How children with ADHD study. How to do homework with a hyperactive child? Praise as vitamins

In the last five years, the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" has become almost fashionable, it is "put" to every fourth child "without trial and investigation." Spinning, running, disobeying? So hyperactive! In this article, we will look at what ADHD in children is, how to raise such a child, and how to help him during his schooling.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is minimal brain dysfunction, i.e. slight failure of the brain, which smoothes out by the age of 14. In the worst case, it remains in adulthood, but a person can already control himself.

Minimal cerebral dysfunction (MMD) is not a medical diagnosis, but only a statement of the fact that there are minor disorders in the functioning of the brain. Moreover, even medical scientists themselves are divided into those who recognize and those who do not recognize this problem.

Doctors who admit the existence of this syndrome talk about:

  • the consequences of birth trauma
  • imbalance in the blood supply to the brain
  • violations of the biochemical balance in the central nervous system.

Speaking simple language- the brain of the newborn received minor damage and the part of the brain region responsible for inhibition simply does not work. And since nerve cells are not restored, then the work of inhibition is taken over by healthy cells, between which these functions are completely redistributed over time.

But this process has been going on for years, so parents need to be patient and wait for that cherished adolescence. And then immediately inspiring news - hyperactive (HA) children become excellent adolescents, assistants and just smart girls, you just have to wait, and while the process of waiting to be with the child as open and friendly as possible, he himself suffers greatly from the fact that interferes with everyone, he cannot sit still, that everyone constantly scolds him.

Usually, this trouble happens to boys: there is only one girl for every 5 boys with ADHD.

How does hyperactivity manifest?

The hyperdynamic syndrome manifests itself in a difficult concentration of attention, in excessive activity and mobility against the background of their peers. The child is very curious, but all this curiosity is too superficial. For example, a child reads a book, after two words starts flipping through it, and after a minute he quits reading altogether and starts adding cubes, but only puts a couple of cubes, then immediately runs to draw, and so on in a circle. For children with ADHD, the task of accurately decorating, collecting mosaics, embroidering, and beading is almost impossible.

Ask your child to just sit in the chair for 3 minutes. Putting your hands on your knees and not speaking. Such a task is difficult for an ordinary child, but for GA it is simply impossible. In a few seconds, ADHD people will start swinging their legs, fingering the folds of clothes, twisting their heads - this is the lack of attention and concentration. You even stand with a belt over him, but such a child will not be able to sit quietly on a chair either under pain of flogging or for a kilogram of candy.

For teachers of the GA notebook for schoolchildren, this is just their personal pedagogical nightmare - multiple corrections, dirt, smeared ink, letters "dancing" on several lines, the notebooks themselves are crumpled, with folded corners - and this is not the whole list that can be found in notebooks of such kids.

How to treat hyperactivity

This diagnosis can only be made by a qualified neurologist in duet with a psychiatrist. Only after all research and analysis. Unfortunately, there are those nedomedics who, after listening to the story of a tired mom that the child cannot sit still, is constantly distracted and disobedient, immediately write MMD in the card (ADHD, encephalopathy, hyperdynamic syndrome and other “lovely” diagnoses). Only on the basis of the results of ultrasound, EEG, ECHO-ES, tomography and sonography, a council of doctors can draw conclusions about the presence of ADHD.

As it was already written above, this is not a medical diagnosis, therefore no psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers will help. No, they, of course, can be given to a child, making a "vegetable" out of him, but is it worth it to rape the body of a poor kid? After all, these drugs work only with constant use, they make this "diagnosis" at 4 years old, it smoothes out by the age of 14, ie. It will take several years to "stuff" the baby with the strongest drugs.

Every day for several years, a parent can turn a child into an addicted drug addict with his own hands. But vitamins that gently improve cerebral blood supply and a massage course conducted by a specialist will not be superfluous. Vitamins and massage, not potent sedatives.

Only the daily pedagogical efforts of adults (parents, educators, teachers) can help a child improve his quality of life. Every day. During several years. Not pills, but regime and love.

How to calm a hyperactive child

The words “calm down! Get a hold of yourself!" if they work, then for a couple of minutes; the student will be able to stretch the lesson as much as possible without being distracted, but what next? And then you need to help nervous system... Unload it. The biggest mistake of both parents and teachers is to punish by standing in a corner or sitting on a chair to the side. It is impossible to punish with this, it has already been said above that a child cannot sit quietly for a minute, during this "punishment" the nervous system experiences overload.

Let's see how to calm a hyperactive child, the tips below will make life easier for both parents and the child:

  • if the baby makes a noise, runs and does not react in any way to the words of adults, then the child must be caught, hugged, and, looking into the eyes, repeat the request. Speak in a calm and demanding voice at the same time.
  • distract the kid with the question of how cows moo, how butterfly flaps, etc. "Switch" it to something else.
  • ask the student to tell the multiplication table, rules in Russian, or a recently learned poem.
  • no matter how paradoxical it may sound, physical exercise will help calm the hyperactive child - let him do push-ups, squats, jumping rope.

