English tests are a complex level. English language test for beginners

Questions for testing educators of children's preschool institutions.

a) through the lungs

b) through the mouth

c) through the skin

2. Maximum time wakefulness of children 3-7 years old:

a) 4.5-5 hours

b) 5.5-6 hours

c) 6-7 hours

3. Daily walking duration for children:

a) 2-2.5 hours

b) 3-4 hours

at 5:00

4. Total daily sleep for children preschool age:

a) 8-10 hours

b) 12-12.5 hours

c) 13-14 hours

5. The maximum allowable volume of educational burden in the first half of the day for preschool children in senior group (Children of the sixth year of life):

a) 45 minutes

b) 50 minutes

c) 60 minutes

6. Breaks between classes must be:

a) at least 5 minutes

b) at least 10 minutes

c) at least 15 minutes

7. The duration of physical education for children is 4 years old:

a) 10 minutes

b) 15 minutes

c) 20 minutes

8. Classes for physical Development The main educational program for children aged 3 to 7 years is organized:

a) at least 3 times a week

b) at least 4 times a week

c) at least 2 times a week

9. Is allowed to implement the next day dishes prepared on the eve?

c) yes, after thermal processing

10. What multiple is hygienic training and certification:

a) 1 time in 2 years

b) 1 time per year

c) before entering work and in the future 1 time in 2 years

11. As all time before the arrival of children from a walk or classes, it is necessary to finish the air ventilation:

a) 10 minutes

c) 30 minutes

12. Where should the natural light on the surface of the table, should fall from the table:

a) right

13. Is it possible to use soft-knitted and pyolateks toys for games:

b) only as didactic benefits

c) it is impossible

14. Change towels spend:

a) as pollution, but at least 1 time per week

b) 1 time in 10 days

15. Kefir, Ryazhenka, Prostokavasha and others dairy products Purpose in cups:

a) directly from packages or bottles

b) from the total pan

16. The principle of children's disposal during classes:

a) in random order

17. How many sets of individual bed linen and towels should be on one child:

a) 1 set

b) 2 sets

c) 3 sets

18. Food products that are not allowed to use children in preschool organizations:

a) rice porridge

b) cottage cheese from nonpasteurized milk, flake sour cream without heat treatment;

c) meat cutlets

19. Air temperature in receptions, game youngest, medium, older group
cells should be at least:

a) 21 degrees

b) 20 degrees

c) 19 degrees

20. Existing sanitary rules are:

a) Sanpin - 10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of pre-school educational institutions"

b) SanPine "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of preschool general educational organizations"

Questions for testing junior educators DDU.

1. How microbes of dysentery and other intestinal diseases in the human body penetrate:

a) through the lungs

b) through the mouth

c) through the skin

2. What a disease belongs to food poisoning:

b) Salmonelles

3. How much is a 10% lighted solution of chlorine lime for cooking 10l 0.5% solution:

a) 2 times a day

b) 1 time per day

c) 1 time per week

5. Cleaning window glass and lighting reinforcement should be carried out:

a) at least 1 time per year

b) at least 2 times a year

c) at least 3 times a year

6. Periodicity of bed linen change:

a) 1 time in 2 weeks

b) 1 time in 10 days

c) 1 time in 7 days

7. Water temperature for washing dishes in 1 bath:

8. Requirements for cleaning toilet inventory:

a) the harvesting inventory must have a signal marking and stored separately

b) Cleaning equipment must have labeling "toilet" and stored with the rest of the cleaning inventory

9. Dressing dirty linen in the laundry:

a) in sheets

b) in adhesive bags

c) in pillowcase

10. How to put clean money in washing baths:

a) weigh the required amount

b) on "Eye"

c) have a special dimensional capacity

11. How the winding winds should be stored:

a) in the tank "Trem"

b) in the 2-marked "Clean Wall" and "Used Warms"

c) at the edges of the washing baths

12.What products are forbidden to use children in nutrition:

