Characteristic of the horstakov from the auditor table. A brief image of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor": a person without moral principles

The works of N. V. Gogol became the property of world literature. To this day, he remains one of the best Satyricis writers, to whom it was so finely able to portray Russian reality. This article presents the characteristics of the main character of the Immortal Comedy of Gogol "Auditor".

Briefly about the work

The action of the comedy occurs in the county town of Russian wilderness. Local officials received news about the imminent arrival of the auditor. Mired in bribery and theft, they were pretty frightened and accepted for the inspection of a young hang that stopped in the city. In fact, the auditor in the comedy does not appear at all. The main character can only be considered in an ironic sense, since he does not understand what he was accepted for a "major official from the capital." The characteristic of the horstykova will help to understand that he himself lies inadvertently, simply plays the role that others imposed him.

N. V. Gogol wrote that in the comedy "Auditor" he wants to collect "all bad in Russia" and "laugh at all". He admitted that Khlestakov became the most difficult way for him. In the recommendations for the play, the author deeply revealed his character: "Somewhat silent", "speaks without any considerations", "without a king in the head." The hero of the play, indeed, makes all its actions absolutely inadvertently. Despite the fact that this character is neither a conscious deceiver or a resonant, he acts as a real plot engine.

Appearance of the main hero

What is the person who accepted the auditor in the town? What is his characteristic? Khlestakov - young, "Twenty-three years old", "Slender", with brown hair - "More Shartret", "Millen Nose" "and the eyes are so fast." "Non-good" and low, but "trouble-free outdoor", you can say "pretty". Not in the service form, but dressed in fashion, a dress from the "Sukna Aglitsky", one fracture in the "ruble and a half" will become, cap and cane.

Position in society

Khlestakov loves only the best, not refuses anything to him, "Death" as "I do not like to refuse yourself" and "I love good cuisine." Already at the beginning of the comedy, it is clear that he is per person. The servant Osip gives the characteristic of the Khlestakov, it becomes clear from his words that the Barin is expensive "profined deckons" that his father sent, and now "the tail exits", but asks him to take him the "best" room, and dinner is "the best" to give him. Khlestakov is a small official, "Ostrodishka simple". Host, loves to walk along theaters, "drives at the cab", and I spend money, sends a servant to the market "New Frak" to sell. Instead of working, he walks "on a punching" yes, "in the picture playing."

Hangles arrived from St. Petersburg, stopped at the hotel in a small room, lives the second week, dins, "does not go from the restaurant" and "no penny does not pay. The innkeeper refused to file them, master and xles, lunch. They don't even have money for tobacco, "the last fourth day smoked." The town of Khlestakov did not like: in the shops "do not give in debt," he thought he was to sell his pants, but decided that he was better to come home "in the St. Petersburg costume", yes to the "daughter" some landowner approach.

Manner hold on

The author of the master presented the characteristics of the horstykova. In the comedy, each replica Hero reveals his manners and behavior. From the very beginning, he shows itself as an empty and frivolous man: I spent all the money, he not only does not think about what he has nothing to pay, but also requires. The servant brings to him "soup and roast", and Khlestakov still "Sauce" Yes SEMOND. Eats and picks up: "This is not roast," instead of the oil "some feathers", "ax" instead of "beef". Breaks the innkeeper: "Loafers", only "fighting with passing".

Having learned that he was asked by Gingerbread, continues: "The Bestiy Tavern! Complained already. " Threatens: "How dare? What am I, a merchant or artisan? " But seeing Governed, it is nusted and explains that he must send money from the village. It justifies that it is not worth paying something: the whole day the interpreter his "hunger Moril" and "Tea" filed, which "stinks by fish." Seeing that the Goryanki Orobell, Khlestakov lamented and, so as not to be in prison, trying to intimidate him. Starting with the promises to pay for lunch, he finishes threats to turn to the Minister.

Gingerbread adopts him for the auditor, hesitates, says with respect, calls the "enlightened guest", invites you to his house. Hellets do not even try to find out the reason for the honors provided to him, says "without any consideration" and begins to complain about the bad conditions, the owner does not give candles when he wants to "compose something." At the invitation of Goverling to live in his house immediately agrees: "Much more pleasant" than "in this Kabaska".

