What is expressive language language. Expressive funds in fiction

Fine-expressive instruments of the language allow not only to convey information, but also brightly, convincingly transfer thoughts. Lexical means of expressiveness make the Russian language emotional and colorful. Expressive stylistic means are used when an emotional impact on listeners or readers is necessary. To make a presentation of yourself, the goods, the firm is impossible without the use of special means of language.

The word is the basis of the visual expressiveness of speech. Many words are often used not only in a direct lexical meaning. Animal characteristics are transferred to the description of the appearance or behavior of a person - clumsy as a bear, a cowardly like a hare. Polesia (Multivalism) - the use of words in various values.

Omonimi - a group of words in Russian, which have the same sound, but at the same time carry different semantic loads, serve to create a sound game in speech.


  • omographs - words are written in the same way, change meaning depending on the stressful stress (castle - lock);
  • omophones - words when writing are characterized by one or more letters, but they are perceived equally (the fruit of the raft);
  • ohormforms - words that sound the same, but at the same time relate to different parts Speech (flying in an airplane - leaving a runny nose).

Kalamburas are used to give a speech of humorous, satirical significance, sarcasm well betray. They are based on the sound similarity of words or their meaningfulness.

Synonyms - describe the same thing from different sides, have different semantic loads and stylistic color. Without synonyms, it is impossible to build a bright and shaped phrase, the speech will be oversaturated with tautology.

Sounds of synonyms:

  • full - identical in meaning, used in the same situations;
  • semantic (semantic) - are designed to give the shade of words (conversation conversation);
  • stylistic - have the same value, but at the same time relate to different speech styles (finger finger);
  • semantico-stylistic - have a different shade of meaning, relate to different speech styles (Make - to jar);
  • contextual (author) - consumed in a used context for a more colorful and multifaceted description of a person or event.

Antonyms - words have the opposite lexical value, belong to one part of speech. Allow you to create bright and expressive phrases.

Trails - words in Russian, which are consumed in a figurative sense. They give speech and works imagery, expressiveness, are designed to transmit emotions, brightly recreate the picture.

Definition of trails

Allegory Allegorous words and expressions that convey the essence and the main signs of a particular image. Often used in bass.
Hyperbola Artistic exaggeration. Allows you to brightly describe properties, events, signs.
Grotesque Reception is used for a satirical description of the vices of society.
Irony Trails that are designed to hide the true meaning of expression by easy mockery.
Litotes The opposite of the hyperbole - the properties and quality of the subject knowingly understood.
Elimination The reception at which inanimate objects attribute the qualities of living beings.
Oxymoron Connection in one proposal of intact concepts (dead souls).
Perifraza Description of the subject. Man, events without accurate indication of the name.
Synecdoche Description of the whole through part. The image of a person is recreated by describing clothes, appearance.
Comparison The difference from the metaphor is also present what they compare and what they compare with. In comparison, unions are often present - as if.
Epithet The most frequent figurative definition. Not always for epithets use adjectives.

The metaphor is a hidden comparison, the use of nouns and verbs in a figurative value. It always does not contain a comparison, but is present what they compare with. There are brief and deployed metaphors. The metaphor is aimed at an external comparison of items or phenomena.

Metonimia - a hidden comparison of the inner similarity items. This features this path from metaphor.

Syntactic means of expressiveness

Stylistic (rhetorical) - Speech figures are designed to strengthen the expressiveness of speech and artistic works.

Types of stylistic figures

Name of syntactic construction Description
Anaphora Use of the same syntactic structures at the beginning of the neighboring proposals. Allows you to logically select a part of the text or offer.
Epiphora The use of identical words and expressions at the end of the neighboring proposals. Such speech figures give the text emotion, allow you to clearly convey intonation.
Parallelism Building adjacent proposals in the same form. Often used to enhance a rhetorical exclamation or question.
Ellipsis The deliberate elimination of the implied member of the sentence. Makes speech more alive.
Graduation Each subsequent word in the sentence strengthens the value of the previous one.
Inversion The alignment of words in the proposal is not directly. Reception allows you to strengthen the expressiveness of speech. Posted by a phrase new sound.
Default Conscious inaccessibility in the text. It is intended to awaken in the reader deep feelings and thoughts.
Rhetorical appeal The underlined appeal to a person or inanimate subjects.
A rhetorical question The question that does not imply a response, its task - to attract the attention of the reader or listener.
Rhetorical exclamation Specific speech figures for expression transmission, speech tensions. Make text emotional. Attract the attention of the reader or listener.
Multi-allu Multiple repetition of the same unions to enhance the expressiveness of speech.
Asyndeton Intentional missing unions. This technique gives speech dynamism.
Antithesis A sharp oppression of images, concepts. Reception is used to create contrast, it expresses the author's attitude to the described event.

Trails, speech figures, stylistic expressive drugs, phraseological statements make it a convincing and bright. Such revisions are indispensable in public speeches, election campaigns, rallies, presentations. IN scientific publications And official-business speech Similar tools are inappropriate - accuracy and persuasiveness in these cases is more important than emotions.

Comparison is a comparison of one object or phenomenon with another on any basis based on their similarity. Comparison can be expressed:

Using the use of unions (as if, exactly, as if, like, like):

I'm in a dying, silently, gently admire you like a child! (A.C.


Form certificate case: And the network, goes on the sand of a thin through shadow, moves, is continuously growing with new rings (A.C. Serafimovich);

With the help of type words similar, similar: the rich are not like us with you (E. Hemingway);

With denial:

Not so bitter, I am a quiet, so that, not seeing you, die. (S.A. Yesenin);

Comparative degree of adjective or adveria:

The tidy of the fashionable parquet shines the river, ice is dressed. . (A.S. Pushkin)

The metaphor is to transfer the name (properties) of one subject to another on the principle of their similarity in any respect or contrast,. This is the so-called hidden (or abbreviated) comparison in which alliances as if, as if there were no ... no. For example: Lush Gold Autumn Forest (K.G. Paust).

