Sound P (P, Letter P) Plan-abstract Literacy training (senior group) on the topic. Letter P »" Acquaintance with sounds, with the letter R, r. "Sounds P, P

Sounds [P], [PU], Letter P

Purpose: introduce children S.letter n and sounds [P] and [P '].

Tasks :


    clarify the articulation of sounds [P], [PJ];

    improve the skill of phondematic analysis and synthesis;

    learn to determine the position of sound in words;

    to acquaint children with a graphically letter P;

    learn the analysis and synthesis of syllables AP, OP, UE.


    develop auditory memory, attention and perception;

    develop the ability to concentrate attention;

    develop the ability to control impulsive actions;

    teach children throw out in an acceptable form accumulated stress (wrath).


    relieve the skill of clear pronunciation of sounds [P], | PJ |;

    educating the ability to work throughout the lesson.

Equipment: subject pictures (postman, piglets, cock); pictures for drawing up words from the first sounds (listed during occupation); envelopes with tasks; letters; Sound houses; Blue and green chips.

Move classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Psychogympics (allows children to remove the emotional stress, corrects the emotional-willed sphere).

Picture quarrel roosters.

Picture piglets that wolf scared.

Now look at each other, smile, call each other affectionately (after that children sit down).

    Message Topics Classes .

(A picture of the postman's image is displayed, envelopes are demonstrated.)

    Look, who is it? (This is the postman)

    What did he bring us? (Letters)

    What is the first sound in the word "postman"? (Sound n)

- What is the first sound you heard in the word "letters"? (Sound [PJ])

    Guess what sounds will we talk about today? (About the sounds [n], [ PJ])

    Characteristics of sounds [ P |. [PJ |.

    Take the sound [n].whatyou see? (Lips are compressed and squeezed)

    Try to read the sound [n].

    Was it? (Not)

    So, sound [n | vowel or consonant? (Consonant).

    What kind of house we settle it? (In blue) (demonstrated blue house)

    Put your hand on the throat, say the sound. Sleeps voice or rings? (Sleeping)

    So, the sound [n] is deaf or ringing? (Deaf)

    What kind of sound we pronounce firmly [n] or [n]? (Sound [P |)

    And how do we pronounce the sound [n]? (Soft)

    What word did I call you, starting with [PL]? (Letter)

    The sound [n] - the brother of sound [n], we will designate it with a green circle and set in a green house.

    And now tell me which sound [n]? (Consonant, solid, deaf)

    Now we will play (the development of auditory perception). I will call the sounds [n] [bnee], and you will raise a blue circle ifwill hearsolid sound, or green, if you hear a soft sound.

Pencil, cock, desk, vacuum cleaner, glove, saw, song, dog, bee, park, field, gift, tomato, friday, stove, Petya, Peacock.

    Training exercises aimed at the formation of a clear phonetic-phonematics image of sounds.

    Do you want to find out who sent us letters?(We want)Then guess the riddle. Ahead is a patch, behind the hook, in the middle of the back, and behind the bristle (piglet). What sound is the first in this word? ([P])

Sit on the fence, sang and shouted, and how everyone got together, I took it silently (cock) - [PL].

    So, from who letters? (From the pig and rooster) are not simple letters, but task letters. But we can only open them after you repeat the syllables for me: PA-PU AP-OP-UP PA - PA - by

And now tell me which syllable is extra? Pa-Pu-Pu-ka (ka)

    See what sent us a piglet (the development of auditory memory, attention and perception).

First letter.

    Development of phonderatic synthesis.

    The pig is asking for you to guess what words will come from sounds that I said at his request:P ... oh ... l p ... and ... l ... and p ... and ... at ... to p ... and ... p

    What sound starts the word? ([P], [PJ])

    What word starts with [n]? (Saw)

    Development phonematical analysis and synthesis.

    The piglets suggests you to draw up words from the first sounds of the names of the pictures (pictures are presented).

Owl, mustache, gun (word "soup").

Plate, snail, bread (word "fluff");

Moon, orange, handkerchief, watermelon (word "paw");

Panama, antenna, rose (word "couples").

    What is the general sound in all words? ([P]).

    Name words starting with sound [P] (Pooh, par.)

    Name the Word where the sound [P | At the end (soup)

    Where sound [n | in the middle? (Paw)

(This task is aimed at determining the position of the sound [n] in words)

    Game: "Speak." Development of ability to control impulsive actions.

