Old city of Akmola. Astana: history, general position, old city


county. G. Akmolinsky region, on r. Ishim; associated with postal tract with gg. Atbasar, Kokcheketav and Petropavlovsky. Residents, along with the city of Stanice Akmolinsky, 9124 (4664 mzhch. And 4460 zhby.). One of the main points of permanent trade in the field and in general in the North Kyrgyz steppe; Folding place for European goods. Summer Fair, Konstantinovskaya - the largest in the area and in general in the area of \u200b\u200bthe northern steppes. Deposit of goods on this fair in 1902 was estimated at 2301560 rubles. In 1902, Baranov Local 65004, Semipalatinsky 35717, Semirechensky 54778, cattle 16823, 14534 and 6084, horses 5430, 304 and 0 were held.

Akmola County - One of the two southern yu. Akmola region; Square its little less than half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire area - 198960 sq. M. ver. Of 479200 square meters. faith; The figure is stretched from with on Yu, almost in the form of the right quadrangle; The highest length with C per 850 versibly, width from 300 to 400 verses. Sowing. Part of the county belongs to North. The strip of the area, to the Irtysh basin, to the district with prevailing chestnut soils, but with a rather large spread of the chernozem. Almost in the middle of the county passes a watershed, and the lying south of the country belongs to the aralocaspian basin, representing anhydrous, deserted (except for spring and autumn) to the plain and on the extreme Yu taking the name of the hungry steppe. Rivers, except for itism, consist, the greatest part, out of a number of Ples, only in spring and autumn connecting into a continuous channel; Water in them for the most part brane. In the pool, the nurses are extensive deposits of stone coal, as well as copper ores, which are still being developed only very little. Life. (1902) 212618, Of them, peasants in 9 mosses and 48 settlements 28046 (Cossacks of the only village, Akmolinskaya, are shown along with the city population), Kyrgyz 184557, in 26 mosses and 201 administrative aul. Russian settlements are grouped exclusively in North. parts of the county; Colonization meets difficulties by arid climate and water conditions; The villages are grouped mainly by Ishim, in the lakeside to with from it and in the lower course of Nursa; The south of the last Russian colonization, judging by the latest reconnaissance of the land batch of the Ministry of Agriculture, has no chance to penetrate. The greatest part of Kyrgyz makes the entire nomadic cycle in North. parts of the county; Agriculture is relatively more developed, although it is also only by the side fishery of the minority of the population. Another part cares solely in the southern strip of county, having irrigated pies on the rivers Chu and Sarysu and on the lakes. The third part of the agriculture is not at all and does not have winter housing, spending winter in reeds on r. Chu or in the sands, on the summer, by converging on the flying of the northern break of the county. In 1902, he was sown with Cossacks and peasants 126255 PD., Kyrgyz 5,7403 PD., Total 139818 PD., Including winter rye 1037 PD., Yaritsa 120 PD., Spring wheat 131805 PD., Barley 5800 PD., Millet 1056 PD ., OUTS 25171 PD., Potatoes 18669 PD. Horses 260637, cattle 204747 goal, sheep 427417, goats 48711; Pigs 6353, camels 21809, including: in peasants, Cossacks and citizens 13637, 36556, 16094, 985, 6353 and 0, in Kyrgyz 247001, 168191, 411823, 47726, 0 and 21809.

A. Kaufman.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .


Watch what is "Akmolinsk" in other dictionaries:

    Modern encyclopedia

    - (Kazakh. Akmola) (in 1961 92 Tselinograd) City in Kazakhstan, Center of the Akmola region, on r. Ishim. Railway node. 286 thousand inhabitants (1991). Mechanical engineering and metalworking (plants: Kazakhstanmash, pumping, car-repair, etc.), food, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Akmolinsk, see Astana (see Astana) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    SUM., Number of synonyms: 4 Akmola (4) Astana (5) City (2765) ... Synonym dictionary