Speech Khlylekov

Even the brief description of the horstykova shows that in the image of his hero, the author gives a collective and somewhat exaggerated type of superficially educated jack. For the sake of a beautiful syllable of Khleptakov, it uses in his speech, incomprehensible to him French words, stamps from literature. And at the same time does not consider it for himself to insert vulgar expressions. He speaks backless, jumps from one to another, and that's because spiritually niche is unable to focus on anything. He grows in his own eyes from the attention of officials, becomes bolder and no longer knows the limit in lies and boasting.


The first effect gives the extremely clear characteristic of the horstykova. When his officials are driven by the city's institutions, he is primarily interested in any entertainment, where you can "play cards". Of which it becomes clear that a person loves to praise. In the house of Goverling, he is trying to rise in the eyes of others and tells that he even "accepted him for the commander-in-chief once". He boasted that his "everywhere knew," with "actresses a sign". Often sees "writers", "on a friendly leg" with Pushkin.

It claims that he wrote "Yuri Miloslavsky", but Marya Antonovna recalls that this essay of Zagoskina. What is the newly minted auditor? It instantly finds an excuse, informing those present on the existence of two different books with one name. He says that he has a "first house" in St. Petersburg and immediately, inxicated wine and success, admits inaccuracy: "You will kill" to myself "on the fourth floor" and "tell me the cook." But the surrounding perceive it is rather for the reservation and encourage him to lie, thinking that this will allow them to learn more about him.


It rejoices a welcoming reception and does not recognize that he was accepted for another person. "Easy in thoughts is extraordinary" - the author gave him such a characteristic. For the auditor of Khlestakov, he does not give himself, he simply does what they encourage him. Such behavior further approves him in their eyes as a high-ranking official. "Although I sat down," but playing "with the ministers" and drives "to the palace." Khlestakov weave the intrigue, but this is not aware of this. The image of this hero is the embodiment of nonsense and emptiness.

His thoughts are fussily jumping from one subject to another, nothing to stay on anything and not stopping. The author in the comments also gives the whip characteristic. Quotes "without a king in the head", "somewhat clutch" give a clear understanding of the fact that one of those people who are called "empty". Moreover, it instantly changes the appearance and adapts to reality. A sort of chameleon, changing its color for survival, not for entertainment. Thanks to this unintentionalness and the urban, with whom he plays a role imposed on him, Heltakov easily comes out of any situation when he is clogged in lies.

Relationships with others

In the house of Greurn, everyone wants to learn more about "High Guest" and are interested in the servant of Osip, which loves his owner than you are interested. Hollytakov also plays brilliantly in front of the officials of the auditor and only in the fourth action of the comedy begins to understand what he was taken for the "state person." Does he feel at least something? Unlikely. He is easily reincarnated and plays the role that society suggested him.

In the comedy, everything is based on the situation of self-deception. The author represents a person reader in which there is no own content. In the comedy "Auditor", the characteristic of the Klezlekova clearly shows that this is a person without internal filling. He does not so much deliberately deceives how much I misleads other comedy participants. This is just in this unintentional and the power of this character lies.

Histakov is absorbed to such an extent to the role, which is represented by the fiance of the daughter of Governing. Without shame and conscience asks her hands, I am not remembering that a minute ago I confessed in the love of her mother. He rushes his knees before his daughter, then before his mother. As a result, it conquers them and drags himself after both, does not know who to choose.

Final comedies

When Hellestakov understands that he was taken not for the person, another unseemless feature of this hero opens. Having an empty and insignificant character, he writes his friend a writer about what happened to him. And despite the fact that he accepted him in this town complacently, Khlestakov joyfully describes the vices of his new acquaintances, those whom he had already absorbed, and proposes to make themselves in the newspaper. Such is the characteristic of the horstykova.

The essay of Gogol ends with a "mute scene": a real auditor arrived. But this does not make it the main character of the comedy, the chief hero is considered to be Khlestakov. The author of the work publicly stated that the only positive face in his comedy is laughter. So Gogol warned accusations from officials. The writer claimed that regardless of age, education or social status, each Russian man becomes xustakov at least a minute.

N. V. Gogol in his plays wanted to show a real "Russian character". And the auditor was one of the first such works. The main character of the Plays of Khlestakov displays the worst features inherent in his time officials. It is bribery, treasury, lechimetas and other properties.

