Interpretation of hexagram 64. Divination without maps

\u003e Moon in Capricorn

We will pay your attention to the personality of the person when the feeling in combination with the concentration gives a sense of debt.

This fact emphasizes the pressure, clarification, infractiveness, error-freeness and honor. In the event of a non-harmonic development of personal character, people of this type are unscrupulous and insincere, take into account their own preferences exclusively.

The person is afraid of difficulties, it is shy and sometimes depressed. There may be a fear of losses, feet for his coming day. The feelings may occur cold, uninforcement, egoism. In the case of positive development of the individual, frequency, striking diligence, loyalty, honesty, rationality of mind are formed.

Such a person lives saturated and ultra-deep emotions, the resistance of the soul, discipline, self-control is developed. A person has a scrupulousness, pragmatic, a clear feeling of the surrounding world, an objective perception. A person has a deservedness and patient, economy, modesty, correctness and diplomaticity.

As for the profession, such a person has persistent intensive interest. Such a person can easily refuse to excessively and adapt to the position with their own restrictions, the settlement of their own dreams.

The determination of the identity can be determined by the ratio of actions and the established dogma of society. There is a tendency to clearly observe the concept of ranks, work most effectively, if you intend to interact in the ordered hierarchy of the interaction of power. Such a person is always a rack and stubborn, vain, constantly wants to achieve success.

Compatibility of the sign

Personality is characterized by instinctive pride, hidden thrust for glory. There are abilities of high concentration of the object attentiveness, it is distinguished by a unique sense of debt and swearing. Emotions in the soul is also very significant, but nothing says nothing about it. Difficulties and interference are perceived sensitively, therefore, depression is often characterized, disappointing in the correctness of their foresight.

Inherent in such people inherent in high concentration, accuracy, lightness, elementality, careful attitude, thirst for non-stop, stubbornly develop in different directions - profession, spirituality, society.

Sometimes there is not enough spiritual energy to reinforce perseverance, which entails the periodical attacks of apathy, the lack of feelings, weakness. The desire of glory is great, while such a person wants to get it only with his actions. Personality is always very serious, sauer in emotions, incredulum to others. Often, weak decisiveness can manifest, strong meditation when you need to make a responsible choice.

This woman can competently distribute its time and consumes energy only on those cases that will benefit her. Hate to show their emotions. The man is looking for seriousness, dedication and representativeness. With a dreamy windy romantic, happiness will not build.

The moon shows a bright face in it, like responsibility, perseverance, a large reserve of patience and love in discipline. However, another woman may arise, configured pessimistic, merciless to foreign weaknesses, too demanding and looked only not material.

It sometimes has to join the struggle with its own nature in order to gain happiness. She has a sharp mind and she loves to learn everything new, but prefers to master not dry theory, but the practice. Duties are given completely. Does not like to work in the team, often loner, experiencing a high responsibility for what does.

Sometimes her dedication resembles fanaticism. Maybe all his hopes shall be assigned to the result of one particular idea. And if it is not necessary, then the girl begins the period of severe protracted depression. But it is worth noting that the increased sense of responsibility practically eliminates cases of serious failures. So a woman can succeed absolutely in any project.

The money relates carefully and almost worships them. They are needed not so much to survive, buying things and entertainment, how much to acquire and confirm its status. Natural charm helps to start useful dating In any areas, and therefore it is often embarrassed on the top of the social staircase.

These are people with a secretive character, who are not accustomed to publicly demonstrate their emotions. He may seem slightly dry and even too pragmatic. Because of this, his family life passes through a lot of tests. Not everyone will be able to melt his icy heart. Understanding his problem, a man with Moon in Capricorn will have to make efforts himself to soften its shortcomings. He needs to develop tolerance to female whims, to become more tender, talk more and are not afraid to say too much. In general, it is important to reveal and let it into your soul, or at least to open the door. It only goes to favor a man, since a very kind and hot in love hides behind the cold wall. If he can "break" his armor, it will cease to be disappointed in people and relationships.

