Latin America Map in Russian. Good to know: List of Latin America and their capital

Latin America is a big region. It includes part of North America countries, most of the countries of Central and South America. Her borders extend from the United States in the north to Antarctica in the south. The area is about 12 million kilometers, is washed by the quiet and atlantic oceans.

Geography and states

The name "America Latina" introduced the Emperor Napoleon III in the 19th century in the 19th century, he combined the list of countries where they speak Romanesque (Latin) languages. In these states, Spanish and portuguese languages. In all these territories, Spanish is official, with the exception of Brazil, where Portuguese is considered by the state language.

Examined the map Latin America, It can be noted that the largest number of countries is located in Central America. These are small states located along the Panama Canal. The largest countries are located in the Atlantic region, such as Brazil and Argentina.

Initially, all these territories inhabited the Indians who lived in primitive strictly. After the conquest of America, the Spaniards and Portuguese, the indigenous population was gradually supplanted, destroyed and rushed into difficult places. But unlike North America, the Indians of the southern hemisphere in the bulk survived, many tribes were assimilated with emigrants from Europe. Since the Europeans actively embraced Spanish and Catholic religion, now Latin American countries are the largest region who profess Catholicism.

Information! The official language is mainly Spanish, but in each country a different dialect is used.

The states of this region have a diverse economy and political way. All of them were previously the colonies of developed European states, but in the last century almost everyone gained independence.

Latin American countries are deservedly enjoying great popularity among tourists. Here, no one will leave indifferent breathtaking spirit natural landscapes. These places are mostly visited by travelers who have seen many countries that are difficult to surprise something. These are not poor people, mainly stop in the level of 5 *.

Consider what countries are part of Latin America.

List of countries and their features

Latin America on the world map occupies 1/7 part of our planet in the Western Hemisphere. It consists of 33 independent states with a total population of about 600 million people. The geographical features of these countries are:

  • All countries of the region have access to the ocean, except Paraguay and Bolivia;
  • Geographical proximity to the United States;
  • Remoteness from other countries of the world;
  • In the form of political reign, all countries are republics.
Political map of Latin America in Russian

SAMI large country Region - Brazil, the smallest - Suriname. Consider the list of states of Latin America, we will try to describe them briefly. The list of countries is:

  1. Antigua and Barbuda - a small state in the Caribbean, whose official language is English. The population is less than 100,000 people, the capital is St. Jones.
  2. Argentina is famous for tango, football and beaches. This is the second largest state of Latin America after Brazil, the capital - Buenos Aires. Enjoying enormous popularity among tourists around the world, economically developed country.
  3. Belize is a state in the Caribbean region, the famous offshore zone of the whole world. The official language of English, the capital is Belmopan, tourism is actively developing.
  4. Bolivia is a poor, but safe country is of great interest to travelers.
  5. Brazil is a huge country with a population of about 200 million inhabitants. This country of carnavals and sun beaches, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world. Capital - Brazilia, Language - Portuguese. Brazil is the main exporter of coffee and tobacco in the world.
  6. Venezuela is a relatively small country in the north of the mainland, the population is just over 20 million, the capital is Caracas, the official language is Spanish.
  7. Haiti is a very poor country, constantly suffers from natural disasters and government coups. Uses several languages \u200b\u200b- French, Haitian and Creole. The capital is the city of Port-O-Prince.
  8. Guatemala - a country with the capital of the same name, attracts tourists with beautiful nature and volcanoes. The population consists of various Indians and Metis.
  9. Honduras is the island of the Caribbean Sea, united in one state. The capital is the city of Tegucigalpa, the language - Spanish, is famous for its poverty and crime.
  10. Dominican Republic - the famous beach resort, honeying holidaymakers all year round. The capital is Santa Domingo, the language - Spanish, the population is about 10 million people.
  11. Colombia is a country having sad fame due to the production of cocaine. This is a restless state, however, attracts tourists through its natural beauties. Capital - Bogota, population of more than 45 million
  12. Costa Rica is a state located in the central part of America. The capital is San Jose, the official language is Spanish.
  13. Cuba is the island of freedom famous to all our compatriots. This state is in the Caribbean, having a large number of hotels high level. Tourism is very developed, excellent beaches, the capital - Havana, the population is very small - more than 11 million people.
  14. Mexico is a large country, famous for its soap operators, ancient architectural structures and beach resorts. Capital - Mexico City, this is a real paradise for tourism.
  15. Nicaragua is located in Central America, a problematic country, a population - 6 million inhabitants, the capital - Managua, the language is Spanish.
  16. Chile - a visa-free mountain state, elongated along the entire mainland. Population - more than 17 million people, the capital - Santiago, official language - Spanish.
  17. Panama is the country of Latin America, located on the cage of the same name, the main language is Spanish, the population is about 4 million.
  18. Peru is located in the northwestern part of America, the capital is Lima. In addition to Spanish, Imaar and Kechua, indigenous languages \u200b\u200bare used here.
  19. Salvador is a small state, often ending all sorts of natural disasters, the population of 6.8 million, the capital is the city of San Salvador.
  20. Uruguay is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, small and safe for tourists Country. The capital is Montevideo, the language is Spanish.
  21. Puerto Rico is a state dependent from the United States, has special status. This country is rich in Spanish colonial architecture, attracts tourists with sports.
  22. Ecuador is located on the mainland, and in the Galapagos Islands. Visa for CIS citizens is not required, the capital is Quito.
  23. Saint-Bart, Saint-Martin, Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana - this is the states legally part of France. This islands with beautiful nature, wide beaches and warm sun.

