Hyperactivity symptoms in a child, correction, recommendations for adults. What is ADHD: symptoms, treatment of attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in preschool and school children

Each mom needs to know the signs of hyperactivity in children under 3 years. Contrary to popular belief, hyperactivity is not just the inability to stream in place, inattention, excessive noise and mobility of the kid. This is a diagnosis that should put you the doctor's neuropathologist who knows your child and watching it for a while.

Head brain forms nerve impulses too fast. These processes interfere little man Focus on some kind of fact, switch from active games to a relaxing rest, fall asleep. Hyperactivity can begin in a child not in the "difficult" three years, but much earlier. Some symptoms can be recognized in infancy. And the sooner you do, the better you and the child.

Here are some distinctive features Hyperactivity children:

  • The child is physically developing faster than its peers. Such kids are early sit down, get up, start walking and crawling. They often fall from sofas and reduce these parents crazy, while their peers still peacefully lie in the cradle. By itself, this sign does not mean anything if there is real hyperactivity, it will manifest itself somehow.
  • These children cannot just fall asleep or relax, if they are very tired. Instead of sitting, the hyperactive baby will begin to "cut" the circles around the apartment with shouts on a rabid speed, and then. To put sleeping a child with such a diagnosis is difficult even in infancy, often mom has to download for a long time and carry his child on her hands before finally a dream comes.
  • From the very beginning of life, hyperactive children sleep less than the rest. Newborn spend in a dream most of the day, but not those whose hyperactivity. These kids can be awake at 5 o'clock, for a long time to cry, but do not fall asleep.
  • Another manifestation of ADHD is sensitive. The child wakes up from every row, shudders from any minor noise. Put it to sleep back is very difficult, you have to scold and wear in your arms
  • Changing the situation, guests, new faces - all this for a hyperactive child's trial. He hardestly withstands such an active lifestyle of Mom, can fall into hysterics from a lot of impressions, long restored and comes to itself after the full emotion of the day. From a rapid delight, he goes to a long cry, then falls asleep in gear from tears. The more people indoors, the more the child is tired.
  • Symptom of ADHD, that is, attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity is a strong attachment to mom. The kid is afraid of other adults, does not come to contact, hiding behind the mother. Such children are jealous of mom to a stranger and each conflict turn into hysterics.
  • A girl or a boy with a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity cannot live for a long time. Any toy quickly bored, the baby takes one thing and throws, then it takes for another and also throws.
  • Frequent mood change - an important symptom of ADHD. Just a child laughed, and now screaming and crashes everything from anger. If this happens often, it is worth bringing it to inspection to the neuropathologist.
  • Not only impulsiveness and irritability signals the problems of the nervous system. If the child often floats somewhere in dreams, thinks and does not hear that they appeal to him and does not pay attention to what is happening around - this is also a reason to ask a question to a neurologist.
  • ADHD is often accompanied by the depressive mood of the child, fear. You may notice that the baby began to be closed, looks sad and tired. He seemed to lose interest in games and hobbies. Fears can make a child are unnecessary touchy and disturbing.
  • Hyperactive children often twitch their hands and legs, die on the chair when you need to sit quietly. Standing in the queue for play, they can bounce from impatience. If you play with such a baby in a quiz, there is a chance that it will shine the answer even before you say a question completely.
  • Loss of things, mistakes because of the inattention, switching to things that are not related to the point are the eternal satellites of patients with a diagnosis of ADHD.

All these signs do not say that your child has a diagnosis of hyperactivity. He should put a neurologist. A similar behavior is found in healthy children and is a consequence of their healthy temperament. In order not to raise a good time to panic and not to heal a healthy child, you need to be very responsible to approach the issue of diagnostics and not judge by several symptoms "on the eye".

A healthy child can also run, jump and stand on the head, but he does not fall into hysterics, but will come quietly sit, watch cartoons. Another difference is a healthy child easy to distract from hysteria toy, a song, a bird outside the window. Good long sleep and rapid falling are also a sign of a healthy nervous system.

Syndrome deficit attention and hyperactivity is not quite a disease. With the right approach and behavior of adults, this state will develop the child, and in the future the peculiarity of the brain will not give him problems.

The causes of the child's hyperactivity can be hidden during pregnancy Mom. If she suffered all the pregnancy from toxicosis and increased pressure, And the child is from intrauterine hypoxia, the risk with a probability is 3 times higher than usual, that the child will be born with a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity.

Stresses, hard work or smoking during pregnancy can also affect the health of the nervous system of the future kid. In addition to perinatal factors on the brain, it may affect the flow of labor. In the risk group, the genus by caesarean section, protracted labor with fetal hypoxia, a long-term anhydrous period and the imposition of forceps, and, on the contrary, very rapid labor.

The doctor asks for a mother about a family history, whether people were in the family with such a diagnosis, asking to give the characteristic to the baby. It is important to tell a neurologist about everything that causes suspicions, whether it is a bad sleep or strong excitability. There are certain criteria for the diagnosis approved by the American Psychiatric Organization, it is with them a neuropathologist relates their parents' stories.

In addition to conversations, there are hardware diagnostic methods, such as electroencephalographic research or research using magnetic resonance imaging. These are completely painless methods that can give a complete picture of the child's nervous system.

How to raise a child with hyperactivity

If you are a hyperactive child mom, try not to overload his psyche with unnecessary bright impressions and noise. Thoroughly think about visitors and family holidays, visits to parks and cultural events. Do not include the background of the TV, long watch cartoons. After watching the cartoons, children often get tired very much, without understanding.