The varieties of metaphors are personification and separation.

Elimination is - this image of inanimate objects, in which they are endowed with properties, features of living beings. For example: And the bonfire, trembling and hesitating to the fold, he looked restlessly with red eyes to the breakdown speaking for a second (A.C. Serafimovich).

Evilization is the likelihood of living things to inanimate objects. For example: the front rows were detained, the rear became all the thicker, and the fluid river stopped how noisy waters were stopped in silence (A.C. Serafimovich).

Metonimia is the transfer of the name from one subject to another on the basis of the associative adjacency of these items. For example: all the gymnasium beats in hysterically convulsive sobs (A.C. Serafimovich).

Synekdoha (a type of metonymy) is the ability of the word to call and the whole part, and part of something across the whole. For example: black visors flashed, bottled boots, jackets, black coats (A.C. Serafimovich).

The epithet is an artistic definition, emphasizing any sign (property) of the subject or phenomenon, which is in the proposal by the definition or circumstance. Epitheet can be expressed:


Capping blue freshness. And red maples away. The last meek tenderness of the crumbs of autumn land.

(A. Zhigulin);

Nouns: Tuchkes Heaven, Eternal Wanderers (M.Yu. Lermontov);

Installing: and sweet noisy waves (A.C. Pushkin).

The hyperbole is a tool of an artistic image based on excessive exaggeration of the properties of the subject or phenomenon. For example: sidewalk whirlwinds rushed so hard that they have distilled their hats once again and came to themselves only having tried to the legs of the bronze figure of the Catherine Velmazby, who stood among the Square (Ilf, E.P. Petrov).

Lithota is an artistic reception based on the understatement of any properties of the subject or phenomenon. For example: Long sit the tiny toy people under the white mountains at the water itself, and the grandfather will move angrily eyebrows, the rough mustache (A.C. Serafimovich).

Allegoria is an allegorical expression of an abstract concept or phenomenon through a concrete image. For example:

You will say: windy heba, the feed of Zevez Orel, a loud-up Cup from the sky, laughing, shed to the ground.

(F. I. Tyutchev)

The irony is an allegory expressing a mockery when a word or statement in the context of speech acquires a value that is directly opposite to literally or in doubt. For example:

"Did you sing everything? this business:

So look, babes! " (I.A. Wings)

The oxymoron is a paradoxical phrase, in which contradictory (mutually exclusive) properties are attributed to the object or phenomenon. For example: Didro was right when he said that art is to find an extraordinary in common and ordinary in an extraordinary (K.G. Poist).

Perifrase is a replacement of the word allegorical descriptive expression. For example: a direct debt obliged us to enter this frightening of Asia (so the author called the smoking bay of Kara-Bugaz) (K.G.


Antiteza - opposition of images, concepts, T properties of objects or phenomena, based on the use of antonyms. For example:

I had everything, I lost all over all; Only started sleep ... a dream disappeared! (E. Baratsky)

Repeat is a repeated use of some f and the same words and expressions. For example: My friend, \\ my gentle friend ... I love ... yours ... Your one! .. (A.C. Push-E Kin).

Repeat varieties are Anaphor and Epi-1 Fora.

Anaphor (unity of) is the repetition of initial words in adjacent lines, stanches, phrases. For example, the measures:

You are full of the whole Sonya immense, you are full of all mysterious longing. (E. Baratsky)

Epiphara is a repetition of finite words in adjacent lines, strangers, phrases. For example:

We do not appreciate earthly happiness, we are accustomed to appreciate; We do not change themselves, and we can not change.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Graduation is a special grouping of homogeneous [members of the sentence with a gradual increase (or | descending) semantic and emotional significance. I for example:

And for him, he was resurrected again and deity, and inspiration, and life, and tears, and love. (A.C. Pushkin)

Parallelism is a repeat type of related proposals or phrases, in which the coincidences, at least partially, and the order of words. For example:

Without you, I'm bored, - I yawning; With you sad, - I suffer ... (A.C. Pushkin)

Inversion is a violation of the generally accepted order of words in the proposal, the permutation of the phrase parts. For example:

There is no time in the mountains, the heart of the heart of the city, over the sea, I threw a thoughtful laziness ... (A.C. Pushkin)

Ellipsis is a skip of individual words (usually easily restored in the context) to give the phrase of additional dynamism. For example: less often transported Athenogenic of the Bogomoles. For all weeks - no one (A.C. Serafimovich).

Parcelation is an artistic technique, in which the proposal is intonationally divided into separate segments, graphically dedicated as independent proposals. For example: they did not even look at the given one of the thousands of people here. Searched. Measured. Signated (A.C. Serafimovich).

Rhetorical question (appeal, exclamation) - This is a question (treatment, exclamation) that does not require an answer. Its function is to attract attention, enhancing the impression. For example: What is my name? (A.C. Pushkin)

Nezoryuzie - intentional missing unions to give speech dynamism. For example:

Launt the sophisticated ^, I'm glad to the eye, a brilliant conversation ... (E. Baratsky)

Multi-allu is a conscious repetition of unions in order to slow down the speech by the forced pauses. At the same time emphasizes the meaningful significance of the word allocated by the union. For example:

And I will call me any language in it,

And proud grandson of Slavs, and Finn, and now wild

Tungus, and friend steppes Kalmyk. (A. S. Pushkin)

As a means that enhance the expressiveness of speech is also used phraseologisms, synonyms and antonyms.

Phraseological unit, or phraseologism -

this is a steady combination of words that functions: in speech as indivisible from the point of view of the value and composition Expression: lying on the furnace, fight as a fish about ice, [never at night.

