The project on the theme of the earth day is prepared by the group. Project activities on the topic: "Earth Day" project (preparatory group) on the topic

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU №43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Material description: I offer you a script for a holiday for older children preschool age... This holiday is dedicated to the natural world. It helps to develop in children a humane, moral attitude to nature, to form the ability and desire to preserve nature.

Target: creating a joyful, spring mood in children on a holiday - Earth Day.
- formation of environmentally competent behavior, respect for nature;
- children's desires to decorate their Earth with concrete deeds and actions;
- to raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children.
Preliminary work:
- learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature;
- Conversations on the topic of environmental education;
- viewing illustrations;
- reading works of art about plants and animals.
- two waste baskets,
- garbage (jars from kinder-surprises, clothespins, sticks, paper),
- easels,
- A4 paper,
- pastels or wax crayons, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.
Participants: educators, children and parents.

Children enter the hall to music and sit on high chairs.
Educator: Dear guests and guys, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday. For almost 40 years, Earth Day has been celebrated all over the world.
In Russia, on this day, volunteer clean-ups are organized, trees are planted, garbage is removed, various actions are carried out, and they are encouraged to solve environmental problems.
Child: There is a huge house on Earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun, rain and thunder live in it,
Forest and surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Cheerful ringing of the brook
You live in that bright house,
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead
You will always be in it.
The nature of the native land
This house is called!

Educator: Today, I propose to talk with you about how to take care of our planet, what needs to be done so that its beauty does not fade away.
What can we preschoolers do to make the planet bloom and green, so that the air is cleaner, and nature makes us happy?
Children give their answers.
Child: Everyone here knows, you and me!
You cannot offend nature!
So let's say together one, two, three,
Let's open a holiday - Earth Day!
Educator: And I propose to open our holiday with "Fun charging"
One, two, three, four, five,
We all know how to count
We know how to relax too:
Put our hands behind your back
Raise your head higher
And easy, easy to breathe.
Educator: We will knead the voice and sing with you friend.
The song "Friend with us".
1.With us, friend - with us, friend,
Together - together
Sing along - sing along
A song! - a song!
And then - and then,
The sun is the sun
Smiles at us from above
And then - and then,
Bright - bright
Flowers will bloom all over the Earth.
Together we will build a house
Together we will plant a garden
Sing this song together
They know everything that is together with us,
They know everything that is together with us,
Together we are always more interesting!
2. Birds of us - birds of us,
They called - they called
For myself - for myself,
In the distance - in the distance,
But then - but then,
Who - who,
Walk barefoot on the grass?
But then - but then,
Who - who,
Will he plant a garden and build a house?
3. Let the Earth - let the Earth,
It is spinning - it is spinning
All children are all children
Friends - friends.
We then - we then
Fast - fast
We will grow mushroom under the rain.
We then - we then
Home - home
Let's call the earth a common home.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

-In the summer he puts on a fur coat,
And he takes it off in winter. (Forest.)
- There are many different trees,
Herbs, lichens, bushes,
Birds, animals, mushrooms and berries,
And, of course, mosquitoes.
It's always full of miracles -
I love walking in ... (forest)!
- Objects of nature that breathe,
They grow, multiply, run, hear,
They can walk and turn their heads, -
These are objects of nature ... (alive)
- Five kingdoms, in which there are many organisms,
We call mother -... (nature)
Educator: You are a master to guess riddles, and now we will check how you know the rules of behavior in the forest. To do this, let's play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you tell me if they are correct. If your actions are good, say yes, and if they are bad, say no! (riddles are made by turns to children and parents)
If I come to the woods
And pick a chamomile? (No.)
If I eat a pie
And throw away the piece of paper? (No.)
If the bread is a piece
Will I leave it on the hemp? (Yes.)
If I tie a branch,
Will I substitute the peg? (Yes.)
If I light a fire
And I will not extinguish? (No.)
If I mess up a lot
And I will forget to remove. (No.)
If I clean up the trash,
Will I drip a jar? (Yes.)
I love my nature
I'm helping her! (Yes.)
Educator: Well done, almost everyone answered correctly. Now guys will speak who will once again remind you of these rules. Please remember how a well-mannered, polite person is obliged to behave in the forest, and teach this to your friends.
Child: On the planet year after year
Man harms nature.
And he did not understand, eccentric,
That nature is not a trifle!

