Jupiter connections in Natalo map: good power Guru. Pluto connection with Mercury


The connection is one of the strongest aspects in astrology, as located near each other, two planets form the coincident systems of their homes. The compounds are very strongly manifested both on the psychological and event level, they describe the brightest, dominant qualities of the individual. Throughout life, the symbolism of the compound may be unfolded by the most different faces, sometimes becoming even a leitmotif of fate, so, for example, a person with a compound of the Sun with Mars in childhood can be very punished, in his youth - to strive for numerous love victories, which pushes him to the search for high-profile but dangerous work. Permanent overvoltage It becomes the cause of health problems, weakening vision or acute inflammation at a later age, etc.
In transits and progressions, the compound symbolizes the period of working with a new type of energy corresponding to the topic of the transit planet, often self-identifying with it.

Sun connection

Sun - Connection - Moon

The new moon appeared on your birthday, indicates the unity of will and feelings. However, health difficulties may be observed, especially during the first years of life, problems with digestion. Such a mutual position of Luminous testifies to a strong desire to understand itself, inclinations towards self-analysis. You, as if alternately, are in tense, then in passive condition. In other words, you can act as a manager, and as an obedient performer, but it is difficult for you to keep the "golden" middle. During the periods, when you are in a passive condition, it may unexpectedly arise the thirst for aggressive actions.

As a child, the images of both parents, which are represented by the Sun and Moon, were perceived as a whole that in more mature age could be the cause of insufficient maturity of feelings; In marriage, you involuntarily strive to achieve a complete merger with a partner, refuse to recognize His "sovereignty". In more rare cases, there is a sense of self-sufficiency, leading to the desire to maintain a distance in private contacts.

If at the time of your birth of the moon was still in the fourth phase, this indicates that you could be immersed in myself a painful child up to 13-19 years old, but later showing greater external activity. But you are involved in every business with great strength, and as a result you can perceive life in this world as violence over yourself. You facilitate a difficult task to combine the achievement of social success with achievements in spiritual life, otherwise society or circumstances will begin to displace you, you can immigrate, get into the hospital, monastery, etc.

If at the time of your birth, the moon was already in the first quarter, it indicates that, despite the big deposits, you encounter great difficulties in achieving social success. The main task is to learn how to relate your desires with your capabilities.

Eye disease is possible if the moon is in the VI, and the sun in the Vii house. If the moon in the VII, and the sun in the Vi house, the possibility of liver disease. The moon behind the sun in one sign is a sign of very stable health.
The "burnt" moon indicates an excessive dependence on the environment and environment. Your behavior can be fully defined by the environment. Extreme susceptibility to external stimuli can be manifested in the form of frequent infections, runny nose, influenza. You have a weakened stomach and intestines, so you need to observe the diet.

Sun - Connection - Mercury

You have all the prerequisites for the successful development of languages, you have considerable mathematical abilities and an excellent understanding of the literature. Your developed intelligence creates excellent prerequisites for business communication, intermediary activities and the assimilation of large amounts of information.

You are prone to volitional solutions, deep reflections and consistent self-analysis. But this aspect does not contribute to objectivity, since the feeling of his own "I" is equal to the intellect, it is difficult for you to look at yourself from the outside.

All your efforts are usually crowned with success, although it is not uncommon and obstacles from higher. The desire for self-assessment can be preserved into narrowing. Sometimes, you can direct your developed intellectual abilities to achieve purely egoistic goals, resolutely conducting its ideas and showing a considerable tendency to violence.

Mercury "burnt" indicates a constantly activated mind, subjective thinking, stubbornness, the difficulty of intuition actions - everything is first planned, calculated.

Sun - Connection - Venus

You have a developed strong and constant sense of love, all the time strive to love and be loved. You are optimistic, love fun, entertainment. This aspect shapes softness and kindness, caring and friendly, determines the persistent tendency to enjoy and developed a sense of property. You are well aware of the significance of comfort and greatly enjoy even the most small joys of life.
Contacts with nature and the living world are absolutely necessary for you, as they contribute to maintaining the potential of your viability and ensure the achievement of sustainable emotional equilibrium.

This aspect forms beauty and grace in the methods of expression, ability to art. Due to the lovingness and desire to "stretch pleasure", marriage is often postponed. With this, a small number of children in the family is connected. If the II and V at home are not amazed - the ability to get rich on speculation. Success in life through brothers or wife.

In a female horoscope indicates kindness and femininity.

Thanks to the loving and romantic alkalo, you can give happiness to others. Good understanding of children.

Venus "burned" indicates excessive emotionality, increased sharpness of perception. In the situation where the choice is required, you are lost due to numerous doubts and oscillations. It is difficult for you to produce a logical analysis of what is happening. Perhaps the development of narcissism, egoism, arrogancy, pretense, the formation of excessive expectations that are most often not justified. The possibility of kidney and adrenal diseases, weakness of the endocrine system.

Sun - Connection - Mars

You can be simultaneously hot-tempered and departed, you are full of the spirit of competitiveness, prone to conflict dramatization, have rare susceptibility and advocates of a good leader. You are courageous and never leave before danger. You are extremely active, assertors, are not afraid of hard work and prone to large energy consumption. Most often, you are brave, excite, honest and straightforward, sincerely and frank, are a decisive "fighter for the truth." You are initiative and enterprising, prone to adventures. Ambitiousness and high sexuality are possible. Valid predisposition to accidents. Your main problem is the inability to plan your actions, develop a strategy for achieving the intended.

You may be irritable and unlucky in disputes with the bosses. If passion is dominated in your character, it leads to all sorts of clashes and quarrels. In general, the energy of this compound is not easy to master and the self-control experience comes only over the years. In antiquity, this compound was called an aspect of magicians (on Mars ahead of the sun - "Winner", during Mars behind the Sun - "Warlock") indicating the ability to use the will to make desires.

In the women's horoscope, it suggests that the male image of the "knight without fear and reproes" is especially attractive for you.

An excess of male hormones in the body is possible, leading to a cosmetology problem.

"Burned" Mars indicates excessive activity, aggressiveness, conflict.

Mars ahead of the sun gives a tendency to the furunculese, purulent acne, fistulas at any age.

Mars behind the Sun may indicate violations of ferrous exchange.

In Aries, forms ambition, idealization, love for an active lifestyle, dancing, music. Pride is possible, the struggle for the idea, active upset of one's own opinion.

In Lev forms ambition and strategic abilities.

Sun - Connection - Jupiter

You can consistently expand the spheres of your influence and achieve the intended goals. Your breathtaking personality and optimistic essence bring you happiness. A positive attitude to life allows you to maximize the chances. Your enthusiasm captures others, inspires for cooperation, although it is often you forget about moderation and self-control. You can achieve power and influence, since your projects are recognized. You enjoy making gifts and provide patronage.

You openly and sincerely seek fortunately - and most often take it, coming to the desired straight and short ways. Your personality is of interest to others, and the optimistic attitude leads to wide recognition of your advantages, wealth and success in affairs. Positive attitude The difficulties and problems allow you to use all the chances of success.