Synonyms are the words of the same part of speech; close in meaning. Sounds of synonyms:

General-language: brave - brave;


You hear the court of a fool and a crowd of a crowd cold: But you will remain hard, calm and sullen. (A.C. Pushkin)

Antonyms are the words of the same part of speech, I have the opposite meaning. Types of Antonyms:

General language: good - angry;


I am inferior to you: I have time to smolden, you bloom. (A.C. Pushkin)

As is known, the meaning of the word is determined to be determined in the context of speech. This allows, in particular, to determine the value multivalued words, as well as the sampling of Omonimi (the words of the same part of speech, I coinciding on sounding or writing, but having different lexical meanings: delicious fruit - reliable raft, marriage in work is a happy marriage).

In each word - the abyss of images.
K. Powesty

Phonetic means

- Repeat consonant sounds. It is a reception of the allocation and fastening of words in the string. Increases fragrant verse.

- Repeating vowels.

Lexical means

Antonyms - (from Greek. "Anti" - against and "onima" - a name) - words related to one part of speech, but opposite by meaning (good - angry, powerful - powerless). Antonimia is based on a contrast association, reflecting the existing differences, in its nature of objects, phenomena, actions, qualities and signs. Antonyms' opposition in speech is a bright source of speech expression that establishes the emotionality of speech:
He was weak body, but strong in spirit.

Contextual (or contextual) antonyms
- These are words that are not opposed to the meaning and are antonyms only in the text:
The mind and heart - ice and a flaper - this is the main thing that distinguished this hero.

Hyperbola - a figurative expression that exaggerates any action, subject, phenomenon. It is used in order to strengthen the artistic impression:
Snow piled out of the sky.

Litotes - Artistic Dimony:
A peasant with marigolds.
It is used in order to increase artistic impression.

Individually copyright neologisms (Okkazionalism)
- Thanks to its novelty, it allows you to create certain artistic effects, express the author's view on the topic or problems: ... How would we follow us, so that our rights are not inhabited by others? (A. Solzhenitsyn)
The use of literary images helps the author better explain any position, phenomenon, another image:
Gregory was, apparently, the native brother Ilya Oblomov.

Synonyms - (from Greek. "Synonymos" - the same name) - these are words related to one part of speech, expressing the same thing, but at the same time distinguished meanings: love - love, buddy - friend.

Contextual (or contextual) synonyms
- Words that are synonyms only in this text:
Lomonosov - Genius - Favorite Child of Nature. (V. Belinsky)

Stylistic synonyms
- Different with stylistic color, sphere of use:
Grinned - giggled - laughed - I called.

Syntactic synonyms
- parallel syntactic structures that have different construction, but coinciding in their meaning:
Start preparing lessons - start training lessons.

- (from Greek. "Metaphor" - transfer) - a hidden comparison based on similarity between distant phenomena and objects. All the metaphors are based on an unnamed comparison of some objects with other, having a general feature.

In the metaphor, the author creates an image - an artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe subjects, the phenomena that it describes, and the reader understands what kind of similarity is the meaningful link between the portable and direct meaning of the word is based:
Good people In the world, there was, and, I hope, it will always be more than bad and evil, otherwise disharmony would have come in the world, he would have twisted ... overturned and sank.

Epitic, personification, oxymoron, antithesis can be considered as a kind of metaphor.

Deployed metaphor
- the deployed transfer of the properties of one object, phenomena or aspect of being on the other on the principle of similarity or contrast. The metaphor is distinguished by special expressiveness. Possessing unlimited possibilities in the convergence of a variety of items or phenomena, the metaphor allows it to comprehend item in a new way, open, expose its inner nature. Sometimes it is an expression of an individual-author's vision of the world.

Non-traditional metaphors (antiquity shop - Granny on the bench at the entrance; red and black - calendar;)

- (with Greek. "Metonimia" - renaming) - transfer of values \u200b\u200b(renaming) on \u200b\u200bthe arrangement of phenomena. Most Used Transfer Cases:
a) with a person on his any external signs:
Is there a lunch soon? - asked the hotel, turning to the quilted vest;
b) from the institution at its inhabitants:
The entire board recognized the superiority of D.I. Pisarev;
c) name of the author for his creation (book, painting, music, sculpture):
Magnificent Michelangelo! (about his sculpture) or: reading Belinsky ...

- reception by which the whole is expressed through its part (something less incoming in something more) variety of metonymy.
"Hey, beard! And how to drive from here to plush? " (N.V. Gogol)

- The combination of contrasting the meaning of words that create a new concept or representation. This is a connection of logically incompatible concepts, sharply contradicting in meaning and mutually exclusive each other. This technique sets up the reader to the perception of contradictory, complex phenomena, is often the struggle of opposites. Most often, the oxymoron transmits the author's attitude to the subject or phenomenon:
Sad fun continued ...

Elimination- One of the types of metaphors when the transition of the feature is carried out with a live item on inanimate. Upon personification, the described object is externally used by a person: a tree, hitting me, stretched thin hands. Even more often an inanimate subject is attributed to the actions that are allowed only to people:
Rain stuck with bare feet along the garden paths.

Evaluation vocabulary
- Direct author's assessment of events, phenomena, items:
Pushkin is a miracle.

Perifrase (a)
- Using the description instead own name or names; Descriptive expression, speech turnover, replacement word. Used to decorate speech, replace repeat:
The city on the Neva sheltered Gogol.

Proverbs and sayings
Used by the author, make weselves with a shaped, tag, expressive.

- One of the means of expressiveness of the language that helps the author to express its point of view, create whole artistic paintings, give a description of objects. In comparison, one phenomenon is shown and evaluated by comparing it with another phenomenon.

