Otto Yuevich Schmidt Reasons for research. Literary and historical notes of a young technique

Schmidt Otto Yulievich is an outstanding researcher of the North, the Soviet astronomer and mathematician, the state and hero of the Soviet Union, which has achieved world recognition in the scientific industry.

At the beginning of a complex and interesting way

Who is Otto Yuevich Schmidt and what contribution to Soviet science did this person committed?

The future conqueror of the Northern Land was born on September 30, 1891 in Belarus (Mogilev city). The desire for knowledge and enormous curiosity Otto showed from childhood. Permanent moving of his family from place to place led to frequent shifts of schools (Mogilev, Odessa, Kiev). In 1909, Schmidt Otto Julievich, whose biography is a vivid example of purposefulness, graduated from a classic gymnasium in Kiev with a gold medal, then the physico-mathematical faculty of the Moscow University. In the student years, Otto was awarded award for mathematical work. At the end of the educational institution in 1913, the talented young man was left to prepare for the professorship. A significant labor in the field of mathematics was the monograph "Abstract theory of groups", published in 1916.

Brilliant Career Schmidt

Career Otto Yulievich - promising docto - rapidly advanced up. Possessing organizational abilities and actively participating in public activitiesThe young man showed himself in many spheres of life. He was engaged in the product and worked at the Ministry of Food of the Provisional Government, then the head of the Product Management Department parallel to the study of the patterns of the emission process.

From the 20s, Schmidt Otto Julievich taught mathematics in the higher educational institutionsSince 1929 he headed the Department of Algebra of Moscow University. The most effective manifest itself in the field of education: organized professional education Youth school age, Created technical schools, ensured an increase in the qualifications of workers' factories and factories, reformed the university system. It was Otto Julievich Schmidt (years of life - 1891-1956) introduced a widespread word "graduate student" into the everyday life.

The brief biography of Otto Schmidt is interesting even to the young generation, standing at the beginning of life and the path and, possibly, big changes. Under his leadership, a huge publisher was formed, the purpose of which was not commerce, but cultural and political enlightenment.

The fruit of tremendous works and efforts Otto Julievich - the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the creator and chief editor of which he was. The efforts of many cultural figures and science interested in the need for socialist transformations were combined in the preparation of multi-volume editions. The conducted studies contributed to strengthening interest in the problems of the history of science and natural science. With lectures from these areas, as well as reports of other diverse topics, Julievich often acted before a broad audience.

Otto Yulievich Schmidt: Expeditions

From youth, Schmidt was sick with tuberculosis, sharpened every ten years. In 1924, the Soviet scientist was given the opportunity to correct his health in Austria. There, Otto, Juliyevich graduated from the school of mountaineering. Being at the head of the Soviet-German expedition, in 1928 he studied the glaciers of Pamirs. The next ten years since 1928 was devoted to the study and development of the Arctic.

In 1929, an Arctic expedition was formed at the icebreated ship "Sedov", successfully reached the land of Franz Joseph. In the bay, quiet Schmidt created a polar geophysical observatory, examining the Earth and the Strait of the Archipelago. In 1930, during the second expedition, such islands such as Isachenko, a visa, long, Voronin, home were opened. In 1932, the icebreaker "Sibiryakov" for the first time in one navigation carried out a passage from Arkhangelsk in the Pacific Ocean. The head of this expedition was Schmidt Otto Julievich.

Expedition success

The success of the expedition confirmed the feasibility of active in economic purposes. For practical implementation This project was organized the main management of the head of which Schmidt Otto Julievich became. The task of the institution was the development of a complex route, its technical equipment, Study of polar subsoil, organization of comprehensive scientific work. The construction of meteorological stations was revived along the coast, a huge impetus was given for ice shipbuilding, radio communications and polar aircraft.

Salvation of Chelyuskintsev

To check the possibility of driving transportation courts of the Arctic Ocean in 1933, along the "Sibiryakov" route, Paarboat "Chelyuskin", headed by Otto Yulievich and V. I. Voronin, was served. The expedition participated in people of different specialties, including carpenters, aimed at building housing to winter workers. There should have been a group of wintering groups with families. The expedition ended dramatically: due to the strong winds and the flows of "Chelyuskin" could not reach the Pacific Ocean. The vessel was crushed by ice, as a result of which she sank for two hours.