b) milk

c) cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk

13. The absence of a medical examination:

a) 1 time per year

b) 2 times a year

1. The problem of nosocomial infections is relevant because:

A. More often sick people of young, able-bodied age;

B. * Registered high level morbidity, mortality disability, economic damage;

C. All persons affected by medical help in LPU

2. The prevalence of VBI in Europe and the USA is:

A. * 50-80 per 1000 patients treated in LPU;

B. Each second hospitalized LPU;

C. 20 per 100 thousand population

3. The level of prevalence of BBI in the Russian Federation and the Sverdlovsk region according to official statistics:

A. Each second hospitalized LPU;

B. 20 per 100 thousand people;

C. * 1.0 per 1000 treated in LPU

4. Definition of BBI:

A. Any disease identified in the LPU;

B. * Any clinically recognized infectious disease, affecting the patient and personnel;

C. Various infectious diseases with which the patient appealed to the LPU

5. The main reasons for the growth of VBI:

A. Non-compliance with the disinfection regime;

B. * Formation of GS, artificial mechanism;

C. The presence of diseases among employees

6. Determination of the hospital strain:

A. Any microorganism highlighted with an object external environment and from patient's pathological material;

B. Any microorganism allocated from staff resistant to antibiotics;

C. * The strain that has adapted to the hospital conditions has developed resistance to unfavorable external factors and caused at least 2 cases of vibium

7. Features of the hospital strain:

A. * High virulence, antibiotic resistance, disinfectants, UFO

B. The intensity of reproduction in the external environment;

C. Resistance to antibiotics

8. The leading mechanism of transmission with purulent-septic infections (GSI):

A. Aerogenic;

B. Fecal-oral;

C. * Artificial (manipulation)

9. System of infectious control for VBI (definition):

A. Tracking the incidence in LPU;

B. Observation of the health status of employees

C. Action system for VBI prevention measures based on epidemiological diagnostics

10. The structure of epidemiological supervision for VBI includes:

A. * Information subsystem, epidemiological diagnostics, managerial subsystem;

B. Disinfection, sterilization, observation of the health of employees;

C. Identification of risk factors and analysis of the data

11. Development and application of epidemiologically safe algorithms of diagnostic and medical procedures - infectious control measures:

A. * Preventive and anti-epidemic measures;

B. Protection of personnel health;

C. Epidemiological diagnosis of VBI

12. The main measures for the prevention of parenteral infections (HIV, hepatitis B and C) in the LPU are aimed at:

A. 1 elevation of the epidemic process;

B. * 2 elevation of the epidemic process;

C. 3 elevation of the epidemic process

13. The prevention of HIV-infection is the prevention of HIV infection relates to a group of activities by:

A. Primary HIV prevention;

B. * Secondary prophylaxis;

C. Tertiary prophylaxis

14. When cut or puncture, the wound must be processed:

A. 70% alcohol;

B. running water;

C. * 5% iodine alcohol

15. When biomaterial gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, they are immediately treated:

A. 0.05% solution of manganese-acid potassium;

B. 70% alcohol;

C. * 0.01% solution of manganese-sour potassium;

16. Ways of HIV infection - infection:

A) subject household

B) perinatal *

C) airborne drip

D) parenteral *

E) heterosexual *

E) homosexual *

17. Biological fluids containing the maximum amount of HIV virus:

A) Slyuna

B) sperm *

C) Vaginal Secret *

E) blood and its components *

E) Likvor *

G) breast milk

18. When examining HIV, the infection is detected:

A) Virus HIV

B) HIV virus antigens

C) antibodies for HIV virus *

D) virus particles

19. The average deadlines for the appearance of antibodies to the HIV virus:

A) 1 month

B) 3-6 months *

C) 9 months

D) 12 months

20. What is part of the first-aid kit "Anti-HIV":

A) manganese hitch *

B) samples of chlorine

C) distilled water *

D) ethyl alcohol 100%

E) iodine tincture 5% *

E) ethyl alcohol 70% *

G) pipettes *

21. Procedure for processing in emergency situations during skin damage:

A) Treat Dz. solution and make a wound

B) treat alcohol, squeeze blood and fuck wound

C) Wash hands with soap (without removing gloves), squeeze blood from the wound, wash your hands and process 5% iodine solution *

