Artakiad "image and word" "tsnkho. Olympiad for elementary school students steps towards the teacher

Talent Development Center "Mega-Talent" is the organizer of all-Russian and international distance Olympiads. We love to hold olympiads and competitions for primary school students, because children at this age are active, inquisitive and purposeful. We encourage these qualities. All participants in our Olympiads receive diplomas or certificates. We give testimonies and gratitude to teachers.

What we have already done:

  • We held 400 Internet Olympiads in 47 school disciplines.
  • Helped 22,500 schoolchildren from 12 countries to prove themselves in primary school Olympiads.
  • We paid the teachers 2,500,000 rubles as compensation for organizational expenses.
  • We found like-minded people in the face of 20,000 teachers. 98% of them became regular organizers of the Olympiads.

5 steps towards the teacher

We want to make it easy and pleasant for you to work with us. To do this, we follow 5 steps, thought out with the teacher's concerns in mind:

  1. We give the teacher Olympiad assignments for all classes and draw up guidelines for the Olympiad.
  2. We issue a certificate and gratitude for the teacher's portfolio.
  3. We save the teacher's personal funds by compensating for the costs of printing assignments and award materials.
  4. We reward the most active organizers of the Olympiad with valuable gifts.
  5. We stay in touch to answer your questions.

Distance Olympiads "Mega-Talent" is convenient

The format of distance olympiads allows the teacher to choose the place and time of the event himself. At such Olympiads, students are less nervous and pay more attention to the tasks that they are asked to solve.

Olympiads "Mega-Talent" are held for a wide range of students with different levels of academic performance. The tasks of the Olympiads are compiled taking into account the content of the school curriculum and comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The assignments help assess the level of knowledge and encourage students to develop logical and analytical thinking.

The task sets for each class consist of 15 test questions of different types:

  • Questions with one correct answer.
  • Multiple-choice questions.
  • Analytical and chronological questions.
  • Tasks for correlating two data series.
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.

How much does it cost to participate in elementary school Olympiads?

On the page with information about the Olympiad, the amount of registration fee for one participant is indicated. Up to 30% of this amount remains with the teacher as compensation for the costs of organizing and holding the Olympiad.
You will print assignments, answer sheets, certificates and diplomas. We don't want you to pay out of your pocket for all of this. The amount of compensation increases with mass participation in the Olympiad. You will find out the exact amount after registration.

In addition to compensation, the most active teachers receive gifts from us. We formteacher rating , according to the results of which we award the most active organizers of the Olympiad every month.

How often do we run elementary school Olympiads?

Olympiads "Mega-Talent" are held throughout the academic year. We have three All-Russian Olympiads. They are held once a season: in autumn, winter and spring. In the intervals between them, we hold 3 international Olympiads, and at the end of the academic year - the final Olympiad.

Tasks for each season are tied to the content of the curriculum and correspond to the topics covered at the time of the Olympiad. Each season, students will have new assignments on new topics.

How do we check the answers of the participants of the Olympiad?

We have developed a system that automatically checks and evaluates the work of participants. You only need to enter the answer options that your students have chosen on the site. After the publication of the results, you can download certificates and diplomas.

How to become an organizer of the Olympiad?

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Apply to participate in the Primary School Olympiad. Indicate how many students will participate.
  3. Confirm your participation to get access to tasks and methodological recommendations for the Olympiad.
  4. Print the received materials and hold the Olympiad.
  5. Please fill in your answers on the website so that we can rate them and prepare rewards for participants.
  6. Download Reward Content. Participants - certificates and diplomas, you - a certificate and gratitude.

How do I pay for the Primary School Olympiad?

The following payment methods are available to you:

  • Payment by credit card (online);
  • Payment according to the receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from other countries participate in the event?

MDG "Mega-Talent" conducts educational events of the international level. Anyone can participate in our Olympiads, regardless of nationality or country of residence. However, in order to understand the essence of the tasks, students must be fluent in Russian.