104 people who were on the ice were forced to spend two months in the conditions of the polar winter until aviation saved them. The pilots who shot from the ice of the Chelyuskintsev became the heroes of the Soviet Union. In the last days of staying in the ruthless northern conditions, Otto Julievich fell ill with pneumonia and was shipped to Alaska. He underwent, he returned to Russia a world famous hero. With reports on scientific successes and possible prospects for the development of Arctic expanses, the researcher of the North Otto Julievich Schmidt also acted in Russia and abroad.

The title Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to Schmidt in 1937; The scientist at that time organized an expedition to the North Pole, the purpose of which was to create a drifting station there.

Cosmogonic Hypothesis Schmidt

In the mid-40s, Schmidt was put forward by a new cosmogonic hypothesis about the appearance of land and planets Solar system. The scientist believed that these bodies were never hot gas bodies, and formed from solid, cold particles of the substance. The development of this version Schmidt Otto Yulievich continued until the end of his life together with the Soviet scientist group.

Schmidt's disease

In the Great Patriotic War, Schmidt Otto Yulievich, whose biography is an example of this leader, led by evacuation processes and established the activities of academic institutions in a new situation for the country. From the winter of 1943, tuberculosis progressed, hitting the whole organism. Otto Juliyevich doctors periodically forbidden to speak; He was often treated in the sanatoriums, and in last years Life was practically chained to bed. But at any moments of improving their condition, he worked hard and even performed lectures in Leningrad and Moscow. Otto Julievich died on September 7, 1956 at his dacha in Mazing, under Zvenigorod.

Schmidt Otto Julievich: Interesting Facts

Life Otto Juliwich Schmidt Pledged steep turns: he retrained from mathematics to state Worker. Next, carried away by the creation of the encyclopedia, and then he became a traveler-discoverer. Some events in the life of this great man took place by his will, others - by coincidence. Otto Julievich Schmidt, short biography Which for the modern generation is a bright example, always worked in full force, with a maximum return, without allowing a minute of rest. A wide erudition contributed to this, tireless curiosity, organization in labor, clear logic of thinking, the ability to allocate important details on a general background of multitasking, democratism in human relations and the ability to cooperate with others.

At a certain point, the disease broke away from the people of this valeelae, a witty interlocutor, an irrepressive man of creative energy, accustomed to practical public activity. Otto Yulievich Schmidt, whose brief biography causes the sincere interest of the younger generation, did not despair: he still read a lot. Knowing about his close demise, wisely left the life and worthy. Otto Yuryevich buried on Novodevichy Cemetery. Memory of this person with a capital letter perpetuated in the publication selected Labor, assigning it to the name of the casson on the coast of the New Earth Peninsula, the island in the Kara Sea, pass, one of the peaks in the mountains of the Pamirs, as well as the Institute of Land Physics.

History of Soviet I. russian science Knows many names of outstanding figures dedicated to her their lives. Thanks to them, the level of technical progress in our country and the country was raised to the proper height. general Education His citizens. One of them was Schmidt Otto Yulievich, whose biography was based on this article.

First steps in science

Famous Soviet scientist Otto Yulievich Schmidt was born on September 30, 1891 in Mogilev. His ancestors in the paternal line were Germans-colonists settled in the XVIII century in Liflandia, and on the mother-Latvian. From early childhood, there were uncommon abilities in it, which, combined with prishability and love of knowledge, brought brilliant fruits.

After graduating with the Gold Medal of a classic gymnasium, and then in 1913 - the physico-mathematical department of Kiev University, Schmidt Otto Julievich received the right to stay within the walls of the educational institution and prepare for the receipt of the professorship. At that period, the result of his works in the field of mathematics was the monograph, published in 1916.

Social activities combined with science

As a person filled with a sense of civil debt, a young scientist could not stay aside from the events engulfed the country in 1917. Not interrupting scientific activity, Schmidt joined the work of the Ministry of Food, created by the Provisional Government, and after the victory of the Bolsheviks entered the composition of the Narkomprode. At the same time, he joined the ranks of the Russian Social Democratic Party.