Meet the Character

A brief image of the hollekove in the comedy "Auditor" is easy. Khlestakov is a young man who practically constantly suffers from a lack of money. At the same time, he is a plow and a fraudster. The main characteristic feature of the horstykova is a constant lion. Gogol himself has repeatedly warned theatrical actors: Khlestakov, despite the seeming simplicity, is the most complex character in the whole play. He is completely insignificant and all the despised man. Horstkova does not even respect his own servant, Osip.

Empty hopes and stupidity

Acquaintance with a short way Klezlekov in the auditor comedy reveals other verses of this character. The main character is not able to earn money to acquire the most necessary. He unconsciously despises himself. However, his own inconsistency does not allow him to comprehend the causes of his trouble, take some attempts to change life. He constantly seems to happen that a certain happy case should happen, which will make his existence without one. This empty hope and allows Khlestakov to feel like a significant face.

Good luck in the understanding of the husk

Preparing the material about the brief image of the horstykova in the comedy "Auditor", the student may noted: the universe in which Hellakov lives, represents an absolute riddle for him. It has no idea about what the ministers are doing, as his "friend" Pushkin behaves. The latter is the same xles for him - except that he is more successful. It is interesting to notice that the gingerbread together with approximate, although they are of intelligent people, were not embarrassed by the brazen lie of the main character. It also seems to them that everything solves His Majesty.

Someone was lucky, and he became director of the department. For this, they consider it, no mental and mental merit is required. All you need to do is to help occur; As it usually happens in the official sidelines, hang your own colleague. And the difference between these people and the xlestakov lies in the fact that the main character Frankly stupid. If he had at least in the iota in more difficult, he could recognize the delusion of others, began to start consciously play.

Unpredictable hero behavior

In the brief image of the horstyot in the comedy "Auditor", the student may noted that one of the main features of this character is the unpredictability of his behavior. In each specifically, this hero behaves "how it will happen." His hunger in a hotel in a hotel, he is under the threat of arrest - and he flatters the servant, begging him to bring something to eat. Bring lunch - he begins to jump on a chair from impatience. At the sight of a plate with food, he completely forgets how I knead the food from the owner. Now he turns into an important Mr.: "I spared on your owner!". These words can be used in quote characteristic Klezlekova in the comedy "Auditor". Character constantly behaves arrogant. His main features are a bhavalism, irresponsibility.


The characteristic of the image of the hollekove in the auditor comedy may contain information and the rudeness of this character. In this hero constantly makes itself felt by the showroom barnitude. He uses the word "man" with contempt, as if he says about something unworthy. Does not spare whores and landowners, calling them "pentyuhi". Even his father he calls "old hell." Only when the need comes, completely different intonations wake up in speech of this hero.

Mottry Khlylekova

To prepare briefly, the image of the horstakov in the comedy "Auditor", it is necessary to give a small description of the main features of this character. One of his key features, as was indicated, is a motley. This hero is constantly involved in the latest money. He craves entertainment, wants to delve pleasure - take the best apartments, getting better food. Do not disguise whores the game in the picture, every day loves to visit the theater. He seeks to impress the inhabitants of the city, produce Furore.

The image of the hollekova in the comedy "Auditor" briefly: a lie of the character

The lies of the horstykova does not know the boundaries. N. V. Gogol masterfully described his hero. Khlestakov first says, and only after that he begins to think. Finally, marking in lies, the main character begins and himself believes in its own significance. His speech is fragmentary, shotching. In conversations with others, he constantly stipulates that he has nothing to pay for his accommodation. However, no one listens to the horstyot. For example, during his conversation with Khlestakov, the Goryanki does not hear at all, what he seeks to tell him. Gingerbread is concerned only how to give a bribe and devoted a "important guest". It seems that the truthful of Khlestakov speaks, the less to his faith from others.

"It is very important, because it is creating the image of this boxes from St. Petersburg, the author can reveal the essence of officials who are used to solve everything with bribes.

So, describing the holling and giving it a characteristic, it should be noted that this is the main character of the comedy, with whom the author introduces us at the beginning of his work. The characteristic of the holling with quotes from the work will allow us to make an accurate image of the hero.