Jupiter "burned" may indicate that the topic of success is painful for you, individual achievements. It is very important for you to impress the surrounding. There are liver diseases, therefore it is desirable to exclude tomatoes, oranges, eggplants from their diet.

Jupiter behind the Sun is a tendency to excesses, which can lead to serious ailments.

In the Taurus forms financial ambition, instinct of enrichment, fast climbing on the social staircase.

In Lev speaks of hospitality, noble manners, sense of justice, respect for religion and desire to show itself.

Sun - Connection - Saturn

You are self-sufficient and tend to hope only for yourself. Thanks to the purposefulness, reasonableness and hard work, you can achieve stable material success. In thinking you use the rules of the traditional approach and classical logic, prone to self-analysis and systematization, to reasoning and formulating definitions. Professionally you can use your abilities for drawing, design, architecture or management.

You have high professionalism, love your profession, but easily tired. You avoid competitions and competition. All this, in combination with a nervous character and large emotional sensitivity leads to the fact that you are striving for independence, try to eliminate society.

You can use sympathies in relation to yourself from older people. Disappointments are possible in connection with their own and other people's money and the complications from health are very likely.
You have matured early and tend to learn only on your own experience. Overcoming difficulties is achieved only by extremely difficult labor and most severe self-discipline. The family did not have a clear separation of the functions of the father and the mother, so you have not formed clear role-playing models. This may cause difficult adaptation to family life and family conflicts. Your father could leave the family in early ageOr could be very strong, sometimes even an overwhelming person. The latter leads to the fact that the child seeks to justify the expectations of the Father by all means, as a result, coming to disappointment, overvoltage and sadness due to unfulfilled hopes. In this case, a complex of inferiority is formed, fueled by constant persecution by strong. In life you need to study the case in which others might completely rely on you.

"The burned" Saturn indicates that you have an overlooking the world, excessive self-control, strict upbringing and temper. It is painful for you to comply with traditions and customs. Possible disorders of the spinal function, multiple sclerosis, Violation of salt metabolism and formation of stones. You should carry out the body cleaning, observe posts.

Saturn ahead of the sun - all adverse predictions are softened. For other favorable aspects and a good x home - a sharp mind, scientific activity.

In the Taurus indicates ambition, fast and logical mind.

Possible tendency to drawing, architecture, literature.

In Lev, forms a logical mind, understanding of beauty, some pride and egoism. Probably you are prone to painting, architecture, mathematics, jewelry. Possible tendency to gambling.

In Capricorn, talks about longevity, forms elegance and correct features of the face, a serious approach to life, objective thinking, is looking for, active in nature. Possible tendency to infinite pursuit of ideal.

Sun - Connection - Uranus

You are full of enthusiasm, possess a developed sense of humor and openly strive for freedom from any addiction. You are distinguished by beautiful intuition, thirst for new impressions, bright abilities in the field of science and technology, love for travel and adventures. Your life is full of unexpected incidents and unforeseen circumstances, and often accidents and nervous disruptions. Your life Path consists of alternating success and loss, fame and dishonor, periods of luck and failures. Your romanticism is combined with enviable thirst for activity, and any life success borders with the possibility of a noisy scandal. You act strongly and suddenly, this aspect contributes to your character stubbornness and share of perversity.

If you do not learn how to restore your own and stubbornness, then partners will avoid you. At the same time, you may differ in a challenge in relation to seductors and deceivers. Your thirst for personal freedom is so great that it is very difficult for you to stay within one single marriage union. Dramatic changes are very likely in your life.

You have an intuitive understanding of a single universal law, and perhaps you will have a noticeable talent if you manage to cope with the instability of nature. You are able to directly operate with powerful charges of mental energy, and therefore tend to study by science or occult. You are a talented leader, inclined to introduce into practice all new and unexpected. But sometimes you are so evalurate and enterprising that you awaken in other fears and call back from partners.

The "burned" uranium talks about the constant search for the unknown, eccentricity of the mind, feelings and behavior, excessive hot spirits. It is possible a disorder of the vegetative nervous system, the neurosis of the convulsion, the danger of cardiovascular diseases.

You are contraindicated solar tan.

Uranus for the Sun: Possible a tendency to all sorts of "supplies", cramps, stroke.

Uranus ahead of the sun: unexpected, original ideas; With any good aspects - inventive, nontrivially thinking man. With tense - eccentricity, unreliability.

Sun - Connection - Neptune

Your aspirations are contradictory and multigid. You are a mood man who has an excellent ability to perceive thin vibrations. Extremely likely great abilities in the fields of art, music and psychology. This aspect reports some mental relaxation, idealistic and mystics of perception, is associated with spiritual and religious aspirations of the soul, high inspiration. It can be confident that no one understands the deep content of your soul. There are serious problems with self-knowledge and self-analysis. You are subject to desires and feelings emanating from a subtle source, which leads you to confusion and self-deception or gives divine inspiration. But often it is difficult for you to distinguish real inspiration from the deceptive projection of our own unconscious desires.

It is almost always a hidden ability to clasp and the ability to subtly predicate the near future. This aspect is often found among mystics, mediums, religious leaders, this is one aspect of astrologers, artists, artists.

You can show unusual dating in your earthly abilities if you can overcome uncertainty in your own opportunities.

Neptune "burned" speaks of high sensitivity, but can give a tendency to search for buzzing states, strangeness in behavior. Possible blood diseases, anemia, psychosomatic disorders. Any medicines pollute blood, leave slags, therefore, the best method of treatment will be homeopathy for you.

Sun - Connection - Pluto

You have born leader qualitiesBut keep your motives secretly. Your energy is very high, the reserves of the forces are practically inexhaustible. This aspect suggests the presence of strong physical, mental and spiritual aspirations. You are very strong, hardy and passionate, love extreme situations and show considerable interest in the problem of death. You openly strive for leadership, love to work with the audiences, always fight against what you think wrong. Having incredibly greater energy, you can penetrate into the very essence of things and events. You have access to high regions Consciousness.

This aspect tells you the amazing ability to the total transformation of nature and the "revival of the ash" in the event of losses and disappointments. But the same energy often turns into power suppression and destruction for others. If you fail to combine your and divine will, there is a risk due to the complex of strength to become a dictator or asserting through the manipulation by others, which will lead you to destruction. You need to avoid voland, irritability, trends towards dangerous overruns of vitality, leading to various catastrophes and accidents.

This aspect opens up the possibility of business initiative, reports the gift of clairvoyance and the right conclusions. But in order to fully take advantage of the capabilities provided by this aspect, you need to learn tolerance and the ability to compromise. Otherwise, uncomfortable personal life is awaiting you, non-permanent love.

In a female horoscope, this conservation may be an indication of difficulties in relations with men and with his father including. There is often the lack of attention and real communication with the Father, which leads to a feeling of insult and the feeling that a person is deprived of love. This, apparently, is one of the reasons why such women are often looking for a strong husband (even ruthless, criminal type), who promises (in their fantasies) to be a reliable source of power and love in their lives.

