Proper pronunciation of English sounds. Reading rules in English for beginners with examples

IN english language 26 letters. In different combinations and positions, they denote 44 sounds.
In English, 24 consonant sounds are distinguished, and there are 20 letters in the letter: BB; CC; DD; FF; GG; HH; Jj; Kk; Li; Mm; Nn; Pp; QQ; RR; SS; TT; VV; Ww; Xx; Zz.
In English, 12 vowel sounds and 8 difongs are distinguished, and transmit them to 6 letters: aa; EE; Li; Oo; UU; Yy


[English. Starting course. Maria Rarenko. First educational channel.]

Transcription and accent

Phonetic transcription is an international system of icons necessary in order to accurately show how words should be pronounced. Each sound is displayed as a separate icon. These badges are always written in square brackets.
In transcription indicate verbal emphasis (on what syllable in the word emphasis falls). Stripging sign [‘] Put before the shock syllable.

English consonant sounds

    Features of English consonant sounds
  1. English consonants transmitted by letters b, f, g, m, s, v, z, Close to pronounce the relevant Russian consonants, but should sound more vigorously and tense.
  2. British consonants are not softened.
  3. Corresponding consonants are never stunned - neither before deaf consonants or in the end of the word.
  4. Double consonants, that is, two identical consonants nearby, are always pronounced as one sound.
  5. Some British consonants are pronounced: The tip of the tongue is needed strongly to press alveolas (tubercles in the place where the teeth are attached to the gums). Then the air between the language and teeth will be held with the effort, and there will be noise (explosion), that is, the silence.

Rules for reading consonant letters in English:

English consonant sound pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples
[b], b.oX. ring sound corresponding to Russian [b] in the word b.rAT.
[p] o. p.en deep sound corresponding to Russian [p] in the word pePObut pronounced with the breath
[D] d.i. d., d.aY. sound sound similar to Russian [d] in the word d.oh., but energetic, "sharper"; When pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue is resting in the Alveola
[t] t.eA t.aKE deep sound corresponding to Russian [t] in the word t.erosmbut pronounced with the prospect, while the tip of the tongue is resting in the Alveola
[v] v.oICE, v.isit. ring sound corresponding to Russian [in] in the word inoSKbut more energetic
[f] f.ind f.ine deaf sound corresponding to Russian [F] in the word f.inikbut more energetic
[z] z.oO, HA. s. ringing sound corresponding to the Russian [s] in the word z.iMA
[s] s.un, s.eE deep sound corresponding to Russian [s] in the word fromilabut more energetic; When pronouncing the tip of the tongue raised to Alveola
[G] g.iVE g.o. ringing sound corresponding to Russian [g] in the word g.alleybut pronounced softer
[k] c.aT, c.aN. deep sound corresponding to Russian [K] in the word tomouthbut pronounces energetic and sneaking
[ʒ] vI sIoN, PLEA. sUR.e. ring sound corresponding to Russian [F] in the word j.arabut pronounced tense and softer
[ʃ] she, RU sS.iA. deep sound corresponding to Russian [sh] in the word shina., but pronounced softer, for what you need to raise to solid nebob, the middle part of the back of the language
[J] y.ellow y.ou. the sound similar to the Russian sound [th] in the word j.oDbut pronounced more vigorously and tense
[l] l.iTT. l.e, l.iKE sound similar to Russian [l] in the word l.isa.but you need to touch the tongue tightly to Alveola
[M] m.aN, m.eRRY Sound similar to Russian [m] in the word m.iR.but more energetic; When pronouncing it, it is necessary to put the lips more dense
[n] n.o, n.aME sound, similar to Russian [H] in the word n.oS., but when you pronounce it, the tip of the tongue touches the Alveola, and the soft palate is omitted, and the air passes through the nose
[ŋ] sI nG.FI. nG.eR. the sound, when pronouncing which the soft palate is omitted and relates to the back of the back of the tongue, and the air passes through the nose. Pronounce as Russian [NG] - incorrectly; Must be a nasal call
[R] r.eD, r.abbit. the sound, when pronouncing whose tip of the tongue, it is necessary to concern the middle part of the nose, above the alveol; Language does not vibrate
[h] h.eLP, h.ow. sound resembling Russian [x] as in the word h.aOSbut almost silent (a little heard exhale), for which it is important not to press the tongue to the neb
[w] w.eT, w.inter. sound similar to a very fast pronounced Russian [UE] in the word UEles; At the same time, the lips need to round down and push forward, and then vigorously push out
j.uST, j.ump sound similar to [J] in Russian Borrowed Word j.iNS., but vigorously and softer. It is impossible to pronounce separate [d] and [ʒ]
check, Mu. ch sound similar to Russian [h] in the word c.aCBut hard and tense. It is impossible to pronounce separate [t] and [ʃ]
[ð] tH.iS tH.eY. a ringtone, when pronouncing which the tip of the tongue needs to be placed between the upper and lower teeth and then remove quickly. Flat language Do not clamp your teeth, but slightly push into the gap between them. This sound (as it is ringing) pronounced with the participation of voice ligaments. Embrella Like Russian [s]
[θ], Seven. tH. Deep sound, which is pronounced as [ð], but without voice. Similar to Russian [s] interdental

English vowel sounds

    Reading each vowel letter depends:
  1. from other letters standing next to her or for her;
  2. from being in a shock or unstaging position.

Rules for reading vowels in English:

Pronunciation of pronunciation of simple English vowels
Phonetic transcription Examples Sample compliance in Russian
[æ] c. a.t, BL. a brief sound, medium between Russian sounds [a] and [e]. To get this sound, it is necessary, uttering Russian [a], to open the mouth wide, and the language is low. Simply say Russian [e] - wrong
[ɑ:] aRm, F. a.ther. long sound similar to Russian [A], but it is much longer and deeper. When it is pronouncing it, it is necessary to yield, but not to open your mouth wide, while tongue to delay back
[ʌ] c. u.p, R. u.n. a brief sound similar to the Russian unstressed [A] in the word from butdy. To get this sound, you need to say Russian [a], almost not to open your mouth, while stretching the lips slightly and move back a little back. Simply say Russian [A] - wrong
[ɒ] n. o.t, H. o.t. a brief sound similar to Russian [o] in the word d. aboutm., but when it is pronouncing it, you need to completely relax lips; For Russian [o] they are slightly tense
[ɔ:] sp. o.rT, F. ou.r. long sound similar to Russian [o], but it is much longer and deeper. When he pronouncing it, it is necessary to zoo, half scratch mouth, and the lips will strain and round
[ə] a.bOUT, a.lias. The sound, which is often found in Russian, is always in an unstressed position. In English, this sound is also always unstressed. It does not have a clear sound, and they are talking about him as an unclear sound (it cannot be replaced by any clean sound)
[E] M. e.t, B. e.d. a brief sound similar to Russian [e] under the emphasis in such words as e.t., pL e.d. and so on. English consonants before this sound can not be softened
[ɜː] w. or.k, L. ear.n. this sound is in Russian, and it is very complicated for pronouncing. Reminds Russian sound in words m. e.d., st. e.klabut it needs to pull much longer and at the same time stretch her lips strongly, without opening the mouth (a skeptical smile turns out)
[ɪ] i.t, P. i.t. short sound similar to Russian vowel in the word sh andt.. Need to pronounce it
h. e., S. eE long sound, similar to Russian [and] under the stress, but longer, and utter it as if with a smile, stretching lips. Close to it Russian sound is available in the word verse iI
[ʊ] l. oo.k, P. u.t. a short sound that can be compared with the Russian unstressed [y], but it is pronounced vigorously and with completely relaxed lips (the lips can not be pulled forward)
bL. u.e, F. oo.d. long sound, quite similar to Russian shock [y], but still not the same. So that it turns out, you need to pronounce Russian [y], do not pull the lips into the tube, do not push them forward, and round down and smile slightly. Like other long English vowels, it needs to pull much longer than Russian [y]
Diffton pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples Sample compliance in Russian
F. eY.e. difong, similar to the combination of sounds in Russian words i. and c. i.
[ɔɪ] n. oi.sE, V. oi.cE Something like. Second element, sound [ɪ], very short
br. a.vE, AFR. aId. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word sh to herka. Second element, sound [ɪ], very short
t. ow.n, N. ow. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word from aUon the. The first element is the same as in; second element, sound [ʊ], very short
[əʊ] h., Kn. ow. difton, similar to a combination of sounds in Russian Word cL oUn.if not to pronounce it deliberately in the syllables (at the same time consonance reminds eu ). To pronounce this difthony as pure Russian consonance [Oh] - wrong
[ɪə] d. eA.r, H. difong, similar to the combination of sounds in the Russian word such; Consists of short sounds [ɪ] and [ə]
wh e.rE, TH. Difthong, similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word long, if not to pronounce it in syllables. For sound resembling Russian [u] in the word e.that, follows the second element, unclear brief sound [ə]
[ʊə] t. ou.r, P. oo.r. difthong, in which the second element follows [ʊ], unclear brief sound [ə]. When pronouncing [ʊ] lips can not pull forward