Characteristics of a holling with quotes

This guy is "thin, thin," he is "twenty three years old." He is "silent", "without a king in the head", "dressed in fashion." Not for him the rustic life "My soul is eager for enlightenment," the capital attracts him. That is exactly the author of his hero. I have not been able to conquer Petersburg, giving money, he rides back home, not forgetting to like fashion clothes. It was this that he played a keen joke over the officials of a small town who accepted Klezlekov for the auditor.

Brief description of Klezlekov

Khlestakov - a fraudster, a loser and how he was surprised when he began to offer money by accepting the auditor. And he is only on his hand, because he is not even trying to disperse in the opposite, but only "let dust". a brief description of Klezlekova allows us to call the hero with a naked man who does not forget to take money from strangers.

Khlestakov is lying so that officials tremble. There are also vulgar words, maybe call the "fool", "cattle" addressed to their servant, "scoundrels", "loafers" when she shouted to the host of the restaurant. His spiritual peace is beggar, since he cannot focus on something concrete, uttering a ripple speech.

In the end he leaves the city, without forgetting to write a letter, which reports that the city is stupid, strawberries - pig and so on. This suggests an ungrateful attitude of the horstakov to others.

The characteristic of the image of the horstykova allows you to call the hero of the product with an empty, worthless person. And, right here in the fact that such granted, xles exist to this day, therefore the "auditor" is relevant in our time more than ever, and the created image of the hero is immortal, because it will exist until officials start working and Live correctly, but, it means forever.

Characteristics of Klezlekova Essay, 2 Option

Today, at the lesson, we studied the comedy of the auditor, having acquainted with her main character, and now we have to give a characteristic of a horstykova, which will help better get acquainted with this character. By the way, the surname of Klezlekova eventually became a numerous, and Khlestakovshchina included a lie, mannerity of behavior, sassay, stupidity and internal emptiness. Let's focus on the characteristic of the Klezlekov briefly and understandable.

Characteristic of the image of Klezlekov

Probably, in writing on the topic of the characteristic of the horstykov in the comedy of the auditor, it immediately makes sense to characterize the hero from the author of the work ... To help the actors more accurately play the role of Horstakov, he gives a prompt. Gogol characterizes the hero as an empty and very stupid man, which speaks without consideration. Khlestakov - nobleman, which occupies the lowest rank. According to the quotation characteristic of the horstykova - this is an elbow simple, although he behaves arrogant and not according to the status. The owner of the hotel calls this man a fraudster and a communion, while Ivan Khlestakov continues to make a proper impression with children's naivety, continuing to lie. It is best to lie to him in communicating with officials of a certain county town who accepted the arrival for the auditor. Here Khlekstakov, taking this opportunity, and gives the will of his fantasy.

Khlestakov - Dummy, and the meaning of life he sees in finding benefits for himself. Always lives not by means, loves all the best, gambling, so plays cards and often loses large amounts of money.

Character of horstykova

Continuing to study the characteristics of the horstykova in the lesson of literature, consider its character. Here we see a cowardly deceiver and a vain person. True, it is worth paying tribute to the seven chilles. I realized that he was taken for another, he immediately entered into the role of the auditor, realizing that the holiday of life could only take a walk in the event that you can use the fallen chance.

Khlestakov - an adventurer who is looking for an adventure, but at the same time he is a pity and insignificant. As the Gingerbread Hero of the Comedy said, it is an icicle, a rag, but who knows how to feed himself. Nice and brazen empties. What the most terrible, whip is not just a person burning his life, this is the real brace of bureaucracy, which has developed in Tsarist Russia.

Characteristic of the speech of Klezlekov

If the spectacle speech is characterized, then at first we notice the chaoticness of his thoughts. His conversation is neither competent, nor consistent that neither the word, then the surprise is not only for the interlocutor, but also for the hero himself. The spectacle speech is always incoherent, and he is constantly lying. Since his vocabulary is scales, and for the most part it communicates only with the gamblers and servants, it often uses extra words inserts in speech. For example, "And what", "but as if", "and if", "But how". Its speech is inconsistent and can quickly jump from one topic to another. Because of the inability to come up with something original, his lies turn into a second-rate. The only thing we see in the speech of Klezlekova a little poetry in communicating with women. And that is just because he speaks by the memorized phrases and stamps that they were bought from the French novels. But everything is nagano, ridiculous and not sincere.

Exterior of the horstykova

Describing the appearance of the horstykova, we understand that his inner world is very scales, and he is spiritually an empty man. Maybe therefore the author pays a lot of attention to the appearance of the hero.