In a men's horoscope, this conservation indicates a particularly close connection with a woman. Often such proximity leaves no space for individual uniqueness and present growth. This aspect can be severely overwhelming when a person becomes older and tries to achieve individual maturity and independence. This is the type of proximity that is based on extremely intense karmic affection, and not on real love and care, since real love is always supportive and encouraging, not properly and manipulating.

Pluto "burned" indicates that you are constantly overwritten, it is energetically overloaded. The desire to take for excessive work weakens your body, which can lead to diseases, starting from 14 years. There are neoplasms, rebirth of tissues.

Sun - Connection - Rahu

Your birth coincided with the eclipse of the Sun or the Moon, and this always entails bright events in the life and great opportunities for self-expression. This compound speaks of inherited karmic ability to attract happiness. At the same time, the danger of unproductive waste of vitality and non-constructive organization of activity, as a result, leading to the weakening of the body and loss of life positions occupied.

Sun - connection - Lilith

It may indicate subconscious uncertainty in its own forces, which is compensated by demonstrative manifestations of the will of the will, character hardness, pride, ambitious, and sometimes cruelty.
A strong desire to control the circumstances and manage the fate, both its own and their surroundings, may idea to have fear of unknown. Suspiciousness and distrust of people can harden your heart.

This aspect may mean some kind of flaw associated with the Father. For both floors, difficulties with the Father are possible, in the perception of the image of the father, the opposition to its influence. Perhaps the desire to see someone else in the role of the Father.

Sun - Connection - Chiron

In Natal Map, this compound indicates an original person who has a sense of humor and breaking his way in life as an innovator and reformer, a person often uses new methods and often chooses a non-standard specialty.

You are surrounding yourself with barriers for many surrounding insurmountable. Your life is replete with secrets that you do not rush to share with the uninitiated.

In case of dissonated sun and / or chiron, life is perceived quite painfully, which leads either to the closure in the world of own representations, or to desperate (and often unsuccessful) attempts to fit into generally accepted norms of behavior (analyzing the position of the Sun and Hirone on the sign and home).

You try to avoid people thinking about the formulas "of this can not be because it can never be" or "It goes all the boundaries." In the desire to show their creative personality, you sweep all the obstacles and restrictions on your way (mark the active position of Mars and Pluto).

You can manifest the ability to psychosynthesis and linking together ideas, about the kinship of which among themselves does not occur to the idea of \u200b\u200bmost people who do not have in Natal map aspect of Hiron with the Sun.

Outwardly, you try to make the impression that your own problems do not bother you. As a result, the custom is clearly divided into the surroundings on cute and uncomplicated people, in communicating with society you often have difficulties. Psychologically - constant uncertainty in the correctness of the choice made.

Sun - Connection - ASC

You are aiming to wide public activities, Successful in all spheres and areas, use the patronage of the strengths of this world and love to help others. You rarely support and know how to quickly restore lost forces. You are generous and friendly, sincere and open. The strong need for self-expression dictates the desire to pay attention to the attention of others and expose themselves in the best light. You are a typical leader with a bright manifest management style. It is difficult for you to make the presence of strong personalities and respectfully applies to the authority and social status of others if they are large enough.

Often you are perceived as a egoist, but in fact you are a holistic personality with a huge vital pressure.

Sun - Connection - MS

You can have a strong influence on others by your career, profession, authority. People willingly follow you, as you can easily dominate them. It is very important for you to learn how to be a decent leader. You know how to take responsibility, but with difficulty tolerate the role of the subordinate. You will achieve the best success in self-work in which you can show an individual style. The field of activity may affect politics and social life. You can become very famous and popular, even if your fame is scandalous. For the development of the person, it is very important to learn how to lead the right way of life.

Het Monster:
Powerful personality, optimism, wide nature. Their enthusiasm captures others, inspires for cooperation. Often seek fame, honor, high position in society. Jupiter behind the Sun is a tendency to excesses.

Catherine Obone:
Connection Sun - Jupiter
Connection: Exemplary example of faith in itself and optimism. The person is filled with calm confidence and is inclined to take care of his welfare and good for the neighbor. The astrological tradition attributes to him generosity and the desire to patronize, but these abilities will never make him walk before sacrifice with their ambitions, for the principle triumphs here: "Above all - I myself, if you follow me - the better for you ... and grief For those who do not follow. In some cases (poorly aspect compound) there is a tendency to accept itself for the "Lord of the Almighty". That is, this aspect is often associated with power, as it tastes to power.

A. Underwater:
Connection Sun - Jupiter
Sun connection: called Gruzd - Facels in the body.
The connection of the planet with the Sun gives it manifestations of the shade of imperativeness - on high level Studies aspect. At a low level, imperativeness more relates to the need to study the planet. The sun highlights the lower manifestations of its principle and actualizes them mainly by the method of direct pressure. At a low level of study of the Sun, it acts through hard imperatives, which imposes on the planet, suppressing it creative principle and forcing her principle to manifest itself in a very narrowly defined framework, in which it in principle cannot be accomplished, an excessive internal tension and an explosion, and the creativity of the absolute is manifested both at the moment and the nature of the explosion (unpredictable in advance) and in the form and trajectories of fragments. If the connection is not worked out, but it is harmonious, these explosions will be dangerous more for others, and the creative origin of the planet will manifest itself only on the path of rigidly egoistic consumption in spheres that meet its principle. For example, the incomparable compound of the Sun with Mars gives greater and useless activity, which, however, the person himself seems extremely important and useful, the AC of the other side, the ability to fit someone else's energy, leaving another person literally without his strength and even a hint of gratitude. The study of the connection (and the sun) will give switching to a higher egregor when the solar initiative is not in the order of a rigid order, but, as an indication of the desired direction of activity, and most importantly, attention. Then the interaction of the Sun with the planet is greatly facilitated, and the planet gets from the sun as weak magnetization, which serves for orientation in complex (for the planet) conditions when the optimal choice is non-obvious.
Jupiter's connection: standing on the shoulders of the giants, look so that they do not stick to it.
At a low level connection with Jupiter gives the planet a sharp sense of self-importance. A person sincerely thinks that all his manifestations in the relevant areas are extremely important and meaningful, here it has enormous opportunities, and everything, understanding, should help him and selflessly serve. Indeed, potentially this aspect gives a large expansion of the principle of the planet and at times not deserved by personal efforts (especially with strong Jupiter), for example, high patronage. The danger here lies in the fact that the person is inclined to perceive these possibilities as data as if it cannot be otherwise, and in a purely egoistic aspect of joyful consumption, studying is to aware of their responsibility for any jupitorian gifts and opportunities as group values, and most effective and their creative distribution. Jupiter's connection means the intensive invitation of the Egregar, and the person (karmically) should not only consume the gifts, but also to enter the egregor and produce with him (or in it) the necessary work, or to give the opened channel to the appropriate person. For example, Jupiter's compound with Mars means that a person has a lot of energy coming from a wide variety of sources, but also a strong temptation to spend it chaotic, thoughtlessly and inefficiently, although he himself will be subconsciously assignant that any active action is impeccable And bears grace in its pure form. At a high level of study, this person opens up high energy and spiritual channels to others (in general, Jupiter's connection is the aspect of the preacher).

