A hyperactive child - what does this mean for parents? Symptoms of hyperactivity in a child, correction, recommendations for adults.

Or just active. Only a symptom specialist will be able to determine your baby's condition. Some say that hyperactivity is a disease, others believe that such is the nature of a child. Where is the truth after all? What is hyperactivity? What is your kid? What to do with the activity of the crumbs in this case? You will now learn about this and many other things.

What is Childhood Hyperactivity?

Children cannot be alike: one is active, the other is calm - they are all individual. Many mothers argue: they say, if their baby is too mobile, it means that he is hyperactive. However, this is not quite true. Hyperactivity is overexcited and accompanied by too much activity.

This state is always characteristic of him, even at night. He cannot sit in one place, nor can he walk slowly. Everything is done very quickly and not always deliberately. At the same time, you never know what to expect from a hyperactive person in the next minute. He makes all decisions spontaneously. It is believed that not enough attention is paid to such a child. Therefore, he comes up with new pranks. Hyperactivity is She begins to express itself clearly at the age of two, and by school age the momentum is gaining, and then the baby becomes uncontrollable: he ceases to fully observe discipline, shows his aggression, is rude to adults. There is no authority for such children. About 150 years ago, doctors tried to understand and solve the problem of hyperactivity. To date, some questions have been disclosed, but far from all. There are many books and advice on this subject.

What is the difference between children's activity and hyperactivity?

Active children are very nimble, they are fidgets who constantly want to know everything. They learn about the world thanks to their restlessness. But at the same time, they listen to adults, they can be carried away for a while by an interesting activity. For example, sculpting, appliqué or folding puzzles. It all depends on the interests of the child. Excessive emotions are rarely manifested in them. If active children are not worried about anything, they are not hungry or sick, then only their laughter is heard. Mobility often manifests itself only at home - when visiting or on a walk, the baby behaves differently, more modestly and quieter. An active child does not conflict with children, but if he is offended, he will give back without hesitation. He himself does not provoke scandals. Physical activity is accompanied by cheerfulness, enthusiasm, energy, obedience. During the day, the child gets tired very much, so he sleeps very well at night.

Hyperactive children can also be carried away, but for no more than 10 minutes. They do not have a calm state. The kid demonstrates his behavior absolutely everywhere, does not know what shyness is. Speaks quickly, jumping from topic to topic. Asks a lot of questions. Without waiting for an answer, he asks further. In the speech, it is noticeable that he does not finish the endings, he wants to say something so quickly. Sleeps in constant anxiety, turns, falls out of bed, emotions and behavior are possible uncontrollable and uncontrollable. Physical activity develops quickly into aggressiveness. In a company, hyperactive children often conflict with everyone.

Hyperactivity in children: symptoms

Is your child unable to sit still in one place? Do not immediately run to the doctors and think that he has childhood hyperactivity. First, pay attention to the features of your baby's activity:

  • restlessness and impulsivity;
  • inattention;
  • aggression, nervousness and endless tantrums;
  • problems in communication with peers and adults;
  • immunity to learning;
  • clumsiness, inability to complete the matter;
  • indiscipline.

All of the above signs characterize hyperactivity. The symptoms you find should alert you. It may be worth taking some measures to improve your child's behavior. After all, aggression is shown too often and expressed.

Any parent will get tired of fighting this behavior. These kids quickly lose contact with friends, as a result, no one wants to be friends with them, and even adults try to avoid communication with such personalities. If they received a task, they will never be able to complete it completely, as they are too overexcited, inattentive and may forget about the serious work entrusted to them. Pay attention to hyperactivity in children. Their symptoms may vary. After all, as already mentioned, each child is individual.

Nutrition for hyperactive children

Everyone knows that every child's nutrition should be complete and balanced, and most importantly - healthy. If parents allow ordinary children to eat chocolate or candy, then such a product should be excluded from the diet of hyperactive ones. In late winter - early spring, it is necessary to give a complex of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. As soon as the first vegetables and fruits begin to appear in gardens and trees, be sure to include them in the daily menu. And in general, they should always be present on your table.

Fish once a week, or preferably two, should be present in your baby's diet. The same applies to all products containing magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. But the child should not even see pastries, cakes, sausages, purchased dumplings. They are harmful not only to health in general, but also to the behavior of the child. This has been proven by doctors for a long time. In addition, it must be remembered that children with hyperactivity need to be given food only on time. Many do not believe that the baby's behavior depends on the diet, but science has proven that this is so.

Why did hyperactivity appear

Where did this behavior come from? Maybe inherited? Many parents think so. However, the reasons for hyperactivity must be sought elsewhere. Think about how your pregnancy went. Perhaps the mother was a lot nervous, was ill, or was taking medications, which subsequently affected the baby. It even happens that a woman led an overly active lifestyle, thanks to which the baby began to get used to it in the womb. Difficult childbirth can also provoke hyperactivity in the baby. In addition, quite often the reason can be a lack of attention from others. Perhaps the child's relatives do not communicate enough with him or play. Then the children try to attract the attention of adults with their terrible behavior.

Factors provoking hyperactivity

Parents are happy if their child is cheerful, cheerful and active. However, when aggression and incomprehensible behavior wakes up in a baby, adults do not understand what triggered this situation. First of all, pay attention to your own attitude towards your baby. Perhaps you are not kind and affectionate enough with him. This behavior is possible if the child often eats food that contains pesticides. It has a very harmful effect on the baby. Carbonated water is also on the list of prohibited foods.

Therefore, try to avoid eating junk food. Family relationships, inattention to the child - all this affects the state of the baby's nervous system, remember this.

What do the doctor's say

The opinions of experts were divided. Some are sure that hyperactivity in children preschool age is normal, others say it is a serious illness. The pediatrician refers the patient to a neurologist and psychiatrist. European scientists believe that there is no such disease as hyperactivity. It's just that the child is very nimble and restless, and over time he will definitely outgrow. Hyperactivity is a myth, not a disease. It was invented in the early 80s to justify the increased activity of toddlers. Besides, it turns out that the age of the children also matters. The study showed that students' behavior changes by the second or third grade. They become calmer and more balanced. If the child is too nervous and inattentive, it is possible that he has a mental disorder. However, according to European doctors, children should not be stuffed with psychotropic and other medications. The consequences may be undesirable. In the future, the child will no longer be able to feel normal without medication. This affects his psyche even more. It is better to achieve normal fidget behavior with gentle words and conversations. You always need to remember: all the achievements or problems of the child are the fault of the adults themselves and the environment.

Games with hyperactive children

Any child needs to be able to lure. Games for preschool children are offered to a greater extent active. This way the little ones will use their energy for good. To develop attention and obedience, you can play the game: "Do it the other way around." Adult lowered right hand- the kid raised the left one. An adult has one eye closed, and a toddler closes the other, etc. Play the Edible - Inedible game with the child. Only the theme needs to be changed very often so that the baby does not get bored. For example, you voice the names of furniture - the child catches the ball, say another word that does not relate to the topic - beats it off. Work with children with increased activity is carried out regularly. This way, they will feel that they are receiving sufficient attention and will behave energetically, but without unnecessary, unnecessary emotions. Play noisy and emotional games with the little ones from time to time.

Thanks to them, babies develop dexterity, thinking, Movable children love the game "Silent - a chant." An adult prepares 3 circles in advance, the colors of which correspond to the traffic lights. Show the kid red, at this time let him run, shout, knock, etc. (2 minutes). Show the yellow circle - the child should talk and do everything very quietly. Green color means that you need to shut up and do nothing at all for 2 minutes. With each "session" the time increases. The next active, but quiet game will captivate children for a while. This is "The sea is worried once" - fun, known for a long time. She forms obedience and fantasy in fidgets. For any age you can find Interesting games... Parents and caregivers interested in reducing the child's hyperactivity should learn to make noise, shout, run and jump with him. You will see how the baby will change.

With hyperactivity, work with children is carried out regularly. They need to feel constant attention from others. Organize a clear daily routine for your baby. Try to have him eat and go to bed at the same time. Be sure to listen to the child's opinion, do not ignore him, even if it seems to you that he is saying absurd things. If you think that the kid is wrong, prove your point, just not harshly. The child will believe the truthful facts, find and give examples. Try to articulate your request clearly, without shouting, in a benevolent tone. When the child begins to be capricious or hysterical, try not to punish or beat him, but to distract him with a game.

Even a banal kiss will calm a raging baby. If no requests and persuasions work, leave him alone - you will see, when he realizes that there is no one to throw tantrums, he will calm down. It is often undesirable for a child to say the word “no”. It is necessary to formulate the ban in such a way that it looks like a request. If you prohibit him from sticking an object into an outlet, try to explain why it is dangerous. Punishment incomprehensible to the child will provoke a terrible tantrum and scandal. There is also no need to order, it is better to simply ask calmly. If the child does not want to apologize, it is not necessary to force him, since the nerves of every family member will once again be spoiled.