Several tips for communicating with hyperactive children:

  • Clearly formulate your requests and requirements. Do not speak long offers and ornate language, do not load the request to remove toys with extra morality and meaning. The baby with hyperactivity is poorly developed logical and abstract thinking, it will be difficult for him to understand you.
  • Formulate prohibitions correctly. Try to limit the use of denying and the words "no", instead of "do not run around the club" say "run in the sidewalk". Any ban should have a reason, clearly and briefly explain to her child. Offer an alternative. For example, it is impossible to beat the cat, but it is possible to stroke. It is impossible to pour water from the mug to the floor, and you can in the bath.
  • Do not forget about the sequence. You do not need to put several tasks at once. "Clean the toys, my hands and go there," he will most likely not understand. At some stage will distract, will forget that it was required of him, play. I write every request separately, first about toys, when toys are removed, - the time to wash your hands, and only then invite to the table.
  • Help orient time. Instead of dragging a child from a walk home right away, warn it in advance that it's time to go home - 20 minutes to the right time, for example. After 10 minutes, remind again, after five - again. By the time of fees, the child will be morally ready for what you need to switch from the game. The same applies to "It's time to go to bed" and "It's time to turn off the cartoons."
  • Give a choice. Offer the child to choose from two toys, garments, from two or three dishes. This formulation of the usual "dress" and "go eat" gives the child the feeling that he himself can take some decisions, which means that Mom trusts him.

If we clearly see that the child has been transported and does not cope with emotions, fight him in a quiet place, for example, to another room, offer it water. Helps help, stroking the head. The child should feel that Mom is calm and that she loves him. The observance of rituals, a bath with hop chip extract or needles, reading a book helps before bedtime. You can make a light massage, sing a quiet song. It is not recommended before bedtime watching cartoons, a maximum of one short cartoon duration of 10-15 minutes.

Rules for parents

Observe a clear routine of the day. For a child with ADHD it is necessary. , sleep and bathing - everything should happen at the same time. It will help her beloved child tune in advance and will give him a sense of calm and solid soil under his feet. In nutrition, it is worth limiting the consumption of food additives and dyes, the use of chocolate and a large amount of sugar and salt.

In the room, the baby should not have many bright distracting pictures, a large number of scattered toys lying on the floor and dissipating his attention. At all little child Nick toys one or two, remove them as soon as he lose interest. 2-year-old can already take part in cleaning.

Every time the child coped with him, the hysterious fear and could calm down on time, praise and encourage him. Positive reinforcement will help him regulate his behavior. Your relationships should be trust. Believe me, he is so hard, you should not exacerbate the deal with swear and quarrels.

Advocacy creates intuitive fear in children and leads to neurosis. For yourself, determine what it is impossible and why, do not retreat from the accepted framework. It is important not to overdo it with the prohibitions. You can note the success of the child with an asterisk, and when they accumulate 5 or 10, to reward the kid with a cute present.

Remember, the baby behaves so much, it does not have called you, he himself is hard to cope with him. He attracts attention to his attention, asking for your help. Be an ally of your child in conflicts on the playground, do not listen to relatives talking that you do not need to take a child in your arms and soothe, and the advisers with the eternal "let" be blunting. " In a difficult moment, a small person needs a loving and calm mom nearby, her support and understanding.

Medication therapy for the treatment of ADHD

A child with ADHD is useful to take multivitamins and mineral supplements, it is worth enriching omega-3 fatty acids. Eico-seated acid (ESPK) and docosahexaenic acid (DZGK) are especially important, they are often lacking in the blood of attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome. Very useful for the work of the nervous system, the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6. Patients have a decrease in aggressiveness and improving attention, after. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe soft sedatives, such as Valerian and dyeing.

Russian doctors often prescribe nootropic drugs (piracetam, glycine, phenibut, pantogam) to improve metabolic processes in the brain and increasing the tone of the cortex to patients with ADHD. Clinically, their effectiveness has not been proven, but neuropathologists often note in practice the improvement of the state of children with hyperactivity and decrease in the severity of symptoms of attention deficit syndrome.

Diet in the treatment of hyperactivity

Many parents celebrate the improvement of the state of children while respecting the gluten-free diet. Another helps a diet with the exception of sucrose and starch. For patients with hyperactivity, everything is useful for brain fabrics: a large amount of protein from meat, nuts and legumes, carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits, fatty varieties of fish, olive oil. Exclude a child of sweets and snacks from the diet with preservatives and taste amplifiers, dyes.

Experts advise moms and dads to find those products to which the baby can have individual intolerance. To do this, make the product rotation, enter the food diary. Alternately exclude one product from the diet of the child and follow its condition.

If the child goes to kindergarten, talk to the tutor, tell about the problem. Hyperactive children need a special approach and attention. Teachers working with a child should know his diagnosis and features. The same applies to relatives and friends of the family, often among you at home. Hyperactivity is a diagnosis that your baby will definitely develop if you learn about it in time and provide the child to the right care and help. There is nothing terrible in it, mostly adult people suffering from ADHD in childhood, forget about their condition and live just like all healthy men and women. There is a chance that after a year or two of the right treatment, you get rid of any manifestations of hyperactivity.

Or just active. Only a specialist on certain symptoms will be able to determine the state of your baby. Some say that hyperactivity is a disease, others believe that the child's character is so much. Where is the truth yet? What is hyperactivity? What is your baby? What is the activity of crumbs to do in this case? You will learn about this and many other things now.

What is children's hyperactivity?

Children cannot be similar to each other: one active, other calm - all of them are individual. Many mothers argue: they say if they have a baby too mobile, it means that he is hyperactive. However, this is not quite true. Hyperactivity is overexcited that is accompanied by too much activity.

This state is characteristic of it always, even at night. You can't sit in one place, walk slowly - too. Everything is done very quickly and not always thoughtfully. At the same time you never know what to expect from a hyperactive person next minute. All solutions he takes spontaneously. It is believed that such a child is not paying enough attention. Therefore, he invents new pranks. Hyperactivity is it brightly begins to be expressed at the age of two, and to school age, the momentum is gained, and then the baby becomes uncontrollable: it ceases to fully observe the discipline, manifests his aggression, grows adults. There are no authoritative for such children. About 150 years ago, doctors tried to understand and solve the problem of hyperactivity. To date, some issues are disclosed, but not all. There were many books and tips on this.

What is the difference between children's activity and hyperactivity?

