The image of a small man in the story Stationander. Image of a little man in story a

Realistic Novella P Merim had a number of interesting compositional and stylistic features. Merime - Master of Psychological Novels, in the Center for His attention - inner world man showing her inner struggle, evolution or on the contrary degradation. The internal struggle of the hero in the writer has always been determined by clashes of a person with society, the medium, formed its character. The dramas of the main characters of Novella (Saint-Clera, Juli, Arsena, etc.) were born from the opposition of the surrounding reality. Hence the interesting feature of themenestika Merim: great importance Events provided, one way or another, determined the internal conflict of the hero.

Prosaika novels are usually very dramatic. From any of its work you can make drama. The event, which is put by the author in the center of the novel, most often had the character of the catastrophe - this is a murder, suicide, blood revenge, the death of the hero, changing his life. Saint-Claire (Hero "Etruscan Vase") killed for duels, Carmen (the heroine "Carmen") killed by Don Jose. In the novel "Lokis" committed a killing of his young wife. In the novel "Mateo Falcone" there is a blood killing - Son Father.

This is a peculiar reception of defaults about the most important and significant, described in the work. For this default, the author's real emotion was hidden, a sense of horror, his evaluation of what happened. What is shown in themella "Carmen", "Lokis" or "Etruscan Vase" always deeply worried the reader. The author usually hid his own evaluation of events so that this is not to reduce the impression of readers. Sharply switching attention to another, side, he forced it better to think about what happened. As a result, the event itself became more tangible for the reader.

Dynamism, dramatic and strength of action in themelles Merim has identified another peculiar feature. This is the scarcity of the description, especially the descriptions of nature. Novelist is very stingy on the description, because in the center of his attention is always action, drama, growing dramatic conflict. Description Played only a secondary role. In this regard, a particular importance in the works of Merim acquired the detail - a separate small barcode, which often replaced the lengthy descriptions and characteristics.

Artistic features Novel Prosper Merim:

The spotlight of the writer is the inner world of man, showing her inner struggle;

The event determined the internal conflict of the hero;

A combination of psychologist and making of silence;

Dynamism, dramatic and strength of action;

- "misfortune" of nature descriptions;

The use of artistic part;

Hero with a strong character;

The image was revealed through their own actions, events, without author's assessment; -Karakter and human psychology appeared as a result of certain conditions of existence; -elipse (two century) Composition of Novella - story in the story; -tharya to exotic descriptions;

The introduction of a narrator who was the second "I" of the author himself; - murder, duel, torture, temptations, jealousy.

Prosper Merim repeatedly said that the key to the success of the writer was in the ability to choose from the whole set of the phenomena of being for some one, extraordinary. Novella "Mateo Falcone" - The first of the published novel, which was the reproduction of such an extraordinary "find".

House Mateo Falcone was not far from Macs (burned part of the forest under the field). He was a rich man, because he lived with profits from herd sheep, which shepherd-nomads were distilled from place to place. He was no more than 50 years old. He skillfully owned weapons, was a good friend, dangerous enemy. He was married to a woman Giuseppe, who gave him the 3d daughters first and, finally, the son he gave the name of Fortunato, - the hope of the family and the successor of the family. The daughters came out successfully, and his son was only 10 years old.

Once in the morning, Mateo and his wife went to look at her herd. Fortunato, who wanted to go with them, left to dereged a house.

The guy lay in the sun when he heard shots. He saw a man in rags, with a beard, barely moved, because it was injured in the thigh. It was the robber of Jahanta Sanpero. He asked Fortunato to hide him. The guy asked, would you give that something in return? The gangster pulled out five franc coins. Fortunato hid it in a heine. A few minutes later, six shooters appeared, which was headed by the relative of the kid - Theodoro Gamba. He asked the guy, he did not see Janett. The guy did not say that he saw, and it was annoying the shooters. They even searched the house of Mateo, but did not find anyone. Then Gamba showed a guy silver clock and said that if he pointed out where the gangster would give a clock. The guy began to hesitate, his eyes caught fire, and then pointed to the hay. The Sagittarius began to dig a shop, and Fortunato received hours. Bandita tied up, but here the Mateo with his wife appeared on the road, they returned home. Gamba told them about how they detained the bandit, about what the Son did. Mateo looked at the gangster, who called his house "home traitors."