Various sources for a horoscope of a child

This child tries to "consolidate" his personality and expand the spheres of his influence, as it is difficult for him to take himself just what he really is. Sometimes it helps him in achieving the goal.
In his eyes, his father is a great minider who, in the quality of compensation for an insufficiently paid child, the time brings many gifts and things.

Het Monster. Aspects of

Powerful personality, optimism, wide nature. Their enthusiasm captures others, inspires for cooperation. Often seek fame, honor, high position in society. Jupiter behind the Sun is a tendency to excesses.

Catherine Oba. Astrological Dictionary

Connection: Exemplary example of faith in itself and optimism. The person is filled with calm confidence and is inclined to take care of his welfare and good for the neighbor. The astrological tradition attributes him generosity and the desire to patronize, but these abilities will never make him walk before sacrifice with their ambitions, for the principle triumphs here: "Above all - I myself; If you follow me - the better for you ... and the grief to those who do not follow. " In some cases (poorly aspect compound) there is a tendency to accept itself for the "Lord of the Almighty". That is, this aspect is often associated with power, as it tastes to power.

Avissal underwater. Aspects of

Sun connection: called Gruzd - Facels in the body.
The compound of the planet with the Sun gives its manifestations of the shade of imperativeness - at a high level of study of aspect. At a low level, imperativeness more relates to the need to study the planet. The sun highlights the lower manifestations of its principle and actualizes them mainly by the method of direct pressure. At a low level of study of the Sun, it acts through hard imperatives, which imposes on the planet, suppressing her creative principle and forcing her principle to manifest itself in a very narrowly defined framework, in which it in principle cannot be accomplished; An excessive inner voltage and an explosion occurs, and the creativity of the absolute is manifested both in the moment and the nature of the explosion (unpredictable in advance) and in the form and trajectories of the fragments. If the connection is not worked out, but it is harmonious, these explosions will be dangerous more for others, and the creative origin of the planet will manifest itself only on the path of rigidly egoistic consumption in spheres that meet its principle. For example, the incomparable compound of the Sun with Mars gives greater and useless activity, which, however, the person himself seems extremely important and useful, the AC of the other side, the ability to fit someone else's energy, leaving another person literally without his strength and even a hint of gratitude. The study of the connection (and the sun) will give switching to a higher egregor when the solar initiative is not in the order of a rigid order, but, as an indication of the desired direction of activity, and most importantly, attention. Then the interaction of the Sun with the planet is greatly facilitated, and the planet gets from the sun as weak magnetization, which serves for orientation in complex (for the planet) conditions when the optimal choice is non-obvious.
Jupiter's connection: standing on the shoulders of the giants, look so that they do not stick to it.
At a low level connection with Jupiter gives the planet a sharp sense of self-importance. Man sincerely thinks that all its manifestations in the relevant areas are extremely important and meaningful; Here he has enormous opportunities, and everything, understanding, should help him and selflessly serve. Indeed, potentially this aspect gives a large expansion of the principle of the planet and at times not deserved by personal efforts (especially with strong Jupiter), for example, high patronage. The danger here is that the person is inclined to perceive these possibilities as data as if otherwise can not be, and in a purely egoistic aspect of joyful consumption; The study is to aware of their responsibility for any jupitorian gifts and opportunities as group values, and the most efficient and creative distribution. Jupiter's connection means the intensive invitation of the Egregar, and the person (karmically) should not only consume the gifts, but also to enter the egregor and produce with him (or in it) the necessary work, or to give the opened channel to the appropriate person. For example, Jupiter's compound with Mars means that a person has a lot of energy coming from a wide variety of sources, but also a strong temptation to spend it chaotic, thoughtlessly and inefficiently, although he himself will be subconsciously assignant that any active action is impeccable And bears grace in its pure form. At a high level of study, this person opens up high energy and spiritual channels to others (in general, Jupiter's connection is the aspect of the preacher).

Francis Sakyan. Aspects of

Able to expand their spheres of influence and achieve the goal. Their exciting personality and optimistic essence bring them happiness. A positive attitude to life allows you to maximize the chances. Enthusiasm captures others, inspires for cooperation. They achieve power and influence using projects that are recognized. They enjoy public ambiguity in favor of their ambitions.

S.V. Shestopals. Aspects of the planet

Success in life, happiness, a wide view of things, justice, nobility, the gift of foresight, humanity, generosity, kindness, philanthropy, cheerfulness, optimism, greasibility, honesty, sincerity; spiritual, scientific interests;
philosophical, favorance of providence and fortune; Women have a happy marriage.
The negative side of this aspect is the loyalty to power, a successful career may reconcile a person with injustice reigning in society, give complacency.

The connection in the horoscope is the strongest and most difficult aspect. This is a big energy, a concentration at one point. Power, energy, action. Divine energy overflows from one form to another, but unchanged. Energy - source of action.

Connections in the horoscope

The strongest pulse of action goes through the connection in the horoscope. In the sign included or in the Planet mine manifests itself only when there is an opportunity / it can be rarely /, through the aspect, because The planet is immersed in the sign and there is no exit to the caspid of the house.

The strongest interactions are born through the connection. Need dissonance energy, because When there is a non-uniformity of energy / somewhere, somewhere, somewhere /, the more it can pour it out. And where energy is empty and stretches, or it will pull in the concentration zone. To have a strong action, a strong concentration is needed. Where many planets, there is a focus action, attraction of thoughts. There is a weak connection between the planets, if they are in one sign or house, and act through a dispositor or a signifier. Stelumes are better observed through the connection.

Compound 2 planets - if it is up to 1 degree, for the Sun-3g., For the moon - 2 grams. - It is considered accurate. If the planets are in one degree, then the merger occurs - they do not act differently. The larger the distance between them, then you can see that they can act and separately, they seek to merge.

Connection in the Sun Horoscope with Planets

If the planet is from the sun at a distance of 3 degrees, then it is considered burned. As a result of an accurate compound with the Sun, something new, synthetic action occurs. The planet in conjunction with the Sun - the world perceives otherwise, an independent pulse through the sun. The planet is captured by the energy of the Sun.

Sun connection with Mercury

All functions of Mercury will be delivered to the Sun service when the sun will be turned on, Mercury will automatically turn on. There is a strengthening of mobility, contact - everything works in the sun. Mercury pure sun servant, every impulse from the sun "runs" to execute. The activity of the mind is enhanced, a person is alive, the movable mind that quickly finds ways and means to achieve its goal. But the inability to critically look at yourself. Contactness will depend only on desire.

Sun connection with Venus

Inspection and emotions, it is difficult for them to live, but also interesting. They get sick and worried about everything, sensitive and reagent. If something affects them, then there are emotions. If emotionally listed, then they immediately immerse themselves.

Sun connection with Mars

Excessive muscular activity, child injury, increased mobility, quality leader, physical dynamism. On any pulse automatically correspond to the action / and if Mars in the handle /. Conflict, transition to action. Or a person will break, or the "wall" breaks. Increased sexual activity. Mars is an irrational planet. This compound breaks the impenetrable, generates conflicts. The place of the application of force. Divides the world on his and strangers. Independence, its own business is a powerful engine for people with such a compound.

