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For the first time, the story of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Weak Heart" was published in 1848 in the journal "Public Notes", and in 1865 - was issued by a separate publication. What is the essence of this work, forcing the heart to shrink from pain for Hero Vasya Shumkov, the life of which was crossed by the terrible word "madness"? To figure out why it happened, it is necessary to analyze the plot and describe the character of each of the heroes.

Arkady, seeing everything that happens, trying to divert a friend, asks to relax it, but Vasya does not listen to wise words.

Once they decide to visit Lisa. On the way, they go to the store and buy a very beautiful cape. Vasi and Arkady's visit to the guests turns out to be succeeded. Everything, including an old woman from the family of lysonki Artemyeva, is very happy, I liked the gift, but excessive praise lead Vasily to excitement. He, who is not accustomed to such unexpectedly happiness, is confused. Such an unbalanced state, close to the nervous breakdown, notices Arkady and is very worried about each other. In addition, he learns that six notebooks remained to rewrite Shumkov, and Vasya clearly does not have time to do work on time.

The feeling of guilt Vasily in front of the head is strengthened, and he decides for anything to "speed up the feather". Alas, such overstrain makes itself felt: one of the sleepless nights turned out to be a fatal - waking up, Arkady sees that his best friend, instead of rewriting the text, just leads dry pen on paper, and in horror understands that he is crazy . Vasily left unattended while Arkady rushed in search of doctors, goes to the department to explain to his benefactor Julian Mastakovich. Seeing the distraught subordinate and learning the reason for the misfortune, the chief crushes exclaims: "God, like a pity! And the matter, entrusted to him, was unimportant and not rush at all. So, not because of what a man died! Well, take it away! ... "

The end of the pace is deplorable - Vasya will be taken into a madhouse, and Lisa marries another, but in the soul bitterly crying about the irrelevant loss.

Vasya Shumkov: the deceased from "Gratitude"

What moves this hero of the work when he is delighted with any, even minor little things? Vasya, accustomed to humiliation and submission to strong, can not take the fact of simple human happiness, which he, for false belief, is not fit. On the one hand, the love of the girl is painting him, forcing tremble and admire, on the other hand, the inexplicable feeling of guilt before the "benefactor" is tormented: he must do urgent work, but does not have time, although he paid him in advance. This complex of inferiority, developed by years, does the actions of Vasi, not letting believe that he has the right to good life Without any conditions, because he is not guilty that fate finally turned face, giving unexpected joys. The understated self-esteem leads to terrible consequences: the hero is deprived of the reason due to the psychological disclaimer. To the question of Julian Mastakovich, why he was crazy, Arkady Ivanovich answers "from gratitude." It would seem that the paradox, but alas, Vasya could not cope with his own feelings raging in it.

We bring to your attention where you can find a description of the most famous books of the legendary classics.

Arkady Ivanovich Nefedevich

This current character for the story acts in the image of the admonition and patron saint of the best friend, who loves with all his heart. No wonder at the beginning, he heard about the upcoming marriage, he takes it no matter how seriously, takes Vasya in his hands and pretends that he lulls. But then disassembled in a situation, and with all my heart rejoices for a friend who finally smiled happiness.

Arkady is unusually sensitive, but at the same time practic: I am worried about Vasya, delight with him, but it proposes to consider the other side of the case. "What will you live?" - he asks.

At Arkady kind heart. He condenses to a friend, comforts, tries to send his thoughts into the right direction, understands the joy of first love and worries when he fails. The desire to save the comrade from misfortune (Nefedevich feels that the work at night without rest can turn into trouble) ends with the failure: the consequences of unrest, inaccuing and nervous overvoltage are for Vasily much worse than Arkady Ivanovich could assume.

Benefactor Julian Mastakovich

This is an important official who is the hero of several early agents of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. At first glance, it seems that he good manHelping others, but looking attentively, it can be understood that the desire for the benefit is hiding behind the external virtue.

Julian Mastakovich is a must-satisfied, rich Sostoye, however, respects him and afraid of Vasya Shumkov. Poor subordinate immensely grateful fate for such good man And does not understand that "benefactor" is mercilessly used.

The patronymic of Mastakovich carries a semantic load (one of the meanings of the word "Mastak", according to V.I. Galle, - a reached dealer).

Lisa Artemieva

Lizonka - Wasi Rocking Object. After her bridegroom quit her, Lisa drew attention to her in love with her Shumkov and answered with reciprocity, agreed to marry. This is a good girl who, unfortunately, had to survive a lot of grief: at first the betrayal of one man, then the madness of the other. Alas, hopes for a happy life with your loved ones were not destined to come true. Artemieva married, but the longing of the past caused tears: the heroine of the work says others, what is happy, but the last sentence of the story opens its true mood: "... But suddenly, among speech, her eyes filled with tears, the voice fell, she turned away and bowed to the church Pellet to hide from people their grief ... "


Do not ignore these signs. They may say that your heart is not working properly.