The image of the hero of Novels Mateo Falcone became the beginning of a long random Writer over nature human personalitywho combined seemingly incompatible. Few, but truthful features depict the portrait and character of the Mateo - direct, courageous man who is not used to hesitate when performing what he considered his duty. He embodied in himself a certain Corsican ideal of honor, where treason is the longest resentment: "Only a person who is doomed to death could decide to call Mateo by the traitor. He would immediately dismiss for such an insult to the blow of the dagger, and the hit would not have to repeat." It was the fact that his son, "the successor of the kind," on whom Mateo has put all his hopes, became the first in their family a traitor, and led to a terrible act.

Mateo could not forgive betrayal. And here Falcone strong and loyal. The murder of the only son was not in a state of affect, but strictly, calmly, convinced: "Fortunato made a desperate effort to get up and fall to the legs, but did not have time. Mateo fired and Fortunato fell dead. Even without looking at the body, Mateo moved the path again To the house, "To take a shovel." This majestic peace was even more struck by the reader. Merime did not express his relationship in Novel and therefore it was often reproached to indifference to the events described, in a conscious desire to remove him from their heroes. But in fact it's not indifference The author is his position.

Features of the novel "Mateo Falcone":

o focusing on exceptional bright events;

o Heroes are distinguished by a strong character;

o using artistic part;

o An unexpected junction provides a new rhythm of all action.

The image of Mateo has not completed the artistic quest Merim. These searches continued and found their expression in the same unsurpassed Novella P. Merim - "Federico". The plot is very simple and interesting. There was once a young nobleman Federico, beautiful, slender, he loved the game, wine and women, especially the game. The hero has never been confessed. Once, Federico won in 12 young men from rich families, but quickly lowered his winnings, and he had only one castle behind Caucasian slopes. There he lived lonely 3 years: during the day he was engaged in hunting, and in the evening he played gambling.

One day, Jesus Christ with 12 apostles asked for the night. Federico accepted them, but apologized, did not hide them properly. He ordered the tenant to overtake the last goat and roar her.

This is a fantastic novel, which is built on a fabulous folk basis, and reflected the desire of Merime to seek the meaning of being outside the bourgeois conventionality. Scenic, with a characteristic accelerator of action, the novel was perceived as a people's fabulous story as a lively spoken form.

Train of the writer to the heroic beginning, strong characters tangible in the novel Tamango, Where the author criticized such a shameful phenomenon as a slave trade, opposed slavery at all. However, the main theme of the work is not exposing the slave trade, but the disclosure of Tamango.

This image reflected further reflections to Merim human nature, and especially the conflict of high, heroic and lowlands began. Good and evil qualities of the hero here are hidden, but clearly naked. He is powerful, cruel, ferocious and despotic. Tamango traded his tribesmen. But it is also inherent in the essential human traits, which were in an insurmountable desire of the hero to freedom, his pride and excerpt, which he showed during testing.

An ignorable mind of the savage was capable of quick and correct decisions, on a subtle settlement when Tamango raised the riot on the ship. The evil Dikar usually did not drag in it of a real sense of love when he, forgetting about caution, overtakes the ship, who took his wife, or when, almost dying in a boat from hunger, shared with a woman last cracker. So, in the wildness of Tamango - some ominous energy, courage, freedom and dexterity, and even self-denial.

Merim showing his heroes in such life clashes when they had to solve for themselves the issue of great importance - or to preserve life, showing conscience, honor, personal moral principles, or remain faithful to these principles, but to die. Heroic Beginning B. strong characterswho attracted a writer, consisted in the fact that the victory remained behind the moral principles.

Questions for self-control

1. Expand the genre diversity and the main theme of the works of realist writers.

2. Due to what creative discovery P. Merim became the classic of French realism?

3. In which areas is the connection of the connection of P. Merim with Ukraine?

4. Why are P. Merim called the Master of Psychological Novels? What is his skill?


Literature lesson in grade 6.

Novella Proster Merim " Matteo Falcone».

Teacher of Russian Language and Literature Dubovtsova O.N.