So the excess energy will go "in the right direction."
- together with the child, think of where the "off" button is located (on the nose, elbow, back), and as soon as the baby starts to destroy everything around, "turn it off".
- runs and makes noise - give him paper and pencils, and ask him to draw his own fairy tale (or plasticine and let him mold an elephant).
- play "silence": the rules are simple - whoever says the word "silence" the quietest.

How to help a hyperactive child?

If this is a student, then explain in simple words what is happening to him, that his brain will gradually learn to control all situations, but for now it is necessary to contribute to this as much as possible.

Every, absolutely every situation for which adults scolded him must be disassembled with the child. What he did wrong, what was the right thing to do, and what to do if the situation repeats itself.

How can you help a hyperactive child learn? Only the regime will help here. Strict regime, which, together with the child, was registered on a Whatman paper hanging on the wall in the nursery. Where the whole day is scheduled by the minute. There should be no deviations, and very soon the child himself will strictly follow him. The daily regimen will especially help the first-grader, for its strict implementation, usually, a month of constant supervision by an adult is enough.

In order to figure out how to teach a hyperactive child, one should remember about "switching": disassembled new topic- played catch-up, wrote several examples - jumped over a rope, etc. It is impossible for a child with ADHD on their own, especially in elementary school; constant supervision from adults is necessary here. The entire first grade, lessons must be done together, then it is quite enough just to be present in the room where the child is studying.

How to communicate with a hyperactive child?

  • the child is always interested in everything new - come up with a character similar to him, and let the child himself (but under the supervision of adults) teach his new fictional friend.
  • do not shout or hit the baby, this will make him even more excited. Always speak calmly and confidently.
  • punish with physical activity. 20 squats, 10 push-ups, and other loads, the performance of which is not so pleasant, have a beneficial effect on inhibition of the central nervous system.
  • praise and encourage your child. This is important for ordinary children, but for hyperactive children it is simply a necessity.
  • Give your child clear instructions before completing any assignment.

- the child simply cannot do several things at the same time, so let him listen carefully, but fidget on the chair and gnaw on the pen, do not pay attention to this, otherwise all his attention will switch to sitting quietly, but he will no longer be able to listen attentively.

Simply, if you are "at the same time" with him, switch him from one activity to another in time, not prohibit, but control, and strictly follow the regime. But the most important thing in raising any child is endless parental love, trust and mutual understanding. Love your children and they will love you 10 times more!

Teachers every year primary school face an increasing number of hyperactive and attention deficit children in their classrooms. But still no one teaches teachers how to properly interact with ADD / ADHD children. Therefore, the experience of a teacher who knows what to do can be helpful.

I once asked several teachers which of the following students suffers from attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a) who speaks incessantly, cannot sit still and constantly fidgets; b) a quiet dreamer, who calmly sits at a desk, soaring in the clouds, completely detached from everyone and everything; c) both one (a) and another (b)? The correct answer turned out to be ... the last option (c).

The three main indicators of ADD and ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. And depending on which indicators prevail, the child has either ADD or ADHD.

What kind of children are there with ADD / ADHD?

  • Inattentive. Not hyperactive or impulsive, but, on the contrary, sometimes inhibited.
  • Hyperactive and impulsive. But one hundred percent "on", even when they seem jerky or depressed.
  • Inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive(the most common combination for ADD / ADHD). These children have "episodes" of outrageous behavior and physical changes that frighten both teachers and the children themselves.

Those children whose ADD / ADHD is accompanied by extremely inattention and daydreaming often become “invisible” because they behave within the normal framework and never show signs of explosive behavior. As a result, they often become closed. Inattention also has other consequences: such students get caught by parents and teachers for not following instructions, learning worse than they can, and not getting along with peers because they do not want to play by their rules.

When given boring or repetitive tasks, children with ADD / ADHD will quickly “turn off”. And vice versa: when they do something that gives pleasure, or listen to something that is interesting, they concentrate and pay attention to learning without any problems. That is, the teacher needs to work on the theory of "inclusion" - to look for what turns on the small mechanisms of students.

Children with ADD / ADHD have a harder time adhering to schedules and learning responsibilities than their peers. Most of these students have an inherent fussiness, and you can help them a lot if you teach them how to manage their time.

Another common problem for these children is focusing on one thing. They are extremely tired of having to concentrate, think and guess what they are asked about, especially if something is happening nearby. This is why it is so important to provide them with a quiet place where they can gather their thoughts.

Inattention and daydreaming

  • Such children often behave carelessly: they make mistakes, or are completely distracted by extraneous objects.
  • They don't seem to hear you talking to them.
  • They find it difficult to follow instructions - in order to achieve results, they need to be given more structured tasks.
  • Distraction is much more fun for them than focus.
  • It is difficult for these children to complete the task, because they quickly get bored.
  • They lack self-organizing skills.
  • They always lose everything!
  • Such children do not notice or miss the finer details.

Hyperactivity, excess energy, fidgeting

    Sitting still isn't an option; such children are constantly on the move. Moreover, movement can be expressed in jumping, running and even climbing over objects, often at completely inappropriate moments and in unsuitable rooms.