Transcription - This is the recording of the sound letter or words in the form of a sequence of special phonetic symbols.

Transcription can and not everyone is interesting, but no doubt is useful. Knowing transcription, you will correctly read a strange word without an extraneous help. In class, you yourself can read the transcription of the word (for example, from the board) without asking others, thereby facilitating the process of absorption of lexical material, etc.

At first there will be errors in the right reading, because There are always some subtleties in pronunciation. But this is only a matter of practice. A little later, if necessary, you can transcribe words themselves.

Transcription is directly related to reading rules. In English, not everything seems to be (like in Russian and Spanish, for example).

When in textbooks (mainly domestic), it is told about the rules of reading, much attention is paid to the type of a syllable. Typically describes about five similar types. But such a detailed theoretical statement of reading rules is not very easy to fate a novice, and can even mislead it. It must be remembered that good knowledge of reading rules is a great merit of practice, and not theory.

Your attention will be presented the basic rules of reading. separate letters and letters. "Over the scenes" will remain some phonetic moments that are difficult to convey on the letter.

A little patience! Both transcription and reading rules are easily absorbed in a short time. Then you will be surprised: "How it became easy to read and write!"

However, do not forget that, despite your widest distribution, the English language does not cease to be a language, full exceptions, stylistic and other delights. And at any stage of learning a language, and especially on the initial one, look at the dictionary.

Transcriptional icons and their pronunciation

Sound pronunciation
(similar Russian)
Sound pronunciation
(similar Russian)
[ b. ] [ b. ] Single sounds
[ d. ] [ d. ] [ Λ ] [ but ] - a short
[ f. ] [ f. ] [ a:] [ but ] - Deep
[ 3 ] [ j. ] [ i. ] [ and ] - a short
[ d3. ] [ j. ] [ i: ] [ and ] - Long
[ g. ] [ g. ] [ o. ] [ about ] - a short
[ h. ] [ h. ] [ o: ] [ about ] - Deep
[ k. ] [ to ] [ u. ] [ w. ] - a short
[ l. ] [ l. ] [ u: ] [ w. ] - Long
[ m. ] [ m. ] [ e. ] as in the word "pl e.d "
[ n. ] [ n. ] [ ε: ] as in the word "m e.d "
[ p. ] [ p ] Diffong
[ s. ] [ from ] [ ə U. ] [ oU ]
[ t. ] [ t. ] [ aU. ] [ aU ]
[ v. ] [ in ] [ eI ] [ hey ]
[ z. ] [ z. ] [ oi. ] [ oh ]
[ t∫.] [ c. ] [ aI ] [ i. ]
[] [ sh ]
[ r. ] Soft [ r ] as in the word rusian
[ about Sign softness as in the Russian letter E. (e.lKA)
Sounds without analogies in Russian
[ θ ] [ æ ]
[ ð ]
[ ŋ ] Nasal, french manner, sound [ n. ] [ ə ] [Neutral Sound]
[ w. ]


    o. ]. But in modern english wordsaryach. This sound is customary as shown in the table.

    Diphthong - This is a complex sound, which includes two sounds. In most cases, difthong can be "broken" into two sounds, but not on the letter. Since in many cases, one of the components of the sounds of difthong, if it is used separately, will have a different designation. For example, difthong [ aU. ]: Separately this transcriptional icon as [ a. ] - Does not exist. Therefore, most difthongs are not a combination of different transcriptional icons, but by their own sign.

    In many school textbooks and in some domestic dictionaries, this sound is indicated as [ ou. ], which is more clearly. But, in modern English dictionaries, this sound is customary as shown in the table.

    This sign is often indicated in transcription unstressed vowels, regardless of those letters (combinations) that this sound is given.

Reading rules

English words have several types of syllables. However, to understand the entire system, you must remember and distinguish the following two types: open and closed.

Open syllable ends on vowels: game., like., stone - The vowel letter in the word is read in the same way as in the alphabet.

Closed syllable ends on the consonant: pen., cat., bus. - The vowel letter in the syllable gives a different sound.

Emphasis in transcription and words is denoted by vertical screenshot before impact syllable.