    Akmolinsk - (Akmola) (in 1961 92 Tselinograd), city, regional center in Kazakhstan, on the Ishim River. 277 thousand inhabitants. Railway node. Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking (Agricultural Machines, Pumps, etc.), Food, Light Industry. 4 universities, 2 ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Until 1961 Name of the city of Tselinograd in the Kazakh SSR ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    City, from 26 dec. 1960 Center for the Tsinny Territory (before this center of Akmola region) Kazakh. SSR, on r. Ishim. J. d. Knot. 102 t. In 1959. March 20, 1961 was renamed to the Tselinograd ... Sovetskaya historical encyclopedia

    - (Tselinograd), Russian city in the Kazakh steppes. Founded in 1830 as a small fortress of Akmol, laid by Russian troops in the same period (Akmola in Kazakh "White Grave"). Was the center of permanent trade in the Kazakh steppe, the team ... ... Russian history

    - ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Astana (values). The city, the capital of Kazakhstan Astana Kaz. Astana ... Wikipedia


  • Reference book for Aulean Starins, Warriers and People's Judges of the Forest Management of the Areas of Akmola, Semipalatinskaya, Ural and Turgay, the background book for the Aulean Starins, the Volumers and People's Judges of the Foreganological Department of the areas of Akmola, Semipalatinskaya, Ural and Turgai / MD ... Category: Humanities Series: Publisher:

Modern Kazakhstan is the revived ancient steppes Akmol, where the city is Astana's fabulous beauty.

What year is Astana and for what reasons? The main reason lies in the fact that the former capital has become problematic in environmental terms, as well as in its uncomfortable location - in the south of the country.

A little remember the history of the formation of Kazakhstan.

The former capital of Kazakhstan, the XV-XVII century

When did Astana become the capital of Kazakhstan? Before she became her, many historical events occurred in the republic.

It is very curious that in the whole history in Kazakhstan (including the times of Khantya Kazakh) there were 9 capitals. True, some of them were capitals just a couple of years. Each represents a certain historical milestone.

The very first is the ancient city of Suzak (1465-1469). After death, the capital was transferred from the city. Now Suzak is a small village in the southern region.

The city of Signak was also once a major trading and craft center on the famous caravan path. Now around the settlement is an extensive dry steppe, overgrown with saksaul and spiny shrubs.

The next capital of Turkestan (Iasi) is the spiritual and political center of the Turks. He became the main city of the Kazakh Khanate at the end of the XVI century and was to them until the 1630s. It happened when the entire territory of the middle Syrdarya was included in the Kazakh Khanate. Today, this city is the center of Muslim pilgrimage.

Even Tashkent (now the Kazakhs conquered in 1586, in 1630 (approximately) became the residence of the Kazakh Khanate for almost a hundred years.

Capital XVIII-XX centuries

The history of the city of families (now Semipalatinsk) began in 18th of the XVIII century. The foundation of this city is associated with the name of Tsar Peter I, which issued a decree on the protection of Eastern land and on the start of construction of the Priirtish military fortifications. Also, this city was a famous place of reference (XIX - XX century) of the political minds of the Empire of the Russian.

The first fortress in Orenburg was laid in 1735 (on the site of the current Orsk) - the fortress near the river Ohhere. Based in the city in 1743. He was not long as the capital of Kazakhstan in the time of the RSFSR.

From 1925, within 2 years, the capital was the city of Ak-Mosque on then he was renamed Kzyl-Horde (Red Capital).

The former capital of Kazakhstan - Almaty

From 1929 to 1998, the capital of Almaty was the capital of the republic. There was a settlement of Almaty on the site of the city in the X-XIV century. Subsequently, in 1854, Russian Cossacks were mastered here. The large-scale development began in 1927, when the city received the status of the capital of autonomy. To this day, he remains the largest cultural center of the country.

Huge transport loading of highways, a large population (1.5 million people), dense buildings that do not allow in the future to develop the city, not a very favorable environmental situation (one of the most problematic in the environment of cities) - all this led to the change of the capital in Kazakhstan .

