Voice Russian Greek translator online. Russian Ancient Greek Dictionary online

Greek language (ελληνικά) is part of the Indo-European language family and is one of the oldest languages. The first written documents were written in the 17th century to our era.

Over time, Greek has changed and each period corresponds to a certain name of the language: Proto-Greek (about 2000 BC. E), Mycena Greek (1600-1100 BC. E), ancient Greek (800-1000 BC. E), General Greek (Koine) (300 BC e - 330 n. e), medieval or Byzantine Greek (330-1453) and Novogreic (from 1453).

Novogreic language has very many dialects: Cypriot dialect, Cretan dialect, Pontic dialect, Tsakonsky dialect, Rumea, Jewish-Greek dialect and northern dialects.

During the Roman Empire period, it was considered a prerequisite for any educated person to know the Greek language. In the modern period, Greek has become a source of words around the world, for different languages and in various fields: technical terms, medicine, science, and others.

Scripture in Greek, based on a Greek alphabet containing 24 letters. In fact, the Greek alphabet, comes from the Phoenician, and the transition to the Greek alphabet consisted in the times of Homer. In ancient Greek, the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were written. And also, in Greek wrote and reflected their thoughts of Eschil, Sophocle and Euripide, Philosopher Plato, comedian Aristofane, Demosphen, Orator Eschine, and other famous personalities.

The linguistic rules of the Greek language are developed, approved and adopted by the Greek Language Center (κέντρον γλώσσας ελληνικής).

In case you are interested, more than 13,000,000 people talk and write in Greek at least in 8 countries around the world. Greek is official language Following countries: Republic of Cyprus and Greece. In addition to them, Greek language is widespread in countries such as Armenia, Albania, Italy, Ukraine, Russia and the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, if you are going to travel in the listed countries and / or communicate with their inhabitants, but do not know Greek, keep our online translator At hand and it will help you read and write in this language.

It is worth noting that in the free encyclopedia of Wikipedia, about 164,634 articles are written in Greek and 492,849 pages, which, combined, were edited 7,585 113 times. More, approximately 17 103 pictures and media files are downloaded here. Over all this, 277,824 users worked, however, only 0.42% of them are active (that is, only 1,156 people are constantly working on improving Wikipedia).

Free online translator to transfer text, HTML, web pages and documents from Greek to 44 languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including

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Greek is one of the most ancient Indo-European languages, he is the only representative of the so-called Greek group. Greek alphabet originated on the basis of Phoenician writing.

The main complexity of transfer to Greek is the presence of a large number of Greek dialects. The mains are Cretan, Cyprus and Jewish-Greek, our online translator takes into account these features. Also high quality Greek-Russian machine translate Takes into account the division of the language into two branches: Novogreic and ancient Greek.

In modern Greek, there are two substantially different forms. Literary - Cafarefus is based on ancient Greek, it retains an ancient grammar, combining it with modern manner of pronunciation. At the Caparefus, they publish official documentation, scientific literature and taught in local educational institutions. The second form of the spoken language is Dimatik, which is much easier than the Cafarefus. Dimatiky has absorbed from the vocabulary of neighboring countries, it is more close to human communication, they publish it fiction. Dimatics officially used since 1976 and slowly approaching the literary Greek language. Our free electronic translator uses Cafarefus.

Translation from Greek is complicated due to peculiar syntax and morphology of this language. Most often, this concerns the declination of verbs, articles, pronoun and infinitive forms.

Due to a number of differences between Russian and Greek language systems, which are distinguished by vocabulary and grammar, the automatic translator uses grammatical transformations of a syntactic and morphological nature.

Grammatical transformation - receiving translation, the essence of which is to change the structure of the sentence with the preservation of semantic information. This completely or partially reconstructs the proposal, replacing parts of speech when translating. At the same time, the text retains the meaning.

Frequent use in the Greek-Russian translation of grammatical transformations can be explained by the fact that the proposal in Russian does not coincide with Greek under the structure: the differences in the order of words, the procedure for the location of proposals - the main, introductory and apparent.

It is worth noting that the machine translation of the art text is somewhat worse than official documents. He needs editorial adjustment.

Greek language

Greek language refers to Indo-European language family. Some linguists allocate him into a separate Greek group, where he is the only representative. Sometimes, his extinct dialects are considered individual languages \u200b\u200b- Pontico, Tsakonsky, Cappadocyan.
Greek stands in the language family apart, because it does not look like other languages. Close to it are considered an ancient and frigisky. But these languages \u200b\u200bwere extinct, and few written evidence remained about them. Of the modern, a little similar to the Greek Indoiran.
The history of the Greek language has 3.5 thousand years old and its individual periods are called:

  • Greek Mikken - 14-4th century BC;
  • Ancient Greek - 4th century BC - 4th century of our era;
  • Byzantine - IV-XV century;
  • Novogreic - from the XV century.

This is due to the fact that when changing rulers and spheres, the influence in Europe has been subjected to changes and languages.
Greek today speaks about 15 million people. These are those who actively enjoy them in life, not counting the polyglotov, which just like to study languages. This language is official in Greece and in the Republic of Cyprus (most of the population of the island speaks Greek).
To maintain economic ties, this language is taught in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and other neighboring countries. Greek diasporas are especially strong in the USA, Canada and Australia, they also teach their language.
Ancient Greece is a powerful state in which science, literature and art actively developed. The language was an integral part of this culture, and he left his mark in history. For example, there are many Greek borrowing in Latin. Many special terms have greek origin. In the Roman Empire, Latin and Greek are considered mandatory for each educated person.
In pre-revolutionary Russia, the obligatory subject in schools was an ancient Greek. In Russian, the Greek borrowing came through international communication and through the Church Slavonic language. Many words we use, have a Greek origin:

  • From shipping: ship, sail, lantern, lamp;
  • From vegetables: cucumber, cherry, cabbage, lemon;
  • From religion: angel, canon, gospel, apostle;
  • From medicine: pediatrician, therapy, eye;
  • From science: arithmetic, verse, philosophy.

Greek language, we call it, because it is an adjective formed from the noun "Greek". This word has church Slavonic origins, it is borrowed from Latin. And Latin, in turn, borrowed him from the ancient Greek. The root cause of everything is the name of one of the Greek tribes. As a result of borrowing and transformations, this word turned into Russian "Greek".
This language has a rich written history. The first entries in Greek refer to 14-12 centres to our era, to the critical-mix civilization. Scientists suggest that the Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician writing. The era of the greatest heyday of Greek writing is the late Roman Empire and Early Byzantine Empire. By the XV century, the Greek language comes in decline due to the capture of the country by the Turks. IN Ottoman Empire They did not care about the preservation of languages, on the contrary, religious and linguistic traditions were mixed. In some areas, Muslims wrote in Greek Arabic letters, and Christians in Turkish Greek letters. This tradition of the presets is only at the beginning of the 20th century the exchange of the population between Turkey and Greece.
Regarding the origin of the language there are several hypotheses. He could stand out in the process of migrating people in the 25th century BC to our era into the territory of modern Greece. They could speak in the language, which became the prototype of Greek, the so-called "protogretic". For another theory, tribes who spoke in the Unified Pyranceo European language could come to Greece. As a result phonetic changes And ancient Greek occurred. Excavations show that Greek civilization was formed as a result of migration tribes on the Balkan Peninsula and the Islands of the Aegean Sea in the second millennium BC. Greek unity originated only in the 8th century BC, and got the name "Ellina".