1. To know students with the work of Proster Merim.

2. The concept of the novel genre, about the heroic character in the literature

3. Wear the ability to competently give the characteristics of the literary heroes, develop the skills of collective work

4. Recompret the moral qualities, such as honor, conscience, dignity, loyalty to debt.

During the classes.

I. Organization of the lesson.

II. The introductory word of the teacher about the life and work of the writer.

Prospere Merima is a representative of the French literature of the XIX century.

He was born in Paris in 1803 of him were artists. The boy grew up in the family, where borrowed before the art. Becoming young men, he entered the University of Paris at the Faculty of Law. However, legal sciences did not interest the student, and his own vocation was literature, history of languages, archeology. Later P. Merim was elected a member of the French Academy.

The creative path of the writer began in 1825 from the publication of the collection of the Pieces called "Theater Clara Hasul". In the period up to 1829, a large number of ballads, poems were written, the novel "Chronicle of the reign of Charles IX". Further creativity Merima is associated with a genome of small narrative form-numeral. The rods Merim are always extraordinary, exceptional people, with a difficult fate. Everyone can remember Carmen - the name of this heroine knows the whole world. The famous opera book was written on the motives of Novellas Merim. The message "Matteo Falcone" became his novelist, where the tragic story of the hero is a little fortunatto - a shock reader.

Novel "Matteo Falcone" was written in 1829 and was then translated into Russian. One of the translators was N.V. Gogol. In this work of the writer, it is advantageous of the problems of moral and aesthetic, he penetrates deeper into the inner world of his heroes, examines the connection of their actions with reality, with the circumstances of life.

Merime knew Russian, Russian literature. He fell on french The novel "Picks" and the poem "Roma" Pushkin, a number of works of Gogol and the novel "Smoke" Turgenev, with whom he was familiar and rewritten.

Creativity Merim - a historian, the creator of bright, unforgettable characters - interesting for the reader. This is a writer who develops a decisive literary taste, helps readers to assess the advantages of prose.

III. Work on the concept of Novella.

The work of "Matteo Falcone" is written in the novel genre. We write down the definition in the notebook.

Novella- a small epic product comparable to a story and a sharp, fast-growing plot and lack of descriptions. The center of attention of Novella usually lies the case affecting the Hero's life revealing its character.

You read the novel "Matteo Falcone". And you remembered, probably, at the same time, it is necessary to carefully and thoughtfully read the works precisely the first time, because it may happen that the second time you will not have to read it, and the plot, his heroes, individual details and phrases will die in memory for life - This is the basis of the wellness and culture of man.

IV.Test for read.

Execution of the test to identify text knowledge by students.

1. Memories occurs:

A) on the sea coast

B) on steep elevation

C) in the gorge of the mountains

2. Makes - it is:

A) red flowers

B) plantation, for growing goods of smugglers

C) dense disorderly overgrown shoots from the burned forest.

3. "A man of a small growth, but strong, with curly black, like a resin, hair, eagle nose, thin lips, large eyes and the face of the color of the selected skin" is a portrait:

A) Matteo Falcone

B) Jansnetto Sanpero

C) Theodora Hamba

4.fortunato hid a gangster:

A) in the cellar

B) in the house

C) in the pilot of the village

5.Shole collars are:

A) shepherd

B) Corsican soldiers

C) bandits that hid in poppies

6. Matteo Falcone was a rather rich man and lived:

A) in a spacious one-story house with a lot of rooms

B) in a two-story mansion

C) his dwelling consisted of one square room

7.fortunato was a boy:

A) mercenary

B) disinterested

C) very cowardly

8. Molds:

A) immediately shot the caught bandit

B) bandaged him

C) chained it in shackles

9. Matteo Falcone

A) was associated with bandits by common illegal affairs

B) was evil on the gangsters

C) respectfully treated them for their courage and courage


A) fatally insulted Matteo, hurt his childbirth honor

B) sympathetically shook his head, seeing the matteo appeared

C) shouted and swore at Matteo the last words

11. Matteo:

A) Praised the Son for the hours received from the sergeant

B) smithereens broke them

C) did not pay attention to the clock

12. Matteo forced her son before his death to pray:

A) to give a time to cool, forgive the child and change their terrible solution

B) to give his son to die a Christian

C) so that the son, praying, repented and asked for forgiveness with a clean conscience, and then his father would have forgiven him.