    The pig wants to play with you. I will ask you simple questions, but you can answer them only when I say: "Speak!"

What is the day of the week tomorrow?Pause. Speak! (Friday)

    What is the name of the word Cup, plate, saucepan?Pause. Speak! (Dishes)

    What hand do you hold a spoon when you eat?Pause. Speak! (Right)

4. Fizkultminutka.

- And now we will rest. If this is the word "on the floor", then sat down if "on the ceiling", then raise your hands up: plinth, lamp, parquet, whitewash, palace, spider.

Slamming your hands if you hear the sound

Spheres arrived at the bazaar.

Flyems spider brought goods.

He twisted him on Osinka:

"Which of you wishes the cobwebs?"

Sloves in your hands when you hear the sound [PL]

Be, h, bless, fuck, bube, ditch, d, b. BA, PI, SI, PI, TE, NU, NU. Lump, aspen, fir, timme, rowan, foam, back, penny, piggy bank. And now again for work.

    Acquaintance with graphically letters P.

    Now let's see what sent uscockerel.But in order to fulfill his task, you need to know how the letter P. Watch, here is the letter P. what does she look like? (On the crossbar, on the gate)

    Listen, I will tell you a poem about the letter P.

The letter P on the bridge looks like the bridge there is passenger.

And at the bottom through the pass the steamer saves.

So, what tasks did the cockerel prepared you?

Second letter.

1. Restoration of graphic image letter P.

    Cockerel asked to give you these leaves. See, the letter P here was worried. Put it, please (children distribute leaves with letters n, which have no elements there are no).

    Consolidation of the visual image of the letter P and development concentration of attention.

    Cockerel asks you to find and emphasize all lettersP(On the leaflets lying before the children, the letters known to them) are written).

And P y and p l p

    Game "Little Ghosts". Splashing accumulated voltage (anger).

    Cockerel also wants to play with youlittlegood ghosts. We wanted to make a little loose and frighten each other. In my cotton you will make your hands like this move: bent in the elbows hands raised, the fingers are spread and pronouncescaryvoice sound [y]. If I will clap softly, you will be quietly pronounced if I clap loudly, you will scare loudly. But remember that we are kind of ghosts and want to only slightly lose weight.

Well done! Lheothigani and enough. Let's become children again.

    Development of auditory perception.

Development of pronouncing sounds [P], [PJ] in sentences.

    Cockerel wants you to tell the patters, and I checked, who will tell them faster and more correctly.

Petya sawed saw stump.

From the topot of the hoof, dust flies on the field.

    Outcome. Evaluation of the work of children. Well done! With the task, they coped perfectly, what sounds we studied today? ([P], [PJ]) Name according to one word with the sound [P].

Abstract of speech therapy classes with pupils 6-7 years old for learning elements of diplomas

Subject:Sounds [P-P "], letter" P ".

Purpose: To acquaint with the sounds [P-P "] and the letter" P ".

Correctional and educational tasks:

Clarify the articulation of sounds [P-P "];

Differentiate sounds on hardness-softness;

Fasten the ability to highlight the initial consonant sound [n] in words

and determine his place in the word.

Correctional and educational tasks:

- develop phonmematic hearing, visual attention and

perception, connected speech,

Correctional-educational tasks:

- to form mutual understanding and mutual assistance in class.

Equipment:pictures on the sounds [P-P]] , card with letter "P", ball, counting sticks.

Structure occupation

1 . Organizing time

Guys, today an unusual guest came to our class, and who is it, you

must guess. Listen to the riddle: "Rear is a hook, front - patch."

That's right, it is a pig, and his donut is called. I want to tell you about

our guest story.

2. Message Topics Classes

- Once the pony's piglets went to walk to the park. And suddenly he heard how

someone cries and calls to help. Donut looked around and

i saw that this little bird crying. "Please help me

the chopper fell out of the nest, "the donut bird asked. The chick lying on

penka and complaints of Cook: Pi-Pi Pi. Powders took a stick, put on it

the chick and raised it, and then put in the nest. And mom's mother joyfully

patched a song about the good little pitch.

What kind of sound is repeated in the words: pigs donut, bird, chick.

That's right, sound [P].

3. Articulation sounds [P-P "] and their characteristics

Let's say this sound together.

The lips are closed, the air jet breaks closed lips.

- Sound [n] vowel or consonant? (Consonant). Why?