Child: Well-mannered man does not break branches of trees and bushes, does not tear forest flowers. The grass cover retains moisture and provides shelter for a huge number of beneficial insects and small animals.
Child: Do not shoot down unknown or even known poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are medicine for forest dwellers.
Child: You should not catch and bring to the house forest animals, insects and birds, for them our "entertainment" often ends with illness, torment and death. These are not toys.
Child: Do not accidentally or deliberately destroy anthills! Otherwise, the ants will not have time to repair their teremok before frost. And they will die!
Child: And, of course, a polite person who comes to rest in the forest or meadow will not leave trash behind.
Educator: I invite parents to play.
Didactic game "Whose fruits (seeds)?"
Acorns grow on… - oak;
apples grow on… - an apple tree;
round cone on ... - pine;
long cone at ... - ate;
rowan clusters grow on… - rowan;
catkins grow ... - on birch, alder, willow.
Educator: Thank you parents. Now let's play a game with the kids. To do this, you need to split into two teams. We cling to each other with a train, hold on tight, try not to unhook.
Various objects are scattered on the floor, you need to remove everything, whose team collects more items, and she won.
An outdoor game "Let's clean up the trash".
Educator: Well done, now we see that you always clean up garbage. Now we will try to never offend nature. We must remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor. Unfortunately, willingly or unwillingly, we often violate these rules. Therefore, let's now, ask for forgiveness from nature and try to no longer make mistakes in communicating with nature.
Child: Forgive us little bug
Both the ant and the bees,
Sorry, slender poplar
And felled trees.
Forgive us, the caught animal
You are so cramped in the cage.
I'm sorry for not saving
And now you have become so rare.
Child: We want the birds to sing
So that they rustle around the forest,
To be blue skies,
To make the river silver
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries,
We want the sun to burn
And the birch tree turned green.
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog!
For the squirrel to jump
To make the rainbow sparkle
So that in the summer it pours merry rain!
Educator: Now, let's make our planet Earth, on which there is no garbage. And the sun always shines, there is a cheerful rain and a rainbow sparkles.
(children with parents are divided into pairs and draw on templates how they see our planet)

Child: Let's be friends with each other,
Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a meadow,
Like the wind with the sea, the grass with the rains,
How the sun is friends with all of us!
Child: Let's strive for that
So that both the beast and the bird love us,
And they trusted us everywhere
As your most loyal friends!
Child: Let's protect the planet!
There are no similar ones in the whole universe.
There is only one in the whole universe
For life and friendship, it is given to us!
Educator: I invite everyone to the circle and play a little. I throw a ball to the child and ask a question, and he has to catch and answer.
A ball game is played.
- What do we give mom for a holiday, can you smell them ...? (Flowers)
- Where do the worms live ...? (In the ground)
- Who flies above the ground ...? (Birds, butterflies)
- What do we breathe ...? (by air)
- What animals live on earth ...? (Bears, cats, elk, dog, horse, etc.)
- Where do flowers grow ...? (On Earth)
- They live underground ...? (Worms, moles, beetles.)
- What is water for ...? (Drink, swim, water the plants.)
Educator: Our moms and dads, too, did not sit idle at home, they were given homework, prepare a small message or presentation on how children relax in nature, whether they take care of it, how they treat their smaller brothers. So we give the floor to the parents, and we will be a strict jury.

Project type- cognitive and research.

Children's age- middle preschool.

Duration of the project- 2 weeks.

Project participants: children - pupils middle group, educators - Iksanova A.A., Adelshina O.A., parents.

Stage I

Objective of the project- to develop the ecological culture of children on the basis of emotional experiences, practical actions;

to cultivate a humane, environmentally correct attitude towards nature.


Form children's ideas about the need to respect the surrounding nature, plants, animals, reservoirs;

Expand children's understanding of the life of wild and domestic animals in the spring;

Expand children's knowledge about the life of plants, their needs, ways of caring for them;

Develop curiosity, communication, value attitude towards the natural world

To develop the productive activities of children, creativity; to strengthen the health of children, to carry out hardening procedures;

To foster friendly relationships between children in the process of games, joint activities.

II stage

1. Pick up methodological literature on this topic.

2. Choose fiction for children to read.

3. Pick up didactic material, visual aids

4. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Stage III

Project implementation.