Active children are very nimble, these are fidgets who constantly want to know everything. They know the world due to their exhaustion. But at the same time they listen to adults, they can be carried away for a while an interesting occupation. For example, laying, applique or folding puzzles. It all depends on the interests of the child. Excessive emotions they have rarely manifest. If active children bothers nothing, they are not hungry and not sick, then only their laughter is heard. Mobility is often manifested only at home - visiting or on a walk, the baby behaves differently, more modest and quieter. The active child does not conflict with children, but if he is offended, letting it, without thinking. He himself does not provoke scandals. Physical activity is accompanied by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energetic, obedience. During the day, the child gets tired, so sleeping at night very well.

Hyperactive children may also be injured, but not more than 10 minutes. Their calm state does not happen. The kid demonstrates his behavior absolutely everywhere, does not know what shyness is. Says quickly, jumping with theme on the topic. Specifies a lot of questions. Without waiting for an answer, asks on. In speech it is noticeable that he does not agree with the endings, so quickly wants to say something. Sleeps in constant anxiety, spinning, falls out of bed, emotions and behavior of uncontrollable and uncontrollable are possible. Physical activity develops quickly into aggressiveness. In the company, hyperactive children are quite often conflicted with everyone.

Hyperactivity in children: symptoms

Your child can not sit calmly in one place? Do not immediately run in the doctors and think that he has children's hyperactivity. First, pay attention to the features of the activity of your baby:

  • anxiety and impulsiveness;
  • inattention;
  • aggression, nervousness and endless hysteries;
  • problems in communicating with peers and adults;
  • immunity to learning;
  • clumsiness, inability to bring to the end;
  • indiscipline.

All of the above features and characterize hyperactivity. The symptoms that you discovered should be alert. Perhaps it is worth applying any measures to improve the behavior of your Chad. After all, aggression is manifesting too often and pronounced.

Any parents will be tired of fighting with such behavior. These kids quickly lose contact with friends, in the end, no one wants to be friends with them, and even adults try to avoid communicating with such personalities. If they got a task, you will never be able to fulfill it completely, since too overwrites are not excited, are inattentive and can forget about him of serious work. Pay attention to the hyperactivity in children. Symptoms they may differ. After all, as already mentioned, every child is individual.

Nutrition of hyperactive children

Everyone knows that the nutrition of each child should be full and balanced, and most importantly - useful. If ordinary kids parents allow you to eat a chocolate or candy, then from the diet of hyperactive such a product should be excluded. At the end of winter - early spring it is necessary to give a complex of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. As soon as they begin to appear on the gardens and on the trees, the first vegetables and fruits, be sure to turn them on in the daily menu. And in general, they must be attended on your desk.

Fish once a week, and better two should be present in the diet of your baby. The same applies to all products where there is magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. But the cakes, cakes, sausages, purchased dumplings a child should not even see. They are harmful not only to health as a whole, but also for the behavior of the child. This is proven by doctors for a long time. In addition, it is necessary to remember that children with hyperactivity it is necessary to give food solely in time. Many people do not believe that the behavior of the baby depends on the power mode, but the science is proved that this is so.

Why appeared hyperactivity

Where did this behavior come from? Maybe she was inherited? So consider many parents. However, the reasons for hyperactivity should be found in the other. Remember how your pregnancy flows. Perhaps Mom has a lot nervous, sick or took drugs, which later affected the baby. It even happens that the woman led too much an active lifestyle, thanks to which Kroch still began to get used to it in the womb. Heavy childbirth can also provoke a kid hyperactivity. In addition, it is quite often a reason for the lack of attention from others. Perhaps relatives of the child do not communicate with him or play. Then the kids are trying to attract the attention of adults with their terrible behavior.

Hyperactivity provoking factors

Parents are happy if their baby is cheerful, cheerful and active. However, when the baby wakes up aggression and incomprehensible behavior, adults do not understand what provoked this situation. First of all, pay attention to your own attitude towards your baby. Perhaps you are not good enough and affectionate. Such behavior is possible if the child is often eating food in which pesticides are located. It is very harmful effect on the kid. The carbonated water also enters the list of prohibited products.

So try to avoid eating harmful food. Relationship in the family, in mindfulness to the child - all this affects the state of the nervous system of the baby, remember this.

What do the doctor's say

Opinions of specialists were divided. Some are confident that the hyperactivity in children is school age - Normal phenomenon, others say is a serious illness. The pediatrician sends a patient to a neuropathologist and psychiatrist. European scientists believe that such a disease, like hyperactivity, does not happen. Just a child is very smart and restless, and over time he will definitely grow out. Hyperactivity is a myth, not a disease. It was invented in the early 80s to justify the increased activity of the carappow. In addition, it turns around, the age of children is also important. The study showed that schoolchildren to the second or third class behavior changes. They become calmer and balanced. If the child is too nervous and inattentive, perhaps he has a psyche violated. However, according to European doctors, it is not worth a pack of children with psychotropic and other medicines. The consequences may be undesirable. In the future, the child can no longer feel normally without medicines. This is even more affected by his psyche. It is better to achieve normal behavior of fidgets in gentle words and conversations. Always need to remember: all the achievements or problems of the child are the wines of the adult and environment.

Games with hyperactive children

Any child needs to be able to lure. Games for children preschool age Suggested to the greater extent. So kids will spend their energy with benefit. To develop attention and obedience, you can play the game: "Make it all the opposite." Adult lowered right hand - The baby raised his left. Adult closed one eye, and the baby is another, etc. Play with the child to the game "Edible - Inedible". Only the theme needs to be changed very often so that the baby is not tedied. For example, voiced the names of the furniture - the child catches the ball, utter a different word that does not relate to the themes - beats. Working with children with high activity is carried out regularly. So they will feel that they are given sufficient attention, and they will behave energetically, but without unnecessary, no one needed emotions. From time to time play with babies into noisy and emotional games.