As mentioned above, games for preschool children should be a compulsory activity, and they should play both with other children and with adults. Overactive children should not be given several tasks at the same time: after completing the first, such a child will still forget what to do next. Better to ask to complete this or that task in stages. Do not give a sedative to your baby - it negatively affects his general condition. It is better to provide regular good nutrition instead of medications, and do not forget about vitamins - there should be a lot of them. Firmness in upbringing should be present, but only without negative emotions. Get your toddler to be able to get things done without stopping halfway. Each child has individual signs of hyperactivity. Affectionate and kind attitude will change his behavior.


In the case of hyperactive children, remember to apply specific parenting and play techniques if you want to achieve the desired result. Parents and educators should work together with these babies. A kindergarten teacher or a psychologist should explain to parents that there can only be a quiet and calm atmosphere in a family, so as not to provoke hysterics of the baby. From the very birth of a child, you need to gently demand accuracy and obedience. He must be able to respect others, communicate with them in the proper tone: not to be rude or rude. Hyperactive kids are not very different from active tomboy. A little perseverance - and you can communicate with them quite normally. It's just that every little person wants constant attention. The sooner teachers and parents start working on the child's hyperactivity, the more effective the result will be.

What if the child is constantly in motion, it seems that a "motor" is connected to him? What to do if a child cannot calmly play with his peers in kindergarten, if it is difficult for him to sit in the classroom? How will a restless toddler learn at school? And most importantly, what lies behind his restlessness: a variant of the norm or a pathology? And does the baby need the help of a specialist? Parents often turn to doctors and psychologists with such questions.

History of the issue

In the middle of the 19th century, the German neuropsychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann was the first to describe an overly mobile child and gave him the nickname "Fidget Phil". Since the 60s of the XX century, doctors began to distinguish such a condition as pathological and called it minimal cerebral dysfunction (minimal disorder of brain function).

Since the 80s of the twentieth century, the state of excessive motor activity (hyperactivity) began to be distinguished as an independent disease and entered into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) under the name of attention deficit disorder (or deficit) syndrome with hyperactivity (ADHD). It is caused by dysfunctions of the central nervous system (CNS) of the child and manifests itself in the fact that it is difficult for the baby to concentrate and maintain attention, he has problems with learning and memory. This is due primarily to the fact that it is difficult for the brain of such a child to process external and internal information and stimuli.

It is worth noting that although outwardly excessive mobility of the baby comes to the fore, the main defect in the stricture of this disease is attention deficit: the little one cannot concentrate on anything for a long time. Children with ADHD are characterized by restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

ADHD is a serious social problem, as it occurs in a large number of children (according to various studies, it affects from 2.2 to 18% of babies) and is very disturbing to them social adaptation... Thus, it is known that children with ADHD are at risk for the development of alcoholism and drug addiction in the future. ADHD occurs in boys and is 4-5 times more common than in girls.

ADHD symptoms

The first manifestations of ADHD can sometimes be observed as early as the first year of life. Children with this disorder are overly sensitive to various stimuli (for example, to artificial light, sounds, various manipulations of the mother associated with leaving, etc.), are distinguished by loud crying, sleep disturbances (they have difficulty falling asleep, sleep little, are too awake), can slightly lag behind in motor development (they begin to roll over, crawl, walk 1-2 months later than the others), as well as in speech, they are inert, passive, not very emotional.

Any excited child, whose energy is overflowing, should not be classified as children with various disorders or diseases of the nervous system. It is normal for children to be stubborn or disobedient at times. The cases when the child sometimes "walks" in bed, although it is time to sleep, does not wake up at dawn, is naughty or indulges, are also normal.

In the first years of a child's life, the main concern of parents is the excessive number of movements of the baby, their randomness. When observing such children, doctors notice a slight delay in their speech development, the kids later begin to express themselves in phrases; Also, these children show motor awkwardness (clumsiness), they later master complex movements (jumping, etc.).

The age of three is special for a child. On the one hand, attention and memory are actively developing during this period. On the other hand, the first three-year crisis is being observed. The main content of this period is negativism, stubbornness and obstinacy. The child actively defends his "I".

Often at 3-4 years old, before the child enters Kindergarten, parents do not consider his behavior abnormal and do not go to the doctor. Therefore, when the baby goes to the kindergarten and the caregivers begin to complain of uncontrollability, disinhibition, the child's inability to sit still during classes and fulfill the requirements, it becomes an unpleasant surprise for the parents. All these "unexpected" manifestations are explained by the inability of the central nervous system of a hyperactive child to cope with the new requirements presented to him against the background of an increase in physical and mental stress.

The worsening of the course of the disease occurs with the beginning of systematic education (at the age of 5-6 years), when classes begin in the senior and preparatory groups kindergarten. In addition, this age is critical for the maturation of brain structures, so excessive exercise can cause overwork. Emotional development of babies with ADHD is usually delayed, which is manifested by imbalance, hot temper, and low self-esteem. These signs are often combined with tics 1, headaches, fears. All of the aforementioned manifestations are responsible for the low academic performance of children with ADHD in school, despite their relatively high intelligence. Such children find it difficult to adapt to the team. Due to their impatience and mild excitability, they often come into conflict with peers and adults, which aggravates existing learning problems. It should be borne in mind that a child suffering from insufficient attention syndrome with hyperactivity is not able to foresee the consequences of his behavior, does not recognize authorities, which can lead to antisocial behavior. Especially often, antisocial behavior is observed in such children in adolescence, when impulsivity comes first, sometimes combined with aggressiveness.

Diagnostic criteria for ADHD

Behavior features:

  1. appear before 8 years of age;
  2. are found in at least two areas of activity (in a child care institution and at home, in work and in games, etc.);
  3. not caused by any mental disorder;
  4. cause significant psychological discomfort and impair adaptation.

Inattention (of the following signs, at least 6 should be shown continuously for at least 6 months):

  • the inability to complete the task without mistakes, caused by the inability to focus on the details;
  • inability to listen to speech addressed;
  • inability to complete the work being done;
  • inability to organize their activities;
  • refusal from unloved work that requires perseverance;
  • loss of items needed to complete assignments (writing utensils, books, etc.);
  • forgetfulness in daily activities;
  • withdrawal from classes and an increased response to extraneous stimuli.

Hyperactivity and impulsivity (of the following, at least four of the signs must be present continuously for at least 6 months)


  • fussy, cannot sit still;
  • jumps up without permission;
  • runs aimlessly, fidgets, climbs, etc. in inappropriate situations;
  • cannot play quiet games, rest.


  • shouts out the answer without hearing the question;
  • can't wait for her turn.

Diagnosing ADHD

First of all, parents who suspect such disorders in their children, at whatever age this may happen, should consult a neurologist and examine the child, because sometimes other, more serious diseases are hidden under the guise of ADHD. It is better to contact a specialized neurological center or the Department of Pediatric Neurology. It is advisable not to be limited to a consultation, but to undergo a comprehensive examination lasting 2-3 hours.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish three stages of diagnostics of this disease.

The first, subjective, involves a subjective assessment of the child's behavior based on generally accepted diagnostic criteria developed by the American Psychiatric Association (see Diagnostic Criteria for ADHD). In addition, the doctor asks parents in detail about the features of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, about the diseases suffered by the child, about his behavior. A detailed family history is taken.

The second stage is objective, or psychological. The parameters of the child's attentiveness are measured by the number of mistakes made by the child when performing special tests, and in the time he spent on it. It should be remembered that such studies can be carried out in children only from the age of five to six.

At the third stage, an electro-encephalographic study is carried out - with the help of electrodes superimposed on the head, the electrical potentials of the brain are recorded and the corresponding changes are identified. This is done to objectively assess the state of the child's brain. There are more modern research using magnetic resonance imaging 2. These examinations are harmless and painless. Based on the totality of the results obtained, a diagnosis is made.

2 Magnetic resonance imaging (MPT) is a diagnostic method (not related to X-ray radiation) that allows you to obtain a layer-by-layer image of organs in different planes, to build a three-dimensional reconstruction of the area under study. The method is based on the properties of some atomic nuclei, when placed in a magnetic field, to absorb energy in the radio frequency range and emit it after the termination of the action of the radio frequency pulse. For MRI, various pulse sequences have been developed for imaging the structures under study to obtain optimal contrast between normal and altered tissues. This is one of the most informative and harmless diagnostic methods.

ADHD classification

There are three options for the course of ADHD, depending on the prevailing features:

  1. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  2. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  3. syndrome combining attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (most common).

In addition, there are simple and complicated forms of the disease. If the first is characterized only by inattention and hyperactivity, then with the second, these symptoms are joined by headaches, tics, stuttering, and sleep disturbances.

