RKK Energy Target Recruitment Master's Degree. Trust in advance: what is the target recruitment at SUSU and how to take advantage of the chance

Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" named after S.P. Korolev, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2015 No. 192 "On the state plan for training personnel with secondary vocational and higher education for organizations of the military-industrial complex for 2016-2020", selects 11th grade graduates in the city of Korolev, Moscow region and other regions of Russia for targeted training in higher educational institutions.

To obtain a referral for targeted training, candidates are invited from among graduates of general education institutions with academic performance in mastering the school general education program - general education schools: average score - not less than 4, scores in mathematics, physics and computer science - not less than 4.

The final selection is made based on the results of passing the exam. An agreement on targeted education for admission is issued to candidates who, according to the results of passing the exam in specialized subjects, necessary for admission to a university in their chosen specialty (Russian language, profile mathematics, physics or computer science - depending on the conditions of admission to the university), is not lower than the passing total the previous year's competition.

It is allowed to conclude an agreement on targeted training with candidates who have a score below, but not more than 10:

  • who have successfully participated in RSC Energia projects: CanSat, International Space Olympiad, aerospace class training at Lyceum No. 5 of RSC Energia;
  • winners and prize-winners in the All-Russian Olympiads "Step into the Future", "Constellation" and other specialized Olympiads;
  • in the presence of written recommendations from managers or leading specialists of the Corporation;
  • if there are recommendations from school teachers participating in the "Engineering class in a Moscow school" project.

Applicants selected for admission in the target area conclude an agreement on targeted training with PJSC RSC Energia (see “Model Agreement”) and submit a copy of this agreement to the admissions office of the selected university.

Information for applicants entering BSTU "VOENMEKH", Samara University:

  1. Applicants selected for admission in the target direction are notified that an agreement on targeted training can be concluded with them.
  2. If agreed, this agreement is signed by the Corporation and sent to the selection committee of the selected university.
  3. At the university, the applicant signs an agreement and participates in a competition for targeted training.

Conditions of education:

  • The form of study is budgetary, daytime.
  • For the period of study, there is a deferral from military service.
  • Admission to a university is carried out on a referral from the Corporation (with the conclusion of an agreement on targeted training with the Corporation).
  • Upon completion of training, it is necessary to work in the Corporation for 3 years.
  • Separate competition for targeted places.

RSC Energia im. Queen

Education at the university for the target recruitment, information is correct for 2012

Human Resources Department of the Open Joint Stock Company Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after SP Korolev in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 09, 2010 No. 421 "On the state plan for training scientists and specialists for defense industrial complex for 2011-2015 "selects 11th grade graduates from the city of Korolev, Moscow region and other regions of Russia for targeted training in higher educational institutions in the direction of the Corporation.

Directions for entering the university will be issued to everyone who wants to get a space specialty and who are ready to link their future work with RSC Energia. All applicants conclude with RSC Energia. Together with the direction, it is necessary to submit the original document on education to the admissions office, therefore, in the targeted direction, you can enter only one specialty in the university of your choice, that is, the direction is issued only to one university and one specialty.

The selection criterion is a desire to work in RKK and good academic performance.

Targeted training in technical universities for 11th grade graduates:

  • Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman)
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI)
  • Moscow State University of Forestry (MGUL)
  • Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI)
  • Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA)
  • Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" (MSTU "STANKIN")
  • National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (MPEI)
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MIPT)
  • National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI)
  • Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKH" D.F. Ustinova ("VOENMEKH")
  • Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SPb GU AP)
  • Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (SPb NRU ITMO)
  • Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPb GPU)
  • Ryazan State Radio Engineering University (RGRU)
Conditions of education:
  • The form of study is budgetary, daytime.
  • For the period of study, there is a deferral from military service.
  • Admission to a university is carried out on a referral from the Corporation (with the conclusion of a contract with the Corporation and the applicant).
  • Upon completion of training, it is necessary to work in the Corporation for 3 years.
After graduation, work in the Corporation awaits:
  • creation of a promising transport manned space system of a new generation;
  • programs for the development of near-Earth space based on the development of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station (ISS);
  • lunar and martian programs;
  • creation of basic space technologies based on nuclear energy;
  • development and creation of telecommunication and power systems based on large-sized space antennas and reflectors, etc.
Young specialists are provided with the following conditions:
  • guaranteed place of work;
  • for nonresidents - preferential accommodation at the Corporation hotel;
  • internship under the guidance of an experienced mentor;
  • professional growth;
  • the opportunity to study in the Corporation's postgraduate course in full-time and part-time;
  • free medical care in the medical unit of the enterprise;
  • annual financial assistance for vacation;
  • receiving remuneration for seniority;
  • cultural and sports recreation;
  • preferential vouchers to the Krepost sanatorium in Kislovodsk, to boarding houses in Tuapse and the Moscow region for active winter and summer recreation;
  • the possibility of obtaining an interest-free loan for the purchase of housing.
  • 010500.62 Applied Mathematics and Informatics - MGUL
  • 010900.62 Applied Mathematics and Physics Department "Aerophysical Mechanics" Faculty of "Aerophysics and Space Research" - MIPT
  • 010900.62 Applied Mathematics and Physics Department of Motion Control, Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research - MIPT
  • 090301.65 Computer security - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 090900.62 Information security - MGUPI
  • 140400.62 Electric Power and Electrical Engineering (profile Electrical Insulation, Cable and Capacitor Engineering) - MPEI
  • 140400.62 Electric Power and Electrical Engineering (profile Electrical Engineering) - MPEI
  • 140400.62 Electric power and electrical engineering (profile Electrical equipment of aircraft) - MPEI
  • 140600.62 High-tech plasma and power plants - MGTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 140700.62 Nuclear power and thermal physics (profile Thermophysics) - MPEI
  • 140800.62 Nuclear Physics and Technologies - NRNU "MEPhI"
  • 140801.65 Electronics and automation of physical installations - NRNU "MEPhI"
  • 14100.62 Power engineering (specialization 150802 Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumatic automation) - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 141100.62 Power engineering - MSTU "STANKIN"
  • 141401.65 Nuclear reactors and materials - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
  • 141403.65 Nuclear power plants: design, operation and engineering (profile "Radiation safety of humans and the environment") - NRNU "MEPhI"
  • 1500100.62 Materials Science and Technology of Materials (specialization 150502 Design and production of composite materials) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 150700.62 Mechanical Engineering - MSTU "STANKIN"
  • 151600.62 Applied Mechanics (specialization "Dynamics and strength of aircraft") - MAI
  • 151701.65 Design of technological machines and complexes (specialization 150202 Equipment and technology of welding production) - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 151701.65 Design of technological machines and complexes (specialization 150201 Machines and technology for metal forming by pressure) - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 151701.65 Design of technological machines and complexes (specialization 151001 Technology of mechanical engineering) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 151701.65 Design of technological machines and complexes (specialization 151003 Instrumental systems of machine-building industries) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 151900.62 Design and technological support of machine-building industries - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, MGTU "STANKIN", MGUPI