    Sitting in silence is also difficult for them, so, as a rule, they constantly chat.

    Relaxing for them is both boring and painful.

    It happens that such a child suddenly jumps up from his seat or runs out of the office while other children are quietly working.

    It happens that they make noises and sounds that are unacceptable in certain social situations, and sometimes they ask inappropriate questions about the subject being studied (although I also did this all the time in boring lessons!).

    They are quick-tempered, turn on with a half-turn and sometimes react inadequately.


    Sometimes they interrupt because they want to be in the spotlight.

    Waiting for their turn, no matter in the game or in something else, is a difficult test for them: they want everything here and now (otherwise, as it seems to them, they will explode).

    They make inappropriate, untimely remarks, often blurt out what they think, without caring about the consequences.

    Instead of methodically solving the problem, they try to guess the answer.

    It is difficult for them to listen to others, it is difficult to listen to the question to the end.

    They do not understand other people's emotions and are often lost during communication.

    They do not know how to restrain their emotions, so it is not uncommon for them to have outbursts of anger and mood swings.

Positives of ADD / ADHD

ADD / ADHD has many positive aspects, so this "disorder" should be considered as another feature of life and learning, but in no case as a limitation. ADD / ADHD have nothing to do with having talent or intelligence. Many children burdened with these syndromes are creatively gifted and have the same clear mind as you and me.

When children with ADD / ADHD are passionate, their fervor and zeal is truly magical. They know how to work earnestly, just as earnestly to play; they want to be the first in everything, however, like most children. Only now the spirit of competition is sometimes off scale, and if they suddenly do not live up to their own expectations, they can become very upset, angry and even show aggression. It is very difficult to tear them away from activities or tasks that are interesting to them, especially when it comes to something active - sometimes you cannot do without an additional method of pressure! With these kids, the 4: 1 praise-to-criticism principle will come in handy.

The creativity of children with ADD / ADHD knows no bounds, they have many thoughts in their minds, and their imaginations are truly wonderful. A child who daydreams and thinks ten different thoughts at the same time can grow up to be a crisis management guru or become an original artist. Yes, children with ADD / ADHD are easily distracted, but they notice things that others cannot see. It is very useful for us, teachers, to have at our side students who see and think differently from everyone else - this keeps us on our toes!

How to teach a child with ADD / ADHD

  • Make sure the child with ADD / ADHD has a medical and syllabus, revised by parents and school. A correct diagnosis is important to you, and you should not rely on the ADD / ADHD labels that are easily put up by the school without official medical reports. The diagnosis will also show you what type of ADD / ADHD your student has and you will act accordingly.
  • Accept these children as they are, do not try to change them, reformat their personality or behavior.
  • Build relationships with parents / guardians for both academic and human issues. They will only be grateful to you. Parents sometimes find amazing techniques that can be adopted for classroom work and vice versa.
  • Ask for help if you need it. Do not be heroic, do not be silent. This will be more honest in relation to both the child and you.
  • Focus on the child, draw information from him. Ask him: which lesson did you like the most? Which is the least? What is the difference between them? Try to find out from the child himself how he prefers to learn.
  • Does the child with ADD / ADHD realize that they are slightly different from their peers? Can you explain the essence of this difference? Can you suggest how best to deal with this feature in a school setting?
  • Students with ADD / ADHD need a system, and lists can help you with that. Let's say step-by-step instruction how to write an essay, or how to act when you are being reprimanded (by the way, a very useful instruction!).
  • To get a student with ADD / ADHD back to work, look them in the eyes, just in a friendly, no-reproachful way.
  • Place the child closer to your desk and try not to let him out of sight - he will have an incentive not to be distracted. If you want to help your child concentrate, give him a notebook, let him scribble. I also give kids sticky pads, stress balls, and kushballs, all of which relieve stress.
  • Use alternative methods of recording information. Remember, the main thing is for the child to comprehend the material being presented. And you can comprehend it in different ways. Of course, it is more convenient and easier for the teacher when students use paper and pen for notes, but if this does not suit the child, let him use associative card, whiteboard, make lists on sticky notes, use audio, or take notes on a tablet.
  • Comment on the work of students with ADD / ADHD more often, then they will try harder. It is important that they know what the requirements are for them and whether they fulfill these requirements. Such is the direct and uncomplicated setting of achievable goals. Naturally, they are very encouraged by praise, and if you use it correctly, you can form in the child the inner motivation that we all need so much!
  • Break down large assignments into smaller tasks or parts. Less is better. If a child with ADD / ADHD is overwhelmed, it can become upset.
  • More humor and fun: Children who manage to laugh in class are happy and passionate about their studies.
  • Repeat, repeat, and repeat without raising your voice so that children with ADD / ADHD will have a chance to remember what you are saying.
  • Older children will do better if you tell them in advance what they will be doing in the next lesson. So much for the beat and mix learning elements!
  • Look for every opportunity to rejoice and praise. For anything. For example, their liveliness and energy can infect several students at once, or even the whole class. Look for talents in them and nurture them. Life often tests them for strength, so children with ADD / ADHD tend to be flexible and easygoing; they have a generous soul, and they are always happy to help.