Thanks to them, the kids develop dexterity, thinking, moving children love the game "Molchanka - Crochet". Adult prepares 3 circles in advance, the colors of which correspond to the traffic light. Show the baby red, at this time, let him run, shouts, knocks, etc. (2 minutes). Show the yellow circle - the child should talk and do everything very quiet. Green color means that you need to silence and do nothing at all for 2 minutes. With each "session" time increases. The next movable, but a inappropriate game hobble for some time children. This "the sea is worried about" - fun, known for a long time. She forms obedience and fantasy from restless. For all age groups you can find interesting games. Parents and educators interested in lowering the hyperactivity of the child must learn to make noise with him, shout, run and jump. Now you will see how the kid will change.

With hyperactivity, work with children is carried out regularly. They should feel constant attention from others. Organize the baby a clear routine of the day. Try to eat and lay down to sleep at the same time. Be sure to listen to the mind of the child, do not ignore it, even if it seems to you that he speaks absurd things. If you think that the baby is wrong, prove your point of view, just not hard. The child will believe reliable facts, find and give examples. Try to formulate your request clearly, without a scream, in a friendly tone. When the child began to be capricious or to test, try not punishing or beat it, but to distract the game.

Even a banal kiss will calm the swelling baby. If no requests and persuasions act, leave it one - you will see when he understands that there is no one to roll hysteria, he will calm down. The child often say the word "impossible" is undesirable. It is necessary to formulate a ban in such a way that it looks like a request. If you prohibit him to drink the subject in the outlet, try to explain why it is dangerous. An incomprehensible punishment for the child provokes terrible hysteria and scandal. You do not need to order, it is better to just calmly ask. If the child does not want to apologize, it is not necessary to force it, as the nerves of each family member will be spoiled.

As mentioned above, games for children of preschool age should be a mandatory occupation, and they should play both with other guys and with adults. Hyperactive children should not be given a few tasks at the same time: after the first such a child is fulfilled, it will still forget what to do next. It is better to ask for one or another task in stages. Do not let the calm baby - it negatively affects its general condition. It is better to provide regular full-fledged nutrition instead of drugs, and do not forget about vitamins - there should be a lot of them. The hardness in the upbringing should be present, but only without negative emotions. Keep away the kid ability to bring things to the end, without stopping at half the way. Each child has signs of hyperactivity individual. Affectionate and good attitude will change his behavior.


In the case of hyperactive children, remember that you need to apply the specific methods of upbringing and games, if you want to achieve the desired result. Parents and teachers should work together with such babies. The educator of a kindergarten or psychologist must explain to parents that in the family there can be only a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, so as not to provoke the hysteries of the crumbs. From the birth itself, you need to gently demand accuracy and obedience. He must be able to respect others, communicate with them in the pressed tone: do not be sad and not to handle. Hyperactive kids are not very different from active sumps. A little bit of perpetuity - and with them you can communicate quite normally. Just every little man wants constant attention. The faster the teachers and parents begin to work on the hyperactivity of the child, the more effective there will be a result.

Each child is active and inquisitive, but there are children whose activity is raised compared to peers. Is it possible to call such children hyperactive or is it a manifestation of the nature of the child? And is it normal than the hyperactive behavior of a child or does it require treatment?

What is hyperactivity

It is so abbreviated called the deficit syndrome and hyperactivity, which is also denoted by the ADHD abbreviation. This is a very common violation of the brain in childhoodwhich also has many adults. According to statistics, 1-7% of children have hyperactivity syndrome. Boys are diagnosed with 4 times more often than girls.

On time recognized hyperactivity at which therapy is required, allows the child to form a normal behavior and better adapt to the team among other people. If you leave a NDHD from a child without attention, it is preserved at an older age. A teenager with such a violation worst acquires school skills, more inclined to asocial behavior, he is hostile and aggressive.

ADHD - excess impulsiveness syndrome, hyperactivity and stable inattention

Signs of ADHD

Not every active and easily excited child refer to the categories of children who have hyperactivity syndrome.

To diagnose ADHD, the child should identify the main symptoms of such a violation that manifests themselves:

  1. A deficit of attention.
  2. Impulsiveness.
  3. Hyperactivity.

Symptoms usually arise under the age of 7 years. Most often, parents notice them in 4 years or 5 years, and the most frequent age period of appeal to a specialist is 8 years old and older when a child faces a lot of tasks at school and at home, where its concentration and independence are needed. The kids who have not yet turned 3 years old are not immediately the diagnosis. For them, some time is observed to make sure the ADHD is available.

Depending on the prevalence of specific signs, two subtypes of syndrome are distinguished - with a deficit of attention and with hyperactivity. Separately allocate a mixed subtype of the ADHD, in which the child has symptoms and attention deficit, and hyperactivity.

Signs of hyperactivity are more often observed in children 4-5 years

Manifestations of attention deficit:

  1. The child cannot focus on the items. He often has careless mistakes.
  2. The child does not work for a long time to maintain attention, because of which it is inconspicuous during the execution of the task and often does not fulfill tasks to the end.
  3. When the child appeals, the impression arises that he does not listen.
  4. If you give the child a direct instruction, it does not perform it either begins to perform and does not finish.
  5. It is difficult for a child to organize its activities. He has frequent switching from one classes to another.
  6. The child does not like the tasks for which a long mental tension is required. He tries to avoid them.
  7. A child often loses things that he needs.
  8. The kid easily is distracted by outsided noise.
  9. In everyday affairs, the child marks increased forgetfulness.

Children with ADHD there is scattering attention

Hyperactive children are difficult to perform tasks that require mental tension.

Manifestations of impulsiveness and hyperactivity:

  1. The child often stands out.
  2. When a child is worried, he intensively moves his legs or hands. In addition, the baby periodically burns in the chair.
  3. It rises from the spot very sharply and often runs.
  4. It is difficult for him to participate in calm games.
  5. Its actions can be described as "heads".
  6. During classes, he can shout out or noise.
  7. The child responds before he explores the question completely.
  8. He can't wait for his turn during class or games.
  9. The child constantly interferes with other people or their conversations.

To make a diagnosis, a child must have a minimum of 6 signs from those mentioned above, and they must be celebrated for a long time (at least half a year).