13.The you explain to Matteo:

A) great love for homeland

B) Egoism

C) self-esteem and honor.

Code: 1-b, 2-B, 3-A, 4-B, 5-b, 6-B, 7-A, 8-B, 9-B, 10-A, 11-B, 12-B, 13-century

(A response to 13 question identifies the personal perception of heroes by students, so other answers are not regarded as wrong).

V. Slice work.

In the text you met words whose value was not clear. Let's work with them.

Studying the textbook footnotes and compiling comments, for example:

Maki- plot covered with thick shrubs.

Eku. -star French coin.

Common man - Here: a peaceful resident that is not involved in hostilities.

PRGINE - Place free from thickets.

Panichida - memorial prayer.

VI. Analysis Novella.

The class is divided into groups and each receives a task. It gives a little time for his discussion, then the performance of each group is heard.

Group1. Retell the passage from the beginning to the words ".... He had to repent about this." Cover it. Answer questions 2-3 and s session of the textbook "Reflect on read".

Group 2. Read the rhodes of the passage from the words "passed for several hours ..." before the words "... No matter what happened in the sun." Cover it. How did Fortunato talking to the bandit? Prove that the boy was smart and resourceful.

Group 3. . Read on the roles of the passage from the words "a few minutes later six shooters ..." To the words "the temptation was too great ...". Sharp it. How did Fortunato with the police behaved? Why did he turn out to be a traitor?

Group 4. . Retell close to the text of the excerpt from the words "Fortunato raised his left hand ..." To the words "... despite our relationship." Why did Fortunato issue Dzhannetto? How do heroes of episode behave: Fortunato, Giannetto? Giuseppa, Matteo? What dick contradictions is experiencing each of them?

Group 5. Read the rolleam passage from the words "finally he accepted a bold decision ..." before the words "... Fast step moved to the plain." What is the difference between the life principles of Matteo and Sergeant? What details show the attitude of the heroes to the Fortunato act?

Group 6. Retell the passage from the words "about ten minutes ..." to the end of the novel. Describe the psychological state of Matteo and Fortunato. What is the tragedy of the final episode?


Who is to blame for the death of Fortunato? (Fortunato died of his own father's hand. He paid his life because of his egoism and korestolubia, who led him to betrayal. It is involved in this and Sergeant Gamba, bribed the boy provoked his act.

Who is he, Matteo Falcone, - Hero or Killer? (In Figing4Ra, Matteo Falcone detects the conflict of the heroic and treacherous sense of life. It turns out that Matteo and the hero, and the murderer. From the point of view of Christianity, from a universal point of view, he has a murderer who has committed a grave sin. And the stroks of view of the unwritten laws of the inhabitants of Corsica, understanding their debt And he is a hero who committed justice. We need a great power of will and hardness of character to shiver your own son. It is love for the son pushing Falcone for killing. The character of Matteo Falcone is that it dubes the natural human instinct to preserve himself in children, continuing instinct kind.)

We have convinced how far the character is the character of the novel hero, Matteo Falcone.

And last. Note the importance of the name of the Son of the Main Hero, Fortunatto. Fortuna means "luck". Fortunatto was "the hope of a family and the successor of the kind." In this name, the tragic mismatch of the fate of the heroes of their initial hopes.


Execute Creative task»Tutorial or in writing to answer one of the questions:

1. What is the fault and trouble Fortunato?

2. Is it possible to justify the cruel act by Matteo Falcone?

The writing

The name of Proster Merima rightfully occupies its place in the brilliant Pleiad of French Realists the second halves XIX. in. Creativity of Standal, Balzak and their younger contemporary Merim became the top of the French national culture of the post-revolutionary period.

The writer wanted to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cruel nrules of the XIV century, without violating historical accuracy.

In 1829, P. Merime began writing the novel "Matteo Falcone". Members Merim are striking with their emotional expressiveness and conciseness. In the novels of the Writer entails an exotic topic. The cruel life of modernity forced him to turn to the image of passions, which became a sign of human uncomplication.

The central event of Novella is the murder of a son for betrayal - organizes the entire plot material. A short exposition not only explains the origin of Macs, but also characterizes Corsican morals, local hospitality and willingness to come to the aid to the persecution. "If you killed a man, run in Popo-Vecchio's poppies ... The shepherds will give you milk, cheese and chestnuts, and you have nothing to fear justice ..."

