While you need a comma. Commas before "how

You already know that soyuz- this is service part Speech, with the help of which draw up the relationship between parts of proposals, individual offers in the text or between words as part of a simple supply.

Soyuz"AS"Very often requires the separation of different syntactic structures.

To understand when you need to put a comma in front of the union " AS", And when not, look at the following examples.

Comma in front of the union "AS"put

1. The commas are highlighted or separated by the revolutions starting with the union"AS"

1) if they Recalculate , without other shades of value (" AS" has the meaning " like»).

For example: Under him Caucasus , as a face of Almaz, Snow the eternal shine. Her voice ringing , like a bell. Her eyes glittered, green , like gooseberry. And he saw himself rich , as in a dream. (Wings) hands trembled , how to mercury. (Gogol) air is clean and fresh , as a kiss of a child ... (Lermontov) as a seagull , Sail there whites in height.

Comparative turns in our language not only transmit similarity or distinction, but also give the tongue beauty and expressiveness.

The punctuation rule of comparative turnover is not so difficult: it is always allocated with commas on both sides.

For example: Down below , like a mirror , Glossy water. Around the high chela , like clouds , Cocks are black. (Pushkin) at the bottom , as steel mirror, Lake jet lakes. (Tyutchev) sparkled brightly in the sky , like a living eye , First stars. (Goncharov) Anchar , like terrible watch, It is one in the whole universe (A. S. Pushkin).

What are the difficulties and where does the errors come from?

First difficulty - not enough thoughtful attitude towards the text. If you do not understand that in the offer something compared with something, you will not notice the comparative turnover. Hence the simple conclusion: always try to understand the text you write down.

Second difficulty It is that there are syntactic "dwarfs" and syntactic "giants" among comparisons. This is how the comparisons may look like - "Dwarfs", they can be accidentally and not noticed.

For example: I am myself , like a beast , was alien to people and plenty and hid , as a snake (M. Yu. Lermontov).

But how comparisons may look like - "Giant": In front of them , how petrified ocean waves during a storm, Mountain ridges were spread.

What trouble can you do with such a proposal?

First, just forget to close the turnover of the comma. This trouble happens with all common turns: "catching" his beginning, many do not hold it in memory to the end - and then goodbye, the second comma!

Secondly, without thinking about the meaning of the turnover, cut the "Giant", hurrying to put a comma ahead of time, for example, after the word petrified, and thereby turn offering to complete nonsense.

2) if a in the main part of the sentence there is an index word so, so, so.

For example: Lyceum gave Russia such people , Like Pushkin, Pushkin, Delvig. The bar was in the same amazement from his generosity. , Like a Frenchman himself from Dubrovsky's proposal. (Pushkin) Nowhere with a mutual meeting, are not crushed so noble and naturally , As in Nevsky Prospect. (Gogol) the features of his face were the same , Like the sister. (L. Tolstoy) Laevsky is certainly harmful and also dangerous for society , Like cholera microbes ... (Chekhov) Everything around some church, and oil smells as tight as in the church. (Bitter)

3) if a Turnover starts a combination like I..

For example: Trees , Like people , Have their fate. To Moscow , like the whole country, I feel my sovidity , as an old nurse (POUST). In her eyes , as in the whole face, There was something unusual. As with last year's competitions, Athletes of the Russian Federation turned out to be ahead;

4) if a soyuz "AS" turns on in enterprise . The following expressions are most often used as introductory proposals:

As I remember, as we said, how we learned how some think, as well as combinations, as now, as one, as a rule, as an exception, as usual, as always, as before, as now, asetc.

For example: It was , how you yourself can guess, Our heroine. Residents of home all , as one , Palked to the courtyard. I see , as it is now , the owner itself ... (Pushkin) classes began , normally , At nine o'clock in the morning. I remember , like now , His first teacher at school. How there is no purpose , There was no penny in your pocket. Commas , usually , DEPROSCHEST TRACKS. Spartakiada , normally , passes in summer.