Didactic games: Riddles about animals,

“Seasons”, “When does it happen?”, “Who lives where”, “Settle in houses”.

Word games: "Recognize the animal by description", "What flowers do you know?"

Rules of conduct in the forest.


Observation of trees, the appearance of buds, the first leaves;

Observation of birds arriving at the site, their behavior;

Consideration of illustrations about spring, spring phenomena; examining primroses;

Acquaintance of children with sayings, riddles about nature, animals, plants, natural phenomena;

Observation of inanimate nature, changes occurring with the onset of spring;

Memorizing poems about spring.

Communication development of speech

Communication “We are friends of nature”.

Conversations on the topics: "How to behave in nature so as not to harm it", "Animals and birds are our friends"

Reading fiction

With Marshak "Spring Song"

E.Charushin "Sparrow", Foxes "," Bears "

M. Prishvin "Talking Trees"

V. Orlov "You tell me, little river"

With Pogorelovsky "April rain"

A. Babadjan "Ants"

B. Zakhoder "About everything, everything in the world"

Poem "Flowers"

Artistic and aesthetic activity

Holiday for children "Spring round dance"

Study of songs: "Do not tease the dogs", "We are your children - Russia", "Smile"

Listening to musical compositions on the theme of the project.

Physical culture and health-improving activity

Outdoor games "In a forest glade", "Gather mushrooms"

Physical education "Flowers", "Trees"

Game exercises "Run to the tree", "The animals went to exercise", etc.

Development environment

Albums for viewing "Seasons", "Wild animals", "Plants", etc.

Didactic games "When does this happen?", "The world of plants"

Works of art and illustrations

Coloring pages "Seasons", "Who lives in the sea?", "Who lives in the forest?" and etc.

Labor activity

Joint work of the teacher and children to care for plants at the kindergarten site, in a group.

Cleaning of the territory of the kindergarten.

Tidying up flower beds.

Sowing flower seeds in seedling boxes.

Productive activity

Drawing on the theme "First flowers"

Modeling "Forest animals"

Application (collective) "Our nature"

(Independent creative activity)

Working with parents

Involvement of parents in the collection of seeds and planting material for planting on the territory of the kindergarten.

Joint work of parents and children on the topic: "Take care of nature!"

Stage IV

Project presentation

1. Lesson on "Earth Day".

2. Decoration of the exhibition of drawings by children and parents on the theme "Take care of nature!"

3. Design of the collective work "Our nature"



Project type - cognitive and research.

Children's age - middle preschool.

Duration of the project- 2 weeks.

Project participants: children - pupils of the middle group, educators - A. Iksanova, O. Adelshina, parents.

Stage I

Objective of the project - to develop the ecological culture of children on the basis of emotional experiences, practical actions;

to cultivate a humane, environmentally correct attitude towards nature.

Tasks :

To form children's ideas about the need to respect the surrounding nature, plants, animals, water bodies;

Expand children's understanding of the life of wild and domestic animals in the spring;

Expand children's knowledge about the life of plants, their needs, ways of caring for them;

Develop curiosity, communication, value attitude towards the natural world

To develop the productive activities of children, creativity; to strengthen the health of children, to carry out hardening procedures;

To foster friendly relationships between children in the process of games, joint activities.

II stage

Preparation for project implementation.

  1. Pick up methodological literature on the topic.
  2. Pick up fiction for children to read.
  3. Choose didactic material, visual aids
  4. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Stage III

Project implementation.


Didactic games: Riddles about animals,

“Seasons”, “When does it happen?”, “Who lives where”, “Settle in houses”.

Word games: "Recognize the animal by description", "What flowers do you know?"

Rules of conduct in the forest.


Observation of trees, the appearance of buds, the first leaves;

Observation of birds arriving at the site, their behavior;

Consideration of illustrations about spring, spring phenomena; examining primroses;

Acquaintance of children with sayings, riddles about nature, animals, plants, natural phenomena;

Observation of inanimate nature, changes occurring with the onset of spring;

Memorizing poems about spring.

Communication development of speech

Communication “We are friends of nature”.