Single vowel sounds

Sound rules
[ e. ] usually gives the letter e. In a closed syllable: G e.t [G. e.t], V e.t [V. e.t]
as well as letterpart eA.: D. eA.d [D. e.d], pl eA.sure ['PL. e.3 ə]
Note: This letterproof often gives sound [ i: ] (see below)
[ i. ] usually gives the letter i. In a closed syllable: H i.t [H. i.t], k i.lL [K. i.l]
as well as letter y. In a closed syllable: G y.m [D3. i.m], C y.linder ['S. i.lində]
Note: The same letters in the open syllable give sound [ aI ] (see below)
[ i: ] arises in the following letters: e + E. (always): M eEt [M. i:t], D eEp;
letter e. In the open syllable: tr eE [tr i: ], St. e.vE [St. i:v];
In letterproof e + A.: M. eA.t [M. i:t], b eA.m [B. i:m]
Note: This is a letterpart ( eA.) often gives the sound [ e. ] (see above)
[ o. ] usually gives the letter o. In a closed syllable: P o.t [P. o.t], L o.ttery ['L. o.tə Ri],
as well as letter a. in the closed syllable after w.: wA.sP [W. o.sp], s wA.n [SW. o.n]
[ o: ]
  1. o + R.: C. or.n [K. o:n], F or.tRESS ['F. o:tRə S]; M. or.e [M. o: ]
  2. almost always B. a + U.: F. ['F. o:nə], t aU.nT [T. o:nt]; The exception is only a few words, for example, aU.nt.
  3. Consonant (except w.) + a + w : D. awn [D. o:n], H awk [H. o:k].
  4. always in letterpart a + LL.: T. all. [T. o:l], SM all. [SM. o:l]
  5. Lettering a + LD. (lK.) Also gives this sound: b ald. [B. o:lD], T alk. [T. o:k]
  6. Infrequently, but you can meet letters oU + this sound: P oUR [P. o: ], M. oURn.
[ æ ] usually gives the letter a. In a closed syllable: FL a.g [FL. æ g], M a.rRIED ['m. æ rID]
[ Λ ] usually gives the letter u. In a closed syllable: D u.sT [D. Λ sT], s u.nDay ['S. Λ nDEI].
As well as:
ouble: D. ouble [D. Λ bL], TR ouble [tr Λ bl]
ove.: GL. ove. [GL. Λ v], D ove. [D. Λ v]
Note: But there are exceptions: M ove. [M. u:v] - (see below);
FL oo.d [FL. Λ d], bl oo.d [BL. Λ d] - (see above)
[ a: ] arises in the following letters:
  1. a + R.: D. aRk [D. a:k], F aRm [F. a:m] (see note)
  2. regular letter a. In a closed syllable: L a.sT [L. a:sT], F a.ther [F. a:ðə] - Therefore, it is necessary to go with the dictionary, because a. In the closed syllable traditionally gives the sound [ æ ] as in c a.t [K. æ t];
  3. i agree aLM. Also stably gives this sound: p aLM. [P. a:m], C aLM. [K. a:m] + Note
Note: 1. Very rare a + R. gives sound [ o: ] W. aRm [W. o:m];
3. Rarely: s almON [S. æ mə N]
[ u. ]
[ u: ]
the longitude of this sound in most cases varies by historical reasonsrather than spelling. That is, for each word it is determined individually. This difference in longitude does not bear a huge senseless load, as in other sounds. And B. oral speech It is not necessary to emphasize it.
This sound arises in the following cases:
  1. always o + O.: F. oo.t [F. u.t], b oo.t [B. u:t], T oo.k [T. u.k], m oo.n [M. u:n]
  2. after pu In the closed syllable sometimes gives a brief option:
    put [P. u.t], pusH [P. u.∫] (previous letter always p.) - (see note)
  3. ou. + Consult: C ou.lD [K. u:d], w ou.nD [W. u:nD] (but such cases are not frequent).
  4. r + U.+ consonant + vowel: P rune [pr. u:n] rumour [R. u:mə]
Note: 2. But in such cases with other consonants u. Almost always gives the sound [ Λ ]: C. u.t [K. Λ t], PL u.s [PL Λ s], p u.nCH \u200b\u200b[P. Λ nt∫]
[ ε: ] there occurs in closed syllables with the following letters:
  1. always i / E / U + R (In the closed syllable): SK iRt [SK. ε: t], P eR.son [P. ε: sə N] T ur.n [T. ε: n], b ur.sT [B. ε: sT] - (see Note)
  2. eA + R.: P. ear.l [P. ε: l], L ear.n [L. ε: n]
Note: In some cases, a combination o + R. after w. gives this sound: w or.d [W. ε: d], w or.k [W. ε: k]
[ ə ] Neutral sound gives most of the unpaved vowels: FAM ou.s [Feim. ə s], c o.mpt. eR. [K. ə MPJU: T. ə ]

Vowels difthong

Sound rules
[ eI ]
  1. a. In the open syllable: G a.mE [G. eIm], P a.lE [P. eIl]
  2. aI In a closed syllable: P aIn [P. eIn] R aIl [R. eIl]
  3. aY. (usually at the end): PR aY. [PR. eI ], H. aY. [H. eI ]
  4. eY. (Rarely, but Male) Usually at the end: GR eY. [GR. eI ], Surv eY. ['Sε: v eI ]
Note: 4. The same letterpart occasionally gives the sound [ i: ]: Key [k i: ]
[ aI ] usually arises in the following cases:
  1. letter i. In an open syllable: F i.nE [F. aIn], PR i.cE [PR. aIs]
  2. iE. At the end of the word: P iE. [P. aI ], D. iE. [D. aI ]
  3. letter y. In the open syllable: RH y.mE [R. aIm], s y.cE [S. aIs] and at the end of the word: M y. [M. aI ], CR y. [Kr. aI ]
  4. ye. At the end of the word: D ye. [D. aI ], R. ye. [R. aI ]
[ oi. ] usually arises in the following cases:
  1. oi. (usually in the middle of the word) - p oi.son ['P. oi.zə n], n oi.sE [N. oi.z]
  2. oy. (usually at the end) - b oy. [B. oi. ], All. oy. ['L. oi. ]
[ aU. ] arises in the following letters:
  1. o + W.: H. ow. [H. aU. ], D. ow.n [D. aU.n] - (see Note)
  2. o + U.: R. ou.nd [R. aU.nd], p ou.t [P. aU.t]
Note: 1. This letterproof often gives the sound [ ə U. ] (see below)
[ ə U. ]
  1. usually gives the letter o. In the open syllable: ST [St. ə U.n], L o.nELY ['L. ə U.nLi]
  2. lettering o + W. (usually at the end of the word): bl ow. [BL. ə U. ], CR ow. [Kr. ə U. ] - (see Note)
  3. ou. before l.: S. ou.l [S. ə UL. ], F. ou.l [F. ə U.l]
  4. oa.+ vowel: C oa.cH [K. ə U.t∫. ], T. oa.d [T. ə U.d]
  5. old. (as in the open syllable): C old. [K. ə U.lD], G old. [G. ə U.lD].
Note: 1. word-exception: b [B. ə U.θ ];
2. The same letterpart often gives the sound [ aU. ] (see above)
[ iə. ]
  1. eA + R.: H. ear. [H. iə. ], N. ear. [N. iə. ] - (see Note)
  2. e + R + E: H. ere. [H. iə. ], S. ere. [S. iə. ]
  3. eE + R.: D. eER [D. iə. ], P. eER [P. iə. ]
Note: 1. If the consonant goes for this lettering, then sound occurs [ ε: ] - D. [D. ε: θ]. Exception - B. ear.d [B. iə.d]
[ eə. ] give the following letterparts:
  1. a + R + E: D. are [D. eə. ], FL. are [FL. eə. ]
  2. aI + R.: H. air. [H. eə. ], F. air. [F. eə. ]
[ aiə. ] give the following letterparts:
  1. i + R + E: F. ire. [F. aiə. ], H. ire. [H. aiə. ]
  2. y + R + E: T. yre. [T. aiə. ], P. yre. [P. aiə. ]


Sound rules
[] there are several letters that always give this sound (in addition to others):
  1. tion. [∫ə n. ]: Celebra. tion. ['Seli'Brei∫n], TUI tion. [TJU:'I∫n]
  2. cioux. [∫ə s. ]: Deli. cioux. [DIL'∫S], VI cioux. ['Vi∫∫s]
  3. cian. [∫ə n. ]: Musi. cian. [MJU:'zi∫∫n], Politi cian. [poli'ti∫∫n]
  4. and, of course, badge sh: sheEP [∫i: p], shoOT [∫U: T]
[ t∫.] always occurs in:
  1. ch: chaIR [T∫Eə], child [t∫ild]
  2. t + URE: Crea. ture ['KRI: T∫∫], FU ture ['Fju: T∫∫]
[ ð ]
[ θ ]
These two sounds are given by the same lettering. tH..
Usually, if it is a letterproofing in the middle of the word (between two vowels), then the sound occurs [ ð ]: WI. tH.out [Wi' ð aut]
And if it stands at the beginning or end of the word, then sound occurs [ θ ]: tH.anks [ θ ænks], FAI tH. [Fei. θ ]
[ ŋ ] a nasal sound occurs in the lettering of vowel + nG.:
S. ing. [SI. ŋ ], H. ung.ry ['hλ. ŋ gRI], WR ong. [WRO. ŋ ], H. ang [Hæ. ŋ ]
[ j. ] softness in sound can occur in some cases, and in no way manifest in other similar cases, for example s u.pER ['S. u: P ə] (see dictionary):
  1. u. In the open syllable: m u.tE [M. j.u: T], H u.gE [H. j.u: D3]
  2. eW.: F. eW. [F. j.u:], L eW.d [L. j.u: d]
  3. if the word begins on y +. vowel: ya.rd [ j.a: D], yO.uNG [ j.Λŋ ]

And now pass the interactive lesson and fasten this topic.