In the 20s, Schmidt Otto Julievich taught in various higher educational institutions of the country, in 1929 he became the head of one of the Department of Moscow University. In parallel with this, he unfolded wide activity in the field national Education. With his participation, centers were created to prepare qualified personnel for the country's enterprises, technical schools were opened and the system was reformed. higher education. The fruit of his perennial labor was the publication of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the chief editor of which he was.

From Pamirs to Arctic

While in 1924 in Austria, where he was sent to the treatment of chronic tuberculosis, Schmidt Otto Yulievich received a unique opportunity to graduate from the mountaineering school. In those years, she was the only one in the world. The skills received during classes were useful to him during the international expedition to the Pamir, which the Soviet scientist was headed in 1928. By participating in numerous ascents, he spent great work on the study of glaciers who covered this extensive mountainous country.

However, the main business of life Otto Yuevich was the development of the Arctic. He began to him in 1929, and dedicated to this occupation for the next decade. The whole country then, without taking off, followed unparalleled, at the time, expeditions of three Soviet icebreaks - "Sedov", "Chelyuskin" and "Siberians", also headed by Schmidt.

Three victory expeditions to the Arctic

As a result of the first of them, implemented in 1929 on Sedov icebreaker, scientists managed to reach the Earth of France-Joseph, where the polar geophysical observatory began working in the Bay under the leadership of Otto, which allowed the study of the straits and islands of the archipelago.

A year later, a new expedition was made. Otto Yulievich Schmidt and the accompanying scientists then inflicted on the map five previously unknown islands, which then received the names - home, long, Isachenko, Voronin and Visa. However, the true triumph of the researchers of the North was the transition committed by them in 1932. For the first time in the history of the expedition, led by Schmidt, managed to pass the way from Arkhangelsk in the Pacific Ocean during one navigation.

This achievement laid the foundation for the subsequent development of the Arctic in the interests. national economy. Schmidt Otto Yulievich, who has headed the All-Union Arctic Institute since 1930, after unparalleled swimming on Sibiryakov, he was appointed head of the Main Directorate controlling shipping along the Northern Sea Route.

Tragedy and feat of Chelyuskin

Otto Juliavich's name is inextricably linked with the famous Epopea of \u200b\u200bChelyuskintsev, who focused on the attention of the whole world in 1933. It began with the fact that at the beginning of the next navigation on the route passed before "Sibiryakov", the ship "Chelyuskin" was sent under the command of O. Yu. Schmidt and V. I. Voronin. The goal of the melting was to check the possibility of using the transport fleet in the conditions of the Ice Ocean.

The crew included 104 people, among which, in addition to members of the ship's team, there were polar explorers with families who had to land on the island of Wrangel, as well as workers for the construction of all the structures necessary under the conditions of the polar night. This swimming, which began quite safely, ended the tragedy. At one of the tracks of the way, the vessel, unable to cope with strong winds and the flow, was crushed by ice, and after a short period of time it was sank.

Salvation and return to the Motherland

Fortunately, none of the expedition participants suffered. As the witnesses of those events told the witnesses, the last vessel left Otto Yuliyevich Schmidt. On the ice of the polar explorers had to spend two months before they were discovered and sent to the mainland Polar aircraft pilots. All participants in the rescue of the Chelyuskintsev were then presented to high government awards.

For Otto Julievich, the result of a two-month stay among polar ice It became the most severe pneumonia, which he went to Alaska. After returning to the homeland, where he was met as a hero, Schmidt repeatedly acted with reports, in which the further prospects for the development of the North, scientifically justified. In 1937, for the development of the Arctic and the creation of a drifting scientific station, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

last years of life

During the Great Patriotic War Otto Julievich led the evacuation scientific institutions, establishing their work in the rear. During this period, tuberculosis tormented him from childhood significantly aggravated and forced a scientist for a long time to spend time in various medicinal institutions. Despite all the efforts of the doctors, the state of Schmidt was irreversibly deteriorating. In recent years, it was practically chained to the hospital bed. On September 7, 1956, this outstanding person went away by opening the way to science to many of his followers and students. His dust rests on the Novodevichy cemetery of the capital.

Wife and children of an outstanding scientist

After the death of Schmidt, three of his son remained. The eldest of them - Vladimir, was born from Marriage Otto Juliwich with faith of Fedorovna Yanithsky, who gained fame as an outstanding teacher and psychoanalyst. Their Son also made their contribution to science, becoming a professor, a candidate of technical sciences.

