Information Technology pronunciation in English. Phonetic analysis "Technology

Tech‧nol‧o‧gy Noun TECHNOLOGIES PLURALFORM 1. Knowledge Dealing with Scientific or Industrial Methods and the Use of these Methods in Industry, Farming etc: What Impact Is The New Technology Having ... FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS TERMS

Technology. - Tech * NOL O * GY, N. Industrial Science; The Science of Systematic Knowledge of the Industrial Arts, Especially of the More Important Manufactures, As Spinning, Weaving, ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary Of ENGLISH

technology. - 1610s, Discourse Or Treatise On An Art Or The Arts, From GK. Tekhnologia Systematic Treatment of An Art, Craft, Or Technique, Originally Referring to Grammar, From Tekhno (See Techno (CF. Techno)) + Logy (CF. Logy). The Meaning Science of The ... ... Etymology Dictionary

technology. - Noun Best Technical Knowledge, Know How, Latest Scientific Knowledge, SCIENTFIC ADVANCEMENT, STATE OF THE ART, STATE OF THE INDUSTRY, UPDATED SCIENTFIC KNOWLEDGE Generally Application, Development, Latest Products, Modern Science, Science ... ... Law Dictionary

technology. - Technology Technology The volume of knowledge, a set of methods and tools that can be used for the production of goods and services from economic resources. Also, the method of transformation of substance, energy, information in the process of manufacture ... ... Explanatory english-Russian dictionary on nanotechnology. - M.

technology. - [n] electronics, science applied science, automation, computers, electronic components, high tech *, hi tech *, industrial science, machinery, mechanics, mechanization, robotics, scientific know how, scientific knowledge, technical knowledge, ... ... New thesaurus

technology. - NOUN (PL. Technologies) 1) The Application Of Scientific Knowledge For Practical Purposes. 2) The Branch of Knowledge Concerned with Applied Sciences. Derivatives Technological Adjective Technologically Adverb Technologist Noun. Origin ... English Terms Dictionary

technology. - n. PL. Technologies 1. The Science or Study of the Practical or Industrial Arts, Applied Sciences, etc. 2. The Terms Used in a Science, etc.; TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY 3. ... ENGLISH WORLD DICTIONARY

Technology. - By The Mid 20th Century, Humans Had Achieved a Mastery Of Technology Sufficient to Leave The First Time And Explore Space SPACE SUMNOLOGY SUFFICIENT TO LEAVE THE FIST TIME AND EXPLORE SPACE. Technology ... Wikipedia.

technology. - / TEK NOL EUH JEE /, N. 1. The Branch of Knowledge That Deals with the Creation and Use of Technical Means and Their Interrelation with Life, Society, And The Environment, Drawing Upon Such Subjects As Industrial Arts, Engineering, Applied Science ... Universalium

technology. - 01. Do You Think That Our World Will Eventually Be Destroyed by Pollution or Do You Think That Will Be Able to Save US? 02. The Speed \u200b\u200bof Change IS So Great In Some Jobs Now That Employees Are Obliged to Continually ... GramMatical Examples in English


  • Technology Platforms for 3D Cell Culture. A user "S Guide, Stefan Przyborski. Technology Platforms for 3D Cell Culture: A Users Guide Points to the Options Available to Perform 3D Culture, SHOWS WHERE SUCH TECHNOLOGY IS AVAILABLE, EXPLAINS HOW IT WORKS, AND REVEALS HOW ..., Price. electronic book
  • Technology for facility managers. The Impact of Cutting-Edge Technology On Facility Management, IFMA. A Comprehensive Look At The Impact of Technology On Facility Managers Facility Managers Are Tasked with Operating and Maintaining the Built Environment. Technology Plays a Big Role in This ...

[noun] Technology, machinery
technology of Ukraine - Technology of Ukraine
[adjective] technological
technology Cooperation - Technological Cooperation

Transcription: | Tɛknɒlədʒi |

to introduce new technology - introduce new technology
The Last Word In Technology - the last word in the technique
obsolete Technology - Outdated Technology
science and Technology Park - Park of Science and Technology
to apply / employ technology - apply technology to use the technique
To Create / Develop (A) Technology - Create, Develop a Methodology
To Export / Transfer Technology (To Developing Countries) - Transmit Technology (developing countries)
TECHNOLOGY DATABASE - Technological Database
computer-Aided Technology - Automated Technology


Recent Advances in Medical Technology Have Saved Countless Lives.
The latest achievements in the field of medical technologies saved a huge number of lives.