Comparison is usually joined by alliances: as if, as if, exactly, etc. But it serves for a shape description of the most different signs of objects, qualities, actions.
For example, a comparison helps to give an exact color description:
Like night, black his eyes.

Often there is a form of comparison, expressed by noun in the hardware case:
Anxiety snake crawled into our hearts.
There are comparisons that are included in the offer with words: Looks like, like, reminds:
... Butterflies look like flowers.
A comparison may also submit several sentences associated with meaning and grammatically. Such comparisons are two varieties:
1) Expanded, branched comparison-image in which the main, initial comparison is specified by a number of others:
The stars went on the sky. Thousands of curious eyes they rushed to the ground, thousands of fireflies lit the night.
2) Deployed parallelism (the second part of such comparisons is usually beginning with the word so):
The church shuddered. So shudders caught by the rupture man, so the lan fluttering breaks away from the spot, not even realizing what happened, but already feeling danger.

- (With the Greek "phrase" - expression) - it is almost always vivid expressions. Therefore, they are an important expressive language tool used by writers as ready-made definitions, comparisons, as the emotional and visual characteristics of heroes, surrounding validity, etc.:
In such people as my hero, there is a spark of God.

from other works help the author to prove any thesis, the position of the article, show his addictions and interests, make it a more emotional, expressive:
A.S. Pushkin, "As for the first love," will not forget not only the "Russia Heart", but also the world culture.

- (from Greek. "Epteteton" is an application) - the word that is highlighting in the subject or phenomenon of any of its properties, quality or signs. The epithet is called an artistic definition, i.e. colorful, shaped, which emphasizes in a definable word, some of its distinctive feature. Epithetoma can serve any meaningful wordIf it acts as an artistic, figurative definition to another:
1) noun: forty bolt.
2) Adjective: Fatches.
3) adverb and verbal spirits: greedily peering; listens to the frozen;
But most often epithets are expressed with the help of adjectives used in the portable meaning:
Seafront, tender, lovers.

Metaphoric epitheet - a figurative definition that is transferring to one subject property of another item.

Allyusiastylistic figure, hint of real literary, historical, political fact, which is assumed to be known.

- Features B. artistic workSupposing to the memory of another work. As an artistic welcome is designed for memory and associative reader perception.

Syntactic means

Author's punctuation - This is the formulation of punctuation marks, not provided punctuation rules. Copyright convey the extension invested in them by the author. Most often, the dash is used as copyright signs, which emphasizes or opposes:
Born crawling - can not fly
either especially allocates second after the sign part:
Love is the most important thing.
Author exclamation signs Serve a means of expressing a joyful or sorting feeling, mood.

Anaphor, or unity
- This is the repetition of individual words or revolutions at the beginning of the offer. Used to strengthen the thought, image, phenomena:
How to tell about the beauty of the sky? How to tell about the feelings overwhelming the soul at this moment?
Antithesis - Stylistic reception, which consists in a sharp opposition of concepts, characters, images that creates a sharp contrast effect. It helps better convey, portray contradictions, oppose phenomena. Serves as a way of expressing copyright on the described phenomena, images, etc.

Exclamation particles
- Method of expressing an emotional tune of the author, receiving the creation of emotional pathos text:
Oh, how beautiful you are, my earth! And how good your fields are!

Exclamation proposals
express the author's emotional relationship to the described (anger, irony, regret, joy, admiration):
Ugly attitude! How can you take care of happiness!
Exclamation proposals also express the motivation to action:
Saving your soul as a shrine!

- a stylistic figure enclosing in investigative injection or, on the contrary, weakening comparisons, images, epithets, metaphors and other expressive agents of artistic speech:
For the sake of his child, for the sake of the family, for the sake of mankind - take care of the world!
Graduation is ascending (enhancing a sign) and descending (weakening of the trait).

- the opposite order of words in the sentence. With direct order, the subject precedes the preceded, the agreed definition stands before the defined word, inconsistent - after it, the addition after the control word, the circumstance of the image of action - before the verb: Modern youth quickly understood the fate of this truth. And when inversion, the words are in a different order than established by grammatical rules. This is a strong expressive agent used in emotional, agitated speech:
Motherland Favorite, Land My Native, whether you disagree!

Composite sty
- This is a repetition at the beginning of a new sentence of the word or words from the previous proposal, usually ending it:
Everything made my homeland for me. Motherland learned me, raised, gave a ticket to life. The life I am proud of.

Multi-allu - a rhetorical figure, consisting in the intentional repetition of writing unions for the logical and emotional allocation of listed concepts:
And the thunder did not hit, and the sky did not hit the ground, and the rivers did not bloom from such grief!

Parcelation - receiving the dismemberment of the phrase on the part or even on separate words. Its goal is to give speech intonation expression by tearing it:
The poet suddenly stood. Turned pale.

Repeat - Conscious use of the same word or a combination of words in order to strengthen the significance of this image, concepts, etc.:
Pushkin was suffered, suffered in the full sense of the word.

Connecting structures
- Building text, in which each subsequent part, continuing the first, main, is separated from it a long pause, which is indicated by a point, sometimes elliple or dash. This is a means of creating an emotional pathos text:
Belorussian station on Victory Day. And the crowd of meeting. And tears. And bitterness loss.

Rhetorical questions and rhetorical exclamations
- a special means of creating the emotionality of speech, expressions of the author's position.
Who is not cursing stationeryerWho did not scold with them? Who in a minute of anger did not demand a fatal book from them, in order to enter his useless complaint against the oppression, rudeness and malfunction? Who does not honor their monsters of human kind, equal to the late attiation or at least Murom robber?
What summer, what summer? Yes, it's just witchcraft!

Syntactic parallelism
- the same construction of several nearby offers. With it, the author seeks to highlight, emphasize the thought expressed:
Mother is a miracle of earthly. Mother is the word holy.