The mother of the second son of Sigurda (the photo is in the article) was Margarita Emmanuilovna Voosker. Literary critic for education, she held a prominent post at the USSR Academy of Sciences. Sigurd Ottovich became a famous Soviet and Russian historian. From life, he went relatively recently - in 2013.

And finally, the younger son of Schmidt - Alexander, was born by the expedition to the "Chelyuskin" - Alexander Alexandrovna Gorskaya. Like all participants of that unforgettable epic, it was presented to the government award - the Order of the Red Star.

Otto Yulievich Schmidt is an outstanding researcher of the Arctic, a well-known Soviet mathematician and an astronomer who managed to achieve global recognition in the scientific field. Having devoted ten years to the study of the Arctic, he made a great contribution to the development of the geography of the Soviet North.

From Pamirs to Arctic

The famous researcher and scientist appeared on September 30, 1891. FROM early age He showed exceptional abilities in his studies, and brilliantly studied in the gymnasium, and after and in Kiev University at the department of physics and mathematics, in which he defended the title of professor.

In 1928, the Soviet scientist received an offer to lead the first international expedition to Pamir. Making numerous dangerous ascents, Otto Yulievich conducted a large-scale work on the study of glaciers of this inaccessible mountainous country.

Fig. 1. Otto Yulievich Schmidt.

The skills of the mountaineering, which were very useful during the Pamir expedition, Schmidt acquired during his stay in Austria in 1924. While in the sanatorium on the treatment of chronic tuberculosis, the young scientist graduated from a mountaineering school, which at that time was the only one in the world.

But nevertheless, the main business of the life of an outstanding scientist was the development of the Arctic, which he dedicated to ten years.

Expeditions to the Arctic

Starting from 1929 not only Soviet UnionBut the whole world was followed by unprecedented at the time of the expeditions of three Soviet icebreaks: "Chelyuskin", "Sibiryakov" and "Sedov".

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  • The first hike was performed in 1929 on the icebreaker "Sedov", which delivered scientists to the land of Franz Joseph. Under the start of Otto, Yulievich was created a geophysical station for careful study geographic objects Archipelago.
  • The next expedition was accomplished later. Schmidt and his colleagues, scientists managed to open, explore and mapping before anyone not known islands.

Fig. 2. Schmidt Polar Expedition.

  • The current triumph was the polar expedition of 1932, when for the first time in history on the icebreaker "Sibiryakov" for one navigation managed to leave Arkhangelsk to the Pacific Ocean. This discovery laid a strong foundation for the further development of the Arctic and the development of shipping in the polar regions.

In 1933, Schmidt was headed by another expedition on the Icebreaker "Chelyuskin". According to plan, the crew members had to fulfill the entire science project and on the island of Wrangel to change the wintering teams. But unexpectedly, "Chelyuskin" turned out to be clamped by the Ice of the Chukotka Sea and was crushed. In extreme conditions, polar explorers managed to escape, and none of them suffered.

Fig. 3. Icebreaker Chelyuskin.

The invaluable experience gained during the Polar Expeditions helped Schmidt to organize in 1937 the first in the Soviet Union the drifting station "North Pole-1".

(1891-1956) - a famous polar researcher.

He was an outstanding astronomer, mathematician, geophysicist, a researcher of polar latitudes.

In 1930, Schmidt goes on the icebreaker "Georgy Sedov" to the Earth, where he organizes a geophysical observatory. The next year, the icebreaker "Georgy Sedov" floats on into unexplored the northern regions. Here in August 1930, the island of a visa, named by the name of a scientist, a researcher who theoretically predicted his location there. This expedition has opened many more islands.

Since 1930, O. Yu.Smidt is appointed director of the Arctic Institute. In subsequent years, the big researchPolar stations are being built.

In 1932, Schmidt decides to go through the way - the shortest distance between and off the coast - for one navigation. On July 28, the icebreaker "Sibiryakov" came out of Arkhangelsk. Schmidt decided to go to the high latitudes bypass, like no one ever floated. In the expedition met heavy ice. Siberians lost the blade of the screw, then burst the row shaft. On the ship was sewn from the tarpaulin and put the sails. The icebreaker entered the strait, for the first time in history, passing for one navigation.