Matteo Folcon - a man brave and dangerous, famous for the extraordinary art of shooting, he is faithful in friendship, dangerous in the hostility. The traits of his character are due to the laws of Corsican life.

In the scene of the betrayal of Fortunato, the weight of almost every word, as well as the symbolism of the boy name, allowing to imagine how much father was waiting for him. In his ten years, the boy "filed great hopes", for which the father was proud of his son. This is evidence of intelligence and courage with which he conducted a deal first with Giannetto, and then with Gamba.

Sergeant Gamba played the role of the fatal seducer, he is also a Corsican, even distant relative Matteo, although it has completely different personal qualities. It represents the world in which the benefit and calculation suppress all natural motives. The silver clock with a blue dial with a steel chain with a steel chain. This little thing deprived the lives of two people. In the death of Fortunato boldly, you can declare Sergeant Gamba guilty. The specifics of Corsian life, as well as the internal tragedy of events disclose a stingy dialogue and concise expressiveness of action. Matteo, his wife Giuseppa, gangster Dzhanneto Sampierro, the shepherd from Macs - the people of one world living in their internal laws. This world is opposed to Sergeant Gamba, his voltizers with yellow collars - the sign of their wondens, the half-phth and almighty "Uncle Capral", whose son already has a clock and which, as Fortunatto thinks, maybe everything. The spatial boundary of the two of these worlds is running between the poppies and the field, the moral border can be overcome by the price of betrayal of the moral laws of their world, which is trying to make Fokenato.

His deed can be regarded differently. On the one hand, he betrayed Corsican laws, violated moral norms; And on the other hand, it is easy to understand: he is still a child, he really liked the clock, and the zealous feeling of envy appeared, because the son of "Uncle Capral" has such a watch, although he and the younger fortuna. In addition, Gamba climbed the boy that "Uncle Capral" will send him a good gift in a reward.

Matteo punishes the Son for such an act of death. The fact that the verdict made by Father's father was not the result of the personal exaggerated representations of Matteo about the honor of the genus, but expressed moral attitude towards the betrayal of the entire people, testifies to the behavior of Giuseppe, with all his grief consciousness of Matteo.

Written in 1829 Novella has the form of a flat, progressive narrative, which opens the exposition, in which the author introduces the reader with a place of action - Corsican poppies and the main character - the rich owner of the sheep's herd, Matteo Falcon. Prospere Merima introduces the image of the author-taller who met with Gordy Corsican two years after the story happened, for a more complete disclosure of the nature of the latter.

Matteo Falcone is drawn by a man who does not look at her age, still a good friend and hazardous enemy in the district. The tragedy hero occurred in the life, if he has affected him, then not apparently for others: there are still no gray hair on his head, his eyes have not lost sharpness. Matteo Falcone - Father, who killed his ten-year-old son for betrayal - a true Corsican, who became the honor above all, was able to find the strength to live further precisely because he did not come with his internal principles and punished the traitor to his family.

Tie scene It is necessary to meet the ten-year-old son Matteo Falcone - Fortunato with a gangster from a soldier - Giannetto Sanperoo, during which the boy will not easily agree to help the wounded. In the reluctance of the child free of charge to help the guest detects and its character, and its further tragic fate. Fortunato meeting with Uncle - Sergeant Theodoro Gamba at the dialogue level repeats a conversation with Jansnetto Sanpero: At the beginning of Fortunato, it does not want to help a relative in capturing a fugitive (parallel with how the boy refuses to help the bandit), then protects against threats to his address The name of the father, after which the temptation and sells his help for chest silver watches, which are clearly more than one five-minute coin given to him, Jansnetto.

