Test to determine the type of leadership. Test on identifying leadership qualities

Rich man From the US, Huntingtonhartford once said that there are not those people who are superbly with the boss millionaires make everything he said. Such people can only be highly paid employees. Along with Hartford, the millionaire Paul Ghetti believes that no one on the planet will receive a lot if they work for someone. When financial success is needed, then the business should be personally headed. And you? You can say that you see yourself in a couple of years in the ranks of managers, it is firmly replied that "I can and do!"?

Test "I am Leader!"

People believe that the leader is right since birth, but it is not. Such a person can be, the main thing, develop the necessary qualities every day. And after six months you will not know. In the meantime, you can independently check if you have a leadership potential, passing tests with answers below.

Test for leadership in the team

The bad one soldier who is not trying to grow to the general. This is to the fact that even at low indicators in tests, it is clear that there is where to strive. It is clear that the leadership qualities of someone are strongly developed, some did not use them at all. And it's not a fact that people whose leader's potential is poorly developed, will be bad leaders in the future.

In you there is a lot of intellectual potential, people are listening to you, many go beyond you? Then you are a precisely inborn leader. Doubt it? Then the test for leadership will prove the opposite. He will show what you are stronger, what are your useful qualities, features, exactly how you position yourself. Questioning will allow you to increase personal influence on people.

Being a leader is not easy, but all the roads are open in life in life. And before leadership, it comes to playing. That is why, with the employment of the company, they check the creative, intellectual and leadership potential of the future employee. Do you have these qualities? Check yourself.

Who you are? Head or subordinate? Or maybe you are on the crossroads in the soul and do not know what you are worth it? Pass this questionnaire to find out if you have inside leadership deposits. Can you become the organizer and lead the team behind yourself? And if it is not so, what needs to be done for this. Expanded answers will help to get to the truth.

Test for leadership will help determine the level of its internal energy, the ability to take independent solutions, the ability to influence others. It is possible that you have to work on yourself for the manifestation of leadership.

Tests for managers will give the opportunity to see if there is a leader's challenge in your character, the ability to lead others, or you prefer that someone else will take responsibility for choosing a successful strategy of action.

Test for leadership in the team will clearly show your personal and leadership qualities, communication skills. You will be able to determine what features in behavior you lack to confidently feel in any company.

The test for the definition of intellectual potential will objectively appreciate your level of intelligence, professional qualities and the level of their implementation. Perhaps you should pay more attention to the systematization of the knowledge gained and direct all the forces on the development of hidden potential.

Test What a manager you will help look at yourself from the side and objectively assess your qualities of the leader. Perhaps, for the successful development of the company, you should somewhat change your attitude to subordinates or to the organization of work.

Test on creative potential It will help to open all your hidden abilities. Now you can correctly send your energy to achieving new goals and success in new areas of vital activity.

Test Manager or Slave will tell you what type of employees are more suitable for your professional and personal qualities. You decide to agree with the result or change something in your behavior to achieve career growth.

A rank potential test will tell your ability and willingness to take the highest position. Perhaps it is worth paying attention to some of the features of your behavior in order to quickly achieve the desired place in the hierarchy.

    0 - 49 points "You are ready for decisive actions, only when you feel impotence and helplessness, when you were" pressed to the wall. " The rest of the time they are ready to endure not only humiliation, but even undeserved reproaches, believing that such a victim will once be seen and evaluated. There is a risk of falling into dependent relations, as you look for such a desired confidence and self-sufficiency in another person, often getting on ordinary tyrana. Love to dream about how thanks to some kind of person or the case, your life is changing for the better, as in a fairy tale. Not at all deciding to do something on their own, risk and declare, their feelings and desires. But it is not necessary to despair, it is worth only to make efforts and work on yourself, and then everything will change. You can start with the technician described in the article.