Mos Technology
MOS-technology, MOP production technology

The Technology is Bang Up to date.
Bang technology to date.

Advances in Science and Technology
Achievements in the field of science and technology

We Are Living In The Age of TECHNOLOGY.
We live in the eyelids.

Don "T be daunted by all the technology.
Do not confuse all the equipment.

Technology Advances by Fits and Starts.
Technologies to achieve urabs.

Calo has 3 parsing, since the emphasis may fall on different syllables (the stresses were indicated by users of the site).

Hearing number 1.


technology - word out of 5 syllables: Te-He-Lo-gi. Emphasis falls on the 3rd syllable.

Transcription of the word: [T'Ihnalogii'i]

o - [o] - vowel, shock

- [A] - vowel, unstressed

In the word 10 letters and 11 sounds.

1252 / Word disassembled using the program. The analysis result is used by you at your own risk.

Hearing number 2.

technology - word out of 5 syllables: Te-He-Lo-gi. The emphasis falls on the 2nd syllable.
Transcription of the word: [T'Ihnolag'i'i]

t - [T '] - consonant, deaf pair, soft (pair)
e - [and] - vowel, unstressed
x - [x] - consonant, deaf unpaid, solid (pair)
n - [n] - consonant, ringing unpalaring, sonorous (always ringing), solid (pair)
o - [o] - vowel, shock
l - [l] - consonant, ringing unpalaring, sonorous (always ringing), solid (pair)
o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
g - [g '] - consonant, ringing pair, soft (pair)
and - [and] - vowel, unstressed
i am [y '] - consonant, ringing unpalaring, sonorous (always ringing), soft (unpaired, always pronounced softly)
- [A] - vowel, unstressed

In the word 10 letters and 11 sounds.

Color scheme: T e h o l about g and i

1251 / Word disassembled using the program. The analysis result is used by you at your own risk.

Hearing number 3.

technology - word out of 5 syllables: Te-He-Lo-gi. The emphasis falls on the 1st syllable.
Transcription of the word: [T'Echnag'i'i]

t - [T '] - consonant, deaf pair, soft (pair)
e - [u] - vowel, shock
x - [x] - consonant, deaf unpaid, solid (pair)
n - [n] - consonant, ringing unpalaring, sonorous (always ringing), solid (pair)
o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
l - [l] - consonant, ringing unpalaring, sonorous (always ringing), solid (pair)
o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
g - [g '] - consonant, ringing pair, soft (pair)
and - [and] - vowel, unstressed
i am [y '] - consonant, ringing unpalaring, sonorous (always ringing), soft (unpaired, always pronounced softly)
- [A] - vowel, unstressed

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Phonetic analysis of the word "technology"

In a word technology:
1. 5 Slots (Te-HNO-Lo-I);
2. Emphasis falls on the 3rd syllable: Technology

  • 1st version

1 ) Transcription of the word "technolium": [T❜ykhnʌlo G❜i].

Sound characteristic
t. - [T❜] - sughdle, soft. (Parr.), deaf. (Parr.). Before the voice sound, it does not replace the consonant on the bell / deafness.Below, see § 66, para. 2, 3.
e. - [b] - vlasn., unstressed; below see § 46.
h. - [x] - sughdle, hard. (Parr.), deaf. (unpaired). In front of the sonar, the deaf do not speak (see Musatov V.N., p. 73).A pair of hardness / softness sound before solid is always solid.
n. - [H] - sughdle, hard. (Parr.), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. The sound [H] is an unpaid ringing, so it is pronounced as well as written. In front of the letters but, about, w., e., s
about - [ʌ] - vlasn., unstressed; below see § 32.
l. - [l] - sughdle, hard. (Parr.), ringing (unpaired), sonorous. The sound [l] is an unpaid ringing, so it is pronounced as well as written. In front of the letters but, about, w., e., s Pairing on hardness-softness are always pronounced firmly.
about - [about ] - vlasn., shock; below see § twenty.
g. - [G❜] - sughdle, soft. (Parr.), ringing (Parr.). Before the voice sound, it does not replace the consonant on the bell / deafness.Below, see § 66, para. 2, 3.
and - [and] - vlasn., unstressed; below see § five.
i - [ъ] - vlasn., unstressed; below see § 53.