But! These combinations are not secreted by commas, if they are part of the facred or closely related to it in meaning.

For example: Classes begin as usual. Snowfalls are in December as a rule (\u003d usually). Yesterday passed as usual(i.e. as usual);

5) in revolutions no one else, like nothing but; such as well as.

For example: Front Rhine Waterfall not other , aslow water ledge (Zhukovsky). But before her was no one else , as Traveling egl, famous collector legends, fairy tales, legends. This was no one else , as Flyl.

2. If an application with the union"AS" It has the value of causality, it is allocated by commas.

For example: As a true french, In the pocket, Tatyana (A. S. Pushkin) brought Trick. Why did he bring a verse Tatiana? - as a true Frenchman.

If there is no additional values \u200b\u200bof the application, it is allocated with a comma.

For example: Such a tool , How screwdriver , Always come in handy in the farm. There is no other question here.

3. B. complexed offer When attaching a pressing offer:"AS" He acts as a supervisory union and connects an apparent offer with the main one.

For example: Itsees , as a field fatherremoves. Lovejumped out before us , How from under the earth pops up assassinand struck us both at once. I watched a long time , How the candle burns.

(Reminder: How to distinguish a complex proposal from a complex? In a complex one part of the proposal, you can ask a question. On the example, which was higher: " I watched a long time - for what? - How the candle burns". In complex proposals of part of the part of the part).

Comma in front of the union"AS"not put

1. Turns with the Union"AS" do not stand out commas

1) if a at the forefront in circulation acts the value of the circumstances of the action (on the question as?); Typically, such revs can be replaced by a cleaner case of a noun or nascha.

For example: How degrees fell to the cart. (Lermontov) (Compare: sprinkled Grad .) How smoke dispersed dreams. (Lermontov) As a demon of cunning and evil (Lermontov) (Compare: demonically cowar.)

Cancer how the heat is burning. (Nekrasov) In anger, he as thundered as steel spurla. Horse as Buran flies like a blizzard hurries. As a zarry in the sky, they stuffed like fiery rain from the sky fell.

2) if a the main value of turnover is equalizing or identifying.

For example: …You loved me like property as a source of joys, anxiety and seals ... (Lermontov) (Compare: ... loved me, considering my property.) …It[Jewish] Served his stone as the only onewhat could he give(Saltykov-Shchedrin);

3) if a Soyuz "AS" It matters "in quality" or turnover with Soyuz "AS" (attachment) characterizes the subject from any one side.

For example: Rich, good, Lensky was adopted everywhere as the groom. (Pushkin) I say as a writer. (Bitter) My ignorance of the language and silence was interpreted as silence diplomatic. (Mayakovsky) We know India as a country ancient culture . The public appreciated early Chekhov like a subtle humorist. We know Lermontov more more as a poet and prose And less like playwright. I save this letter as a memory. Yuri Gagarin entered the story as the world's first cosmonaut. Ecology question gets up as main question Today's day.

4) if a Turnover forms a nominal part of the composite or in meaning closely associated with the fault (Usually in these cases, the faeble does not have a complete sense without comparative turnover).

For example: Some like emerald, others like coral. (Wings) she herself walked like wild. (Goncharov) as a child I became a soul. (Turgenev) Father and mother to her as strangers. (Dobrolyubov) I watched as. (Arsenyev)

It holds as a hostess. (If you take the lean " keeps"Without turning" like hostess", Then it turns out" she holds"And you might think that she keeps for something.)

Compare also: feel like in the native element, behaves like an unbearable, understand how hint, perceive as praise, realize as a danger, watch as a child, welcome as a friend, to evaluate as an achievement, view as an exception, to take as proper, to imagine as a fact, qualify As a violation of the law, note as a great success, to be interested in as a novelty, to put forward as a project, justify how the theory, take as inevitable, to work out as a tradition, express as a proposal, to interpret as unwillingness to participate, determine how separed applications, characterized as a type, stand out as talent, draw up as an official document, consumed as a phraseological turnover, sounded as a call, to enter as an integral part, appear as a representative, felt like a foreign body, to exist as an independent organization, arise as something unexpected, develop as a progressive Idea, accomplish as an urgent task etc.;

5) if a comparative turning precede denial notor words completely, completely, almost, it seems, exactly, exactly, it is, right, just etc.