Learning well in primary school is the starting point for successful further education. Therefore, it is very important to constantly test how they learn this or that subject and acquire some skills in the first school years, and this should be done not only by doing homework as an example. Our website "Aida" invites elementary school teachers to involve their pupils in participating in various online Olympiads. Olympiads are blitz tests on various topics, consisting of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Their results appear immediately after the child answers the last question. Upon successful completion of the Olympiad, he can take the first, second, third place, receive the status of a laureate or participant.

Olympiads imply acceptance of works from students, which are divided into nominations. The works are considered by the jury for two days, after which the results are communicated to the participants. This can also be the first, second, third place, place of a participant or laureate. The number of winners in the Olympiads for primary school students is unlimited, and every child can successfully pass them. The main thing is that he is well prepared and has not only subject, but also general knowledge.

Why Olympiads are useful for primary school students

Olympiads allow you to test how deeply children assimilate information on a particular subject, how they navigate in the world around them and what abilities prevail in them. In addition, they instill in the child communication skills, demonstrate his psychological state, broaden his horizons, and stimulate interest in science.

Regular participation in the Olympiads develops the logical thinking of the child, makes him more active, collective, creates a desire for competition, increases the volume of knowledge, instills the desire to learn more about something specific.

Why is it worth involving children in the Olympiad?

Olympiads for primary school students on our website are free of charge, but they imply the receipt of diplomas of the first, second, third degree, certificates of laureates, participants, which cost one hundred rubles. They are issued in the last name, first name, patronymic of the participant, have an individual number, include the date of issue and the results of the Olympiad. Such diplomas are proof that the student has good intelligence, creativity, and excellent memory. They are a reward for a child for his first victories and give hope for a promising future.

Olympiads for primary school students reveal their potential, help them learn counting, writing, literacy, and help teachers identify the most gifted children. In addition, they are useful for teachers, as they show their professionalism, competence, ability to teach their subject in an accessible way, help to quickly and successfully pass certification.

How can a teacher pass certification through active student participation

The diploma that primary school students receive after the Olympiad on our website includes the data of their leader. It can be attached to the portfolio and provided to the attestation commission for continuing education. Such diplomas are evidence that the teacher has professional talent and deserves to be assigned a new category and a salary increase. And this, in turn, opens up new career prospects and disposes to further growth of the teacher as a specialist.

Math Olympiads for Primary School Students in 2019 September 19th, 2016

To the children I work withI highly recommend taking part in math olympiads. For some, this is preparation for entering the 5th grade of a good school (Kurchatov school №2077, 1543, 1514, 1567, etc.), for others - an opportunity to measure their strength, for the third - an interesting event and a warm-up for the mind. Regardless of the results, at each Olympiad, the child gains invaluable experience, which will be useful at future Olympiads and entrance exams.

In this post, I share information about several math olympiads for junior grades 2016-2017 (in chronological order):

The post is regularly updated. Stay tuned!

Options for assignments of different years: for 1-4- grades/

Primary school Olympiad in MIREA 2019

Time: February 10, 2018
Venue: MIREA
Detailed information about the 2018 Olympics:
Options for assignments from previous years can be found at the link
Registration required!

Olympiad in Russian language and mathematics in gymnasium 1514 (grade 4)

Held in February at gymnasium 1514. Works in mathematics and Russian are assessed independently. A successful performance is counted as the maximum score on the corresponding entrance exam for the 5th grade of the upper secondary school.

Time: February 2, 2019.
Venue: gymnasium No. 1514 ( Moscow, Krupskaya st., 12)
The official website of the school:

Kurchatov Mathematics Olympiad - 2019 (4th grade) First round

Tasks, answers, solutions, results

Time: February 10, 2018.
Venue: Kurchatov school (No. 1189 named after Kurchatov)
School website: official.
Options for assignments from previous years: 2013
Assignments for other years on the website

Open Mathematical Olympiad of the school "Moomin-Troll" (grades 1-11)

It is held annually in March at the Moomin-Troll school.
Information about the Olympiad is on the school website.
Pre-registration is required to participate in the Olympiad.
Options for assignments for grade 4 for, and years.