    50 - 99 points - You are quite harmonious. You can act resolutely without retreating before difficulties. You are a conscious person, not fundamental, therefore, in situations requiring a quick solution, you are ready to take responsibility for yourself, and where there are people who wanted the power more than you - completely calmly give way. What distinguishes you from other leaders is that you do not manage the need and thirst for power. You just know how to organize something, but you do not apply for the laurels of the only winner, especially at the moments where you need to make a dishonest move. Although you are in the balance sheet, you will not interfere sometimes still take the initiative and perseverance, it will help advance even further. To maintain your desire for self-development and self-improvement, I recommend to read the article.

    100 – 150 - You're just a born leader, which is sometimes even able to "stretch stick" in their actions. You are confident, and think that there is only one right answer - yours. Therefore, the desires and needs of others often do not take into account. Why is it necessary, because they think wrong? Perfectly handle the tasks, your team always gives work on time, the result at the height and the company is rapidly moving forward. Only now they do not notice that the staff simply "fall out" and "pound" themselves to meet your requirements. You are considered a dictator, you are afraid of you and you dream to be at least a little similar. I recommend to read the article to more understand the advantages and disadvantages of such a tough position.

This technique is designed to assess the ability of a person to be a leader. In this method, the subject responds to 50 questions, and according to his answers to these questions, it is concluded whether he has the personal psychological qualities necessary to leader.

Instruction: You will be offered 50 questions, each of which is given two options for answers. Select, please, one of the options and mark it.


1. Do you often visit the attention of others? a) yes, b) no.

2. Do you think that many of the people around you do have a higher position in the service than you?a) Yes, b) no.

3. Being a meeting of people equal to you on the official position, do you experience the desire to not express your opinion, even when is it necessary? a) Yes, b) no.

4. When you were a kid, did you like to lead your little friends games?a) Yes, b) no.

5. Are you experiencing great pleasure when you manage to convince someone who I have objected to you?a) Yes, b) no.

6. Does it happen that you are called an indecisive person?a) Yes, b) no.

7. Do you agree with the statement: "Is the most useful in the world that is the creation of a small number of outstanding people?" a) Yes, b) no.

8. Are you experiencing an urgent need for advice who could send your professional activity? a) Yes, b) not.

9. Are you sometimes choking in conversation with people?a) Yes, b) no.

10. Do you enjoy you see that those surrounding are afraid of you? a) yes, b) no.

11. In all circumstances (at the meeting, in the company, etc.), are you trying to take your place at the table, located in such a way that it allows you to be the center of attention and control the situation? a) Yes, b) not.

12. Do you think that make an impressive (impressive) impression on people?a) Yes, b) no.

13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?a) Yes, b) no.

14. Are you easy to lose if people surrounding you express disagreement with you?a) Yes, b) no.

15. Do you happen to engage in personal initiative to engage in workers, sports and other teams and teams? a) Yes, b) not.

16. If the event you outlined did not give the expected results, then you:a) you will be glad if the responsibility for this is to be laid on someone else; b) take on all responsibility for the decision that was accepted.

17. Which of these two opinions are closer to you:a) This manager should be able to do the fact that he leads, and personally participate in it; b) This manager should only be able to lead others and not necessarily do the case itself.

18. Who do you prefer to work with?a) with submissive people, b) with challenge people.

19. Are you trying to avoid sharp discussions?a) Yes, b) no.

20. When were you a kid, did you often encounter the authority of your father?a) Yes, b) no.

21. Do you know how to draw in the discussion on a professional topic to your side of those who used to do not agree with you? a) Yes, b) no.

22. Imagine such a scene: while walking with friends in the forest you lost the road. The evening approaches, and you need to make a decision. What do you do? a) give the opportunity to make a decision the most competent of you; b) You just won't do anything, counting on others.

23. There is a proverb: "It is better to be the first in the village than the second in the city." Is it valid?a) Yes, b) no.

24. Do you consider yourself a person affecting others?a) Yes, b) no.

25. Can the failure in the manifestation of the initiative to make you never do it anymore?a) Yes, b) no.

26. Who, from your point of view, the true leader?a) the most competent person; b) He who has the strongest character.

27. Do you always try to understand and appreciate people?a) Yes, b) no.

28. Do you respect discipline?a) Yes, b) no.

29. Which of the following two managers is preferable for you?a) the one that everything solves himself; b) the one that is always advised and listens to the opinions of others.

