What is ADHD: symptoms, treatment of attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity in children of preschool and school age. Hyperactive children: manifestations, reasons, ways of correction

The content of the article

Hyperactivitymeeting B. childhood A combination of symptoms related to excessive mental and motor activity. It is difficult to carry out clear boundaries of this syndrome (ie, the set of symptoms), but usually it is diagnosed in children who are characterized by increased impulsiveness and inattention; Such children are quickly distracted, they are equally easy and to delight, and upset. Often, aggressive behavior and negativism are characteristic of them. Due to similar personal features, hyperactive children are difficult to concentrate on performing any tasks, such as school activities. Parents and teachers often face considerable difficulties in handling such children.


hyperactivity is usually put when parents and teachers complain that the child is extremely moving, restlessly and behaves badly or badly. His hands and feet in permanent motionHe rushes on a chair, does not calm down for a minute and are unable to concentrate attention on something one. However, do not exist accurate definition This state or special test, which uniquely confirmed the diagnosis of hyperactivity. Many parents celebrate the beginning of such behavior in infancy or aged two or three years. Such a condition is often accompanied by sleep disorders. When a child gets tired, hyperactivity is aggravated.

Signs of hyperactivity are found in different extent in all children. Which parents did not come across the behavior of her baby, in which excessive mobility, disobedience, shouts, uncontrolled behavior, inattention, painful stubbornness, outbreaks of impulsive aggression appear? At the same time, the child can be unsure of himself, fearing and compacted.

Our task is to figure out what causes such a state when it remains within the norm, and when it comes to the level of the disease. We will also try to give some recommendations about what to do parents if they have hyperactive child.

Is there any excitable child sick?

In the 80s of the last century, this state in children received a separate name - attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity (ADHD). In the classification of nervous and mental illness, it was assigned to hyperkinetic disorders. The main behavioral sign of the syndrome is the inability to concentrate, self-control.

Not every little baby, leading herself like a lean, refers to the category of hyperkinetics. In some disobedience, stubbornness, increased mobility with an effect beating through the edge of nature. With such children, you just need to behave correctly, and not constantly scold them, it can cause a negative response.

Signs of hyperactive child

Signs of increased activity in the child are not manifested immediately. Up to 2-3 years, the child can usually behave and even be overly calm. The manifestations of ADHD in children are developing gradually. Often parents do not pay them due attention and turn to help when a child falls into an educational institution already with obvious problems.

Note: The later there are painful manifestations, the hardest to fight with increasing signs of the disease.

Developing hyperactivity in children can be suspected if it develops:

  • - long and restless falling asleep, screaming and movement in bed, conversations, frequent wakes, crying, lack of sleep;
  • in the afternoon, increased fussiness, nonsense, the inability to bring to the end began, excessive concern;
  • instability (lability) of the emotional sphere, impulsivity outbreak;
  • ignoring the requests of parents, inadequate behavior;
  • painful forgetfulness, inattention, lack of concentration on activity, tendency to spread things;

Any type of activity causes a child's problem.

Causes of hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome

Increased excitability is often observed in children whose parents themselves have a choleric warehouse of character and temperament. Children often simply copy adult behavior in their family, in more extension and strong uniform.

If we are talking about ADHD, the genetic predisposition of the transmission of this disease is noted.

Note: About 30% of the parents of hyperactive children themselves were sick in this pathology.

The factors provoking the development of hyperactivity can be:

Determination of hyperactivity syndrome in children

To identify the child's disease can only specialist - a children's psychiatrist, a psychologist.

Analyzing the complaints and examining the child, the doctor clarifies the parents:

  • features of pregnancy;
  • possible diseases, both mother, father and baby;
  • options for the behavior of a small patient at home, in public places.

The doctor then examines the child, talking to him, assesses his reactions, the level of development, behavioral subtleties. Signs of disorder are summarized, and a preliminary judgment is made about the possible availability of the disease.

The survey is complemented by special diagnostic methods, as well as consultations of other specialists (psychologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist, therapist).

Older children (5-6 years) are offered psychological testsevaluating the ability to attention, perfection, logical thinking etc.

Additional studies include safe health - magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, reeography.

After passing a full survey, the doctor determines the presence, or lack of a disease. Then the treatment plan is compiled.