Interesting! Saint-Bart Island - Reserve for oligarchs from all over the world, with its high prices, this state scares many simple tourists.

As you can see, all countries of Latin America have bright features in culture and nature. This continent is rich in natural fossil, water and green resources, has unique historical values.

Rio de Janeiro - one of the largest cities in South America

Largest cities and sights

As with all over the world, in Latin America there is a tendency to move from the villages to major cities. People move to the cities in order to find a job and arrange their life. Consider which cities are of the greatest value.

  1. São Paulo - the largest city In Brazil, a large business center with a population of 17-18 million people. This is a large shopping center of the country, the nightlife is buried here, fashion weeks pass, thousands of migrants from other regions are flown here.
  2. Mexico City - the capital of Mexico, the largest city of Latin America. It is precisely difficult to calculate the number of the population of this megapolis, since the center is adjacent to many growing conglomerate areas, but this figure is from 18 to 19 million. Most of the population - indigenous Indians, thanks to which in Mexico ancient culture Precucumbian era.
  3. Rio de Janeiro - city of Karnavalov and fun, nightlife and wide beaches. it cultural Center Countries with a population of 6.5 million people. The main attraction of Rio is a mountain with the statue of Jesus Christ, one of the 7 miracles of the world.
  4. Lima - the capital of Peru, the population of more than 7.6 million, the city is washed Safety ocean, standing at the foot of the Andes. The main mass of citizens is the Indians of Cechua and Aimar.
  5. The Bogota is the capital of Columbia, about 7 million lives, this city is located at an altitude of 2600 m above sea level. Here are large temperature differences, often reaches -6 degrees, despite the proximity to the equator. Locals are friendly to tourists, but beyond the city's limits to leave.
  6. Santiago, Chilean capital, has 5.5 million inhabitants, and this figure is steadily growing. This city is visited before traveling to Easter Island, Atakama Desert and national Parks Patagonia.
  7. Buenos Aires - more than 3 million people, a city of contrasts. This capital of Argentina is simultaneously similar to Paris, London and Barcelona. Here is the most famous Color Theater, a huge park of Palermal forests, the famous area of \u200b\u200bLa Boc.
  8. Caracas - the capital of Venezuela, the population reaches 3.5 million. The city is located in the Valley of the Caribbean And interesting places - Square Bolivar with the Central Cathedral, Museums. From Caracas starts the route to Angel and Raraniim's waterfall.
  9. Havana is a fun and diverse capital of Cuba with a population of 2.5 million people. Here time stopped, this city is recognized as "the property of mankind", in Havana you can see buildings with a 600-year-old story next to the houses of the 20th century.

In recent decades, this region is actively developing, and the main emphasis is imposed on tourism. The combination of warm climate, wide sandy beaches, tropical forests, historical attractions of manitis here are all new tourists from all over the world. Latin America is a real storehouse for travelers.