The sound [n] is deaf, solid, pronounced lips.

And the sound [P "] is also deaf, but soft.

4. Fizkultminutka

Bend with cotton

and then get up with cotton.

Down and up, down and up

Clear, louder than everyone!

On one leg of the ridge.

How elastic ringing ball.

On another ridge too.

We can jump for a very long time.

Head rotate smoothly

We look at the left, look right.

We will rest a little

And let's go to the lesson.

5. Choose a word with sounds [P-P "] (with the ball)

beetle Spider Cat

barrel kidney cottage cheese cake

koni-pony jam-cookies

chanva-Panama Spirit-Pooh

flower-shawl var-steam

talka stick Will-field

6. Exercise "Correction Word"

Guys, donut offers a little play. I will call incomprehensible words. You need to substitute the sound of the word [P] and call it correctly

alka, AUC, ASTA, Ear, Radel, Cancer, Cup, Oka, Point.

7. Didactic exercise "Finish the word"

Now let's play on the contrary, we will add the sound [n] to the end of the word.

su ... (P), Ukro ... (P), Kar ... (P), Ser ... (P), Tra ... (P), Tool ... (P), CLO. ..(P)

8. Exercise "Determined the place of sound in words"

Donut, goes to a forest school, but does not know how to determine the place of sound in

words, let's help him.

Donut each of you will give a picture, and you tell me where we are heard

sounds: At the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word.

9 . Acquaintance with the letter P.

Guys, see how the letter "P" is written. What does she look like?

(On the horizontal bar, on the doorway)

Put the letter "P" of chopsticks. How many sticks need? (Three sticks)

Listen to the verse, about the letter "P".

The letter "P" in the gym.

The crossbar was called.

Well, ka, cute, not be lazy,

Come and pull up.

10. Work in the notebook. Printing letters "P"

Open the notebook and write the letter "P". And also typing the syllables of the AP, OP.

11. Outcome classes

What sounds did we meet today? (With sounds [P-P "])

What letter are these sounds indicate? (Letter "P")

What words on the sounds [pf "] did you remember? (Rooster, Pony, Spider, Party)

Before we proceed to the Internet lesson, guess the riddle ...

Multicolored acrobat
Amuses all the guys.
He sticks peas from a bowl
And chatting in English ... ..

Right, parrot.

Parrots are one of the most beautiful birds who tamed a man. They are surprised by their mental abilities and a cheerful temper. And you know that ...

  • Parrots can imitate completely different sounds: from human voice to noise working household appliances.
  • In the Red Book, a parrot Jaco was listed. This is the most taller bird. He knew about 400 words, spoke with whole proposals and even in several languages!

And this is the largest parrot Ara. Name Petya.

You guessed why we spoke about parrots? ... Today we study the sound [P]. Expite the sound together. Describe it.

And who remembered what is the name of our parrot? What is the first sound? Right, soft sound [P`].

1. Find words on sound [P]and [P`]

2. "Who more?"

First go through all words with sound [P]located on the floor ( plinth, parquet, Palace), then - on the ceiling ( lamp, whitewash, spider).

3. "Traffic light".If solid sound, lift up the blue pencil, if the soft sound is green.

Spider, stump, piggy, postman, cock, vacuum cleaner, pillow, cake, letter, coat, tomato, five, gun, butt.

4. "Professions". Name ten professions on [P]. (Carpenter, pianist, baker, postman, hairdresser, seller, programmer, pilot, singer, producer, dishwasher.)

5. "Challenge Sloves"

  • And from the wind, and from the heat, from the rain you will use. And how to sleep sweetly! What is it?.. (Tent)
  • Wagted with ice floes to us at the matinee ...
  • It is round and red, like the eye of the traffic light. There is no juicy in vegetables ...
  • I took a flour and took cottage cheese, baked crumbly ... (pie)
  • I am a hostess of various dreams about dolphins, about the elephants, about the Palaces of Crystal and about the star distant. You go to bed, and in your ear there is a sony ... (pillow)
  • Your assistants are a look - a dozen friendly fraternity. How nice to live, when they are not afraid of work. And, as a good boy, loving everyone ... (finger)
  • It sits down on the flowers, not the charter in the morning. Louds wax and honey gave a restless ... (bee).