According to the description, Khleztakov has pleasant features of the face that have to themselves. Brown hair, a small nose and often running eyes, which characterize the horstykova like a cowardly personality. However, this does not alarming others, but on the contrary, the quick eyes of everyone confuse. It is a small growth, very thin, physically unattractive, and far from gracefulness. But here Khlestakov finds a way out of the situation, giving preference expensive costumes. Thanks to this, the first impression of it is in the best way. No wonder the officials of a small town took him for the auditor. And all because it is wearing whores was with a needle, clothes from expensive fabric and sewn through the last fashion that it seems that some trick. After all, thanks to the appearance, he distracts the attention of people from his inner world Empty and silent.

So, thanks to his appearance, the ability to lie, quickly talk and jump from the topic on the topic, Khlestakov managed to deceive officials. And this all the author reveals with his main hero Ivan Klezlekov, on whose characteristic, manner of behavior, appearance and character today we worked.

This material on the topic of the characteristic of the horstykova can be used in an essay for grade 8.

Characteristic of the horstykova. Auditor Gogol

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Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - the person is ambiguous and contradictory. This is not mentioned by the author himself. Klezlekova is difficult to call a fraudster and an adventurer, because he does not give himself for a "significant face" consciously, but only enjoys circumstances. But the adventurous suck and the tendency to scam into the hero is present. A honest person would immediately refute the erroneous opinion of others and would not catch the money, knowing that they would never return them. And certainly, it would not be at the same time to care for mother and daughter.

Khlestakov - Grand District Lit, he deceives everyone so easily and inspired how children do, when there are no disassemblers about themselves and their loved ones. Ivan Alexandrovich enjoys his fantasies and even believes in them. According to Gogol, Khlestakov "Lies with a feeling", without any plan and caress.

Young man twenty-three years old "Pleasant outdoor, the lowest rank official, "Simple Elestratshka", Poor, and also completely lost to the cards - such a hero appears in front of us at the beginning of the play. He is hungry and begging the innovative servant to bring at least some food. Khlestakov came from the province to conquer the capital, but due to the lack of connections and financial capabilities remains a loser. Even the servant belongs to him with disregard.

Gogol chose such a surname to his hero not by chance. It is clearly visible to the Associations with verbs. "Whip", "Exclus" and expression "Metropolitan Husband"That is quite consistent with the image.

The author so characterized his character: "Somewhat foolish", "Does not deal with", "Man deft", "Dressed in fashion". But the words of Khlezlekova himself: "I have ease in thoughts extraordinary". And this is not just frivolity. The hero of lightning jumps in a conversation from the subject to the subject, judging over everything superficially and nothing seriously thinks. Irresponsibility, spiritual emptiness, the blur of moral obstacles erase in the behavior and conversation of the horstakov any borders.

At first, Alexander Ivanovich simply takes a bribe, and then they extort them himself. He does not discoverly discourages the remark of Anna Andreevna that she was married. The motto Khleztakova: "After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure". He easily moves from the role of a bribe to the role of defender oppressed, from a timid serve to brazen "Life owner".

Khlestakov, as the majority of non-evil people, believes that it is not necessary to make serious efforts at all, to have knowledge and talent. In his opinion, enough cases, good luck, like winning the card table. Write as Pushkin or manage the ministry is a pleasure. This will be able to anyone who will be in opening time And in the right place. And if Fortuna smiles him, why should he miss his chance?

Khlestakov does not go to the ranks, glory and wealth by intrigue, cunning and crimes. For this, he is too simple, stupid and lazy. For a long time, he does not even understand why the urban tip is so worn. Accidental circumstances are attributed to the whip to the top of the social pyramid. Heared from joy and the joy of the hero voiced his dreams to enthusiastic listeners, issuing them for reality with such a sincere conviction that there are no suspicion of deception among crowded officials. Even frank absurdity and the absorption of complete absorptions do not dispel the dope of chinovation.

For example, the city does not look silly and naive. "Scammers over scammers cheated", "He says about his thirty-year-old service. But as if under hypnosis, he does not notice the absurdity of the stories of the imaginary auditor and the future son-in-law. All the officials of the ghost of the county city N believes, like Hellets, that money and communication can all. Therefore, such a young man is quite capable of occupying the highest post. They do not surprise them at all that he happens every day in the palace, plays cards with foreign ambulances and will soon be produced in Field Marshals.