How hyperactivity syndrome proceeds

Parents in most cases do not sharpen attention on the painful behavior of the baby, believing that he will turn out over time. Apply for help when the disease has already been impossible not to notice it in the developed stage and manifestation.

In the collectives of kindergartens, pathology is just beginning to declare "his rights". But when the child gets to school, hyperactivity syndrome is manifested in all its strength. Training activities It requires a certain organization of classes, just what a small schoolboy is not ready.

Inadequate behavior in the lesson, superfluidity and inability to concentrate attention makes the study process impossible. Children with hyperactivity constantly require a teacher control, as it is impossible to focus on the topic on the topic, he is constantly distracted and engaged in his affairs, a painful deficit of attention affects. The qualifications and patience of the teacher do not always have enough to cope with the destructive behavior. A response is formed - the aggressiveness of the child.

The education system is not adapted to the classes of children suffering from ADHD. The development of hyperactive children is always lagging behind the peers. Teachers cannot adapt to the developing student's disease, and this leads to the development of a conflict situation.

A hyperactive child at school is often subjected to ridicule and mockery of classmates, experiences problems of communication. They do not want to play and be friends. This causes increased syradiability, counter-flashes of aggression, assault. The tendency of such children to leadership due to the inability to be such a decrease in self-esteem. Over time, a closure may be formed. Improved psychopathic complaints are developing brighter. The parents do not remain anything, as finally take a little student to a specialist.

At home I must remember the main thing: children often mirror reflect the model of adult behavior. Therefore, if the kid has hyperactivity syndrome, a calm and friendly atmosphere must prevail in the house. It should not loudly shout and find out the relationship between themselves.

It is necessary to pay attention to the child. Walking with him a lot in the fresh air, the forest is especially useful, garbage collection, fishing, family tourist hiking. There should not be attended by noisy events that will overchange painful psyche. It is necessary to create a background of life correctly. Houses should sound soothing music, should not shout the TV. Do not arrange noisy holidays, especially accompanied by drinking alcohol.

Important: In the case of an over-exclusive state should not shout on the suffering children, beat them. How to calm the child? It is necessary to find the words of consolation, hug it, regret, listen silently, to lead to another place. Each parent must find an individual approach. Better father and mother no one will cope with this task.

Each small patient leading to a consultation to a specialist, individual, so there can be no strict rules for the correction of his behavior. It is necessary to take into account all the available subtleties of the character and the conditions surrounding the patient. Nevertheless, exist general provisionsFrom which it is necessary to repel in the educational and therapeutic process.

  1. About creating prohibitions. The deficit of attention and hyperactivity of children is manifested in categorically denial and rejection of the prohibitions. In this case, the main rule that shapes the right attitude towards an understanding of the prohibition is the absence of the use of the word "no" and "it is impossible". Instead, it is necessary to build a phrase in such a way that an active action is assessed in it, and not prohibiting the wording. For example, not to say "not jumping over the bed", I should say "Let's jump together" and remove the child to the floor, then switch it to another activity, gradually soothing.
  2. Time control. Children with ADHD are often unable to feel the time independently. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that they perform tasks, putting on the standards. It is necessary to correctly notice and correct cases of excessive focus. Without violence, return the child to the goal.
  3. Task sequence. Hyperactivity provokes inattention in children, scattered. It is important to remember that the data at a time of several tasks may simply not be perceived by the child. Equipments should independently control the dynamics of the process and obtaining new tasks.
  4. Specifications of execution. Painful changes in hyperactivity do not give small patients to observe the logical thinking chains, also suffers abstract thinking. To facilitate understanding, do not overload the sense overloads of the proposal and phrases from which the task is formed.

About children's games

Hyperactive children game school age must be repelled from two important ideas.

The first - game time should serve as a normal emotional and physical discharge. For this, the child needs a sufficient game space. The game should be unobtrusively going to the structural channel.

The second idea involves the creation of a calm phase, during which it is necessary to rethink the game activity, then after a short pause to continue it. It is important to take advantage of the moment of physical fatigue and try to switch the baby to constructive activities, but without the shadow of coercion.

Elderly children are very helpful. It is necessary to correctly determine what exactly. Single species will be suitable, others are individual. In both cases, the problem of using rejunction of excitation, direction to the constructive channel and training skills of sports discipline should be solved.

