teacher: Our Pinocchio accepted all the medicines and decoction of richness, now he is healthy. See what he is cheerful!

Picture with the image of Merry Pinocchio.

Let's summarize: What should I do to do not hurt?

Children answer that you need to play sports, hardening, take vitamins. On the board there is a picture with the image of vitamins.

Teacher: Now the doctor will distribute all vitamins. Always take them during the growth period of the number of colds.

The teacher on behalf of the doctor distributes vitamins.

Guys, with what new concepts and words did you meet?

What is health prevention?

With what can be prevented by the disease?

What can you tell the parents about health prevention?

Children answer teacher's questions.

Teacher: Please come up with your parents with your parents for the treatment of Pinocchio. Our lesson is over. Thanks for the work.

7.4 speech therapy occupation for the 2nd grade on the topic "Education of words with the help of diminishing-laxed suffixes"

Type of classes: Studying a new material.

1. Educational:

· To introduce students with the concept of "suffix", to learn the skills of word formation with the help of diminishing suffixes;

· Expand words knowledge;

2. Developing:

· Develop auditory attention, phonderatic perception, associative thinking, mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization);

· Develop a connected oral and written speech;

· Develop intermetracks;

· Improve the skill of proper expressive reading;

3. Educational:

· Educating love for the native edge;

· Rail a love for oral folk creativity;

· Rail confidence in their forces;

· Relieve the ability to enjoy the success of comrades.


Speech therapist: Tables of diminishing suffixes, scheme of the word parts, cards with tasks, a drawing of a hedgehog, a tape recorder, a disk with music for a dynamic pause.

Students: Cards with assignments, ruler, simple pencil.

Structure occupation

I. Organizational moment

Speech therapist. Hello guys. Today guests came to us, let's say hello to them.

And now the one who correctly calls a word-called word to the word "cold".

Children. Cold, refrigerator, cold, cold, get cold.

Speech therapist. Well done! So, who will say, on what topic we worked a few previous lessons?

Children. Related or single words.

Speech therapist. So what words do we call single-handed or related?

Children. Words that have a common (equal) part and close in meaning.

Speech therapist. What is the common part of the kindred words?

Children. Root.

Speech therapist. How is the root indicated in the diagram? Show.

II. Stage of training students for active and conscious assimilation of new material

Speech therapist. Read the patter "On the mouth of the ROSInki spurred in the morning perrstro."

Reading the patter to yourself, then out loud, highlighting every word with question in intonation.

We find out that the mother of pearl is a valuable substance with an overflow color, which makes up a solid inner layer of some shells. From the mother of pearl decorations, buttons. We demonstrate such items.

Speech therapist. Find and name the affectionate words that you met in this patter.

Children. Rosinki, on Osinka.

Speech therapist. And how can I say differently?

Children. Dew, aspen.

Speech therapist. Read now the same typule, but with changed words.

Children. On the aspen of dews spoken in the morning mother of pearl

Speech therapist. What option did you like more? Why?

Children explain that the first version of the patter is more beautiful.

Speech therapist. The words "osinkle" and "Rosinki" are formed using parties

"-K-" and "-ink-".

Speech therapist. Who already knows what these parts are called?

Children. Suffixes.

Speech therapist. Where are the suffixes?

Children. Behind the root.

Speech therapist. Now listen to the fairy tale.

Suffixes lived in one fabulous city. And they had a school there, where they learned to build new words. One rule in this school was performed by all: suffixes were allowed to stand only on the root. The rest of the rules were considered not very strict and allowed everyone to make words to their taste and a way. And since all the suffixes were in front of each other - and they had different words.

Speech therapist. So, who guessed, what topic are we starting to work on?

Children. Education of new words with the help of suffixes.

Speech therapist. What is suffix?

Children. Part of the word.

Speech therapist. Where is the suffix?

Children. By the root of the word.

Speech therapist. What does it serve?

Children. To form new words.

Speech therapist. Today we will get acquainted only with those suffixes that will help us form affectionate words and words denoting small objects. These are diminishing suffixes. There are several of them, writing them to remember.

III. Stage of learning new knowledge

1. Speech therapist. Imagine what is your name. The most harder for a person is his name. Remember how my mom calls you.

Children. Dimochka, Svetik, Irishka, Zhenya, Masha, daughter, son.

Speech therapist. With which part of the word received affectionate names?

Children. With the help of the suffixes "-", "-" - "," - "-", "-ik-", "-" - "" - ".