The expression "Latin America" \u200b\u200bhas to hear quite often. Everyone understands it in his own way: for someone - it is South America, for others - the countries of the American continent, the population of which is talking, mainly on spanish. And for third, it is just warm and small states located far from Europe, somewhere south of the USA. In fact, the countries of Latin America and their capital, the list of these states is not so easy. The reason is in the difference of approaches.

As known, South America Colonized, mainly, immigrants from Spain and Portugal. In a natural way, it happened that later, young states who took these two languages \u200b\u200bas official were formed here. But linguists know that Spanish and Portuguese belong to the so-called group of Ibero-Romanesque languages, they arose in their time on the basis of ancient Latin. There is still a French language, he is also a romance, but Gallo-Romanesque. No matter how cool, but he is not alien to Latin.

Thus, the list of Latin America countries was formed precisely on the basis of belonging to this, conditionally Latin, languages \u200b\u200b(hence the name).

However, focusing only in the language sign, we will get a somewhat strange picture. In a close group of countries, individual states that do not speak romance languages \u200b\u200bwill be distinguished, nevertheless, geographically closely associated with "Latin" countries. It turns out that for convenience, not only the country's language, but also its geographical location.

A bright example serves Belize - an English-speaking state, surrounded from all sides by hispanic-speaking countries. Belize usually enters the list of Latin America, although, from the point of view of the language, it should not be there.

Thus, a person interested in which countries are included in the concept of Latin America, it will rather quickly find that there is no single list. If we talk about the classic Latin countries speaking in Spanish and Portuguese, one list will turn out. If you add French here, as well as, for example, Creole, there will be a different picture. And if we take into account and close geographic connection, our list will also increase, but he, strictly speaking, will already be "not Latin".

But this is not all the difficulties. The fact is that in this region, not all countries are individual states in the classical understanding of this word. Some, for example, Puerto Rico are "semi-states", the overseas territories of larger metropolis (in the above example, the territory of the United States). This leads to the fact that not all compilers agree to make them in common list, Motivating the fact that these territories have no present statehood. In any case, they have their capitals, so we are inclined to make them into the list of the list.

What is more important: alphabet or geography?

Countries included in the concept of "Latin America", quite a lot. Usually, if they are combined into one list according to the alphabet, it reads badly, attention is forced to "jump" from the region to the region, from the mainland to the island and back. We decided to break the list into several parts, based on their geographic location.

So, here are the countries and the capital, located south of the United States, but north of Colombia. Simply put, it is the states located in North America, as well as on a narrow coherent between two America.

  1. Mexico (Mexico City);
  2. Guatemala (Guatemala);
  3. Honduras (Tegucigalpa);
  4. Belize (Belmopan);
  5. Salvador (San Salvador);
  6. Nicaragua (Nicaragua);
  7. Costa Rica (San Jose);
  8. Panama (Panama).

Well, then on our list of Latin American countries - states located in South America. This is a huge territory located between the Panaman Cleans and the Strait of Drake, from which the "hand" to the coast of Antarctica.

  1. Venezuela (Caracas);
  2. Colombia (Bogota);
  3. Guyana (Georgetown);
  4. Suriname (ParamaIbo);
  5. Guiana (Cayenne);
  6. Ecuador (Quito);
  7. Peru (Lima);
  8. Brazil (Brazilia);
  9. Bolivia (La Paz);
  10. Chile (Santiago);
  11. Argentina (Buenos Aires);
  12. Paraguay (Asuncion);
  13. Uruguay (Montevideo).

Thus, there were 21 countries on our list. All of them are located on the mainland of both Americas, and their belonging to Latin America is usually not disputed. Although, as already mentioned, in connection with the same Belize, some compilers do not quite agree with this list. As a rule, this is a "pure" option, according to which the countries of Latin America are considered exclusively his Spanish state states.

But in addition to continental America, there is an island America. A considerable number of small (and at times rather large) states and semi-states are located in the so-called West India, on the islands of the Caribbean. Among them are Hispanic, such as, for example, the largest state Region - Cuba, but many and such, whose language does not apply to Latin. Nevertheless, geographically, these states are closely related to each other, they have a lot of similar history, which allows them to attract them to Latin America. Although it is obvious that the main principle in this case is the "Neighborhood factor".