A combination of short simple and long complex or complicated proposals complicated by a variety of revolutions
helps to transfer a pathos article, an emotional mood of the author.
"Binoculars. Binoculars. People want to be closer to Joconde. Consider the pores of her skin, eyelashes. Glare pupils. They seem to feel the breath of Mona Lisa. They, like Vazari, feel that "Jocon's eyes have that shine and that humidity, which are usually visible from a living person ... And in the deepening of the neck, with a careful look, you can see the beat of the pulse ... and they see it and hear. And this is not a miracle. Such is the skill of Leonardo. "
"1855 year. Zenith Fame Delacra. Paris. The Palace of Fine Arts ... In the Central Hall of Exposure - thirty-five pictures of the Great Romance. "

Single, incomplete sentences
make the author's speech more expressive, emotional, strengthen the emotional pathos of the text:
Joconda. Heat people. Whisper. Shore dresses. Quiet steps ... Not a single smear, I hear the words. - No smears. Like a living.

Epiphora - the same ending of several sentences, reinforcing the significance of this image, concepts, etc.:
I walked all my life to you. I believed all my life in you. I loved you all my life.

Words and expressions used in a figurative value and creating figurative views on objects and phenomena are called trails (from the Greek "Tropos" - a figurative expression).
IN artistic literature The use of the trails is necessary in order to make the image of the plasticity, imagery and liveliness.
The paths include: epithet, comparison, metaphor, personification, metonymy, allegory, etc.

Eufemism - (Greek. "Eufemismos" - speak well) - words or expressions used instead of words or expressions direct value ("Where the legs grow from", "the keeper of the home hearth").

Eufemism is a powerful means of enriching thoughts, a fantasy and associative thinking catalyst. We note that euphemism, among other things, acts on synonym, but this is not legalized by the language tradition, but the newly invented author's synonym.

Allegory - (with Greek. "Allegoria" - allegory) - expressions of distracted concepts in specific artistic images. In bass and fairy tales, stupidity and stubbornness - donkey, trick - fox, cowardice - hare.
We are all looking at Napoleons (A.S. Pushkin) - Antonomasia

Winter softly and damp lay on the roofs. (K. POUST) - metaphor

Hey, beard! And how to drive from here to plush? (N.V. Gogol) - metonymy

He laughed loudly loudly - oxymoron

How cares! Of good! Mila! Pretty! - Parcelation

Theoretical part

The ability to analyze the lyrical works, the episodes of prosaic text constitutes one of the most important skills of literary and language training. Among other requirements of this work is the most difficult to find in the text of the visual expressive means, as well as determining the purpose of using them by the author. The table below presents fixed assets of artistic speech, examples of their use. With some of them you are already familiar, others can determine in the process of study in our lyceum.

Language tool



Anaphor (unity)

Repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of the offer

Hands are released When a person reads one in the newspapers, and in life sees another.

Hands are released from constant confusion, mismanagement, terry bureaucracy.Hands are released When you realize that no one is responsible for you and that everything is "to the light bulb."

That's what hands are lowered!


Antiteza (opposition )

A sharp opposition of concepts, characters, images that creates a sharp contrast effect

I share all world literature on 2 types -literature at home and the literature of the homelessness.

The literature of the achieved harmony and literature of longing for harmony.

Madless Dostoevsky- and powerful slowdown rhythm Tolstoy. how dynamic Tsvetaeva and how static Akhmatova! (F. Iskander)

Question-response form

Many believe that dealing with the manifestations of fascism is the case of law enforcement agencies.

Well, do we ourselves? Pawn, what? Sliding story? Slaves of time and circumstances? Yes No Institute of Society alone with humanophobia, inhumency will not cope - this is the task of us all.


Artistic exaggeration.

Russia is amazed by the hardest ideological disease, which more severe than the hydrogen bomb of the 20th century. The name is sickness -xenophobia (I. Rodenko).


The syntax design, inside which homogeneous expressive agents are located in order of gain or weakening the trait.

Veda and True: what a sense courage, in fearlessness, in selfless courage If you do not care about them?! Not good, unworthy, stupid and gadko laugh at a person. (L.Pateleyev)


Artistic exaggeration to incredible, fantastic.

If any universal saboteurs were sent to destroy all living on Earth and turn her into a dead stone if they carefully developed this operation, they could not act more intelligently and insidiously than we act, living on earth people. (V.Solukhin)


The reverse order of words in the proposal. (With a direct procedure, the subject is preceded by a preceded, the agreed definition is faced with a definable word, inconsistent - after it, the addition of the control word, the circumstances of the image of the actual verb. And when inversion of the word are in a different order, which is established by grammatical rules).

A month came out night dark , lonely looks from a black cloud on polya deserted , on the village Dalnya , on the villages near . (M.nevov)

Dazzling-bright the flame broke out from the furnace (N. Hladkov)

I do not believe in good thoughts of the current new Russians. (D.Granine)


The type of research when a mockery is hidden for an externally positive assessment.

Men's suits for sale, style one. What are the colors? ABOUT, huge selection flowers! Black, black and gray, gray-black, blacknate gray, stiff, aspid, emery, color of appliance cast iron, coconut, peat, earthy, trash can, color cake and that color, which in the old days called the "Robber's sleep". In general, you yourself understand, color one, pure mourning on a poor funeral. (I. Ilf, E.Pernov)

Composite sty

Repetition at the beginning of a new sentence of a word from the previous proposal, usually ending it.

We walked to this glory long years. Long years our people lived alone: \u200b\u200beverything for the front, everything is for victory, because only after it is possible simple human a life. A life For which millions killed.

Contextual (or contextual) anonymous

Words that are not opposed to the meaning and are anonymous only in the source text.