Conversations on the topics: "How to behave in nature so as not to harm it", "Animals and birds are our friends"

Reading fiction

With Marshak "Spring Song"

E.Charushin "Sparrow", Foxes "," Bears "

M. Prishvin "Talking Trees"

V. Orlov "You tell me, little river"

With Pogorelovsky "April rain"

A. Babadzhan "Ants"

B. Zakhoder "About everything, everything in the world"

Poem "Flowers"

Artistic and aesthetic activity

Holiday for children "Spring round dance"

Study of songs: "Do not tease the dogs", "We are your children - Russia", "Smile"

Listening to musical compositions on the theme of the project.

Physical culture and health-improving activity

Outdoor games "In a forest glade", "Gather mushrooms"

Physical education "Flowers", "Trees"

Game exercises "Run to the tree", "The animals went to exercise", etc.

Development environment

Albums for viewing "Seasons", "Wild animals", "Plants", etc.

Didactic games "When does this happen?", "The world of plants"

Works of art and illustrations to them

Coloring pages "Seasons", "Who lives in the sea?", "Who lives in the forest?" and etc.

Labor activity

Joint work of the teacher and children to care for plants at the kindergarten site, in a group.

Cleaning of the territory of the kindergarten.

Tidying up flower beds.

Sowing flower seeds in seedling boxes.

Productive activity

Drawing on the theme "First flowers"

Modeling "Forest animals"

Application (collective) "Our nature"

(Independent creative activity)

Working with parents

Involvement of parents in the collection of seeds and planting material for planting on the territory of the kindergarten.

Joint work of parents and children on the topic: "Take care of nature!"

Stage IV

Project presentation

1. Lesson on "Earth Day".

2. Decoration of the exhibition of drawings by children and parents on the theme "Take care of nature!"

3. Design of the collective work "Our nature"

Ecology lesson scenario (middle group)

Children's entrance to the hall to the music "We are your children, Russia"

1 child:

Our planet earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home, guys!

2 child:

Let's keep the planet safe

There is no other such in the world!

Scatter clouds and smoke over her,

We will not give it to anyone in offense!

3 child:

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

From this we will only become kinder!

Let's decorate the whole earth with flowers, gardens!


We need such a planet!

Song "Don't Tease Dogs"


The earth is a home for everyone who lives on it. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it also needs the Earth. And if suddenly someone seems superfluous, then this, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.

Poem by B. Zakhoder "About everything, everything in the world"


Today we will have an interesting quiz dedicated to our native nature... I will tell you riddles, and if you guess them correctly, the answers will come to life in front of you. Ready? Listen!

  1. In the forest, at the stump, bustle, running around:

The working people are busy all day.

Who are they? Where? Whose black streams are pouring?

Amicably small dots are building a house for themselves on a hummock. (Ants)

A. Babacan's poem "Ants"

  1. Such yellow beaks

The paws are large and red.

They walk along a waddle,

And if necessary, they will float. (Ducklings)

Dance "Ducklings"

  1. What is this house among the branches above the open sky?

He treats the birds with both grain and bread. (Feeder)

  1. The hero is rich

He treats everyone in a row.

Vanya - strawberries,

Anyu - bone,

Masha is a nut

Petya - russula,

Katya - with raspberries,

And Vasya - with a twig. (Forest)


Yes, if you behave correctly in the forest, then the forest will reveal to us many of its secrets and secrets. And you can also see a lot of interesting things in it.

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest?

  1. The angry touch-me-not lives in the wilderness of the forest,

There are many, many needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)


In one forest, not far from the lake, there lived a little Raccoon. Remember how his mother taught him to be kind and said: "To have many friends, you just have to give everyone your ..." (smile)

Song "Smile"


And what else is there in the forest besides animals and birds? (Berries, mushrooms, flowers ... What?)

Poem "Flowers"

If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower

If everyone: we and you, if everyone picks flowers,

There will be no flowers and no beauty.

And now let's play with you the game "In a forest glade". I will show you pictures, and you have to guess the names of flowers, berries, mushrooms, birds, etc.


Our Earth is mountains, rivers, forests, seas, oceans, animals. The earth is our common home, in which man is the master. And this owner should be kind and caring.

Guys, look how beautiful our Earth is, especially in spring, when nature comes to life, the first flowers bloom. So let's take care of nature, the beauty of our Earth!

Lesson summary: Guys, now we will show you that we know how to protect our planet, to protect nature, birds, animals. To do this, we will take colored pencils, paints, plasticine, colored paper - everything that we need to make a vivid picture-panel.