  • 160400.62 Rocket complexes and astronautics (specialization "Computer analysis and strength of aerospace structures") - MAI
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization "Manned and automatic spacecraft and systems") - MAI
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization "Design of structures and systems of radio-technical information complexes") - MAI
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization "Rocket transport systems") - MAI
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization "Life support systems, thermostatting and protection of rocket-space complexes") - MAI
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization 160801 Rocket engineering) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket and space complexes (specialization 1608010060 Technologies of rocket and space engineering) - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization 160802 Spacecraft and upper stages) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 160400.65 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes (specialization 160803 Launch and technical complexes of rockets and spacecraft) - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 160700.65 Design of aircraft and rocket engines - BSTU "VOENMEKH"
  • 160700.65 Design of aircraft and rocket engines (specialization "Design of aircraft engines and power plants") - MAI
  • 160700.65 Design of aircraft and rocket engines (specialization 160302 Rocket engines for liquid fuel rocket engines) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 161101.65 Aircraft control systems - MGUL
  • 161101.65 Aircraft control systems (specialization "Aircraft motion control systems") - MAI
  • 161101.65 Aircraft control systems (specialization 160402 Devices and systems of orientation, stabilization and navigation) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 161101.65 Aircraft control systems (specialization 160403 Aircraft control systems) - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 161700.62 Ballistics and hydro-aerodynamics (specialization "Flight dynamics and control of aerospace systems") - MAI
  • 161702.65 Navigation and ballistic support for the use of space technology - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, BSTU "VOENMEKH"
  • 162110.65 Testing of aircraft (specialization "Operation and testing of spacecraft for interorbital transportation and their technological equipment") - MAI
  • 200100.62 Instrument making - MIREA, MGUL
  • 200400.62 Optical Engineering (Department of Optoelectronic Devices) - SPb NRU ITMO
  • 200401.65 Electronic and optoelectronic devices and systems for special purposes - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
  • 210302.65 Radio Engineering - MIREA, RGRU
  • 210400.62 Radio engineering (profile Radio engineering means of transmission, reception and processing of signals) - MPEI
  • 210400.62 Radiotechnics (profile Radiophysics) - MPEI
  • 210400.62 Radio engineering (profile Radio electronics, microelectronics and nanoelectronics) - MPEI
  • 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes - MGTU im. N.E. Bauman, MIREA
  • 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes (specialization "Antenna systems and devices") - MAI
  • 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes (specialization "Radar systems and complexes") - MAI
  • 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes (specialization "Radio systems and control complexes") - MAI
  • 210601.65 Radio-electronic systems and complexes (specialization "Radio-electronic systems of information transmission") - MAI
  • 220400.62 Management in technical systems - MIREA, MGUL, SPb GPU
  • 220700.62 Automation of technological processes and production - MSTU "STANKIN"
  • 221000.62 Mechatronics and Robotics - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, MIREA, MSTU "STANKIN", MGUPI, St. Petersburg GPU
  • 230100. 62 Informatics and computer technology - MGUL, MGTU "STANKIN", MGUPI, St. Petersburg GUAP, St. Petersburg GPU
  • 230100.62 Informatics and Computer Engineering (Department of Computer Science) - SPb NRU ITMO
  • 230100.62 Informatics and computer engineering (specialization 230101 Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 230100.62 Informatics and computer engineering (specialization 230102 Automated information processing and control systems) - MSTU named after N.E. Bauman
  • 230100.62 Informatics and computer engineering (specialization 230104 Computer-aided design systems) - Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
  • 231300.62 Applied Mathematics - MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