  1. Cuba (Havana);
  2. Jamaica (Kingston);
  3. Haiti (Port-O-Prince);
  4. Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo);
  5. Bahamas (Nassau);
  6. Puerto Rico (San Juan);
  7. Saint Vincent and Grenadines (Kingstown);
  8. Grenada (Saint Georgez);
  9. Dominica (Rose);
  10. Barbados (Bridgetown);
  11. Trinidad and Tobago (Port-of-Spain);
  12. Antigua and Barbuda (Saint-Jones).

By these states, we limit our list of Latin America countries, although in some sources it is adjusted to 42. As a rule, it is expanding due to tiny semi-states such as British Virgin Islands, which are not truly independent countries, and constitute the so-called dependent territory. However, do not rush to think that these are colonies. As a rule, their metropolis is one of the developed countries of the world, which makes the standard of living in such quasi states rather than high.

Latin America is a huge and diverse region. To estimate its scale, we only give some data:

  • This territory is simultaneously in two hemispheres: North and South.
  • The lands of the region are washed at once with two oceans: Atlantic and quiet.
  • On the territory of the region there are Andes - the longest mountain system of the planet.
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe region is almost 21 million km².
  • About 630 million people live in the countries of the region.
  • Latin America is a bridge (think!) Between the US and Antarctica.

Studying the countries of Latin America and their capital, the list becomes clear how diverse here natural conditionsWhat a rich culture of numerous peoples that mixed here as a result of colonization, slave trade, mass migrations of the population. It is difficult to find another similar region on the planet, where the fate of peoples representing different continents would be so closely intertwined. Latin - real "Noah's Ark" mankind!

The video tutorial is devoted to the topic "The composition of Latin America. Political card. " This topic is the first in the Latin America lessons section. You will get acquainted with a variety of and interesting countries Region that play a significant role in the modern world. The teacher will talk in detail about the composition, borders, originality of Latin America countries. how additional material Three topics are considered in the lesson: "Freedom Island", "Hunt", "Capturing Grenada".

Topic: Latin America

Lesson: The composition of Latin America. Political map.

Latin America is called the Western Hemisphere region, located between the United States and Antarctica. As part of Latin America, several subregions are distinguished. This is Central America (Mexico, Central America and West Indies), Andor Countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile), La Basin countries (Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina), Brazil. The name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bcomes from the prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of Romanesque (Latin) peoples in this part of the world of the world's prevailing influence of the Peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula.

The region covers an area of \u200b\u200b21 million square meters. km with a population of more than 570 million people.

Fig. 1. Political map of Latin America ()

Latin American countries are different in the area: the largest country in the region is Brazil, the smallest are located in the Caribbean Pool.

The boundaries between countries are mainly in rivers, ridges and other orographic objects.

Economically geographical position Latin America:

1. Proximity to the United States.

2. Distance from other regions of the world.

3. The presence of the Panama Canal.

4. Almost all countries (except Bolivia and Paraguay) have access to the sea.

In the form of the board, all countries of the region are republic. Latin America includes more than 33 countries. Some countries are part of the Commonwealth (for example, Guyana, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago). Guiana belongs to France. Cuba is a socialist state.

Under the form of an administrative-territorial device, unitary states predominate, the federal structure has the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Fig. 2. Flag of Saint Kits and Nevis ()

Stages of formation political card Latin America:

1. The stage of the daughree colonization.

2. Colonial stage.

3. Poskolonic stage.

4. Stage after World War II.

On the territory of Latin America, the civilizations of Maya, Aztecs, Incans were located.

The territory of Latin America was mastered mainly Spain and Portugal.

Puerto Rico has a special status. Puerto Rico is a territory dependent on the United States and has the status of a "non-coordinated organized territory", which means that this territory is under the administration of the United States (and not their integral part), the action on the territory of the US Constitution is limited; The supreme power belongs to the US Congress, but the territory has its own self-government system.

Currently, many issues relating to borders and belonging to the territories are not solved. A bright example is the controversial Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands between Great Britain and Argentina.

Cuba.The official name is the Republic of Cuba, unofficial since 1959 - the island of freedom is an island state in the northern part of the Caribbean. Capital - Havana. Cuba is the largest island state of the region, stretching at 1250 km. It is located at the junction of the Caribbean of the Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, forming the American Mediterranean. The key depicted on the coat of arms is the symbol of why the outdoor Columbus in 1492. The island for centuries has been with a key to the new light. Cuba is a socialist state, for a long time she was an ally of the USSR.