For example: I brought up this feeling of the holiday is not like relaxation and just funds for the further struggle, but as the desired goal, the completion of the highest creativity of life. (Privain) was light almost like day. Children sometimes argue quite as adults. The girl's hair climbs exactly like a mother. The newspaper came out not as always. It just like a child.

6) if a the turn is of a sustainable combination .

We approached the most interesting occasion - to phraseological turns. Our speech is penetrated by phraseologism. These are stable phrases, painted by irony, sly, sly.

For example: we need a dog fifth leg, will help as a dead kap.

Phraseologisms contribute not only to imagery, but also mischief, smile. And that is very important - they do not require a comma to the union " AS"!

For example: Everywhere he felt at home. Brother and sister like two drops of water. At lion how the mountain from the shoulders dumped. (Wings) yes to say a cure for him to bandage him wound and berg him as a zenitsa. (Pushkin) Young spouses were happy, and their life flowed like oil. (Chekhov)

Strict grammatical rules that help to distinguish phraseologism from ordinary comparative turnover does not exist. We must simply be able to "find out when meeting" as much as possible phraseological units.

Among the stable phrases that are not secreted by commas, there are "Dwarfs": works like Vol (or like a horse), tiredor Hungry like a dog, stupid like a plug, white as a Lun, like mad, like a stupid, like insertedetc. Not put a comma before " AS"In combination no as not and right here. Not allocated commas and phrase of impressive sizes as if nothing had happened.

Compare also: white as a moon, white as a canvas, white as snow, pale as death, shines like a mirror, the disease as a hand shot, fear like a fire, wanders like a ridiculous, rushed like a mad, mast up like a pearler, ran like a crazy, spinning like a squirrel in the wheel , squeals like piglets, I see how afternoon, everything is like on the selection, jumped as the stolen, looked like a wolf, stuck like a plug, goal as a falcon, hungry as a wolf, far as the sky from the ground, trembled as in fever, tremble like aspen leaf, He is all like a goose water, wait for Manne Heavenly, fell asleep as a dead, healthy as a bull, to know how his five fingers, goes next to the sewn, rode like cheese in oil, swinging like drunk, broke like a jelly, red as cancer, strong Like an oak, shouting as an announced, flies like an arrow, to crawl as a sidorovka goat, bald like a knee, pouring like a bucket, waving his hands as a mill, rushes like a peeler, wet as a mouse, gloomy as a cloud, people like a herring in a barrel, not seen as his ears, it is like grave, worn as crazy needed like air, stopped as the inserted, remained like cancer on the meli, sharp as a razor, differ like the sky from the ground, turned pale as a canvas, repeated as in delusions, go like a nice, remember how named, hit as a scuffer on the head, like two Water drops, went to the bottom as a stone, devotee like a dog, stuck like a bath leaf, fall asleep how through the ground, gone as the water went into the water, straight like a knife in the heart, flamed as in the fire, was dispelled as smoke, grow like mushrooms after the rain, Dropped like snow on the head, fresh like blood with milk, fresh as a cucumber, sat on the needles, sit like on coals, sit as a chained, listened as awesome, looked like enchanted, slept like a murdered, slim as cypress, solid as a stone, Dark as at night, skinny as a skeleton, a cowardly like a hare, died like a hero, fell like a ragged, rested like a ram, stubborn like a downtown, tired like a dog, grooming like from a bucket, went to the water lowered, cold as ice, black as damn , feel like at home, hacked like drunk, walked on the executionetc.

2. In addition, the word "AS" maybe part of the composite union as ... so ...or asas well as revolutions since, since the time as, as little as possible or more. In such cases, the comma is placed either before " AS"Or before all the complex union.