In which year Astana became the capital of Kazakhstan? His history

Becraid spacious steppes Akmola has long been famous for them by the fact that they were a place where the most various civilizations and cultures were intertwined. In connection with certain international, political and economic circumstances in 1997, the city of Akmola (now Astana), located in the heart of the famous Kazakh steppes, became the capital of the republic.

The endless steppe of these areas of Kazakhstan is the center of the Eurasian continent. The President of Sovereign Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev was offered to replace the capital. A special role belongs to extensive free lands in the center of the country's territory for the further prosperity and development of the city.

The centuries-old history of the new capital is also diverse. Akmola is based in what year? Astana has become the capital of Kazakhstan by law, because it deserves it. The city with the old name was founded back in 1830 by the participant (Cossack outpost). Already later, this fortress has grown and turned into a big city.

Astana is a city with the same name (translated) "White Shrine". The word "Akmola" in Kazakh means also "white grave". Such a name was explained by the location of twenty kilometers from the city of the eponymous tract, on which the grave of the local biya is located on the top of the limestone hill.

In 1998, Akmol is renamed Astana. Since then, she has been a center for public, state and cultural life of the country.

Now the name of the city means - "My Motherland". In which year Astana became the capital of Kazakhstan? Relatively recently. But for such a short period of time, the capital of Kazakhstan has turned into a wonderful, beautiful modern city. Its area is more than 200 square meters. km. Astana is becoming increasingly modern and attractive every year.


Astana - the young capital of Kazakhstan, which in just one decade has become

a very modern city and beauty architecture is not inferior to the well-known capitals of the world. Each building here is a work of art performed in the Eurasian style. Astana has become a symbol of the political and economic independence of the state, the center of public and cultural life of the country.

Astana from bird's height (or higher)

Geographical description
Astana is B. northern Kazakhstan, on the banks of the river Ishim and not far from the river Nur. The exact coordinates are located as follows:51 ° 11 '0 "northern latitude, 71 ° 24' 0" eastern longitude. Around the city, within a radius of 25-30 kilometers there are many fresh and salty lakes. Area of \u200b\u200bthe city - 71 thousand hectares

Climate Astana is sharply continental, as in all Kazakhstan. Summer roast and dry, and the winter is cold and low-speed, because in summer there can be 25-35 degrees Celsius, while in the winter exactly the opposite, -15 and less.

Winter Astana

The emergence of the city and his name

The location of Astana is a strategically favorable point of intersection of caravan pathways, ancient times attracted by the inhabitants of the steppe . Here, archaeological studies were found certificates of settlement dated by different epochs, starting with the bronze era.One of the main historical objects located within the city is the settlement of the Bozok - a monument that operated from the era early Middle Ages (VII-VIII centuries) to the era Kazakh Khanate (XV-XVI centuries).

In 1829.residents, foremen and Sultany Karpekovskaya, Altaevskaya and Kuvandyksky volosts turned to Russian authorities With a request for the opening of the outdoor district, as Kokandans raids made on them. Also, they asked to entrust this case Fyodor Shubinov, whom they knew as an honest and noble man. The West Siberian Governor Veljamin's request satisfied, finding it necessary to open "the fourth district called Akmolinsky, who, having received a firm basis and having a position in front of other districts, will protect almost all loyal volosts"

In 1830. Colonel Fedor Kuzmic Subin-second (the participant of the Borodino battle) was founded by the Cossack outpost of Akmola.

By XIX the century has become a city, an important geopolitical center of the region, actually the center of the entire district.

In 1961, Akmolinsk was renamed to the Tselinograd.

In 1992, Tselinograd renamed Akmol again, which translated from kazakh language means "white grave".This is explained by the fact that 20 kilometers from the city there is the same tract, on the top of the white limestone hill of which there is a grave of the local biya.

On May 6, 1998 by the Decree of the President of Kazakhstan, "Given the petitions of local executive and representative bodies, the wishes of the public of the city of Akmol and on the basis of the conclusion of the State Onomastic Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan," the city of Akmola was renamed Astana . The Word of Astana itself is translated from the Kazakh Sink "Capital".