The complex of inferiority is able ruin human soul. Maybe wood to heaven. Something similar is happening with atomic energy. It is possible warm all earth. Can isplit its per thousand parts. (S.Dadovta)

Contextual (or contextual) synonyms

It was true old table lamp, bought in the commission alien Starina not causing any memories, so nothing dear (D.Granine)

It was keeping ...

I first appeared two angel..Deva genius.

I say:angels .. sense -Well that both on the bodied bodies did not have any clothes and the heavy long wings were charged behind everyone. (I.Turegenev)

Lexical repeat

Repetition in the text of the same word.

- et. people - Your relatives ?

"Yes," he said.

- All these people are relatives ?

"It is escorted," he said.

- People all over the world? All nationalities? People all epochs? (S. Dovlatov)


Artistic morbidity.

We with your ambitions are less forest ants . (In. Astafiev)

Metaphor (including deployed)

The transfer to the subject or phenomenon of any sign of another phenomenon or subject (the deployed metaphor is a metaphor. Sequentially carried out throughout the large fragment of the message or the entire message as a whole

There were good people in the world, there, I hope, will always be more than bad and evil, otherwise disharmony would come in the world, he would twist, ......... tilted and sank.

She is cleared, the soul is, and it might the whole world was attended by breathing, this bubble cross, Grozny, was thoughtful, ready to fall on his knees, repent, turn the withered mouth to the Holy Spring of Good .... (N. Gogol)


Transferring value (renaming) based on adjacent phenomena.

Winter. Frost . Village Smoke in pol clear sky gray smoke (V. Shukshin) mourning Mozart sounded under the arches of the Cathedral (V. Astafyev). Black Thraits they were thrown and pile there and there. (N. Gogol).

Uniform members of the sentence

Syntactic means of expressive, allowing a) to emphasize various qualities of something

B) see the dynamics of action

C) in the details to see, hear, understand what -el.

The singing of the organ filled the vaults of the cathedral. From the sky. from above. Flower then rokot, then thunder, then tendervote lovers, T. call vadilok. then the halls of the horn then sounds cLABUSINE, TO. say rolling stream ...

Hall full of people, old and young, Russian and non-Russian, evil and kind, durable and bright, tired and enthusiastic, all sorts.

If it is destined to us die, burn, disappear , then let them now, even if this minute, for all our evil deeds and vices will punish us fate. (V. Astafiev)


Connection in the image or phenomenon of incompatible concepts.

Sweet torment he experienced, the exile, returning to Russia. Anxiously joyful waiting replaced in him calm confidence in the future. (N. Krivtsov)


How would we follow us, so that our truth is notsorted due to the rights of others. (a. Solzhenitsyn)

Elimination (Personi-kation)

Assigning subjects of inanimate nature of the properties of living beings.

Hop, covered on the ground, grabs for counter herbs but they turn out to be weak for him,and he crawls, freshly, farther ... .. He must constantly jump and smoke around yourself it seeks for what to grab him, whatever to rely reliable earth support. (V.Solukhin)


The intentional crushing of the proposal for significant semantic parts.

He lived in Germany a fragile pathogenic young man.Stut from uncertainty. Avoid entertainment. And only behind the piano, he was transformed. His name was Mozart . (S.Odladov)


Descriptive expression used instead of any word.

Special place occupied by him in the word "Gold" dictionary.

Gold was called everything you want. Coal and oil- "Black Gold". Cotton-"White gold". Gas - Blue Gold. (V. Dvdanovich)

A rhetorical question

The expression of approval in the intervention.

Which of us did not admire the sunrise, summer disintegration of meadows, the raging sea? Who did not admire the shades of the beauty of the evening sky? Who did not stop delighted with the type of suddenly arising the valley in the mountain gorges? (V.Astafyev)

Rhetorical exclamation

Expression of approval in an exclamation form.

What magic, kindness, light in the word teacher! And how great his role in the life of each of us! (Vsheomylinsky)

Rhetorical appeal

The figure of speech, in which the author's attitude is expressed in the form of appeal to what it is said.

Cute my! But who, besides us, will think about ourselves? (V. Dvyanovich)

And you, soulfully wise vandals, also shout about patriotism? (P.Veschin)


Cooch irony.

And every time, frankly chelting at work ("comes down ..!", Something blinded on Avos ("Walking ..!"), Something in the way, without calculating, without checking ("Come on, it will cost ..! "), Closing my eyes to your own negligence (" spit ..! ") We ourselves, do it yourself, own so-called labor we build polygons for the upcoming demonstration of mass heroism, they are preparing tomorrow's accidents and disasters! (R.Rabremensky)

Comparative turnover (including detailed comparison)

Comparison of objects, concepts, phenomena to emphasize a particularly important feature. Comparison can be transferred:

1) with the help of comparative unions how, exactly, as if, as if, as if, etc.

Night, like a dusk oratorio of ancient masters, grew in the garden, where the stars scattered asred, Blue and White Hyacinth Petals ...

2) Using words similar to, look like, similar to, reminds, similar to ...

And Cabinet matra was rather rather to the monastery abode, the simple musician .

3) Parental case of noun.

Varnish on the violin there was blood color.

4) Curious case of noun.

Old Master never visited Mesa because his game was so mad takeoff to the impossible, perhaps, forbidden ...

5) Comparative turnover.

Together with her grew in the soul of painful impurity and,like a thin ice stream of water, poured a calm fire of creativity.

6) denial (ie, not comparing, but by oppositioning one object or phenomenon to another).

Not a violin-soul the musician sounded in this longing melody.

7) Putting comparative.

Next to him, perhaps, for a long time, there was a low flexible stranger with a beard of black and curly and sharp lookhow in the old days depicted German minnesing agents

Syntactic parallelism

The same (parallel) construction of several nearby offers paragraphs.