Speech therapist. Now listen, how did the old names sounded: Elizabeth, Barbara, Efrosinya, Zakhar.

Let's call gentle vintage names.

Children. Elizvetushka, Varvarushka, Efrosynushka, Zakharushka.

Speech therapist. What suffixers helped us form these words?

Children. "-Hushk-", "-yushk-"

Speech therapist. Write down new words in your notebook, highlighting the suffix.

2. Speech therapist. Now play. I call the word, and you change it, calling it affectionately.

Chalk Chalk Garden Sadik Frame-Frame Bench Bamker Berry Berry
Oak Dubok House-House Tale Fairy Tale Watering and Malinka

A record of educated words appears on the board.

Speech therapist. Highlight suffixes with which you formed new words.

3. Read the words and form new from them with the help of diminishing suffixes.

Soup, tooth, con, oak, mushroom, corner, tooth, forest.

Write them down in 2 columns.

Highlight the victims of the first and second columns. Find words with the same root. What are the difference between these words? Come up with every phrase.

Children. First teeth. Clot of garlic.

4. Speech therapist. We carry out test number 1.

Read words. If the word has a suffix "-", put "+" next to it, if the word has a "-ik-" suffix, put "+" next to it.

Speech therapist. What words did the selected words get? Make a phrase with them.

Children. Fabulous tale, small sprout, soft lenk, familiar deadlock, summer rain, funny nose, small carnation.

IV. Fizkultpause

Under the music, exercises are performed on the development of intermetrous connections.

V. Stage of fixing new connections

Speech therapist. We carry out test number 2.


After the rain will be a sun.

Little to the pike, yes the cloud is the Vostor.

There will be flowers, there will be berries.

Pushinka to the gun will be released.

Why are these sentences called proverbs?

Children. The proverb is a brief folk saying with an outdative meaning.

Proverbs are taught a lot.

Speech therapist. Read the proverbs and explain their meaning.

Find words with a diminutive stuffing suffix. Stress them, highlight the root first, then the suffix.

Where is the suffix? What does it serve? With what soffixes were the words formed?

Try changing words by using them without suffix. Read offers with modified words. What noticed?

Children. Words with suffixes decorate our speech.

Speech therapist. Can proverbs be called suggestions?

Children. Yes, since the proverbs, as well as suggestions, express the completed thought.

I went dark at night a gray hedgehog in the forest to walk. I saw red berries and putting them on gray needles. I noticed a yellow leaf and also Nakolol.

Read the text. Find words with diminutive suffixes. Name the suffixes, with which these words were formed. What words these words were formed.

Come up with your end of the story (2-3 offers) and add it.

Vi. Stage of summing up

Speech therapist. What part of the word we met today at the lesson?

What is suffix?

What does it serve? Where is it?

What suffixes help to form affectionate words, and words denoting small objects?

Thanks guys. Today everyone worked well.

Assessment of the workshop of each student.

· To achieve the correct and clear pronunciation of sounds [C - Z], [C'- Z];

· The ability to distinguish between the sounds [C - Z], [C'-Z '] on the rumor.


· Side pictures: (elk, zebra, hare, fox);

· Items: (umbrella, curtain, basket); Grandmother-riddle;

· Color symbols of sounds, sound locks, letters.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

Mimic exercises. Relaxation.

Speech therapist. I turn you into small vegetables seeds. Sit down. Warm sun Prigid seeds, rained watered. Seeds grew, grew and became plants. Slowly raise your hands, the plants stretch to the sun. Feel the tension. He strongly charged the sun, our plants started. Relax, drop your head, hands, lower your shoulders and torso. Run down on the pages. I went rain, the plants came to life, the sunshine is drawn.


Wonderful vegetables rose on the garden. Picture vegetables - "fatty", turn into vegetables - "Hinders".

2. Message Topics Classes.

Speech therapist. Hello, my name is grandmother-riddle. What do you think, why is me so called?

Responses of children.

Speech therapist. Right. And now we will play the game "Who is attentive."

Subject pictures "Pump" and "Komar" are exhibited.

Speech therapist. Who knows how the air whistles when it comes out of the pump?

Responses of children. C - C - s.

Speech therapist. And how does a mosquer rings?

Responses of children. Z - z - s.

Before the mirror: Grandma - The mystery shows that the sound [c] is pronounced quietly without a voice, and when [s], the voice rings. Lips with [s] and [s] smile, the tongue is behind the bottom teeth.

3. Fixing the sounds [s, s ', s, s'] in words.

Grandmother-Riddle Mysteries Riddles:

What a beast of the forest -

I got up like a column, under the pine.