30. Which of the following guide styles, in your opinion, the best for the work of the institution in which you work? a) collegial, b) authoritarian.

31. Do you often have the impression that others abuse you?a) Yes, b) not.

32. Which of the following two "portraits" is more reminded of you?a) a person with a loud voice, expressive gestures, for the word in his pocket will not climb; b) a man with calm quiet voice, discreet, thoughtful, leisurely.

33. How do you behave at the meeting and the meeting, if you think your opinion is the only right, but the rest do not agree with him? a) I will say, b) I will defend your opinion.

34. Do you submit your own interests and behavior of other people who do? a) yes, b) no.

35. Do you have a feeling of anxiety if you are responsible for any important thing?a) Yes, b) no.

36. What would you prefer in your professional activities?a) work under the guidance of a good person; b) work independently.

37. How do you feel about approval: "In order for family life to be successful, it is necessary that the decision in the family take one of the spouses?"? a) I agree, b) disagree.

38. Did you have to buy something under the influence of other people's opinions, and, without on the basis of your own need? a) Yes, b) no.

39. Do you consider your organizational abilities above average?a) Yes, b) no.

40. How do you usually behave, faced with difficulties?a) difficulties are discouraged; b) I have a strong desire to overcome them.

41. Do you make sharp reproaches to people if they deserve it?a) Yes, b) no.

42. Do you think your nervous system Is able to withstand life loads?a) Yes, b) no.

43. How do you do if you are invited to reorganize your institution?a) I will introduce the necessary changes immediately; b) Suggest, evolutionary changes.

44. Will you be able to interrupt too chatted interlocutor if necessary?a) Yes, b) no.

45. Do you agree with the statement: "In order to be happy, you need to live imperceptibly"?a) Yes, b) no.

46. \u200b\u200bDo you think that every person should do something outstanding?a) Yes, b) no.

47. Which (from the proposed professions) would you prefer to become?a) artist, poet, composer, scientist; b) the head of the team.

48. What kind of music do you feel more pleasant to listen?a) mighty and solemn, b) quiet and lyrical.

49. Are you waiting for excitement, waiting for meeting important people?a) Yes, b) no.

50. Did you meet people with a stronger will than yours?a) Yes, b) no.

Evaluation of results and conclusions

In accordance with the next key, the amount of points obtained by the subject is determined.

Key: 1A, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5A, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11A, 12A, 13B, 14B, 15A, 16B, 17B, 18B, 19B, 20A, 21A, 22B, 23A, 24A, 25B 26A, 27B, 28A, 29B, 30B, 31A, 32A, 33A, 34A, 35B, 36B, 37A, 38B, 39A, 40B, 41A, 42A, 43A, 44B, 45B, 46A, 47B, 48A, 49B, 50B .

For each answer, which coincides with the key, the subject receives 1 point, in another case - 0 points.

If the amount of points turned out to be

up to 25 pointsThe quality of the leader is weakly expressed.

from 26 to 35The quality of the leader is expressed average.

from 36 to 40, then leadership qualities are expressed strongly.

over 40.T. this manAs the leader is inclined to dictate.

Leadership tests are used to identify leadership qualities and degrees of their severity. The subjects, which have quite low testing assessments, it is advisable to think about their individual qualities, to determine the development of leadership abilities and use the appropriate exercises and trainings. Even if you do not seek to become a leader, systematic work on the development of leadership abilities will not be in vain, as it will increase your influence on others.

A source: Psychological tests / Sost. S. Kasyanov. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 608 p. (p. 153-161). Pugachev V.P. Tests, business games, trainings in personnel management: studies. For students of universities. - M.: Aspect Press, 2003. - 285С. (p. 132-138). Fedoseev V.N., Kapustin S.N. Personnel management organization. Tutorial. - M.: Exam, 2003. - 368 p. (p. 138-143)

Scale:level of leadership qualities

Purpose of dough

The presented technique allows you to evaluate the human ability to be the leader.

Instructions for test

You are offered 50 statements that you need to give the answer "yes" or "no". The mean in the responses is not provided. Do not think about statements for a long time. If you doubt, still make a mark on "+" or "-" ("a" or "b") in favor of the alternative answer to which you are most inclined.