Alena Pimenova
Short-term group project "Earth Day"

Short term group project

"Earth Day"

(for children of the second younger group).

Take care of the earth, people!

Our homeland and the place where we live

And the village we love

Native street, where we grow!

Take care of the beauty of your native land,

Rustle of leaves, spring flowers,

We can compare the Volga region with paradise,

After all, there is no more beautiful place on Earth!

How wonderful it is to go out in the field in the morning,

Meet the sun with the scent of grass

Run with joy in the wild,

Fall into dewdrops.

People, take care of all this,

Take care of everything that God has given you!

So that this native land,

Every inhabitant could be proud!

Project name: "Earth Day"

Project type: creative, educational and research.

Children age: 3-4 years.

Project type: group, family.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, parents of pupils, educators.

Educational areas: "Socialization", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Cognition", "Artistic creativity", "Music", "Labor", "Physical culture".

Relevance of the project:

Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it should take care and respect for it, preserving all its values ​​and wealth.

Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system, it is a way of influencing the feelings of children, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, understand that both plants and animals are living creatures, they breathe, drink water, grow, and most importantly, feel pain like a person.

We believe that environmental education is necessary with early age... Our task, as teachers in working with children of preschool age, is to lay the first ideas and landmarks in the natural world.

Goals of the project: formation of ideas about the Earth in children, “as about our common house"; the formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude to environment; create conditions for increasing the active participation of parents in the life of the group.



1. To acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna, with its significance for all life on the planet.

2. To acquaint with the structure and life of plants.

3. Teach children to interact with natural objects through the senses.

4. Involve in environmental protection activities.

5. Form the skills of research activities.

6. To develop skills and abilities of working with natural materials.


1. Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

2. Develop imagination, thinking while observing, exploring natural objects.

3. Enrich the vocabulary of children.

4. Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.


1. To foster a respectful attitude towards nature, the natural heritage of our region.

2. To cultivate communication skills, independence, hard work, observation and curiosity for all living things.

Stages of project implementation:

Stage I includes the formulation of the problem and the introduction of the children involved in the project into the game situation, as well as informing the parents about the project and the plan for its implementation.

Stage II represents the organization of project activities (reflected in the calendar plan of project activities).

Stage III includes preparation and presentation of the Earth Day project.

Planning project activities:

Joint activities of educators with children.

Di. "Who lives where".

Di. "Describe, we will guess."

Observation on a walk for trees, the appearance of buds, the first leaves.

Conversation "Wild Animals".

Reading: From Marshak "Spring Song".

Listening to the musical piece by Y. Slonov "Forest Pictures".

The game "Run to the tree."

Physical education: "Forest dwellers".

Productive activity: Drawing "Branch with leaves"

Di. lotto "The World of Plants and Animals".

Di. "Who is shouting how?"

Walking ground observation.

Conversation “We are friends of nature”.

Finger gymnastics "Two centipedes"

Consideration of illustrations about spring, spring phenomena.

Reading: V. Sukhomlinsky "The Slingshot and the Sparrow's Nest."

Exercises for the development of empathy "Picture an animal."

Joint work of the teacher and children to care for plants at the kindergarten site.

Di. "In the animal world".

Game situation: "Tell Dunno how to behave in the forest."

Observing on a walk for birds arriving at the site, their behavior.

Examination of the paintings "Forest", "Meadow", "Pond".

Communication situation: “What would you do if you saw a boy breaking tree branches? Trample flowers? "

Reading: E. Charushin "Sparrow".

Outdoor game: "Birds in their nests".

Physical education: "Ladybug".

Productive activity: application (collective) "Beautiful bouquet"

Di. "When it happens."

Di. "Recognize the animal by description."

Examination of illustrations on the topic of nature conservation.

Ecological game - travel "Visiting Lesovichka".

Reading: A. Prokofiev


Learning the poem "Swallow" by B. Zakhoder.

Outdoor game: "Shaggy dog".

Joint work of the educator and children to care for plants in a group.

Excursion to the central children's library, conversation dedicated to Earth Day.

Di. "Wild and Domestic Animals".

Di. "The fourth extra"

Examining posters on the topic "How to behave in the forest?"

Reading: M. Prishvin "A Conversation of Trees".