When you study a foreign language, you are studying not only a set of vocabulary and grammar, you in any case face the culture and peculiarities of the mentality of the people who speak this language. Best tool knowledge of language and culture is reading in the original . And to read on foreign language, you must first learn to read in this language .

You don "T Have to Burn Books to Destroy A Culture. Just Get People to Stop Reading Them.

To destroy the culture does not necessarily burn books. You can just make people stop reading them.

But, if at school or university you studied German or french, Or your school base turned out to be less than you would like, and now decided to learn English, then let's start with the most primary and basic and learn a few techniques where to start to master the reading rules.

English alphabet

I think you know that English is different from the Russian and German, in which we, mostly, as we write and read. In English, the system is a bit more complicated. The very first thing we need to do is learn the alphabet.

In the English alphabet there are 26 letters, including 21 consonants and 5 vowels. Knowledge of letters and skill their correctly pronounced successful and competent reading in English.

English alphabet with transcription of letters name.

Highly easy way Remember letters visually and on rumor is with the help of a song. Watch the video and sneak the song until you remember the letters of the alphabet.

This way you can apply to teach the alphabet of your children, and sing a song with your babe.

English reading rules

After studying the alphabet, we will proceed to study the combination of letters to read short words. In English, there is a certain number of rules that you need to learn, practicing and remember if you want to competently read English words.

English consonant reading rules

Many consonants are read like a Russian consonant, such as letters m, N, L, B, F, Z . You can see it in such words as mom, Lemon, Finger, Boy, Zebra .

Such letters as t. and d. sounded seems to be pronounced with punching. For example, words table, Teacher, Dad, Dirty.

Letter c. It has two options to read. In front of the letters i, E, Y She reads as [s]- cITY, FACE, CYBER. And before the rest of the vowels read as [k]- cat, Cake, Factory.

Rule with vowels i, E, Y acts with the letter g.. Before them she reads how - gym, George, Giant. Before other consonants, the letter is read as [G].

Letter q. always meets in combination letters qU. and read as - quick, Queen, Square.

Letter j. Always read as - jacket, Jam, Joy.

Table ratio of consonant letters and sounds in English.

How to read vowels in English

In English, the word may end with an open or closed syllable, which affects the pronunciation. For example, words cat, Pot, Sit End on a closed syllable and vowels in them a, O, I give sounds .

Words such as Name, Home, Five end up on an open syllable, because after the word ending the letter e.which is not read. But, thanks to her, the vowels in the middle of the word are read in the same way as they are pronounced in the alphabet, that is, the word name. Reads.

Types of reading English vowels in shock syllables.

Reading books of vowels in English

There are certain combinations of letters that have established reading rules, although English language language exceptions and when reading more complex words You should contact the dictionary. Below in the table are given combinations of English vowels with examples how they are read and what sound give.

Table of combinations of vowels in English.

And of course, in all rules there are exceptions. However, you should not worry and think that you will never be able to learn it. Everything can be understood, you just have to try to try a little and stretch.

English difthongs with transcription

When you learn the basic rules of reading, you will see that there are rather difficult in English to play difthong sounds, especially if the language is starting to study not since childhood, but in adulthood.

Table of English difthongs with transcription.

Transcription of sounds in English

Practice shows that when children learn the language - they must necessarily study the transcription, adults, do not want to study it and it is difficult for them.

If you still want to learn spelling and reading transcription, then wonderful! And if not, you can use online dictionaries, where the word for you will be pronounced. One of the best dictionaries today are multitran and online Dictionary Lingvo.


Remember that you need to use with dictionaries, and not by translators!

Here is an example of reading short words with transcription:

Table of public sounds of English and transcription.

What we live in the age of the Internet has some advantages. Sitting at home, you can master different knowledge online. For your attention video lesson in which explained basic principles Reading. However, even having received knowledge through an online lesson, they need to be consolidated to formed the skill.

Learn English patters

Here you can help patterings that are often directed to the development of one sound. Here are some examples that you can use.

Speaking in English Translation into English
Whether the Weather Be Fine
Oro Whether the Weather Be not.
Whether The Weather Be Cold,
Oro Whether the Weather Be Hot.
WE "LL Weather The Weather
Whether We Like It or Not.
There will be good weather
Or there will be no good weather.
There will be cold weather
Or the weather will be hot.
We will endure any weather
I like it or not.
Three SWISS Witch-Bitches,
Which Wished To Be Switched Swiss Witch-Bitches,
Watch Three Swiss Swatch Watch Switches.
Which Swiss Witch-Bitch ",
which Wishes to Be a Switched Swiss Witch-Bitch,
wishes to Watch Which Swiss Swatch Switch?
Three swiss witch-bitch,
wishing to change their gender
We look at the three buttons on the watches "card".
Which of the Swiss witch-bitch,
wishing to change their gender
Looks at what button on the clock "card"?

Do not worry that these are patters! At this stage, when you just learn to read and work out the sounds, it is important to pronounce them right, although slowly. You can always speed up.

Learn to hear English

After studying the basic, basic read rules, you can use the repetition method for the speaker. Your hearing memory will also work and you will hear how the words are pronounced and what intonation in suggestions.

To do this, you can use small dialogs and audiobooks for beginners. At this level will ideally, if the text you have before your eyes, you are listening, read and repeat at the same time!

You can use such a magnificent resource as Oxford Bookworm Librarywhere the audiobooks are presented for all levels. You can download the library for free.

For those who continue to learn English, we recommend to study the language on the films, which you can read in the article.

Work on pronunciation

The ability to read is just the first step towards learning language. It is equally with the study of grammar and vocabulary, learn to correctly pronounce and hear it is very important if you want to understand what they tell you and say so that you understand. Especially if you talk to the native speaker.

As we have already spoken a little higher, one of the best ways is listen carefully to the native speakers and try to copy their pronunciation and intonation .

Special attention must be paid to the sounds that are not in your native language. Often, people studying English arises a problem with the sound of 'R', as in Russian, it is solid, and in English more harder and growling.

Also there are difficulties with the pronunciation of two sounds that gives combination of letters 'th' . Students persistently utter it as 'c' and 's'. Although it is worth paying attention to that in such words like this, that, there this sound is said as between 'З' and 'd'. And in such words like Three, Think, Thief it is pronounced as the sound between 'F "and' C '.