What is executive?

This is the outering of the verb, that is, movements, actions, communion, verbalism, nouns (especially ungalled!), So stagnation, stillness.

This is a jamming of nouns in indirect cases, most often the long chains of nouns in the same case-derivatives, so it is no longer able to understand what it applies to and what we are talking about.

This is the displacement of active revolutions passive, almost always heavier, cumbersome. (N.Gogol)


Artistic definition, i.e. colorful, figurative, which emphasizes in a certain word some of its distinctive feature.

There is only mine patcher, obsterer soul, it will sing incomprehensible pain and tearspacific delight .... Let the colorant times collapse, and instead of the executioner about bloody, criminally folded ways will take away people in the heart of music genius , but notanimal the roar of killers. (V.Astafyev)


The same ending of several proposals, reinforcing the significance of this image, concepts, etc.

As the French influenced Pushkin we know . As Schiller influenced Dostoevsky -we know. How Dostoevsky affected all the world's newest world literature we know.

Give options for performing tasks

but) From this passage, we write out one example of personification, comparisons and epithet.

The wind squeals, rushes like a mad, rush red, low, as if in the shreds torn, clouds, everything was obsessed, mixed, stolen, stuck with a pillary shower, lightning to be a lightning greens, shoots out of the guns, smelled gray ...

I.S.Turgenov "Pigeons"

(From the "poem in prose" cycle)

Answer: 1) Summer wind - personification

2) shoots like a cannon - comparison

3) Ryane shower - epithet

b) Drawing a picture of a thunderstorm, I.S.Turgeniev uses comparisons. Write them from the text, answer the question: for what purpose does the author apply these artists?


misses like mad

like in shreds torn clouds

hardized the sheer pillars shower

shoots like a gun

With the help of comparisons, the author draws a powerful movement of nature, alarming and at the same time cleansing. The storm and thunderstorm inspire the hero of the narration fear and at the same time it is for him - fun! You can imagine in this picture and frantic, indomitable animal, ready to merge all living things, and heavy water flows, published similar to the driving poles, and you can hear the canonade of the approaching battle.

Training tests

"3" - 5-6 correct answers.

Test 1.

The task:

1. Under it is a jet of light lazuries.

(M. Lermontov.)

2. Bogatyr horse through the forest jumps over.

3. Tree stars golden.

(S. Yesenin.)

4. Ahead is a deserted September day.

(K. Powesty.)

5 . The water is tired of singing, tired flowing,

Shine, rip and overflow.

(D. Samoilov.)

6 . Sleep dandelions went to bed with us,

children, and with us got up.

(M. Privine.)

7. She is chirbing and sings

In the sentence of boron,

as if protecting the entrance

In forest holes.

(B. Pasternak.)

8. In the bazhret and gold dressed forests.

(A. Pushkin.)

9. Soon autumn wakes up

and pay asking.

(K. Balmont.)

10. But still be bored,

And do not sing, but, like armor, ring.

(D. Samoilov.)

Answers: 1.. Creation (simple). 2. Hyperbola. 3 . 4 .Epithet. 5 Eugene members of the sentence. 6 . 7 .Comparison. 8 .Metaphor 9. Onsimal 10 .Comparison.

Test 2. .

The task:Name the means of expressiveness that the author used.

1. Life Mouse Lifestyle ...

What are you disturbing me? (A. Pushkin)

2. Boy with finger.

3. Forest as if led painted. (I.Bunin)

4. When the people ....

Belinsky and Gogol

From the bazaar will suffer. (N.Nekrasov)

5. About Volga, my cradle! (N.Nekrasov)

6. Melo, Melo throughout the Earth,

In all limits.

Candle burned on the table,

Candle burned. (B. Pasternak)

7. They agreed. Wave and stone,

Poems and prose, ice and flame,

Not so different among themselves. (A. Pushkin)

8. You and I have not seen a hundred years!

9. Sea skates seemed much more interesting. (V.Katayev)

10. And punch flame blue. (A. Pushkin)

Answers: 1.A rhetorical question 2. Litotes 3 .Comparison 4. Metonymy 5 . Machine 6 . Helectful repeat 7 .Antithesis 8 .Hyperbola 9 .Comparison 10 . Metaphor

It is known that not a single European lexicon is known to compare: this opinion is expressed by many literary criticism, who studied his expressiveness. In it, Spanish expansion, Italian emotionality, French tenderness. Language fundsUsed by Russian writers, resemble artist's strokes.

When experts speak of expressiveness of the language, they mean not only the figurative means that are studying at school, but also an inexhaustible arsenal of literary techniques. Unified classification of fine-expressive means does not exist, but conditionally language funds divide into groups.

In contact with

Lexical means

Expressive meansworking at the lexical language level are an integral part literary work: Poetic or written prose. These are words, or speech turnover used by the author in a shaped or allegorical value. The most extensive group of lexical means of creating imagery in Russian - literary trails.

Varieties of trails

More than two dozen used trails used in the works of trails. Table with examplescombined the most consumed:

Trails Explanations to the term Examples
1 Allegory Replacing the abstract concept is concrete. "In the hands of the benemis," which means: in justice
2 This trails are based on a figurative comparison, but without the use of unions (as like). The metaphor implies the transfer of the qualities of one object or phenomenon to any other. The murmur voice (Voice as if jumped).
3 Metonymy The substitution of one word to another, based on the contamination of concepts. Class Zasheel
4 Comparison What is a comparison in the literature? Comparison of objects by similar feature. Comparison is artistichaving enhanced image. Comparison: hot, like fire (Other examples: Beasts blissfully chalk).
5 Elimination Transfer of human properties to inanimate objects or phenomena. Whispered leaves of trees
6 Hyperbola This trails are based on a literary exaggeration that contributes to the strengthening of a certain characteristic or quality, on which the author focuses on the reader's attention. Sea of \u200b\u200bwork.
7 Litotes Artistic understatement of the described object or phenomenon. A peasant with marigolds.
8 Synecdoche Replacing some words by other quantitative relations. Invite to Sudak.
9 Okkazionalism Artistic agents formed by the author. Fruits of education.
10 Irony Thin mockery based on an externally positive assessment or a serious form of expression. What do you say, smart?
11 Sarcasm A stinging thin mock, the highest form of irony. Sarcasm is full of Saltykov-Shchedrin.
12 Perifraz The substitution of words is similar to lexical meaning expression. King of beasts
13 Lexical repeat In order to strengthen the value of a particular word, the author repeats it several times. Lakes around, lake deep.