Hyperactivity (increased, excessive activity) of children and associated behavioral disorders is not at all a rare cause of not only discontent of teachers and parents, but also of serious school problems that arise in these children from the first days of schooling. Hyperactivity is most often associated with difficulty concentrating and impulsivity. This combination gives a general, but not very clear definition - “behavior disorder”. when it comes to violations of writing and reading, then most often the following characteristic is given: "mistakes due to inattention",

"Inattentive reading".

Main question, to which both teachers and parents of “restless”, “inattentive”, “disobedient” children would like to receive an answer - “does not want” or “cannot” the child behave as adults require? it is the answer to this question that most often depends on the attitude to the child, to his "antics" and problems. unfortunately, more than 70% of parents and 80% of teachers believe that a child should"to be obedient", should"Be able to behave", should be attentive, diligent, etc. Moreover, "obedience" (which is understood as unquestioning obedience to the requirements of adults)

- the most important thing in a child's behavior. A quiet, inactive child sitting for hours with his toys does not interfere and, as a rule, does not cause anxiety, despite the fact that he may have many problems, but a noisy, restless, talking a lot, constantly demanding attention is tiring, often annoying adults and causes concern. It is especially difficult for these children in a team, with a clearly organized regime, in a system of rather strict requirements. as a rule, these are the so-called “non-Sadovka” children, since rarely a teacher is ready to literally hold the hand of a restless kid all day long, who does not leave anyone alone and does not sit quietly for a minute. Almost insurmountable difficulties arise when such a child begins to study in a preparatory group for school, in a preschool gymnasium or in school.

Denis is 6 years 4 months old. Two months ago he was brought to the preparatory group of a preschool gymnasium. The teacher and psychologist who conducted the interview could not help but pay attention to the fact that their questions are not of much interest to the child, but he himself tells in detail what he knows (cars, their brands, differences, advantages, etc.). He asks about everything, jumping from one to another (the answer is not important), does not sit still for a second, tries to examine and touch everything around, including the psychologist's glasses lying on the table: “Is this yours?”. - “Yes, please put them in their place”, “And I'm interested in looking through them,” said Denis, putting on his glasses. Within a minute, he left his glasses and, asking a lot of questions, began to examine the drawings of children that hung on the wall.

Denis knew the letters, already read and counted quite well, but it was with difficulty that he was persuaded to demonstrate his skills. Mom and grandmother, who brought him in, considered this behavior "pampering." The child actually lived with his grandmother, but nannies were involved in his upbringing. "Good nanny,

- Mother complained, - it is impossible to find. Two or three months - and they leave, they don't know how to deal with children. And with some Denis even refused to stay. "

According to his mother, “Denis loves children very much, but they offend him, he gets angry, gets angry, sometimes fights, but he really wants to study and promised that he would behave himself.” But all the promises turned out to be difficult to keep. In the classroom, he constantly switched from one type of activity to another (although, as the teacher noted, “he grasped everything on the fly”), turned around, got up, walked around the classroom, could take a book or a pencil from another child, asked the teacher questions, not related neither to the task nor to the occupation,

“After 5-7 minutes I simply could not work - I had to sit next to him in order to somehow calm him down”.

The biggest problem was writing (children were taught to write only printed letters). It turned out that Denis “does not like to draw,” he holds a pen and a pencil in his fist, squeezing it with three fingers. The movements are stiff, the arm is very tense, and the lines are uneven. The first few letters, even in his name, Denis wrote diligently, displaying every line, but the whole name

It didn’t work “beautifully”, and he could cross everything out, simply refuse to work (“I don’t want to”) or look for an excuse to do something else.

In the intervals between classes, “I was running around like a madman, he pulled everyone up”. Two months later, Denis was asked to be taken away, as the teacher seemed to have tried all the measures: "both in a good and in a bad way." She tolerated his “antics”, and made comments, punished, shamed, and complained to her parents. Parents, in turn, also took measures: they deprived of walks and did not allow to watch the "Vidic", did not buy new toy cars, demanded that he do all the tasks at home that he had not done in class. Classes turned into screams, tears and new punishments. Denis promised to improve, but the next day everything starts -

elk first. Having tried, in their opinion, everything, the adults decided to punish Denis with "silence": they stopped talking to him, and on the second day he ran away from home. Fortunately, he was quickly found, as he fled to one of his former nannies.

Let's try to analyze very similar situations in an inattentive, restless preschooler and a first-grader.

Fedor came to school with his mom and dad on the first of September. Parents were with their son on a business trip abroad, and the teacher's acquaintance with a new student took place in the first lesson. Mom's short story: “He can do everything: read, write, and count, but does not like, is lazy. A very lively child, active, restless and touchy, ”he warned: there are such students in every class, and it is not easy to work with them. Fedya was tall, and he was put at the fourth desk, but after the lesson he had to be moved to the first one, closer to the teacher, as he interfered with other children, tried to talk to them, different ways attracted their attention. The child demanded constant attention, otherwise he himself would not work, and distracted those who were sitting next to him.

