Hungarian dictionary with transcription. Hungarian

The state language in Hungary is Hungarian, there are more than 95% of the country's population. IN major cities and resorts of Hungary many locals own and foreign languages, mostly English and German.

General phrases

Thank you so much)

Köszönöm (SZEPEN)

Kosyon (Siipen)

Nothing please

Kirome, Nam Bai








I do not understand

Nam Hyirtham Ont.

What is your name?

Start Khivnak?

How are you?

Walk van?

How much is?

Mennyibe Kerül?

Mannibe Kariul

Bon Appetit!

Yoo Yititadyot



Do you speak English?

Beszél angolul?

Baseyl Angolall?


Where is... ?

bus station


Autobus Paiaudvworth

Stop here, please

ITT Iyon Meg.

Train Station

Vasúti Pályaudvar.

Your Paiaudworth

The airport


Emergency cases



Language of Hungary

What language in Hungary

In Central Europe, among others, the languages \u200b\u200bof the Finno-Ugric family are distributed. In particular, the language of Hungary, long-range relatives Which are Estonian and Finnish, are common not only in the territory of the state, but also beyond. It is spoken in Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Austria, as well as in a number of other countries. The state language of Hungary is a literary option used in the media and official documents. It is somewhat different from local dialects, but is understandable for all residents of the country.

Hungary language has a number of unique features. It uses 23 cases. A huge number of declines makes an extremely difficult task for a foreigner to learn the language of Hungary. A special pronunciation of some vowels complements the picture.

The modern alphabet of Hungary consists of 40 Latin letters.

Despite the difficulty of learning, linguistic students and just enthusiasts, having learned the language, can enjoy unique literature in the original. For example, this is the works of Zoltan Ambrusha, Ferenz Hercega, a dulet of steps and other writers. It is worth saying that official language In Hungary, referred to the languages \u200b\u200bof indigenous peoples inhabiting such regions of Russia as Komi, Mordovia, Udmurtia and Mari El.

Hungary is famous for the capital - Budapest. This city is rightly considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Standing on the Danube River, Budapest is a mountainous right-bank part contrasting with the plain left shore. Hungary is also famous for thermal sources, which in the country are abundant. Hot Lake Heviz, bathing in which it is possible even in winter ...

Phrasebook for travel

Hungary - the state in Central Europe With a population of more than 10 million people. Capital - Budapest, official language - Hungarian. The Russian-Hungarian phrasebook is bendable to travelers (tourists), gathered to visit the hospitable Hungary. Hungary is famous for the capital - Budapest. This city is rightly considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Standing on the Danube River, Budapest is a mountainous right-bank part contrasting with the plain left shore.

Hungary is also famous for thermal sources, which in the country are abundant. Hot Lake Heviz, bathing in which it is possible even in winter. Balneological resorts of Hungary - best places For therapeutic tourism in Europe. And, of course, when visiting Hungary, you will be happy to visit the cities of museums, fortresses, royal residences. We have collected for you frequently used words and expressions in Hungarian with reproducing pronunciation.

See also "" with which you can translate to Hungarian (or vice versa) any word or sentence.

Greetings, general expressions

Phrase in russian Pronunciation
Good morning Yoo Raggelt Kiivanok
good day Yoo photes Kiivanok
good evening Yoo Estheet Kiivanok
Bye ViconTlaataashra
Hello Sirvus! Sia!
Tell me please… Mondyaya Keyrem ...
How are you? Walk van?
Thank you, good Kёosoonoom, Mindan Randben Van
Thank you Keyosonoye
sorry Bochacanot
How to say in Hungarian? Est Hodian Monddyyak Madyarul?
What is your name? Starting Hiiviak Ontil?
My name is… Hivnåk ...
Glad to meet you Yorahuleok, walk Migishermkattünc
Yes Ign
Not NAM.
Do you speak Russian? In English? Baseyl Orozul? Angolall?
Do you understand me? Eyita, amit of montocculation?
I do not understand Nam Hyirtham Ont.
Repeat, please Tashcheeeik, Migisheteitelni
Please talk slowly Keyrem, Beseiyen Lashshabban
Write it, please Tashcheeeik, Lairni