Officially, Akmola was declared the capital on December 10, 1997. The international representation of Akmol was held as a new capital on June 10, 1998, but the day of the capital of Astana was postponed to July 6, on the day, when the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was born - Nursultan Nazarbayev.
In 1999, Astana, by decision, UNESCO received the title "City of the World".

So modern Astana looks like

Shopping, Social Infrastructure and Recreation

In the very center of Astana, a traditional oriental bazaar spread. Trays with sweets, rows with national clothing, souvenir shops, all varieties of kitchens of peoples Central Asia, and performance of artists.
The eastern bazaar becomes one of the traditions of Astana's birthday - this year it is held for the second time. Here you can buy unique handmade jewelry national souvenirs, taste traditional dishes.

Theater them Pogodin

The city has Akmola Regional Philharmonic, Museums (historical and local history museum, the Museum of Fine Arts), theaters (National Opera and Ballet Theater named after K. Bayseite, Kazakh Music and Drama Theater. K. Kuanyshbayev, Russian Drama Theater named after M. Gorky), libraries.
Congress Hall, Palace of Youth and the Presidential Center of Culture can also be attributed to the cultural and educational institutions of the city. Baiterek monument is the main symbol of the city.
On July 6, 2000, a Fountain "Tree of Life" was built on the project of Azat Boyarlin in the capital. On the four sides of the fountain there are figures of animals - bull, horses, camels and rams. The figure of each animal marches the head of the wisdom dragon-symbol. The construction itself is exceptionally symbolic, transmitting an eternal cycle of life. The opening of the square was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the President of Kazakhstan.
From 24 to 30 October 2006, IV Youth Delphic Games of the CIS member states were held in Astana. The preparation and implementation of the event was carried out jointly by the National Delphic Committee of Kazakhstan and the International Delphic Committee.

Weather in Astana

In informative purposes in Astana, it is better to go better in the summer when in the capital is dry and warm. Although July is the peak of precipitation, the chances of getting under the shower of the citizens a little. On the hot days, the thermometer column can rise to +40 ° C. In winter, air flows from the north bring against Siberian frosts.

History Astana

Many millennia on the territory of modern Astana and its surroundings stretched dull endless steppes, animated only at the time of spring flowering. Large settlements in antiquity here was not because of the too severe continental climate, but the trade caravans continued to stop the proof of their presence to archaeologists. The first full-fledged settlement appeared in the Astana district in the Middle Ages. Excavations on the spot ancient City So far not completed, so scientists can be enthusiastically to the Earth right in the center of Astana. The Kazakh government announced historical research Priority: First, science, and then the construction of new buildings on fully studied lands.

Modern story Cities begins approximately since 1830, when the Cossack strengthening Akmolinsk was founded to protect against the nomadic peoples of the nomads of Central Asia. Around him immediately began to settle people not a military estate. Very soon, in 1838, the fortress was burned down during the attack of steppes, but then quickly restored. The status of the city of the outstanding fortress was assigned in 1862.

For soviet power Akmolinsk remained an ordinary provincial city. The fracture occurred at Khrushchev, when the development of fertile virgin lands of Kazakh steppes began. Focused due to successful geographical position Akmolinsk was renamed to the Tselinograd. In the 70s he was planned to make the center of German autonomy, since most of the Soviet Germans expelled from the Volga region lived here during the war. However, as soon as the project was voiced, protest performances of the Kazakhs were held in the republic, and the government refused its intentions. After the disintegration of the Union, the question and at all lost the relevance: two thirds of the Germans living here emigrated to Europe. By the way, has changed significantly national composition Cities in general. About 60% of Russian lived in Soviet times in Astana, now there are less than 20%. The geopolitical catastrophe is not hidden behind these figures: the number of Russians remained about the same as in the Soviet Union, but the number of Kazakhs who came to work from other regions of the country increased dramatically. Up to 70% of internal migrants live in the city, and the government's growth of the capital and attracting new active citizens only welcomes.