6. Consider pictures and call all items, first in the title of which there are sounds [P]then with sound [P`].

7. Create pictures, name them. Determine the presence and place in the word sound [P][P`].

8. Calculate the number of syllables in words and circle in the circle you need.

9. Calculate the number of letters in the word and circle the corresponding digit into the square.

10 . Passwords in two columns: Parta, Rooster, Penguin, Tableware, Saw, Coat

P'________________ P_________________
_________________ _________________
_________________ _________________

11. Consider pictures. Insert the missed letters to work out the word underscore soft [P`] in words.

12. Add a syllable read the resulting words.

13 . Write the first sounds of objects in the cells. And you find out what the dolphinok fonders.

14. Words crumbled, from syllables Make words and read. Stress hard sound [P] Blue paste, green paste soft sound in words.

And here is the letter P In the summer panama. Letter P loves summer - p Esok plying pworry ...

1. "Invisible words"

- I am the best weaver in the world.

P - - -

- In me, laughing, children play.

P - - -

- I am two shoes, two gloves.

P - - -

- Because of me faded.

– – – –

About T in E T: spider, park, couple, heat.

2. "Lestenka"

3. "Release steam!"

4. "For one letter"

Now let's try to change the words, take away from them in one letter.

1. These six letters can be seen on the floor.

P - - - - T

2. These five letters in the hands of the one who goes out of the store.

P - - - T

3. These four letters are looking for in diplomatic documents.

P - - T

4. This word knows any chess player.

P - T.

5. This word is looking for a dance.

About T in E T: parquet, package, pact, pat, pa.

5. "Magic chain"

Replace one letter in words:

stick - daw - beam;

stove - River - S.;

stove - pack - kidney;

stump - day - shadow - laziness;

port - Cort - Cort;

floor - Vol - Koh Kon - Kit - Kit.

6. "Find a word in the word"

Plow ( luga, Gul); regiment ( paul, Kol); fields ( Olya); Parta ( tara, par); translation ( bucket, tree, before); tray ( bottom, one, under, nose, sleep); Pilaf ( fishing, ox, floor).

7. "Make up new words"

From the letters of this word make new words.

8. Start with the letter n

About T in E T: stump, benefit, letter, briefcase, fingers, coat, five.

9. Dopsy words.

About T in E T: weather, pomelo, basement; leash, order, position; Fracture, translation, skew

10. Find hidden letters P. Circle them.

11. Hold a familiar letter.

12. Add the missing letter item.

13 . Circle in the circle all letters P.

14. Paint the cockerel where the letter P in red.

15 . Racing a large letter blue, and a small-green color. Sharchuy letter P sample. Find and paint the letter Pon the right side of the picture.

16. Connect with letter P Only those subjects whose names begin with sounds [P] and [P`].

17. Draw gradually increasing letters P on right. Circle in the circle all letters P left.

18. Clown. Cloown scattered the words if you collect them, then you will have a mystery.

About t in e t : In the summer I fly, honey I collect, no when you inform me, then I bite. (Bee.)

On hockey, on football
Letter P - Gate in the field.

Take any color pencil and plant all parts of the drawing in which you see letters P .
We read ...

21 . We write ...


Proverbs and sayings

  • They write not in front, but with the mind.
  • Late rose - I lost my day, I did not study in youth - I lost my life.
  • True my eyes rolling.
  • True on fire is not lit and in water is not sinking.
  • Recognition - Half correction.


  • Pavilion - A small building for recreation and entertainment.
  • Weather - The state of the atmosphere in this place at this time.

Atmosphere - This is an air envelope of the Earth.

  • Share - Part, share.
  • Palette- A small board, on which the artist mixes paints while working.
  • Raduz (or ramp) - the inclined site, serving for the entry of children's and wheelchairs in the house; for lifting cars in garages; In some cases, the stairs replaces.
  • Panorama - type of terrain (usually from an elevated place)
  • Pantomime - Representation by means of facial expressions and gestures, without words, game mimes.
  • Feat - Valiant, important action for many people.
  • Pozolo'ta - Application on the subject of a thin layer of gold.
  • Politics- public administration.
  • Profit - Income from the company's activities or enterprise.
  • Professor - the scientist and the position of teacher of a university or a researcher.
  • Psychology- Science studying the internal state of a person.

Winged expressions or phraseology

  • Overflow from empty to empty -punify or engage in aimless and unsuccessful business.

Empty - This is empty, not filled with nothing.