Causes of ADHD

ADHD is based on functional immaturity or malfunctioning of the subcortical nuclei of the brain and the frontal regions of the cerebral cortex. Failures in adequate information processing lead to the fact that various visual, sound, emotional stimuli become excessive for the child, causing anxiety and irritation.

Genetic mechanisms also play an important role in the origin of ADHD. Families of children with ADHD often have close relatives who had similar disabilities in childhood.

In about 60-70% of cases, adverse factors during pregnancy and childbirth play a leading role in the occurrence of ADHD. Pregnancy factors that are prognostically unfavorable for the development of ADHD include: intrauterine hypoxia (lack of oxygen) of the fetus; the threat of termination of pregnancy; smoking: inappropriate nutrition of the mother during pregnancy; stress during pregnancy. Unfavorable factors in the course of labor are: prematurity (birth of a baby weighing less than 2500 g), premature, fleeting or prolonged labor, stimulation of labor. Also, a risk factor is the presence in newborns of lesions of the central nervous system of varying severity.

Tension and frequent conflicts in the family, intolerance and excessive severity towards children also contribute to the development of this syndrome.

Injuries to the cervical spine in a child, contrary to popular belief, are not the cause of this disease.

It should always be borne in mind that several unfavorable circumstances, mutually influencing and complementing each other, are more likely to provoke the manifestation of ADHD in a baby. But the main risk factor is the child's predisposition to this disease: if it does not exist, then ADHD cannot manifest itself.

Features of ADHD treatment

Treatment of ADHD should be comprehensive, that is, it should include both drug therapy and psychological correction. Ideally, the child should be observed by both a neurologist and a psychologist, feel the support of the parents and their faith in a positive outcome of treatment. This support is very important to reinforce the skills that the child learns during treatment.

The psychological characteristics of hyperactive children are such that they are immune to reprimands and punishment, but quickly respond to the slightest praise.

Children with ADHD are encouraged to write instructions and directions in a clear, concise, concise manner. Parents should not give them several tasks at the same time, it is better to give the same instructions, but separately. They should monitor the child's compliance with the daily regimen (clearly regulate meal times, homework, sleep), provide the baby with the opportunity to spend excess energy in physical exercises, long walks, and running. To correct behavior, you can use the so-called operant conditioning, which consists in punishing or rewarding in response to the child's behavior. Punishments must follow offenses quickly and immediately, i.e. be as close as possible in time to misbehavior. Together with the baby, it is necessary to develop a system of rewards and punishments for good and bad behavior, as well as arrange a set of rules of conduct in the kindergarten group and at home in a convenient place for the child, and then ask the child to pronounce these rules aloud. You should also not overwork the baby when performing tasks, as this may increase hyperactivity. It is necessary to limit the participation of easily excitable children in gathering activities. The choice of partners for games is also important - it is desirable that the child's friends are balanced and calm.

Scolding a child with ADHD for being hyperactive is not only useless but also harmful. In such cases, the baby can only be criticized. What is the difference between scolding and criticizing? It is necessary to give a positive assessment of the child's personality and negative - his actions. How does it look in practice? "You are a good boy, but now you are doing wrong (specifically, I must say that the baby is doing badly), you have to behave like this ..." In no case should you make a negative comparison of your child with other children: "Vasya is good, and you are bad ". It is recommended to shorten the time for watching TV programs and playing computer games. It must be remembered that excessive demands and excessive teaching loads lead to persistent fatigue of the child and the appearance of aversion to learning. A gentle learning regime is recommended for the child - minimal amount children in a group, class (no more than 12 people), shorter duration of classes (up to 30 minutes), etc.

Of course, complex rehabilitation of such children is necessary using both medication and non-medication. In this case, the treatment should be individual and prescribed taking into account the survey data.

In the United States and European countries, psychostimulants are most commonly used in the treatment of ADHD. The use of these drugs when they high efficiency very often accompanied by the development of side effects. The most common of these are insomnia, irritability, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, headaches, nausea, and growth retardation.

In Russia, nootropic drugs (Gliatilin, Cortexin, Encephabol) are traditionally used to treat ADHD. Nootropic drugs are understood as drugs that have a positive effect on the higher integrative (uniting) functions of the brain. These drugs are more effective in cases where inattention predominates. If hyperactivity prevails, drugs containing gamma-aminobutyric acid are used. This substance is responsible for inhibiting, controlling reactions in the brain. The most commonly used are PANTOGAM, FENIBUT. It must be remembered that medications can be taken strictly as prescribed by a neurologist.

In addition, transcranial micropolarization is used to treat ADHD - the effect of a very weak electric current on certain areas of the brain.

There is another way to treat ADHD - a feedback method that allows the brain to find the best way to work and improve attention: since the brain is flexible enough in children, it can be "trained" to function correctly. The essence of the method is that electrodes are attached to the child's head, with the help of which the bioelectric activity of the brain is recorded, which is displayed on the computer screen. In a playful way "by an effort of will" the child is invited to consciously or unconsciously find ways to reduce the pathological activity of the brain and bring the encephalogram indicators back to normal (a sample of the norm is also displayed on the screen). The main task facing the child is to remember such a "normal" state and try, if not to preserve it, then at least to learn to evoke it at will. But this treatment can be used in children only from 8-9 years old: it is difficult for young children to understand what exactly is required of them.

The good news is that some hyperactive children "outgrow" their disease, that is, into adolescence their symptoms disappear. But in 30-70% of children, manifestations of ADHD go into adolescence and adulthood (especially if you do not deal with the treatment of this pathology).

Leonid Chutko
Head of the Center for Correction of Attention and Behavioral Disorders of the Human Brain Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
neurologist of the highest category,
d.m.s. (St. Petersburg)


Thank you for the article

good article

my fidget is 5 years old. the hardest thing is for him in the kindergarten - he does not control (runs, screams something) Educators do not understand him. They think that we do not talk to him enough and pamper him

11/17/2008 9:28:36 PM, Svetlana

a computer and a TV set are unambiguously harmful tablets too. how to help a child to live normally in a team.

05.10.2008 04:08:08

Where is the treatment using transcranial micropolarization and the feedback method carried out? It is not possible to find it on our own.

06/29/2005 15:18:00, Marina

Hello. I will present to you myself, a once hyperactive child (as the doctors wrote), in the future a completely ordinary child, now a mother of two children. Yes, I was still that kid in a skirt, as everyone who knew me says, and I myself remember a lot. Already at the age of 5, you could look for me 2 kilometers from the house with guys 5-7 years older (and they were not bored with me). At that age, all attics, basements, trees and even a swamp were studied (we lived not far from the shipyard). And apparently nothing can be done about it. Such children, as my mother used to say, have an overly developed curiosity, they do not feel fear (or I just tried to despise it). Otherwise, they simply cannot study the world, they can inflict irreparable trauma on them. As my mother recalled, if I was stopped (it came to a severe flogging), I closed myself, for example, I could sit behind a chair until evening, looking at one point and hum. And as you understand, this raises more serious concerns. My hyperactivity ended somewhat sadly: I received a compression fracture of the spine ... but as you understand, children do not grow without bumps ... no matter how much we want it, children sometimes break something ... or just get sick when they have to spend a long time at home ... this is the time that needs to be used as much as possible for the treatment of the child ... opening up to him a new world of books and games that require perseverance. You just need to remember that the unrealized energy of the child with all its strength will turn into that hobby with which you will attract the attention of your child. For me, they were books, I read always and everywhere (walking from the library down the street, at the table, I slept for 4-5 hours, they put me to bed, and I read with a torch under the covers). You have to choose the least of two evils ... maybe a computer will become such a hobby for your child ... Good luck.

10/19/2004 10:19:00 PM, Katerina

I suffer a lot with my child, I cannot help him! If there are those who have achieved good results in the treatment of such children with ADHD, please write and help me. Mom of an 8-year-old genius-tormentor. By education I am a doctor, so I will understand everything.

02.10.2004 11:50:06, Dubova Elena

It's trite. Better to read Violent Oaklander, the book Windows into the world of a child. After her reasoning about hyperactive children, such articles (and they are all the same, and brainwash parents into treating their child as sick) are simply not perceived.

Interesnaya stat "ya, napisana so znaniem dela.

09/23/2004 01:51:37, anna

Comment on the article "Hyperactive child"

Dear help please, very, very hyperactive child Triapride, carteksin, tenoten were treated, but there was very little progress.


Nothing Will outgrow But it is imperative to maintain medication. And the regime of the day is also Very good sports on the street or in the water. start at the age of 13-14. This year we will be 16 Easier at times. Almost a normal guy Just fast nervous system is exhausted Tired quickly.

Conference "Adoption". Section: Medicine / children (how a child behaves at home). How do hyperactive children behave at home?