3 months have passed. Days that were similar to each other turned into a “chronic struggle” with absent-mindedness, unwillingness to work carefully, finish work, complete tasks correctly, bad behavior in physical education lessons and at recess (constant conflicts with peers, even fights) ... After the break, I could not calm down for a long time: my hair was disheveled, my eyes shine with excitement. The teacher's remarks - “Fedya, don't turn around,” “Fedya, shut up,” “Fedya, don't bother me” - the boy didn't seem to hear. He performed class assignments in parts (somewhere only the beginning, somewhere there is no end). The letters are large, they look like scribbles, there are many corrections and errors (omissions, omissions). He reads quickly, but often tries to guess the word, so he often thinks out the content. It is difficult with mathematics - you have to explain the condition of the problem several times (if you read it yourself - "everything is not clear").

This is not to say that the teacher was very patient. Fedya not only prevented her from working calmly in the classroom, but annoyed her with his negligence, carelessness, constant “forgot”, “did not know”. The more she was angry, the more intolerable, in her opinion, the student became - his mood changed dramatically, he could throw the book, tear the notebook, push away the teacher too. At home, according to my mother, “the struggle continued,” but all attempts to force the child not to spin, write accurately, pull himself together, and so on. had no success. It all started with exhortations and persuasion, but ended with a shout or a belt. Conclusions of parents and teacher

almost completely coincided: "an uncontrollable child, does everything out of spite, it is impossible to work with him."

Indeed, in both the first and second cases, the situation is not simple, but quite typical for a rather large group of children, whose behavior is characterized by inattention, distraction, hyperactivity, impulsivity. This complex of behavioral reactions is identified by specialists as a specific mental health disorder - “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD). It means that

The child does not WANT, but CANNOT change his behavior at the request of adults, and therefore special tactics of work, an approach to such a child, and sometimes treatment are needed to help cope with problems.

What is hyperactivity, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Attention deficit disorder in the last medical qualification is defined as a mental health disorder. This means that a child, even if he really wants to, cannot change his behavior at the request of adults. Special tactics of working with such a child are required, and sometimes treatment. ADHD is perhaps the most common form of behavior disorder. About 15–20% of children with ADHD, and this diagnosis is 3–5 times more common in boys. The causes of ADHD are not yet clear and well understood. Researchers consider various causes of its occurrence, considering that, most likely, it is a compensated combination of various unfavorable factors (pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, serious diseases and developmental disorders in the first year of life, environmental influences, etc.). the diagnosis of ADHD is also difficult. As a rule, special questionnaires for parents are used for this purpose, but they do not always provide objective information. V last years to diagnose ADHD, special methods are used to study the functioning of the brain of children. In order for parents to have an idea of ​​what behavioral disorders of the child are characterized as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, we give a classic description of these symptoms.


ª not attentive enough to details;

ª has difficulty retaining attention;

ª does not seem to listen to the speaker;

ª cannot complete the case;

ª has difficulty organizing its activities;

ª avoids the task;

ª loses items;

ª distracted by external stimuli; ª

forgets everything.


ª jerking with arms or legs, spinning;

ª cannot sit still when required;

ª overly talkative;

ª rushes and climbs somewhere when it is not allowed;

ª can hardly play quietly;

ª is always "wound up", "as if there is a motor inside."


ª blurt out answers;

ª overly talkative, can hardly wait for his turn;

ª interrupts others, interferes in someone else's conversation.

These are the symptoms that should get the attention of the parents. It is important that the diagnosis of ADHD is made if at least eight of the listed symptoms are constantly manifested in the child's behavior for at least six months. It should be understood that behavioral changes sometimes occur in every child: for example, after an illness, attention may be impaired, a strong functional stress can end in an emotional outburst, an unexpected inadequate reaction, which is taken by adults for impulsivity. fatigue at the initial stages, as a rule, is associated with motor restlessness, restlessness, etc., however, all these are temporary manifestations of behavioral disturbances. in children with ADHD, these manifestations are constant.

Only a doctor can diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. He can also distinguish the form of this disorder - a combination of hyperactivity and impaired attention, the predominance of hyperactivity and impulsivity, or the predominance of impaired attention.

The main symptoms of ADHD- impaired attention, hyperactive

Toughness, impulsivity.

older preschoolers - children 5-6 years old - are not yet well developed voluntary attention(attention on a certain object, subject, task in accordance with the instructions), but as they grow older from 1st to 4th grade, voluntary attention becomes more stable. the child quickly and more actively tunes in to the upcoming activity and is not distracted in the process. in children with ADHD, impairments are not very significant in preschool age, while children are not systematically engaged, but with the start of school, attention impairments immediately manifest themselves.

Impaired concentration is the cause of difficulties in completing all study tasks, including writing and reading. Especially difficult for them First stage training, requiring increased attention to the writing technique, constant control of the correct spelling of letters, attention to sound-letter analysis. High distractibility, difficulty concentrating, disrupt this process. the child “grasps” and remembers only part of the instruction (task) and at the same time strives to complete everything quickly. Therefore, the handwriting of hyperactive children is unstable, they cannot write even one letter “calligraphically correctly”.