Treatment of hyperactivity syndrome

As we can see, raising a child with hyperactivity is a very time-consuming and complex process. That is why many parents do not want to do it independently and lead the child to the doctor.

It is important at this stage to get to a competent specialist, which in addition to prescribed treatment will help the family to deal with awarenessproblems and the need for joint efforts in treatment. How to do it is written above.

In the case of far-seated disease, it is necessary to recommend to translate the child of school age suffering from ADHD to a specialized school, in which they will determine in the class with which bias it is necessary to learn further to the patient. Perhaps it will take the correction of the development of skills. If the schoolboy has fallen behind study, he will be sent to the class of catching children.

Medical treatment of hyperkinetic disorder

With the right selection of the drug has a very significant positive effect. Its efficiency reaches 80%. It should be treated for years, perhaps the drug correction will be required at a later age.

Drug treatment consists of use, drugs stimulating mental development, affecting the improvement of metabolic processes in the brain. Tranquilizers, hypnotic drugs, psychostimulants and nootropics are well coped with these tasks. In some cases, antidepressants and neuroleptics are used.

However, one should not give drug treatment excessive importance, as it is only symptomatic and does not eliminate the main cause of the disease. Also, it will never replace the main thing - love for her child. It is she who can cure a baby and in the future to give him the possibility of a full life.

Hyperactivity is such a form of disorder, which often manifests itself in children groups preschool age, as well as in children of early school age, although the "transition" to further age groups is not excluded in the absence of appropriate measures to its address. Hyperactivity, the symptoms of which are to be excessive energetic and mobility of the child, is not a pathological condition and often caused by violation of attention.

general description

Hyperactivity lies, in addition to the listed symptoms in the form of excessive energeticness and increased activity, in the inability to concentrate on a particular subject, impulsiveness and non-existence of the child, in the absence of control over their own actions.

The behavioral features of children with hyperactivity are minimized in 70% of cases to the emergence of concern, similar indicators fall on the relevance of neurological habits, approximately 50% of cases there are problems with appetite and in 46% - problems with sleep. In addition, it is possible to designate awkwardness, the appearance of annoying movements in a child, twitching.

In general, the terms of consideration of hyperactivity is made to designate a deficit of attention, which determines such an abbreviation for this state, as ADHD, that is, it corresponds to the syndrome of the attention and hyperactivity deficit syndrome. It should be immediately noted that attention deficit in this case does not indicate that the child pays little time and attention, but that it cannot focus his attention on anything.

Hyperactivity determines the need for an application for more efforts aimed at teaching letters, reading skills, etc. Communication with the peers in virtually obligatory in the hyperactivity of children accompany the problems of communicative scale, conflicts. The educators and teachers relate to such children as personalities are not too "convenient", which is caused by those problems that arise with them in the course of the educational process inherent in the background of the hyperactivity of the characteristics of their behavior.

Based on these studies, it is known that hyperactivity is relevant on average for 2-20% of children, while the hyperoactive syndrome in boys is diagnosed up to five times more often than, respectively, girls.

Due to the fact that the brain of children with hyperactivity processes the incoming information poorly, a similar reaction from its part also falls on the impact of external and internal stimuli. The inattentive child as a result of this "unmanage", because neither persuasion or punishment or requests do not act with him. Regardless of conditions, the child will act impulsively, without a corresponding situation of this or that situation. To understand its own behavior in relation to a hyperactive child, it is necessary to find out what the causes of hyperactivity are concluded.

To top ital, we add that hyperactivity and ADHD in particular in 30-80% of cases accompanying and adult life patients. Moreover, it is against the background of this disorder that did not identify in childhood, there are subsequently problems associated with the inability to preserve attention, with the organization of interpersonal relations and the overall surrounding space, as well as the problems associated with the development new information and materials.

Hyperactivity: Causes

Hypereactivity syndrome can be provoked by complications associated with the development of a child, in particular those of them, which were relevant during the pregnancy period, in the process of generic activity or within the period of infancy. We highlight the main causes of hyperency below:

  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • toxic impact due to poisoning during pregnancy, provoked by certain products, smoking, alcohol received by medical preparations;
  • transferring injuries during pregnancy, bruises;
  • transfer during pregnancy infectious diseases;
  • the presence of a factor of the threat of miscarriage, relevant, as is clear during the pregnancy period;
  • complications of generic activities provoked hemorrhages, asphyxia;
  • features of labor, excluding the natural course of their course (cesarean section, stimulation of generic activity, childbirth or, on the contrary, a protracted course of generic activity);
  • features of the environmental situation in the region of residence;
  • transferring certain diseases.