My girl with ADHD had exactly the same behavior in the clinic as you describe, in the doctor's office she grabbed a pen and threw it somewhere, crumpled all the papers on the table, tore out her card, etc. looking at this behavior, one might think that the child has ADHD, but it cannot be categorically asserted as your doctor. This behavior should be everywhere, both at home and in the garden and on the playground, i.e. you would have noticed that the kid is weird. Before my child was diagnosed with ADHD, the thought had crossed my mind a hundred times, "is she mentally healthy?"

My neurologist stubbornly puts ADHD, and the psychotherapist, who has been observing him once a week in the classroom for almost six months, says that there is no hyperactivity. Just nervous tension gives such excitement, so he relaxes. My house is 4 years old, in stores atas just periods, I give assignments as written below. In other places, I allow you to run, give assignments to jump, jump, and so on. It is difficult for any child to sit still. Now any active child is "sculpted" with hyperactivity, so forget about the neurologist. If there are problems, you will see for yourself. And do not worry in advance, there will be a problem, you will decide. And in the kindergarten, keep yourself more confident, there are all kinds of children: aggressive, and calm, and active and hyperactive.

Minimal cerebral dysfunction (MMD) is a widespread form of neuropsychic disorders in childhood; it is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor upbringing, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics. The external manifestations of the disease in children with minimal brain dysfunctions, which teachers and parents pay attention to, are often similar and usually ...

A hyperactive child A very active child is often perceived by parents as a punishment. He creates a lot of problems in society, it is difficult for him to concentrate, it is difficult for him to adapt to routine actions, he does not sit still all the time .... Psychologists associate this behavior of a child with what is commonly called "attention deficit disorder." Where does this attention deficit come from and what can be done to help such a child find his place in society, to realize his abilities? About this and ...

On the topic of hyperactive children. Relationships with other children. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attendance at kindergarten and relationships with educators ...


I will say so, we communicate very closely with the mother of one hyperactive boy. Even before a year, and even after, both the pediatrician and, most importantly, the neurologist pointed out violations and prescribed medications and therapy for them ... but, as we have done, every mother considers herself smarter than a doctor, and her child the most brilliant and healthy ... the bulk of such mothers of children with neurological disabilities, 9 out of 10, leaving the doctor's office and cursing the doctor, go to the Internet to the forums, where, of course, they all echo with one voice - of course he is healthy and you don’t stuff him with medications, and hammer the idiot on the doctor !!! and what is the result? but everything is natural and predictable! only you are responsible for the health and development of your child! do not want to give medicine and heal - for God's sake! then, after several years have passed, these mothers begin to look for those to blame for the fact that no one can and does not want an approach to their non-standard and special and unique inadequate child, to find, understand, accept and help. all so angry and indifferent. and who is it, excuse me, it is necessary ??? this is your child and your problems. and your fault for such a result. it is clear that the child is not to blame, but everything could have been corrected in due time. We have a friend, a neurologist, and I've heard enough of such stories. and I see it from experience. This boy is a friend of 6 months older than my youngest son. my 3 years old, 3.5 years old. the smartest mother refused all diagnoses and treatment, she did not want to stuff it, she wrote off everything on character and temperament, as a result, by the age of 2, they lost all their friends, because the boy is really uncontrollable, uncontrollable, disobedient and unpredictable, with elements of sudden aggression and unmotivated. Mother at one time sent doctors far and for a long time and kept repeating to everyone that they were all debiles, and the son was healthy. and now it’s dumb to play with him on the same site, he can push down a hill, and push from a height, and throw a stone, and spit, and bite, and pounce like a wolf on another child and bite his face, and poke a stick in the eye and laugh, and grab your hair and fall to the ground and wallow and hysteria if not his way ... and very, very many such nuances. so why should I bring my normal child and calm to the playground to play with him ??? why do I need this ??? if the two of them run to the swing or just play, he will definitely push mine, on the hill I am always afraid to move away, so that he does not push mine from a height, in the sand, so as not to sprinkle or hit ... this is not a walk, but stress for mom and trauma for the child. and nobody needs it. all avoid them. and he went to the garden at 2.10 years old, he was almost 2 months old, and the parents began to complain of scratches, bruises and bites, and the teacher about the uncontrollability and inadequacy of such a child. They called my mother to the director and said, not a Sadovsky, take it. now he sits at home with his grandmothers. kindergarten is the first step for socialization, then school. and these problems will not go away, and with age they will only get worse. and neurologists say so - all neurology must be removed and corrected for up to a year, up to a maximum of two, while the brain has a huge compensatory and restorative ability and many problems can be completely eliminated, and some can be minimized, so that later there would be no problems with development or with socialization and communication. after two it is very difficult to do it and it is impossible to completely fix it. and many send a neurologist for up to a year or two, after two they say that they are a fool and that what they prescribed does not help. and then everyone around is guilty, ruthless and insensitive. but educators and teachers are generally incompetent and cannot find an approach and help !!! and why would it be ??? they shouldn't do it !!! the organization is focused on healthy children, not children with disabilities! for such children there are special institutions and teachers and educators with special education! and ordinary ordinary educators should not adjust and seek an approach. they are not paid or trained to do this. and few mothers will enjoy picking up their children with bites and fractures. I do not think that they will get into the situation and want to understand ... this is the mother of such a non-standard child who wants him to go to the garden like everyone else, and to school, and so that everyone understands and helps, and be kinder and more attentive. but why ???? this mom should have been smarter in her time, and not everyone around should now ... she didn’t want to listen to the doctor in infancy, let her now be responsible for the consequences and rake up her problems. looking for teachers special for a special child, and an institution. neither the educators need this extra crap, nor the children the prospect of breaking their necks on a hill or losing an eye ... it is clear that he is not out of spite and it is not his fault that he was born this way, but those around him are also not to blame for anything and to disentangle this porridge is not required. IMHO.

04.09.2013 12:16:55, NIKA. I have two miracles

some inadequate parents from society need to be isolated. now the diagnosis of hyperactivity is attributed to anyone. it is especially convenient to blame your mistakes on the "abnormal" child (not only parental, also educational, etc.).

But the child (without diagnosis) is hyperactive, i.e. he is restless and stubborn, if he likes to do something for a long time.


I sent both of my daughters to the piano department at the age of 5. One of them is diagnosed hyperactive. Almost seven years have passed, i.e. She is now in her 7th year of study. Plays great, feels music. Although perseverance is still our problem, it was thanks to her music lessons that her ability to concentrate developed (and in general education too). 2 years ago, being an inquisitive and restless child, I also asked for domra. We bought an instrument, began to practice on the second instrument. But these are completely different planes: the person playing the piano is actually a conductor who thinks in many voices and directs the orchestra. Domra is then primitive. Of course, I would recommend the piano. You just need to find a teacher through conversations with parents and children (or on the classical music website / forum). Friendly, patient and skilled. It happens, we are lucky. By the way, what school do you go to?

08.05.2008 02:12:15, Mom of two girls

I would advise a piano for a restless one. Mine's been at domra for the third year already, I start yawning at her lessons right away, I run away after 5 minutes. It's terrifying, how boring. But we have our own reasons - the teacher is unique. And the older friend started with a block -flute, and continued-saxophone. Dovolna. The flute is also a good option. The violin and cello, IMHO, I would not consider. I wish you success in admission. Py.sy. I consulted with the children. The younger one says, just not domra :)), the flute is better. The older one offers drums. That's it :)))

A very impressionable, hyperactive child, something does not work out (tasks in zero, some kind of game, crafts, drawing) - throws and yells: I will not! I can not! does not work...