And stands among the grass

Ears more head. (Hare)

She has a fluffy tail

Golden fur.

In the forest she lives,

In the village of chickens steal. (A fox)

What kind of cones -

On all vests. (Zebra)

Herbs touching with hooves

Handsome walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easy

Rog sprawling wide. (Elk)

Subjects are exhibited: Hare, Fox, Zebra, Elk.

Speech therapist. What is the sound at the beginning of the word hare?

What is the first sound in the word zebra?

What is the last sound in the word elk?

Where did you hear the sound [s] in the word fox?

Responses of children.

Speech therapist. So what will we meet today with sounds?

Responses of children.

4. Development of articulation motility. Fastening the correct articulation of sounds [C - Z].

Speech therapist. Grandmother-riddle invites us for a walk in the forest. And in the forest there are a stream, which reflects the green trees. Let's go to the green stream (imagine that the mirrors are our streams).

Sit on the beings and make our articulating gymnastics.

Children sit on the floor and make articulate gymnastics.

1. Inflating both cheeks at the same time.

2. Inflating left and right alternately.

3. Retracting the cheeks into the mouth of the cavity between the teeth, the lips are elongated forward.

4. Alternation "Trulling" - "Smile" - "House opens"

5. "Ensure a naughty tongue."

6. "Shovel".

7. "Swing".

8. "Horsici".

9. "Delicious jam"

10. "Come on the tongue"

Speech therapist. Guys, when grandmother-riddle, walked over to the stream, the cold breeze blew into her face. Let's make the exercise "Cold Breeze".

Children perform an exercise.

5. Differentiation of the concepts of "syllable", "word".

Speech therapist. The grandmother-riddle suggests playing the game where you will portray only the actions only.

Children imitate knitting, game on musical instruments, drawing waves, clogging nails with a hammer. Movements are accompanied by repetition of syllable combinations:

Sa - for - sa - for

Se - Ze - Se - Ze

SU - Zu - Su - Zu

CO - ZO - CO - ZO

Speech therapist. What did we pronounce?

Responses of children. Syllables.

Speech therapist. And now help me finish cleaningors.

Sy - sons - sons, soft wool at ... (goats).

Se - Ze - Sea, we will give Sena we ... (goat).

The axis is the axis - the axis - eats the osinkle ... (elk).

Axis - axes - axes roaming around the forest ... (Moose).

Threat - sons - sons, the tail is fluffy at ... (fox).

Speech therapist. Did you tell me the syllables or words?

Responses of children. The words.

6. Pronunciation of sounds in words. Development of phonderatic perception. Sound analysis.

Speech therapist. Look around - in the office there are many items with studied sounds. Call the items that grandmother-riddle thinks.

In the word, the first sound [s], the last [A].

Responses of children. Curtain.

Speech therapist. What studied sound did you hear in the middle of this word?

Responses of children. Sound [C].

Speech therapist. In the word one syllable, the first sound [s]?

Responses of children. Table chair.

Speech therapist. In my basket lies the subject in the title, which is the first sound [s], the last [t].

Responses of children. Umbrella.

Speech therapist. "Scatter" the sounds of the word umbrella. How many of them in this word? Indicate sounds with circles. At what place [s]? Make a word diagram.

Children make up the scheme of the word umbrella.

Before children, the scheme of the word fox is exhibited.

Speech therapist. Specify the animal in the title, which has vowel sounds [and], [a].

Responses of children. A fox.

Speech therapist. How did you guess what is Lisa?

Name the beasts, in the names of which there are studied sounds [C], [C '], [s], [s'].

Responses of children.

7. Fizminutka.

Holding the game "Carousel".

We have suffered a carousel. (Children become in a circle face)

All managed? (Children, tilted heads to the right, bred with hands)

Everyone had time. (Children, nod head)

Flew? (Children, lean their heads left, dilute with their hands)

Flew. (Children, nod head)

And for the thirty lands suffered us carousel. (Children run in a circle, holding hands)

But the earth is calling back, though cute in blue. (Children, slowly go in a circle, holding hands)

After the cosmos, it is pleasant to be on the grass. (Children, fall on the carpet)

Made a breath, exhale, got up.

8. Pronunciation of sounds [C], [C '], [s], [s'] in suggestions. Analysis of the verbal composition of the sentence.

Speech therapist. Let's quickly answer me, so it happens or not?

Autumn came, the gardens bloomed.