D) squeeze the blood from the wound, to handle 5% iodine mortar

22. Action algorithm for emergency situations:

A) conduct processing, start preventive treatment

B) to carry out the processing to record an accident log

C) carry out treatment, write an accident to the magazine, draw up an act of an emergency situation, to consult in an infectious examiner, to start preventive treatment *

D) carry out processing, write an accident to the magazine, start preventive treatment

23. What security measures are used in the LPU to protect staff from VBI:

A) use of the means of barrier protection *

B) Preventive vaccinations *

C) use of gas mask

D) the use of immunoglobulins

E) antibiotic preventive treatment

24. Disinfection is:

A) the destruction of vegetative views of microorganisms

B) the destruction of the pathogenic view of microorganisms at objects ambient*

C) the destruction of all microorganisms in the premises

25. The frequency of current disinfection (cleaning) in procedural (manipulating):

A) daily

B) weekly

C) 2 times a week

D) 1 time per week

E) at least 2 times a day *

26. The frequency of general cleaning in procedural (manipulating, dressings, etc.):

A) daily

B) weekly

C) 2 times a week

D) 1 time per week *

E) at least 2 times a day

27. Chamber disinfection of bedding is carried out:

A) 1 time per week

B) after each patient *

C) after the dead and infectious patients

D) 1 time month d 1 time per quarter

28. Procedure for processing medical products of reusable application:

A) cleaning, disinfection, sterilization

B) disinfection, cleaning, storage, sterilization

C) disinfection, cleaning, sterilization *

D) disinfection, sterilization

29. Disinfection of medical products is carried out:

A) after each use *

B) before use

C) after sterilization

D) before recycling *

30. Methods of disinfection of medical products:

A) ultraviolet irradiation

B) boiling *

C) washing with running water

D) immersion in a disinfecting solution *

E) soaking in the detergent

31. Preservation of medical cleaning of medical purposes is carried out:

A) immediately after use

B) before sterilization *

C) before disinfection

D) before utilization

32. The quality of preservation is estimated:

A) carrying out samples for the presence of residual amounts of disinfectants

B) carrying out the presence of residual amounts of blood *

C) carrying out samples for the presence of residual amounts of alkaline components of the detergent solution

D) carrying out the presence of residual amounts of distilled water

33. Types of samples for assessing the quality of preservation:

A) benzene

B) azopiram *

C) amidopyrin *

D) ethanol

E) and phenolphthalein *

34. Multiplicity of self-monitoring of the quality of preservation:

A) daily *

B) 1 time in 2 days

C) 1 time per week

D) 1 time in 10 days

E) 1 time per month

35 Sterilization is:

A) removal of pathogenic microorganisms from medical products

B) the destruction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms

C) the destruction of all types of microorganisms on medical products, incl. dispute*

36. Sterilization methods:

A) ultraviolet irradiation

B) steam *

C) boiling

D) gas *

37. d) air *

E) glansy *

G) solutions *

H) freezing

38. For chemical sterilization with solutions, funds from the following groups of dezers are used: a) hydrogen peroxide *