This is our case.
My dad's story about his dad (my grandfather). His dad is about 50 years old, for various reasons he did not work at that time, there are three children, only mom worked, naturally, there was no money for pickles. Serve everyone with porridge. He: "Ah! Porridge again! - and a plate on the floor. In general, from grandfather to my son, everything is choleric.
Immediately about medicine. I am very grateful to my mother that she did not drag me around to the neurologists and threw out sedatives, a bunch of which were discharged immediately, in a year or a year and a half. When already at the institute I had a concussion and the pressure began to jump, neuropathologists, with minimal complaints, prescribed sedatives in "tons", I immediately note that all this is useless: either it tends to sleep, or does not affect, but does not change character. I didn’t go to doctors of this profile with my son, except for a medical record and in the style of “everything is better with us”.
What to do? First of all, do not bring the child to a detailed reaction, curtail the action earlier. If you are with children, take them away from such a company and walk separately. In general, calm, non-aggressive movements soothe, adrenaline needs to be burned with physical work. From a calm state, it is benevolent to explain what should NEVER be done (to fight, offend others), to disassemble what happened, to speak as it should. Until the age of 13, I played role-playing games with my son on the theme of a fairy-tale country, inserting our real situations with humor. Never insist on the crest of excitement on educational: “Make peace. Apologize. Share your toys. " Praise more often. Do not say that "Masha, Petya and Vova are good, not like you." Learn not to use offensive words (fool, stupid, go out, etc.), but instead choose something more politically correct (you're wrong, I think differently, we'll talk later, it's time for me to leave) or leave without explanation to calm down. My son did not go to the kindergarten, so much was easier: when there is literary Russian at home, the child's vocabulary is different than in kindergarten. Explain to your son that they are teasing those who get turned on. If he does not give out "half a turn" of a violent external reaction, then they will stop "turning on" him. When it doesn’t work out, it’s better to come to the rescue earlier than crying out, to take a break. Distract (“let's go have tea”, “here's a tangerine, eat it, and then we'll continue”, “let's see what grandma is doing there”). Learn difficult actions for the child separately, so that it does not cause such tension "in public." Something "not to notice." Threw: "Never again and for nothing!". Sometimes it's wise not to argue or argue. Just switch to something nice. And then start as if from a blank slate, as if you had not noticed this throwing. But not in the form of "do it yourself", but from some other end and together. It is difficult, on the one hand, not to "get it" at the moment of the explosion, on the other hand, to show the inevitability of the necessary. I wrote sticks and letters with my son for more than six months. Just through everything: “I don’t want to! I won't! It still doesn’t work. ” He had hypertonicity of his hands. She taught me how to relax my hands. They wrote little by little, in turn, "spoke my teeth", gave out prizes in the form of raisins in chocolate, counting the written sticks or letters together and evaluating the merits of each (here the question was pedagogically similar encouragement or not, but my son learned to write and this is the main thing). After the letter we played together.
With grandmother - a special song. My mother also liked to tell me the sins of her son, and I tried to listen without him and nod, yes, of course, it would be better to do it differently, but not to disassemble, not to reprimand the child.
With age, a person learns to restrain himself, to release tension in reasonable directions (sports, hobbies, solitude, or a wide company). In general, as the doctor said: "Be patient, mom, take a swim, ...".

As for the move.
1) be calm as i've been told smart people"Bring yourself to a calm state," because the children feel the state of the mother.
2. Say that in the new place there will be an opportunity to start everything “from scratch”, to start “ new life", In which he will not be considered a" psycho ". That he will have new friends, and with old ones he will be able to talk on the phone and occasionally meet. It is advisable that the child does not worry, but rejoices in the move.
3. To the questions: "... how can I make friends, ..." - answer in detail, without haste and irritation, as many times as the question is asked, the child needs to understand the stereotype of behavior in the new company in a conversation with you. Play new acquaintances. The son came up to you to get acquainted. You are him. Bear, bunny, you and your son are in the same company. He is for himself, you are for everyone, it is desirable that the child has fun. First, Mishka and a bunny act out a scene based on the real behavior of their son. Then you and the bunny are the same, but instead of the actual behavior of the child, you show what you need. Then something similar, but already the son with someone, where he should give correct behavior... If it is difficult for you, you can connect a psychologist here (do you want to talk with a person who will teach you how to get acquainted and make friends?).
4. In a new place, help your son get to know the children. For example, go out with him into the courtyard and further as appropriate. For example, take out some kind of common toy (ball, badminton), meet your parents on the playground, offer to celebrate your housewarming. You can invite to your place or organize a game with refreshments right in the yard, while the weather is good, for example, offer to come at some hour with clean hands, eat a melon or fruit together and play something interesting (the role of the entertainer is yours or invite someone you know). Here in our yard there were dads who started playing ball in a circle or playing football - a very good option and everyone was happy.
5. Look, which of the children "in contact" with the son suits him as friends in terms of stereotype of behavior and height-age. It is desirable that it be a leader-follower pair of approximately similar forces (pushing, none should fly off with the risk of injury), and that the companion does not react violently to the son's actions. Try to go out for a walk at the same time, meet your parents, talk about a joint "outing" to a museum, zoo or just the nearest park, invite to your home, ... (or one thing, depending on the circumstances).
6. There are usually several courtyards in the district, if necessary, different ones can be bypassed.
7. At the peak of excitement from a new place, walk more with your son so that he gets physically tired (or let him swim, ride a bike). Physical fatigue works better than valerian.
8. If possible, "throw off" the younger grandmother (or other relatives) and give your son 2 weeks in a new place, mb. at the cost of vacation at your own expense.

At the Palace of Pioneers, we have various special courses for a child psychologist (psychologists). For example: to teach children to understand their emotions, cope with them and, accordingly, learn to communicate correctly. There is also for easy adaptation to first graders. Children think that they just go to "play", they are very interested. Is there something similar in your area? Search.

The teacher in the group cannot yet find an approach to the hyperactive child, she asked to look for materials.


As a mother of such a child, I can say that only a constant change of occupation, a constant channeling of energy into a peaceful channel will help to "cope" with a hyperactive child. Otherwise, it will either burst into tears or break everything around! Let him give him additional tasks constantly, let him sit down next to him and study with him. It is impossible to restrain or force him to do like all children - no matter how many books you read! For good, such a child needs a separate teacher with a good breath and a wild imagination ...

In my opinion, such a wild number of hyperactive children is also strange (I'm not talking about you specifically, it is clear that such a diagnosis exists in principle). In any case, attempts to adapt the child to the situation should be, IMHO. Well, you can get into a puddle if it doesn't spray anyone, if there are people around - find another puddle :), you can jump with your feet on the bus - if you don't hurt anyone, if it hurts you - change / move, rushing down the street is generally a sacred thing if there are no cars and if there are no very little ones who will not have time to leave, jump from the couch at home - you can, at a party - ... but why did they take him on a visit? If it’s a grown-up party, then it’s better without children, and if it’s a children's party, it’s possible, everyone will jump, throw sand — only if no one is around! And so - in everything. My daughter is not hyperactive, but just alive :) we usually agree with her somehow. If he doesn't want to negotiate, I distract and take away.

The hyperactive child is a bully. I need a consultation with a psychologist. Child psychology. The hyperactive child is a bully. I am a single mother, I am raising a son for one and a half years.


It seems to me that it would be useful for you to talk to your child, if not with a psychologist, then with a person who treats both of you equally well (many do not treat children who do not behave like porcelain dolls too well, although try to say that they they do not like the child, they start rolling their eyes and all "I just wish him well", but in fact - a cruel prejudice and interpretation of the child's actions from the position of "spoiled", "nutty", "mother cannot cope", etc.).

So, I think that such an open-minded person could notice what is the matter with your problems with your child. According to your description, so far, alas, almost nothing can be clearly understood, many children behave this way, but one is helped simply by naming their actions and feelings ("you hit me", "you are angry", "you do not know what to do", " you urgently want an apple "), others ignore their behavior (bang your head on the floor as much as you want, I don’t notice this, by the way, there are children for whom this is a destructive path, they really cannot calm down, no braking or switching occurs), the third - affection (for my daughter, affection and attempts to hug caused an even greater seizure), fourth - switching, etc.

It seems to me that the problem may be that you are "affectionate". Perhaps a dry approach is more suitable for a child, not even a dry one, but an adult, or something. More lively and flexible. With the transitions from communication "as with an adult" to gentle "pussies", when both have a mood, a stern voice, the expression of their changing emotions as his behavior changes or even just your mood. Perhaps these are my cockroaches, but it seems to me that it is impossible to maintain constant sincere affection for the one with whom you spend 24 hours a day for not the first year :)), and insincerity and excessive syrup can bother you even in a year and a half :)) And screams against this background - to scare: ((. But this is only what I thought from your description of the situation, and perhaps this is not the case at all, but because the child, for example, needs a three-day nap, or additional physical activity, or some frames, not narrow, but rigid, there are many options :))

07/27/2003 22:17:53, Yasya

And what is so terrible that at 1.5 years old a child "sits on his neck" - and where else to sit at this age? :-) Maybe just the opposite, he doesn't have enough attention? So he, with the help of "tough measures", draws attention to himself?
But in general, when the child is overexcited (and even with aggression), then you can try to gently stroke him, hug him, sing a song quietly ... It calms :-)

The hyperactivity of children is clearly manifested in their behavior and in violent emotional expression. All actions and experiences of children with ADHD pass with the prefix "over" - they are impulsive, stubborn, absent-minded, capricious, much more excited than is typical for ordinary children. The persistence of this behavior worries parents and pediatricians. Revealing that this is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or parenting errors is a difficult task, there is no single solution for it. What is left for the parents? Let's take a closer look at the concept of attention deficit disorder, taking into account all the assumptions.

Excessive impulsivity, emotionality, unpredictability of reactions - this is how you can describe the character of a child with attention deficit disorder

What can cause ADHD?

  • Adverse factors affecting the course of pregnancy. Smoking mother, stressful situations, various diseases, taking medications - all this negatively affects the fetus's body.
  • Neuralgia disorders that occurred at birth or during intrauterine development. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often occurs after hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or asphyxia (suffocation) occurs in the womb during childbirth or fetal development.
  • Premature or very rapid labor can also be the cause. Affects the diagnosis of ADHD and stimulation of the labor process.
  • Social factors when a toddler grows up in an unfavorable environment. Frequent conflicts of adults, improper diet, too soft or harsh methods of education, lifestyle and temperament of the child himself.