Hyperactivity: symptoms

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity make themselves to know at the age of 2-3 years, while the parents are not in rush to the doctor with concomitant disorders. Because of this, any measures in this area are accepted only to achieve critical pointwhich falls in many cases by the time of admission to school.

The main basic signs corresponding to hyperactivity, one can designate the triad of manifestations, and this is an increased motor disbursement, impulsiveness and a shortage of active form of attention.

The active form of attention is, for example, in the impossibility of holding attention to a specific process or phenomenon within a certain specified time interval. The concentration is achieved by determining the specific motivation to this. The motivational mechanism is formed with sufficient personal maturity.

As for the following option, and this is an increased motor disbursement, it acts as a manifestation of such a state as fatter. In children, fatigue is often comparable with overexcusion and with the absence of ability to control behavior, which, as clear, distinguishes him from fatigue in its usual understanding.

As for such a manifestation, as impulsiveness, it lies in unpreparedness to the braking of emerging motivations and desires. Because of this, hyperactive patients often make certain acts thoughtlessly, only under the influence of a momentum factor, with a concrete moment, which necessitates the emergence of a particular encouragement or desire. To obey the rules for impulsiveness, children are not capable.

A rather characteristic feature of children with hyperactivity is such a moment as cyclicality, it is that the productivity of their brain is about 15 minutes of time, after which there is a 5-minute "break", which allows to prepare for the next cycle of activity. As a result of such a switch, it can be noted that the child as if "falls out" in the framework of the same time "drops out" from the process in which it has been involved at the time of "reboot" (communication, concrete actions). To ensure the possibility of staying in a specific reality, the child may be due to the fulfillment of any third-party actions, that is, it can start turning his head, turn it out - due to such motor activity, the constancy of the brain is maintained.

Being alone, a hyperactive child cannot focus, he also becomes sluggish, the actions that he is capable of, mostly monotonous and easy to perform. Here the child needs external activation. Staying in the family or in conditions of small teams determines the fully adequate behavior of a hyperactive child, but it is worth it to be in a bigger group, in a public place, etc. - There is an excessive excitement, the full activity becomes impossible.

Among the additional manifestations of symptoms, it is also possible to designate the relevance of awkward movements, which are caused by the weakness of motor coordination. In general, children may have a good common intelligence, although its development is determined by certain difficulties on the soil of existing hyperactivity.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of hyperreactivity is made on the basis of the general collection of information of the subjective scale, as well as on the basis of a psychological and hardware examination. Reception of the doctor will include questions concerning the features of the course of pregnancy and delivery, as well as transferred and relevant diseases of the child. Diagnosis also includes a number of tests, on the basis of which the parameters that determine the degree of attentiveness are estimated. As for the hardware examination, it includes the procedure of the electroencephalogram, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Based on the comprehensive picture of the results obtained, specific individual principles of treatment are determined.

Treatment of hyperactive children is comprehensive in the nature of the implementation of measures, it is based on methods of drug therapy, on psychological and pedagogical impact and methods of impact due to certain elements of psychotherapy. Preparations that can be appointed in treatment do not contribute to the treatment of hyperactivity as such, but due to their reception, the symptoms (impulsivity, etc.) can be achieved, as well as improve the ability to learn and work. Also, with the help of medicines, it is possible to achieve improvement in coordination of movements, which is required in particular for writing, sports activities, etc.

Parents in dealing with the child should exclude denials in sentences. Conflict situations require the highest possible peace of mind on their part. Any tasks are important to designate through clear formulations of actions, long wording, on the contrary, are excluded, proposals must be short. The instructions given to the child should be built in the appropriate logical sequence, it is impossible to give several instructions at once. Additionally, it is important to give to understand the child, regardless of the situation and where it is located, parents will always be his support, helping to cope with emerging difficulties.

When symptoms indicating hyperactivity, it is necessary to refer to a neurologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor intensity and failures of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease that is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and also does not carry much danger, what they are deeply mistaken. Depression is pretty dangerous view Diseases caused by passivity and man depression.