Heart disease is one of the most common in the world and are among the most frequent causes of death.

Very often the body gives signals that with some kind of body you are not all right. It is important not to miss the prompts pointing to heart problems.

The weak heart is a heart that does not turn blood so effectively. Unfortunately, a person can not notice the symptoms for a long time, and discovers the problem too late.

What signs can talk about heart weakness or heart failure?

Symptoms of heart failure

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One of the most common signs of heart failure is fatigue.

If you have a weak heart, we can feel that they are tired, even when we rest at home. When you go and engage in everyday affairs, you can feel even more emaciated.

One of the reasons why people with heart failure feel constant fatigue, are problems with blood circulation.

A weak heart cannot effectively swing blood to all organs and body muscles. They do not get enough nutrition and oxygen, hence fatigue.

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A person on average can walk in a rapid pace for 20 minutes without moving breathing.

The one who has a weak heart can walk, not choking less than 10 minutes.

Breathing shortage, especially if you wake up among the night, I have to alert you. In medicine, such a phenomenon is called paroxysmal night dyspnea and is a classic symptom of weak hearts.

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With a weak heart, a person is disturbed by blood circulation to the periphery of the body. The fluids begin to leak and accumulate under the skin, especially this is noticeable on the legs. This is due to the fact that gravity pulls the liquid down.

Edema is usually observed in both feet. It can disappear in the morning and reappear in the evening.

By itself, a small swelling of the legs is not dangerous. But if the condition deteriorates and the swelling is enhanced, difficulties may occur when walking. Edems are usually treated with diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body.

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The cluster of the fluid may not be limited to the legs only. The liquid can accumulate in the lungs, which can cause difficulties with breathing and cough.

Such a cough can be permanent and annoying. Some people notice that cough makes itself felt during the day, while others have only appears in the lying position.

Sometimes cough may be accompanied by the release of pink foam mucus. It is also worth paying attention to the whistle breathing, which is often taken for an allergic cough.

In any case, if you have a long impassing cough, it is already a reason to consult a doctor.

Signs of heart failure

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A person with a weak heart often disappears an appetite or interest in food. The explanation may be due to the fact that the liquid in the abdomen gives a feeling of satiety and prevents normal digestion.

It is worth noting that the loss of appetite does not always indicate a weak heart and there are many other diseases for which a weak appetite is characterized.

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When the heart does not work properly, men most often appear pain in the left hand, while in women pain can be observed in one or both hands. Moreover, many women reported an unusual pain in the shoulder shortly before the heart attack.

This is due to the fact that cardiac pain spreads along the spinal cord, where pain receptors and many other nervous endings are located. The brain can confuse these sensations and cause pain in one or both hands.

© Isabella Antonelli.

Several studies have shown that people suffering from anxiety with early age, more susceptible to the development of coronary heart disease.

The alarm itself can be a symptom of many diseases and arise due to stress, frequent panic attacks, strong phobias and other violations.

A constant anxiety can lead to tachycardia and elevated arterial pressure, which over time leads to a coronary heart disease.

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It is worth noting that people who have pale skin from birth do not necessarily suffer from heart disease.

However, if the skin has become unusually pale, it may indicate a decrease in blood flow due to the weakness of the heart, which is not able to properly swing blood in the body. Fabrics, not receiving sufficient blood supply, lose color.

Often a person may pale due to shock, which occurs when there is insufficient blood circulation. It is for this reason that people suffering from heart attack or heart failure are pale.

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People who suffer from eczema or having listened, increased the risk of developing heart disease.

Thus, the researchers found out that patients with eczema in 48% of cases suffered from hypertension, and in 29% of cases from high cholesterol. At the same time, the lispy slope increases the risk of infarction by 59%.

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The reinforced heart rate frequency often indicates a weak heart. This is due to the fact that the heart works with all his might, which is even more causing the heart muscle.

Imagine a horse that pulls the cart. If a horse is weak and fragile, she will be able to drag the cart to the maximum of their capabilities, but on a short distance, and after that its strength runs out.

The same can happen with a weak heart, so it is so important to consult a doctor in time for timely treatment.

Check how your heart works

The "weak heart" is the story of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who was published in 1848 in the journal "Patrican Notes". In 1865, she was released by a separate publication.