Snow fell, flew swallows.

On the birch matured strawberries.

Apples grow on an apple tree.

Responses of children.

Compilation of mysteries - descriptions.

Pictures: strawberries, pine, snake, donkey.

Speech therapist. Tell us about the subject, without calling him, and the grandmother the riddle will guess his name.

Children make a description of objects, riddled the riddles.

9. Solution of problematic issues.

Speech therapist. Grandma-Riddle offers you a live bunny, toy, clockwork, what do you choose? Why did you make such a choice?

Responses of children.

10. Reading words with missed letters.

Speech therapist. The grandmother-riddle brought you signs with written words, but they lack them in one letter.

ONT, VA__A, __, __It.

The letter is complemented, the word is read.

Speech therapist. So what did we meet sounds?

Responses of children.

11. Outcome classes.

Learning "green songs". Children imitate all movements.

In green, green, green forest

Green leaf, as check box, I carry.

Green bump under the Christmas tree is silent, green music somewhere sounds

Green grasshopper in a green country

Plays green music to me.

Speech therapist. Let's imagine that we are in the woods on the clearing. We lie down on the grass, and listen to the sounds of the forest. Close your eyes, relax. Stood up.

7.6 speech therapy lesson with students of the 2nd class, "Differentiation of sounds and letters w and sh"

Objectives lesson:

· Clarify and compare the articulation of sounds of w and w, practicing in pronunciation of w and w in words, phrases and suggestions;

· Develop a phonmematic analysis on the material of words, phrases and proposals;

· To clarify and expand the dictionary on the themes "Fruits" and "Berries";

· Develop grammatical skills in the course of exercises to coordinate adjectives and nouns, the use of the form of a genitive case of nouns, the formation of high-quality adjectives and submissive verbs;

· Develop a coherent speech in the preparation of proposals and full answers to questions;

· Develop spatial representations, emotional stability;

· Education of positive motivation.


· Game characters;

· Individual mirrors;

· Slovar table;

· Subject pictures of fruits and berries;

· Magnetic boards for drawing on each student;

· Computer: electronic tables, electronic game "ROSSIP";

· 4 juice boxes (pear, cherry, roof, blackberry);

· Natural blackberry berries, soft fresh pear;

· Handles and notebooks.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment:

1. Greeting. Activation of positive mood.

· Greeting, turning back to each other.

· Greeting, turning face to each other, but a sad tone.

What kind of greeting most of all? With such a mood and will be engaged today.

2. Introduction of game characters - two fisters and tanya sisters. They brought many interesting tasks and surprises.

2. Message Topics Lesson:

· Senior sister's name is Zhenya. Name the first sound in the Word of Zhenya.

· Give the characteristic of the sound of J.

· What are the pair sound on the sound of the sound? Sh

· What do you think your name is younger sister? Tanya. Name affectionately. Tanya.

Today, we will work with sounds and letters w and sh.

3. art. Loading sounds and sh: (working with individual mirrors) The lips are nominated forward with a mouthpiece, a tongue in the form of "cups", teeth are brought together, a warm air jet is in the middle of the language. Voice folds at sound are closed and vibrate, when the sound is sounded.

Pronunciation of isolated sounds.

4. Differentiation in syllables:

Playing with a ball: Shu, Zh, seam, zhna, seam, Zhev, bench press.

5. Letters w and sh.

Electronic Didactic Game "Oarser": various written and printed letters are scattered on the monitor screen.

· Find those among them that we denote the sounds of w and sh.

· With what letter will write the name of Zhenya.

· What letter will write in the name of Tanya?

6. Reading Slots:

Didactic game "Who is faster?"

· Task Zhenya: Who will read the syllables with the letter faster?

· Task Tanya: who will quickly read the syllables with the letter W?

· Who will read the syllables in the 1st column faster?

· Who will read the syllables in 2 columns faster?

· Who will quickly find the 2nd syllable from the bottom in the left column?

· Who will quickly find the 3rd syllable on top in the right column?

What have we read now? (Mark read without errors)

7. Phondematic analysis and approval with adjective in childbirth.

Look at the desk. Dolls brought you pictures. Name them. (apple, gooseberry, lemon, pear, cherry, blackberry)

What groups can they divide them? (fruits and berries)

Name those fruits and berries that are yellow. (Yellow apple, yellow gooseberry, yellow pear, etc.)

Select those fruits and berries for the name, in the title of which there is a sound, for Tanya - with the sound of S. (Gooseberry, Cherry, Pear, Blackberry)

Which of these berries is unfamiliar to you? (blackberry). Guest brought you to try a few berries.