Children's hyperactivity - a condition in which the activity and excitability of the child significantly exceed the norm. It delivers many trouble to parents, educators and teachers. Yes, and the child himself suffers from emerging difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, which is fraught with the formation in the future negative psychological characteristics of the person.

How to identify and treat hyperactivity, to which experts need to be addressed to form a diagnosis, how to properly build communication with the child? All this needs to know to grow a healthy baby.

This is a neurological behavioral disorder, which in medical literature is often called a hyperactive child syndrome.

For him, the following violations are characteristic:

  • impulsive behavior;
  • significantly increased speech and motor activity;
  • deficiency attention.

The disease leads to bad relationships With parents, peers, low performance at school. According to statistics, this disorder is found in 4% of schoolchildren, the boys are diagnosed 5-6 times more often.

The difference of hyperactivity from activity

Hyperactivity syndrome is different from the active state by the fact that the behavior of the baby creates problems for parents surrounding and himself.

It is necessary to contact the pediatrician, a neurologist or a children's psychologist in the following cases: Motor disbursement and lack of attention is constantly manifested, behavior makes it difficult to communicate with people, school performance is low. A doctor's advice is also needed if the child shows aggressiveness towards others.

The reasons

The causes of hyperactivity can be different:

  • premature or;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • the influence of harmful factors at work during pregnancy women;
  • bad ecology;
  • and physical overload of the woman during the fetus period;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unbalanced food during pregnancy;
  • the immaturity is central nervous system newborn;
  • disorders of the exchange of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the CNS of the Baby;
  • overpriced requirements for parents and teachers;
  • violations of purine exchange in the kid.

Provoking factors

Such a state can be provoked by the use during pregnancy drugs without coordination with the doctor. Perhaps impact, drugs, smoking during the fetal tool.

Can contribute to the emergence of hyperactivity conflict relations in the family, family violence. Low performance due to which the child is subjected to complaints from teachers and punishments from parents - another predisposing factor.


Signs of hyperactivity similar at any age:

  • anxiety;
  • nonsense;
  • irritability and plasticity;
  • bad sleep;
  • stubbornness;
  • inattention;
  • impulsiveness.

In newborns

For hyperactivity in children up to a year - the baby points out anxiety and increased motor activity in the crib, the brightest toys cause their brief interest. In case of inspection, such children often identifies stigms of disisemgenesis, including the folds of the epicantant, an abnormal structure of the oars and their low location, the Gothic sky, the hunger of the lip, the wolf fall.

In children in 2-3 years

The manifestations of this state most often parents begin to notice from 2 years or from even earlier age. The child is distinguished by high capriciousness.

Already at 2 years old, Mom and Dad see that the baby is difficult to interest something, he is distracted from the game, it turns on the chair, is in constant movement. Usually such a child is very restless, noise, but sometimes a 2-year-old kid surprises with his silence, the lack of desire to come into contact with parents or peers.

Children's psychologists believe that sometimes such behavior precedes the emergence of motor and speech dismissal. In two years, parents can observe the kid signs of aggression and reluctance to obey adults, ignoring their requests and requirements.

From the age of 3rd, there are noticeable manifestations of egoistic traits. The child seeks to dominate the peers in collective games, provokes conflict situations, all interferes.

From preschool children

The hyperactivity of the preschooler is often manifested by impulsive behavior. Such children intervene in conversations and affairs of adults, do not know how to play collective games. Especially painful for parents of hysterics and whims of a 5-6-year-old baby in crowded places, its stormy expression of emotions in the most inappropriate setting.

Children of preschool age expects vividly, they do not pay attention to the comments made, interrupted, reclict peers. To make a reprimand and scold for hyperactivity of a 5-6-year-old baby completely useless, he just ignores information and does not absorb the rules of behavior. Any occupation carries him for a short time, it is easily distracted.


Behavioral disorder, more often having a neurological background, can flow in different ways.

Attention deficit syndrome without hyperactivity

For this violation, the following behavioral features are characteristic:

  • heard the task, but could not repeat, immediately forgetting the meaning of the said;
  • cannot focus and fulfill the order, although it understands what his task is;
  • does not listen to the interlocutor;
  • does not respond to comments.