In 1933, Schmidt headed the expedition on the Icebreaker "Chelyuskin" in order to take over the northern seaway without wintering and finally convince those who did not believe in the reality of the route. The authoritative commission, which included the leading shipbuilders, considered the vessel unsuitable for long-range swimming, nevertheless, the Iceshop "Chelyuskin" reached the Arctic Hike Having on board over a hundred people. The steamer got to the strait, but here I was added to the ice and took away far to the center. After severe wintering, the ship was crushed by ice. It happened on February 13, 1934.

It happened inevitable: the left side of the "Chelyuskin" broke the ice. This is how this picture has later described this picture: "In the gray twilight there was a terrible - our ship died, our home ... Crushing, roasting, flying debris, couples and smoke clubs ..." One person died during a catastrophe, who did not have time to jump onto the ice. All others were in relative security in the ice "Schmidt camp". In the foreign world, few people doubted the tragic outcome - the inevitable death of 104 Chelyuskintsev. But their courage and excerpt, a large organizational talent O. Yu.Smidt and his assistants helped people to gain peace of mind and hope.

There was no single manifestation of panic on the ice, round the clock continued scientific research By the widest program. People who lived in tents on a scanty soldering, did not lose the presence of the Spirit. Salvation came to them from the sky. Civil and military pilots rushed to help people. April 13, exactly two months after the feast of the steamer, the last Chelyuskin was delivered to the shore.

Under the leadership of O.Yu.Smidt, the first drifting polar station "-1" was organized. On June 6, 1937, her crew began drift in the Arctic ice. This expedition laid the beginning of a new stage in.

In 1944, O. Yu.Smidt is developing. Its occurrence was due to the fact that new data appeared, which it was difficult to explain with the help of Canta Laplace hypothesis. It was necessary to have a new hypothesis, which would explain this data. She was developed by V.G.Feshenko and O. Yu.Smidt. According to this theory, the land and other celestial bodies of the solar system were formed from cold space and dust that had a disk shape. The movement of the cloud around its axis led to its seal and formation heavenly Tel. After the formation of the Earth, it began its heating and mass outpouring of lava, which led to the appearance of primary and primary formation. The formation of the primary atmosphere provoked the rainfall and the formation of the primary ocean.

Merit of Merit O. Yu.Smidt in front of the fatherland, and his name is called the peninsula in the northern part, the top and pass, B and other objects.

Foreign press called him red Columbus. Father Otto Juliwich was not captain. And Schmidt himself could soon go to tailors and shoemakers, but not only in scientists and travelers. But he was lucky: relatives decided to learn a gifted boy, whatever it cost.

He was born in 1891. Otto has not yet turned 18 years old, as it covered the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a scientist. The future mathematician and the researcher approached his dream from the point of view of accurate and scrupulous calculation - he decided to compile a list of necessary literature with an approximate number of pages and hours. The young mathematics was waiting for deep disappointment - no human life is enough to fulfill the conceived program - after all, to read the most necessary and informative, it would take for 1000 years!

In the first year of the university, he wrote a scientific work, which mathematics spoke. Lenin appointed Schmidt by a member of the board people's Commissariat. Food, and then a member of the Collegium of the Commissariat of Finance. Schmidt in finances figured out very soon, even wrote the scientific work "Mathematical laws of monetary emissions" and brought several special formulas.

In 1926, Franz Josef's land was declared the territory of the USSR, it remains only to hoist the flag and establish a polar station.

In 1929, the "Red Academic" received a proposal from the Soviet government to lead an expedition to the Arctic. The purpose of the expedition is to achieve Franz Joseph's land, deliver the wintering houses and organize the most northern scientific station. Schmidt was appointed simultaneously by the head of the expedition and the Government Commissioner of the Earth's archipelago Franz Joseph, as well as other islands that the expedition could open within the borders of the USSR.

The first day of swimming crossed the polar circle. The further went north, the more thickened icy fields with randomly sticky torus on them. It was difficult to go difficulty - the ship of the navigators - "Sedov" is not an icebreaker, but "icebreaking steamer", in size and five times less "Krasina".