Time: March 2019.
Venue: School "Mumi-Troll" (Volokolamskoe sh., 1) passage
School website:

Mathematical competition "Spring Olympus" (grades 1-7)

Tasks, answers, solutions, results of the Spring Olympus 2019
Estimated time: April Of 2019

Kurchatov Olympiad in Mathematics (grade 4) Second round

Tasks, answers, solutions, results
The Olympiad is held at the Kurchatov school №2077 (former school №1189 named after Kurchatov).
Time: April 2018.
Venue: Kurchatov School No. 2077 (No. 1189 named after Kurchatov) travel
School website: official.

Math competition "Autumn Olympus" (grades 1-9) 2019

Time: end of September
The first stage - October 2019
Second stage - November 201
Detailed information on the website of the Olympiad. Registration by link.
The results of the "Autumn Olympiad 2019" and the lists of winners can be viewed here .

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren for 4 grades 2019 (school stage)
The date of the:
Variant assignments 2016:


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The results of the final 3 round of the Olympiad for students "Image and Word" were sent to schools.

For all questions, please contact us by e-mail [email protected]

03/24/2018, the final 3 round of the Olympiad for students "Image and Word" was held. 1,700 children took part in it.


Dear Colleagues, we invite the winners and prize-winners of the 2nd round Olympiads for primary school students "Image and Word" take part in the 3 final face-to-face tour that will take place March 24 from 10.00 to 13.00 on the territory of educational institutions of the city of Moscow.



The texts of fairy tales will be sent to schools.

Ilze Liepa Charitable Foundation presents:

Ilze Liepa (artistic word), Konstantin Khabensky, Alexander Oleshko (artistic word), Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra, conductor - Denis Kirpanev. Pupils of the Russian National Ballet School Ilze Liepa, students of the Moscow Provincial College of Arts and the Moscow State Institute of Culture.

Theatrical fairy tales. Frog Baleerushka (1st fairy tale) - for 1st grade students

Theatrical fairy tales Ilze Liepa. "Warm heart" - for students of grade 2

Theatrical fairy tales Ilze Liepa. "Grandma's Tale" - for students of grade 3

Theatrical fairy tales Ilze Liepa. "Buns" - for 4th grade students

Theatrical fairy tales Ilze Liepa. "How Skirt fell in love with Collet" - for 4th grade students


FOR REWARDING children 2 round- diplomas and certificate of the participant can be downloaded on our website(they are offered in two different formats) and bring to sign and stamp from 14 to 21 March from 16.00 to 18.00 at the address: st. Kasatkina, 1. Rooms 51, 54.

You can also bring diplomas and certificates on April 16 from 12.00 to 18.00


Dear colleagues, the jury has completed the work of the 2nd qualifying round of the Olympiad in fine arts for students of the primary school "Image and Word", the protocols are being processed electronically.
The third final, face-to-face round will be held on March 24. Lists of invited children will be sent to schools on March 10th. The texts for preparing students for the 3rd round will be posted no later than March 12.

Dear colleagues, the Visual Arts Olympiad for primary school students "Image and Word" has started.
Please read the recommendations for the 1st round, which runs from 15.01 to 29.01.2018.

Introduce the Olympiad participants to the texts that this year are dedicated to the Year of THEATER.

We wish you all creative success.

Dear Colleagues!

We remind you: the works of the 1st (demonstration) round of the Olympiad "Image and Word" need to be drawn up (to stick a tag on the reverse side filled with block letters, or electronically) and brought to the school-site? according to the posted list. You can bring the work to the TsNKHO, and leave them on guard for representatives of the organizing committee.