It is very typical for these children (due to the rapid depletion

niya) a sharp deterioration in handwriting in the process of completing assignments.

“Look,” the mother of such a child shows me the notebook, “the first sentence is written normally, the second is worse, and the last one is already impossible to read”.

The process of learning to read is no less difficult for hyperactive children. they find it difficult to concentrate, so they "lose words"

"Lose line", and rapid exhaustion can "destroy" so much

attention that reading becomes simply impossible. It is important to note

tit: the more the child is nervous, afraid of mistakes, bad grades, the more worse result... Fear of failure further reduces the child's ability to control their actions.

In the case when hyperactivity is combined with any, even insignificant lack of formation, any cognitive function, the formation of writing and reading skills is even more difficult (this can be seen in the examples given). It is not difficult to imagine how the process of forming writing and reading in such children is disrupted if the teacher constantly rushes and shows his impatience and displeasure, if the parents scold the “fidget” for all the failures. In these cases, not only complex learning problems are inevitable, but also mental health problems.

As our examples show, children with ADHD are able to maintain attention for no more than a few minutes. However, during their favorite activities and games, which they manage to successfully cope with, they retain their attention and do what they love for a long time. this is what adults point to when they say: "Maybe when he wants to." Maybe, but not only because he wants to, but also because activity within his power allows you to feel success, pleasure. This "selectivity" of attention is supported by motivation and pleasure that the child receives from this activity. pleasure, satisfaction are an important factor in the organization of the child's mental activity, have a stimulating effect on it. worst of all, hyperactive children perform tasks that seem boring, repetitive, difficult, unfulfilling, and not supported by rewards. Failure and dissatisfaction actually destroy attention.

Along with the difficulties of attention, children with ADHD tend to be distracted: they are distracted by any stimuli that are not even directly related. the sound of the TV, the cat that jumped on his knees, the dad who came home from work - and any tasks are immediately forgotten. The same thing happens in the lesson. Everything distracts - the teacher's remarks, the actions of a neighbor, the creak of chalk, the wind outside the window, etc. which is why hyperactive children do poorly control tasks, dictations.

impulsivity is observed in hyperactive children both in a variety of everyday situations and when performing educational tasks. In the classroom, it is difficult for them to wait for the teacher's attention, permission to speak out - they interrupt others, inappropriately answer questions without listening to them to the end. They stretch out their hand, wanting to be asked without hearing the question and often not knowing the correct answer. due to impulsiveness, they are prone to traumatization, since they often commit dangerous actions, the consequences of which they do not think about.

Relationship problems with peers and educators are also common in children with ADHD. They are more talkative than others and more socially inclined. Meanwhile, they are often inadequate, do not understand the situation, are offended and angry, believing that they do not want to be friends with them, play, hang around. The behavior of such children is unpredictable, and communication with peers is difficult due to conflict and imbalance. In our examples, both Denis and Fedor have problems communicating with their peers, despite the fact that they want to communicate, they easily make contact.

It is important to note that most children with ADHD have good intellectual abilities, but during classes and lessons they find it difficult to cope with tasks, not because they are unable to complete them, but because they have difficulties in organizing activities.

Observations show that these children are rather quickly excluded from the process of completing the task.

Similar information.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often referred to as the disease of modern children. And although it is diagnosed in 6% of the child population in the population, regardless of the region, any teacher primary grades from personal feelings, he can tell you that he has much more such children.

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How to understand that a child has ADHD, and how to live with it, how parents can help him and what help should be asked for school teacher, initially school year Sputnik correspondent Svetlana Litskevich spoke with a psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Tatyana Emelyantseva.

What is ADHD?

Such children are familiar to everyone - disinhibited, impulsive, disorganized, unable to concentrate on one thing for a long time. They can jump in place, wave their arms like birds, quickly forget what happened and cannot tell what happened at school today. Their behavior is unrestrained, sometimes completely inappropriate, and the notebooks are full of corrections, sometimes they can even remain empty, sentences unfinished. As a rule, with a sufficiently high intelligence, children with ADHD learn much worse than they can, and it is unbearable torture for them to sit through a lesson to the end. How to help such a child adapt at school, and at school - to be loyal to the child?

Time is working for the child

It so happened that the topic of applying forces in science to the doctor-psychotherapist Tatyana Emelyantseva was prompted by life itself. She had to study attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children because her son had characteristic signs this ailment. She does not hide this fact, as well as the fact that everything is fixable - just such children require a lot of parental work. And most often, with age, they outgrow most of their difficulties.

Most often, ADHD becomes a problem when the child goes to school. When his inability to study diligently is revealed, such children are disinhibited, absent-minded, catastrophically disorganized. V kindergarten this can go almost unnoticed if you are lucky with the teacher.

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If such a child comes to the attention of a psychotherapist before school, do doctors most often ask to send a child with ADHD to school later?

Yes, here time is working for the child. His nervous system matures, and the later he goes to school, the better the results will be. A year for a child is a lot. Let such a child be overgrown in his class, but it will benefit both him and the teacher who will work with him.