In art the image of Fortunato The features of Matteo Falcone are visible - the faintiness, awareness of his belonging to the ancient race, the trick and quietness (the episode with how the boy hid a gangster, - in the Xena Copley, sticking it on top of a cat with kittens). The tendency to betrayal, trading and sales is his personal features caused by both small age and new trends who came to Corsican society. They are still barely catchy, but are already traced in children's rivalry (the son of Uncle Fortunato, who henger, has a clock, and the boy does not have) and in adult offers of Jansnetto and Theodoro (it is interesting that the gangster and the minister of justice act equally When they want to achieve their own). The mother of the boy - Giuseppa - in character, something among his husband, and son: she is hard to do, but still makes a husband's decision, get rid of the traitor, even if they are the desired son, who was waiting for three daughters for so long; As in Fortunato - there is love for material things in it: having learned the kidnapper in Jannetto, she rejoices His catchment, while Matteo sympathizes the hungry bandit.

Culmination Novels, expressed in the stage of issuing Dzhannetto Sanpero Fortunato, turns into a junction gradually: At the beginning, we see Matteo Falcone to what happened in his house, then we obtain an assessment of what is happening from Jannetto spitting on the threshold "Traitor houses", after which we see Fantunato's feetful Wrath, who decided to correct the position of the mile with milk, then the narrative focuses on the image of the gangsterwho rejects the satisfying gift, turns face to the arrest of his soldier, calls him his companion and asks to give water to get drunk. Observing for what is happening, Matteo Falcone remains silent. He does not help Giannetto, since he did not take responsibility for his fate, but also tolerate in his family the traitor also does not intend. While the soldiers associate the arrested and put it on stretcher, Matteo Falcone does nothing and does not show anything: perhaps he is going with thoughts, perhaps waiting when the witnesses of the future murder deletes. True Corsican is not justified before Jannetto, but also does not help his relative - Theodoro Gamba. The inner excitement of the hero is visible only by the fact that he does not say goodbye to the last when he leaves.

Matteo Falcone remains a little to the end of the tragic junction. He does not give in to his wife's persuasion, writing to his father's feelings, (the persuasions are also not too obsessive, as Juseppa understands the essence of what is happening and partly agree with her), does not allow her heart to soften from the tears of his son to pardon him. All he can do for his child is to give him the opportunity to pray before death in order to leave the life of Christian. Who read two prayers of Fortunato asks the father not to kill him, saying, like all the children that "He will fix"And, as an adult, trying to find a reasonable decision to improve the situation (ask the Uncle Croal to pardon Jannetto), but Matteo Falcone remains adamant. He gives his son another two prayers, one of which is Litania - it turns out to be long and heavy for both participants of the unfolding tragedy, after which it shoots in Fortunato. Matteo kills the boy in a ravine with loose land, in which it will be easy to dig a grave. Such prudency indicates that the decision taken by the main character is definitively and irrevocable.

Giuseppa, as a real Corsican woman, is humbled with a husband's decision that has the full right to dispose of the life of members of his family. The heroine understands that the stacked honor can only be washed off with blood. She is trying to save the life of the Son, but she has no arguments against the Terrible Words Matteo: "I am his father!". Realizing that the tragic outcome is inevitable, Juseppa rushes on his knees in front of the way the Mother of God and begins to pray. It resorts to the ravine on the sound of a shot in the hope of seeing a different junction, but faces the "perfect justice". Matteo Falcone immediately gives his wife instructions on how to live on: serve Panhid on Fortunato and invite one of the competition to the house.

Novel "Matteo Falcone" is a story about the Corsican neravas, proud and harsh, holy law of hospitality (even in relation to winning criminals) and requiring its execution from all, without exception, people, regardless of age. The society in which each of his dick has at least one murder for the soul must have his immutable law. Fortunato broke it. Matteo has no other exit, except to shout a criminal.

Writing on literature on the works of P. Merim

Writing text:

To begin with, we note that the name of Proster Merima rightfully occupies its place in the brilliant Pleiad of French realists of the second half of the XIX century. Creativity of Standal, Balzak and their younger contemporary Merim became the top of the French national culture of the post-revolutionary period.
The writer wanted to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cruel nrules of the XIV century, without violating historical accuracy.
In 1829, P. Merime began writing the novel "Matteo Falcone". Members Merim are striking with their emotional expressiveness and conciseness. In the novels of the Writer entails an exotic topic. The cruel life of modernity forced him to turn to the image of passions, which became a sign of human uncomplication.
It is worth saying that the central event of Novella - the murder of his son for betrayal - organizes the entire plot material. A short exposition not only explains the origin of Macs, but also characterizes Corsican morals, local hospitality and willingness to come to the aid to the persecution. "In the event that you killed a man, run in Popo-Vecchio Maki ... The shepherds will give you milk, cheese and chestnuts, and you have nothing to fear justice ..."
Matteo Folcon - a man brave and dangerous, famous for the extraordinary art of shooting, he is faithful in friendship, dangerous in the hostility. The traits of his character are due to the laws of Corsican life.
The author shakes the attention that two years after the death of his son Matteo remained the same, apparently, the murder of his son did not affect him.
In the scene of the betrayal of Fortunato, the weight of almost every word, as well as the symbolism of the boy name, allowing to imagine how much father was waiting for him. In his ten years, the boy "filed great hopes", for which the father was proud of his son. This is evidence of intelligence and courage with which he conducted a deal first with Giannetto, and then with Gamba.
In my opinion, Sergeant Gamba played the role of the fatal seducer, he is also a Corsican, even a distant relative of Matteo, although it has completely different personal qualities. It represents the world in which the benefit and calculation suppress all natural motives. The silver clock with a blue dial with a steel chain with a steel chain. This little thing deprived the lives of two people. In the death of Fortunato boldly, you can declare Sergeant Gamba guilty. The specifics of Corsian life, as well as the internal tragedy of events disclose a stingy dialogue and concise expressiveness of action. Matteo, his wife Giuseppa, gangster Dzhanneto Sampierro, the shepherd from Macs - the people of one world living in their internal laws. This world is opposed to Sergeant Gamba, his voltizers with yellow collars - the sign of their wondens, the half-phth and almighty "Uncle Capral", whose son already has a clock and which, as Fortunatto thinks, maybe everything. The spatial boundary of the two of these worlds is running between the poppies and the field, the moral border can be overcome by the price of betrayal of the moral laws of their world, which is trying to make Fokenato.
It seems to me that his act can be regarded differently. On the one hand, he betrayed Corsican laws, violated moral norms; And on the other hand, it is easy to understand: he is still a child, he really liked the clock, and the zealous feeling of envy appeared, because the son of "Uncle Capral" has such a watch, although he and the younger fortuna. In addition, Gamba climbed the boy that "Uncle Capral" will send him a good gift in a reward.
Matteo punishes the Son for such an act of death. The fact that the verdict made by Father's father was not the result of the personal exaggerated representations of Matteo about the honor of the genus, but expressed moral attitude towards the betrayal of the entire people, testifies to the behavior of Giuseppe, with all his grief consciousness of Matteo.

Reference material for a schoolboy:
Prospere Merima is a famous French writer.
Years of life: 1803-1870.
The most famous works and works:
1829 - Tamango (Tamango), Novella
1829 - "Taking a Randut" (L'ENLèVEMENT DE LA RedOUTE), story
1829 - Matteo Falcone (Mateo Falcone), Novella
1830 - "Etruscan Vase" (Le Vase étrusque), Novella
1830 - "Partie in Trick-TRAC" (La Partie de Tric-Trac), Novella
1833 - "Double Error" (La Double Méprise), Novella
1834 - "Purgatory Souls" (Les âmes du Purgatoire), Novella
1837 - Illy Venus (La Vénus d'Ille), Novella
1840 - "Colomba" (Colomba), story
1844 - Arsen Gulo (Arsène Guillot), Novella
1845 - "Carmen" (CARMEN), story
1869 - "Lokis" (Lokis), story
"Djuman" (Djouman), Novella
"Blue Room" (Chambre Bleue), Novella
1825 - Clara Gazul Theater (Théâtre de Clara Gazul), Collection of Pieces
1828 - Jacqueria (La Jacquerie), historical drama chronicle
1830 - "Unhappy" (Les Mécontents), Piece
1850 - "Two inheritance or Don Quixote" (Les Deux Héritages OU DON Quichotte), Comedy
1827 - "Gusli" (Guzla)
1829 - "Chronicle of the Kingdom of Karl IX" (Chronique Du Règne de Charles IX)
1835 - "Note on the south of France" (Notes d'Un Voyage Dans Le Midi de France)
1837 - "Etude about religious architecture" (Essai Sur L'Architecture Religieuse)
1863 - Essay "Bogdan Khmielnicki" (Bogdan Chmielnicki)