It may seem strange to you, since there are no such sounds in Russian, but if you listen to media, you will understand that they say so.

Do not worry when you do not come out to say these words correctly from the first time, for this you need to practic a little. But try to learn correctly from the very beginning, because therefore it will be more difficult when you are forced to retrain.

Learn to pronounce phrases in English correctly

In English, words in suggestions are not pronounced separately, they often merge, as if in one whole, especially if it is a combination of vowels and consonant letters. Look and practice on these examples with transcription.

It also concerns such phrases, where one word ends on the letter 'R', and the next word begins on the vowel. In such cases, the sound 'r' is pronounced. Here are some examples.

With a discrepancy in writing and pronunciation of English words, we are faced at first occupations, when they independently start reading small texts And make their translation. Therefore, along with the alphabet and the simplest vocabulary, novice students need to get acquainted with such a concept as english transcription. It is this multi-simony system that helps in a letter to transfer the pronunciation of sounds that make up the word. In today's lesson, we will analyze the work of these symbols in practice, i.e. We learn how the English transcription and pronunciation of the most useful words should be correctly sound. At the same time, examples of the correct sound will be presented in both English and Russian. But first we will analyze several useful rules.

Principle of operation with transcription

Record. Take the rule that the transcription of English words is always written with square brackets: book[ b. ʊK. ] - Book.

Emphasis. To indicate an emphasis use the apostrophe or, simply speaking, bar icon , which the preceded by shock syllable: dictionary [Dɪkʃʃnrɪ] - vocabulary.

Special signs. Points, colon, round brackets and letters with a modified size can occur in the transcription record.

  • Point - English uses this transcriptional sign as a slider to syllables: undisputed[Ʌndɪspjuːtɪd] - indisputable.
  • The colon is an extensive long sound indicator: water[‘ w. ɔ: T. ə] - Water.
  • Round brackets - an indicator that the sound in them does not pronounce or pronounces very weakly: happen.[‘ h. æp. (ə) n ] - happen, happen.
  • The modified size of the letter is the designation of not always pronounced sound. You can often find the sound R, recorded in the upper index format. This is a pointer that the pronunciation of the word depends on a dialect or other circumstances, for example, a subsequent word: car[ k. ɑː R. ] {!LANG-7b86bd8fd82fd66958c529497a4723a5!}{!LANG-f569258e499f1e06258df0a6d28cd5f3!}

{!LANG-04721a7b2cbb3fdc7ace64bcb9e93c15!} {!LANG-c5005f457ee80bc1c4a49d3b7a230f3f!} [ɒ] = [ɔ] , {!LANG-34c87a13b5ac9dfc069a962bfef31789!} , {!LANG-a42b2553855006aca64ad52584996e2f!} , {!LANG-d4656b30c2b0c12afedddb811bbc6337!} , {!LANG-30595f42db0497aaa68de4f20c8a3bab!} , = [ɛə] .




{!LANG-27e601a9e60dab67da4123207ce7230e!} from{!LANG-06b88464da6d78ae0dc80dae132e6baa!} oh.{!LANG-ad825328b92ef934bdf4a42c00273326!}


Sound {!LANG-d1c12eaf5f3fbd5bae7d7de47dac1475!} {!LANG-6fc2d4894b1dcc4a087672e540568fd6!} {!LANG-9e4ab3526535d68542a2804d89da81d4!}

{!LANG-8f10ba88246df71beed297bf43a0d9f4!} but {!LANG-cbf0cce5efb2abad829e20f4982df362!}

{!LANG-1fcc53620e4db3923a876e49ab2b9d40!} {!LANG-1216808173ad0cfd4e5f5bb4c02a8859!} {!LANG-7c5355a840f02f3a7befbc7c1382cf99!}
{!LANG-5ea2c4d9b6ac0f95023791d13a012f35!} {!LANG-bec93a161a616e0018820a3ec74cb77e!} {!LANG-459f85becde781423dc7888489be4cbc!}
{!LANG-9797f434530fdea4bdefe600975840f5!} {!LANG-058211743adf898c46d4020067f01614!} {!LANG-9c12730a18ea10527e7c7dcb8e198e49!}
{!LANG-25fb6a0a2e3a25132da3e598a19fd219!} {!LANG-9d935fadc75a3a505b5feb84497e572f!} {!LANG-387e32996c1a0b77cbe9fd4620f38101!}
{!LANG-ca5dafbafc592f7cc3d6e1ddd44e41bb!} {!LANG-b66d48ea4339d31fe9e43c47e4c631e8!} {!LANG-cb9d27d6bdc30541c3cf03b695b4fa7f!}


{!LANG-9f962044f6ffc571881c81b12d79f7d7!} {!LANG-fb6c39eff031e79fae2180b46f2908f7!} {!LANG-66912c9290c575bc4a2bc8975cdf385f!}
{!LANG-6b04da92ec1e329ff2fef40672afc0ed!} {!LANG-878a4e0160de305dd3ee156a67f147f5!} {!LANG-d3c5a768e49cdc40c92b345909f545bb!}
{!LANG-f319745b99934b9f824f0096181c3fe2!} {!LANG-8f867bb2f5ab15f49e8f820e42d2e96e!} {!LANG-ae2a02b43fc034380b584402a1164a16!}
{!LANG-3e57058d7a692fcbe0621799a0111995!} {!LANG-0fb44d2dcb9704da3efee2ca94053d5e!} {!LANG-312c1308e76ce7ba3882e637d29e44f8!}
{!LANG-292be425e9d246e3265ba6455da99d31!} {!LANG-d3a951da49d9b4bdc3bc68869f9c0a92!} {!LANG-7f369c8dc63198cd78c4f35de7e13eb3!}

{!LANG-5adf275f4b79f87b118c5d0ade3f0a63!} but {!LANG-5e44df9ae8c34df2573898904fd68ae0!}

{!LANG-027d9eb4c6756fe42413d3a837c634e9!} {!LANG-67ab14111a87f0017295524e9a08c4b6!} {!LANG-d62a427b933b0dfaac41a5e934b74158!}
{!LANG-3351720afab0a166d35380b336cd1c79!} {!LANG-df3e39c9ccaa1f300f441b837f86c7f4!} {!LANG-936c1d227f96bfd1c1dbf45e9f46864c!}
{!LANG-f5f527aa1b6f6e666a0dc39798198d57!} {!LANG-55db85e89f96220cd5eac136b0475b1c!} {!LANG-e6a2fc978fd97478abd90e37f12a7fd8!}
{!LANG-6751d2535b585e57c6d7c7b9266ff425!} {!LANG-02495151a0758151302b9c13e2bd2407!} {!LANG-897e7deaeef1b87d79054b8a6e55de65!}
{!LANG-855bf8d5f86a94fb9cc7eec015c75d77!} {!LANG-707f27d9ffd2a989c773c7a4c7e8f4d8!} {!LANG-85c7c8363eb3bbadc869490bde7a84db!}

{!LANG-9fc83ced7ce63f519c532a1af69eeae5!} i.