- Many are worried about the question - is it necessary to tell the teacher about ADHD?

Of course, this must be done. After all, the teacher must become your ally. And only together can you achieve good results. But it may be better to do this gradually, as symptoms appear - many teachers are intimidated by this diagnosis. It is a great happiness if you can find a teacher familiar with ADHD, who has previously successfully worked with such children or faced similar problems in your own family.

A psychotherapist is most often consulted when a child goes to school and his "uncomfortable behavior" becomes obvious to everyone.

Do not immediately take a pose - as if the teacher owes you something. You need to learn to find mutual language... But for the most part, the school is familiar with this. For example, when I tried to explain to my son's teacher about the fact that we have "specialties", she calmly told me: "Everyone has special features, these are children."

Tom Sawyer is a typical hyperactive child

It is believed that such a diagnosis did not exist before, this is a feature of modern children, which is manifested in them more and more often. It's right?

Of course not. ADHD is not a new diagnosis. It is described in detail by Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a typical hyperactive child. ADHD was once called hyperdynamic syndrome. Because this restlessness, disobedience was obvious to others. It is a clinical phenomenon of developmental disorder of the nervous system. By the way, they now include not only ADHD, but also autism. And increasingly, these diagnoses can be combined, especially with Asperger's syndrome (one of the autism spectrum disorders). There is, of course, the point of view that children with ADHD are more fortunate - they have less pronounced weakness in the development of the nervous system than children with autism symptoms.

Most often, ADHD is diagnosed in boys. In girls, it occurs 3-4 times less often.

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- When should parents start worrying?

Usually ADHD starts "looking" after 4 years. Signs can be very different, sometimes completely atypical. But some of the traits are recognizable. 30% of these children have problems with speech development... Virtually all are characterized by capricious protest behavior. They do not scandal in supermarkets because they are spoiled - they are extremely impatient and cannot control their emotions. It's early for them, back in preschool age, various tics begin to appear - a sign of weakness of the nervous system. Many have heightened sensory sensitivity. Some may get hysterical from the sound of a vacuum cleaner, "presses - rubs" - this is also about them. One family approached me, in which a girl came from school in the first grade and stripped naked - everything interfered with her. They are picky about the texture of clothing, the texture of food. Food with lumps for such a child can become 100% conditions not to eat at all. They can persist for a long time enuresis, encopresis (calorification). The act of defecation may not form correctly - while I was in diapers - there were no problems, but it did not work for the pot, a protest. But he will almost immediately put it in his pants as soon as he is left alone. And sometimes only on these grounds they turn to specialists, other signs of problem behavior are not declared. If a child has similar symptoms, this is a reason to show him to a psychotherapist.

Where can parents get their strength

- What if such a diagnosis was made?

Do not take this as the end of the world and prepare for long-term work. In America, these issues are solved simply - a condition for teaching a child with severe ADHD in a decent school is the appointment of psychostimulants. High efficiency their proven. They increase dopamine levels, which children with ADHD lack.

We do not have such a practice, there is simply no way to prescribe psychostimulants. It is important to understand that this is not an antibiotic that has been drunk and forgotten, they do not cure, they help for a while. Psychostimulants have to be drunk for years. Chemical neurotransmitters turn on the brain, attention - give the drive that helps them to finish what they started. Uncomfortable behavior goes away. Children begin to learn better - because another problem of such children is that they learn worse than they can. Much depends on their mood, on their ability to work today. For example, there is more sun today - the child is more adequate, his brains are switched on better, he is more collected. But no one thinks about the long-term perspective of the child - what will happen to him next, whether he can do it without psychostimulants, what his behavior will be. By and large, this is not a solution to the problem, it is postponing it.

Why do children from "decent" families run away?

You need to constantly work with a child, know how to help him cope with his restlessness, inattention, make teachers and educators your allies. Parental help groups are very important here.

I have been doing ADHD for over 10 years, working with both children and parents. During this time, many children have grown up - I am surprised at how everything changes over time, how they align with their peers. I certainly understand that I am dealing with motivated parents. Children with ADHD with normal attention and care can grow up to be quite successful. Yes - with little nuances. But they make good artists, architects, doctors, directors - they see the world differently, see in images, they have a developed sense of empathy, they live more with their hearts.

You say that the parents should be ready to work with the child. We all seem to be raising children, teaching them step by step, etc. Should something be different for kids with ADHD?

You need to be ready to endlessly go through everything again. If the parents don't have that marathon mindset, there may be no results. Recently I had a family, they live in America, they came here to my grandmother. Mom has a second marriage there, there is Small child... She is restless, uneven - I see that she has no strength for an older child who has ADHD. Mom needs a specific answer: how to make the child obey, to study well, to understand that it is hard for mom. As a result of the conversation, I had to tell my grandmother that there were no options except for psychostimulants there, in America. Just because I see that my mother does not have the strength to help. The boy is very difficult, he is 10 years old and he already understands that something is wrong with him. Knows that he is about to take the medicine. Asks: "Is it true that I won't be able to be as happy as I used to, for example, when my friend scores a goal?" I had to explain to him that this was only for a while in order to change the attitude towards him. This, in my opinion, highlights the problem of the attitude of children themselves to the appointment of psychostimulants as lack of freedom.