Junta.In many countries, this word denotes various organs government controlled, including civil. In modern Russian (as in a number of other languages \u200b\u200bof the world), the word " junta" It is used mainly to designate a military dictatorship resulting from a state coup. A bright example is a government junt chili.


Topic 10, P. 1

1. What regions (subregions) are allocated in Latin America?

2. Name the features of EGP Latin America.



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 CL: Textbook for general education institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: studies. for 10 cl. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set contour cards For grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Martographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drab. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambarcumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 s.

2. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. Optimal assignment bank to prepare students. Single state exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial / Sost EM. Ambarcumova, S.E. Dukov. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Ast: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work In the format of EGE 2011. - M.: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. EGE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: Grade 10: to the textbook V.P. Maksakovsky "Economic and Social Geography of the World. Grade 10 "/ E.V. Branches. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Single State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 s.

9. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

Description of Latin America: a list of countries, capital, city and resorts. Photo and video, oceans and seas, mountains, rivers and lakes Latin America. Tour operators and tours in Latin America.

  • Tours on May around the world
  • Burning tours around the world

Latin American countries

The edge of the mysterious civilizations of the Inca, Maya and Aztecs, the Land of the Skilled Beauty and the Noble Caballers, the main tobacco and coffee regime of the planet, as well as the place of concentration of the mass of original and various traditions and cultures, Latin America is occupied by the lower edge of the North American continent, South America and the whole placer of the islands, attached near their narrowesty.

The term "Latin America" \u200b\u200barose as the designation of the dependent territories of European metropolis, whose official languages developed from People's Latin - in particular, Spanish, Portuguese, French. Today, the conversion includes a combination of "Indian America" \u200b\u200b(as more politically correct), although the region seems to remain "Latin" for travel agents and tourists.

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In the tourist sense, Latin America is a pedestrous "bouquet" of directions. For what only here is not going - and in order to personally touch the legendary monuments of architecture, and to ride jeeps in national parks and, of course, to relax in coastal hotels. The public visiting Latin American countries is the inquisitive people with money (rest in Latin America is very expensive). They have already treated a lot of light, were repeatedly in the countries of Southeast Asia and are very demanding on living conditions (70% of all tourists are booking five-star hotels). Passive lying on the beach, mostly prefer a cognitive holiday for which in Latin America has everything you need.

Among the most popular Latin American directions are Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Venezuela.

The country of South America received its independence only at the beginning of the 20th century. In difficult struggle, they walked the right to their coat of arms, the flag and their own state policy.

The overwhelming majority of Latin American states are unitary. With such a device, administrative-territorial formations within the country do not have sovereignty and live according to uniform laws. This group includes Bolivia, Columbia, Cuba, Peru, Chile, Jamaica, etc.

The federal form of the administrative and territorial structure has Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico and Argentina. In these states, territorial units have great independence, obey their own legislation and regional government.

In the constitutions of Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Paraguay and other countries, the special status of the president of the country is enshrined. The law defines the broad powers of the father of the nation, its unconditional law in all the structures of the state-owned. This form of management is called the Presidential Republic.

Geographical location of Latin America

The huge territory is located on the American continent and took area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 million km². It includes the southern part of the mainland North America and almost all of South America. Latin America stretches from north to south by almost 13 thousand km, from the southern borders of the United States to Cape Gorn - Nourin southern Points Islands Fire Earth.

The eastern coast of Latin America is washed by the water of the Atlantic Ocean, and the Western - Pacific Waves. The distance between the oceans is more than 5 thousand km, they are connected by Panama Canal - the most important transferean transport artery, which plays a huge role Not only in the Latin American economy, but also the whole world.

List of countries

More than 45 countries and independent territories settled in the Latin American region. They are very different in their geographical location and socio-economic development.

The largest countries in the region in Square:

  • Brazil - 8.5 million km²;
  • Argentina - 2.8 million km²;
  • Peru - 1.3 million km²;
  • Colombia - 1.1 million km².

The most elongated and at the same time, the most narrow Latin American state is chili. Its length from north to south is almost 4.3 thousand km, with a medium width from west to east less than 180 km. The state capital Chile - Santiago - is located at the foot of the Andes, in the zone of frequent earthquakes.