Listening to the musical composition of C. Saint-Saens "Carnival of Animals".

Game exercise: "The animals went to exercise."

Productive activity: modeling "Funny animals".

Joint activities of educators, children and parents.

Sowing flower seeds in seedling boxes.

Planting trees, shrubs on the territory of the kindergarten.

Tidying up flower beds.

Costume performance - fashion show “Fashion from waste”.

Ecological holiday "Earth Day".

Joint activities of educators with parents.

"Spring donation day" (Involvement of parents in the collection of seeds and planting material for planting on the territory of the kindergarten).

Cleaning of the territory of the kindergarten.

Consultation for parents and design of a folder - moving

"Teach children to love nature!"

Joint activities of parents with children.

Making outfits for children from recycled material.

Joint work of parents and children on the topic: "We are friends of nature" (competition of drawings, posters, handicrafts).

Natalia Zhigunova
Earth Day project

Relevance the project:

In preschool age, the basic relationship to the world around, to nature is laid.

The goal of ecological education of preschoolers is the formation of a new type of person with new ecological thinking, capable of realizing the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.

The experience of working in our group shows that already at the senior preschool age, children effortlessly assimilate a complex of environmental knowledge when they are given to children in an accessible and entertaining way.

One of our tasks in realizing this the project- to contribute to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about nature. To bring up elements of ecological consciousness in children, value orientations in behavior and activity, the desire to be responsible for the environment, to follow environmental rules; To form a humane attitude towards nature - the realization that man and nature are interconnected. To prove that caring for a person and his future and that which harms nature, harms a person, therefore destroys our common House for all - Earth!

We must, together with parents, bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually, is responsible for The earth! And each of us can and should preserve and enhance the beauty of our planet.

Convince children that man is the main thing in relation to nature and therefore must protect it and take care of it, not let it perish.

We, educators, must create conditions for constant and full-fledged communication of children with wildlife.

Goals the project:

Enrich children's knowledge about nature;

Help identify patterns underlying natural phenomena;

Let children understand that nature is our common home;

To teach children to distinguish between nature and non-nature, to name objects of animate and inanimate nature;

Find out the role of man and his influence on nature;

Develop a sense of responsibility for everything that happens to nature on Earth.

Software content:

1. To form in children ecological thinking, the ability to realize the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment;

2. To reinforce in children the knowledge of the norms of behavior in nature and the desire to observe them in practical activities and in everyday life;

3. to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, admire it, take care of the natural world ourselves and call other members of society to this.

Expected Result:

Form humane in children the senses: awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, and as a result, the desire to protect and preserve nature, as well as instill the foundations of a culture of rational use of natural resources.

Awareness that man and nature are interconnected, therefore, caring for nature is caring for the future of the planet Earth.

Create a sense of empathy so that children become kinder, understand the need to preserve and increase wealth, not only Of the earth, but also the native land.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation "The history of the holiday « Earth Day» ;

2. Reading a story "Oil in the Ocean";

3. Situational conversations: "How do you help the planet Earth, "Planet The earth is in danger» , "Red Book" Of the earth.

Working with parents:

1. Find and record films about our planet, its protection (Egorova M.V.).

2. Create an album for the group "Amazing planet Earth» ... Collection of material, photos on the topic (educators).

3. Registration of the herbarium « Medicinal plants our region " (educators, children, parents).

4. Newspaper decoration "April 22 - Earth Day» (Mustaeva E.N. Lagosha Yu.S.).

5. Prepare gifts or greeting cards (parents, children).

6. Create a custom album "I am an inhabitant of the planet Earth» (children, parents).

direct educational activity:

Thematic (integrated classes: nature, artistic creation, music, fiction).

1. "The history of the holiday « Earth Day» .

2. Conversation "House under a blue roof" (p. 47).

3. Didactic game "Good bad"- environmental regulations "How do you help the planet Earth

4. Exhibition of drawings “We are the children of the planet Earth» , "Panorama of good deeds".

5. Excursion and targeted walks "Nature wakes up"- on a visit to the trees (walk around the kindergarten or to the park).

6. Experimentation:

« The earth is our nurse» ;

"Do the roots need air?";

"What does the plant give off?";

"Do plants have respiratory organs?"