1. Do you often visit the attention of others?
1. Yes;
2. No.
2. Do you think that many of the people around you do have a higher position in the service than you?
1. Yes;
2. No.
3. Being a meeting of people equal to you on the official position, do you experience the desire to not express your opinion, even when is it necessary?
1. Yes;
2. No.
4. When you were a kid, did you like to be the leader among the peers?
1. Yes;
2. No.
5. Have you been dangerous when you manage to convince someone in anything?
1. Yes;
2. No.
6. Does it happen that you are called an indecisive person?
1. Yes;
2. No.
7. Do you agree with the statement: "Is the most useful in the world that is the result of the activity of a small number of outstanding people"?
1. Yes;
2. No.
8. Are you experiencing an urgent need for advice who could send your professional activity?
1. Yes;
2. No.
9. Did you sometimes lose cold-blooded in a conversation with people?
1. Yes;
2. No.
10. Do you enjoy you see that those surrounding are afraid of you?
1. Yes;
2. No.
11. Are you trying to occupy at the table (at the meeting, in the company, etc.) is such a place that would allow you to be the focus and control the situation?
1. Yes;
2. No.
12. Do you think that make an impressive (impressive) impression on people?
1. Yes;
2. No.
13. Do you consider yourself a dreamer?
1. Yes;
2. No.
14. Are you lost if people surrounding you express disagreement with you?
1. Yes;
2. No.
15. Did you happen on a personal initiative to engage in the organization of labor, sports and other teams and teams?
1. Yes;
2. No.
16. If what you have outlined, did not give the expected results, then you:
1. Will be glad if the responsibility for this business will be laid on someone else;
2. Take responsibility and bring it to the end.
17. Which of the two opinions are you closer?
1. This leader must do the fact that he leads, and personally participate in it;
2. This manager should only be able to lead others and not necessarily do the case itself.
18. Who do you prefer to work with?
1. With submissive people;
2. With independent and independent people.
19. Are you trying to avoid sharp discussions?
1. Yes;
2. No.
20. When were you a kid, did you often encounter the authority of your father?
1. Yes;
2. No.
21. Do you know how to draw in the discussion on a professional topic to your side of those who used to do not agree with you?
1. Yes;
2. No.
22. Imagine such a scene: while walking with friends in the forest you lost the road. The evening is approaching and you need to make a decision. What do you do?
1. Give the decision to the most competent of you;
2. We just don't do anything, counting on others.
23. There is such a proverb: "It is better to be the first in the village than the last in the city." Is it valid?
1. Yes;
2. No.
24. Do you consider yourself a person affecting others?
1. Yes;
2. No.
25. Can the failure in the manifestation of the initiative to make you never do it anymore?
1. Yes;
2. No.
26. Who, from your point of view, the true leader?
1. The most competent person;
2. He who has the strongest character.
27. Do you always try to understand and appreciate people?
1. Yes;
2. No.
28. Do you respect discipline?
1. Yes;
2. No.
29. Which of the following two managers is preferable for you?
1. The one that everything solves himself;
2. The one that is always advised and listens to the opinions of others.
30. Which of the following guide styles, in your opinion, the best for the work of the institution in which you work?
1. Collective;
2. Authoritarian.
31. Do you often have the impression that others abuse you?
1. Yes;
2. No.
32. Which of the following portraits is reminiscent of you?
1. A person with a loud voice, expressive gestures, for the word in a pocket will not climb;
2. A person with a calm, quiet voice, discreet, thoughtful.
33. How do you behave at the meeting and the meeting, if you consider your opinion the only right, but the rest do not agree with you?
1. Speak;
2. You will defend your opinion.
34. Do you submit your own interests and behavior of other people who do?
1. Yes;
2. No.
35. Do you have a feeling of anxiety if you are responsible for any important thing?
1. Yes;
2. No.
36. What would you prefer?
1. Work under the guidance good man;
2. Work independently, without managers.
37. How do you feel about approval: "In order for family life to be good, it is necessary that the decision in the family take one of the spouses?
1. I agree;
2. Disagree.
38. Do you happen to buy something under the influence of other people's opinions, and not on the basis of your own need?
1. Yes;
2. No.
39. Do you think your organizational abilities are good?
1. Yes;
2. No.
40. How do you behave, faced with difficulties?
1. Lower your hands;
2. There is a strong desire to overcome them.
41. Do you reproach people to people if they deserve it?
1. Yes;
2. No.
42. Do you think your nervous system is able to withstand life loads?
1. Yes;
2. No.
43. How do you do if you are invited to reorganize your institution or organization?
1. Introduces the necessary changes immediately;
2. I will not hurry and first all thoroughly think about it.
44. Did you break too a chatty interlocutor if necessary?
1. Yes;
2. No.
45. Do you agree with the statement: "In order to be happy, you need to live imperceptibly"?
1. Yes;
2. No.
46. \u200b\u200bDo you think that every person should do something outstanding?
1. Yes;
2. No.
47. Who would you prefer to become?
1. artist, poet, composer, scientist;
2. An outstanding leader, a political figure.
48. What kind of music do you feel more pleasant to listen?
1. Mighty and solemn;
2. Silent and lyrical.
49. Do you experience excitement, waiting for meetings with important and famous people?
1. Yes;
2. No.
50. Did you meet people with a stronger will than yours?
1. Yes;
2. No.