  • Float as an ax - Slow, do not be able to swim (about man).
  • Spit in the ceiling -sit back.
  • To visit someone else -survive the sensations that other people are experiencing.
  • Squeeze the tail -frightened, losing self-confidence.
  • Like two drops of water - Very strong (similar, similar, similar, etc.). Speak about the similarity of persons, objects, phenomena.
  • Pick up anyone to the wall -expose anyone.
  • Pass through the fire and water -about a man who fell into a lot of difficulties, tests.


5. Sloves in your hands, if you hear the sound n! ()
Spheres arrived at the bazaar.
Flyems spider brought the goods.
He twisted him on Osinka:
"Which of you wishes the cobwebs?"

6. Fizminutka. Watch out words with sound "P". If this is the word "on the floor", then squat, if "on the ceiling", then raise the pens up.
\u003d plinth, lamp, parquet, whitewashing, palace, spider

7. Read the syllables and add to them the letter or combinations of letters and get new words! ()
8. Make up the words from the symbols! ()

9. Read the words and find them on PAPe! ()

10a. Sound P & P()

10b. Guess the riddle!()
(1) lives in the dark corner,
Shell flush thread.
He secretly climbed here,
Build a new house gathered.

* Calculate how many syllables in the word "spider"! (2 syllables)
* What is the first syllable? (PA)
* What is the first sound in the "Pa" syllable? (P)
* Give the sound characteristic! (consonant, deaf, solid)
* What letter we denote the sound [n]? (P)

(2) on the southern pole
Frosty and brilliant
Born at Mom Dietnish one.
He dives into the sea,
Cold does not know
After all, he is real ...

* Count how many syllables in the word "Penguin"! (2 syllables)
* What is the first syllable? (ping)
* Name the second syllable! (wines)
* From what sound starts the word "penguin"? (PJ)
* Give the sound characteristic! (consonant, deaf, soft)
* What letter we denote the sound [n]? (P)

10V. Determine, soft or solid sound P!
\u003d pencils, tomato, cock, raft, petya, desk, vacuum cleaner, glove, saw, spider, song, dog, bee, park, field, gift

11. Locks in your hands when you hear the sound [P "]()
\u003d B ", T", P ", T", F ", P", K ", P", M ", P"
\u003d BA, PI, SI, PI, TE, NU, VU
\u003d lump, aspen, fir, foop, rubbish, rowan, foam, back, penny, piggy bank

12. Replace in the word first letter on the sound [P "]. What word did you do?()
\u003d fork - ... Ilka
\u003d laziness -
\u003d Medal -
\u003d Green -
\u003d ladder -
\u003d World -
\u003d leakage -
\u003d Lockers -
\u003d River -

13. The sounds of P and eat play with you in hide and seek.What sound hid in the title of each picture? Defined, at the beginning, middle or end of the word? ()

14. Find 8 words with the sounds of P and b. ()

15. Connect with the letter p only those subject, the names of which begin with sounds "P" and "PJ".()

16. Read the syllables and note the red pencil of a vowel sound, and in blue - consonant. ()

17. Can you get from the gun in all the letters of p? Make from them target: circle them in a circle. ()

18. Determine the first sound in the title of each picture. Write it into the cell and read the name of the animal. ()

19a. Print letter P.()

19b. Print letter P.()
19V. Print letter P. ()

Letter n in words ()

19g. Capital letter P.()

19d. Letter n - pass for children ()

20. Speech therapy lotto. ()

21A. Working sheet T.V.Nignateva ()

21b. Work sheet()

21B. Working sheets ()

21g. Work sheetfrom "Speech Development Games" ^

Topic number 13. Sounds [P], [P "]; [P] - [P"]. Letter P.

1. Learn the child to learn close people in vote.

2. Learn to perform graphic exercises.

3. To teach clearly pronounce the sounds [P], [P "], differentiate and on rumor and in pronunciation.

4. Learn the child to pronounce a series of syllables with a crossing of sounds.

5. Develop a child in child ideas.

6. Learn to independently analyze the word dad,make proposals on supporting words.

Task 1. Didactic exercise "learn by vote" (acted as a hearing attention).

Adult offers a child with closed eyes to learn about the voice of members of his family and friends.

Task 2. Didactic exercise "continue line". Adult offers the child to continue the line:

Task 3. Acquaintance with sound [P].

Adult offers a child to consider a number of pictures with images of the following items: a cup, plate, pan, kettle, frying pan, and answer the question: what word can all these items be called? (Dishes.) What is the first sound hears in the word dishes?