For example: He has excellent marks both in the Russian language and in mathematics. This topic is affected both in poetry and in prose. Fairy tales love both children and adults. Avoid empty speeches, as their outcome is repentance.

He graduated from the story, while they got to the place. Larisa worked in a hairdresser, meanwhile, as Ivan finished the institute.

Since the eternal judgment
I gave me all the prophet,
I read people in the eyes of people
Pages of malice and vice.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

3. In a complex proposal with homogeneous appendage after writing unions.

For example: It's nice in a warm room to listen, how the wind is angry and how the taiga moans.

4. Soyuz"AS"It may be present in the proposal without connecting a strongly semantic-syntactic unit, but only being a means of expressive speech.

For example: We guessed it; I tried not to part with friends as long as possible; Heaviness boosted as if decreased; I was just going to go rink etc.

Today we have another entry of the heading " A minute of literacy"And it will be about a very common difficulty: about the production or definition of the comma in front of the union . I think you, like me, more than once turned out to be in a difficult situation, thinking whether a comma needed before the union or not. Today we will forever we by all, when this ill-fated comma is set, and when there is no. So...

The comma is put.

Let's start with those cases when the comma takes place. These cases are not so much and, in principle, they are not difficult to remember.

1. The comma is placed in the event that if Soyuz connects parts of a complex proposal. Here everything is easy and understandable, without a comma in this case, simply can not do.

Example: We gladly watched our friend first comes to the finish.

2. When Soyuz Included in turns close by value to introductory words. In Russian, such revolutions are a bit, here are the main of them: as an exception, as a consequence, as always, as purposefully, such as, as now, as now, as a rule, etc.

For example: In the morning before going out, rain began.

3. In the event that if the proposal is a circumstance expressed by the comparative turnover, which begins with the Union .

Example: The people inside were like herd in barrel.

I draw your attention to the fact that if after turnover with the union The proposal continues, then it is necessary to put another comma at the end of the turnover (to separate it). For example: Land like a mirror, glitter water.

The comma does not put.

Now I propose to decide on those cases when the Union not separated by the comma.

1. In the event that e.say Soyuz It is worth between the subject and faithful, butwithoutit there would be required to put a dash.

For example: Nose like beaks. Night as day.

2. If the turnover with the union part of the phraseologist. As we know well, phraseologists are separate whole linguistic designs, as a rule, unchangeable.

For example: Duringconversation He was sitting on needles.

3. When Turnover with Soyuz The sentence acts as circumstances of the image.

For example: The path wriggled as a snake.

In such cases, our turnover with the union can be replaced by nashche ( in snake) or nouns in the arterial case ( snake). However, the problem is that the circumstances of the image of the action can not always be distinguished from the circumstances of the comparison. It is such cases that they call most of all difficulties from writing.

4. In those casesif the turnover with the union It is part of the taent and the offer without such a turn does not have a complete sense.

Example: Girl Holderahlo like hostess.

5. If the comparative turnover is preceded by negationnot orone of the following particles: quite, completely, almost, exactly, it seems, just, it is. In this case, instead of the comma, it is like a particle ( not, it seems simple, etc.), Therefore, such moments, as a rule, do not cause special doubts.

For example: These two come not as good friends. In this light, her face was exactly like a mother.

Composite unions.

Don't forget that the word maybe part of the composite union so andor asas well as revolutions: since then, as, as little as possible (more), etc.. Naturally, in such cases a comma in front of Not put.

For example: All windows like inthe house itselfand inthe extension were Outlook manifest.

On this all today. I hope we made the necessary clarity in the question of setting the commas before the union , and this knowledge will be useful to you in everyday writing activity. Do not forget to keep track of blog updates! See you soon!