Sun connection with Jupiter

Initial installation for prestige, high assessment, great potential for growth / social or spiritual /. Need a success to stand out. It is difficult for a person to forget, thinks how others are evaluated. Painly, sharply experiences its assessment, both bad and good. Jupiter - everything has its price.

Sun connection with Saturn

Conflict connection. Saturn is a clear scale of the hierarchy, congenital foresight. Saturn is afraid of chaos, for him the ideal - order, predictability, does not like risk. In the early years, sharp events / protracted, difficult labor /, as well as when connecting Mars with Saturn. The feeling of isolation, loneliness / emotional /. It is difficult for them to reveal, they always control themselves. Suppress their spontaneity, incl. And to creativity. The sun affects Saturn - congenital conflict with the boss. You need to watch who is stronger.

Sun connection with uranium

Congenital nonstandarity and congenital sense of independence. Striving for change. Telling short, but strong. When the uranov wave rolling turns off consciousness. Strong uranium includes the sun. Occult abilities. Trend to change. If a person does not find himself, it will destroy everything around him.

Sun connection with neptune

The feeling of its intended / especially in the upper houses. Increased sensitivity, susceptibility. A man with "fat skin" reacts to everything, sensitivity. The nervous system has increasedly susceptible. Creates a myth of myself and spends a lot of strength to maintain your myth. Well, if there is an opposition or quadrature to this connection, then this myth can be destroyed, and if it is useless or trigger, it is useless. Charm, magneticity, such people - kayfovshchiki. Musical abilities, sharply feel the music.

Solar connection with Pluto

Pluto turns on late / at 14 years old / - these are people actions. Social activities and in the team. They are potential organizers. Magic spaces. Interesting birth circumstances / as well as with Seda. Sun with uranium. Injuries, unusual position. Thought in the category of power and power. Volga activity. Internal conflict with society. If the connection is amazed, then there is a feeling of danger behind your back.

Connection in the horoscope of the moon with planets

Unknown or weakly conscious action. The moon conducts the energy of the planets with which it is connected and is very manifested in behavior. The planet in conjunction with the moon strongly stains it with its color.

Moon Connection with Sun

Strong introverts, man deep, immersed in itself. Tangled relationship between spiritual and mental start. The pulses coming from the sun and from the surrounding world they are different, it is difficult for them to determine where the motives come from: from outside or from the inside. They have a dependent environment from the environment / you need to see who is stronger than the sun or the moon. As if blursing his rod. Dependence on the 2nd half. Spontaneity, children's manifestation. Natural situations. The world see brightly, alive.

Moon connection with Mercury

People with such a compound are mobile, sociable, they have mental abilities, vivid imagination, visual perception of the world. With an accurate connection of the moon dominates - scattered, excess sociability appears, the mind is very moving, nervous diseases. If the Pluto in the square or opposition to this connection, then the person will seem to be a circle of enemies, black forces.

Moon connection with Venus

Strengthening the female start, the topic of emotional contact is significant for humans. If Venus is accented in the space, then all the attention on it immediately. Uncontrolled emotional state / tears, increased sensitivity, increased sensitivity. Strong contact with mother, house, family. Men with such a compound is difficult to switch from the mother to his wife.

Moon connection with Mars

For example: Moon in conjunction with Mars. The moon manages behavior, mars - impulsiveness, activity. Mars paints the moon in behavior. If the moon, at the same time he is in cancer, then this indicates sensitivity, but if it is in conjunction with Mars, it will reduce its sensitivity. The moon manages people in our environment and, painted in Mars, color will paint the situation and people too.

The moon manages the house, therefore there is Mars in the house, which sets these situations, but we need to watch someone stronger, that takes. When a person happens in lunar situations, Marsh situation arise. Moon - discharge and immediately arises Mars. The situation / for example a fight, etc. /. Also, this compound speaks about relations with children, difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth. In the women's map shows the relationship with children. The moon will make blur in Mars / in cancer. In Aries, Ipmulsiveness.

Moon connection with Jupiter

Jupiter will paint all the behavior in Jupaterian traits. Leaning to completeness, solidity, representativeness, authority, good manners, friendliness, man knows how to put himself. Speaks about relationships with mother and wife. If Jupiter is associated with a career, then the ability to inherited on the maternal line.

Women playing great importance in the career. Wife, women older than him. The moon is a desire for comfortable clothes. Jupiter desire for prestigious clothes. Success or joy from children, support from children. In a female map - success, fecundity, career success through the lunar spheres. Trips, rich evenings. Jupiter causes confidence, the moon seeks to help him.

Moon connection with Saturn

This is noticeable in behavior, such people are serious. Any planet is included on the first square. Such people are restrained, closed, control themselves. Purely psychologically, this compound is hard, a tendency to depression, but we need to watch the house / in the 10th house - at work, in the 7th house in marriage. Feeling commitment, debts in this house or sense of loneliness, or concentration.

Where is Saturn - there is an exam. In transits and directations, it is possible to note the main problems of the person at the end of the cycle. Saturn gives, does not allow to liberate, drives into the frame of the culture, where he grew up. When opposition, you can escape from Saturn, leaving to another end / for example, close in the opposite house if this position is stronger /.

Saturn presses on the psychological side of the Moon, and the Moon, in turn, is trying to destroy Saturn / late, forgetfulness. Such a connection may say that a person has a strict mother, or he himself strict himself, if the parents are not strict. Late marriage, loneliness.

Moon connection with uranium

Such people are quick-tempered, but you need to watch who is stronger. For them, it is characteristic: independence, impulsiveness, non-standard behavior, occult abilities, optimism, if active, then very, friendliness, openness, unusual psyche, unexpected love situations, or wife storage. Increased sensitivity of the nervous system. For them, a difficult period - 7.14, 21 years. Someone from parents quick-tempered. Shock situations, violation of digestive organs.

Moon connection with neptune

Sensitivity, increased sensitivity, subtle nature with oddities. If a person is primitive - False, etc. Psychologically dependent on the environment, a throttle. For a highly developed person, it is characteristic: sensitivity, religiosity, desire to help others. Illusory idea of \u200b\u200byourself. Musical abilities. In the 2nd house - wealth, because Neptune Planet Wealth. Strong heredity of the maternal line.

Moon connection with Pluto

Generic karma on the maternal line. Magic abilities, powerful magnetism. Women have a high attractiveness. Problems in the sexual sphere. If there is a quadrature or opposition to the connection, then difficulty with pregnancy is possible. The person is immersed in a collective life, these people are energetic. Their children with unusual abilities.

Possible difficulties in the house, mystical perception of the world. If the connection is affected, for example, Saturn, then everywhere will be hung enemies and vampires. Clasnual abilities. Need to ask about the ancestors, because They had some abilities / for example, at the great-grandmother. Possible diseases of the genital organs and digestive organs.

If there are aspects of higher planets and social, then these are fateful events.

The connection with Mercury speaks about the ability of a person to interact.

Connection with Venus - emotional characteristics and place of their application.

The connection to Mars indicates the volitional characteristics and the place of their application.

Connection with Jupiter indicates a goal, maybe there may not be a person to achieve success, through what people he will receive support.