"Weak Heart" (Dostoevsky): summary

Hero " Weak heart"Vasya Shumkov is a young and insignificant official in some government department in St. Petersburg. He grew up in a poor family, besides, he is also a curve, the consciousness that he was worse than others, deeply rooted in it.

However, recently, Julian Mastakhovich, his boss, turned to Vasya. Vasily and does not even know how to thank the undeserved honor for him. In addition, poor, but a kind girl of Lisa also suddenly treated him with favor, and young people should soon play the wedding.

But the good news is too much, and behind them hides the Western. Vasya, who does not have any advantages and in addition, the curve, still knew only contempt, and now suddenly approaching the real happiness - marriage. Happiness and splashing attitude towards him, they cause conscience and horror in it. His sensitive nature is that in his timid heart, these remorse are becoming more acute and sharper.

Worry of Vasi, due to the unexpected happiness, to which he is not used to, "achieves unthinkable limits, work on the search for documents entrusted by Julian Mastakovich, it falls from his hands. He is tormented by a feeling of terrible guilt, because he will not be able to finish on the period work entrusted to him by his benefactor. Vasino's heart is beingistered, he cannot calmly stream not a minute. He thinks with anxiety: I don't deserve this happiness, I feel it, I know this by every cell of my body, why it happened so that I did for this ... in a word, Vasya is completely lost and, in the end, the mind begins Thanks for happiness fell on it.

Analysis of the story "Weak Heart"

In this story, Dostoevsky once again tries to figure out the heart of an unrequited person - as he has already done with Goldkin from "Double". In the service of Golyodynkin is exposed to Ostracism, no one is considered to be with him, he suffers from the complex of inferiority, it seems to him that the enemies pursue him, the fears are overcome and make it suffer, and as a result there is an insight. That is, in the causes of the madness of Goldkin, there are quite reasonable foundations.

As Vasi Shumkov, then the boss believes to him, he loves a good girl, but he still goes crazy - because he considers himself unworthy of such happiness. That is, the reasons for the madness of Goldkin and Shumkov are different, but there are generals in them: both hero can not cope with the unexpected situation for them.

Dostoevsky believes that there are such people for whom happiness can be transformed into horror and pain. And in the "hostess" Dostoevsky says, bearing in mind Katerina: "Give him a volley, a weak person- it will connect it yourself, will bring it back. "

In other words, Dostoevsky makes such a discovery: a person has a habitual and cozy position, and if it is dramatically violated - for the better or worse, it's a soul of a person collapses. This Dostoevsky tried to attach his opening in his works to the most different people. Nastasya Filippovna from "Idiot" is a re-"output" of Katerina from the "hostess" (Dostoevsky loved the parable of the "New Testament" about Christ, saving the Bludnitsa, but he knew that this dream ends with nothing).

Here is the owner of the "weak heart" on whom happiness collapsed - what will happen to him? Does he cope? We will conduct such an experiment! It is from such interest Dostoevsky and began writing a "weak heart." Vasya, on whom happiness is collapsed, full of most serious doubts: It is impossible to be happy only one, this is a crime; When I get married, I don't want to have at least one unhappy in the world; I do not want to be happy alone.

"I want everyone to be happy," Such is the prayer of Dostoevsky, which he learned from the slogans of the owned "socialism." Dostoevsky makes Vasya disappear his thoughts, but he speaks them with pain. The slogan drives you into the angle and destroys. Why so? Why did it need to Dostoevsky?

Dostoevsky was close to the radical ideal of "universal happiness." His desire was so comprehensive and hot that he was afraid to make a happy one-sole little man. The heart of Dostoevsky's dreamer was in the power of a grand ideal, and when the only copy of this ideal was close to the exercise, Dostoevsky destroyed the possibility of this implementation - this is such a strange psychology he possessed. And in the "White Nights", and in the "notes from the underground", Dostoevsky aggressively launches the dreamer to the scene, aspiring to beautiful friendship, but when it becomes a hand to the ideal, he suddenly hides and takes away the possibility of such friendship. The writer tells us that the ideal, as long as he remains a dream, is sweet, but when he is already preparing for his exercise, for a dreamer who is "not used to reality," he becomes unbearable.

Here is an example of the poet of another country. Rilke believed in the perfect love for a woman who was far from him. When you read it "Notes Malta Laurids Brigga," you understand that people who love each other only imagine a meeting and connection; Together with the passionate foreboding of happiness, Rilke is overpacing and the premonitions that he will lose their freedom that the meeting will be deceived. And Dostoevsky was guided by the same logic.
It seems that when writing a "weak heart", Dostoevsky was influenced by Gogol's "marriage". The main theme This play is the achievement of happiness and fear. When the wedding time is nearing, the groom Podskolovin overcomes the anticipation of happiness, but at the same time its fear is enhanced; And when fear becomes unbearable, the hero runs through the window from the wedding ceremony. Vasya Shumkov also pursues horror from possible happiness, and he "escapes" into the madhouse.