It happened that a whole watch - four hours - the price of tremendous effort and a large number of coal burned in the furnaces "Sedov" made his way to the body. From the coast of the land of Franz Joseph Otto Julievich could not die more than once. Before sailing to the big land, Schmidt decided to check again, whether the polar explorers were well arranged. He was already going to go back, on the icebreaker, when the wind caught heavy ice floes into the bay. The icebreaker maneuvered far from the coast and could not approach - the shore had Melli. Schmidt decided to get without a boat. He took the Baggort and began to jump over with one ice floe to another. Sometimes he sailed on the ice, pushing off the bug. From the ship to help him sent a boat. Schmidt jumped into the boat, and she immediately turned over. From the ship descended the boat more and delivered academician on board.

On July 28, Franz Joseph's land appeared. The station was installed at Cape Sedov, under the cross, set by the Sedov himself.

On August 21, "Sedov" went into scientific swimming for the far north. The ship was going to 83 parallels and reached 82 ° 14 northern latitude. So the world diving record in the Eurasian sector of the Arctic was broken. 700 kilometers separated Sedov from the North Pole.

Suddenly, the steamer fell into ice captivity, and Schmidt with a group of volunteers decided to get to Franz Joseph's land on foot. 28 hours of wandering over drifting ice did not give any result. Further and further carried ice from the coast, and the spread was wider. Hope for salvation disappeared with every minute. And only a miracle from the icy captivity "Sedov" saved Schmidt and his companions.

August 30 "Sedov" moved on the way back. Ice prevented the ice, and Schmidt offered an original decision - to go south through the north. This circular path was at least heavy, but passable. By the end of the trip, the steamer was worn to extremes.

September 11, 1929 ended the first Arctic campaign of Schmidt. And when all the research of the Arctic government decided to focus in one institution and created the Arctic Institute, Schmidt was appointed director of this institute. During the second Arctic expedition, Schmidt decided to land a group of volunteers on the North Earth, for a period of two years.

The second swimming "Sedov" from Arkhangelsk should have solved much more complex tasks: again it was necessary to achieve the shores of the Earth Franz Joseph, to change the winters delivered to the winter and expand the station.

The icebreaker "Sedov" came out of Arkhangelsk on July 15, 1930. At first he went to Earth Franz Joseph in the bay calm and changed the wintering workers. After the bay, a quiet icebreaker went to Northern Earth. Then they found out that the Northern Earth is not an island, but the archipelago.

Two years later, Schmidt returned for wintering in the icebreaker "Sibiryakov", changed the wintering workers and decided to beat the northern land from the north. Schmidt had a map of the archipelago, compiled by an expedition.

However, the vessel lasted ice, the ice ahead of the course was exploded with dynamite. Coal ran out. But "Siberians" reinforced the Northern Earth, since Schmidt suggested putting sails. And on October 1, at 14 o'clock 45 minutes, the icebreaker "Sibiryakov" under the sail entered the Bering Strait and went out in the Pacific Ocean. For the first time in the history of mankind, the entire Great Northern Sea Path was passed for one navigation. On October 1, 1932, Schmidt turned 48 years old.

Sibiryakov solemnly met in all ports, and in Japan, he was put on a new shaft. This expedition was for the first time in one navigation to overcome the northern seaway from Arkhangelsk to the Bering Strait.

Schmidt again met his next birthday in the burden on a ship "Chelyuskin". Almost a hundred years before this swimming poishes russian fleet Semen Chelyuskin first of Europeans reached the northernmost point of the Asian mainland, called in his honor Cape Chelyuskin. Also called the steamer.

The breakdowns "Chelyuskin" began in the Baltic Sea, and when the steamer came to the ice of the Kara Sea, then the rivets were immediately flew, several seams were separated, and such a crack appeared in the vessel's housing that people passed to each other mittens. Everyone believed that driving icebreakers through hard ice "Chelyuskin". But the "Krasina" broke the shaft, and the Icereza "Litch" suffered an accident. And "Chelyuskin" passed all the way independently. A steamer dragged ice for several months. In the fact that "Chelyuskin" will be crushed with ice, Schmidt did not doubt, but hid from everyone.

It happened on February 13. Save the Chelyuskintsev was very difficult: the ship sank in such an area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean, wherever the icebreakers, no planes in winter did not get. Schmidt organized the construction of the camp and the airfield, and in the evenings he lectured.

"What would the British on the Schmidt place? - said Lloyd George to the Soviet ambassador to the Academician Maysky. - Well, of course, to maintain the spirit of the Arch Republic, he would load their work. Would take a sport, hunting ... but read lectures! Before that, only Russian could think about it! ".