For business benefits

Numbers and numbers

Shops, hotels and restaurants

Phrase in russian Pronunciation
How much does it cost? Mannibe Caryuul?
Bon Appetit Yoo Yititadyot
Soup Levless
Hot dish Feiwel
Garnish Kirst
Tea / coffee / juice TEO / Kaavae / Lii
Beer / Wine Shore / Bor
Beef / Pork / Fish / Chicken Marhahuush / Hattyshuush / Hal / Chirkehuush
Vegetarian dish Vegetaarianaanush Iitel
Children's menu Diereks Weitlap
Snack Eleuitel
Beverages Itoka
Meat Huusch
Vegetables Zuldshig
Diabetic menu Diabeseyukush Mena
Hotel Saalle
Beach Stromand
Breakfast Regeli.
Elevator Elevator
Pool Ostod
Parkovka Parcoohuel


Phrase in russian Pronunciation
How much does the ticket cost? Menniebe Cerul and Jay?
Please show on the map Tescheeeik Magmuttnya and TeeeirkeiPen
I would like to visit… SERETNEEM MEGNEEZNA ...
How to get? Hodian yutok em?
Where is…? Has Van ...?
Train Station Your Paiaudworth
The airport Repreteher.
Bus station Autobus Paiaudvworth
Luggage storage Chomagmegrosu
Cashbox PinzTar
Departure Hompulass
Arrival Iirkeziais
Transfer Aathalaaash
Stop Megaalloo
Station Aallomaha
Train Station Your Paiaudworth
Transfer Aathalaaash
Manual jack Kiriyadaas.
Baggage Pedaas.
Attention! Fidhal
Cashbox PinzTar
Ticket YED
A place Hey.
First grade Elsho Ostai
Second class Maashodik Ostai
Economy class TURISTA OBEY