The combination of several dangerous factors at once increases the risk of ADHD in children. The child suffered asphyxiation during childbirth, his upbringing is carried out in strict frameworks, he is faced with frequent conflicts in the family - the result will be a pronounced hyperactivity of the baby.

How to detect signs of ADHD?

This article tells about typical ways of solving your questions, but each case is unique! If you want to know from me how to solve your particular problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

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It is not always easy to identify ADHD in a child on your own. It is possible that attention deficit is the result of other neurological problems. Symptoms of ADHD include:

  • The first symptoms of hyperactivity are noticeable in infancy. Hyperactive children are characterized by violent reactions to loud sounds and noise, they do not sleep well, lag behind in the development of motor skills, are excited in games and when bathing.
  • The child is 3 years old - the age when the moment comes, called the crisis of three years. Many children at this age are prone to whims, stubbornness, mood swings. Hyperactive toddlers make everything several times brighter. Their behavior is characterized by delayed development of speech skills, awkward movements, interspersed with fussiness and chaos. There are frequent complaints of headaches, fatigue, the presence of enuresis,.
  • Expressed restlessness. Revealed in kindergarten in classes that require concentration. In addition, in a kindergarten setting, the baby has difficulty falling asleep, does not want to sit on the potty, does not want to eat, it is impossible to calm him down.
  • Preschool age problems. A child with hyperactivity poorly assimilates the materials that prepare him for school, but this does not mean a delay in the child's development, rather, a decrease in concentration. The kid cannot sit in one place and does not listen to the teacher.
  • Poor school performance. Children with hyperactivity do not get poor grades because of low intelligence. This is due to the disciplinary requirements. Children are not able to sit quietly for 45 minutes of the lesson, listen carefully, write and do the assignments suggested by the teacher.
  • Mental problems. WITH early age various phobias develop in hyperactive children. Symptoms such as tearfulness, irascibility, resentment, irritability, distrustfulness, anxiety, and suspicion are clearly manifested.

Usually such children do poorly at school, cannot calmly sit out until the end of the lesson or complete homework in full

Parents are especially worried about the fact that symptoms of ADHD can be complex in nature - they appear in children regularly and vividly.

How is the problem diagnosed?

Doctors do not diagnose a seven-year-old child with a neurological diagnosis, even with severe hyperactivity, and do not use drugs. The solution is related to the psychology of the growing organism. Preschoolers are going through two serious psychological crises, each 3 and 7 years old (we recommend reading :). So by what criteria does a doctor pass a verdict on ADHD? Consider two lists of criteria for diagnosing a disease.

Eight signs of hyperactivity

  1. Children's movements are fussy and chaotic.
  2. They sleep restlessly: they spin a lot, often talk, laugh or cry in their sleep, throw off the blanket, walk at night.
  3. It is difficult to sit on a chair, they constantly turn from side to side.
  4. The state of rest is almost absent, all the time they run, jump, spin, jump.
  5. Poorly withstand sitting in line, can get up and leave.
  6. Talking too much.
  7. When talking with someone, they do not listen to the interlocutor, try to interrupt, get distracted from the conversation, do not answer the questions asked.
  8. When asked to wait, they respond with pronounced impatience.

Eight signs of attention deficit disorder

  1. There is no desire to fulfill the task given to them well. Any work (cleaning, homework) is done quickly and carelessly, often not being completed.
  2. It is difficult to concentrate on details, the child does not remember them well and cannot reproduce.
  3. Frequent immersion in your world, absent gaze, difficulties with communication.
  4. The conditions of the games are poorly assimilated, they are constantly violated.
  5. Strong absent-mindedness, expressed in the loss of personal belongings that are not put in place, and then cannot find them.
  6. There is no personal self-discipline. You have to constantly monitor and organize.
  7. Rapid switching of attention from one subject or object to another.
  8. The governing mechanism is the “spirit of destruction”. They break toys and other things, but do not admit what they have done.

If you find 5-6 matches in the child's behavior on the diagnosis of ADHD, show it to specialists (psychotherapist, neurologist, psychologist). The doctor will comprehensively study the problem and find a competent solution.

Treatment methods

Methods for correcting ADHD in children are selected individually. The doctor, choosing a method of treatment, proceeds from the degree of development of the problem. After talking with the parents and observing the child, the specialist decides what is needed in a particular case. Treatment of hyperactive children can be carried out in two directions: medication, with the help of ADHD drugs, or through psychotherapeutic correction.

Medication method

Physicians in the United States and in the West treat hyperactivity in children with psychostimulants. Such drugs improve concentration and quickly give visible positive changes, but they are also characterized by side effects: children have headaches, sleep disturbances, appetite, nervousness and excessive irritability, they are reluctant to communicate.

Russian specialists do not resort to psychostimulants in the treatment of ADHD, based on the protocol ADHD treatment, according to which the use of such drugs is prohibited. They are replaced by nootropic drugs - a group of psychotropic drugs intended for a specific effect on the higher functions of the brain, which increase its resistance to the influence of negative factors, thereby improving memory and cognitive activity in general. There is no shortage of ADHD drugs on sale. Tablet-capsules "Strattera" are recognized as an effective representative of ADHD-preparations. Depressants are given to a child under the strict supervision of a physician.

Stratter tablets cannot be administered alone, as they directly affect nervous activity and should only be taken under strict medical supervision.

Psychological and psychotherapeutic methods

The methods of psychologists and psychotherapists are aimed at correcting behavior. Designed to help improve memory, develop speech skills, thinking. Specialists strive to increase the child's self-esteem, give him creative tasks... To reduce the syndrome, modeling of communicative situations that can facilitate communication of hyperactive children with peers and adults. To correct ADHD, a relaxation method is used to help relax the child and normalize the brain and nervous activity... A speech therapist deals with speech defects. Complex cases require a combination of medication and psychological methods correcting the situation.

What do parents need to know?

If a problem is identified and there is no doubt about it, parents should know how to properly raise a hyperactive child. Proceed like this:

  • Build your baby's self-esteem. The misunderstood hyperactivity of the child pushes adults to constant remarks and twitches. They do not ask him, but order him to "shut up", "sit down", "calm down." A little man hears such words in the garden, at home, and at school - he develops a feeling of his own inferiority, while he is in dire need of encouragement and praise. Do this more often.
  • Respect personality traits in your relationship with your son or daughter. Put aside your emotional perception of their behavior, act strictly but fairly. When punishing your baby, coordinate your decision with other family members. Realizing that it is difficult for a child to restrain himself and he starts all over the place, do not do it yourself. Your rallies from the "brakes" may be perceived by them as the norm.
  • While keeping your child busy with household chores, give him simple and short-term tasks for which he will have enough patience. Be sure to reward if he fulfilled them.
  • Obtaining informative knowledge should be dosed. Allow no more than 15 minutes per lesson to read and prepare lessons. Let your child rest by inviting him to play, then return to lessons.
  • If the kid is used to being forgiven for all the pranks at home, then he will certainly face a negative attitude towards his tricks at school or kindergarten. Your help consists in an intelligible explanation of the kid's wrong behavior. Discuss the conflict with him, find a solution to the situation.
  • A good solution is to invite your child to keep a diary, which will reflect all of his small victories. Such a visual illustration of achievement will be constructive help.

It is very important for parents to talk with the child on an equal footing, to explain their position, to increase his self-esteem. Thus, you can direct excess energy in a positive direction and gently adjust the baby's behavior.

Difficulties of social adaptation

Coming to kindergarten or school, children with ADHD immediately fall into the list of "difficult" pupils. Overactive behavior is perceived by others as inadequate. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that parents are forced to change school or kindergarten. You have to teach your child to be tolerant, flexible, polite, friendly - only such qualities will help him in social adaptation.

V Lately more and more often you can hear from doctors that your child has hyperactivity, with which something must be done. Such guys differ from their peers with great energy, which almost never runs out. They are constantly on the move, which makes it difficult, for example, in the classroom to learn new material, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the same thing for a long time. The question arises: is this behavior the result of inadequate education or deviation? Let's try to figure out what hyperactivity is in school-age children. Is treatment required or not?

The scale of the problem

Scientists and specialists have been studying this problem for a long time, but they began to sound the alarm only when the accumulated data showed its social significance and scale.

According to statistics, hyperactivity is almost ubiquitous in school-age children. Treatment, education play an important role in this problem. Let's talk about this a little further.

It is believed, and this has already been practically proven, that such babies are more difficult to adapt to teams, and in adulthood also then there may be problems. Scientists estimate that nearly 80% of criminals suffered from hyperactivity in childhood.

In our country, the study of this pathology was started later, and even now we can note some ignorance of teachers and doctors in matters that relate to this disease. This is why most children diagnosed with ADHD are left without the necessary treatment.