Hyperactivity without attention deficit

For this disorder, such signs are characterized: fussiness, verification, increased motor activity, desire to be in the center of events. It is also characteristic of the frivolity of behavior, a tendency to risk and adventures, which often creates a life-threatening situation.

Hyperactivity with attention deficit syndrome

Designated in the medical literature by the abbreviation of the ADHD. You can talk about such a syndrome if the child has the following behavioral features:

  • can not focus on performing a certain task;
  • throws the work started without finishing it to the end;
  • the attention is selective, unstable;
  • negligence, inattention in everything;
  • does not pay attention to the processed speech, ignores the sentences when performing the task, if it causes difficulties.

Violation of attention and hyperactivity at any age are bothering to organize their work, carefully and correctly fulfill the task without being distracted by external interference. IN everyday life Hyperactivity and attention deficit lead to forgetfulness, frequent losses of their own things.

Violation of attention with hyperactivity is fraught with difficulties when performing even simple instructions. Such kids are often in a hurry, make rapid acts that can harm or others.

Possible consequences

At any age it behavioral violation prevents social contacts. Due to the hyperactivity in children of preschool age attending kindergarten, participation in collective games with peers, communication with them and educators is difficult. Therefore, the visit to the garden becomes a daily psychotracm, which may adversely affect the further development of personality.

Schoolchildren suffering performance, visiting the school is only negative emotions. The desire to learn, recognize the new, teacher and classmates annoy, contact with them has only a negative shade. The child closes or becomes aggressive.

The impulsiveness of the child's behavior sometimes represents a threat to his health. This is especially characteristic of children who break toys, conflict, fight with other children and with adults.

If not to seek help from a specialist, a psychopathic type of personality can be formed in a person with age. Hyperactivity in adults, as a rule, emerges in childhood. Each fifth child having this disorder, symptoms are preserved and when reached maturity.

Often, such features of the manifestation of hyperactivity are observed:

  • a tendency to aggression towards the surrounding (including parents);
  • suicidal inclinations;
  • inability to participate in the dialogue, take a constructive joint decision;
  • lack of skills planning and organizing their own labor;
  • forgetfulness, frequent loss of the desired things;
  • refusal to solve problems requiring mental voltage;
  • fussiness, multi-mindability, irritability;
  • fatigue, plasticity.


The violation of attention and the hyperactivity of the baby becomes noticeable to parents from an early age, but the diagnosis is set by a neurologist or psychologist. Usually, the hyperactivity of the child is 3 years old if it takes place, no longer question.

The diagnosis of hyperactivity is a multi-step process. History data is collected and analyzed (the course of pregnancy, childbirth, the dynamics of physical and psychomotor development suffered by a child). An expert is important the opinion of the parents themselves about the development of the baby, the assessment of his behavior in 2 years, in 5 years.

Doctor need to find out how adaptation to the kindergarten was held. During the reception, parents should not win the child, make him comments. The doctor is important to see his natural behavior. If the baby reached 5 years of age, a children's psychologist will conduct tests for the definition of care.

The final diagnosis is issued by a neurologist and a children's psychologist after receiving the results of electroencephalography and MRI brain. These surveys are needed to eliminate neurological diseases, which may be a violation of attention and hyperactivity.

Laboratory methods are also important:

  • determination of the presence of lead in the blood to exclude intoxication;
  • biochemical blood test on thyroid hormones;
  • common blood test for exception of anemia.

Special methods can be applied: counseling of the eyepiece and suryanologist, psychological testing.


If the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" is exhibited, a comprehensive therapy is necessary. It includes medical and pedagogical events.

Educational work

Specialists in children's neurology and psychology will explain their parents how to deal with the hyperactivity of their Chad. Appropriate knowledge also need to possess educators kindergarten and teachers in schools. They must teach parents proper behavior With a child, help overcome difficulties in dealing with him. Experts will help the schoolboy to master the relaxation and self-control techniques.

Change conditions

It is necessary to praise and encourage the baby for any success and good deeds. Emphasize the positive qualities of character, maintain any positive endeavors. You can lead a diary with the child, where to fix all of its achievements. In a calm and benevolent tone, talk about the rules of behavior and communicating with others.

Already from 2-year-old, the kid must get used to the routine of the day, sleep, eat and play at a certain time.