History of the city name

For his 12th anniversary history, the city changed the name several times. The first of them, Akmolinsk, originated from the Kazakh phrase "Ak Mol", or "White Grave". In the vicinity of the capital, there are still several similar burials. Which of them became the source of the name, local historians decide.

The tract "White grave" is a mound from bright limestone around the Cabanbai-Batyra Mausoleum 30 km from the city. Fearless fighter with jungarian nomads died in the 70s. XVIII century. The genuine mausoleum of this period was destroyed when mastering the virgin, today Kazakhstanis come to worship his remains in a modern building. It is believed that this will help heal from diseases. Another "White Grave" is the Mausoleum of Batyr Niib-Bie on a white plot 20 km from the city.

Along with the heroic, scientists are put forward and prosaic explanations: in their opinion, "Ak Mol" can be translated as "many white products" in a reminder of local milk fairs, which came out from all surroundings. What motivated the name of the Tselinograd, is understandable and without comments of linguists.

In 1992, the city was returned the name of Akmola, but in 1998 once again changed it in favor of Astana, which in Kazakh means simply "the capital". The process of transferring the state center from Almaty was initiated in 1994, in 1998 the city presented the international community as new Centr states. The day of the capital is celebrated on July 6, when the first president of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev was born on a happy coincidence.

On March 20, 2019, the new president of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev in his inaugural speech proposed to rename Astana to Nur-Sultan in honor of the first president of the republic. Defis Writing The names are associated with the Arabic meaning of the words "Nur" - "Light" and "Sultan" - "power". The initiative was supported by the Parliament of Kazakhstan and deputies of urban maslikhat. However, at present, the decision to renaming the capital is subject to doubts, since it is not constitutional.

Attractions of Astana and the surroundings

Astana has built several monumental structures on the projects of the now healthy foreign celebrities. Especially distinguished the Englishman Norman Foster, the adept style of Hai-Tech, to Kazakhstan built in Europe and trying to conquer Moscow. Several ambitious undertakings were stopped due to the inconsistency of modern solutions to the historical appearance of the Russian capital. Since Astana has any significant meaningful historical appearance There was no, the work of the phoster was adopted favorably. The Palace of Peace and Consent, in the convenience of "Pyramid", from afar to tourists. Glass-frame construction 62 meters high for concerts, congresses, exhibitions. An opera room on 1300 spectators was opened inside the palace, at the top - the "Atrium" hall with relevant stained glass windows. At the top of the top there is a meeting room "Cradle", whose glass walls cover giant images of flying white pigeons.

Another project of the famous architect - "Khan-Shatyr", a huge shopping complex next to the park of lovers. A spectacular silver building looks like a hybrid between the traditional Kazakh yurt, circus-shapito and ready for the start of the aliens ship. The shops of the complex work until 22 hours, there are several popular cafes and restaurants, a cinema and a Sky Beach Club beach complex with blue water bodies, a transparent glass ceiling and natural sand delivered from Maldives. At the fourth level of the building, a game center with the "Dinopark" with Rostov dinosaurs and a fear of "Hunting for Ghosts" are open.

The joint project of a foreigner and the local architect is the Tower of "Astana-Baiterek", erected in honor of the transfer of the capital in the Astana district of the left bank. Especially spectacular construction looks like summer evenings when the illumination is included and fountains work. According to the authors, the object embodies the folk tree of life, whose branches hold the sun - the egg of the bird Samruk. The tower symbolizes the support of the young Kazakh state based on folk traditions, but not alien progress. The tip is a panoramic hall and bar, restaurants operate on underground floors of the tower. The cost of the ticket to the tower is 500 tenge for adults.

As relying on the real capital, Astana received its equestrian statue - the monument to Kanesary Kanesary on the Embankment of the River Ishim. A high-ranking hero in the XIX century fought for the independence of the country against the royal army, but he died from the betrayal of his associates. Another interesting area of \u200b\u200bthe city is a bunk round area, a free variation on the topic of Parisian Defans. The pedestrian space located in the lower tier decorate the sculptural compositions, flowers and fountain. The arch from the United High-rise buildings leads to the Boulevard of Nurzhol, from the opposite side to "Khan-Shatyr".