: "Köszönöm, Jól Vagyok" [Cyerem Yool Vadok] - "Thank you, I'm fine."
Repeat it several times about yourself, trying to remember. After a while try to reproduce the phrase. Almost probably this task will be not easy, because Hungarian words do not cause associations at all with the words of other European languages. By the way, it was this feature of the Hungarian language at one time gave some linguists a reason to think that he had no relatives in European countries. In 1770, Astronomer and Lieutenant Janos Shaynovich put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bFinno-Hungarian linguistic relationship. This theory did not like the public, therefore, before serious linguistic surveys were irrefutably confirmed by the belonging of the Hungarian language to the Finno-Ugric language group, a whole century passed. Most will seem amazing the fact that the most close-to-good Hungarian is the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Khanty and Mansi, belonging to the Commary-Ugric group. However, much clearer, if you deepen in the history of the Hungarian people.
The ancestors of modern Hungarians were the tribes of the onogurov who lived in the Urals. About the I millennium BC. e. They left their homeland and, having passed extensive spaces, at the end of the 9th century, they were assieved in the territory of the current Hungary. The vocabulary of the Hungarian language is different and variety. So, for example, one of the results of many centuries of the nomadicity of the onogurov became a large number of Iranian and Turkic borrowings, as well as Slavic words. Many in Hungarian and Latin borrowing (as in most other European countries, in Hungary Latin, Latin was the second language for educated sectors of society). Several thousand words from german language - The legacy of the Great Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Hungarian The right is considered one of the most difficult in Europe. First of all, this is due to the fact that it has a agglutinative system, in which the main principle of the opinion is "gluing" to the word of various formants (suffixes and consoles). Each of these formants carries only one value. For example, the expression "in my gardens" in Hungarian will look like this - "KERTKEIMIBEN". To the root of the garden ("KERT"), several formants are adjacent here: -Jeim- - "My", -i- - formant of a plurality and -Ben- formant of the proposed case.
The morphology of the Hungarian language is also complex (for example, there are more than 20 cases of nouns), as well as a certain order of words in the proposal, to remember which is possible only in the process of language practice. As for the phonetics of Hungarian, despite the presence of certain nuances, it is possible to master it rather quickly. The main thing is to remember some of the simple rules for the pronunciation of sounds. First of all, it should be borne in mind that the emphasis in Hungarian always falls to the first syllable. At the same time, all the syllables are pronounced clearly, and the endings are not swallowed. The consonants are always pronounced firmly, softening in front of the letters "j" and "y". The letters B, D, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, P, R, T, V are read as b, d, f, g, x, k, l, m, n, p, r, t, respectively. If the letter "g" follows "Y", then it is pronounced as [DI]. Some consonant sounds in Hungarian are denoted by two letters - DZ sounds like [DZ], DZS - as [J], SZ - [C], ZS - [F]. The letters "n" and "t", if they follow "y", are pronounced as [n] and [th], respectively. "L" in combination with "Y" gives the sound [th]. Also distinguish brief and long consonants. Brief consonants are indicated by one sign (B, M) or two signs, that is, by combinations of letters (CS, ZS). Long consonants are denoted by the doubling of the sign (BB, MM), and in case the letter consists of two characters - doubling only the first sign (CCS, ZZS). Long consonants are pronounced longer and with greater tension.
There are no vowels in Hungarian in Hungarian, while there are no difongs, such as in Finnish. There are brief and long vowels. Long marked with one or two supreme signs, for example, A-B, O-ó. The longitude of vowels must be fulfilled, since the meaning of the word often depends on it (for example, VAD - wild and Vád - complaint). In addition to long and short vowels, in Hungarian, there are still closed short sounds [Ö] and [Ü], on the letter corresponding to the letters "Ö" and "Ü".
Pronunciation rules can be useful to you in a variety of situations (for example, if you need to find out how to get to any sights). There may also be necessary and some expressions from the phoner. Despite the fact that Hungarian is not very popular in the world, the inhabitants of the country are very loved, considering it melodic and harmful. And the famous philologist Dieurped Squar even dedicated to him the following highly poetic lines: "... a floweley, like Turkish, deep, like English, tech, like a French, sweet, like Italian, is serious, like German, pyshin, is stored and convincing, like Greek, brilliant As Latin, - enclosed in it, in a word, all the advantages that the scientist world can wish from the language. " That's how!

Rules for the pronunciation of some letters and their combinations
C, CZ - [C]
CS - [h]
CK - [K]
G - [g]
GY - [DI]
H - [x]
j - [th]
LY - [th]
o - [o]
Ö, ő At the beginning of the word and after vowels - [e], after the consonants - neootted [E]
S - [Sh]
sz - [s]
T, TH - [T]
TS, TC - [TSH, TC]
ty - [th]
TZ - [C]
ü, ű at the beginning of the word - [and]
ü, ű in other positions - [y]
X - [COP]
y - [and] (except combinations GY, LY, NY)
z - [s] (except for combinations sz, cz, tz, zs)
ZS - [F]

Small Russian-Hungarian phrasebook:

Hey! - SZERVUSZ! Szia! [Sirvus! SIA!]
Good morning! - Jó Reggelt Kívánok! [Joo Raggelt Kiivanok]
Good day! - Jó Napot Kívánok! [Yoo Poda Kiivanok]
Good evening! - Jó Estét Kívánok! [Joo Estheet Kiivanok]
How are you? - Hogy Van? [Walk van]
Thank you, good - Köszönöm, Jól [Kёosoneom, Yool]
You are very kind - Ön Nagyon Kedves. Köszönöm [Oyen Nadon Kadvest, Kёosoneom]
Thank you, everything is in order - Köszönöm, Minden Rendben Van [Kёosoneom, Mindan Randben Van]
Bye! - Viszontlátásra! [ViconTlaatlaathers]
All the best! - Minden Jót! [Mindan yooet]
Please (kind) - Legyen Olyan Kedves [Lauren Ohan Cadweš]
Tell me, please - Mondja Kérem [Mondyaya Keyrem]
What is your name? - Hogy Hívják Önt? [Start Hiivyak Ontil]
Rad (-A) Meet me - Örülök, Hogy MegismerkedTünk [Yorahuleok, walk MigishermarkTyunk]
Do you speak Russian? - Beszél Oroszul? [Baseyl Orozul]
Do you speak English? - Beszél Angolul? [Beseyl Angolul]
Do you understand me? - Érti, Amit Mondok? [Iriti, Amit Montok]
I understand you (NEM) ÉRTEM ÖNT [(NEM) Eyertham Orthirt]
Speak, please, slower - Kérem, Beszéljen Lassabban [Keyrem, Beseiyen Lashshabbban]
Repeat, please - Tessék Megismételni [Tashcheeeik, Migisheteitelney]
Please write - Tessék Leírni [Tashcheeeik, Lairni]
How to say in Hungarian? - EZT HOGYAN MONDJÁK MAGYARUL? [Est Hodian Monddyyak Madyarul]
could you help me? - NEM TUDNA NEKEM SEGíTENI? [Nam Tudna Nacham Shegiteni]
Cut me, please - Kísérjen El, Kérem [Kiisch Eeeirien Al, Keyrem]
Good - Jó. RENDBEN VAN. [Yooow. Randban Van]
What a pity! - Milyen Kár! [Miyen Car]
Where is…? - HOL VAN ...? [Holder Van]
How to get…? - Hogyan Jutok El ...? [Hodian yutok el]
Show me on the map - Tessék Megmutatni a Térképen [Tescheeeik Magmuttnya and TeeeirkeiPen]
How much is? - Mennyibe Kerül? [Mannibe Caryuul]
How much? - Mennyit Fizetek? [Mannit Fizetek]
I am very hurry - Nagyon Sietek [Nadon Shhytek]
How to call ...? - Hogyan Telefonálhatok ...? [Hodian Tuelofonalhatka]
Can I call you? - Lehet Önöktől Telefonálni? [Lekhet Wallowedle Tuelofonalni]
I want to visit ... - Szeretném Megnézni ... [Sirethneeem Magnese]

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Hungarian-Russian phrasebook. Greeting. Acquaintance. A meeting. Parting. Useful phrases

Greetings, dear readers! I open this topic in the blog new rubric: Hungarian-Russian phrasebook. We will remember with you useful Hungarian words and simple phrases that will help you when communicating with the local population. Hungarians respect themselves to those foreigners who say, even be quite a bit, in their native Hungarian. I will give you the necessary and frequently used words and phrases in the colloquial speech, which can be quickly remembered. Record them to your notepad (electronic or regular), and take with you when you decide to visit Hungary. I will not load you with complex grammar, unless quite a bit. In order to speak in Hungarian correctly, it is necessary to devote time and grammar.

On his own personal experience, when studying the Hungarian language, I noticed that words, phrases and expressions are often given in textbooks and phrases that are rarely applied in real life. It is better to memorize what can be useful in practice, and not clog the head with unnecessary extra phrase. First of all, we must learn to communicate with the local population at least on a simple household level.

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to get acquainted with the Hungarian alphabet, it can be done on our forum "Everything about life in Hungary", write down all the Hungarian letters in a notebook, listen to how correctly they are pronounced, say them out loud and try to remember. Plus, see necessarily training video lessons for beginners who I post every week on the site and on the forum. One of the video lessons, for beginners to learn Hungarian, you can look at this page, I placed it after this article. Learn with us, with our teacher of the Hungarian language, March.

Hungarian words are pronounced as they are written. Special attention should be paid to correct pronunciation Sounds. In Hungarian, if there is no need to emphasize anything, then in this case the direct order of words is used: subject to, led, supplement, etc. In question offers, the opposite order of words is used.


The simplest and short word, which is very often spoken by Hungarians, in a friendly welcoming each other, is of course: Szia! The word it has a double meaning: hello! And so far! That is, with the help of this word, you can not only say hello, but also say goodbye. If we welcome a few people, then in this case speak sziasztok!

Another greeting is: Halló! Hello! This word is very similar to english version Greetings, and easily remembered. And you can say hello and say goodbye like this: szervusz! This word is often used between those who are on "you" or when the eldest turns to a familiar younger.