C) aldehydes *

D) nadkislota *

E) alcohols

39. Chemical sterilization methods with solutions are carried out:

A) constantly for all types of tools

B) for products that are impossible to sterilize ferry or hot air *

C) for glass products

D) for rubber products

40. Hygienic processing of medical staff is carried out:

A) before carrying out injections *

B) before carrying out operations

C) after visiting the toilet

D) before receiving birth

E) after the end of manipulations *

E) when blood fence on research

41. Surgical processing of medical staff is carried out:

A) before carrying out injections

B) before carrying out operations *

C) after visiting the toilet

D) before receiving birth *

E) after the end of the manipulation

E) when blood fence at donors *

42. The use of alcohol skin antiseptics is required:

A) with hygienic handling

B) when processing the hands of surgeons *

C) when washing the hands of medical staff

43. Recycling of piercing - cutting tools. Conducting:

A) together in with other disposable tools

B) separate from other tools *

C) along with dressing materials

44. Removing medical waste of class B and in conduct:

A) 1 time per week,

B) daily *

C) 1 time in 10 days

D) 1 time in 3 days

45. Aseptics - this is a set of events

A) to combat infection in the wound

* b) on the prevention of infection in the wound

46. \u200b\u200bAntiseptic is a set of events

* a) to combat infection in the wound

B) on the prevention of infection in the wound

C) on disinfection tools

D) on the sterilization of tools

47. Disinfection is

B) the destruction of all microorganisms, including spore-forming

* c) Destruction of pathogenic microbes

48. Sterilization is

A) a set of measures warning microbes in the wound

* b) the destruction of all microorganisms, including spore-forming

C) the destruction of pathogenic microbes

D) mechanical removal of microorganisms from the surface of medical products

49. The use of hydrogen peroxide refers to the antiseptic method

A) physical

* b) chemical

C) mechanical

D) biological

50. The physical method of sterilization includes

* a) autoclaving

B) immersion in 70% Ethyl alcohol solution

C) immersion in 6% hydrogen peroxide solution

D) exposure to formalin pairs

51. Operational underwear is sterilized in mode

A) 180 ° C - 60 min.

B) 120 ° C. - 1.1 atm. - 45 min.

C) 160 ° C - 180 min.

* d) 132 ° C - 2.0 atm. - 20 minutes.

52. Products made of rubber and plastics are sterilized in mode

A) 180 ° C - 60 min.

* b) 120 ° C - 1.1 atm. - 45 min.

C) 160 ° C - 180 min.

D) 132 ° C - 2.0 atm. - 20 minutes.

53. Time of chemical sterilization of tools in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution at room temperature

*at 6:00

54. The main mode of dry sterilization of tools

A) 120 ° C - 40 min.

B) 180 ° C - 3 hours

C) 200 ° C - 40 min.

*) 180 ° C - 1 hour

55. Sample on the quality of the prerequisite processing of tools

A) formalinovaya

* b) azopiram

C) benzoic

D) nicotinamide

56. Anesthesia-respiratory equipment is disinfected with solution

A) 96% of ethyl alcohol - 10 min.

B) 10% of formaldehyde - 10 min.

C) 1% chlorine - 60 min.

* d) 3% hydrogen peroxide - 60 min.

57. To control the quality of hand treatment, use

A) thermal indices

* b) bacteriological control

C) phenolphthalene sample

D) amidopyrin sample

58. The shelf life of a closed sterile bike without a filter is no more

* a) 3 days

B) 1 day

C) 20 days

D) 6 hours

59. Open Bix Sterility is saved

* a) 6 hours

B) 12 hours

C) 10 hours

D) 24 hours

60. General cleaning in the operating unit is carried out 1 time in

* b) week

C) 10 days

D) 2 weeks

61. Violation of the aseptics of injection can lead to

A) air emblem

B) allergic reaction

* c) abscess

D) lipodystrophia

62. One-time system after infusion therapy is necessary

A) throw away immediately

* b) cut, soak in desionism

C) pass the older nurse

D) rinse with running water

63. Exogenous path of penetration of infection in a wound from

A) destroyed by caries teeth

* b) external environment

C) inflamed almonds

D) affected kidney

64. Endogenous path of infection in the wound

A) airborne drip

B) contact

C) air-dust

* d) lymphogenic

65. In the operating unit, air crops are produced

A) 4 times a month

* b) 1 time per month

C) 1 time in 3 months

D) 1 time in 2 months

66. Duration of disinfection of boiling in distilled water

A) 15 minutes

B) 45 minutes

C) 60 minutes

* d) 30 minutes

67. When pre-processing, the tools are immersed in the washing solution on

* b) 15 min.

68. After using rubber gloves are exposed

* a) disinfection, preservation cleaning, sterilization

B) washing under running water, sterilization

C) disinfection, sterilization

D) preservation cleaning, sterilization

69. Daily wet cleaning in the wards is carried out

* c) 2 times

70. Duration of disinfection of medical thermometers in 2% chlorine solution (in min.)

71. Disinfection of scissors, razor devices is carried out

* a) immersion in alcohol 70? From for 15 minutes.