The adult shows in front of the mirror and explains the child's articulation of the sound [P]:

Initially, the sponges are closed, then reveal to instant air outlet;

Sorry "silent."

Symbol of sound: samovar boils: PPPP ...(See Color Plug). Sound characteristic: sound consonant (sponges create an air barrier), solid, deaf. Designation: Blue circle.

Task 4. Phonetic exercise. Porridge on the plate puffs: Piah! POH! POH!

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [n]":

P, M, T, M, P ...; Pa, Ma, we ...; AP, OP, mind ...; Pasha, Pavel, Katya, Masha, Fields, Polina, Pavlik, Sonya, Pavlusha, Prokop, Prokokushka, Vanya ...

Name full and diminutive names beginning with the sound [P].

Task 6. Adult offers a child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables with a crossing of consonants:


Task 7.

PA-AP; by-...; ... UP PA; op -...

Task 8. Working with pictures:

Clearly name all the pictures in the row, the game "What has changed?", "What did not happen?";

From a number of drawn items to choose only those in the title of which there is no sound [P];

List the remaining items, in the title of which there is sound [n], determine the sound space in words - the beginning, middle, end of the word (in case it is difficult to use a card and a blue circle);

Remember the names of all the pictures offered to consideration.

Task 9. Adult asks the child Add to the Word First Sound [P]. What new word happened?

Ears - guns, ulya - ..., Olya - ...

Task 10. Insert the pictures in the notebook with images of objects, in the title of which there is sound [P].

Task 11. Adult offers a child to choose words on the task: the sound [n] stands at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, in the end of the word:

Shelf, shovel, soup.

Task 12. Learn cleaningors:

Pa Para - on the table of the cereals.

Pya-Py - no cereals.

OP-op-op - all in your hands.

UP-UP-UP - we ate soup.

Task 13. Acquaintance with sound [P "].

Didactic exercise "Board Wordless".

Rises at the dawn,

Sings in the yard,

On scallop head.

Who is it?... ( Petushok)

Adult asks the child the question: "What is the first sound in the word-otfay?"

Symbol of sound: little teapot boils: Dog ...(See Color Plug). Sound characteristic: consonant, soft, deaf. Designation: Green circle.

Task 14. Phonetic exercise.

Chicks are singing: Pi-Pi Pi!

Task 15. Didactic exercise "Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [P"] ":

Put, th, b, bid ...; PI, MI, PI, TI ...; Feather, saw, milk, cow cake ...

Task 16. Adult offers the child to listen to words, remember them, call the same first sound:

Petya, Cockerel, Pie, Pila, Pencil, Song.

Task 17. Pick up the words on the first syllable:

Pi: -A, -Rog ...; Page: -Ret, -cher, -Car ...

Task 18. To learn the cleanup:

Pi-Pi-Pi - Buy Pie.

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [P] - [P "]. Didactic exercise" Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [n] ":

P, PJ, PR, P ...

Didactic exercise "Say on the contrary":

PA-PI, in -...; Pup Pi, pi- ...

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the deposits:

Toothy animal

Gnawing with whistle Dubok. ( ^ Pila)

Natket, move,

Sens and mining is waiting. ( Spider)

I woof everyone in time

Although I do not start the clock. ( Cock)

Put down

Lies under the ear. ( Pillow)

Pick up words with sounds [P] and [P "].

Learn speakers:

The fields went easy parsley in the field.

Again, five guys found five from hemp.

Quail quail and quail in the armor hid from the guys.

A couple of birds flushed, flushed - and he spoiled.

Task 20. Acquaintance with the letter P.

On the path from the gate

Kindergarten went hike.

^ O. Hoffman

What does the letter p?

The letter n out of fingers: the index fingers are omitted down, the tips of large fingers are connected, the remaining fingers are compressed in a fist.

Games with the letter.

Task 21. Independent sound analysis dad(Drawing up a circuit of circles, finding repeated sounds), compiling a word from the letters of a split alphabet, finding the same letters. Reading, letter with printed letters under dictation.

Drawing up proposals for supporting words. Adult calls words in order and asks the child to make a proposal from these words. In this case, the child's attention should be paid to the correct order of words in the proposal.

Dad, newspaper, reads; Dad, nail, hammer, scoring; Potatoes, dad, cleans.

Topic number 14. Sounds [b] - [p]; [B "] - [P"]

Correctional and developing tasks.