Registration of target areas is carried out from April to July.

The applicant (if the applicant is a minor on September 1, then - and his legal representative) must arrive at the department of professional development of personnel (Training base of the Corporation) at the address: Moscow region, Korolev, st. Grabina, 2 "B", room 10 (5 minutes walk from the station Podlipki-Dachnye Yaroslavl railway) Mon. - NS. from 9 to 17, Fri. from 9 to 15.45, lunch from 12-30 to 13-30.

Nonresidents can send information by e-mail to the address: [email protected] or [email protected]:

Full name (full)
Date of Birth
Educational institution of pre-university education (which the applicant finishes)
University (where he wants to go)
Code and name of the specialty (you need to specify only one specialty)

Passport data:

  • series;
  • room;
  • when and by whom issued

If the applicant is a minor on September 1, then the data of one of the parents (legal representative) is needed:

Full name (full)
Registration indicated in passport (indicate postal code)
Passport data:

  • series;
  • room;
  • when and by whom issued
Phones (mobile and home)

The application must be accompanied by a statement of grades for the academic year, a copy of the certificate for grade 9, and, if available, certificates for prizes in the Olympiads.

Based on the data received, a referral to a university and a contract between the applicant and RSC Energia will be prepared.

Information about applicants will be transferred to universities.

The Rocket and Space Corporation Energia is recruiting for training according to the state plan in the leading technical universities:

  • Moscow State Technical University N.E. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman)
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI)
  • Branch of the Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, Mytishchi (MF MSTU named after N.E.Bauman)
  • Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKH" D.F. Ustinova (BSTU VOENMEH)
  • Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Koroleva (Samara University)

Specialties of the target recruitment of 2019


Direction of training


Passing score of the general competition
11.05.01 Electronic systems and complexes MSTU them. N.E. Bauman,
16.05.01 Special life support systems MSTU them. N.E. Bauman 210
24.05.01 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes MSTU them. N.E.Bauman (FRKT)>,
Samara University


24.05.02 Design of aircraft and rocket engines MSTU them. N.E.Bauman 235
24.05.03 Aircraft testing MAI 200
24.05.04 Navigation and ballistic support of space technology applications MSTU them. N.E. Bauman 240
24.05.06 Aircraft control systems MSTU them. N.E. Bauman (FRKT)
MF MSTU im. N.E. Bauman
03.03.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics MIPT 265

Specialties of the target recruitment 2019 of ZAO ZEM RSC Energia only for applicants living in Moscow and the Moscow Region (north-east direction)

To obtain a referral for targeted training in the specialties of ZAO ZEM, candidates who live in Moscow or the Moscow region (northeastern direction) are invited, from among: - graduates of educational institutions with progress in mastering the school general education program: average score - not less than 4, scores in mathematics, physics and computer science - not less than 4; - college graduates (grade 4 and 5).

Preparing for admission, applicants ask themselves a variety of questions: which university to choose? Apply to different institutions or focus on one? Pay or fight for a budget place? And the main question: will the chosen specialty be in demand? The fear of being left on the sidelines and without work at least once visited every graduate. Except, perhaps, those who took part in the targeted recruitment program. This is a special category of students who know exactly what awaits them after graduation. We understand the nuances of the target recruitment specifically for the beginning of the new academic year.

Employment in advance

If a newly minted graduate is eagerly awaited in a large state corporation, then he is a target. This is the name of students who have entered into an agreement with the employer at the stage of entering the university. The target technique, popular in Soviet times, is back in vogue. Only now the prospects for a SUSU student are broader. The Russian government decided to solve the problem of personnel shortage, and now applicants can apply to budgetary, commercial or targeted places. The latter presuppose the conclusion of a contract, which is preliminary discussed by three parties (student, employer, university representative).

Usually, the main conditions for a student in the contract are:

  • annual internship at this enterprise;
  • absence of academic debts (study without tails);
  • after training, the student is obliged to work at the enterprise for a certain period.

The company generally undertakes to:

  • pay for the student's education, and in some cases - provide some types of social support (for example, payment for commercial educational services, scholarships, payment or provision of housing during the period of study);
  • give the opportunity to undergo industrial practice, and upon completion of training, provide a workplace in accordance with the acquired qualifications;
  • take into account the grounds for release or postponement of performance of obligations. This, for example, can be a changed state of health, pregnancy, etc.

The target recruitment scheme is as follows: first, a company that is interested in young specialists places an order for a university to train them. The applicant, in turn, chooses a target program that is interesting for him and concludes an agreement with the company. Then he submits a document to the university within the quota of places for the target recruitment. The application procedure is the same as for applicants participating in the general competition. The selection committee must provide the results of the USE in three or four subjects, depending on the specialty.

By the time they receive their diploma, students will be ready-made specialists, "sharpened" for a specific company, because throughout their studies at SUSU, they are introduced to the required amount of practical skills. As a result, the company receives trained specialists, successfully solving the personnel issue.

Who is looking for young minds?

A very large number of employers cooperate with the university, who receive a state assignment and conclude an agreement with SUSU to train the specialists they need. The spectrum is quite wide: it is the state corporation Roscosmos, Ruselectronics, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, and Rosatom. Defense enterprises "Turbina", "Radiy", "Flight", "Kupol". On the line of Roskosmos, the largest number of places for the target recruitment is the Makeev SRC.

The State Rocket Center named after Academician V. P. Makeev is a Russian developer of ballistic missiles, submarines, one of the largest research and development centers in Russia for the development of rocket and space technology. To date, 20 SUSU students enrolled in targeted recruitment from the enterprise in Miass and Chelyabinsk are guaranteed to get jobs at the SRC.