The smallest state on the Latin American map is located on the two islands of the Caribbean. Saint Kitts and Nevis occupy an area of \u200b\u200b261 km². The island capital of the Baster was founded in the early 17th century and is the oldest city West Indies. Constantly 11-12 thousand people live on its territory.

The multinational Republic of Bolivia is located in the highland part of the Andes. The country refers to the poorest states in the region. But it is distinguished by its unique identity and culture. The population leads a sober lifestyle. The Bolivian government is in La Paz. This is the highest capital (unofficial) in the world. It is located at an altitude of 4 thousand m above the ocean level. The air is badly discharged, so it is very difficult to breathe there. Rich townspeople choose deep mountain gorges for life.


Latin America belongs to the lowest regions of the planet. Today, a little more than 625 million people live throughout its territory. The average population density remains low - 31.5 people at km². Celebrated areas include states of the islands of the Caribbean Sea and the coast of the Atlantic. The population density of the central part of the region does not exceed 5 people at km².

Urbanization in Latin American countries has reached European heights. Almost 80% of the population lives in cities. Today there are more than 100 major cities in the region (with a number of 250 to 500 thousand people) and the same largest (with a number of 500 thousand to 1 million inhabitants). More than half of the whole urban population lives in millionaire cities, the number of which reached 37. The leader among them remains the Mexican capital of Mexico City, where about 20 million people live. In second place - Brazilian São Paulo (11 million people). Closes the list of record holders of the capital Peru - Lima (7.6 million people).

One of the problems caused by the rapid growth of cities is the formation of a belt of poverty around megacities. This process of false urbanization is due to the desire of poor layers to best Life. According to the calculations of demographers in the slums of Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro and Caracas lives 40-50% of the urban population.

Ethnic composition, languages, religion

For the territory characterized by a complex ethnic composition, which includes:

  • indigenous population - Indian tribes and nationalities. The descendants of the ancient Aztecs, Maya and Incans inhabited a new light long before the arrival of the colonists. Today, their number does not exceed 15%;
  • creoles - Descendants of Spanish, Portuguese and French settlers make up about a quarter of the population;
  • aphroolatino American - Dark-skinned descendants of slaves from Africa, the number of about 10%;
  • descendants from mixed marriages (Metis, Mulati and Sambo) make up more than 50% of the population.

Mixed marriages are characterized for modern Latin America, so the ethnic faces between the residents are gradually erased.

In the era of colonization to the territory of the continent, priests were actively arriving, preaching Catholicism. Today, this religion professes the vast majority of Latin Americans.

The beautiful sonor name of Latin America is the historic and cultural heritage of the region, which was formed during the colonial dependence on European countries. The colonization of peoples began here in the XVI century. Immediately after the opening of the new world, Columbus, the crowds of migrants from Spain, Portugal and France were hung on the continent. Each of them dreamed of start here new life. Someone wanted to get rich, and someone to hide from religious, political persecution and persecution of the authorities. But they all talked in Romanesque languages. And the basis of the origin of the languages \u200b\u200bof this group is Latin.

The colonial history of Latin American countries remained in the distant past. Today, almost all of them have the status of independent states (except for several dependent territories). But the population is still talking in Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Economic condition of countries

Latin American countries are states with a developing economy. This contributes to the favorable geography of the region. Almost all countries have access to the ocean, which expands world exports. The main income of the countries of Latin America is obtained from trade in combustible minerals and agricultural products (coffee, wheat, sugar, soybeans, cotton, bananas, etc.).

The huge territory of Latin America is divided into subregions. They include countries that have specific features and fectures of the economy.

The first subregion is Central America. His part of Mexico and the countries of Central America.

A huge role in the economy of the subregion of the Andean countries is played by the extractive industry and agriculture. Thanks to unique climatic conditions Alpine areas on its territory cultivate coffee, sugar cane and cotton.

Another subregion is the countries of the La Basin. The most economically developed Argentina produces tobacco products, cellulose, petroleum products and building materials. And the underdeveloped agrarian paraguay and Uruguay specialize in the production of mate, palm oil and cotton.

Suriname and Guyana specialize in bouxite extraction. The basis of the economy backward Guyana - Agriculture. Cattle is grown here and are engaged in fisheries shrimp.