How the hyperactivity is manifested at an early age

Hyperactivity syndrome is detected not only for schoolchildren, but also in children of preschool age and even in infants.

The smallest such problems is manifested by the following signs:

  • Faster physical developmentif compared with peers. Babies with hyperactivity are much faster turning over, crawl and start walking.
  • The appearance of whims when the child is tired. Hyperactive kids before bedtime are often excited and becoming more active.
  • Less sleep duration. The kid with the ADHD is sleeping much less than it should be at his age.
  • Difficulties with falling asleep (many kids need to scream) and very sensitive sleep. Hyperactive child Reacts to any rustle, and if wakes up, it is very difficult to fall asleep again.
  • Very rapid reaction to a loud sound, a new situation and unfamiliar faces. Because of such factors, kids with hyperactivity are excited and begin to capricious.
  • Fast switching attention. Having suggested a new toy with a new toy, Mom notices that the new subject attracts the attention of the crumbs is quite briefly.
  • Strong attachment to mom and fear of foreign people.

If the kid is often capricious, reacts violently to a new environment, sleeps little and difficult to fall asleep, it can be the first signs of ADHD

ADHD or character?

Increased activity of the child may be a manifestation of its congenital temperament.

Unlike children with ADHD, temperamental healthy child:

Causes of hyperactivity of children

Previously, the occurrence of ADHD was associated mainly with the lesion of the brain, for example, if the newborn suffered hypoxia when he was in the maternal womb or during childbirth. Nowadays, studies have confirmed the effect on the emergence of the hyperactivity syndrome of the genetic factor and disorders of the intrauterine development of crumbs. The development of ADHD is also facilitated by too early childbirth, cesarean cross-section, mildness of crumbs, long anhydrous period in childbirth, use of forceps and similar factors.

ADHD may occur with complex childbirth, impaired intrauterine development or inherit

What to do

Suspension from your child hyperactivity syndrome, the first thing to do is to go to a specialist. Many parents appeal to the doctor not immediately, as they do not decide to recognize the problem in the child and are afraid of condemnation of acquaintances. These actions are missing time, as a result of which hyperactivity causes serious problems with the social adaptation of the child.

There are also parents who lead a completely healthy child to a psychologist or psychiatrist, when they cannot or do not want to find approach. This is often observed in crisis periods of development, for example, in 2 years or with a three-year crisis. In this case, no hyperactivity at the baby is not.

Finding some signs of hyperactivity from your child, contact a specialist unstring this problem for later

In all these cases without a specialist to determine whether the child really needs health care Or he just has a bright temperament, it will not work.

If a child is confirmed by hyperactivity syndrome, then methods will be used in its treatment:

  1. Explanatory work with parents. The doctor must explain to his mother and dad, why the child appeared hyperactivity, as such a syndrome, how to behave with the child and how to bring it up. Thanks to such educational work, parents cease to blame themselves or each other in the behavior of the child, and also understand how to behave with the baby.
  2. Change of training conditions. If hyperactivity is diagnosed with a schoolboy with bad performance, it is transferred to a specialized class. It helps to cope with the delay in the formation of school skills.
  3. Medical therapy. Medicinal preparations appointed with ADHD are characterized by symptomatic effects and are effective in 75-80% of cases. They help relieve social adaptation Babies with hyperactivity and improve their intellectual development. As a rule, medications are prescribed for a long period, sometimes before adolescence.

Treatment of ADHD It takes not only medication, but also under the observation of the psychiatrist

Opinion Komarovsky

A popular doctor faced many times in his practice with children who were diagnosed by ADHD. The main difference of such a medical diagnosis from hyperactivity, like character traits, Komarovsky calls the fact that a healthy child hyperactiveness prevents developing and communicating with other members of society. If the child has a disease, he cannot be a full member of the team without the help of parents and doctors, to learn and communicate normally and communicate with peers.

To make sure that the child or he has a SDVG, Komarovsky advises to appeal to a children's psychologist or psychiatrist, since only a qualified specialist not only will easily reveal hyperactivity from a child as a disease, but also help parents understand how to raise a child with ADHD.

  • When communicating with the kid, it is important to establish contact. If required, for this child can be touched by the shoulder, deploy to yourself, remove the toy from its field, turn off the TV.
  • Parents must define specific and fulfilled rules for the child, but it is important that they always adhere to them. In addition, each such rule should be clear to the child.
  • The space in which a hyperactive child dwells must be completely safe.
  • The regime should be adherence constantly, even if the parents have a day off. Hyperactive children, according to Komarovsky, it is very important to wake up, eat, walk, swim, fit to sleep and make other familiar daily activities at the same time.
  • Everything complex tasks For hyperactive children, it is necessary to break into parts that will be understood and easily performed.
  • The child should constantly praise, noting and emphasizing all the positive actions of the baby.
  • Watch out that the hyperactive child succeeds best, and then create such conditions so that the baby can perform such work to get satisfaction from it.
  • Provide a child with hyperactivity the opportunity to spend an excess of its energy, directing it into the right direction (for example, walk with a dog, attend sports sections).
  • When gathering with a child in a store or a visit, think about your actions in detail, for example, what to take with you or what to buy a child.
  • Parents should be taken care of their own rest, because, as the Komarovsky emphasizes, it is very important for a hyperactive baby that dad and mom are calm, peaceful and adequate.

From the following video you can find out even more about hyperactive children.

You will learn about the role of parents and many important nuances, looking at the video of the clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova.

Hyperactive child is not a disease. All children are different, they are often characterized by the pace of physiological development, tendency, character and temperament. Some kids can safely spend time, with their toys, books and coloring, others can not be ignored and five minutes. There are children who are difficult to focus on something, do not die for a long time in one place - for example, sit in the hairdresser, in class in children's garden Or at school, for them to facilitate to keep track of the playground.

Such kids are not easy to study - this is hyperactivity. The brain of a hyperactive child with difficulty concentrates attention and perceives information. Hyperactive children quickly change the scope of activity, they are impulsive and non-dismissed, specific in communicating with adults and peers, in the manifestation of their talents. Let us try in detail in detail the essence of the problem and we will give ways to solve it.