Connection with Saturn - with what people a person feels limited. What feels stability. Speaks about the relationship with the Father.

The connection sharply emphasizes the sphere of both planets.

Connection in the horoscope of Mercury with planets

All planets color Mercury in their color.

Connection of Mercury with the Sun

The closer Mercury with the Sun, the faster the person turns into action and is less critical.

Mercury compound with moon

Movable, sociable, figurative perception of the world, etc.

Connection of Mercury with Venus

Not bad linguistic abilities, but not such an imagination as Mercury with the Moon. Evaluation type of thinking. Venus deprives spontaneity / Mercury-Sprinkle /, but you need to watch who is stronger. Artistic abilities, plasticity, flexibility, love adventures in a circle of buddies are possible. Emotional relationship with friends.

Mercury compound with Mars

In a negative sense - deceptions, lies. In a positive - great power of mind, an active mind, the ability to penetrate very deeply. Movable man, talking, debaters. If the connection is affected, then injuries are possible, shoulders. Complex contacts on trips. Healing abilities, if at 6, 8 homes - treatment with hands.

Mercury connection with Jupiter

Jupiter will use Mercurian abilities for its purposes / Mercury is inclined to grab a lot of goals. This man is well talking, starts the necessary dating. When Mercury is active, it gives a sense of prison. Thinking is painted in philosophical tones and will work on a career. Preachers, trade, financial sector can bring success.

Mercury compound with Saturn

Little, but sustainable contacts, the ability to build phrases. Increased respect for authority. Learn in books.

Mercury compound with uranium

Increased sensitivity of the nervous system. Head / Light injuries are possible /, many moves during certain years / children's /. Neuroses from uranium spaces / large cities. Rare ingenuity, the mind facing the future, non-standard teams, buddies, original ideas, occult and mathematical abilities.

Connection of Mercury with Neptune

Bright imagination, thinking, poetry, excessively high sensitivity, intuitiveness, clairvandal abilities, hand sensitivity. Language, humanitarian abilities, strange, unusual dating. Large magneticity. In a negative sense - a lie, slander, deception. If there is a 2.8.12 houses may occur for drugs.

Mercury compound with Pluto

Magical word word, active organizers of teams. Political, occult activity. Intuitive knowledge. If the compound is in health homes, then the disease of the brain is possible. Possible destructive situations associated with companies. If this pair add Jupiter, then the social application, the sun is creativity.

Connection in the horoscope Venus with planets

Venus shows how a person manifests himself in love.

Connection of Venus with the Sun

Beauty, charm, attractiveness. Love condition is very important. Art and creativity will give a feeling of fullness. Speaks about the relationship with his father, brother.

Connection of Venus with Moon

Magneticity, family relationships. Strong effect from home. Children's type, emotional infantility. To put the emotional problems on others, find the "mammy".

Connection of Venus with Mercury

The person is alive, sociable, emotional, cute baby charm, not very serious ties. Occasion and caution. Voltage care. Weakens jealousy. Musical abilities.

Connection of Venus with Mars

Strengthens in love, between the feeling and action of a little time. Just-in-law, but not always long. Ballet, dancing.

Connection Venus with Jupiter

Charm, success in society, many contacts, connections, fans. The aspect gives latitude, but not depth.

Connection of Venus with Saturn

Depth, restraint, long-term connections. Such people are hard to reveal in love. Increased shyness in childhood, difficult disclosure. Deep and long worry their feelings. Fear of losses.

Connection of Venus with Uranium

Optimism / T.K. Seda. With uranium /, enthusiasticity, slope of feelings, an unusual emotional atmosphere, short ties. Emotionally positive. Demanding / not sexual / relationship dominate. If this is not, then the gap. Proposed to sharp solutions.

Connection of Venus with Neptune

Connection of Venus with Pluto

Emotional overload, tendency to attach importance to small things and pay attention to what others do not pay attention. As if in childhood, a ban on a sexual sphere. The problem sphere, where it pulls and where it is prohibited. Energy fountain. Fateful strings. When losing, for them the whole world collapses. Pluto gives heavy tension.

Connection in the horoscope of Mars with planets

We must take into account with whom Mars in the connection.

Mars with the Sun

Excess muscle activity, mobility, etc.

Mars compound with moon

Live, sparkling behavior, etc.

Mars with Mercury

A debate, strengthens the mental sphere.

Mars compound with Venus

More emotional man, Venus softens Mars.

Mars with Jupiter

The path in the human life determines Jupiter. As a person can realize himself, to create his own. Jupiter bind with a growing soul. In the outer life, Jupiter manager.

Mars with Saturn

A person is incomprehensible, this is the area of \u200b\u200bhis restrictions that he must fulfill - his karma, debt before the past. The compound speaks about relationships with parents and if Mars is stronger, there will be a desire for Bunut. Injuries / Households /, Suicide Tract. The will of parents suppresses. Early marriage, which quickly collapsing and long loneliness.

Mars with uranium

Mars with Neptune

Mars with Pluto

Big Will, Injuries, Fires, Magic Speech, Powerful leaders who are distinguished by hard pressure. Depending on the position of the house can show misfortunes with someone close. Connection has a short period.

Connection in the horoscope of Jupiter with planets

Jupiter does not give transcendentation, Divine Madness, when it goes beyond the borders of Saturn. But it can expand the borders of the ego. Jupiter can not use Saturn, because That older also does not use the planets that are in their own sign, but still paints them in their color.

Ordinary people, even outstanding, live under Saturn and therefore the highest planets are manifested through visible. If the highest planets have up to 7 years, this means that the person came here with a mission / Mozart. Jupiter is more often expanding Saturn, and then goes to higher planets / through aspects.

Jupiter compound with the highest planet will give an intermittent motive. The ideal situation, when the highest planet Retrogradna and goes before Jupiter. Jupiter gives plus all the planets, in connection with Venus will give charm.

Connection in the Horoscope Saturn Splage

There is a competition in the overall space and each planet is fighting for its motivation that mutually exclusive, you need to watch who is stronger. Jupiter captures leadership on short and middle distances, and the further, the more Saturn will dominate, striving for reliability, warranty, in comparison with Jupiter, who will strive for success. For Saturn better, "the tit in his hands than the caravel in the sky". Sature will grab specific goals, etc., but also limit.

That under Saturn does not live for a long time, in change it is collapsed. Church under Saturn.

The sun in conjunction with Mercury, Venus is not very good, because Mental and emotional functions are subordinate to the "Will" apparatus.

The cycle from the connection to the connection is clearly visible on external planets. The connection is a point where the program is laid on the entire cycle. On the last square energy on the outcome.

Example: the moon in conjunction with Saturn in Aries, ahead of the moon - the action starts from the moon and ends with Saturn. Inclusion occurs quickly. In the Aries, but then circumstances arise that make it stop or slowing down.

Where Saturn acts positively there is stabilization. Mars in conjunction with Saturn / Ahead Mars / - Activity / Mars / and the desire for sustainable formalized action, or failure. In this situation, Mars is like a delete.

Saturn in conjunction with Moon / Ahead of Saturn / - a person is careful in contacts, but then reveals.