10 letters 10 Sounds


Pronunciation rules 1.

§ 5

§ 5. Public [and], [s] both under stress, and in unstressed syllables are pronounced in accordance with writing. They are denoted by letters and s.

Letter and denotes the sound [and] in the following positions: a) at the beginning of the word: and va, and the scar, hill, play, publishing; b) after vowels: Croy, stoi t, one hundred IT, play; c) after soft consonants: si la, tie on, vit, chype, soup, washing, saw, pins, you beat.

§ 20

§ 20. The letter O denotes the hitting vowel [o] in the following positions: a) at the beginning of the word: he, axis, about strict, about hatch; b) after vowels: Hat, Chet, CJSC, Po Dahl, Pro Braz; c) after solid consonants (except hissing; about the position after hissing, see § 22): House, Som, Paul, Bock, Here, Thunder, Scrap, Current, Com, Guest, Turn, Tso.

§ 32

§ 32. In the 1st estate syllable after solid consonants, except vowels [s] and [y], and at the beginning of the word, except for vowels [and] and [y] (for them, see §§ 5-13), pronounced vowel [a]. Vowel [A] in this position on the letter is denoted by the letter I or about.

Thus, at the place of letters a and about the vowel [a] pronounced: 1) after solid consonants: a) gardens, gifts, small, Pasha, Stari K, Grass; Shalu N, Shala Sh, Flag, hot e, kings ZM, Tsar to pump; b) water (pronounced [Vada]), leg (pronounced [Naga]), thunderstorm (pronounced [Graz]), fields (pronounced [Pal❜ a]), seas (pronounced [Mar❜ a]), Tables (pronounce [ Steel]), Fruits (pronounced [Plaga]), please (pronounced [Praşa]), went (pronounced [Pasho L]), Shofinger (pronounced [Shaf❜ o p), Jongleur (pronounced Zhangl❜ o p]); 2) At the beginning of the word: a) Aptechna, Army K, Arshi N, AKKO RD, Amba R; b) a window (pronounced [ACNO]), Odn (pronounced [Adidi N]), Rychik Ogu (pronounced [Agu Rikchik]), the axis of us (pronounced [Asi We])), Odj (pronounced [Herde T❜])) .

The vowel [A] of the 1st estate syllable is somewhat different from the shock [A]: when it pronunciations, the lower jaw is lowered less, the solution of the mouth is already, the back of the back of the tongue is slightly raised. Therefore, with more accurate transcription, these sounds should be distinguished, for example, to refer to the unstressed [o] to use the sign λ, while maintaining the letter A for the shock [A]: [B.] (water). In this dictionary-directory of letter A is used to designate both unstressed [a] (more precisely [λ] and, and [a] shock.

§ 46

§ 46. In the 2nd and other estate syllables (except for the 1st), after soft consonants, a vowel, very close to [and], more precisely, is the average between [and] and [E], more brief than vowels in other positions and therefore called reduced. Below, when specifying the pronunciation, it is indicated by [b]. On the letter, this vowel is denoted by the letters I and E, and after soft hissing [h] and [sh] letters a and e.

Thus, in place of letters i and e. After soft consonants, a vowel [b] is pronounced: a) the butcher (pronounced [mi nika]), P Pyatcho to (pronounced [PJ Taco]), Ryabova T (pronounced [Рь BAVA T]), heavy t (pronounced [ Zhailava T]); b) translated (pronounced [pj ry d d d d d d d d d d d d Е а]), I have been pronounced (pronounced ry rye]), cheerful (pronounced [С и е Ет т❜])), НЕ ЕТЕЕ N❜]), running (pronounced [BJ Havoy]), Lesternaya (pronounced [CNIK]), Sedova T (pronounced [Smu Dava T]), human to (pronounced [whose lava]), four (pronounced [Whose Tyr❜ o x]), the account (pronounced [Sch❜ Tavo T]), tickle (pronounced [ша ка Т❜]).