Hyperactive children can not focus on one task, they are difficult to interest peace and calm

Causes of hyperactivity

Hyperactivity in children - primarily not a physiological deviation, but behantic disorder development. Medical title of hyperactivity - ADHD (). Modern medicine adheres to the opinion that the syndrome occurs with the unfavorable intrauterine development of children and severe childbirth. So, if the future motley has been expressed and long toxicosis, and the fetus was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, the risk of birth of a hyperactive child increases three times. Any operational intervention during childbirth, finding a newborn in resuscitation also contributes its contribution to the development of FEG syndrome.

Hyperactivity symptoms

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What are the signs of a hyperactive child? How to distinguish, the kid is active and energetic, as it relies with a healthy cappuz, or does it develop a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity?

Characteristic symptoms begin to determine by 2-3 years. You can already diagnose already in the kindergarten, because it is precisely there that the inclinations are actively actively - in communicating with the educator, with other kids in the group.

How the hyperactivity is manifested in children:

  • anxiety and disturbing states even when there are no serious reasons for this;
  • emotional lability, plasticity, excessive vulnerability and impressionability;
  • insomnia, too sensitive sleep, crying and talk in a dream;
  • problems with speech;
  • difficulties in communicating;
  • ignoring the prohibitions, the norms of behavior in society and the rules - speaking simply, the kid is very naughty;
  • attacks of aggression;
  • rarely, turret syndrome is an uncontrolled shouting of inappropriate and offensive words.

All these manifestations and signs of your Chad should be a reason to appeal to a specialist. The neuropathologist and psychologist will discover recommendations and give advice, how to correctly bring up the baby, how to calm it and reduce the likelihood of negative perception by society.

Despite its activity and talkativeness, the hyperactive child often remains unclear other children and is experiencing significant difficulties in communication.

Treatment of hyperactive baby - is it necessary?

The hyperactive child often and strongly tired of uncontrolled emotions, changes the day of the day and plans because of its not always adequate behavior, does not give parents to lead a normal lifestyle. Adults to endure it is difficult, because there are no time, physical and moral forces to fight hysteries.

Follow the hyperactive child so that he adequately reacted to external world And he knew how to behave with other people, and not thoughtlessly splashing energy, without reason wept and laughed, they can only very patient and not very busy parents or nanny. Often, you have to resort to the correction of the child's behavior - it may include both drug treatment and a visit to a psychologist, speech therapist, soothing massage, sports and visits to various creative circles. Medical treatment doctor appoints after surveys and inspection of the child.

Children with FEG syndrome must be made of the brain electroencephalogram to eliminate the organic causes of hyperactive behavior, measure intracranial pressure (we recommend reading :). If all the indicators are normal, the doctor is more often prescribing homeopathic soothing drugs. Soothing will help the child to sleep better, it will reduce the number of hysterics and panic attacks.

Some modern doctors believe that it is impossible to treat up to 4 years from hyperactivity, because most of the kids at this age are not yet able to cope with their own feelings, they are full of energy and try to spill it with any ways.

How to behave with a hyperactive child?

How to educate a hyperactive child? Many parents are becoming a dead end, especially when the baby goes to the garden, or at school faces a variety of problems associated with learning and society. Hyperactive child is always on a special account of the educator, teacher and children's psychologist. First of all, the parents must help him - the upbringing of such children requires patience, wisdom, willpower and spirit. Do not let yourself break out, raise your voice to the child or raise your hand on it (we recommend reading :). Only if he did something hurt by other people, you can apply such rigid methods.

If parents break up and go to cry, threats or physical clarification of relationships, it only aggravates the situation. The child closes in itself and becomes even more unmanageable

How to educate "firm"?

Tips of the psychologist:

  1. Prohibit correctly. Formulate the prohibitions so that in the proposal there was no word "no", "it is impossible". Much more efficiently say: "Go to the track" than to pronounce: "Do not run through wet grass." Always motivate your bans, justify them. For example, if the child does not want to leave the site in the evening, tell me: "I wanted to read you before bedtime interesting story About your favorite animation hero, and if you walk for a long time, I will not have time to do it. "
  2. Clearly put the tasks. Such kids do not perceive the information that is transmitted by long offers. Speak concise.
  3. Be consistent in your actions and words. For example, it is unreasonable to say: "Go, take a cup of grandmother, then bring me a magazine, a loud hand and get dinner." Observe the sequence.
  4. Control time. A child with ADHD does not control the temporary framework if he is passionate about something, can do it for a long time and will forget about the rest.
  5. Observe the mode. Day mode - very important aspect The life of a hyperactive baby, he will help calm the baby, teach to order (we recommend reading :).
  6. Railing to the baby - it means to behave loyally and stick to a positive note in communicating with him, to configure himself, His and others to positive. Smooth conflict situations, praise for victories, emphasize when the baby behaved very well, listening to you.
  7. Case your child useful things. Children must have a positive channel for splashing energy - it can be a creative or sports circle, cycling and scooter, plowing from polymer clay or plasticine at home.
  8. Create houses comfortable conditions. The kid should not only watch the TV and play computer games, but also to see how others do. Workplace Must be without unnecessary items, posters.
  9. If necessary, give a hyperactive child homeopathic sedative, but do not abuse drugs.

When a child visits his interesting classes - sports, creative, he can spill out there the accumulated energy and come home much more calm

How to help if hysterical started?

How to reassure a hyperactive child? At the moment when children are hysteria and they do not obey, you can do, selecting one of the options:

  1. Go to another room. Delivered spectator attention, the baby can stop crying.
  2. Switch attention. Offer candy, show the toy, turn on the cartoon or game on the tablet or phone. Loudly offer him not to cry, but to do something interesting - for example, go into the courtyard and play there, run on the street.
  3. Give water, sweet tea or infusion of soothing herbs.

IN everyday life Kids support them nervous system. Soothing herbal collection well helps when adding to the bath, if the child is small, and in tea, if we are talking About the schoolchild (we recommend reading :). Read before bedtime, walk in the fresh air. Try to see the child to see less aggression and negativity. Learn nature, look more on the trees, sky and flowers.

