The cyclicogram of the speech therapist in the Dow on the Logopunk. Exemplary writing plan for a speech therapist report

The necessary document in organizing the work of the teacher-speech therapist in kindergarten is a cyclogram for a week. The proposed option includes subgroups, individual classes with children, methodological and advisory activities, registration of documentation.

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"The documentation of the speech therapist. The cyclicogram of the work week of the teacher-speech therapist in kindergarten on the speech therapy point. "

Cyclogram of the Working Week Teacher-Logopeda on the speech therapy point of kindergarten

Teacher speech therapist

Markina N.N.

progmentation №237

Cyklogram of the Working Week (20 hours) Logoped Teacher. Logopunk.

Subgroup classes with children.

Individual classes, classes in mobile microgroups.

Methodical work with teachers.


Consultative work with parents.



9.00 - 11.40

11.40 - 12.30

12.30 - 13.00

Registration individual

speech therapy notebooks

Consultations on requests for speech correction



15.00 - 16.00

14.00 - 15.00

13.00 - 13.50

coordination with educators of children's speech requirements during correction

16.00 - 17.00

organization of speech

family regime



9.00 - 11.50

11.55 - 12.40

12.40 - 13.00 With a psychologist - joint correction

Consultivity for the prevention of speech violations



14.45 - 16.00

13.50 - 14.40

13.00 - 13.40

registration of individual speech therapy notebooks

16.00 - 17.00


classes in presence


demonstration of recreation techniques



9.00 - 11.40

11.40 - 12.30

12.30 - 13.00

speech cards, material home for fixing

Consultations in the design of pupils on the PMPK


    Povalaeva M. A. "Directory of the speech therapist" Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2008.

    Stepanova O.A. Organization of speech therapy work in Dow. Moscow. "Creative Center", 2004.

    Borovtsova L.A. Documentation of the teacher-speech therapist DW. M., TC Sphere, 2008.

    Polozova N.V. Basic requirements for labor protection and sanitation in a preschool institution. Collection of documents and recommendations. - M.: Arcta, 2005.

Polyadina Olga Veniaminovna, Logoped Teacher

Place of finding a structural unit (logopunk):

Russian Federation, 184209, Murmansk region, city of Apatity, Fersman Street, House 38a

Email Email Structural Division (Logopunk):not

Regulation on the structural unit (Logopunkte):(Open, PDF)

Why and why do you need a speech therapy point in kindergarten?

Another child did not appear, and his speech is already gradually starting to develop. At birth, this process is sharply accelerated. Long before the appearance of the first word, the formation of the entire speech system occurs. And the main role in the development of speech, first of all, belongs to parents. It is very important to notice the lag and violations in the development of speech.

Violations of the sound culture of speech arising in preschool age can further entail a number of secondary violations of speech: underdevelopment of phondematic hearing, detained formation of sound, syllable and alphabetic analysis of words, depletion of the vocabulary of the child, violation of the grammatical system of native speech. Any violation of speech to one degree or another can affect the activity and behavior of the child as a whole. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely development of the speech of children, pay attention to its purity and correctness.

Speech is the way to communicate, new impressions and life experiences, the path to expanding the ideas about the world around him.

So, I come back to the question set at the beginning: why and why do you need a teacher - speech therapist in kindergarten?

For what? Investigate pupils of a pre-school educational institution to identify children in need of speech therapy assistance.

What for? Organize timely speech therapy assistance to prevent and overcome specific errors in oral and written speech. After all, it is known than the correctional help will begin, it is more effective.

Speech therapy point (abbreviated "logopunk")

This is the place where the help of children with speech disorders without the transfer of a child to another (specialized) group.

What children take on the logopunk?

The speech therapy points take not all children of the usual kindergarten, but only the most needing help. There is a sequence depending on the severity of the violation of speech. First of all, children are credited to the speech therapy point for 6 years, which in a year enter school. That is, the guys from the preparatory group. As well as those who have not finished classes with the speech up last year. For the remaining places, part of the children of the older group is enrolled. All other, in need of the help of a speech therapist, are queued. Children, more younger age, from the middle group, can get speech therapy assistance, only in the form of consultations in the time specifically allocated for this. In our kindergarten is Monday, from 16-30 to 18-00.

Children with what diagnosis (speech therapy conclusion) are credited to the logopunk?

Children are most often accepted with such speech therapy conclusions:

  • violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds (in children with discharge, dysarthria or erased dimarthritia) - FNR
  • phonetic and phonmematic underdevelopment of speech (in children with discharge, dysarthria or erased form of dysarthria) - FFNR
  • general underdevelopment of speech - ONR - third level of speech development in children with dysarthria or erased dimarthritia.