Let us present a complete list of customer organizations that cooperate with SUSU within the target recruitment:

  • Rosatom - FSUE Instrument-Making Plant;
  • Rosatom - FSUE RFNC;
  • Roscosmos - JSC "GRTs Makeeva";
  • Roscosmos - Zlatmash JSC;
  • Roscosmos - OJSC MMZ;
  • Roskosmos - OJSC NII Germes;
  • Roscosmos - JSC NPO Electromechanics;
  • Roscosmos - RSC Energia named after SP Korolev;
  • Roskosmos - FSUE “GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunicheva ";
  • Roscosmos - FSUE NIIMash;
  • Mechel OJSC;
  • IDGC of the Urals, OJSC;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - OKB Novator JSC;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - Radiy JSC;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - JSC SKB Turbina;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - JSC Chelyabinsk Radio Plant POLET;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - JSC NPO Elektromashina;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - Signal OJSC;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - JSC SKB Mashinostroeniya;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - OJSC UPKB DETAL;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - URALTRAK LLC;
  • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation - FSUE PO October.

Since October, various events with employers have been held at SUSU on a monthly basis. These are joint excursions around the university, across enterprises, job fairs. For example, an assembly of employers was held in March, at which 60 organizations were represented. Basically, these are organizations of the military-industrial complex and Rosatom. They are very interested in university graduates.

In addition, this year the food industry, executive authorities and the banking sector have shown great interest in SUSU graduates. Banks and audit companies are hiring 150 young specialists with degrees from the South Ural State University to work.

"posted detailed information on the admissions campaign in 2018. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, the competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of vacant places, as well as the minimum points that were required to score to receive it. The base of universities is constantly growing!

New service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Exam.

In the section "Admission 2019" using the service "", you can find out about the most important dates associated with admission to the university.

"". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with the admissions committees of universities and ask them your questions. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by the mail that you indicated during registration. Moreover, fast enough.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section with an indication of the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' sites.

A new service "Remind me about the event" has been launched in the section, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

A new service has been launched - "". Join our group! Install any calculator application on your personal page, then you will receive all updates to it before everyone else and automatically.

Target set. Everything will be different?

From this year, universities can change the rules for targeted admission. The Ministry of Education and Science is preparing appropriate innovations.

Who are the target audience? As you know, these are students who study in the target area. That is, according to an agreement concluded between the university, the future student and the enterprise with which the university cooperates. Under this agreement, the applicant participates in a separate competition, where, as a rule, there are fewer people and lower scores. The company pays for his studies and pays an additional scholarship. And after graduation, the student must go to work for this enterprise.

However, in reality everything looks different. Every year 250 thousand target students are trained in universities, and no more than 20-30 percent return to employers in their regions. As a result, it turns out that target areas, in fact, become a way of entering a university with a low USE score. Not more than.

But that's not all. Targets have learned to benefit even from strict admission rules. And here's what is being done for this. As you know, universities now enroll applicants in two stages. The competition and passing scores among target students are always significantly lower than those of all other applicants, and the university is obliged to enroll them a little earlier than those who are enrolled in the first stage. Realizing this, the applicant applies for both the target place and the usual one. He is enrolled as a target person, and then he looks: if he passes by points in the first stage, he takes the application from the target place and enters the university like everyone else. Without any obligations to the future employer. And if a school graduate sees that he does not pass in terms of points with the main stream, then he remains in the target group.

It turns out to be a win-win game. As for future employers, most of whom are government agencies, they are not very willing to look for "their" target people, if they do not reach their place of work after graduating from universities. Civil law relations require employers to go to court, and this costs time, effort, and money. True, then all legal costs can be recovered from the guilty person, but first you have to find him and prove his guilt. But what if the target student was expelled for poor studies, or his life circumstances changed, or he became a father with many children, or left to live in another country, or…., Or…., Or….? And so it is necessary to deal with each specific case.

There is only one way out of this situation - it is necessary to radically change the rules of the game already at the initial stage and separate the target set from the admission. Namely, all applicants must be admitted to the university only on a general basis, and then to build relationships with the student so that the employer picks up him in the process of study, i.e. after enrolling in the first year. The student wants to get a guaranteed job at the end of the university - good luck, sign the appropriate agreement with the employer and negotiate all the conditions. If you do not want this, continue to study on a general basis and get a job wherever you want.

It is possible that these changes will be implemented in the near future.