The richest subregion of Latin America is Brazil. Former Portuguese Colonia today occupies a ninth line in the rating of rapidly growing global economies. The Federation is the largest supplier of mineral raw materials in the global market. Exports oil and ore minerals. A favorable climate contributes to the cultivation of cocoa beans, wheat and soy. The country is rich in forest resources.


In most states there is a hot climate, the average temperature per day exceeds 20 degrees.

Brazil known to heat permanent, the average monthly temperature in the country does not fall below 16 degrees. Rare freezers are possible only at high eastern arrays.

For Mexico, a tropical and subtropical climate is characteristic. In a number of areas located above 2.5 thousand meters above sea level, the thermometer column is shown not lower than 2 degrees in winter and up to 15 in summer. At the same time, on coastal plains, the indicator does not fall below 24 degrees.

Cuba climate is characterized as a tropical, trade house. In the coldest month in January - January - the average temperature is 22.5 degrees. Weather from May to September stands rainy, and the period from October to April is considered dry.

Interesting the fact that in Chile and Peru for a whole year can never get raining, while on the subjects of the Andes he can go for months.

Cultural values

The largest cultural confrontation in Latin America is the introduction of Christianity to the Indian tribes, which began in the Epoch of the landing of Portuguese and Spanish conquistadors. Surprisingly, such an attachment was successful.

In general, if we talk about cultural values Territories, it is necessary to note the general widespread religiosity, which is not limited to one Catholicism. For example, the Gaiti state professes Vudism - the traditional African religion.

Culture will be much varied depending on the specific country of the territory. This is due to the fact that some states are actively forming and maintaining values \u200b\u200bof nationalities (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina), and others, despite the common community and language, highly developed countries (Uruguay).


Latin American countries are considered the most criminogenic zones modern Mira. At the top of the rating of the most dangerous countries, Salvador and Honduras are standing - in these states, 100,000 people account for 64.7 and 77.5 kills, respectively. Such characteristics are due to drug trafficking, which passes through Central America.

A third place was taken by Jamaica, crime in which is high due to poverty and drug trafficking (52.5 murders).

When traveling to the Western Hemisphere, it should be remembered that it is here that more than 40% of all crimes on Earth are performed. One of the most dangerous cities of the world is the Bogota - the capital of Columbia. In addition, this country is the largest producer of cocaine in the world.

The largest cities and their attractions

Not the territories of Mexico and Peru are the sights of the times of the Great Maya and Inca. The cult facilities of Chichen-Itsa and Machu Picchu will open secrets and help to touch the history of ancient civilizations.

In Mexico City, you can visit the Palace of Fine Arts - Incredible Beauty Opera House, built from Carrara Marble. It was built in the 30s of the last century on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian A. Boari. It is worth noting the Sokalos Square, which is the largest in Latin America.

Arriving in São Paulo, it is necessary to take a look at the same name, which is considered the fourth largest gothic structure in the world. You can also go to the Powlist Museum, erected in honor of the acquisition of Brazil Independence.

Visit Rio de Janeiro followed in order to see the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which is among the new seven wonders of the world. Another miracle - Machu Picchu is located on the territory of Peru.

Machu Picchu - the ancient city of Incov

The remains of ancient civilizations

Before Europeans came to Latin America, the Mayan, Incs and Aztec civilizations existed on the territory. After them, cultural monuments remained, for example, Chichen Itza - the city, erected by Maya. On the territory of Mexico, the ruins of another ancient CityIn which the people of Totonaki used to live. Now the monument is called El Tahine.

Nature of Latin America

On its territory is the largest active volcano Planets - Kotopakh, the longest mountain range - Andes, and the highest waterfall - Angel. In Latin America, the eruption of volcanoes and earthquakes are not considered to be rare. The fauna is amazing with its animals - Guanako lamas, American ostriches and sloths who are not found in other places of the planet.

Urban sights

One of the most reliable sites of the territory are considered:

  • The historic center of Lima, located in the capital of Peru;
  • University Town in Caracas;
  • Jesuit Quarter and the Mission of Cordoba.

Going on a trip to one of the countries of Latin America, you must definitely think over the route of the visited places.

Popular countries of Latin America for relaxing Russian tourists

Thousands of Russian tourists are sent annually to Latin America countries and their capital. Russian travelers seek there to admire the unique nature of the continent and the rich culture of peoples.