When a man with Moon in Capricorn begins to trust the companion, it changes in front of her eyes. To do this, he must be sure that you can not imagine a threat and not get out of it. Prefers that everything is stable in life. Ideal when there is a clear plan with hourly schedule. Then it is clear to him what to do and where to direct energy.

A man can show aggression to show his confidence. But it is only wounds colleagues, friends and loved ones. Sometimes it happens that both partners understand that the relationship went into a dead end and time came to part. But Capricorn is so accustomed to a certain position of things that not only does not show the initiative, but will not allow the girl to leave. In their decisions is guided by a sense of debt. And if you are divided, then at a random meeting, he will prevent you that he did not notice you.

The influence of the moon in the Capricorn on the character of a man

Tastes and preferences are varied, but all efforts are directed exclusively in one way, which was selected. Inherent focusing, clear egoism. Person loves both mental and physical work.

Once a person conquers considerable success and receives recognition of other people.

The mind is distinguished by clarity and sobriety, always unambiguous and clear. A person agrees to take shake solely for the tasks that can be performed, regardless of the target height. In his inner world does not allow anyone and persistently wants to achieve a good material and financial situation.

Such a person has pronounced guidelines, organizational, administrative skills. In relations with the opposite sex, it may not be quite perfect and smooth. Such people often have many haters and zetes. The most person is puzzled by the conquest of his real tasks and reputation.

Man always honestly works, is a responsible leader. When you need to solve financial issues, always thoroughly and careful. Often other people think that it is cold and calculating, does not pay attention to the interests of people around.

It cannot be said that this man loves to move and bustle - he thinks slowly and with patience is waiting for an hour when you can realize the deliberate actions.

Extremely like a relaxing atmosphere. It is distinguished by realness and understanding. Often protects the interests of other people. Their romantic samples hides on the expanses of his inner world. Wants to achieve everything at the maximum.

A person is characterized by faith in Fatum, all his life is struggling with interference and barriers. This man has a deep spiritual force, therefore it feels very much.

In business and personal relationships appreciates loyalty and stability, while focuses on reality. It is inherent in a unique purposefulness and passion. In relationships - business and personal - appreciated, first of all, loyalty and durability, while there is an orientation for reality. It is characterized by rare dedication and focus. Like to follow the rules and clear order, instructions, instructions.

Sometimes it can be shy, doubts their advantages, therefore the maximum is trying to assert during the savvy labor. Man likes to rule, he will gladly take each opportunity to take a command position.

/ / Moon in Capricorn in a man in a woman

Moon in the signs of the zodiac. Moon in Capricorn in natal map In a man, a woman, a child. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn in astrology.

Moon in Capricorn in Natal Map Makes a person internally mandatory and disciplined. A man with Moon in Capricorn is able to take responsibility.

The moon in Capricorn expresses himself through his governor - through Saturn. Saturn in astrology planet restrictions and compression. And these characteristics of Saturn are reflected on the person. The moon in Capricorn blocks emotions, does not give a person to express in the open all his feelings he is experiencing. A man with Moon in Capricorn is restrained, he is inclined to keep his spiritual impulses under control and for others may look strain and calm. It will be especially expressed if the sun in the Natal Map is in the signs of the zodiac land.

Sometimes a man with Moon in Capricorn reacts to external events as if late, he needs time to "digest" what is happening. The person is not inclined to risk, there is a subconscious resistance to change. To take some important decision, a person with Moon in Capricorn needs to be thought of the situation, weigh everything for and against. The moon in Capricorn gives a person to prudence.

In a new setting, a man with Moon in Capricorn behaves cautiously, although it is important for him that the people around us understand that he is a person who can be trusted that it can be rejected. And in fact, it is so, the moon in Capricorn contributes to the character such features as a resistant, good faith, accuracy. Man with moon in Capricorn is serious and conservative.

Moon in Capricorn. Makes the character patient, resistant to various adversity, a man is very much able to withstand, survive, dear. Although, often people with Moon in Capricorn are pessimists, they see the world In dark tones and do not expect surprises from the life. But this quality will be expressed especially with the amazed moon in Capricorn. And with a harmonious moon in Capricorn, a person will be a realist who perceives everything that happens adequately.