Consider polite, so-called official greetings. Depending on what time of day your communication is happening, namely in the morning, during the day or evening, the words of greetings will be slightly different.

In the morning: Jó Reggelt Kívánok! Good morning!

Happy: Jó Napot Kívánok! Good day!

In the evening: Jó Estet Kívánok! Good evening!

And late in the evening: Jó Éjszakát Kívánok! Goodnight!

As you probably have already noticed, only part of the phrase is changing, which is exactly the time of day: Reggel - Morning; NAP - day; Este - evening.

The word Kívánok can be translated as - I wish.

If we are literally translated, it will turn out: I wish you a kind (good) morning, day, evenings, nights. You can often hear that the last word: Kívánok in these welcome phrases is not pronounced: Jó Napot! Jó Estet! Jó éjszakát!


After you greeted the person with whom you are not familiar yet, try to get to know him closer. Name your name. It is very simple. Suffice to say the following: Ivanov IVán (Your surname and name) Vagyok. I Ivanov Ivan (my name is Ivanov Ivan).

It is necessary to remember that Hungarians first called the name, and then the name, and not the opposite.

Or you can introduce it: A NEVEM IVANOV IVÁN. My name Ivanov Ivan.

Now ask what your interlocutor's name is: Hogy Hivnak? What's your name?

Or more politely: Hogy Hívják Önt? What is your name?

After your interlocutor names his name, you can pronounce the following phrase: Nagyon Örvendék! What does: very nice! Then you can ask, and whether he says to in Russian, Taking the following phrase: ÖN Beszél Oroszul? Do you speak Russian?

If in response to hear: IGEN, Egy Kicsit Beszélek Oroszul (yes, I speak a little in Russian), or: Igen, Én beszélék oroszul (yes, I speak Russian), then consider what you're lucky and you can continue Cut now in Russian.

If you are told: nem, én nem beszélek oroszul (no, I'm not talking in Russian), then we continue to talk in Hungarian :)

But first remember simple, but very important words that we met in question deals and answers:

NEM - no, not

ÖN - You (Furnishing third person pronoun, units)

Beszélek - (I) say

Oroszul - in Russian

Kicsit - Little

Magyar - Hungary

Vagyok - is, I am (the verb shape is - Lenni)

Vagy - there is, you are

Let's try to make several simple phrases. For example, your interlocutor can ask you: ÖN OROSZ? You are Russian?

Your answer: IGEN, OROSZ Vagyok. Yes I am Russian.

Your question: Ön Magyar? Are you Hungary?

Possible answer: IGEN, Magyar Vagyok.

Or: NEM, Én Nem Vagyok Magyar. Osztrák Vagyok.

No, I am not Hungary. I am Austrian (- Yka).

Here we met only three new words, it is:

Orosz - Russian;

Magyar- Hungary;

Osztrák - Austrian.

Consider the situation when you met a familiar Hungarian. Greeted. What to say next? Ask him, how is he doing: Hogy Vagy? How are you? (Friendly informal form). Or more polite, official handling: HOGY VAN? How are you?

You can ask so:

Mi újság? What news? What's new?

Possible answer:

Minden Jó. All right.

Semmi érdekes. Nothing interesting.

Semmi új. Nothing new.

Minden A Régi. Everything is old.

They noticed that the phrases are short, easily pronounced and easily remembered. This is very important for those who are afraid of long difficult to across Hungarian words, and just starting to engage, it throws this case by making it a conclusion that he never to master such complex Hungarian. Your tongue will be twisted for a long time when the Hungarian words are negotiated, so we will not hurry, for the beginning we will remember simple short words and phrases.

After the interlocutor told you about how he is doing, he will definitely ask you:

És te? And how are you?

És ön? And how are you? And how are you)?

Cheerfully answer that everything is in order, no one is waiting for you detailed description Your affairs, and even more so problems, it is a simple formality:

Köszönöm, Jól. Thank you, good.

Köszönöm, Nagyon Jól. Thanks, very good.