All attractions of Astana

Monuments of religious architecture

One of the largest mosques in the post-Soviet territory, Hazret Sultan was opened for believers in 2012. In the days of Muslim holidays, she accommodates up to 10 thousand people. An impressive object with snow-white walls and a black base is located east of the Park "Presidential Sayabak" and the Palace of Peace and Consent. In the interior, the mosque is striking the abundance of the Golden Decor on the capitals of columns, domes and portals with Arabic, and traditional Islamic patterns. The floor is posted bright colored mosaic with Kazakh motifs. The central part of the building is covered with a giant dome 51 m height, along the edges of which there are 8 minarets reaching 77 meters. The territory around the mosque is divided into geometrically correct zones with lawns and decorative tiles.

In multinational Astana there are temples and other religions. A new cult facility is a bright synagogue on Pushkin Street, the largest in Central Asia. In the 6th microdistrict, the Assumption Cathedral was recently built with white walls, blue roofs and gilded domes.

Museums and concert halls of Astana

Despite the young age of the capital, the largest state museums have already managed to settle in it, although the priority in this area is still remaining for Almaty. The main specialization of the city's museum institutions is the modern national art and history of Astana.

Babitshilik's street is erected similar to the mosque building - the museum of the first president of Kazakhstan. We are talking about the current head of the state, which occupies this post since 1989. The Museum of Contemporary Art on the Avenue of the Republic Since 1980, works by artists of Kazakhstan and the countries of the former USSR, historical objects are presented at the museum of the Presidential Center of Culture nearby. Has Sanat Gallery on Kunaeva Street is dedicated to current art. In the sixth level of "Pyramids" opened "Kulaksha", the center of contemporary art. The third floor of the Palace of Independence is given under the Museum of the Capital, a lattice trapezoid building on the Avenue of the same name. Not far from it there is a futuristic building of the Palace of Creativity "Shabyt". The Concert Hall "Kazakhstan" on the street Orynbor is made in the form of diverging iron sheets.

Parks Astana

The city is built in a thoughtful steppe, so the administration of the capital had to take care of planting trees to protect Astana from sandy storms and drought. Inside the city, several parks are broken, their improvement in full swing. Among the most popular residents of the capital - the Park of Lovers, the traditional place of marriage, and the presidist Sayabak, in which hundreds of citizens gather on picnics. The most ambitious urban project is the creation of a "green belt" of the capital. Already planned 70 thousand hectares, in the next 5 years, the forests will cover another 30 hectares of the territory around Astana.

Active and wellness holidays in Astana and the surrounding area

The conditions for active tourism in the capital of Kazakhstan are only being created, but now there are interesting offers. In the vicinity of Astana, in any direction, there are many lakes on which Karpov can be bought and catching. True, infrastructure in the form of access roads and equipped beaches is absent. The city of Katon-Karagay, offering guests Panthomation, is open in the city. Baths and drinks based on shutter speeds Marala and spotted deer helps from heart disease, joints, nervous and urogenital system.

On the perimeter of the city there are numerous recreation centers. Equipped with its own stables Country Club Astana in the village of International invites guests to yurts and wooden houses. All year round, guests are waiting for a sauna, fishing, paintball, in winter - skating and skiing. "Eco Village" at 13 km of Sofiyevsky highway cannot offer such a diverse entertainment program, but guarantees guests accommodation in environmentally friendly wooden houses.

Where to stay

While Astana did not become a popular tourist center, here you can find relatively inexpensive, but comfortable hotels. The cost of living in 3-star "Noele" near the station comes to 1000 p. in a day; For 1.5 thousand rubles, including breakfast, you can stay in Everest or Ak Suunar. European class hotels are an order of magnitude more expensive: a day in Ramada Plaza Astana will cost 15 thousand rubles, the prices in Mariotte and Beijing Palace are even higher.