The article shows major trails famous in the literature, which illustrates a table with examples.

Sometimes the trails include archaisms, dialectisms, professionalism, but it is incorrect. These are means of expressiveness, the area of \u200b\u200bconsumption of which is limited to the application depicted or the area of \u200b\u200bapplication. They are used to create a flavor of the era described by the place or working atmosphere.

Specialized means of expressiveness

- Words, which once called familiar objects (eyes - eyes). Historisms indicate objects or phenomena (actions), which came out of everybody (caftan, ball).

And archaisms, and historians - means of expressivenessWith hunting, writers and screenwriters, creating works on historical topics (examples are "Peter the first" and "Prince of Silver" A. Tolstoy). Often the archaizms use poets to create an elevated style (Lono, Dress, finger).

Neologisms - the figurative means of the language that have entered our lives relatively recently (gadget). They are often used in the artistic text to create an atmosphere of a youth environment and an image of advanced users.

Dialectisms - words or grammatical formsused in the colloquial speech of the inhabitants of one area (kooms - cock).

Professionalism - words and expressions that are characteristic of representatives of a certain profession. For example, a pen for printing is, first of all, a spare material that has not included in the room, and only then the place of stay of animals. Naturally, the writer, telling about the life of a polygraphist, will not work the term.

Jargonisms are a vocabulary of informal communication used in the conversational speech of people belonging to a certain circle of communication. For example, language Features Text The life of students will be allowed to use the word "tails" in the meaning of "exams debt", and not part of the body of animals. In the works of students often appear this word.

Frameological revs

Frameological expressions are lexical language products whose expressiveness is determined:

  1. With a figurative value, sometimes with the mythological patch (Achilles heel).
  2. Accession of everyone to category High sustainable expressions (Cook in the fly), or spoken speed (cheer your ears). These may be linguistic agents with a positive emotional color (golden hands - the load of approving values), or with a negative expressive assessment (small bump - the shade of a dismissive attitude towards a person).

Phraseologisms are consumedto:

  • make emphasis on the clarity and image formation;
  • build the necessary stylistic tonality (sponsor or elevation), pre-evaluating the language features of the text;
  • express author's attitude to reported information.

Shaped expressiveness phraseeological ropes Increased due to their transformation from well-known in individually-author: shine in the whole Ivanovo.

A special group is aphorisms ( idioms ). For example, happy hours do not observe.

Aphorisms include works folk creativity: Proverbs, sayings.

These artistic agents are used in the literature quite often.

Attention!Phraseologisms as finely expressive literary funds cannot be used in an official-based business style.

Syntactic techniques

Spectacle syntax figures - the turnover used by the author to bring the necessary information to the need or the general meaning of the text, sometimes to give an excerpt emotional color. That's what are there syntactic means Expressiveness:

  1. Antiteza - syntax expressive means based on contrasting. "Crime and Punishment". Allows you to emphasize the value of one word with the help of another opposite by value.
  2. Graduations - means of expressiveness that apply synonymous words located on the principle of increasing and extinction of a sign or quality in Russian. For example, the stars shone, burned, shone. Such a lexical chain allocates the main conceptual meaning of each word - "shine".
  3. Oxumor - right opposite wordslocated nearby. For example, the expression "flame ice" is figuratively and brightly creates a controversial character of the hero.
  4. Inversion - syntactic means of expressiveness based on the unusual constructions of the proposal. For example, instead of "he sang" written "sang". A word that the author wants to allocate is to bend.
  5. Parcellation is the intentional division of one sentence into several parts. For example, near Ivan. It is worth looking. The second offer is usually made an action, quality or sign that takes on the author's accent.

Important!These figurative means Representatives of a number of scientific schools belong to stylistic. The reason for replacing the term lies in the influence of expressive means of this group on the style of the text, albeit through syntactic structures.

Phonetic means

Sound techniques in Russian - the smallest group of literary figures of speech. This is a special use of words with the repetition of certain sounds or phonetic groups to image artistic images.

Usually such language figurative means Use poets in poetic works, or writers in lyric retreats, when describing landscapes. The authors use repeating sounds to transmit thunder-rolls or rustling of leaves.

Alliteration is a row of a number of consonants creating sound effects that enhance the image of the described phenomenon. For example: "In a silk rustle of snow noise." The discharge of sounds C, W and I creates the effect of imitation by whistle wind.

Assonance - Repetition of vowel sounds in order to create an expressive artistic image: "Marsh, march - Masha flag // Matching on the parade." The vowel "A" is repeated to create an emotional completeness of feelings, a unique feeling of universal joy and openness.

Sound resistance - selection of words that combine a certain set of sounds, which creates a phonetic effect: Wiel wind, grass rustling and other characteristic natural sounds.

Means of expressiveness in Russian, trails

Use of speech expressive words


It is the abundance of figurative means expressiveness in Russian makes it truly beautiful, juicy and unique. Therefore, foreign literary criticians prefer to study the works of Russian poets and writers in the original.