{!LANG-014001cf73801c366de3ecc90259a04c!} {!LANG-eeb37630a89433810234bcbdbbb88161!} {!LANG-64379ba24cdfef4773feb9b8e75a8156!}
{!LANG-b76c4e58e4b48353425083f6b66956d5!} {!LANG-d1780ddbd632d7c7474d814a77f25502!} {!LANG-2bb6d960b3ae9cbe7f190f8c540f9c85!}
{!LANG-5314b8a34ce792b2b2cbffcb0de91bc3!} {!LANG-931c341f5adee72781d7264755cc0d1e!} {!LANG-7dc900a2688ac19a20bc30ad4f56c11c!}
{!LANG-2cb9b6adaada0de577a659eebed60073!} {!LANG-d36be0a9e360fa011ff4847d716efbb6!} {!LANG-a5e8ce3bcb0cf86ace9a63d44f108b5b!}
{!LANG-9ae1732157a7816578fb93b6b3cf08bd!} {!LANG-25174edaabe888342888708a9b44b9fd!} {!LANG-537f17db0782367169dff3857e3408e5!}

{!LANG-e17b4f1020d1dcd16fd369eaf6c3fd1e!} aU

{!LANG-2708ad95dfb35ff227ec0899c28d88e6!} {!LANG-f6480781973e977362fab6bacac2b549!} {!LANG-b8154cb93f457e5fc1323926b71ac6db!}
{!LANG-643df59326f838f7b8a15ca630d4499b!} {!LANG-65de0e427f91e6002c9e642df63fedf5!} {!LANG-68b5c01361411f966af8897f21f6cfd9!}
{!LANG-95454a3354775a98fdd2498d43f6e06d!} {!LANG-2fc24269446345f63426b9bd41a9c2d4!} {!LANG-aa8b92d551817cd8cf3f46bf8f9131ff!}
{!LANG-0c9f3cb925002d32546008275de3c351!} {!LANG-dbdf7d953c86107fa2b9a692f6421da8!} {!LANG-911918eea7fa6ca86bfa4ea3a653cfd6!}
{!LANG-82d50d3aa2057407d39f11e1a5b7cf9e!} {!LANG-19f4ae06c39d9293d9abe71458a6f3e3!} {!LANG-89094c11ccee8c7c1da44eb2f98a994a!}

{!LANG-bc1c2ef359e934ca3a9665598fc98a5f!} and {!LANG-0949d522aa02562230463d2668dc70f1!}

{!LANG-60bf9cc564544f57ee2c30fd0f48c6fb!} {!LANG-41f5a0958254e7dd67d37d528f0ecc37!} {!LANG-cbeb2f0e2a1f1177e0cdc1f323632538!}
{!LANG-4347b22637fc7b58de6968a234359f72!} {!LANG-ba5b1d241b26ee8f089067bb98e2c24e!} {!LANG-e0b395b920785bde5da085ff453f62aa!}
{!LANG-684f640ded4e7c802b5338e0fe66e0a8!} {!LANG-e974e25d57bf122423eabc59396964d6!} {!LANG-32cd2cc8b85be974e01be938cca7f4c3!}
{!LANG-4f9758eb72e3db362160c5ce664732da!} {!LANG-bcca4d8f69e356422a40616b1256651c!} {!LANG-5dba6332a7bacdd51dd2ad98068a94f7!}
{!LANG-6d4c8202f9a9dd3f6031674bf10cb97e!} {!LANG-4638b9293c6424af5732459867e22670!} {!LANG-caefdfd20ecd36c7828a5b3260cb9bcb!}


{!LANG-a0a8d09fa6160683d3b900754cfb90a3!} {!LANG-ea21d047c46f0f0d3c353670d6944184!} {!LANG-10da0895986cc1aa8c6588df0da4b31d!}
{!LANG-4a627f5237f9d3e75a58e2e48acb302a!} {!LANG-4b459aec98e7c575df3d9502158e80a2!} {!LANG-d4cb383ff3e17a4c21b7d595b3db52e8!}
{!LANG-51d54325a5231d09fe3e1435296f820f!} {!LANG-5b12a60aaf8738fc8d67b259e9481bc8!} {!LANG-ed63212d6405ee4d0b315776f4a38a53!}
{!LANG-90609d55e1957ef82d55a57386107d5d!} {!LANG-17d85d9762bb90d0d397826d457090e0!} {!LANG-e9b7557d6c2c0d3063b68ffa5cf72e39!}
{!LANG-67557c1b718d0e397e1f38e74f932c95!} {!LANG-a20c5f18e65e4f310b84740e57bab152!} {!LANG-cf7fc91b3ed47a96f9d9b3913927e5b9!}


{!LANG-d496071501eca748a7c6a5c249e38b20!} {!LANG-7eee43eba52484264fb2b96def0eb644!} {!LANG-7fdb7d7571ce48571fac03dc9cb5e75a!}
{!LANG-11a905a01cfd2b50a6b22aee7e7ce66d!} {!LANG-fa652bb67603cd7c4edabd5d8b63e72f!} {!LANG-0a4d39f10f7f592b44668e4990906272!}
{!LANG-d8a5e94df7f493578b4e0a59af5db480!} {!LANG-ee67a67e4a1566d8fbba1a830b704012!} {!LANG-f3502e70592b41f2c5b99f7f5e3787f8!}
{!LANG-582fc759b5e7f9874a2c946d3261ef7c!} {!LANG-6ce34f5235ba4309d099de6a61dbb680!} {!LANG-cf4f353f9d5e37f7f2455c4e8772efd0!}
{!LANG-91a38f380e05ebbb74c27a790f7a017c!} {!LANG-9dea8d7b2231837b2e178810096f6567!} {!LANG-7aacbe8ae0b30bfa0d145b84371dba05!}


{!LANG-dbe430e9ef04081685c28ade355203f0!} {!LANG-dd0014d666e7443a3835e14aa7ae06e0!} {!LANG-e3b411797b851b1b5be2d09189861526!}
{!LANG-f8458580c59f554f0d717f3549e11b94!} {!LANG-d298f1ba72151b98d38a39fbf3826350!} {!LANG-36b9b32586c2fb65e4ba008c0b5e6c81!}
{!LANG-e1332aec34fd596bc26ecc037b115e20!} {!LANG-86b3b3c45d555c5f7ee23ad9bc5f7057!} {!LANG-7c1b32296a5e3be3c23eafec970613b7!}
{!LANG-9e62c500ba2eb72c521d448934986b16!} {!LANG-498a6a513aea27db0a0f14ed16f3cb49!} {!LANG-95bc926a0e41019f8668fb754e1173d4!}
{!LANG-d15608117cbd6cc63ee7fc7f600ffda4!} {!LANG-bdd65d4543f5a9b7c2f22562adce6772!} {!LANG-80d0df9cc8f677c09102ec770383f968!}


{!LANG-39e3e3c5551d0c8e260d376dd863ec9f!} {!LANG-d7564a40a04abbd7d874e741a071078e!} {!LANG-ededf8e19ac0eddb3ca75414a69a4759!}
{!LANG-a71cf688082ad0924c8f0a9797b80bfb!} {!LANG-d27971d6c1efae9bcb708f46fade9513!} {!LANG-eaafb47885c5671ae43c0380fa80baad!}
{!LANG-a0baf6bf281d543f2b77b9bce2f70698!} {!LANG-22ea21fdddac162647fe385589dfe978!} {!LANG-e3c63ff28cf5f20eb20faede99dbd9d1!}
{!LANG-eff5320718f8b0809bbc514a9f04cc48!} {!LANG-d65cee97207efdba25f2e49d3c8d7d28!} {!LANG-1920927514b3d092bb48eabd0cb3e6dd!}
{!LANG-86fa403762634f62c34badb0410f41ed!} {!LANG-ab8e97d7f49b9495c109301d4e97fbfa!} {!LANG-10482a3aa201b3b5e14ee0ca14b3f74a!}