In what mode are classes on the logopunk?

The best effect, of course, give individual classes. The frequency and duration of classes with your child determines the speech therapist depending on the severity of the speech violation, the age of the baby and its psychophysical features. Basically, individual classes on the logopunction last from 15 to 25 minutes. The purpose of individual speech therapy occupations is the correction of sound impact and the development of phondermatatic processes.

How many children are credited to the logopunk?

The number of children simultaneously engaged in the speech therapy point should not exceed 20 people. Since speech therapy assistance is required by a large number of children with different types of speech diagnoses, the timing of work with each of the children can vary greatly (from 3 to 9-12 months). Therefore, with a logopunk in kindergarten, children are not displayed with the entire group, but individually, as the speech violation is corrected. Another child standing in the queue is immediately credited to the liberated place. Thus, the speck of a kindergarten is an open and mobile system. Alone solve the task of fully correction of the speech of children, the speech therapist is very hard. Therefore, it strongly attracts to work and parents, and kindergartens specialists.

For successful correction of the speech of children, the help of parents is simply necessary! They must fulfill all the recommendations of the speech therapist, regularly attend consultations with a specialist, perform homework, which are issued once a week. And, of course, on the part of the parents you need close control over the speech of the child.

The speech therapist keeps work in the following areas:

  • general corrective development;
  • development of the mobility of the articulation apparatus;
  • work on a connected speech;
  • breathing exercises;
  • layout;
  • elimination of agrammatism in speech;
  • development of the auditory attention of children;
  • development of shallow motility fingers in children;
  • timely prevention of various violations of oral and written speech in children of preschool age.

Schedule of work Logopunkt

Documents of Logopuncture

  • Order on the opening of a speech therapy point in Madou kindergarten №15 dated December 6, 12.13 (Open, PDF)
  • Cyclogram teacher-speech therapist for 2019-2020 school year (open, PDF)
  • Annual work plan for 2019-2020 academic year (open, PDF)
  • Working program work program for 2019-2020 academic year (open, PDF)
  • Agreement on the provision of correctional speech therapy services to children with speech impairment (open, PDF)
  • Application for enrollment of a child in a speech therapy point (download, docx)

Consultations (for parents)

  • On the normal speech development of the child (open, PDF)
  • Early signs of violations of speech development (

Methodical association of teachers-logopeds and defectologists of pre-school educational institutions

Package of documents

teacher-speech therapist


regulatory documents .

    "The pre-school education of Russia in documents and materials." Collection of existing regulatory documents and software-methodical materials.Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2001.

      Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia of January 22, 1998 No. 20-58-07 IN / 20-4 "On Teachers-Logopes and Pacaggers-Psychologists" ( on the duration of the working day of the teacher speech therapist) from. 137 - 140.

      Regulations of the flow rate of groups in preschool institutions, p. 220-221.

    Federal Law "On Education" of 10.07.92 No. 3266 - 1.

Federal Law on Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" from 13.01.96. №12 - FZ.

    Requirements for the qualifications of pedagogical workers of educational institutions in assigning them qualification categories.

w / l "Bulletin of Education»№ 10 - 1996

    Convention on the Rights of the Child. railway Bulletin of Education"# 10 - 1991

    Russian Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation". Railway Bulletin of Education"1999

"The rights of the child in the Russian Federation regarding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child." Railway Bulletin of Education"№16 - 2000

    Official duties of a teacher speech therapist.

Software-methodical support of the teacher's workshop Dow.

    Act of meetings of the PMPC.

    List of group children.

    Cyclogram of teacher's business speech therapist.

    Regulated activities.

    Lists of children in subgroups.

    Annual plan of organizational and methodical work.

    A promising plan of correctional work.

    Calendar plans indicating the source of the abstract and explanatory note if the number of classes is reduced.

    Report on the work (digital and text).

    Speech maps of children.

    Individual notebooks of children.

Priority direction of teacher-speech therapist Dow.

1 page: Business card:


    Work experience

2 page: Selected theme.

3 page: The urgency of the chosen topic.

4 - promising and individual plans in the direction; several abstract classes on the chosen topic; Consultation.

Diagnostic examination.

    List of speech techniques (painted material).

    Diagnostic notebook.