1. In combinations, "no one else," "," no other, as "- the comma is set.
- No one else like my friend came to the rescue.
2. Indexing words: so, such, that one.
- So beautiful, as last time, she could not be danced.
3. Before the combination of "like", the comma is always put.
- In the room, as in the whole house, it was cozy.
4. It is always isolated "as one", "as a rule."
- Everything like one, stood on his defense
5. If the proposal is the value of the reasons, then from one of its part you can make a question, and from another - answer.
- Peter, as the best hunter, was chosen by the eldest.
Why was Peter selected elders? Because he is the best hunter.
6. Comparison - always put the comma.
- It is beautiful as a rose.

The comma in front of "how" is not installed:

1. As.
- play perceived as a call for fighting.
2. Expressions "As you can", "as always" never
are isolated.

- Cross need to run as quickly as possible
3. Union "Like ... and write without a comma in front of it, but before" so and "the comma is always put.
- I love both in the winter and in the summer here to relax.
4. In phraseologism, the comma is never put.
- Wait for Manne Heavenly. Goal like falcon. White as snow.
5. Composite unions at the beginning of the offer offer are not separated. "Since then,", "until", "Since that time.")
- While we work, many are resting.
6. The comma between the subject and the fag can not be.
- She is like a rose.

One of the most common in high school is a comma in front of "What", "How" And in other words in structures that are joined by them. This occurs some authors of school benefits are called comparative turnover of all structures with these words.

Actually "as" May act as a union or particle. And this design is not always a comparative turnover. In some cases, it is a circumstance.

The design acts as:

  • Faithful: The whole world is like an exciting adventure.
  • Definitions either application: Crocodile, as an animal is rare, listed in the Red Book.
  • Comparative turnover or circumstances: Life Burlila as Passion Waterfall.
  • Introductory design: I decided to change the shirt, or shirt, how would my mom say.
  • Pressure: Living in rural areas is also not easy, as described by the smell of freshly acted herbs.

Difference and other combinations

Comma "as" put in the following cases:

1) if the combination denotes exclusively like, i.e. denotes "like" And no longer has any other values. Such a design was named a comparative turnover and in the proposal is the circumstance. For example: Vasily, as a hero, defended his friend.But it is necessary to pay attention to such a moment that the comparative turnover does not stand out by commas if it stands in the middle of the sentence. In this case, part of the proposal is emphasized to which this design refers. For example: Anna's ball, in love as a passionate girl, looked into the eyes of his chosen one. In this offer, the comparative turnover is not separated from "Love" The comma only because these words have a semantic connection. If you stand comma before the word "as", it will be released "I looked like a passionate lioness", and in the proposal there is a completely different meaning.

2) If the combination is used together with the Union "and". This design is also called comparative turnover and acts in a proposal by the circumstance: Peter to me, as well as everything in the class, was well.


In order to prevent another error, it is necessary to determine what a member of the sentence is the combination of interest to us, with what words it is connected:

1) in the case when used before a combination of the word "So", "That", "Such", "So" and many others. Such designs are applications, and in the proposal protruding. For example: Films such as horrors or thrillers, he usually did not look.

2) The combination has the value of causality. It is usually an application, and in the sentence acts definition. For example: Doctor, as a good specialist, paid a lot of attention to sick patients. This proposal shows the reason in combination "good specialist". The doctor paid a lot of attention to patients with patients, because he was a good specialist. But you should not confuse the application with a comparative turnover. Comparative turnover is the likelihood of one object to another. And the application is when the object is called quite different .

3) The Union is part of the expression "Not other"; "No one else". For example: This event is nothing but a pre-planned action.The design given in this proposal is a registered composite. And we see that this member of the sentence is allocated by the comma.

Introductory structures

In some sentences, the combination is not members of the sentence, and they are necessary to allocate their commas on both sides.

1) Union is combined with the following words: "Now," "Now", "before", "always", "usually", "exception", "Rule", "Delicarily" and others. These combinations act as in-water words that are not any members of the sentence. For example: They, as noticeable, did not hurry home at all.