I wonder what life "Higher Light" Khlestakov is quite approximately. His imagination is enough only for fantastic quantities, amounts and distances: watermelon for seven hundred rubles, soup straight from Paris, thirty five thousand couriers. "The speech of the rationist, flies out of the mouth unexpectedly", "Writes about his hero. Khlestakov almost never thinks, so he has no replicas aside, like other characters.

However, the hero sincerely considers himself smarter and more than stupid provincials. Full insignificance with ambitious claims, liar, coward and windy brakes of Khlestakov - make up its era. But Gogol created an image that carries universal vices. Today, sales officials are unlikely to take a similar pacifier for the auditor, but in each of us there is a little from Klezlekov.

  • "Auditor", Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol comedy analysis
  • "Auditor", summary of the actions of the comedy Gogol


1. Introduction

2. Summary and characteristics of the horstykova

3. "Khlestakovshchyna"

Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - one of the most famous characters in Russian literature. The image created by N. V. Gogol, gained real immortality. The comedic idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Auditor A" is based on the contradiction between the expected official from St. Petersburg and his pathetic "twin".

Gogol in directions for the actors gave a very accurate description of his hero using the phrase label - "without a king in the head." The author stressed that it would be best to show as many "figures and simplicity" as possible. Khlestakov is a typical small official who will never succeed in the service. From an early age, he was accustomed to the fact that his father supplies his money. He regards his work as an extremely unpleasant class. A little salary to him, of course, not enough. Throwing the Khlestakov service can not, as this will cause the wrath of the Father.

Khlestakov leads a messy life. The money issued by the Father, he spends on cards and all kinds of entertainment. He does not know how to save and make at least some action plan. In this regard, the arguments of the Osip, which discovers much more crazy and everyday wisdom, look very comic. Father can no longer bear the infertility of the Son and sends it to the village. Money issued to the passage of Khlestakov immediately loses cards. He does not regret it at all and dreams of playing again with a lucky infantry captain.

A rampant life is replaced by hunger. The author describes Klezlekov at the moment when the owner of the hotel ceases to let go of him. Ivan Alexandrovich does not even think about how to fix his affairs. Khlestakov - a fair coward. Despite his noble title, he is afraid to talk to the owner of the hotel and asks to do it for him Osip. Even with a hotel servant, he is talking incorrectly. Only at the sight of the brought dinner, he experienced an inspiration and begins to grow angry about the dishes.

The real horror of Klestakov is experiencing at the news that the granted city is sent to him, which is no less than him. The "advantages" of Ivan Alexandrovich can be attributed to the fact that he first begins to guess the mistake of local authorities. Hellets gradually "sprawles wings." Accepted for an important official, he feels in his element. And he does not deceive anyone, he simply enjoys an unexpected luck and enjoys the situation.

His insignificance of Khlestakov emphasizes unrestrained boasting. Gingerbread with silent trepid makes it fantastic stories about literary activity His guest, "soup in a saucepan" directly from Paris, "thirty-five thousand one couriers", etc., only at the most empty and anywhere else, such dreams may arise.

Khlestakov, however, sincerely considers himself very important and necessary person. The main proof of this is his life in the capital, in front of which the provincial residents fade. Ivan Alexandrovich constantly mentions Petersburg. These comments are very strongly affected by others. Osip feels an impending danger of deception and literally saves his stupid Barin, having prepared a rush departure. His stupid owner, delighted with universal revelation, is not able to think about the further development of events. If Khlestakov had stayed alike for a while, he would again come to the next "story", which could end the prison.

After the publication of the "auditor" there was a special concept of "Klestakovshchyna" - unrestrained and arrogant lies and boasting. The huge merit of Gogol is that he portrayed the type of young nobleman's type sufficient in his era. In Russia there were many whip. The spoiled children of the rich nobles did not want to learn or work.

Life seemed to them as endless entertainment. Fabricating with harsh reality, they turned out completely helpless. Gogol ruthlessly criticizes this type of people. Dysfunctional Osip is much clever his cowardly and boastful owner. Only the stupidity and fear of the inspection of gondalous allow Helustakov for a while to feel an important person. The happiness of the Khlestakov is only that there are even more stupid people who take their bhavalism for the truth.