In place of the letter but After [h] and [uch] pronounced vowel [b]: the hour (pronounced [Whose Savoy]), charm (pronounced [Acr Rava T❜]), frequency (pronounced stat]), Schalel (pronounced [ SHE WE E L❜ A]).

Note. In some words of foreign language origin in place of the letter but After [H], the sound can be pronounced [a] without reduction: teahouse [cha].

§ 53

§ 53. At the place of the letter i (and letters but After [h] and [sh]) in unstressed endings Pronounced vowel [k]: cf. ka play, dyed (pronounced [ka pl❜ ъ], [n❜ ъ]); MOY, FIELDS, O CUNNY, POL CHAND. p. h. (Pronounce [MO R❜ ъ], [on L❜ K], [about KUN❜ ъ], [PLA CU]); Na Rye, Stu Lia, Sousie - they. P, MN. h. (pronounced [ne R❜ Ya], [Stu L❜ Ya], [Sud Chey]), ka beaches, ka danies, ka danies (pronounced [Ka Pl❜ ❜), [ka town], [ka pl❜ ❜)); rods, rods, rods (pronounced [RO SHUM], [ROHU], [RO SHUH]); and me, time, the places, stre (pronounced [and M❜ Kommersant], [Vre M❜ K], [PE M❜ Kommersant], [Stre M❜ ъ]); Vi Dia, I, Pope Cha (pronounced [VI D❜ ъ], [Know], [Plase]); Evil I, a friend I (pronounced [Evil Ya], [friend yъ]); A hundred paradise, pre-brought (pronounced [hundred rely], [before Rub]); Bara Nya, PH, Chose, Evijie (pronounced [Ba Ran❜y], [in Chose], [Norma]); of this day (pronounced [Sivo D❜ N❜ ъ]).

§ 66

§ 66. The following consonants are both solid and soft: [l] and [b], [φ] and [in], [t] and [d], [s] and [s], [m], [ p], [l], [n]. For each of these consonants in Russian graphics there is an appropriate letter. The softness of these consonants at the end of the word is indicated by the letter b. Cf. Top and Top (pronounced [Top❜]), Econo M and Econo MJ (pronounced [Ekano M❜]), Uda P and Udr Pie (pronounced [Ud R❜]), was and pronounced (pronounced [was]). It is also denoted by the softness of these consonants before consonants: the corner and coal (pronounced [KA]), Ba Nku and Ba Nku (pronounced [Ba N❜ k]), re dko and re ditka (pronounced [RE T❜ KE]) .

The softness of these consonants before vowels is denoted by the letters following them vowels: letter i (Unlike but) denotes vowel [a] after a soft consonant; cf. Mal and meal (pronounced [M❜ al]); letter e. (Unlike about) denotes vowel [o] after a soft consonant; cf. Mall and ME (pronounced [M❜ Ol]); letter yu (Unlike w.) denotes vowel [y] after a soft consonant; cf. Tuk and Bay (pronounced [T❜ uk]). Approximately the use of letters is also distributed. and and s: letter and consumed after soft consonants and at the beginning of the word, and the letter s after solid consonants who have a soft pair; cf. The game, hut, clean, sews, drank and dust, mil and soap, forks and crawled, thread and whining, wear and noses.

Examples for distinguishing solid and soft consonants: Top and Top (pronounced [Top❜]), Bo Dro and Berd (pronounced [B❜ O DRA]), Count and Graphic (pronounced [Graf❜ a]), Val and Vysl (pronounced [V❜ al]), raft and flesh (pronounced [Plot]), shame and shame (pronounced [Shame A]), OS and axis (pronounced [OS❜]); Thunderstorm and thunder (pronounced [Graz❜ a]), ox and velit (pronounced [❜ ol]), coffin and grab (pronounced [gr❜ op]), became steel (pronounced [became]), nose and ness (pronounced [N❜ OS]), onions and hatch (pronounced [L❜ UK]), th RKA and RO RCO (pronounced [GO R❜ KE]).

1 Pronouncing dictionary Russian language: pronunciation, emphasis, grammatical forms / S.N. Borunova, V.L. Vorontsova, N.A. Yesakova; Ed. R.I. Avanesova. - 4th ed., Ched. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1988. - 704 s ..