Saturn in conjunction with Mars / Ahead of Saturn / - a pressure that goes into a conflict, or an internal voltage occurs, it is necessary to watch who is stronger - maybe a small conflict.

Example: Neptune in Seda. With Mars in Aries, in Sed. With the sun, Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter in the Taurus.

How will the action develop? The transition from the Aries to the Taurus strongly affects the situation. When the connection occurs across the sign of the sign, the transition is accompanied by a crisis. When moving Mars from Aries to the Taurus, it stumbles against the obstacle, its impulse is not realized on obstacles, but then the sun / in Taurus /, which is focused on long-term operation. This is not a carrier of new ideas, but a carrier of old, because The sun is ahead of Pluto. Could the case have a success? Yes, because Jupiter growing.

Example: Jupiter in Sedie. With Moon and Pluto. Creator or end? In this situation, the completion of the cycle, a person transmits the old tradition, or his moon impulse initiates Pluto.

Example: Jupiter in Sedie. With Saturn, Saturn in Sed. With Jupiter.

And in the first and in the second case, this is a crisis compound, because Considest changes are possible at work, with health, in marital relations.

When Jupiter is ahead and this is comprehensive. In Capricorn, a person seeks to approve herself / by Jupiter /, but putting on a certain step, he will try to fix it there. If it is in the 10th house, then a sharp rise and a sudden fall. In the family, a person will strive to change family affairs / for example, wants to start a lover /, but Saturn will leave everything as it was, any attempt to change will be blocked by Saturn, because Saturn in Capricorn is stronger.

If Saturn is ahead, then the person will use the situation to achieve its goals.

In Success, success will be more significant. Saturn in Sagittarus gives some detachment from rigid Saturn traditions.

Mars in Sed. With Venus, a serious acquaintance can begin with a conflict or rescued the conflict that leads to harmony.

Venus in Sedie. With Mars - an emotional convergence, which then leads to conflicts / if it is not sexual relationships.

Mars in Sed. With Mercury - first there is an action, and then understanding this action.

Even if the connection is friendly, each planet will still pull in its direction. If a strong planet ahead, then it will task your type of motivation, but the weak will sometimes "get out" forward.

Example: Connection on uranium ASC with Saturn.

This is the beginning of the cycle, Saturn 2nd - everything is completed with Saturn. Man manages to maintain stability. Here is the situation forced by changing a person. If Saturn is ahead, then the man will destroy the situation.

If the planets are divided by a house or a sign, then the 1st Planet more expresses external qualities, and the 2nd is the inside of the quality.

Connection in the horoscope of uranium with planets

What is affected by Uranus, "he dramatically increases, strengthens, brings to extremes, exacerbates conflicts, polarizes the situation. Polarization of type: Sky - Earth, Higher - Lowest. It gives originality and non-standard, or destruction. Trying to escape from this world.

Uranium connection with the sun

Natural originality, the relationship with the father, the desire to go its way, change, conflicts, outbreaks, but it is necessary to watch whether Saturn is slow. From time to time, harsh explosions, tailed to the sky, uranium things.

Uranium connection with moon

This is a connection of more behavioral, nervousness, hot tempering / more often than with compound. Uranus with the Sun /, in the women's map the danger of miscarriage, abortion. Ulcers, gastritis, diseases of the stomach on the nervous soil. Children with unusual abilities, in childhood, change in the house. Indicates the character of parents, more often mom. Tract for unusual psychological things. Woman loner, in the male map indicates in the character of the mother.

Uranium connection with Mercury

Affects nervous system, excitability, bright thinking, unusual friends, head bruises.

Uranium connection with Venus

Enhances romanticism, emotional premonitions to unusual. Tract for mental relations. Sharp gusts of feelings, breaks, unusual circumstances. Uranus gives either unusual situations or a meeting with unusual people. For such a compound is characterized by a breakfold of eyebrows.

Uranium connection with Mars

Injuries, conflicts, voltages, powerful will, impulsiveness, activity activity, invention. Situations close to extremes.

Uranium connection with Jupiter

Desire to get out of society, reformers in social Life, occultists. Indicates a wide range of friends, targets and values \u200b\u200bof a person. People of one idea, high shuffle, idealists for all life / Donkomoth /.

Uranium connection with Saturn

Many changes, hard relationships with father or mother. Hard for marriage.

Connection in the horoscope Neptune with planets

Neptune is the highest octave of the moon, for him it is characteristic: blur and multiplicity. Neptune is a psychologically without standing down the planet, for her the main thing to go into its space.

Neptune Connection with Sun

Musical abilities, increased susceptibility to the environment, dependence on the medium. Generic karma, ability to inherited from the Father. These are people "not from here", others in this world, but it is not always noticeable. They produce a feeling of "people not from the world of this", but the material world feel, because Neptune is a material planet: wealth, energy.

Neptune Connection with Moon

A dreamy man, sentimental, reagent, immersed in itself - his world, a strong connection with his mother. Unusual "blood" in the family. These are representatives of a typical nation. Speaks about love for children. In a female map, it is rare magnetism, good taste.

Neptune Connection with Venus

Characteristic: sentimentality, depth, confusion in loving relationships, musical abilities, powerful voice. For them, the relationship with the opposite sex is significant. Or a little or a lot of connections. Gives latitude and multiplicity, but not depth.

Neptune Connection with Mercury

Brilliant intuition, but forgetfulness is confused in detail, lies, gossip, poisoning / gastric and intestinal / distortion in speech. Strange, unusual friends, but the relationship is not deep. Neptune does not give depth, gives a plurality, tends to ease. Strong Neptune professions.

Neptune Connection with Mars

Aktian altruist. The active dreamer who embodies his dream to life. She strives for compassion to activities. Scent cases, for external charm - aggression, conflict. A person who is sharply feels atmosphere and acts exactly. Complex emotional strings, long stretching and unusual. Hereditary diseases.

Neptune Connection with Jupiter

Success in Neptune Spheres. If a person is not in the field of Neptune, then it is difficult for him to concentrate on one. There is no strength to bring the case to the end, because Neptune blurs. These can be religious figures, preachers, mystics.

Connection Neptune with Saturn

Strong emotional, family strings.

Connection in the Horoscope Pluto with Planets

Connection with Pluto will give energy redundancy, excessive significance. In the body will give - the redundancy of the voltage.

Sun pluton connection

Even if a person is not a leader, a team is very important for him as a place of implementation. Magicity, occult abilities. We must trace the father's line. Unusual behavior, will.

Pluto connection with moon

Strong ties with women. In a women's card tendency to loneliness. "Witify" aspect. Diseases in the lower zone / kidney, cystitis. Unusual abilities - clairvoyance or psychological deviations, problems with the team are possible. Strong attachment to the mother. Will. Healing abilities, in conjunction with the Sun and Mars, these abilities are weaker. Strange situations or impact. Magnetism - the desire of these people can "infect others.

Pluto connection with Mercury

Brain diseases, injuries. Openness of the plutonic world / death, unusual creatures /. Magic Speech, Social Workers or Associal People / Hippie. Criminal contacts, plutonic professions.