Also, with an amazed moon in Capricorn, a person can be indifferent and inexcusing to people around him, and in communication is closed and cold.

Moon in Capricorn.With other additional instructions in Natal Map, gives a person with healthy ambitions, internally needs recognition, in order to be respected, read and appreciated.

It is also worth noting that the man with the moon in Capricorn can not sit without a business. He has a subconscious need to be busy any work, be it career or everyday household responsibilities.

Moon in Capricorn in a man.

A man with a moon in Capricorn is looking for a serious, practical, reasonable woman's wives. For a man, it is important that his woman be not only a good mistress, but also moved socially to her not sit without doing. A man with a moon in Capricorn has a sense of duty, he knows how to keep loyalty, even if love has passed. Although the manifestations of a special tenderness should not be expected from a man with a moon in Capricorn, it is restrained in feelings and is not romantic.

Moon in Capricorn in a woman.

Woman with moon in Capricorn caring and responsible, it will become a good mother and hostess. If a woman with the moon in Capricorn, the sun in the natal map is located in strong zodiac signs, then such a woman will be able to achieve good results in the work. But in any case, the moon in the Capricorn in a woman makes her hardworking, and she can take on many duties. Even by career, a woman with Moon in Capricorn will find time to take care of the house, children and relatives.

Moon in Capricorn at the child.

A child with moon in Capricorn is calm, prettifying and reasonable. The moon in Capricorn at the child can make it not over the years is intelligent and responsible. The child with the moon in Capricorn will diligently perform what he was entrusted with, he focused and diligently. Although the parents of the child with the moon in Capricorn, you need to remember that their baby can be a little shy and timid, especially if the moon is amazed or is in the 8,12 house.

If at the birth of the moon was in Capricorn, then two elements patronize your life. The earth Zodiac is in submission to Saturn. This harsh planet has prepared its ward the highest destination to which leads all his life. The moon is inextricably linked with the zodiac cancer - water elements. Such an association, as the moon in Capricorn, a man forms complex and bright fate.

What does moon mean in Capricorn for a man

A man with Moon in Capricorn tends to suppress emotions and feelings. This is a targeted person who is striving for stability in all aspects. For him, material well-being is important, but it is not a central idea.

There are three periods in the life of moon cacurables. Childhood and youth passes in trials and difficulties. It is difficult for them to find their company, fit into general rules. The presence of the moon in tandem means a developed creative personality. People of this sign have their own moral and ethical code, a sharp sense of justice. That is why it is difficult for them to "swim downstream" and "follow the crowd".

Feature born under the sign:

  • reliability;
  • fidelity;
  • severe will;
  • westing the law;
  • the desire to create a family;
  • love for work;
  • creation;
  • courage and honor.

In the period from 25 to 36 years of age, the moon awakens the desire to accumulate life experience in Capricorn. At this gap, the personality is revealed, we obtain the maximum number of individual traits. Depending on the selected lifestyle, the period brings many vivid impressions and memories. The stage may seem little productive. However, it is not. Personality gets its cut, a persistent understanding of itself is formed.

Achieving threshold gives Capricorn understanding what his true path is. He acquires a clear goal. It consists of thoughtful steps, plans and achievements. As soon as the analysis process is over, the Capricorn proceeds to action. No life realities can roll it from the selected path. He persistently achieves the result, reaching his tasks in brief periods.

How to win a man with moon in Capricorn

Born in Tandem Moon and Capricorn Men have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir ideal. They lead a healthy lifestyle and strive for sports. In relations, they are stable, although not inventive. The main criterion in building relationships with the opposite sex is freedom.

They rarely change the partner until the relationship is finally offered. It is difficult for them to find the second half, since the sign does not tolerate surfaceness. For this reason, there are few in their biography love stories. However, this does not mean the absence of experience.