In the "weak heart", another significant character was derived - Arkady Nefedevich. When we argue about him, you should certainly remember that Petersburg landscape, which opens in front of his eyes after he spent his friend Vasya in a psychiatric hospital. In the "Petersburg dreams ..." Dostoevsky almost in the same expressions describes the sunset St. Petersburg, observed by him across the river, describes almost from the same place. What does this ghost view tell us?
In the first part of the description, the city appears in mystical form. For the writer who opens the real landscape, another light is mounted, another spatial dimension. Before Arkady (Dostoevsky), standing on the banks of the Neva, there is a huge curtain, which depicts a huge space of the city. But twilight is condensed, and for a slowly rising curtain an alarming imagination threatens not to detect anything. Or it sighs that the landscape in front of the eyes is a hoax and a marrow. Or this curtain is seen by a thin veil, behind which a completely different world is hidden ... This is the unique vision of Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky has repeatedly appealed to the "vision of the Neva" not because he watched this landscape many times. No, the fact is that the receiving device with a fine adjustment was mounted in his body, with which it constantly caught signals emanating from the world "behind the curtain".

In the "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions", Dostoevsky talks about visiting the London World Exhibition, he is watching tens of thousands of people who sucks a huge palace, and the writer notices that "this is some kind of biblical picture, something about Babylon, some kind of Prophecy from the apocalypse, the victim committed. " And here we are also dealing with the same visual hallucination. In the "Vision on the Neva" there is a strong feeling of illusion of what is happening. Apparently, this is a reflection of the perception of the Russian intelligentsia of being as a phenomenon phenomenon.

And Dostoevsky himself, and his friends and acquaintances got higher educationTheir heads were full of ideas generated by the West, but they themselves were poor intellectuals who had no opportunities to implement these ideas in practice. The heroes of the "Petersburg chronicles", "mistresses", "white nights", "notes from the underground" and other works tell us: we do not have any material means, nor connections, and therefore we do not have the opportunity to ensure a decent existence; We can only become minor officials, lower military ranks, teachers, or literary logs that enjoy the publisher; We are people poor and powerless. In short, these people have an affected consciousness.

In the same row and heroes of the "weak heart." When Arkady is watching the evening Neva, he opens the reason why Poor Vasya went crazy and could not withstand the load of his happiness. And this reason was opened by him because Vasya, and Arkady himself clearly understood their powerlessness.

All these people feel themselves by producing St. Petersburg, the fantastic fruit of this city, erected by the leadal orders to the swamps at the mouth of the Neva. They dream to act and bring the benefit of this now the prosperous capital, but their dreams and there are a marrow, they themselves - a fragment of fantasy, they live in a ghostly city, as if disembodied shadows, and at the same time they are aware of their everyday grave share and suffer .

In the episode, when Arkady looks at the ghostly Neva, there is another moment that requires interpretation. Arkady as if hears some terrible prediction and suddenly becomes another person - losing all his greasiness. It would seem: what could happen here? A man looks at the evening Petersburg, which he saw many times, and suddenly all his character is changed. Is there any excessive literature here? What was strange to see Arkady, what did he manage to speak? Why "he became boring and sullen and lost all his greasiness"? It would seem that it requires an explanation. But Dostoevsky is not needed. He said is enough - the story is completed.

Dostoevsky tells us: one contemplation of the landscape is able to shake a person and strike him; A sudden feeling can make him feel that he himself, and his whole world suddenly became different. This is what happened with Arkady.

Here, the man learned something unpleasant - and his mood had spoiled; Here he was informed something joyful - and he brightened ... The same with the scenery. The inner life of Dostoevsky was extremely intense and subtle, she ruled them; He was pursued by hallucinations, and changed in the mood attracted decisive changes in the worldview itself. Therefore, Dostoevsky does not require any explanations, he simply informs us about his everyday experience.

Raskolnikov and Svidrigaylov from "Crime and Punishment", Arkady Dolgoruky from "Teenager", Myshkin from "Idiot", Velchaninov from the "Eternal Husband" - they are all similar to Arkady from the "weak heart." They also see the birth of a new world and have the experience of harsh changes in their character. For this you do not need something terrible, it is quite calmly looking at the sunset sun, being in his oblique rays, and suddenly feel the transition from joy to depression, from the vague state of the soul to enlightenment.