Exemplary writing plan for a speech therapist report

    List of children with a speech therapy conclusion on the moments of admission to a group and release from it;

    Quantitatively qualitative analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the implemented individual and subgroup correctional programs;

    Information about the recharge of the equipment of the speech therapy office;

    Information about improving the skills of the speech therapist during the school year.

Approximate scheme for individual speech therapy class:

    Exercises for the formation and development of articulation motility:

    jaw exercises;

    lip exercises;

    exercises for language;

    mimic exercises.

    Exercises for the development of shallow motility fingers:

    finger gymnastics;

    massage and self-massage of the brushes and fingers;

    Exercises for the development of auditory attention, memory, imagination;

    Exercises for the development of phonderatic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills;

    Correctional work on sound suspension:

    sound formulation;

    automation of the sound (in syllables, words, sentences);

    differentiation of sounds (supplied and mixed);

    automation of sounds in spontaneous speech using lexical and grammatical exercises;

    exercises for the development of connected speech (dialogues, games, retelling ...)

The list of the necessary documentation of the teacher-speech therapist operating on preschool logopping:

    Journal of primary speech survey and consultations of children.

    List of children enrolled on individual speech therapy classes.

    Journal of accounting for children awaiting enrollment on individual speech therapy classes.

    List of children who need special education and learning conditions.

    Magazine deductions from individual speech therapy.

    Dynamic observation magazine.

    Promising and calendar plans of individual and subgroup correctional and speech classes with children.

    Annual plan for advisory and methodical work with a dow and parents pedaclecloth.

    Report on the work done for the past academic year.

    Speech card for each enrolled child.

Magazine of primary speech surveys and consultations of children

p/ p

Date of survey

Surname, child name

State of the articulation apparatus

Condition of Speech



Sound impening







story speech


Primary speech therapy. Recommendations

List of children enrolled on individual speech therapy classes

on _________ academic year

Journal of accounting for children awaiting enrollment on individual speech therapy classes

on _________ academic year

List of children who need special educational and training conditions

Children's deductions magazine from individual speech therapy

_________ academic year

Dynamic observation magazine

Algorithm for writing the annual plan of organizational and methodological and correctional work of a teacher-speech therapist in DOU.

Main directions


I. Work

with kids

diagnostic direction



    Psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy examination of children in order to accurately establish the reasons, structures and degree of severity of deviations in their speech development (identifying the level of current speech development - for children of preparatory groups / previously engaged in the logopunk), equipment subgroups

    Objective speech therapy and compilation of group, subgroup and individual plans for correctional and developing work on the academic year, drawing up a cyclogram of activity.

    Individual speech therapy examination and counseling

    Psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy monitoring (identification of dynamics in the correctional educational process of all and each of the pupils of the log agroup / engaged in the logopunk); Reflection of its results in speech cards, if necessary, adjusting plans for individual and subgroup work with children.

    Survey of children of mass groups in order to identify speech pathology (complete set of speech therapy groups / enrollment on the logopunk).

    Conducting frontal (subgroups) speech therapy classes for the formation of lexico-grammatical categories and connected speech; In the formation of the correct pronunciation, according to the correction, preparation for literacy learning.

III week


During the year at the request of teachers, parent specialists

january-February, may

for children of middle, older groups.

february March

II. Work

with teachers

    Critical analysis of survey results, partial analysis of the results of psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy. (PMPC)



    Planning correctional and educational work, taking into account the results of the survey.



    Consultation for caregivers:



    Observation of classes, games, regime processes in groups with their subsequent analysis.

    Participation in urban methodical associations:

    The qualitative assessment of the results of the conducted speech therapy effect (conducting a PMPC), the definition of general and speech readiness for systematic learning in school training.

    Analysis of a psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy effect on preschoolers throughout the school year, an assessment of the quality of correctional-pedagogical activities of all specialists working with the children of the speech therapy group, preparation of recommendations for teachers of primary classes to work with children of graduation groups in need of special training (final Pedsovet).

III Work

with parents

    Consulting parents of adaptation groups

    Questioning of parents

    Individual consulting (analysis of the results of the psychological and pedagogical examination)

    Consulting on parental meetings:

    Conducting individual exercises on sound testing, front classes: "Open Day"

    "Speech therapy corners" on the topic:

    Information stands:

    Thematic exhibitions of books


In hours of consulting for parents by cyclic

during the school year

during the school year

IV. Work by

advanced training

    Studying new methods of methodical literature.

    Participation in conducting methodical associations.

    Passage of advanced training courses.

    Certification on the qualifying category.

    Development of new methodological benefits.

    Creating an object and developing environment in the speech therapy office / group.