1. In the game, learning a child to recognize animals and birds by voice.

3. Learning the hearing and pronunciation differentiation of sounds: [b] - [p], [b "] - [p"] (differentiation of ringing and deaf, solid and soft consonant sounds).

4. Continue to learn the sound analysis and synthesis of words without a coherence sound.

5. Teaching proposals on supporting words.

6. Teach analyze and compare words.

7. Fasten the knowledge of elementary spelling rules in a child (work with a proposal).

Task 1. Didactic exercises "Kolkhoznyard", "in the forest" (development of auditory attention).

Task 2. Didactic exercises "Kolkhoznyard", "in the forest".

Similarly, the task is 1, but the child imitates the voices of animals and birds, and the adult is guessing whose voice is.

Task 3. Differentiation of sounds [B] - [P].

Name the first identical sound in words:

Baton, Bulk, Branc ...

Name the same last sound in words:

Soup, Tulup ...

Compare the articulation of sounds [P] and [b] (find the general and distinction, paying attention to the "work of the neck"); Recall the characteristics of sounds [P] and [b], designation.

Didactic exercise "Clamp in the palm, if you hear the sound [n]":

P, B, B, P ...; Ba, Pa, software, bu ...; Boria, bots, folder, grandmother, dad, babe ...

Didactic exercise "Say on the contrary":

PA-BA, BA- ...; Bu-pu ..., Pu -...

Repeat for an adult symbol series:


Didactic exercise "Make a word from the syllables":


The didactic exercise "stripped the word on the syllables" (the adult offers the child to say the word in the syllables, clapping in your hands to each spoken syllable). Think what word is the longest?

Tomatoes, dad, granny, gift, beads, paper.

Call a unnecessary word in a row (according to the presence of sounds [P] and [b]):

Bank, panama,sandwich, bottle; Peacock, button, stick, ram.

From a number of drawn items to choose with the sound [b] ([P]) in the names.

Pick up words with sounds [P] and [b].

Remember the riddles on the sounds [p] and [b] (see the topics number 12, 13).

Adult offers a child to replace the sound [n] on the sound [b] in words. What words did it happen?

The kidney - barrel, couples - ..., sweat - ..., please ..., dad - ..., Pashnya - ..., Pasch - ..., right - ..., stick - .. .

Task 4. Differentiation of sounds [B "] - [P"].

Call the first sound in words:

Hippopotamus, protein, bison ([b "]).

Call the first sound in words:

Petya, first, saw ([P "]).

Compare the articulation of sounds [P "] and [B"], turning attention to the "work of the neck", remember the characteristics and designation of sounds.

Didactic exercise "Locks in palm, if you hear the sound [b"] ":

Bey, sit, nib, ...; PI, BA, BI, PI ...; Birch, squirrel, write ...

Didactic exercise "Say on the contrary":

PI-BY, PI -...; Bi-Pi, Bia ...

Repeat a number of syllables for adults:

PI-Pi-Bi, Bi-Bi-Pi, Bi-Pi-Bi, Pi-Bi Pi, Pi-Bbi, Bi-Pi.

From a number of images, remove excess (according to the presence in the words of sounds [P "] and [b"]), the adult does not call pictures:

Squirrel, Birch, cock,hippopotamus...

Recall the riddles on the sounds [P "] and [b"] (see the topics number 12, 13).

Remember words with the sounds [b "] and [P"], determine the place of sounds in these words (in case it is difficult to use a card and green mugs with a bell and without).

Adult offers a child to replace the sound [P "] on the sound [b"] in the word. What new word happened? Create proposals with these words.

Task 5. Differentiation of sounds [B] - [P], [B "] - [P"].

Call ringing and deaf consonants; Name solid and soft consonant sounds.

The adult calls the word, and the child raises the corresponding letter from this word (B - P).

Learn pator.

Bull stupogub, stupid bull.

By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.

Task 6. Sound syllated analysis of words baba, dad(Laying words of words from circles, comparing the sound composition of words, finding a common and difference in schemes).

Laying words from the letters of a split alphabet. Adult asks the child the question: "What letters should be replaced in the word dad,to turn the word dadin word woman?»

Reading, writing off words, offers:

Here dad. Here Baba.

Drawing up proposals for supporting words (to draw the attention of the child to the order of words in the proposal and coordination of members of the sentence):

Baba, knit, socks; Firewood, dad, chop.