Tatyana Emeyantseva does not hide the fact that she had to come to grips with the study of ADHD, including for personal reasons.

However, it also happens - I have been conducting group classes for parents for many years. I had one dad who came to see me from year to year. I listened to about the same thing several times. When I asked why, he said: "I come here so that I have the strength to continue helping my child." In group lessons, not only knowledge, but also emotional support, when there is someone else's better experience of interacting with the school, for example.

Knock him out - literally

- If you go back to school - what can you expect from a teacher, what kind of help can you expect?

A child with ADHD has a difficult time adjusting to society, and their behavior is often inappropriate. They are uncomfortable, such children. For parents, for teachers. They have a lot of problems with verbal random access memory. The so-called inner speech - the ability to pronounce thoughts "to oneself" is formed in a child normally by the age of 7, and in these children it can be very late. Often it happens - the problem is solved, but he cannot explain the sequence of actions. Like a computer without a printer. But they do an excellent job with test tasks, here they can show good results.

One of the most common parental and teacher complaints is "he can't hear me."

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In order for him to hear you, go up to him, touch him, look into his eyes - tactile contact is important for them, let him say your request out loud. This is a way to increase the efficiency of his memory. And the teacher, knowing how hard it is for such a child to sit out whole lesson, can send him to rinse a rag for the blackboard or ask him to distribute notebooks, water flowers. Their attention must be switched to physical activity, then he will cope. If you put such a child next to the teacher on the test, he will try much more. The teacher must take this into account. But for this, parents should first talk to him about the peculiarities of the approach to such a student. I give my patients reminders for teachers so that they know how to calm down, how to divert the attention of a hyperactive child. Information is also available on the Internet. Unfortunately, not everyone is looking for it.

It is important to understand that children with ADHD actually get more tired than others. With the immaturity of the nervous system and their mobility, they run ahead of the locomotive. Often, when they get tired, they become simply inadequate.

My son and I had a very understanding teacher who sat him down on the sofa when she saw that he was laying on the desk because he was tired. Or she was allowed to suck on a lollipop, which included attention when performing control work.

- Is it possible for such children to go to the extended school?

I strongly advise against it. His plant will end in the extension. And disinhibition, clown behavior will begin. And at home everything will be different - he will change the situation, switch over, rest and soon will be able to do his homework.

One of the theories explaining ADHD is the so-called energetic theory of the "weak brain battery". The engine of the car is all right. But sometimes there is not enough gasoline. Emotional recharge is important for them. "Kissing hugs" are very helpful. But many parents underestimate the power of tactile contact.

- How can you persuade them to study?

It is useless to scold such a child for bad marks- but if he got a good one, it is better to encourage him so that he remembers it and wants to do it again. Punishment has a much weaker effect on them than reward. They quickly get bored, bored with everything. With additional stimulation, the effectiveness of all people is increased. And especially for these children. They need constant reward. Immediately. The promise - you will study well, in 2 months you will go on an excursion with the class - not for them. Their reward must be immediate.

People on their own wave

- Where does such a diagnosis come from and is there any hope that over time the child will level out, outgrow him?

In the 60s of the last century, it was announced that ADHD is a trait that is inherited. It is now again thought to be a developmental disorder of the brain, due to both hereditary and external factors. Including how the pregnancy went, childbirth, in what conditions the child is brought up. And if the child was genetically predisposed to dopamine deficiency, but asphyxiation occurred during childbirth, this can become an obvious problem.

ADHD also occurs in adults. And the numbers are called different - from 30 to 70% of cases of childhood diagnosis of ADHD can go into adulthood. Young people who are already over 30 years old turn to me for advice more and more often - they are enterprising, they are engaged in IT, everything seems to be fine. But they understand that something is wrong with them.

- What complaints do adults have?

Many complain about problems of attention, working capacity, pronounced asthenization, "depression", relationships with loved ones and superiors do not develop. One young girl expressed her problem like this: "I forgot everything I was taught ..."

- So this is the specificity of our education - passed and forgot ... Hundreds of adults can tell you this even without ADHD.

I'm not really talking about that. People with ADHD are on their own. They easily cross social boundaries, do not always follow social conventions - they can directly tell others unpleasant things. They are often disliked by those around them, and they cannot understand why. They often have mood swings, ambivalence, duality are characteristic - when they cannot understand what they need. However, they are often very successful. There is a site called "greats with ADHD", but I will not give examples - this is incorrect for a doctor.

From my experience, I can say that in recent years there have been more children with ADHD, as well as children with autism. And this is a problem not only of a woman's health in the perinatal period. This is the problem of society, its informatization. The child is just showing this problem.

Of course, it is not easy with such children - to constantly organize his leisure time, to see that he has good mood, solve problems, keep abreast.

But you have to believe in your child anyway. In doing so, realizing that you can only do what you can do. But it is simply impossible not to do this.