And this is fraught with some consequences, for example, these children often have troubles at school, their parents scream at them at home for their failures, they do not receive parental love, and as a result, they seek consolation in the company of friends. And they, as you know, are different, therefore the consequences can be quite dire.

Causes of ADHD

Hyperactivity in schoolchildren, the treatment and causes of this pathology will be considered in more detail. Let's start by finding out what can trigger the development of hyperactivity. There may be several reasons:

  1. Abnormal pregnancy:
  • Insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus.
  • The threat of miscarriage at different times.
  • Frequent stressful situations in an interesting position.
  • Failure to follow the recommendations for proper nutrition.
  • Smoking.

2. Unfavorable childbirth:

  • Too protracted labor activity.
  • Rapid labor.
  • If you had to resort to medication stimulation of labor.
  • Prematurity.

3. Other reasons:

If there is a combination of several reasons at once, then the likelihood that hyperactivity will occur in school-age children increases. The doctor must prescribe treatment, but, unfortunately, this can not always be seen. Often even parents do not pay attention to this problem and do not go to the doctor's office for help.

Types of hyperactivity

If there is hyperactivity in school-aged children, treatment will depend on the type of pathology. And they are as follows:

  1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The child is most often absolutely calm, but he lives in some kind of his own world, constantly hovers in the clouds, it is difficult to reach him.
  2. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This pathology is much less common. The reason is considered to be individual characteristics or disorders in the development of the nervous system.
  3. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common case. The child not only suffers from attention disorders, but also shows excessive activity.

Each of the cases needs its own approach to treatment, which is simply necessary.

What is the difference between activity and hyperactivity?

Many parents often ask when to sound the alarm. How to distinguish that a child is not just a very active toddler, but hyperactivity? To answer these questions, you can use the simple comparison in the table.

Active kid


The child loves outdoor games, but if he is interested, he can listen to a fairy tale for a long time or collect puzzles.

The child does not control himself, he is constantly in motion. When his strength runs out, hysterics and crying begin.

He is interested in everyone, asks parents a lot of questions.

Fast speech, often interrupts during a conversation, asking a question, the answer to it may not even be heard.

There are practically no disturbances in the work of the digestive system, normal sleep.

It is difficult to fall asleep, in a dream can talk, cry. Digestive disorders and allergic reactions are common.

The child understands where it is possible to be active, and where it is necessary to behave calmly, for example, at a party.

The kid is practically uncontrollable, prohibitions do not apply to him, he behaves the same everywhere.

Does not provoke scandals, does not show aggressiveness.

The child himself often becomes a provocateur of conflicts, does not control his aggression, can at the same time fight, bite, use sticks, stones and other improvised means.

These signs of comparison will help parents suspect a developmental pathology in their child and force them to see a doctor. To make the correct diagnosis (hyperactivity in a school-age child), treatment can only be prescribed by a competent specialist. Do not postpone your visit.

How does hyperactivity manifest itself?

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, Dr. Komarovsky recommends starting treatment only when it is established that this is a disease, and not a manifestation of the norm. And in order to find out, you need to know the symptomatology of the pathology, it can be divided into several groups:

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment (Komarovsky thinks so) may not be needed when the disease is mild. At the same time, a lot of effort and patience is required, first of all, from the mother in order to help the child learn to cope with his problems.

But often it may be necessary if there is hyperactivity in school-aged children, treatment. And symptoms other than those listed , the following are added:

If this is how hyperactivity manifests itself in school-age children, Dr. Komarovsky advises to undergo treatment without fail. It should be noted that all these signs do not affect mental abilities, but academic performance often suffers, even if the child is smart, so the help of a specialist is needed.

Establishing diagnosis

If there is hyperactivity in school-age children, treatment, correction of this condition is required. But for this it is necessary to correctly diagnose. This is done by neuropathologists, who are required to visit if there are appropriate symptoms. It is important to identify the cause of the pathology in order to exclude the presence of more dangerous diseases, and this can only be done by a specialist.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed in several stages:

The diagnosis can take several months, only after all observations, tests and examinations hyperactivity is detected in school-age children, treatment will depend on the symptoms and severity of the pathology. Parents will have to put in a lot of effort and patience.

Hyperactivity therapy

If the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in schoolchildren is confirmed, treatment will be required. And the signs should diminish their manifestation. But the therapy will be long and with the use of many methods and directions.

  1. Correct the child's physical activity. It is undesirable for such kids to engage in sports with competitive elements, as this can provoke an increase in the manifestation of the disease. It is best to send your child to swimming, aerobic training, skiing.
  2. Psychological help. In the arsenal of specialists there are various methods for working with such children.
  3. A child's illness cannot but leave its mark on the parents, especially on the one who spends more time with the baby. They become more irritable, nervous, so the help of a family therapist will not hurt.
  4. Relaxation. Special auto-trainings have a beneficial effect on the condition of children with hyperactivity syndrome.
  5. Behavior correction. This applies not only to the child, but also to adults. Children with hyperactivity are very susceptible to negativity, there are no prohibitions for them, but they respond quite positively to positive emotions... Given this, it will be more effective to praise such kids for good deeds than scold for bad ones. Relationships should be built on complete trust and understanding, and only prohibit what is really dangerous for him. Parents should control their behavior, not allow rudeness towards each other, especially with a child.
  6. Medication is also required (if hyperactivity is diagnosed in school-aged children) treatment. Drugs, for example in the USA, are often prescribed from the group of psychostimulants, but they have been found to have many side effects that negate all the benefits of their use. In our country, such drugs are not used.

Let us consider in more detail some areas of therapy.

Drug treatment

Most likely, if the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in schoolchildren is confirmed, treatment will be prescribed. Medicines should only be selected by a physician. For an early result, stimulants are prescribed, such drugs help the child to improve concentration. This group includes the following drugs:

  • Dexedrine.
  • Fokalin.
  • Ritalin.
  • Methylin.
  • Vivans.

Specialists often prescribe nootropic medications as well, such as:

  • Cortexin.
  • Gliatilin.
  • Phenibut.
  • "Pantogam".

They help to improve cerebral circulation, improve memory, the ability to concentrate.

ADHD treatment in Israel

With "hyperactivity" in school-aged children, his clinics can offer an alternative to medication. In Israeli medical institutions specializing in the treatment of ADHD, the following alternative treatment is used.

This is osteopathy. The system of this treatment is based on the fact that the skull is directly connected to the spine and sacrum. Even minor shifts in the bones of the skull can eliminate or significantly reduce physical ailments and functional disorders. The first step is to eliminate the physical cause of the pathology, especially when it comes to birth injuries, and then it is the turn of other specialists to start treatment.

Most children diagnosed with "hyperactivity" after osteopathy sessions are able to study in a regular school with other children on an equal footing.

One of these clinics is located in Tel Aviv, and is headed by the famous doctor Alexander Kansepolsky. Thus, we see that if there is a diagnosis of "hyperactivity" in schoolchildren, Israel offers treatment not only medication.

Traditional medicine against hyperactivity

Therapy for this disease requires a lot of patience from parents. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations if diagnosed with "hyperactivity" in school-age children. Treatment with folk remedies can also be used, but after consultation with a specialist.

Here are some recipes that will help normalize sleep, the work of the digestive system, and because of this, at least a little, but the baby's behavior will improve:

  1. It has soothing properties. For cooking, you need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped roots and pour 250 ml hot water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool slightly and drain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day.
  2. Hop. The cones of this plant are used for therapy. Pour 1 tablespoon with a glass of water and boil for 2 minutes, then you need to insist a little, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. St. John's wort is also widely used in the treatment of hyperactivity. It normalizes sleep, improves concentration, and improves memory. You need to take 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs, pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 5 minutes. Chilled should be given to the child 1-2 tablespoons three times before meals.
  4. It helps well if there is hyperactivity in school-aged children, treatment folk recipes... Herbal preparations are used quite often. One of them includes the following components: valerian root, lemon balm, mint, lavender flowers, St. John's wort. 2 spoons of this collection are brewed with 0.5 liters of hot water and infused for 4 hours. Give the child 50 ml of medicine in the morning and evening before meals.
  5. Lavender flowers help to remove too much activity of the child, as well as nausea, vomiting, headaches. 1 spoon of flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

It should be noted that when diagnosed with "hyperactivity" in school-age children, treatment with the joys of traditional healers can help, but only if drug therapy is carried out, the baby visits a psychologist, and his physical activity is corrected.

Psychological help

In the presence of hyperactivity, it is advisable not to refuse the help of a psychologist. The specialist has in his arsenal various techniques that help to remove anxiety, increase the child's communication skills, and reduce his aggressiveness.

Modeling different situations of success, the psychologist will tell parents in which area their baby will feel more confident. He conducts various leads correctional work, in which the parents of the baby must be involved. Exercises for the development of thinking, attention, memory are selected for each child personally.