Minden Renben Van. Everything is fine.


This word is not simple for beginners to study the Hungarian language, but without him we can not do. So remember! First, pronounce him by syllables: Viszontlátásra! Bye! (polite official form).

Shorter unofficial form: Viszlát! Bye! And already familiar to you: Szia! Until!

Remember that in the Hungarian words stress always fall on the first syllable !!!

Useful Hungarian Words and Phrases

And a few more useful phrases today: Köszönöm Szépen! Many thanks!

If you translate literally, it will turn out: Thank you beautifully!

These important words should certainly be in your vocabulary if you are in Hungary. We are talking everywhere and everyone when we want to thank anyone!

In response, we hear as a rule: szívesen! You are welcome! With pleasure!

Or nincs mit! Not worth it! It's my pleasure! Kérem! You are welcome!

This word is often used at the beginning of question purposes, when you contact someone asking for: Elnézést, ... Sorry, ....

For example: Elnézést, NEM MONDANÁ MEG, HOL VAN A BOLT? Sorry, tell me please where is the store? Or Elnézést Kérek .... I apologize ..

If you want to apologize for your act, for example, when I accidentally come to my leg, then in this case you can confine ourselves to one word: Bocsánat! Sorry! Or Bocsánatot Kérek! Please forgive me!

Universal phrase: NEM ÉRTEM! I do not understand! Tell me if you, for example, do not understand what they are told in Hungarian.

This is not a difficult phrase: Milyen Kár! What a pity! Say it if you want to express feelings of regret.

MIT PARANCSOL? What do you want? What would you like? And literally sounds like: what do you need? You can often hear this phrase in stores, cafes, restaurants and other household services.

Your Possible answer: SzeRetnék ... I would like ...

Today everything! I think that your brains have not boiled from the Hungarian language and I will see you again on the pages of my blog! Until! Szia!

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tagPlaceHolder.Tags: hungarian, Language, 2013

  • #1

    Many thanks! And you can also give transcription in Russian to each word (offer)?

  • #2

    Natalia, thank you for what you are doing)))

  • #3

    Olga Konovalova (Sunday, 05 May 2013 15:48)

    I like that you came up with, here I will gather in Hungary, I will come to study articles of your new category. Just like being with transcription. It is not entirely clear how to read Hungarian. Christ is resurrected, Natasha! All the best!

  • #4

    Thanks to everyone for feedback! I am preparing an audio file, lay out in the near future, then you can listen to how Hungarian words and phrases are pronounced, which are given in this article.

  • #5

    Excellent! No synthetic type "Pete & Ann Hev e Kat."
    If not a great work, please specify in addition to the semantic meaning of translations, also literal. This will spur to a more meaningful understanding and Russian language, no less difficult.
    As you study, it will certainly be interesting to compare word formation. For example, from the root of "virgins": Virgo - Maiden - Devaha - Girl - Girl - Girl - Girly - Gerbushchka - Virginity - Gull Party (with a difference

  • #6

    I join thanks. 3 times was in Hungary and, unfortunately, masted no more than a dozen phrases (((very difficult language And intuitively incomprehensible ... But I want to continue, because Hungary is still manitis :-) I join the requests for transcription, at least Cyrillic :-) :-) Thank you again !!!

  • #7

    lienko, livingly, clearly)))))

  • #8

    You are right about phrases, practically useless phrases, for example, in one of them I met: this man has a long nose. I wonder with whom should I discuss the noses of people?

    You have turned out a beautiful and understandable lesson. Waiting for the following. I like tongue, having fun studying it.

  • #9

    and the second part where?

  • #10

    Nikolay Romanov (Tuesday, 15 April 2014 20:43)

    As interesting: in Greek, the same word means "Hello" and "Farewell" - Yasas.
    Highly useful phrasebook For those who are going to Hungary!

  • #11

    Now 17 year, but new information not found. That that for 13 years, excellent! Thank you! Where to find a continuation?

  • #12

    Need transcription in Russian

  • #13

    Excellent article! Thank you so much!
    How to find a continuation?