B) immersion in 1% chlorine solution for 1 hour

C) rubbing alcohol

D) boiling for 30 minutes. in water

72. Booster duration in a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution when disinfection of multigrementarity of reusable use (in min.)

73. To sterilize disposable plastic medical products in industry use

A) UV radiation

B) sterilization with fluid ferry

* c) gamma radiation

D) fractional sterilization

74. Exposure in disinfection of spatulas in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (in min.)

75. Overalls, abundantly contaminated blood, needed

* a) Remove and soak in desion for 1 hour

B) send to laundry

C) to process the place of pollution with a tampon moistened with Dz. solution

D) take off the place of pollution to be caught up with soap

76. In the filter bikca, the contents are considered sterile from the moment of sterilization during

* a) 20 days

B) 7 days

At 6:00

D) 24 hours

77. Insufficiently processed hands of medical staff are

A) source of infection

* b) infection transmission factor

C) source and factor in transmission of infection

78. Ringing mode of the procedural office

A) every 60 min. for 15 minutes

B) 2 times a day

C) 3 times a day

* d) 2 hours a 30 min.

79. The device used to sterilize the dressing material

A) thermostat

* b) autoclave

C) tear cabinet

D) sterilizer

80. To control the temperature in the steam sterilizer use

A) sucrose, IS-160

* b) benzoic acid, IS-120

C) amber acid, IS-180

D) wine acid, IS-160

81. Type of harvesting of the procedural office, which is held at the end of the working day

* a) concluding

B) Current

C) General

D) preliminary

82. The number of the order of the USSR Ministry of Health, regulating the SanEpidreim LPU for Hepatitis Prevention

83. General cleaning of the procedure Cabinet is carried out

A) 2 times a month

B) 1 time per month

* c) 1 time per week

D) 1 time per day

84. Positive azopiram for hidden blood gives staining

A) green

B) Pink

C) red

* d) purple (blue-violet)

85. Processing of nurse mucous membranes when the patient's blood is hosted on them

A) 6% hydrogen peroxide solution

B) 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

C) 1% hydrogen peroxide solution, flowing water

* d) 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate, 70? With alcohol

86. Sterile control method

A) Visual

* b) bacteriological

C) physical

D) Pharmacological

87. To control the temperature in the air sterilizer, use

A) sulfur, IS-120

B) benzoic acid, IS-120

* c) amber acid, IS-180

D) nicotinamide, IS-132

88. The thermal disinfection method refers

* a) boiling

B) ultraviolet irradiation

C) twofold wiping with disinfecting solution

D) immersion in detergent solution

89. Used harvesting inventory is subject to

A) destruction

B) ventilation

C) washing

* d) disinfection

90. The maximum HIV concentration is determined in

A) sputum

*in blood

D) sperm

91. Processing of the skin when a HIV-infected material appears on it is carried out

A) 96? alcohol

* b) 70? alcohol

C) 6% hydrogen peroxide solution

D) 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

92. Cleaning a procedural cabinet produces

A) a ward nurse

B) younger nurse

C) senior nurse

* d) Procedural Nurse

93. Cleaning the dining room and the buffet should be carried out

A) 2 times a day

B) 3 times a day

* c) after each distribution of food

D) at the end of the working day

94. Term of the use of a detergent solution with a "biolot"

A) 72 hours

B) 48 hours

C) 24 hours

* d) once

95. Control of the sterility of the dressing material is carried out by

A) use of chemical indicators

B) use of biological indicators

* c) sowing for nutrient media

D) use of physical indicators

96. Clean tips immediately after use are subject to

A) boiling

B) sterilization

* c) disinfection

D) rinse under running water

97. The couch, which is used to examine the patient, it is necessary to disinfect

* a) after each patient

B) once a day

C) at the end of the shift

D) during general cleaning

98. The most reliable method of controlling sterilization

A) Mechanical

B) chemical

C) physical

* d) biological

99. With a positive phenolphthalene sample, staining appears

A) blue-green

B) purple

* c) pink

D) brown

100. Phenolphthalein sample is carried out to determine residues

A) oil solution

* c) detergent

D of medicinal

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