7. Lesson "We are friends of nature" (p. 85)

8. Learning a song.

9. The game is a journey "On a hike".

10. Fiction : memorizing a poem "Lark" V. Zhukovsky and reading "Spring waters" F. Tyutchev, "In the meadow" A. Blok, "Masters without an ax" V. Bianchi, "Great Travelers" M. Zoshchenko, "What are hands for?" E. Permyak.

11. Viewing films and cartoons (cartoon K. Paustovsky "Badger nose", "Like a goat He held the earth» DVD movies "Riddles of Water", "Acquaintance with the Red Book".

12. Labor activity:

"Let's decorate the plot with flowers" (with parents);

Site cleaning "Labor landing";

Planting flowers on the site “We decorate Earth with flowers» ;

Planting indoor plants - "What is needed for the growth and life of plants?"

13. Directly educational activities on this topic "Insects"

Final activities:

Physical culture entertainment "Holiday Of the earth» (physical education instructor, music worker);

Contest "Garbage fantasy".

ENVIRONMENTAL HOLIDAY "EARTH DAY" for senior preschool children

Lalaeva Victoria Anatolyevna, educator-methodologist of preschool educational institution №287, Donetsk.

Material description: this material can be used as entertainment or a direct ecology holiday, for holding or a general garden event, or only with older preschoolers. You can organize such a holiday in kindergarten for parents in the framework of joint activities in the course of the "Green City" environmental action.
Target: broadening the horizons and generalizing the knowledge gained in the field of ecology, cause bright and positive emotions aimed at making children aware of themselves as part of the natural world.
- to develop a cognitive interest in nature, to form a respectful attitude towards nature;
- to consolidate knowledge about representatives flora listed in the "Red Book";
- to form the foundations of ecological culture, understanding of the value of any life;
- mastering the rules of individual safe life and safe behavior in nature;
- to foster a moral culture and a caring, humane and respectful attitude towards the environment.

Holiday progress

Leading: - Dear children, dear guests! We cordially welcome you to our holiday and today we would like to talk with you about native nature, without which people simply could not live. And nature is green forests and fragrant flowers, transparent rivers and endless seas, winged birds and fluffy animals. Man is also a part of nature, that is, we are with you. Planet Earth is our big home, our common home, and every year in the spring of April 22, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world.
And all four seasons of the year came to us on this holiday at once. We welcome them! They came with us to celebrate Earth Day and remind us of something very important.

Spring comes out

Spring: - I am Spring. I give a lot of light and warmth. I awaken nature after a winter sleep, the first flowers appear - snowdrops under the warm rays of the sun. Children, how would you live without the sun?

1 child: - If the sun did not shine,
The earth - mother did not warm,
Everything would be frozen on the ground:
And it would disappear into the darkness.

2 child: - Nothing would grow,
Nothing would bloom.
Even small children
Wouldn't be born in the world.

Song - round dance "The pipe is playing in the forest"
(Words by K. Perelisnaya, music by N. Shevchenko)

Autumn comes out

Autumn: - I am Autumn, it's time to harvest and prepare for winter. But I am a little like Spring. In autumn, as well as in spring, it rains a lot. And what will happen, guys, what if it doesn't rain at all?

1 child: - Flowers will wither without rain,
The trees will not grow.
Rye does not ripen without it,
And the wheat doesn't grow.

2 child: - Drink rain water
They love chirping birds.
If he does not pour,
Nothing will live.

3 child: - He is, of course, very important
For meadows, fields and arable lands,
For birds and beasts,
And for small children.

Leading: - Yes. If it doesn't rain, there will be many problems. Do you know, children, how they called rain in the old days? Let's try to call him!

Children go out, stand in a circle and sing the call:

Rain, rain
I'll cook you a borschik
I'll put it on an oak
In a green pot.
Do not stagger, oak tree,

Don't spill, pot!

Rain comes out

Rain: - I am a transparent rain, I came to your call,
From a fluffy cloud to the ground spilled,
So that everything blooms and grows,
So that your city and village will be in the greenery.

Leading: - Thank you, rain, join the children and play a fun game with us!

Game "Get around the puddles"

Children are divided into two teams. You need to run around with an umbrella "puddles" cut out of blue cardboard and pass the umbrella to the next player in the team. The winners are those whose team will complete the task faster.