{!LANG-329e2287712097a94be9ea65858ad6fe!} to her

{!LANG-e5c25c004819c663831f76f0f84ae904!} {!LANG-06149560ae50872d12626a56187deb91!} {!LANG-2302888e0f30bd5eb9049475599e51f4!}
{!LANG-b6a0a7a1a653db1b295c8f2126008c50!} {!LANG-fd76305074f0568589cedc86dd7fb779!} {!LANG-e2d5a7f7fbefd818339f77283245020d!}
{!LANG-44b02ae5c5f7c28779fb616565778239!} {!LANG-b34b2251147ca6af312fa4bf7d29f823!} {!LANG-3e561d94a1785dc19156de114d8f0901!}
{!LANG-0a271eca4655a57ade2b2a869651d6ba!} {!LANG-4911623690c395f35a320e4bd3057ad6!} {!LANG-ac0c8ceee9ce8b8e25aee5ec1ed45f99!}
{!LANG-7bb681d0ce7d8a341d063fb0812133e5!} {!LANG-2de4d70b11dc238e44c717373b422716!} {!LANG-ce05cd2fb9cd2756e19f6474fe9da656!}

{!LANG-e17b4f1020d1dcd16fd369eaf6c3fd1e!} {!LANG-65436da211b40f24d8219c57311180e2!}

{!LANG-003a7e12804057062c296827fd7eba1c!} {!LANG-cbbaa5b96bb6792efac15e1cfab65c6a!} {!LANG-f459a88522a13012afecd2a2bd1cd184!}
{!LANG-ee19995d2ef7708e627e89275662136f!} {!LANG-de90f12e1ffa83b1a027263ada6f6091!} {!LANG-5c126b848180fed0826ad4cb95aa8fcd!}
{!LANG-75ffd45de01c3f494b47673b21694299!} {!LANG-03b4a7d5acbd84db57e820db4a1e9893!} {!LANG-daefd59c94b69420f8992640b6b88bee!}
{!LANG-94569cff362b4a259ba43a4dda7794e6!} {!LANG-f4b979fced8b124de9091373f1cc5070!} {!LANG-458c9f4af071f6b2b61e8cc3f398a595!}
{!LANG-663a2bbefdb626b9850ad75d9bcbb777!} {!LANG-a272ebdc4743ee07f0923c01f567ad10!} {!LANG-1ad9ea3d26379405703252d7be4b31b8!}

{!LANG-93b65a7a33e1ae29632258cf61ed7b54!} e.{!LANG-742ae584ac75f0ec5e1818436e4d5e6c!} e. {!LANG-daf89fca933de15b70b1de3efac1886a!}

{!LANG-b89a046b73ebff0583cd06e34ce476e7!} {!LANG-9997d124bed14b3e19bc5341edabe64a!} {!LANG-24e3e81ada31cf68a155259b57bea78f!}
{!LANG-295a9f333e6f0eb132883a3112be6714!} {!LANG-2be4c75032e29e2e842786494edbc68f!} {!LANG-331b5f8678ddeacbf1674edaf6f096ef!}
{!LANG-5a3c65cc07cc51c2d6143418dee28824!} {!LANG-e322c88176fa9a12bfdb2cf6f41a24f9!} {!LANG-6d7c3961dce6f807aaf7e7abef9cd492!}
{!LANG-f883d3faca8f5d4cb6a4a071b4880840!} {!LANG-7a27123013403d33588525c27e79a00d!} {!LANG-8f9742cb56de0083ba3f6eefa2c61ae6!}
{!LANG-88f1b9de0bc2d3f93ac584d9ebacbc4b!} {!LANG-3a4df86e07a15acbed47b9e970577461!} {!LANG-4d3e0f74164157b754c95b687faac655!}

{!LANG-5b83bfbeb4065266fbf371bc981b7ca8!} about {!LANG-b7cb42c24ad623d5b0efcd94decc60a1!}

{!LANG-884c5556b0cc2bac2a0fbd395071ce7f!} {!LANG-80b81df460ae2d235878108f08469511!} {!LANG-ebb7d5b73e759a25399fd2368039aa96!}
{!LANG-342b50270baffdbacfacf9dddcfefb04!} {!LANG-39c98d4597e3cd0e8b6e34258de0c376!} {!LANG-f129ed7aa0040adefb39ce7afcfc943b!}
{!LANG-a103fe7b4183c2f16e4a882148e4ae90!} {!LANG-a38e0c5e81ddc0123567278cdc044df9!} {!LANG-8264e758f830961363b23c0efed37c1a!}
{!LANG-267a8841213d69c59b1ef9805df73534!} {!LANG-55261d7c370a001918f9790586c76a3d!} {!LANG-4cb41ce1f7a87df6f026ca37056070c0!}
{!LANG-10f363006a757aba099f51be324f44f6!} {!LANG-41ab4b442e569bc3ecd1503a662383e9!} {!LANG-d325613a506037f52af4cdd4e38d2dfc!}



{!LANG-192c95c3cbeaaf42e00e8673f6e79868!} {!LANG-9ac2b058be41d2b7dc4375fdd90baa8f!} {!LANG-49ac267340589fd6073e50e87e08721d!}
{!LANG-81780c59ca438a804bf9c42054f40690!} {!LANG-9550aef5b2c788c4770ea2b99974e6ad!} {!LANG-61ea6097a6715013cd1a471099aba94b!}
{!LANG-d13506a82307cfe9f5ac508cee938dcb!} {!LANG-ee458896ce2430619115db35af5934c1!} {!LANG-81ed067d4110e5e1448d5ba3a360d3b8!}
{!LANG-1975202a44b3e886fb3b3710608f7535!} {!LANG-2a2053c6eaf5bbeb76cdd9a6743c5aa4!} {!LANG-51cff8d3c66d79ab5cd215391b48a408!}
{!LANG-7d182790aea4d4e2d5c3c1523ebd67a0!} {!LANG-87d4e259427d7008e3262874c3d951da!} {!LANG-3bf7f961c2737b3ce1b9b40e47526e80!}

{!LANG-80a0dfcf61fb584d98e04703abd8b5b7!} oh

{!LANG-716592057c66ca677e42cdc30a6929c2!} {!LANG-06b7c5bdadb16041bcd8e4480b75b465!} {!LANG-3d8e0be2fa636c0e2b0bde8034d6c44b!}
{!LANG-1c22bb00e10c16ce44a835ba77718941!} {!LANG-1152459a9df0ceb4f1a8c0a27927e117!} {!LANG-067740a294198003f6ad2170dd6d7c8b!}
{!LANG-d2663a29b3e90693c1fc4d3fe045ffda!} {!LANG-20e5dc775a1424aea0e30d4a20c9ba7a!} {!LANG-a8c7619e91dfa755019fe85f2e291d2c!}
{!LANG-5aacb00639c2cb3642358e824bbe3d22!} {!LANG-8964c9f896f40ba903bc2ba837ba5b97!} {!LANG-f4c9259d24f924d5dea634dfd85dcb11!}
{!LANG-2e3bd1d2e6f9d8e232f3b1a31dd3438e!} {!LANG-b71b7d14751103e97053159cdbe917b4!} {!LANG-49a33c57083db13f640cb1c7c3c7f272!}