Processing and interpretation of test results

The key to the test

The amount of points for your answers is calculated using the key to the questionnaire.

Key: 1A, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5A, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11A, 12A, 13B, 14B, 15A, 16B, 17A, 18B, 19B, 20A, 21A, 22A, 23A, 24A, 25B, 26A, 27B, 28A, 29B, 30B, 31A, 32A, 33B, 34A, 35B, 36B, 37A, 38B, 39A, 40B, 41A, 42A, 43A, 44A, 45B, 46A, 47B, 48A, 49B, 50b.

For each answer, which coincides with the key, the subject receives one score, otherwise - 0 points.

Interpretation of test results

less than 25.The quality of the leader is weakly expressed.
. If the amount of points within from 26 to 35The quality of the leader is expressed average.
. If the amount of points turned out to be from 36 to 40, then leadership qualities are expressed strongly.
. If the amount of points over 40., this man as the leader is inclined to dictate.

The human ability to be a leader largely depends on the development of organizational and communicative qualities. What characteristic features of the person should have a real leader? Such signs, as noted by E. Jarikov and E. Krushelnitsky, the following manifestations can serve:

Volve, capable of overcome obstacles to the goal.
. Persistently, knows how to risk it wisely.
. Patient, ready for a long time and well perform a monotonous, uninteresting work.
. Initiative and prefers to work without petty guardianship. Independent.
. Mentally stable and does not commit to enthusiastically with unreal suggestions.
. Well adapts to new conditions and requirements.
. Self-critical, soberly assesses not only his successes, but also failures.
. Required to itself and others, knows how to ask the report for the entrusted work.
. It is critical, able to see the weaknesses in the tempting proposals.
. Reliable, keeps the word, you can rely on it.
. Still, can work even in overload conditions.
. Except for the new, inclined to solve non-traditional tasks with original methods.
. Stress resistant, does not lose self-control and performance in extreme situations.
. Optimist, refers to difficulties as inevitable and overcome interference.
. Decided, is able to make decisions on its own and in a timely manner, in critical situations to take responsibility for themselves.
. Considered to change the style of behavior depending on the conditions, it may require and cheer.


Diagnosis of leadership abilities (E. Jarikov, E. Krushelnitsky) / Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnosis of personality development and small groups. - M. 2002. C.316-320

    27.05.2009 14:34

  2. Oleg

    The average severity of leadership. Harmony and determination, wisdom and calculation, the ability to give a good advice - here are your main advantages. If necessary - led, if necessary - give way, always taking into account someone else's opinion and desire. But only you know, whether to achieve the goal of worthy means.

    02.06.2009 22:57

  3. Ann.

    Many, I think, not very necessary and important issues.

    06.09.2009 16:37


    Thanks if you can essentially: what question and why not important.