If a man's moon in Capricorn is not on this moment Women, he is looking for her and preparing for a meeting. Despite his pragmatic, men sign in love romance. To attract their attention, you need to be not a standard person and be able to surprise. They stretch to active and creative women who can paint the life of adventures and travel.

Would you like to conquer the heart of a man Capricorn? Show perseverance and tact, you need a inventive plan. Catch off the usual and banal. You will succeed, only taped curiosity of the opponent. Capricorns in the moon sign stretch to relaxed and bright personalities.

White moon in Capricorn for a man

Being in the dominant position, the white moon in Capricorn in a man gives a push to strive for the highest goals. Selena patronizes the initiatives of his wards. It gives strength and good luck to achieve a higher destination.

With its help, a person is confidently moving through life adversity. The life of a man is subordinate to the path to prepared higher goal. On this path, everything becomes a barrier, goes to the background. A satellite woman must support a partner in this movement. Otherwise, she will leave his life.

On the basic level Selena in the sign gives a successful career, the start of complex projects. As a result, happy old age, plans are executed. At the average level, the light moon leads to isolation, asceticism and the search for the spiritual path. The desire for ideals and a rigidly built position characterize the period. On the summit The White Moon is led to the desire to achieve a bright future for all mankind.

Black Moon in Capricorn for Men

Being in the sign, the Black Moon in Capricorn in a man indicates an internal demon-destroyer. This is a symbol of constant control. The dark "I" has the power and power, creating problems in the realization of the person.

Lilith forms persistent complexes, a tendency to procrastination. This mirror is all negative, which is laid in person. Fighting with their alter ego continues all his life. After winning yourself, Capricorn man is tempered. External difficulties are becoming a light obstacle that he passes without thinking.

Lilith awakens in the soul of Men Capricorn Buntar. This is the opposite side of his desire to honor laws and orders. If the dark moon is pronounced in the sign, a man will oppose himself to public leaders. He will challenge authoritations. Such a line of behavior will give him a stable reputation as an independent person and respect. As the reverse side, it will cause alienation and isolation.

The influence of the black moon gives the sign of reactivity. Men under the sign of Lilith do not make up with injustice, they are ambitious and achieve the bosses of relying benefits. If you balance this influence, a person will be able to build a career with maximum material benefits.

Despite the pronounced negative impact, Lilith is able to excrete its ward. It gives resistance to adversity, the desire to increase the material level. Injust the Black Moon in the interaction is not easy. The task requires sensitivity and intuition. Lilith is given to people who can go to work with the head.

Immersing in the creative process, the male Capricorn loses a sense of time. He gives too much energy, which leads to a rapid professional burnout. The black moon acts as a switch. At a certain point, the workaholic flows into the blissful state of peace, from which it is difficult to get out. To achieve a balance between two states is real art and the goal of Capricorn.

Capricorps hide all their emotions, demonstrate coldness and rigidity of character. Such people should stop suppress their sensitivity, trust the intuition more. Hard control and focus only on reality deprive the lunar Capricarps of beautiful experiences adorning life.

The man of this sign belongs to people too sternly and critical. He is very serious, but a peculiar sense of humor can turn it into an interesting and entertaining interlocutor.

Sometimes when communicating with such a person it seems that he was immediately born adults. Weighing positions, its view on the world, confirmed by the logic of reasoning, says everything in favor of this. Conversations about feelings are some "taboo." But after Capricorn learn to communicate with his inner "I", picking up intuition to the circle of friends and assistants, new knowledge about his own person will open him new paths.

Positive features of the character of lunar Capricorn: practicality, organization, rationality, seriousness, hardness of belief, stability and reliability in affairs, ambition. Negative features: the presence of excessive pragmaticity, versatility, dryness in relation to other, demanding.


People born under the sign of the moon Capricorn do not know how to pretend. All emotions are written on their face. In addition, they expose all control and plan even their reactions in advance, because of this, often missing natural joy and sadness. His emotions are sometimes artificial, although those surrounding this do not notice: Capricorn skillfully proceeded and this process of imitation of feelings.