Cafes and restaurants of Astana

There are many restaurants of national cuisine - Ukrainian, Italian, Georgian - and small snacks concentrated in shopping centers. Kazakh dishes can be enjoyed in the Kausar restaurant in the 5th microdistrict: there is a non-smoking guests and a halary menu and a room for namaz. Especially for noisy feasts, the restaurant in the peoples of the Middle and Central Asia "Alasha" near Khan-Shatyra is intended. Not so long ago in the capital, the omnipresent "McDonalds" was opened on Kabanbai-Batyra Street.

Shopping in Astana

Popular products from all over the world are represented in the capital of Kazakhstan in modern shopping centers. The range and prices of goods in boutiques correspond to the Russian. Seasons sales start in the summer and in January. In the markets, the guests of Astana will offer inexpensive, but guaranteed fake goods. At the bazaar, it is possible to bargain, but discounts will be minimal. Exchanges are recommended to acquire products of local crafts: inexpensive felt slippers with national patterns, straps of embossed skin, silver decorations, Capans are warm multicolored cotton robes or camel wool, a variety of Kazakh outerwear.

Security questions

The criminal atmosphere in Astana is an average, chances of being robbed less than in resort cities. In summer, hurricane winds are dangerous, capable of writing wood, and thunderstorms. The scourge of the former capital was considered an earthquake, Astana lies outside the seismic hazard zone, the maximum shocks make a slightly trembling dishes.

How to get

The auto traffic from Chelyabinsk to Almaty passes through Astana, like railway branches from Magnitogorsk and Petropavlovsk - a mandatory Kazakh station for many Russian trains following Siberia.

At 16 km from Astana, an international airport is located on Air Astana flights from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk and St. Petersburg, Aeroflot - from Moscow, the Kazakh Skate - from Kazan, "Russia" from St. Petersburg. Only buses and route taxis go to the city and in the suburbs of Astana, from electric transport refused due to its unprofitability.



capital of Kazakhstan. The village of Akmol or Akmola's order arose as c. adm. County Management in 1830 g. on the r. Ishim, Brod Kara-Off (Kazakh., Kara - "the black", Сопежа - "ford") . The name of the selection on the coastal reference: Akmola - "White grave" (Kazakh., Ak - "White", mall - "Tomb") . Now such an explanation of the name is considered to be unlawful literal calculations and prefer to interpret it as "Light Holiness". In 1832. g. The village was transformed into a city with the name Akmolinsk formed from Kazakh, the basics. In 1961. g. The city was renamed to the Tselinograd, which emphasized his role in the development of the virgin and landlord lands of Kazakhstan. In 1992. g. The city returned the original name in the form of Akmola. In 1994. g. It was decided to transfer the capital of Kazakhstan to Akmol, and on December 10, 1997 g. She officially proclaimed the capital of the state.

Geographical names of the world: toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


Akmola - the capital of Kazakhstan and the center of the Akmola region is located on the Ishim River. The capital became the city recently - in December 1997. Until this time, the capital was the city of Alma-Ata. The population of Akmol is about 286,000 inhabitants.
The city was founded in 1830 as a strength of Akmola. From 1961-1992 He wore the name of the Tselinograd.
The city is a railway node. It has been developed mechanical engineering and metalworking ("Kazakhstan's" plants ", pumping, car-repair, etc.), food, light industry, and the production of building materials.
The new capital is 4 universities, theater, the local history museum and the museum of the arts.

Encyclopedia: Cities and Countries. 2008 .


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    Name settlements In Kazakhstan: Akmola village in the Baiganinsky district of Aktobe region. Akmola village in the Zhangalinsky district of the West Kazakhstan region. See also Akmola former name of the capital of Kazakhstan Astana ... Wikipedia

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    Akmola. - capital of Kazakhstan. The village of Akmol or Akmola's order arose like C. Adm. County Management in 1830 on r. Ishim, in Brod Kara Szond (Kazakh., Kara Black, Ferod). The name of the selection on the coastal reference: Akmola White Grave (Kazakh ... Toponymic Dictionary