Do not neglect the help of such narrow specialists, classes for a hyperactive baby will only benefit.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child

Treatment is important when diagnosing "hyperactivity" in schoolchildren. Prevention, meanwhile, is also essential. And it should begin even before the baby is born. The expectant mother needs to provide all the conditions for the normal course of pregnancy.

To prevent exacerbations, if the baby already has a diagnosis of "hyperactivity", you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Help your child learn techniques that help in the assimilation of school material.
  • During classes, remove all distracting objects, create a work environment.
  • Support the child, increase motivation to continue studying.

In addition, parents must adhere to some rules when dealing with a hyperactive child:

  1. We must praise the baby even for the slightest success.
  2. The child should have his own assignments, albeit small ones, but he should carry them out on his own and on a regular basis.
  3. You can practice keeping a journal that records all your successes.
  4. It is necessary to set tasks that are feasible for the child.
  5. It is necessary to clearly define all the boundaries of what is permitted and what is categorically impossible.
  6. It is necessary to remove the commanding tone from the appeal.
  7. A daily routine must be followed in the house.
  8. Don't let your little one overexert themselves.
  9. TV viewing time should be kept to a minimum.
  10. It is imperative to establish a sleep and wakefulness regime.
  11. Parents themselves must remain calm in any setting.
  12. Parents should help the child choose a field of activity where he can show his abilities.

If your child is too hyperactive, then don't panic and give up on him. With the modern possibilities of medicine, you can cope with not such pathologies, you just need to pay attention to it in time and visit a doctor. Psychological assistance, drug therapy, psychotherapy sessions will do their job, and your child will be able to study on an equal basis with other children and show all his talents and abilities.

Hyperactivity is a form of disorder that quite often manifests itself in children of the preschool age group, as well as in children of early school age, although a "transition" to further age groups is not excluded in the absence of appropriate measures to address it. Hyperactivity, the symptoms of which are excessive energy and mobility of the child, is not a pathological condition and is often caused by impaired attention.

general description

Hyperactivity consists, in addition to the listed symptoms in the form of excessive energy and increased activity, in the inability to concentrate on any specific object, impulsivity and restlessness of the child, in the absence of control over their own actions.

The behavioral features of children with hyperactivity are reduced on average in 70% of cases to the appearance of anxiety, similar indicators fall on the relevance of neurological habits, in about 50% of cases there are problems with appetite and in 46% - problems with sleep. In addition to this, awkwardness, the appearance of annoying movements in a child, twitching can be indicated.

In general terms of consideration, hyperactivity is usually denoted with attention deficit, which defines such an abbreviation for this condition as ADHD, that is, it corresponds to the designation "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". It should be noted right away that the lack of attention in this case indicates not that the child is given little time and attention, but that he cannot focus his attention on anything.

Hyperactivity determines the need for more efforts aimed at teaching writing, reading, and so on. Communication with peers is almost mandatory for children with hyperactivity are accompanied by problems of a communicative scale, conflicts. Educators and teachers treat such children as individuals that are not very “comfortable”, which is caused by the problems that arise with them during the educational process due to the peculiarities of their behavior inherent against the background of hyperactivity.

Based on research data, it is known that hyperactivity is relevant on average for 2-20% of children, while hyperactivity syndrome in boys is diagnosed up to five times more often than in girls, respectively.

Due to the fact that the brain of children with hyperactivity processes incoming information poorly, a similar reaction on its part also occurs to the influence of external and internal stimuli. As a result, an inattentive child is “uncontrollable”, because neither persuasion, nor punishment, nor requests work with him. Regardless of the conditions, the child will act impulsively, without attention corresponding to this or that situation. To understand your own line of behavior in relation to a hyperactive child, you should find out what exactly are the causes of hyperactivity.

To top it off, we add that hyperactivity and ADHD in particular in 30-80% of cases accompany the adult life of patients. Moreover, it is against the background of this disorder, which was not identified in childhood, that subsequently there are problems associated with the inability to maintain attention, with the organization interpersonal relationships and the general surrounding space, as well as problems associated with the development new information and materials.

Hyperactivity: Causes

Hyperreactivity syndrome can be triggered by complications accompanying the development of the child, in particular those that were relevant during the mother's pregnancy, during labor, or during infancy. Let's highlight the main causes of hyperreactivity below:

  • the mother has chronic diseases;
  • toxic effects due to poisoning during pregnancy, provoked by certain foods, smoking, alcohol, medications taken;
  • transfer of injuries during pregnancy, bruises;
  • transfer of infectious diseases during pregnancy;
  • the presence of a threat of miscarriage, relevant, as is clear, during the mother's pregnancy;
  • complications of labor, provoking hemorrhages, asphyxia;
  • features of childbirth that exclude their natural course (cesarean section, stimulation of labor, the transience of labor, or, conversely, a protracted course of labor);
  • features of the ecological situation in the region of residence;
  • transfer of certain diseases.

Hyperactivity: symptoms

As a rule, the first symptoms of hyperactivity make themselves felt at the age of 2-3 years, while parents are in no hurry to see a doctor with problems associated with this disorder. Because of this, any measures in this direction are only taken to achieve critical point, which in many cases occurs at the time of enrollment in school.

The main basic signs corresponding to hyperactivity can be designated a triad of manifestations, and this is increased motor disinhibition, impulsivity and a deficit of an active form of attention.

The deficit of an active form of attention consists, for example, in the impossibility of keeping attention on a specific process or phenomenon during a definite time interval. Concentration is achieved by identifying a specific motivation for it. The motivational mechanism is formed with sufficient personal maturity for this.

As for the next option, and this is increased motor disinhibition, it acts as a manifestation of such a state as fatigue. In children, fatigue is often comparable to overexcitation and a lack of ability to control behavior, which, as is clear, distinguishes it from fatigue in its usual sense.

As for such a manifestation as impulsiveness, it consists in the unwillingness to inhibit the arising urges and desires. Because of this, hyperactive patients often commit certain actions thoughtlessly, only under the influence of a momentary factor, at a specific moment that caused the emergence of a specific urge or desire. Children are not able to obey the rules with impulsiveness.

A rather characteristic feature of children with hyperactivity is such a moment as cyclicity, it lies in the fact that the productivity of their brain is about 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute "break", allowing you to prepare for the next cycle of activity. As a result of such a switch, one can notice that within approximately the same time corresponding to the indicated numbers, the child seems to “drop out” from the process in which he was involved at the time of the “reset” (communication, concrete actions). The child can ensure the ability to stay in the conditions of a specific reality by performing some third-party actions, that is, he can start twisting his head, turning - due to such physical activity, the constancy of the brain is maintained.

Being alone, a hyperactive child cannot concentrate, he also becomes lethargic, the actions that he is capable of are mostly monotonous and easy to perform. Here, the child needs external activation. Staying in a family or in small groups conditions the quite adequate behavior of a hyperactive child, but it is worthwhile for him to be in a larger group, in a public place, etc. - excessive excitement occurs, full activity becomes impossible.

Among the additional manifestations of symptoms, it is also possible to designate the relevance of awkward movements, which are caused by weak motor coordination. In general, children can have good general intelligence, although its development is conditioned by certain difficulties due to existing hyperactivity.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of hyperreactivity is made on the basis of a general collection of information of a subjective scale, as well as on the basis of psychological and apparatus examination. A doctor's appointment will include questions regarding the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and delivery, as well as past and current diseases of the child. Diagnostics also includes a series of tests, on the basis of which parameters are assessed that determine the degree of his attentiveness. As for the hardware examination, it includes the procedure of an electroencephalogram, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Based on a comprehensive picture of the results obtained, specific individual principles of treatment are determined.

Treatment of hyperactive children is complex in terms of the nature of the implementation of measures, it is based on the methods of drug therapy, on psychological and pedagogical influence and methods of influence due to certain elements of psychotherapy. The drugs that can be prescribed in the treatment do not help the treatment of hyperactivity as such, but due to their intake, it is possible to reduce symptoms (impulsivity, etc.), as well as improve the ability to learn and work. Also, with the help of medicines, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the coordination of movements, which is required in particular for writing, sports activities, etc.

Parents in communication with a child should exclude negation in sentences. Conflict situations require the greatest possible calm on their part. It is important to designate any assigned tasks through clear formulations of actions, long formulations, on the contrary, are excluded, sentences should be short. The instructions given to the child should be structured in an appropriate logical sequence; several instructions should not be given at once. Additionally, it is important to make it clear to the child that regardless of the situation and where he is, parents will always be his support, helping to cope with emerging difficulties.

If you develop symptoms that indicate hyperactivity, you should consult a neurologist.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Mental disorders, characterized predominantly by low mood, motor retardation and thought disturbances, are a serious and dangerous medical condition known as depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not pose a particular danger, which they are deeply mistaken about. Depression is pretty dangerous species diseases caused by passivity and depression of a person.