From 5 years of age, it is desirable that he has its own living space: a separate room or a corner-felling area. The house should have a calm atmosphere, quarrels of parents and scandals are unacceptable. It is advisable to transfer the schoolchildren to a class with a smaller number of students.

To reduce hyperactivity in 2-3 years, children need a sports corner (Swedish wall, children's bars, rings, rope). Exercise and games will help reset the tension and spend energy.

What can not be done to parents:

  • constantly borrow and scold, especially with outsiders;
  • to humiliate the kid with mocking or rude remarks;
  • constantly talking to the child strictly, to give orders in an order tone;
  • prohibit anything without explaining the child's motive of his decision;
  • give too complex tasks;
  • require exemplary behavior and only excellent marks at school;
  • do household goods that were charged to a child if he did not fulfill them;
  • acquire the idea that the main task is not to change the behavior, but to get for obedience award;
  • apply methods physical impact With disobedience.

Medical therapy

Medical treatment of hyperactivity syndrome in children only plays an auxiliary role. It is prescribed in the absence of an effect from behavioral therapy and special training.

To eliminate the symptoms of the ADHD, the drug atomsetine is used, but its use is possible only for the prescription of the doctor, there are unwanted effects. The results appear in about 4 months of regular reception.

If the baby has been made such a diagnosis, psychostimulants can also be appointed. They are used in the morning. In severe cases, tricyclic antidepressants are applied under medical control.

Games with hyperactive children

Even with desktop and quiet games, the hyperactivity of a child is noticeable for 5 years. He constantly draws the attention of adult messy and amelessly television. Parents need to spend more time with the baby, communicate with him. Joint games are very helpful.

Effectively alternating calm desktop games - Lotto, picking up puzzles, checkers, with mobile games - badminton, football. Many opportunities to help a child with hyperactivity gives summer.

During this period, it is necessary to strive to ensure the kid of a country rest, long trips, teach swimming. During walks, talk more with the child, tell him about plants, birds, nature phenomena.


Parents need to make adjustments to food. The diagnosis delivered by experts implies the need to comply with the time of meals. The diet must be balanced, the number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - to correspond to the age norm.

It is advisable to eliminate fried, sharp and smoked dishes, carbonated drinks. Less eat sweet, especially chocolate, increase the number of consumed vegetables and fruits.

Hyperactivity at school age

Increased hyperactivity in school children forces parents to seek medical care. After all, the school places completely different demands to the younger person than preschool institutions. He must remember a lot, receive new knowledge, solve complex tasks. The child requires attentiveness, preferabity, the ability to concentrate.

Problems with studies

Violation of attention and hyperactivity notice teachers. The child in the lesson is dispersed, is active, does not respond to comments, prevents the occupation. Hyperactivity junior schoolchildren In 6-7 years leads to the fact that children are poorly absorbed by the material, carelessly make homework. Therefore, they constantly receive comments for low performance and bad behavior.

Education of children with hyperactivity often becomes a serious problem. A real struggle begins between such a child and the teacher, as the student does not want to fulfill the requirements of the teacher, and the teacher fights for the discipline in the classroom.

Problems with classmates

Empathy adaptation B. children's team, difficult to find mutual language with peers. The schoolboy begins to get into himself, becomes secretive. In collective games or discussions persistently defend its point of view, without listening to the opinion of others. It often behaves roughly, aggressively, especially if they do not agree with his opinion.

Hyperactivity correction is necessary for the successful adaptation of the baby in the children's team, good trainee and further socialization. It is important to examine the crumb into early age and spend timely professional treatment. But in any case, parents must realize that the most of all the child needs understanding and support.


Increased motor activity is usually denoted as ADHD - attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity. This is a violation of the CNS characterized by chronic flow. It is manifested by impulsiveness, reduced memory, attention, etc.

Most recently it was believed that this was observed only in children. However, by now, scientists have been established that a sufficiently large number of adults suffer from this violation.

Scientists believe that hyperactivity is caused by hereditary reasons, since most patients had close relatives with similar violations.

How does an increased motor activity of a child and an adult manifest? What treatment methods are used, what folk remedies can help? Let's talk about it:

Hyperactivity in a child - symptoms

Such children are easy to notice. They are in constant motion, they cannot even calmly stand calmly or sit in one place. Such children are characterized by quick-tempered, impassable, non-disgrace. They are inattentive, it is difficult to remember information, can not focus. At the same time, these signs do not depend on poor education, or the characteristics of the nature of the child.