IN lately Increasingly, you can hear from doctors that your child has hyperactivity from which something must be done. Such guys differ from their peers are highly energy, which almost never dries. They are constantly in motion, which prevents, for example, to absorb lessons new MaterialThey are difficult to concentrate for a long time on the same thing. The question arises: such behavior is the result of insufficient education or deviation? We will try to figure out what hyperactivity is in school age children. Does the treatment are required or not?

Scale problem

The study of this problem, scientists and specialists have been engaged for a long time, but the alarm began to beat only when the accumulated data has shown its social significance and scale.

If you believe the statistics, the hyperactivity in children of school age is almost everywhere. Treatment, upbringing play an important role in this problem. Talk about it a little further.

Believe it is already practically proven that such kids are harder to adapt to the collectives, and in adult life Also then there may be problems. Scientists calculated that almost 80% of criminals suffered hyperactivity in childhood.

In our country, the study of this pathology was engaged later, and now we can note some ignorance of teachers, doctors in matters relating to this disease. That is why most children with a diagnosis of ADHD remain without the necessary treatment.

And this is fraught with some consequences, for example, these children often have troubles at school, the parents of the house shout on them for their failures, they do not surpage parental love, and as a result, seeking comfort in the company. And they, as you know, are different, therefore, the consequences can be quite deplorable.

Causes of development of ADHD

Hyperactivity in school age children, treatment and causes of this pathology will consider in more detail. Let's start with what we find out what can provoke the development of hyperactivity. There may be several reasons:

  1. Abnormal pregnancy leakage:
  • Insufficient supply of fetus oxygen.
  • The threat of miscarriage in different times.
  • Frequent stressful situations In an interesting position.
  • Failure to comply with the recommendations on proper nutrition.
  • Smoking.

2. Adverse childbirth:

  • Too protracted generic activity.
  • Rapid childbirth.
  • If it was necessary to resort to medication incentives for generic activities.
  • Prematurity.

3. Other reasons:

If there is a combination of several reasons at once, then the likelihood is increasing that hyperactivity occurs in school children. Treatment Doctor must appoint, but, unfortunately, it can not always see. Often, even parents do not pay attention to this problem and do not go to a doctor for help.

Hyperactivity varieties

If there is hyperactivity in children of school age, treatment will depend on the variety of pathology. And they are as follows:

  1. Lack of attention without hyperactivity. The child is most often absolutely calm, but lives in some kind of world, it constantly hovers in the clouds, it is difficult to reach it.
  2. Hyperactivity without attention deficit. Such pathology is observed much less often. The reason is considered individual features or violations in the development of the nervous system.
  3. Hyperactivity with attention deficit is the most common case. The child not only suffers attention violations, but also exists excessive activity.

Each of the cases needs its approach to treatment that is simply necessary.

What is the difference between activity from hyperactivity?

Many parents often ask when it is necessary to beat the alarm. How to distinguish that the child is not just a very active kid, and there is hyperactivity? To respond to these questions, you can use the simple comparison in the table.

Active baby


The child loves mobile games, but if he is interested, he can listen to a fairy tale for a long time or collect puzzles.

The child does not control himself, he is constantly in motion. When his strength is dried, hysterics begins, crying.

Everyone is interested, asks for parents a lot of questions.

Quick speech, often interrupts during a conversation, asking a question, the answer to it may not hear.

There are practically no violations in the work of the digestive system, normal sleep.

It is difficult to fall asleep, in a dream can talk, cry. Often there are disorders of digestion, allergic reactions.

The child understands where it is possible to show their activity, and where it is necessary to behave calmly, for example, at a party.

The baby is almost uncontrollable, there are no prohibitions for him, everywhere behaves equally.

Does not provoke scandals, does not exhibit aggressiveness.

The child himself often becomes a provocateur conflict, does not control his aggression, while it can fight, bite, apply sticks, stones and other technicians.

Here these signs of comparison will help parents to suspect the pathology of development from their child and make us consult a doctor. Put the correct diagnosis (hyperactivity in a child of school age), only a competent specialist can prescribe treatment. Do not put a visit to him.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

If there is hyperactivity in children of school age, treatment of Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting to begin only when it is established that this is a disease, and not a manifestation of the norm. And in order to find out, it is necessary to know the symptoms of pathology, it can be divided into several groups:

If there is hyperactivity in school age children, treatment (Komarovsky thinks so) may not be needed when the disease is manifested in a light form. At the same time, a lot of effort and patience is required primarily from Mom to help the child learn how to cope with their problems.

But it may be necessary if there is hyperactivity in school age children, treatment. And symptoms other than those listed , The following are added:

If the hyperactivity is so manifest itself in school age children, the treatment of Dr. Komarovsky advises to pass without fail. It should be noted that all these signs do not affect mental abilities, but the performance often suffers, even if the child is smart, so the help of a specialist is necessary.

Establishing diagnosis

If there is hyperactivity in children of school age, treatment, the correction of this state is required. But for this you need to make a diagnosis correctly. These doctors are engaged in neuropathologists, which are required in the presence of appropriate symptoms to visit. It is important to identify the cause of pathology to eliminate the presence of more dangerous diseases, and this is only a specialist.

Hyperactivity syndrome with a deficit of attention is detected during several stages:

Diagnosis may be delayed for several months, only after all observations, tests and surveys are revealed by hyperactivity in school age children, the treatment will depend on the symptoms and severity of pathology. Parents will have a lot of effort and patience.

Hyperactivity therapy

Be sure to be required if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in children of school age is confirmed, treatment. And the signs should reduce their manifestation. But therapy has long and using many techniques and directions.