Pluto connection with Venus

Excessive emotional tensions, sexual problems in girls. Emotional life is very difficult, it is difficult to converge and disagree, excessive passionality, an excess of desires. Well, when Saturn controls, otherwise, a person is capable of extreme actions.

Pluto connection with Mars

The house burns a lot and collapsing, stiffness and cruelty is enhanced. Too much will. Accidents, heavy incidents. The aggravation of sexual problems. Difficulties with the opposite sex, especially in youth.

Jupiter Pluton Connection

The reluctance is firmly standing in society, independence. Revolutionary - reformists. Enhances pride, but externally such people are very secretive. They are either in the center of the team, or aside. They seek to be in sight. Followers of secret exercises.

Pluto connection with Saturn

Difficulties in the family, along the Father's line, with parents. Either a person strives for power, or this is an overwhelming personality. Accidents, craving for suicide. Saturn - Law, Pluto - Volga Start. Such a person can impose its plants to society.

Planets and important horoscope points

\u003e Aspects

To find out what aspects were between the planets at the time of your birth.

Francis Sakyan. Aspects of.

Able to expand their spheres of influence and achieve the goal. Their exciting personality and optimistic essence bring them happiness. A positive attitude to life allows you to maximize the chances. Enthusiasm captures others, inspires for cooperation. They achieve power and influence using projects that are recognized. They enjoy public ambiguity in favor of their ambitions.

This child tries to "consolidate" his personality and expand the spheres of his influence, as it is difficult for him to take himself just what he really is. Sometimes it helps him in achieving the goal.
In his eyes, his father is a great minider who, in the quality of compensation for an insufficiently paid child, the time brings many gifts and things.

S.V. Shestopals. Aspects of.

Success in life, happiness, a wide view of things, justice, nobility, the gift of foresight, humanity, generosity, kindness, philanthropy, cheerfulness, optimism, greasibility, honesty, sincerity; spiritual, scientific interests;
philosophical, favorance of providence and fortune; Women have a happy marriage.
The negative side of this aspect is the loyalty to power, a successful career may reconcile a person with injustice reigning in society, give complacency.

Catherine Oba. Astrological dictionary.

Connection: Exemplary example of faith in itself and optimism. The person is filled with calm confidence and is inclined to take care of his welfare and good for the neighbor. The astrological tradition attributes him generosity and the desire to patronize, but these abilities will never make him walk before sacrifice with their ambitions, for the principle triumphs here: "Above all - I myself; If you follow me - the better for you ... and the grief to those who do not follow. " In some cases (poorly aspect compound) there is a tendency to accept itself for the "Lord of the Almighty". That is, this aspect is often associated with power, as it tastes to power.

Het Monster. Aspects of.

Powerful personality, optimism, wide nature. Their enthusiasm captures others, inspires for cooperation. Often seek fame, honor, high position in society. Jupiter behind the Sun is a tendency to excesses.

K.V. Salt. Anatomy of fate. Interpretation of horoscopes.

A very, very harmonious aspect pointing to life success, considerable generosity, happiness and the opportunity to enjoy all imaginable joys of existence. Such a person usually reaches very much. He is full of enthusiasm and optimism, however, often forgets about moderation and self-control. This aspect contributes to the manifestation of personal ambitions and favors the formation of thirst for recognition and striving for gaining popularity. Usually, such people are optimistic about the future, full of dreams and fantasies regarding the favorable development of the situation, which, in turn, contributes to success in affairs and relationships. For such people, there is a considerable authority, a latitude of nature, a tendency to decisive and large-scale expansion, at the same time, this people are deeply convinced of the rightness of the ideas and models of reality, prone to sanity and philosophically benevolently look at the world.
Most often, they are adored by others, loyal and confident. They love all sorts of ceremonies and awards, lush feast and noisy holidays. Their vision of life is full wide prospects And waiting for good luck. They openly and sincerely seek fortunately - and most often acquire it, coming to the desired straight and short ways. This aspect symbolizes the wide recognition of the advantages of man, wealth and success in the houses of the house, who has taken into account or the sun-controlled or Jupiter.
Such a person is inclined (and knows) consistently and actively expand the sphere of its influence and achieve the intended goals that are most often large-scale and strategic. His personality causes the interest of others, and the optimistic attitude contributes to interest in affairs. A positive attitude towards difficulties and problems allows such a person to use all the chances of success.

Avissal underwater. Aspects of.

Sun connection: called Gruzd - Facels in the body.
The compound of the planet with the Sun gives its manifestations of the shade of imperativeness - at a high level of study of aspect. At a low level, imperativeness more relates to the need to study the planet. The sun highlights the lower manifestations of its principle and actualizes them mainly by the method of direct pressure. At a low level of study of the Sun, it acts through hard imperatives, which imposes on the planet, suppressing her creative principle and forcing her principle to manifest itself in a very narrowly defined framework, in which it in principle cannot be accomplished; An excessive inner voltage and an explosion occurs, and the creativity of the absolute is manifested both in the moment and the nature of the explosion (unpredictable in advance) and in the form and trajectories of the fragments. If the connection is not worked out, but it is harmonious, these explosions will be dangerous more for others, and the creative origin of the planet will manifest itself only on the path of rigidly egoistic consumption in spheres that meet its principle. For example, the incomparable compound of the Sun with Mars gives greater and useless activity, which, however, the person himself seems extremely important and useful, the AC of the other side, the ability to fit someone else's energy, leaving another person literally without his strength and even a hint of gratitude. The study of the connection (and the sun) will give switching to a higher egregor when the solar initiative is not in the order of a rigid order, but, as an indication of the desired direction of activity, and most importantly, attention. Then the interaction of the Sun with the planet is greatly facilitated, and the planet gets from the sun as weak magnetization, which serves for orientation in complex (for the planet) conditions when the optimal choice is non-obvious.
Jupiter's connection: standing on the shoulders of the giants, look so that they do not stick to it.
At a low level connection with Jupiter gives the planet a sharp sense of self-importance. Man sincerely thinks that all its manifestations in the relevant areas are extremely important and meaningful; Here he has enormous opportunities, and everything, understanding, should help him and selflessly serve. Indeed, potentially this aspect gives a large expansion of the principle of the planet and at times not deserved by personal efforts (especially with strong Jupiter), for example, high patronage. The danger here is that the person is inclined to perceive these possibilities as data as if otherwise can not be, and in a purely egoistic aspect of joyful consumption; The study is to aware of their responsibility for any jupitorian gifts and opportunities as group values, and the most efficient and creative distribution. Jupiter's connection means the intensive invitation of the Egregar, and the person (karmically) should not only consume the gifts, but also to enter the egregor and produce with him (or in it) the necessary work, or to give the opened channel to the appropriate person. For example, Jupiter's compound with Mars means that a person has a lot of energy coming from a wide variety of sources, but also a strong temptation to spend it chaotic, thoughtlessly and inefficiently, although he himself will be subconsciously assignant that any active action is impeccable And bears grace in its pure form. At a high level of study, this person opens up high energy and spiritual channels to others (in general, Jupiter's connection is the aspect of the preacher).