Determine the sound of sounds and w in words. (Working with drawing boards: 3zh, 3sh, 4sh, 2zh).

Check your records with records on the computer monitor. Who fulfilled right?

FiSpaus: Zhenya and Tanyusha prepared surprises for you. Only they must be found.

· The first surprise is on the right of the door on the top shelf of the cabinet, between the protein and Cheburashka.

· The second surprise is on the bottom shelf, between the yellow bucket and the cube.

· Third - to the left of the door behind the right bottom door of the cabinet.

· Fourth - behind the right column of the computer.

What are these surprises? That's how it is juices.

8. Adjective education.

This juice is from what? (from cherry). How do you call him? (cherry).

This juice is from what? (from pear). How do you call him? (pear).

This juice is from what? (from blackberry). How do you call him? (Blackberry).

This juice is from what? (from the gooseberry). How do you call him? (Gorge). (Children read the names of juices by syllables via the spreadsheet).

Our guests love juices from their fruits and berries. What do you think, why? (They are very tasty and useful, because contains a lot of vitamins). Name their favorite juices (according to the presence in their name sounds and w).

Tanya loves cherry and pear juices.

Zhenya loves blackberry and roasted juices.

9. Education of submissive verbs.

How from fruits and berries get juices? Squeeze.

I will perform actions, and you call what I do. (I click, squeeze, squeeze). Repeat the names of actions.

10. Preparations on the picture.

Zhenya squeezed pear juice.

Make a proposal schema.

How many words in the sentence?

In which words met the sounds and w?

Squeezed the cams strongly, relaxed.

Write down the offer in the notebook.

How do you write the beginning of the sentence?

Emphasize the letters w and sh.


11. Relaxation exercise "Swinging Tree".

Stand up. Let's imagine yourself with a tree. Roots are legs, trunk, krone - hands and head. The wind begins to blow, and the tree smoothly swings - leans to the right and left, back and forth. The wind subsides, the branches smoothly descend, and we calmly sit down for the parties.

12. Outcome classes:

What sounds and letters worked in class?

What new berry did you meet today?

Girls say goodbye to you, thank for active work and want to treat you with their favorite juices.

8 abstract lessons

1 Lesson


Purpose: Establish contact, creating a positive atmosphere.

Exercise: compliment

Throw the ball with the words: "I like in you that you ...". Having received the ball, throws it with the same words.


Purpose: Studying the state of non-verbal mental functions, intellect, volitional sphere

Exercises for the identification of the lateral organization (leading hand, eyes, ear, leg). The training is carried out by repeating words, dictation, the selection of words according to the given sounds, the analysis of the sound-letter composition of words.

Correctional and developing speech therapy

Purpose: - Training of speech hearing and alphabetic vision; Speech stimulation, development of perception.

Work in notebooks (hatching, stroke)

· In the text it snars the letter A ...

"Sit protein ..."

Sites squirrel on the cart

It sells nuts:

Sister chantechka,

Sparrow, Bin

Mishke Tolstophal,

Zainke's tasty.

Exercise "Mental Eye"

The meaning of the exercise is to help the child imagine a piece of cake or the item that he can easily imagine with eyes closed. With the help of various issues about shape, color, the location of the subject, the specialist determines a clear mental image of the subject on the hand of the child. For a more shaped presentation, a specialist as it would make the vision of a child in his own finger. By moving the finger, the child can move its mental vision and "consider" the subject from different sides. By the end of the class, the child can distract from the type of item that he sees with the help of his "mental eye" and restore the original kind of subject, mentally considering it at the level of his own eye. He can imagine that the subject disappeared from his left hand and appeared in the right, changed the form or size.

Purpose: Development of visual motor coordination, graphic skills.

Game: "Who does what?". Imitation of movements: my hands, stroking the cat, we are erased by the lingerie, the bird flies.

4. My life is beautiful.

6. I love myself.

7. I do everything right.

Summarizing. Reflection. Parting.


Answers on questions.

1. What did you like in the classroom?

2. What has learned about the lesson?

3. What seemed interesting?

4. What would I like to repeat?

5. What mood is you leaving the class?

2 lesson


Purpose: Create a confidential atmosphere.

Salt the riddles.

I flutter on the flower bed in the garden.











































4. My life is beautiful.


6. I love myself.

7. I do everything right.




Answers on questions.

























































Answers on questions.



















































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9 Schoolchildren examination

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