{!LANG-80a0dfcf61fb584d98e04703abd8b5b7!} oU

{!LANG-cf912a2cda8d087bd72786858605154a!} {!LANG-2320e7b5df28909544fda399c13daa31!} {!LANG-7502eaaad023d0b67e81bee459599866!}
{!LANG-dbe6825011af106dda40e6aaf3c51da5!} {!LANG-14e486cea3313f18a33346fd267f9a93!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!}
{!LANG-e375e11434b37c1aefd972789d861590!} {!LANG-6c1c7ff3f54f9d2a09c5a59277c3e40e!} {!LANG-f0b253003fb515a62cc3b975fa20cde7!}
{!LANG-0a7b5ca7bfb2ceae994250b494e23fcf!} {!LANG-14e486cea3313f18a33346fd267f9a93!} {!LANG-16d898b3825a7da0a63a771d410d1781!}
{!LANG-17130977759017824b55a6b9de778743!} {!LANG-67fe32715ef2010a5f73b63aa610a30f!} {!LANG-f973308394476ee430adeae8c2915899!}


{!LANG-e38327986f75426d27435986136b3d35!} {!LANG-5383f8eab7f6924193b0b8523568f40c!} {!LANG-6a373503cd797fcb82a4b9447ac32809!}
{!LANG-07d3a9a8e5e714aa89076987d775cd86!} {!LANG-210e76ef424eda092e5ef6ecf3b1ba88!} {!LANG-b61fa2865da8b236a1e43c9bb26b74b5!}
{!LANG-d75ed9df4b5127efe46539b6209f0666!} {!LANG-4f88339212220d82a52f1e7a1626c8b5!} {!LANG-3743ea80daa2ec171a515e1c6783c2c1!}
{!LANG-4884ed5263d8fedf4050cb011b07b852!} {!LANG-07aaa6f54aea46d239f737f184a5eb0a!} {!LANG-a37e7c309930d5ea2fd5f4fa2534750e!}


{!LANG-0aa7667d58c6cfc453bde8d92ce04249!} {!LANG-0f70da6bf95e2fbfd8a39c4d80d54c0e!} {!LANG-7511a892f6c501c54755b756e962a866!}
{!LANG-a3b0cac0bca05dc90b9e3c04b6b4fb6d!} {!LANG-c41a1d367d9fabb64df8d432e277c181!} {!LANG-917c6b3e6ff5d26f5f65a09edebb208c!}
{!LANG-dbc56c1deafa485bfa568ced0a3601ce!} {!LANG-ad27a290e4d297b8a47b33e7888904f6!} {!LANG-21c0097df8978eea3d9acb735e145018!}
{!LANG-1caa926a24d0e080dc733a1bcf6c0343!} {!LANG-54d90bc7210d05012d5b63e727587611!}
{!LANG-21dd5cabe4b3413b1db60fa00d963508!} {!LANG-8a8f23824c42f0e4b5e3995a81174486!} {!LANG-d8ed5eaa7d0e55a31e63a1dfe5b0b613!}
{!LANG-df2548e4347a013980d7d7d578bbb095!} {!LANG-098130d043a4a24297cda4bb0b6cf8e7!} {!LANG-f521f4ae0499917d6750e8a8447330b5!}
{!LANG-05f8a1e325eed837a9ea08ebfeafa8f1!} {!LANG-6df565188419cfe0f1278a78dc46a042!} {!LANG-13d9b5ff9150ffb0e8e54076437c1d60!}


{!LANG-0a6b4b40748ee04c007e5816d87604ae!} {!LANG-8f2fd84c754b55f2c71fadb687b93491!}{!LANG-7c1b883f1fd33db89e88ac2e8d6d14f9!}
Sound {!LANG-d1c12eaf5f3fbd5bae7d7de47dac1475!} {!LANG-039fe42dfda0630bda77a6ef38138786!}
{!LANG-cc0c5f2f43aa815bb8f02f878eedcef4!} {!LANG-9e4ab3526535d68542a2804d89da81d4!}
[b] {!LANG-e6ce7a6ffea63a1914004f75b1ea6167!} {!LANG-7d9b13d110a247fc3abf748416cc6e7a!} {!LANG-2beed26d7f89e77d92bb5172794a60ac!}
[D] {!LANG-c03a0a05bef0f949b61ac4bedb7c2068!} {!LANG-5f7e36582116ba685ab7fbadced479f1!} {!LANG-2ddee84e9ee11b00e631b6a777a2f61f!}
[f] {!LANG-ad160da1958069773242be588feedefa!} {!LANG-5a33844b3df7a3d2a0551909fa200901!} {!LANG-d4878797adc803c4e1a15fe7a06216fc!}
[ʒ] {!LANG-4ac3400c3011c1d54c829db2d1e01474!} {!LANG-7c25d70909183fc24c09b91cf741de29!} {!LANG-c53672ce8e17288021e82b76d6e4a651!}
{!LANG-761c006c0877eade11321d19e6f8d0c5!} {!LANG-91b36fef357eeae6147c3a65451e6bb6!}
[R] {!LANG-3e35389dee2681712b0f3b7ce8168bd6!} {!LANG-b418491de91fc5305378cd343b6025cb!} {!LANG-039986f09c36c37cb290f4e390cc9d9c!}
[s] {!LANG-efe924dcc1fb6dfc36744915b361f877!} {!LANG-42d72d535fe85fc8c05f5fe8e95b33ef!} {!LANG-532f37f802d6c30b638609a84535394d!}
[t] {!LANG-ac4880b654e3f38731660109c2950688!} {!LANG-51ce5b713e83daf2c2fc8a6be2145699!} {!LANG-fa4e2ccc57dc3371426899d4f0e450b1!}


{!LANG-0b66d261cd558e9d9aeb87c55eb29e3d!} {!LANG-558a0a7098e5e403321ad702c1f3467f!} {!LANG-b680f71e702e635e791a4c6c3eaee9c7!}

{!LANG-07548a590fdf59b97cafac73d8103027!} {!LANG-2e6391fbc4f1fa71652ea023937b5098!}{!LANG-1456056ee08e6a51d090e157bddbde6c!} {!LANG-c9314343ab7ba0b70a1b2f7597471693!}{!LANG-1844524d0c12ae1d4e7c2705565795da!} {!LANG-022b6b90311c223f85618151e3fe39c2!}{!LANG-660612b3f0113ab1371875170f63e838!} {!LANG-88e1aa37b62ebf4140ef310e6d2a7a4a!}{!LANG-963ab725731fb479fdee2d732a2c2a68!}















{!LANG-42a5213ace0db31986b4850ce063478b!} {!LANG-edc1416fe45fc25f2efe8ba107fabdaa!}{!LANG-a9c07a2b18ffe4389a5caec23824fd91!}



  • {!LANG-47397853bc5036774ad1dd96b682d7a3!}
  • {!LANG-ec8a51eb302b6fcc56be81ad0a450ab9!}
  • {!LANG-40cdf66ab052004be8ba31a13a5a2862!}
  • {!LANG-43f76fbb87ce4db1c43c92daa5fc5bd6!}




{!LANG-17c014ab49576f127053ce34fe45bcee!} {!LANG-ce2580cbbc9a5af71ea1c5d32e840d73!}{!LANG-0e351952539a238cc9918c363a7a3f19!}