Hiding emotions, these people do not even guess how they can enrich a simple sincere conversation. Capricorns feel the fear of the disclosure of feelings and beliefs, they are afraid to cause other people a misunderstanding and irritation.

But the lunar Capricorns may be the same romantic and passionate as other signs. After removing all the limitations imposed on the external manifestations of emotions, such people, giving rise to the power of romantic dreams, are able to hit all the charm. If Capricorn trusts its sensitivity, his intuition will increase.

Moon Capricors often have to overcome pessimistic moods, anxiety caused by thoughts about old age and worthlessness. Capricorn is afraid that he will not understand it, they will coordinate, so with such pleasure it goes into herself. belief hidden opportunities Own personality is able to turn his mind on the world, make Capricorn emotionally stronger.


People born under the sign of Capricorn feel comfortable if their life is structured and ordered. This also applies to work. Any surprises, suddenness, even in the sphere professional activityCan knock them out of the gauge. Therefore, the people of this sign are calculated by everything and, as a rule, have already known from the Small years where they will work and what to do to achieve the desired one. All their life resembles a chain of consecutive links leading to the target target. The persistence of Capricorn, responsibility, reliability make the authorities offer to them leaders.

The ordering of these people is not needed in order to achieve an effective result. It is needed to feel confidence. Capricorns are successful in any field solely due to the ability to properly distribute their strength.

These people are very practical, so colleagues often turn to them for advice. They can always suggest the best way to solve problems. On the other hand, they are very ambitious. Knowing that they are waiting for success, Capricorn goes to him, working without tired.

Of all the lunar marks of Capricorn - the most career-oriented. They are so devoted to their work that others may not understand such self-dedication. For the sake of the career, I do not know whether the Capricors are ready for a lot.


Love relations have always been for Capricors a very serious problem. They are not from those who are frivolously approacing the search for the perfect partner. If Capricorn tied his life with someone, it will get a gentle, attentive and true partner.

Everything will work out perfectly if it allows you to believe that others, and its chosen one, in particular, are also able to be loyal and loving.

For Capricorn, the idea that he can emotionally depend on the partner. No matter how happy he was with him, he will delight his idea that the partner is subject to, and not he.

It is best when people who loving each other people make up an equal relationship, with mutual respect and confidence, without a shadow of jealousy. When Capricorn does not hold back his emotions, it may seem to be fermented and romantic, but it is very difficult to force it.

He is subconsciously afraid that it will be rejected that he is unworthy. Allow yourself to just love - Higher happiness, to which Capricorn needs to go through the long way of self-improvement for the sake of finding confidence. Love in the eyes of Capricorn requires an extremely thoughtful approach. When Capricorn discern and understand that the person met - his perfect partner, he completely trusted the feelings.

Capricorn is one of the most ambitious signs, no emotions are able to block him the path leading to the goal. He has no time for flirting, no matter how cute they are.

The idea that he is not worthy of love and happiness in his personal life may proceed from a simple belief: all this he will gain, having achieved success at other levels, for example, at work. Capricorn with pessimism looks at his ability to attract the opposite sex.

So, the man of this sign is a very difficult person. He is so used to restrain his emotions that apparent insensitiousness became his second nature. But, one day, making sure that love would not only hurt his security, but on the contrary, would strengthen her, he will open his heart towards this feeling.

A family:

Lunar Capricorn is difficult to truly enjoy warm, trusting relationships with relatives and loved ones. In his soul, a conviction was formed that it was unacceptable to show someone that he actually feels. Therefore, it is difficult to know, it is upset or not. His mood does not affect the relatively stable and steady family climate.

Practical in everything, Capricorn is practical in feelings. The family he really appreciates, examining her as a rear. People of this sign are sincerely tied to their loved ones and devotees. Capricorn likes to adhere to traditions that make it all together. His view of life is somewhat conservative, so the well-established family holidays will be alone and the same.

If Capricorn has children, they will experience all the severity of their parent. But Chad feel his sincere love under mask of severity and demanding. Usually they grow up with the same pragmatists who do not eat special illusions regarding life, to get a job in which it is easier for them than the pupils of Sagittarius.