  1. Adjust the motor activity of the child. Such babies are undesirable to engage in sports with competitive elements, as this can provoke an increase in the manifestation of the disease. It is best to send a child to swim, aerobic training, in skiing.
  2. Help psychological. In the arsenal of specialists there are various techniques for working with such children.
  3. The disease of the child can not not impose their imprint on parents, especially on who spends more time with the baby. They become more irritable, nervous, so the help of a family psychotherapist will not hurt.
  4. Relaxation. Special autotraenings have a favorably affect the condition of children with hyperactivity syndrome.
  5. Correction of behavior. This applies not only to the child, but also adults. Children with hyperactivity are very susceptible to the negative, there are no prohibitions for them, but they are quite positively responding to positive emotions. Considering this, such babies will more effectively praise for good actions than to scold for bad. Relationships should be built on complete trust and understanding, but to prohibit only what is really dangerous for him. Parents must control their behavior, prevent rustic about each other, especially when child.
  6. Medicaased is also required (if the hyperactivity is diagnosed in school age children) treatment. Preparations, for example, in the United States, are often prescribed from a group of psychostimulants, but it was revealed that they give a lot of side effects that reduce all the benefits of their use. In our country, such drugs are not used.

Consider in more detail some directions of therapy.

Medicia treatment

Most likely, prescribe, if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" is confirmed in school age children, treatment. Preparations should only be selected by a doctor. For the speedy result, stimulants are prescribed, such drugs help the child to improve the concentration of attention. The following drugs can be attributed to this group:

  • "Dechedrine".
  • "Focal".
  • "Ritaline".
  • "Methylin".
  • "Vivans".

Specialists often also prescribe nootropic medicines, for example:

  • "Cortexin".
  • "Glyatilin".
  • "Phenibut".
  • "Pantogam".

They help improve cerebral circulation, improve memory, the ability to concentrate.

Treatment of ADHD in Israel

With "hyperactivity" in children of school age, and his clinics can offer alternative medication. In the medical institutions of Israel, specializing in ADHD therapy, the following alternative treatment method is used.

This or osteopathy. The system of this treatment is based on the skull directly associated with the spine and a sacrum. Even minor shifts of the skull bones make it possible to eliminate or significantly reduce physical indisposition and functional disorders. The first thing is eliminated by the physical cause of pathology, it is especially true of generic injuries, and then there is an turn of other specialists to begin treatment.

Most children with a diagnosis of hyperactivity already after sessions of osteopathy are able to study in an ordinary school with other guys on a par.

One of these clinics is located in Tel Aviv, and leads her famous Dr. Alexander Kartzletsky. Thus, we see that if there is a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in children of school age, treatment of Israel offers not only medication.

Folk Medicine against Hyperactivity

Therapy of this disease requires great patience from parents. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school age has been diagnosed. Treatment with folk remedies can also be used, but after consulting with a specialist.

Here are some recipes that will help to normalize sleep, the work of the digestive system, and because of this, at least a bit, but the behavior of the kid will improve:

  1. It has soothing properties. For cooking you need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed roots and pour 250 ml hot waterPeeling on a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and strain a little. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. Hop. For therapy use bumps of this plant. 1 tablespoon is poured with a glass of water and boil 2 minutes, then you need to insist a little, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. St. John's wort is also widely used in the treatment of hyperactivity. It normalizes sleep, contributes to the concentration of attention, improve memory. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of crushed grass, pour 0.5 liters of water and peak for 5 minutes. In the cooled form, it is necessary to give a child for 1-2 tablespoons three times before meals.
  4. Well helps if there is hyperactivity in school age children, treatment folk recipes. Herbal fees are used quite often. One of them includes the following components: Valerian root, Melissa, Mint, Lavender flowers, St. John's wort. 2 spoons of such a collection brew 0.5 liters of hot water and insist 4 hours. Give a medicine to a child in 50 ml in the morning and in the evening before eating.
  5. Flowers lavender help to remove too much child activity, as well as nausea, vomiting, headaches. 1 Spoonful colors are poured with a glass of boiling water and insist 10 minutes. Take on the tablespoon twice a day.

It should be noted that in the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in school age children, the treatment of folk healers can assist, but only if drug therapy is conducted, the baby visits a psychologist, its motor activity is adjusted.

Psychological help

In the presence of hyperactivity, it is desirable not to abandon the help of a psychologist. The specialist has various techniques in his arsenal, which helps to remove anxiety, increase the society of the child, reduce its aggressiveness.

Modeling different situations of success, the psychologist will tell the parents, in which field their baby will feel more confident. He spends various conducts a correctional work, in which the parents of the baby must be used. Personally, for each child, exercises are selected for the development of thinking, attention, memory.

You should not neglect the help of such narrow specialists, the activities of the hyperactive kid will only benefit.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child

It is important when the "hyperactivity" is diagnosed in school age children. Prevention between the same is also needed. And she should begin before the child appears. The future mother needs to ensure all the conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.

To prevent exacerbations, if the baby already has a diagnosis of "hyperactivity", it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • Help the child to master techniques that help in the assimilation of school material.
  • During classes, remove all distracting items, create a working environment.
  • Support a child, increase the motivation to continue occupation.

In addition, parents must adhere to some rules when communicating with a hyperactive child:

  1. We must praise the baby even for the slightest successes.
  2. The child must have their own orders, albeit small, but he must do themselves and regularly.
  3. You can practice the maintenance of a diary in which all the successes are recorded.
  4. It is necessary to put such tasks that are performed for the child.
  5. It is necessary to clearly designate all the boundaries of the permitted and what is categorically impossible.
  6. From the appeal you need to remove the order tone.
  7. The house should keep the routine of the day.
  8. Do not let the baby overvolt.
  9. Time viewing TV shows must be minimized.
  10. It is necessary to establish the mode of sleep and wakefulness.
  11. Parents themselves must keep calm in any atmosphere.
  12. Parents should help the child choose such a sphere of activity where he can show his abilities.

If your child is too hyperactive, then you do not need to panic and put a cross on it. FROM modern opportunities Medicines can be cope and not with such pathologies, it is necessary only to pay attention to this and visit the doctor on time. Psychological assistance, medication therapy, psychotherapy sessions will make their job, and your child will be able to study on a par with the rest of the children and show all its talents and abilities.