2) The Union is part of the introductory supply. For example: As Katerina correctly noted, the road was especially difficult. This offer is simple, despite the presence of two grammar foundations. It is simple to complicate input design. In this case, the design in which there is a given alliance is an introductory offer. The narrative calls the source of the information. The combination is highlighted with commas.

Comparative turnover and incomplete appling

Before you decide whether they need a comma before "as", it is necessary to understand exactly what the difference between the comparative turnover and incomplete putting proposal. It can be traced in the following example: Nowhere, I did not feel as good as at home. In this case, the second part is incomplete attachment. Also should not be confused with a comparative turnover of a pressing part, which is a single offer: Write storiesit is difficult how to describe the sound of music.The second part is a single impersonal

Communication with the tajampis

There are many examples when comma in front "as" Not installed:

1) The combination is part of the facid: Time flew very quickly, day as one hour. A comparative particle is part of the faded and emphasized with it.

2) The word has a semantic connection with the fault: The meeting flew like one moment that I did not have time and come to my senses. In this case, the comma in front of "as" Not put, because all the combination with it is a surehead, and the word itself is a comparative particle. Without it, the faithful would have lost its true meaning. This reward was as a gift over. This combination also acts as a surehead, because without it, the proposal loses its meaning. And comma before "as" That is why it is not put.

Persistent expressions

Comma in front of the union "as" Not put if it is part of such examples a great set. After the meeting, we found confidence in tomorrow, because everything went like oil. In this case, the combination is part of a composite tagged, which in this proposal is expressed by phraseologism. Life must be appreciated and take care of the Zenitsa Oka.The combination of the same is a portion of the taent, which is a persistent expression. That is why the use of milled here is unacceptable.

A few more features of consumption of punctuation marks ...

To determine correctly, before "as" We need a comma or not, you need to pay attention to some nuances. Is it worth it in front of this word "not" either such words: "Just", "It is", "exactly in-point", "quite" or "nearly". If they are used, you do not need comma. In this case, this design will be referred to as a comparative turnover, and in the proposal will act as a circumstance. For example: Nikolai always led himself adequately, he acts as a real man.If a combination is denoted "In the role", then the comma is also not put: He spoke at the meeting as a teacher of mathematics. This proposal is meant that the person acted as a teacher of mathematics. In fact, he may not be such.

We see that there are quite a few nuances in consolidation. They need to pay special attention, and then it is easy and easy to avoid serious mistakes.

And disciples and people with higher education Can be confused in punctuation rules. One of the questions on this topic, which causes doubts is a comma before "how." In what cases should it be put, and in what - no? Let's deal with.

In what cases is the comma in front of

The comma is placed if the Union "How" is part of the revolutions that are closely close to introductory words. These are expressions: usually, as a consequence, as an exception, such as, how is there any purpose, as now, as ever, as now, as always, as usual.

Examples in the sentence:

  • Today, as always, stayed at home.
  • Weather, as purposefully, spoiled before going out.
  • Grachics, as a rule, arrive early in spring.

The second case is if the Union "How" connects parts of a complex proposal.

Examples in the sentence:

  • We looked for a long time as the sun enters.
  • Fisherman showed us how to fold the fishing rod.
  • We listened carefully how the indigenous English is talking.

The third case - if the proposal has a circumstance, which is expressed by the comparative turnover, starting with the Union "How".

Examples in the sentence:

  • She was beautiful as the princess.
  • The athlete was grip like a tiger.
  • Andrei spoke so confidently as a real professional.

The fourth case - comma, be sure if after "how" follows "and".

Examples in the sentence:

  • Ruslan, like Lyudmila, was insanely in love.
  • Clouds, like people, have a property crying.
  • The sky, like the Earth, is created by God.

In what cases does not put a comma in front of

  • If before "how" is "not". Example: "He looked not as usual."
  • If the turn is in the composition of the faugible. Example: "There was snow as bedspread."
  • With double union "like so and". Example: "We discussed it in person and in the team."
  • In the case when the turnover from one word independently responds to the following questions: "How?", "How?". Example: "She went as a queen."