Most often, ADHD is observed in boys. It is their parents most often turn to a doctor with complaints about the increased activity of their child. During the examination, a violation of neurophysiology of the brain is usually detected, the deficiency of dopamine and norepinephrine is diagnosed.

The first signs are usually manifested between the ages of 3 and 6 years. They are most pronounced in school and adolescence. Next, they can decline and disappear to youth. However, if there is a predisposition to the further development of this violation, most of the symptoms remain with a person and in adulthood.

Increased motor activity in adult - symptoms

According to statistics, each twentieth adult resident of the planet has symptoms of ADHD. At the same time, most do not even suspect the presence of this syndrome. Forgetfulness, absentiance, irritability, etc., people refer to the properties of their character, and also sin on overwork or frequent stress.

Nevertheless, there are characteristic symptoms to help diagnose the presence of hyperactivity syndrome.

In adults, it indicates the weakening of memory and concentration of attention, fussiness. Such people often lose small things. They carefully perform work, as they do not pay attention to the details. They are inattentive to the interlocutor, do not listen to him, often interrupt. Such people most often have low education and small earnings.

They are restless, often irritable, hot-tempered, impatient, prone to frequent mood shifts.

Among people suffering from increased activity, a large percentage of smokers, taking alcohol and psychoactive stimulants. Among them are a large number of violators of road rules, public order.

However, the symptoms of ADHD with temporary manifestations of increased activity arising for other reasons should not be confused. In particular, hyperactivity can be caused by the reception of some drugs, for example, an antiallergic drug Parliament, the instructions for the use of which was recently considered. One of the side effects of the medication is anxiety, an increase in motor activity.

But, if the symptomatic described above is constantly present, a specialist should be visited and, if necessary, to obtain adequate treatment.

Treatment of syndrome

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this mental violation. However, there are medical techniques that allow significantly to reduce the severity of symptoms in both children and adult patients, make it easier for them and help socially adapt.

Treatment includes sessions of psychotherapy, methods of behavioral correction, as well as the use of certain drugs. The scheme of therapeutic measures involves the participation of specialists of the neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist.

In the treatment of children with a slight degree of violation, it is usually enough psychological support. Moreover, the psychologist works not only with the small patient himself, but also with his parents, attracts to the participation of teachers. With a pronounced and severe, treatment is carried out by a psychiatrist.

For the treatment of children, adolescents and adult patients with severe and heavy forms of ADHD, if they have social disadaptations, along with psychotherapeutic sessions, drugs are used: tranquilizers, psychostimulants, nootropics. If necessary, antidepressants are prescribed, for example, amphetamine, ritaline or amitriptyline.

Use the homeopathic preparations necessary in this particular case, medications based on healing plants.

The complex of therapeutic events also includes sports. Preference is given to single species, as collective contests for people with syndrome are difficult and can provoke a decrease in self-esteem.

Folk remedies

With approval of the attending physician, include in comprehensive treatment folk recipes. They are able to significantly alleviate the state, reduce the severity of symptoms, make a person calmly and balanced.

Here are some popular recipes:

Fill boiling water strongly crushed, dried rhizomes of dyagil: on the floor-liter boiling water - 1 tbsp. It is more convenient and faster to cook in the thermos. After 5 hours, the infusion will be ready. Children give 1 ppm three times per day. Adults can be taken over a small throat.

Connect 1 tbsp of dried plants: mint, Melissa and Hypericum. Add as many lavender flowers and 3 tbsp. Valerian roots, mix. Thermos scatter boiling water. Put 2 tbsp. For 400 ml of boiling water. Infusion will be ready after 4 hours. Remedy Take a small cup (approximately 100 ml) in the morning and before bedtime. Children dosage is calculated by the doctor, depending on age.

Help to relax, calm down, contribute to a good sleep bath with sea salt, or decoction from the roots of Aira, Juniper and Willow's cortex.

It should be remembered that the syndrome of increased activity, which we talked about today is not a severe impairment of the psyche. However, this disorder leads to the social disadaptation of a person, it makes it difficult to life in society. Therefore, do not leave it without attention, contact a specialist neurologist for help. Be healthy!