Leading: - Well, the sun has warmed the earth, warm rain has been here, and on our glade someone scattered garbage. Tourists visited here, littered and left. Children, help put things in order here.

Game "Clear the meadow"

There are also two teams playing. On two glades - carpets - scattered candy wrappers, pieces of paper, plastic dishes, cellophane bags. Clothespins are given to each child. At the signal, the children use clothespins to collect garbage in special bags, which are kept by the educators near the "meadow". Whoever was the first to remove his "clearing" won.

Leading: - Well done, children! But a new guest is hurrying to us. Guess who it is!
Great time!
All the kids are waiting for her.
Lots of colors.
Lots of light.
The earth is warmed by the sun.
Have you guessed? This is …… (all children) - Summer!

Summer is coming out

Summer: - Yes, I am Summer. I am the warmest time of the year. I give strength to everything
alive, I have a lot of berries and flowers. In the summer, bees collect honey. A
what do they need, guys, to collect fragrant honey?

1 child: - This is how nature works:
There is no honey without bees in nature,
There are no bees without flowers -
I took this into account for a long time!

2 child: - Summer is not long to wait,
Come quickly, bee
Give me from each flower
Two kilograms of honey.

Leading: - Ok, guys! Tell us what flowers and trees - honey plants do you know?
(Linden, acacia, sweet clover, buckwheat, sunflower, lungwort, bird cherry, dandelion, clover, fruit trees)
- And also in our forests there are rare flowers to collect, which are prohibited by law. Do you know these flowers? Name them.
(Snowdrop, primrose, lily of the valley, dream-grass (lumbago), adonis, saffron (crocus), white flowers (snowflake or Carpathian snowdrop).

Well done, go out to the flowering meadow to play a fun game.

Make a flower game

Multi-colored cardboard flowers are laid out on the carpet in the hall. The presenter distributes petals to the children different colors- such as flowers on the floor. Cheerful music sounds - bees (children with petals) fly around the hall, when the music stops - the bees must fly up to the flower of the color they hold the petal. You can play 2-3 times by changing petals.

Leading: “You yourself are like flowers. Children, you are great for me! So we need plants, but animals?

1 child: - Everything, everything, everything in the world,
We need it in the world
And midges are no less needed than elephants.
Can't be dispensed with
Without absurd monsters
And even without predators,
Angry and ferocious.

2 child: - We need everything in the world!
We need everything -
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison!
And if we are with someone
Not very friendly
We are still very
We need each other.

3 child: - And if we have someone
It will seem superfluous
Then this, of course,
It turns out to be a mistake!
Everything, everything, everything in the world is needed,
And these are all children
Must remember!

Leading: - It is very good, children, that you love nature so much. And I invite you to play the game "Water - Land" with me.

Game "Water - land"

On the table there are figures of different animals, fish and marine life according to the number of players. On the carpet, the host lays out 2 playing fields from cardboard - blue (this is water) and brown (this is land). Children become in 2 teams. On a signal, they take any figurine and carry it to the playing field where this inhabitant lives: in the sea or on land. When the teams have completed the task, the presenter and other children check if the players have placed the figures correctly.

Leading: - And here is our last guest.
How much snow has covered!
It became clean and light.
And the frost is almost to tears
Pinched my nose.
I have already come to know
Real winter).
- Yes, guys, this is Zimushka - a sorceress.

Winter comes out

Winter: - I am Winter. I give nature rest and peace. I protect the plants: I cover the ground with white snow to protect them from severe frosts, I decorate everything around with frost and snowflakes, and therefore I look like a fairy tale. In winter, the birds have a very hard time and it is difficult for them to winter without our help. Let us feed them.

Game "Feed the bird"

All the children in the hall are playing. The presenter asks her to help determine what to feed the birds. She names different types of food, and the children answer "yes" or "no."
For example:
Presenter: - Candy?
Children: - No.
Presenter: - Cutlet?
Children: - No.
Presenter: - Millet?
Children: - Yes, etc.

Leading: -Thank you, Zimushka, for interesting game.
I see, guys, that you love nature very much. And what happens to her is not indifferent to you.

1 child: We want the birds to sing
So that they rustle around the forest,
To make the skies blue
For the butterfly to frolic
To make the river silver

2 child: So that there was dew on sweet berries,
We want to love each other
Smile, believe in a miracle
Never offend anyone
We will respect everyone who is next to us