Cracks split the ice. One of them broke Barack in half. People built through the cracks ice bridges. April 7, planes of Slepnev, Molotkova and Kamanina sat on the ice. Women and children flew first, the last decided to fly Schmidt. Airplanes were small. The pilots loaded people not only in tiny cabins, but even in plywood boxes that were tied under the wings.

Ices again fell on the camp. Schmidt fell seriously, he lay in a pile tent and continued to lead all the works in the camp.

"The head of the camp must fly the last," he said.

And only by order of government, Schmidt agreed to fly to the American hospital in Alaska. He was carried to the airfield on a stretcher.

After the salvation of "Chelyuskin", polar aircraft appeared in the north.

Schmidt dreamed of serious scientific work On the pole. To do this, you need to live about the pole, living for a long time, a few months. At the expedition of people Schmidt chose himself. Doubts appeared in the government, is it worth letting go to the pole of Schmidt himself? But he fogged: he could not leave people on the pole, without living their tent at least a few days. Schmidt lived with papanins 16 days.

On May 21, 1937, the first heavy four-dimensively plane - the flagship of the Soviet air expedition, headed by Professor O. Yu. Schmidt, reached the North Pole, flew slightly further and dropped into an ice field at 89 ° 26 Northern latitude and 282 ° of East longitude. On this day, the North Pole station was organized.

May 26 - June 5, the remaining aircraft of the polar squadron dropped on the same ice field. They delivered the necessary materials and reserves organized stations.

The organization of the North Pole station with heavy aircraft was a great achievement. Soviet pilots began to land on the ice fields in the throat of the White Sea back in 1927. But the state of ice the pole was almost unknown. When organizing the North Pole station, heavy aircraft made thirteen trouble-free landings and lifts with ice fields both in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pole itself and between 84 and 85 ° Northern latitude. It was the celebration of Soviet science and Soviet equipment.

On June 6, all the aircraft flew back to the big land, leaving in the ice of wintering. Soviet polar explorers not only reached the North Pole, but for the first time in the history of the Arctic, a well-equipped scientific station was organized there.

The organization of the North Pole station on the movement of ice in the Polar region was known little. It was assumed that the station would stay here for about a year, after which they would remove the same aircraft. But reality did not meet these expectations.

The ice field on which the station was arranged, began to move - first slowly, and then everything is faster and faster - to the strait between Greenland and Svalbard, and then to the Greenland Sea. The North Pole station has turned into a real expedition.

February 19, 1938, when the station was 70 ° 47 North latitude and 340 ° 12 Eastern longitude, the wintering teams of this station were removed from an almost broken ice field with a trimmer "Taimyr" and Murman's icebreaker. Total drift station lasted 274 days during the distance, if you count in a straight line, about 2,100 kilometers.

As a result of the work of the North Pole station, it was found that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Pole there are no islands and land and cannot be; The relief of the seabed throughout the drift was studied; It has been established that the warm atlantic waters are deeply penetrated from the Greenland Sea to the Pole; refuted the assumptions about the almost complete lifelessness of the indocent district; The movement of ice and upper (up to 900 meters) of water layers under the action of wind is studied. Valuable results were given gravimetric and magnetic observations. Meteorological observations destroyed the previous ideas about the structure and circulation of the atmosphere in the indocent areas; In particular, they showed that cyclones, at least in the summer, the case breaks down to the pole, while some assumed that the region of high pressure is constantly held over the pole.

Of great importance is practical and theoretical - have observations of drift and behavior of the centerpieces of the Central Arctic. The very fact that wintering workers in 9 months were south of 71 ° Northern latitude, contrary to the assumption that they will spend in high latitudes about a year proves how erroneous ideas about the movement of ice in the Arctic basin were.

O. Yu. Schmidt led several polar expeditions to open the Northern Sea Route. The greatest achievement of Schmidt was the preparation and organization of the first drifting stations led by Papanin.

In 1939, Schmidt elected the first vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR, he founded the Earth's Geophysics Institute, was the creator and editor of a large Soviet encyclopedia. Schmidt Otto Yulievich died in Moscow in 1956. In the last years of his life, the scientist has developed a new version of the origin of the Earth.