    06.09.2009 17:49

  5. Dorblu

    There are questions that are at first glance stereotypes (for example, the choice of music; childhood preferences relative future profession). In my opinion, the test is dichotomized and not credible, there are too many questions, the answers to which a person can predict and simply not know, due to the fact that he thinks from the contrary (if there is a scale of falsehood, it would probably be useful to demonstrate it along with the test results) .

    22.12.2009 20:52

  6. Alexander

    The dough is completely cut off from reality. Starting from how to determine the word "often" for example and ending with that the emphasis is on the pressure, and not the ability to light the mind of other people. This is more a test on a running exchange.

    12.04.2010 22:06

  7. Azick_91

    xAXAX Ya Velikiy Lider Uminya Vishlo (in managing and managing people you are prone to dictate. You are hard, authoritarian leader.)

    02.05.2010 14:55

  8. Sasha

    05.07.2010 21:17

  9. Lena

    Let's see the results

    07.07.2010 13:01

  10. Lily

    Strongly leading questions, this type as "who dreamed of becoming?" etc..
    All that I gave me the result I knew, because I am a believer and I leader !!!

    09.08.2010 21:29

  11. Car7G.

    04.01.2011 23:59

  12. Lenni.

    25.02.2011 18:58

  13. Marina

    01.03.2011 15:47

  14. Vadim.

    The average severity of leadership. Harmony and determination, wisdom and calculation, the ability to give a good advice - here are your main advantages. If necessary - led, if necessary - give way, always taking into account someone else's opinion and desire. But only you know, whether to achieve the goal of worthy means.

    04.10.2012 19:28

  15. Andrew

    You are a born leader.
    Who am I? What are my features? What am I strong, what do I want to change in myself? How does I position yourself?

    Leadership tests are used to identify leadership qualities and degrees of their severity. Even if a person does not seek to become a leader, systematic work on the development of leadership abilities will not be in vain, as it will increase the impact on the surrounding

    Although I'm only 10 years old ...

    13.12.2012 22:29

  16. Elizabeth

    Hahaha i posed leader

    10.01.2013 05:39

  17. Yuri.

    In managing and managing, you are prone to dictate. You are hard, authoritarian leader.

    ))) Something I stopped

    20.01.2013 17:58

  18. Ksyusha

    How))) Leadership is weakly expressed. This means that such skills are weakly developed as: * Will - the undoubted condition of the effective manual * adequacy of self-esteem - determining its own capabilities; planning of their actions; Proper constructing relationships with colleagues. * Influence on the surrounding * self-confidence * self-control and ability to restrain unnecessary emotions * Charisma - confidence, dynamism; formulation of global goals ahead; Staging real tasks before others; Ability to forgive * Caring for others

    26.01.2013 19:02

  19. Olga

    waiting for an answer

    14.02.2013 23:34

  20. Elvira

    Waiting for the result ...

    14.12.2013 15:05

  21. vasya

    26.01.2014 03:10

  22. Irinka

    The average severity of leadership. Harmony and determination, wisdom and calculation, the ability to give a good advice - here are your main advantages. If necessary - led, if necessary - give way, always taking into account someone else's opinion and desire. But only you know, whether to achieve the goal of worthy means.
    Who am I? What are my features? What am I strong, what do I want to change in myself? How does I position yourself?

    Leadership tests are used to identify leadership qualities and degrees of their severity. Even if a person does not seek to become a leader, systematic work on the development of leadership abilities will not be in vain, as it will increase the impact on the surrounding

    11.12.2015 22:38

  23. Lidia

    Leadership is expressed to a strong extent. You have such qualities as the will, adequacy of self-esteem, influence on others, self-confidence, self-control and ability to restrain unnecessary emotions. And also you are inherent in charisma and concern about others.
    You are a born leader.
    Who am I? What are my features? What am I strong, what do I want to change in myself? How does I position yourself?

    Leadership tests are used to identify leadership qualities and degrees of their severity. Even if a person does not seek to become a leader, systematic work on the development of leadership abilities will not be in vain, as it will increase the impact on the surrounding